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Alicia Chase Micro Thread...



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    Thanks, @Coach Patrick that makes sense. Are the TSS and IF numbers new? I like it, helps me get a handle on how hard the rides should be. I racked up a 1030 TSS last week, been averaging 800+/wk since April 1st. Fitness is building, though so is fatigue. But, I'm being careful, dropping in a total rest day here and there, or reducing or leaving out the low priority workouts. I think I've got a handle on things right now, I've done this for a few years. I do have a 70.3 in Mont Tremblant in five weeks, so I will be checking with you a couple of weeks to see how I should modify the training leading into and after the race. IMLP is my "A" race, so I'm looking to kind of fold MT 70.3 into the training. Thanks, again.
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    @Alicia Chase -  yes, those numbers are new. I realized when I was doing the math for our winter training session that I could calculate these numbers for all of our bikes. I think it's great to have because now you can achieve the total work out stress whether or not you follow the wko exactly as written. 

     With regards to managing your half before Lake Placid, it's worthwhile picking one weekend to deviate from the standard half plan. Take away the intensity and go put into big a ride days. By bigger I just mean longer than you are currently comfortable with. Ideally it would be something like four hours on the first day in three hours on the second day. 

    This will help put a little anchor in your longer endurance, and will not take away from the work you're doing for the house in anyway. If you're going to do it, it probably have to be in the next two weeks, so think about it!
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    @Coach Patrick So, MT 70.3 is week 16 of my Ironman training. I am currently in week 12. If I'm reading this correctly, I should take the "camp week" workout (which is week 15) of two big back-to-back ride days, and do them maybe week 14? I can check back in with you that week with how I could move things around to make that happen.
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    @Alicia Chase - Yes! Thank you for properly interpreting my coach gobbledygook that's exactly what I want. I'll be standing by to help you as needed.
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    Good morning, @Coach Patrick Just an update and a question. So, I'm battling a bit of a leg issue. Saw my chiro yesterday, first time in 2 years, and he's treated me for this issue before. Hopeful that it will resolve quickly, but for now, I'm not running. My last real run was a week ago when I did the threshold run. Didn't do the long run last week, and haven't done any real running so far this week. I think the long run is out for this week, too. I'm going to wait until Sunday or Monday to test it out again. To be honest, the rest has been good for me. I was carrying a lot of fatigue; I've been sleeping better this week, my RHR is down, and I'm just feeling better overall. I've kept up with the swimming and biking. Doing a 5 hr ride tomorrow, and will probably do another 2 hours on Sunday. Also, going to try to get to Mirror Lake to get in an open water. Water is still chilly, plus it's marathon weekend, so not sure. Anyway, here's the question: I have Mont Tremblant 70.3 on the 25th, and I'm still hopeful the leg issue with resolve so I can race it. It is a B race for me; IMLP is the goal. Next weekend, 16th-18th is a big weekend on the training plan. Do I modify it, and how should I modify the week going into MT? Thanks and hope you have a good day.
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    @Alicia Chase-  hey next time you actually have to tell your coach with the leg issue is! :-)

    Hard to help you when I don't have that kind of information, but I do support you being conservative with the run. Besides, you will get plenty of work done this weekend with that amount of riding.

     The big week is fine for all the cycling, but I would be very conservative as you re-enter on the run. Especially with Tremblant around the corner.

    The general modification for a half Iron Man within an Iron Man week is your normal training through Wednesday. Then we do a short Zone 2 brick with a few Zone 3 pickups on Thursday (60/30) with Friday swim only and Saturday off as you prep. 

