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Alicia Chase Micro Thread...



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    Hey, @Coach Patrick, did the TT tonight--9.9 mi, 27:54, Avg power 174, NP173, Avg hr 160, Avg cadence 91, 3.25 w/k. My AP/NP on my last ftp test (on the trainer, April 25) was 168. Definite improvement, and maybe would've been higher before I did IMLP, but I think an argument can be made that, sick or not, I went too hard the 1st loop of IMLP--my IF was .80. On target for a HIM, but too hard for an IM. In preparation for LP 70.3, we discussed on the phone that I will be doing 6 runs a week, with an overall goal of 18-20 miles a week. I've loaded the HIM Intermediate plan and started following the swim workouts. Just need to nail down the bike workouts for the next two week, and sometime before the race have a conversation about target numbers for the bike race day. Thanks.
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    @Alicia Chase -  I agree 100%. That is just way too hard… But the good news is you are mentally prepared to do the work required to be successful at the 70.3 distance. :-)

    Run frequency is where it's at, so I expect you to continue that. For the bike workout you really  don't need to ride much longer than two or 2 1/2 hours. I would like you to have a warm-up and then sustain time at your target Watts -- .8 or .85 -- with intermittent breaks as needed. This will help prepare your body for the work to be done.

    When you brick off that bike do it at that heart rate see you get used to that as well. Let me know about a previous call. 
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    Hey, @Coach Patrick, congrats on your KQ! Are you still wearing the lei to the grocery store?  :D Funny story, when I did NYC Marathon two years, I was amused by how many people wore their finisher medals out to dinner after the race. I was kind of shocked to see how many wore them out to breakfast the next morning! An Italian man was reported missing after the race. He got on the metro line after the race and got confused, and rode for around 36 hours before an off-duty cop spotted him. He was still wearing his t-shirt and medal, but so were 90% of the finishers, so he didn't stand out!

    Two weeks until LP 70.3, and I've had three solid weeks of training, after taking two easier weeks after Ironman (Last 3 weeks: 10h45m-775 TSS, 12h45m-770 TSS, 13h15m-900 TSS). I've been swimming 2-3 times/wk with one of them open water. I've been riding 3xs/wk--2 to 2 1/2 hours with z3 effort after WU. And I've been running about 30 min 6xs/wk. Yesterday, I did a local half century and had a great ride--0.83 IF, and did a hard 3.75 brick run (mostly because I wanted to see if I could suffer a little after a hard bike). Felt really good for the first time since Ironman. Wondering what your thoughts are for the next two weeks--I have house guests from Wed-Sat this week coming up, and I go back to work Fri, followed by 3-day wkend, then the work grind starts for real on Tue before the race. Realistically, I should be able to get in 1-2 hrs of training most days, with maybe 2 or 3 days where work or life are going to take precedent over the training. My feeling is that I want to maintain the fitness, but I could still stand to shed a little fatigue. I should be able to swim 2xs/wk the next 2 wks, with one of them an OWS. Shorter bike rides should be doable--how many, how long/intense? Running is the easiest to get done, again--how many and how long/intense? I'll reach out next week either here or schedule a call, depending on work, to get a couple of thoughts nailed down re: race execution. I've read the Wiki, just have a couple of clarifications. Thanks!
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    @Alicia Chase - ha ha, I took it off not shortly after leaving the tent. I was already getting strange looks even in Canada!  :D

     It sounds to me like you are a fantastic place. Between now and race they all you're doing is really sharpening and resting. Swim as much as you are able, that's the fun stuff in the most re-specific.

    As for the bike,  we need one more good ride in the 30 to 40 mile range (30 if hillier, 40 if flatter)  but not hard, just to keep things going. You can break off of that a trickle race pace.

    As for the run, it's just freaking out and running at your goal race pace. If you can run five or six times a week for 3 to 4 miles, with 1 to 2 miles within each session at goal race pace, you will be all set. 

    honestly I think that your work schedule and Family schedule how keep you honest in terms of overdoing it. You are very fit right now, now it's just about fine-tuning!

