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Alicia Chase Micro Thread...

Hey! Here's your Micro Thread, as promised. As you'll see in this forum, I handle all manner of edits and changes.  So post away! 

I usually check in 2-3 times a week; for more urgent questions, please use the Chat Icon in the bottom right of the page!

~ Coach P



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    AC, great to talk to you on the phone yesterday. Thanks for the skinny on your set up...and I hope you get snow for those snowshoes soon! Our plan is set up to build your Run Durability automatically, but we'll need to work on fitting in your swim time. Remind me again when your swim options are so I can advise you.

    Looking forward to a great year with you!

    ~ Patrick
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    Thanks, Patrick. At this point, I'm throwing in a swim or two a week just to make myself do it, no training goal, just relaxed easy swim. Last two weeks of January are my travel weeks--I should be able to get some running in here and there. And I'm spending a week in FL in February. That week I usually do a ton of running, plus Florida Gulf Coast Univ is close by. They have 25yd and 50m pools for something like $3/day, so I always make that a big swim week. Easy to get motivated when it's sunny and warm image Thanks for the call. Good first week of training so far.
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    Hey, Patrick. Not sure if this a question for you or for Rich in my Macro thread. Please let me know if I'm posting in the wrong place. Looking at the low priority runs on Tuesday and Thursday next week. Both days also have a higher priority bike. I'm assuming the training goal would have the bike done before the run, if they are done back-to-back. Problem is, I don't have a treadmill here at home where my trainer is, and I don't have enough daylight hours to get them done before work (at this time of year...I will in the spring), or after the bike. I live on an isolated back road...no streetlights, no shoulders, wild animals ??. Not a safe place to run in the dark. Is it ok if I move the runs to Monday and/or Friday if my legs are feeling good, and maybe even switch them to snowshoe hike/runs (looks like we have more snow coming in tonight and tomorrow)? Appreciate your thoughts.
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    That's a ME question! Thanks for posting. I was just discussing this with another athlete, and yes I love the Monday/Friday solution. That should cover you until the weather turns or you finally get that Carbon Fiber Suit of Armor Track Suit to train in.   



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    Happy New Year, Patrick! Thinking ahead to my craziness at the end of this month, want to make sure this is a question for you and not Rich....I have a couple of weeks of traveling and appointments. I've looked and could move stuff around and get in most of the high priority stuff, but my next round of testing also falls in the midst of all of that, so just wondering if I should maybe try to get it done before or maybe after? Looks like this:

    Week 6 is normal, traveling that weekend (14th through the 16th), but should be able to get everything in.

    Week 7 is crazy--work and meetings 17th-19th, may be able to get short workouts in, try to do bike TT one night? 20th and 21st no workouts, 22nd should be able to get at least a bike in when I get home.

    Week 8 (Test week)--Can get a workout in on 23rd (run test?). Work and travel the 24th. I'll be in FL for a conference 24-27th and should be able to get in a 1 hour run each day. Coming back late 27th, so from 28th on, I should be back on track.

    Thanks for your time.

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    Alicia -

    If it was easy, everybody would be doing it. That said, you have a pretty healthy dose of hard here. :-)

    I think you are onto something. I like the idea of having you testing in week seven on the bike either Friday or Saturday. Then you take Sunday off, and run tests on Monday before your vacation.

    I always like people to test before they travel so we can capture what your fitness was up until that point.Then when you return you have a pretty good sense of just how much further you have to go to"get back" to your prior fitness.

    So I see you load up week seven and then do your best to follow the plan through Wednesday using whatever machines or opportunities you have. Thursday should be off and then we have you do the bike test on Friday or Saturday depending on how you feel.

    Let me know what you think!!!

    ~ Coach P
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    Thanks for getting back to me. I've given things another look and I think I've got the schedule rearranged the best I can. I'm going to do the bike test during week 7, on Wednesday the 18th (with a rest day before), before I head to D.C. for the weekend. I won't be able to get any workouts in Fri/Sat/and prob Sun (20th through the 22nd), so I'm going to do the run test on Monday, Jan. 23rd, which is the beginning of week 8 for me. I'll be gone from the 24th-27th for a conference in FL (not vacation, yet. Boo!), and I'm hoping to at least be able to run a little each day while I'm there. I'll get back at it the 28th, and should be back on track for week 9. I WILL be on vacation in FL for all of week 12. I'll be able to do a ton of swimming and running, so I'll be in touch again to see the best way to handle that week. Thanks again, Coach. I'll let you know how it works out.
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    Awesome! That's a whole lotta administrativification. Impressive...I expect race day will be a breeze after this Winter!