    Why don't you give me some specifics on your leg and we'll go from there.
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    Sorry, @Coach Patrick, didn't mean to be deliberately vague. The truth is, don't really know what the issue is and neither does my Chiro. He's treated me for this before. It's pain along the inside of my lower left leg. Starts out niggling, and if I keep running, can eventually becomes bad enough that its too painful to run. It's not a shin splint or stress fracture. The whole lower leg is tight with "hot spots." If I don't stop running and get aggressive with the massage stick, it can last for months. My amateur diagnosis from Google is that it is similar to compartment syndrome, although my Chiro disagrees. It's been over three years since he last treated me for it, so I thought I had it beat. I run with the Mighty Milers (kids running group at my school) and it was raining one day so we ran the hallways inside. Bad idea. It's always the stupid things you do when you go off the plan that get you hurt. That started it, then last week's speed workout finished it off. I've tried running a couple of times since, but it hurts too much. My Chiro says its ok to try to run every few days, but to absolutely pull the plug and walk back as soon as the pain starts. Wednesday was my last attempt, only lasted a few feet. Saw him Thursday, may try a run tomorrow off the bike--I'll be good and warmed up. I'll keep you posted. 
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    Another question @Coach Patrick if this is way off base, just say, I won't be offended. Is there any way I could pay a prorated price and join the team for the 6hr/11i2 mi ride on Saturday at the Placid camp? Struggling finding people to ride with me AND willing to do MY workout. My husband doesn't like me doing long rides alone, and since I only live 45 min from Placid and would prob do the ride on the course anyway...wish I could do the camp, but I really can't do thurs and fri bc of work. Would also be a good opportunity to connect with the team and generate some motivation for myself before IMLP. If it's not cool, that's ok. No worries. 
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    @Alicia Chase -

    #1 -  yes please join us for Saturday! Use the red chat button at the bottom of the website to ask Brenda to put you on our list… You just need to provide her with your phone number so she can do it. That way you'll see all the text from camp, and you will see what our agenda is like… And you can ask questions! We are staying at the Crowne Plaza and will ride from there.

    #2 -  I am no doctor, so take everything I say with a huge grain of salt. That said it sounds like the trigger was that dynamic hall running for you, whereas compartment syndrome tends to build up overtime especially within longer runs. I can't speak to her exactly what your issue is, but I do believe they keeping you running on straight, flat, and hopefully somewhat soft surfaces will really make a difference. 

    Please continue to self care and keep me posted!
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    Thanks @Coach Patrick I just sent a message to Brenda through the chat icon. Looking forward to meeting everyone and riding! Did a short run yesterday off the bike--brutally hot, so I couldn't have pushed hard if I wanted to, but the leg felt ok. Fingers crossed. Thanks for getting back to me.
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    You gout it @Alicia Chase - Quick correction on my other note. We are staying at the courtyard Marriott! See you there!
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    Hey @Coach Patrick  do you think we could schedule a phone call sometime soon? In MT but can't race, leg injury not going away and trying to get better for IMLP. Need some coaching. Only trained 5.5 hrs this week, haven't done a real run in almost 4 weeks. Losing my mojo. Not sure what I should be doing right now. Thanks. 
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    @Alicia Chase - thanks for checking in, I was wondering what it happened since I hadn't heard from you after Rev3.

    Yes you can schedule a call with me using this link: https://calendly.com/pmccrann/15min 

    It's always on the website under training plan as well!

    If you can, please get me a link to your Strava profile so I can see what you been doing. 
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     Thanks, @Coach Patrick I've scheduled a call for Thursday a.m. Guess I forgot about that feature. Here's the link to my Strava profile. Give me until noon to get last weeks workouts uploaded. I'm on my way home from MT. Amongst all the other stuff going on in my life, my wifi is down and I haven't been able to get my workouts uploaded since Monday. I will note that my profile is missing three open water swims: I forgot my watch for all three! Two were around 1.2 mile loops in Mirror Lake, and one was a quick 500m check out of swim exit at MT.
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    edited June 26, 2017 8:45PM
    Finally uploaded. To fill in the blanks, Strava is missing:
    6/15--1.2 mi OWS
    6/17--1.2 mi OWS
    6/21--3700m pool swim
    6/22--Ride should be about 1:30 and 24 mi. Had Garmin issues.
    6/23--500m OWS
    Everything else is accurate. @Coach Patrick
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    @Alicia Chase --  thank you for checking in with me. And I appreciate having the Strava link. Your bike fitness is phenomenal, and the swim looks really solid too. Sounds like it's really just getting the run-on track.

    I just spent a few minutes doing some research, and it seems to me like you perhaps have an issue with year posterior tibialis - this tendon acts as a stabilizer for your foot when running so if you got a problem with your arch or general foot support from increased running, this can really lead to pain there. It's not something you can run through, but you do have treatment options like getting a shoe insert to stabilize the arch, doing some pool running etc.