     If you haven't already, maybe outline a quick race plan.
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    Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.

    Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.


    Your Notes

    Doing RDP, running daily—at least a mile—last week was 26 mi and longest run was 6 mi. Fat bike riding around 3 hrs week (trails, bike weighs 40 lbs, so a hell of a workout). One hour of Pilates a week—kicks my ass.


    Your Races

    Main Race:

    Ironman Lake Placid (TBD) #IMLP_18



    Season Update

    These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one).  You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.

    Last updated by Coach on 11/30/2017

    On 11/27/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 12/24/2017

    On 12/25/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 3 (7 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 1/21/2018

    On 1/8/2018 Load the Beginner OutSeason (Run Focus) Plan, 14wks to end on 4/15/2018

    On 4/16/2018 Load the -- Swim Camp to end on 4/29/2018

    On 4/30/2018 Load the Beginner EN*Full to end on 7/22/2018

    On 7/23/2018 Load the -- Post Ironman Transition Plan, All Levels (4wks) to end on 8/19/2018


    Coach Notes

    Let's keep rolling with what you are up to this Nov/Dec...I love the RDP and how you are staying fit and having fun. With Placid on the schedule, you don't have to "get serious" until January with the OutSeason Plan

    Note, you can ignore the RDP dates above if you have a different flow right now with your year. 

    I'd like you to keep up the Run Focus in the OS, as it's a great build for your year. The bikes will get a bit more serious on the weekends (as will your long run) but it's not too quick of a ramp. Then we get serious in May w/ the EN*Full Plan ... I know you'll be ready!

    Let's get to work!


    ~ Coach P

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    Thanks, @Coach Patrick, looks good to me. I’m still on my 100 day run streak, which will end 1/5, so I’ll adapt the RDP a little to keep the run time total about the same, but do the long run duration. I’ve added a HIIT class at the gym to the Pilates class, so 2 hrs a week of functional strength. It’s getting easier, and I plan to stick with it as long as I can—until I have to prioritize IM training volume over the strength work. Fat biking has been relegated to weekends-only because of work and lack of daylight during the week. I’m back on the trainer, and plan to do a Z4 and VO2 max workout each week, then either the ABP ride or a 2 hr fat bike ride each weekend, so three bikes/week. Pretty excited that I’ve run about 220 mi in 64 days and haven’t missed a day, or, more importantly, sustained a run injury! I’ve also been foam-rolling 20-30 min a night religiously. My social media presence has suffered, but I’m over the FOMO finally  ;)
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    I couldn’t be happier with your progress! Your commitment to the run frequency has not only help to you now, but it will help you over the long term as well! I look forward to following you through the end of your streak and of course, my donation. :-)
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    edited February 7, 2018 9:13PM
    @Coach Patrick Would like to get your thoughts. I’m in the Jan OS Run Focus, following level 2 wkos for the bike, and a mix of levels 1&2 for the run, mostly depending on what my life will allow. I had an FTP of 160 (from a race) going into the OS. Ten days into the OS, did another race that gave me a 5w bump. A week or so later, I tried another race and faded badly—felt like a nutrition issue. Yesterday, did another race in place of the FTP test. The race was 55 min long, which is the longest Zwift race I’ve done yet. Felt ready, nutrition was good, wasn’t overly tired. I was really chasing that 165–figured if I could hold that for an hr, that would be my true FTP. Well, I couldn’t. I ended up with 160w for my 20 min, 30 min, and avg and NP for the 55 min. I was consistent, that’s for damned sure. Seems like 160 is it. Little disappointing, had expected a bump. Been faithful with the bike wkos, haven’t missed one, and have hit numbers on all of them—not always easily, but I could do them, with my FTP set at 165. Tried the actual FTP test today, and I could tell on the VO2 interval that I had too much fatigue in my legs, and I was just setting myself up for another pity party, so I bailed. Am I splitting hairs? I do carry pretty good fitness year round, so I may go into the OS close to my ceiling. In the past, I’ve really struggled with VO2 wkos and have been happy that they’ve seemed easy...so far. I see next week, they go to 1 min intervals. So, should I leave my FTP at 165 and just go with the flow? Should I lower it to 160? Wish I could race more, Zwift doesn’t typically have many races at times that are good for me (3:30-5:30 pm), though I’m seeing more lately. Anyway, trying not to overthink, but boy, I’d really like to see some measurable improvement. Thanks.
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    @Alicia Chase -  thanks so much for reaching out! I understand where your head is that how challenging it can be.