    Please keep me posted!

    ~ Coach P
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    No kidding. Let's hope the rest of training goes much better.
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    If not, I have a bunch of work for you to do. You know what they say, if you need something done find the busiest person you know. You have officially earned the title in my world!!!!! Look out! image
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    Hey, Coach. I don't put this stuff on social media, but wanted to brag a little to someone. Made Ironman silver all world athlete for 2017. I was bronze last year, so this was a nice surprise and a nice reward for a season of hard work. Good motivation to keep it going!
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    BAM! Upload the picture here please...we'd love to see it. That's no small feat!!!!  


    ~ Coach P
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    Hi, Coach. Just wanted to give you an update. My traveling is over, for now. I only missed one bike over the two weeks, but I missed a bunch of runs. The conference days in Orlando ran from 6:45 am to 9:00 pm or later, daily. I did get the bike ftp and run TT done before and between. Kind of disappointing results. FTP only up 2 watts, and run was maybe 30 sec faster, so VDot didn't budge. They weren't well timed, rest and recovery wise, so I'm going to blame fatigue. They both moved in a positive direction, so there's that. I'm currently finishing week 9 of the OS. This past week and the next two weeks should be business as usual. February 19-26 (week 12) I'll be in Florida on vacation. I won't be able to bike, but I can run daily, and I have access to FGCU pool nearby--50m pool, and if it's in use, always 25yd practice pool available. So, if you have any thoughts about how I can adjust training for that week, pass them along. Thanks!
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    @Alicia Chase I am with you...up is up, and down is easy. You worked hard for those results, regardless of the final number. 

    Let's get you back on track, and then we can recalibrate for better Week 14 tests. 

    As for your travel time, sounds awesome! I recommend that you follow the basic layout of the OS, which is:
    • Two long runs (wed / Sunday), so keep those. 
    • Two Interval sessions (usually bikes), and we can keep those to VO2 style runs. 
    • The rest of the time swim (and you can swim to recover from the Interval work). 
    So for example: 

    Sun - Travel, short run of 30' if it works. 
    Mon - Long run from Sunday.
    Tue - Swim only.
    Wed - Interval Run of 4 x 3' @ 5k pace, 2' rest after each (likely 40' including warm up), OPTIONAL swim. 
    Thu - Swim Only
    Fri - Long Run from Sunday.
    Sat - 30' run @ TRP with some strides, OPTIONAL Swim.
    Sun - OFF to Travel (or short AM interval run, see Wed). 
    Mon - OFF
    Tues - Back on track...

    Let me know what you think!

    ~ Patrick
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    Thanks, Coach, that sounds good and very doable. Can't wait to run someplace warm. The conference in Orlando was a tease--so beautiful, and stuck indoors all day!
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    I hear you..we had a good day today...mid-40s! Don't tell the Canadians!!!  :smile:
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    We were around 40 here, and we're within shouting distance of the Canadians
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    Hey, Coach. Quick question...the last week of my Outseason starts tomorrow. Hoping to do well on the FTP test Thursday. Going to be careful to follow the plan to a T this week, and not carry any excess fatigue so I can get a good result. I've signed up for a half marathon on the 18th, so I'm assuming I should do the usual 90 min run on Sunday? Also, I'm guessing Coach Rich will be loading the next phase of my training plan soon. Just want you to be aware of that race on the 18th, and wondering how I should adjust. Thanks!
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    @Alicia Chase - Test week is rest week...so do what's needed to be ready for that bike. And really map out your effort...planning those 20 minutes really makes a difference!

    This weekend, I'd have you run about 8 or 9 miles, as it's part of a taper to the half. 