    We can talk more about a bummer on the phone, but I think you're a pretty good place. If you don't mind doing some water running, you should be able to turn the corner pretty quickly interaction the running… But you will not be all out racing Lake Placid. It will be a mixture of walk / run, etc. When we talk, you can tell me what your options are for physical therapy/care. 
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    @Coach Patrick Thanks for the response. We'll talk tomorrow, but yes, posterior tibialis is basically what I'm dealing with. My Chiro had fitted me for inserts before. I stopped using them when I didn't really need them anymore, but he mentioned at my last visit that I should dig them out, and so I've done that. I've also added in daily yoga-type stretching. When I've had this before, I remember I had to get very aggressive with the stretching--a couple of 20-30 min sessions/day of very focused, deliberate stretching. The "5-minute office chair stretches" don't cut it. 
    I decided to make this a bike focus week. That's another thing I've done in the past when I've been injured--added a lot more riding to replace the running. And, riding also warms up the leg--I was able to do a 30 min run yesterday after the ride. Leg feels tight today, but no worse than before. I'm planning to swim the next two days, and if it's in the pool, I'll finish up with 20-30 min of pool running. That should get me through this week. I'd like to talk about the next three weeks of training leading in IMLP. Thanks.
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    @Alicia Chase -  sounds like a plan, and thank you for the information. As I was researching stuff on the Internet I got to this point and said to myself – this is totally yet!

    I recommend you wear those inserts as much as humanly possible. I am guessing they don't fit into your typical work or recreational shoes, but it certainly worthwhile to help speed up the adaptation. 

    Consider flip flops the enemy!!!
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    Hey @Coach Patrick don't know if I misunderstood or something, thought we had a call scheduled for 9:00 this am. At Chiro now and headed to pool after. Had two main questions:
    1. Is pool running 1-1 time? There's a 3 hr run on the schedule this week. It's been over a month since my last run, which was around 2 hrs. So how do I treat the runs on the plan if I'm moving them to the pool?
    2. Since last week was a very light week--not on the plan, obviously--and I'm not running, which tears up my body more than anything, am I still looking at a 2 week taper, or should I consider shortening it up, maybe at least one more long ride about 10 days out? Just wanted your thoughts on how I should adjust the plan. 
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    @Alicia Chase - hey! You never left your phone number! I sent you a message on the site but you didn't call so I assume you didn't get it...if I don't have your number I can't call you. :disappointed:  You can call me later today after 3pm though: 617-513-3830. 

    1. Yes to 1-1 time right now. You CAN use fins to make the runs a bit harder, doing fartlek work that would cut the time down to 75% of written time, info on that here: http://www.m2rev.net/wp/articles/m2-training-concepts/water-running-alternative-ways-to-maintain-fitness-while-injured/  (Note, only do the intervals for 30 to 45 minutes of the entire pool running session). 

    2. Yes to another long ride...you can handle it and another great chance to practice your nutrition execution. Ten days out is perfect, call is 4 to 4.5 hours at race watts (not super hard)!

    ~ Coach P
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    edited June 29, 2017 6:40PM
    Huh, don't know how I missed that and I checked the site for a message. Having major internet issues lately, so who knows. At a friends right now but headed home about 3:30. I'll try you then. @Coach Patrick
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    @Alicia Chase -  like I said on the phone, so sorry for the mixup! I really like where you're at right now and I think you got a good path laid out for you. The most important thing to do is to just be patient as the fitness is there we just need to like to come around. Really proud of you for doing all that resting, I know that's not easy! 
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    @Coach Patrick I'll own that mix-up, completely my fault. Had a good week--over 14 hrs biking, about 6000m swimming (a little less than I wanted, but today ended up being a travel and house cleaning day after the wedding trip). I did a one hour pool run Friday, then a 45 min run off the bike yesterday, and the leg feels really good. Plan for the week is 3 rides--about 10.5 hrs total with a 30-45 min run off every bike, 4 swims--hopefully two OWS double loop in Mirror Lake, and one long pool run. Agreed that the rest has actually been good-better to go in a touch under-trained, then injured and over-trained. Thanks, again!
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    @Alicia Chase -   Thank you for the update, and I am excited that it's so good! I think we caught it early enough that making these few modifications should do the trick.