    I feel the need to remind you that you are only in week five of the elf season and that the most fitness gains take more than five weeks to achieve! It’s not like we’re buying a new aero bars and slapping them on your bike. I understand that it could be challenging when you see other people around you improving, but no two athletes begin the OS at the same level of fitness or readiness. 

    And to be fair the difference between your good work out and your not good workout appears to be 8 W. With an FTP of 165 this is a 4% error which could easily be factored into a power meter for example.

    I know you’re seeking gains in your FTP, which I’m not 100% sure is or isn’t improving. However I know with absolute certain tea that you are adding more fatigue to your system. Your body is more tired now, five weeks into the all season, then it was when you began. I don’t know if you use TrainingPeaks but I’m sure that your PMC chart will show you as much.

    My best advice to you is to continue to trust the process. Just because you’re not seeing gains doesn’t mean you’re not getting fitter or stronger.

    Some easy steps you can take in the short term or to make sure that you’ve got 24 hours between your last workout and your next FTP session. In other words, if you’re asked if you work out is on Tuesday morning, then your most recent work out to that one can only be as late as Monday morning. When you start to put evening workouts in front of morning quality sessions there can be friction.

    Let me know what other modifications you made on scheduling and we can talk about it from there. 

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    edited February 9, 2018 5:51PM

    Also, I think that you might want to stick with the shorter races in the 20km to 25km range if you are looking for gains. 

    So if there were a pattern I would go 1 short one like this ^above^  every 2 weeks, on a Tuesday, after a monday off or super light!  On the other bike days do the workouts or the events you want.

    ~ Coach P
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    Thanks for getting back to me @Coach Patrick I know everything you said is true, it’s just good to have you say it, so that I’m not second guessing my assumptions. Yes, my PMC chart looks like Box Hill! And I’m currently ahead of where I was a year ago. The conversation that you and Sheila Leard had on the GroupMe chat a few days was very helpful and a good reminder of what I should be focused on—moving up those numbers at the bottom of my threshold range, and holding those numbers for longer periods of time, rather than just focusing on increasing my 20 min power. I do think that an occasional tweak—more recovery time and longer warm-ups—are probably a good idea. Going to focus on looking for a 20-25km race every two weeks for my FTP workout, and stick with the VO2 and ABP workouts as written (or a comparable Zwift event. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, even the “social rides” turn into races, with the ride leaders pushing bigger watts than advertised). My run test this week was a little slow compared to where I was in November when I last tested. But again, not by much (52 sec), and further validates that accumulating fatigue is a factor.

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     Wow! That chart says it all. That’s why I have a rest week for weeks five and 10 in the out season. I strongly encourage you to take advantage of it. Taking “two steps back“ at this point of the season is the smart thing to do. Better that than having your body force you to take time off later. :-) It’s Hargraft the workout modifications are perfect… Onwards !
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    Good morning @Coach Patrick Hope you’re skiing today. Day off for me, weather guys finally got a forecast right. 15” at least here in Adirondacks and it’s still snowing. Training plan modification question for you. I’m in Jan OS (week 10), then supposed to be doing Swim Camp before I start 12 wk Ironman plan for Placid. I’m headed to FL on March 29th for 11 days. I have access to FGCU 50m pool for $4 a swim (can’t beat that), and free running :smile: Was thinking on March 26th, I’d load 2 wk swim camp (only 2 bikes, will do one before I go and one when I get back). Then resume OS at wk 12 on April 9th. I’ve been swimming 2x/wk in the OS (4000m/wk). Only other consideration would be to make sure I’m swimming 2-3xs/wk for wks 12-14 of OS to maintain swim gains from camp to carry into Ironman plan. Does that sound workable? I know the swim camp is supposed to also be recovery from OS before Ironman plan starts, but TBH I had another disappointing FTP test yesterday. I’ve gone from 165 at beginning of OS, to 160 at wk 5, to 159 at wk 10. I’ve been struggling with the weekly ftp wko. In the past, the VO2 wkos were usually the ones I couldn’t do, and I’ve been hitting those, no prob (based on 165 ftp)—had my highest 5 min VO2 yesterday during test—and I’ve been increasing wattage and easily handling ABP wkos every weekend. Got to think fatigue is a major player here, and I could use the recovery sooner rather than later. Oh, and I got the Tron bike!!!
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    TRON BIKE!!!!!!!