    As for your plan, you are 100% in charge of that, based off of your Triathlon Season RoadMap™.  You can move and change your plan like this: 

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    Ah, ok, thanks @Coach Patrick, got it. I should've checked that out sooner, bc I should actually be in week 1 of my full plan this week. No biggie, I'll adjust. So, same next week, I assume? I'll be running the half marathon on the 18th, so maybe front load the week, then rest a little at the end to be ready for the half?
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    Success! Did my FTP test today. Up 6 watts, VO2 max is up 8 watts! And FTHR is down 5 bpm. Yes! I'll look at next week's plan and front load the week a little, then give myself some rest and recovery Thurs and Fri so I'll be ready for 1/2 marathon Saturday the 18th. It's an interesting course, 1st mile flat, the next 4 miles straight up--huge elevation gain, then 8 miles downhill (pt-to-pt race). I have know idea how I'll do. I generally like somewhat rolling terrain, so we'll see how it goes.
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    @Alicia Chase - Front loading it is right. We recommend you drop the Thursday long run and do this: 

    Mon - As planned. 
    Tue - Wed Bike / Run.
    Wed - Run from Tuesday.
    Thu - ABP bike of about an Hour.
    Fri - OFF
    Sat - Race
    Sun - Aerobic ride for scheduled time, not intensity.

    The running uphill will require some restraint...and you'll want to really engage your down hill run but leaning a bit forward so you aren't "braking" as you go downhill. Sometimes you even holding your hands higher, or pushing them a bit further forward, can help. 

    Very excited for you with the testing, that's great progress!!!

    ~ Coach P
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    Thanks, @Coach Patrick, plan shifted and loaded for next week. I'll try to remember your downhill running advice next week, I'll let you know how I do.
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    @Alicia Chase - have a great time and remember to save the green beer for after the race!!!  :smiley:

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    edited March 19, 2017 12:14AM
    @Coach Patrick  Ok, it's done, and I had an Irish coffee after instead of green beer :-)  Around 0° at the start, so I was bundled up, and the two miles up, 720' of gain was like running up a wall. 1:55 and change, about 8 min off my PR on a flat course, good enough for 3rd AG. I felt good, didn't fade. Each of my last 3 miles splits were faster than any other mile splits for the whole race, I even caught and passed a young(er) girl who had passed me a couple of miles earlier. Don't think the VDot really compares, so I might try to find a 5k next couple of weeks to test.
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    edited March 19, 2017 8:20PM
    @Alicia Chase -- 

    If the course is as unfriendly as the conditions, then age group placing is a perfect benchmark for the day. 3rd age group is legit and you should be proud, especially with those fast splits at the end. I think it's a great place to be, but I agree that it's not a good thing to use for your 5K test. We can always adjust as needed, but for right now you should be pretty pumped about where your run fitness is at.

    ~ Patrick
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    @Coach Patrick as I mentioned above, I messed up a little, so that the last week of OS and first week of in-season training plan overlapped. I decided to just skip the 1st week of in-season even though it meant doing another FTP test just 3 weeks after the last one. Up 4 more watts, bam! And LTHR was the same as last time. VO2 max went down 2 watts, but I think I was holding back a bit. Planning to do the swim test tomorrow or Friday--Friday would be better, but we have snow coming in (wtf!) on Friday, and I want to get it done. Putting off the run test for now. DId the half less than 2 weeks ago, and my legs aren't very fresh, yet. Hoping a local 5k will come along in early April that I can do.
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    @Alicia Chase - FOUR MORE WATTS!  I love it...they don't come easy, so nicely done!  I hear you on the snow...just spirit crushing at this point. No need to run test for sure. Let's survive this last snow and get back to being normal with our training!
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    Hey, @Coach Patrick looking ahead to next week's training--week 13 Intermediate Ironman training. As I was adding workouts to training peaks, I notice that the math doesn't add up for the long ride on Saturday. It says two hours, but the times for the different parts add up to more than that. I admit I may have cried a little when I realized that it must be longer than two hours :smiley: Also, the ABP ride on Sunday is three hours, which is longer than the usual two. Just wondering if you can clarify for me. Thanks.
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    @Alicia Chase - I am so sorry....what a mix up. I have made the adjustments in the plan, but it should be 240 on Sat, 120 on Sunday. 

    If you need me to make adjustments, I can help you with each week...let me know here!

    ~ Patrick
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