    There's quite a few workouts left to do, but they should all be completed with an eye towards keeping you healthy. 
    You can spend your extra time wrapping her head around exactly how you want to execute Wednesday.

    I will be standing by!
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    Hey, @Coach Patrick, here's my weekly update. Leg continues to improve, still have a "hot spot" along the shin that I often feel first thing when I stand on it in the a.m., and when I run, but it's def improving. This week, I did a 30 min brick run off of a 6 hour ride on Monday. Tuesday and Friday were OWS in Mirror Lake--1:31 and 1:26--very happy with that. If I could stay out of my head race morning, I could actually have a decent swim. Wednesday, I did a 2 hour run/walk (9 min:1 min) after my threshold bike. I had to do it, needed to see if I could be on my feet that long without any major issues. I did 11.5 mi with over 1200' of elevation gain, so pretty similar to LP course. I managed a 10:22 min/mi avg pace, with no ill effects. Thursday was a long pool swim and a one hour pool run. Did an hour easy spin on the trainer today and followed up with a 7 mi run/walk. This time managed a 9:59 pace, so I think things are going well. Anyway, long ride tomorrow, Z1-2, 4-4.5 hours, with a very short (15-20 min brick run off the bike). Next week, I would like to do a longer ride and run earlier in the week, but will stick to the plan from Thursday on for the taper. It's coming! Saw my chiropractor a couple of days ago--he's on vacation the next two weeks (he didn't clear that with me!) but, I don't think there's anymore he can do for me, I just need to be smart.
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    @Alicia Chase -  thank you so much for the recap. I don't think we can ask for anything better than what you have happening right now. I think you were approached the swim is similar to what it should be for all three disciplines Dash stay out of your own head, do it you need to do, everything else will take care of itself. They always have ART support up there on race weekend as well so that may become an option for you... now it's time to make sure you have all the right equipment and that everything is golden! 

    Taper time!!
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    Hey, @Coach Patrick One last update, and hopefully we'll meet in person this week. I'm signed up for the team dinner and the 4 Keys talk. I've pretty much stuck to the training plan the past week to 10 days. Leg feels fine, though I've def lost some speed/turnover. Sunday will be what it will be on the run. Just hoping I can run/walk all 26 mi and it doesn't become just walk. My bike feels pretty solid, always my best leg anyway. My swim has been good, too, except that I've really suffered from allergy attacks every time I've been in Mirror Lake. Did a double loop Sunday and had the worst attack yet, even had a low grade temp. I started back on Nasacort (stopped using bc of nosebleeds) about a week ago, so hoping I'll have enough in my system on race day to suppress a reaction. I did skip yesterday's swim--rained like hell, here, and thundered, so the pool was closed, and I was still suffering from allergies.

    At some point I'd like to get your input on what I should do after IMLP. I'm also doing the 70.3 there in September. I've checked the training plans and see that there is a 2 and a 4 week post IM recovery plan. There is 7 weeks between the two races, so I'm wondering which half IM plan I should use, and where I should jump in. Thanks, and I'll see you soon.
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    @Alicia Chase -  Time to get inside your box and focus on what you can control! Fitness is there, now you need the mental discipline to execute the run walk. That will be tough but if you do it right you have a great day.

    As for allergies is it only needs a cord that helps you out? I'm wondering if you could take something like zyrtek or Claritin as well that may last a little longer.  I strongly recommend you go to the medical help for him and post there because your teammates will have experience and suggestions for you. 

    Once we get to the race we can focus on recovery and the next one. Remember that Lake Placid actively your longest workout of the year so it's about recovery first and during that time we can pick the next best plan for you. 
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    @Coach Patrick thanks for the tip about the medical help forum, I'll check it out. I take Claritin everyday, the Nasacort is an add on for the swim reaction. Not sure what more I can do without compromising how I feel on race day. Trying hard to stay inside the box and focused. It's not easy!
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    @Alicia Chase -  good to know. I figured you took something just wanted to be sure. If you can take the Nasacort preemptively, hopefully that reduces the reaction. That is something you can try this week before the race.

    I'm also curious to know what can help resolve it as soon as you're done swimming so you can get to biking? is that another hit of the Nasacort? Do you need to have two containers so you can do one before the race and one in the first transition? Let me know tonight!
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