     I agree the fatigue is setting a contributing factor. Don’t forget there’s a lot of mental focus required to be successful on FTP test. And FTP test interval is several orders of magnitude harder than a VO2 interval! 

    I love the idea of you getting all that swimming in a new pool and to back that up with some frequent and running. I think you will really benefit from that kind of focus. And your body will enjoy recharging! I’m not sold on the room to do threesomes when you get back, but you should plan on doing to a week for sure.

     If you haven’t already, maybe start throwing in a couple sets of 10 push-ups several times a day so your upper body is ready for the work in the pool! And don’t forget the sunscreen.
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    So, I’m going to apologize now @Coach Patrick , I know you’re in Mallorca (I don’t expect a quick response), but my yearly nagging running injury/thingy/whatever is rearing it’s ugly head. Different this time, but dammit, I’d like to get through Spring just once... Anyway, as succinctly as possible: Monday, 3/20–came down with flu. Felt better by 3/22 to go back to work and try the bike FTP wko—no go, bailed early. Friday, 3/24, felt better and did VO2 bike wko, then headed out for run and had a sharp pain in my ankle. Bailed after 2 mi, made appt with chiropractor. Started swim camp on Mon 3/27. Saw Chiro 3/29. He felt not Achilles or plantar. Prob tight calves/inactivity/maybe inflammation. Ran next day, no issues. And did swim and runs in FL for next 10 days—ankle felt fine. Come home, resume OS wk 12, and notice cranky ankle after Tues FTP wko. Brick run after ok and same w/Wed long run. But ankle not feeling great Thurs, so swam instead. Today did VO2 wko, just like 3 wks ago. Ankle twingy during ride, and couldn’t run after. Sharp pains, not worth pushing through. Have appt w/Chiro for next Wed. Here’s my theory—my running issues always posterior tibialis inflammation in left leg. Until now, always at the insertion point higher on shin. This time, I think still posterior tibialis, but at the ankle insertion, and I think pushing big gears on bike the cause (along with tight calves from laying around while sick). I’ve been doing aggressive calf stretching—that and 6 wks of time, running only when I don’t have pain—is always the cure. I also usually bike more, but concerned that this time the hard gear stuff is a contributing factor. My Chiro always says to try to run, and stop if any pain. So, will continue with scheduled runs if I can, but worried that the FTP and VO2 rides during the week will aggravate. For now, I will dial back efforts bike efforts, and maybe go longer, but wondering your thoughts on that. Again, sorry. Not urgent, this seems to be a yearly thing for me, and I always get through it.
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    Update: The leg felt better today and I was able to do 90 min run. Kept pace kind of slow and noticed “ankle cramps” on downhills, so went back home after 2 mi and added ankle sleeve. I feel this is a biking issue that is having downstream effect on my running. Will run before ride for next week or so. Tomorrow will keep ABP effort at low Z3, and will make the call Tuesday whether to do FTP+ workout or something easier. I’ve worn inserts in running shoes for several years, and put an older pair of inserts in cycling shoes yesterday—though with carbon sole, pretty stiff already, and doesn’t give me much wiggle room. Other than chiro visit Wednesday and continued stretching and Graston, not sure how much more I can do, other than dialing back big gear efforts on trainer until it improves.
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    @Alicia Chase I have had a similar issue, especially when trying to push a super low cadence. So if my normal is 88-90 rpms but I am searching for watts to keep up, I might ”dig deep” into higher watts by using my gears. All of a sudden I am at 80 rpms
    all eide which can really hurt b/c I’m not careful. 

    Can you share what your cadence for your normal rides is?

    Consider a longer warm up too....
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    Mallorca looked awesome @Coach Patrick Looks like you guys had a great week. The ankle is much better, an occasional tweak, but not like it was. I looked at my cadence for the past month, and it ranged from 85 to 94. Looks like I’m typically 90+ for the shorter VO2 intervals, and 85-90 for the longer FTP intervals. Saw my chiropractor again last week, and he agrees that it’s probably a repetitive stress of some kind. He said it could be one of the, “Tom, Dick and Harry” tendons—tibialis, digitorum or hallucis. He suggested I try another pair of cycling shoes. I had been using my road shoes all winter, so switched to my tri shoes, which feel like they have a stiffer sole, and immediately felt better. So, maybe my cycling shoes were allowing too much “ankling” on the heavier gear work. He also gave me a stretch band to strengthen my toe “clench.” I tried a ride first yesterday—did the trainer, took a little break, then met a friend to fat bike, then ran. A couple of little twinges at first, then felt fine. I’ve also been religiously stretching my calves. I think I’m on the other side of it. I may continue to run before the bike for awhile. I think a longer warmup is a great idea. The older I get, the more I need!
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    Ok!! That sounds like a deal with the warm up. Keep the foam rolling at night and a lacrosse ball for the desk (hand mobilization). I also purchased a graston tool which I have found to be very effective - if your Chiro has used that before it might be worth it. 
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    Update: The ankle is better. Still some occasional pain when I’m pushing hard on the bike, but I think I have a handle on it. Finishing the last week of the OS—if you recall, I did Swim Camp a couple of weeks ago while on vacation, then went back to last 3 weeks of OS when I returned. Planning to do a local 1/2 marathon next weekend. Two questions: Do I do the 1/2 marathon as part of my training (i.e. no rest before or recovery after?) And, back last fall when we mapped out my season, you hadn’t completed the new Full training plans. You had me doing the beginner EN Full plan, starting tomorrow on week 9. Just wondering which plan and level you would suggest. I have handled the level 2 bike and runs in the OS without much difficulty. Going forward, I plan to be very careful about doing any kind of speed work on the run to avoid injury. Thanks @Coach Patrick
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    @Alicia Chase -  that half marathon is almost here! I suggest that you make about your long run for the week. Friday is off or shorts from only. Thursday could be a short bike workout keep it steady, no flash. Everything up until Wednesday is as written in the plan. Then Sunday you get your long ride and to make up for what you did on Saturday. No goals fir intensity there.

    Now that those plans are done, I’d like to see you in the bike focused plan doing the level two workouts. There is some intensity in the schedule for the run  but you can just dial things in at TRP. It’s that one consistency that matters the most, so I’m very happy to hear you are at. 
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    @Coach Patrick Update: Last week got away from me. My Dad was admitted to the hopital and is still there. So, I missed a couple of days of training, and had to shorten up most of the rest. Managed two short runs, one long swim (3400m), a fat bike ride and two trainer rides for about 6 hrs total training. We had a bad storm Friday night and lost power until this a.m. My gym lost the roof over the pool, so my pool is closed for at least a couple of weeks (ice just melted off Mirror Lake two days ago). And I somehow lost my Garmin head unit. The half marathon was Sunday, but a long bike ride wasn’t happening anyway. I almost bailed on the race, but decided about 8:30 Saturday night to just go do it. I PRed for a half marathon race—1:47:41—won my age group, and was 56th overall out of 310. Sometimes, when you’ve got nothing to lose, you win. The weather is finally getting nice, so hopefully I’ll get all the biking and running in this week, and do some swim band work, so I don’t fall too far behind until my pool reopens, or the water warms up enough to get in the lake.
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     Hey, thinking about you. I have been following along in group me with your challenges. I know it seems like everything is stacked against you, but you are so internally strong I have absolute faith in you. Your performance in the half marathon is evidence of just that. Do your best to keep it rolling, even if it just means an easy two or 3 mile run today. Anything to keep the fire burning at this point! Please keep me posted. 
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    Good morning, @Coach Patrick Thanks for the input last night. Thought I'd get on this today to give you time to respond, since my mini-vacation is coming up sooner that I thought. I did do a quick TSS comparison from the first four months of last year to this year. I'm down only 46 swim TSS, down 395 run TSS (I'm not concerned about this. I was running more and doing intervals and ended up hurt, so my TSS dropped off dramatically in late May/early June. I prefer to think that I'm running smarter this year.). I am up 660 bike TSS, which validates my thought that although my bike mileage and time is down a little, I've been working harder on Zwift this year. 

    I have six days off starting next Thursday (May 24th through May 29th. The long range forecast looks good. Other than doing maybe one fat bike ride during that time, I'm dedicated to doing a big bike block of training outside on my tri bike, if that's what you feel I need at this time. I did sign up for Syracuse 70.3, June 17th, as a tune up/prep for IMLP. I've done it three times before, so I know what I'm in for. Any thoughts you have as to how to approach this, what I should be doing those six days, etc., would be greatly appreciated!
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     Thanks for the details! We want to keep that run consistent throughout the year as you’ll just have better results with it. I think that the plan for the six days should be something like this:

    Long day, short day, long day , Medium day, short day, Long Day. 

     Another words, who want a few breaks but we still want 50% of your rides to be locked. Your choice of what bike to use on whatever day. Short day can be your longer run of the week day. Otherwise the brick. Nothing massive here, please check out The video from my coach at on Monday Under resources.   That should help you frame the week!
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    Update @Coach Patrick Big Bike Block done. Six days, six rides. Did 1:30 run day before block started, and did three 30-35 min brick runs off bikes. Swam two times. Bike totals: just under 14 hrs, 207.5 miles and 833 TSS. My tri bike was in the shop (brake job) for all but the last ride, so did the first 4 rides on my road bike and the 5th one on the fatbike--not as many miles, but it weighs over 35 lbs. The last ride was def the best--wanted to do a 70.3 bike simulation of 56 miles, tried to maintain IF of .80 (push the flats and downs, flatten the hills), keep my HR below 140, and practice nutrition and hydration. It ended up being a little more elevation than I bargained for, almost 3500'. So, AP was 125, NP was 139, AvHR 125, IF .85, avg speed 16.8 mph. Nutrition and hydration were perfect, felt great, no issues. As of today, TP is saying CTL of 113, ATL of 157 and TSB of -49. I'm planning to swim today and Friday, and do a 30 min easy run with my afterschool run club kids tomorrow. I will cancel or shorten any of these workouts if I feel too tired. Planning to do a five-hour ride and brick run Saturday and a 2:25 split run Sunday, so I want to be recovered for those workouts.
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     Wow! That is totally legit! Those are some serious numbers, especially relative to the stuff you’ve been doing. I agree that taking a day off or going super light is not a problem. We want to make sure that you are able to sustain your effort over the weekend.

    To that end, Nutrition will be critical here. You really need to make sure that You eat and drink like a champion on the ride so that you have the energy at the end. Do not underestimate the accumulated fatigue you have right now in your system.

    Looking forward to seeing how it goes!
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    @Coach Patrick Some good news, I think. Saw Dr today and he thinks I don’t have a torn labrum. His diagnosis from the contrast MRI is abductor tear with a hematoma in the soft tissue of my butt cheek and not in the joint. Two weeks rest, then start PT, and back to him in a month. I will defer my October marathon to next year, and I’m also putting a self-imposed moratorium on signing up for any races until I see him again and I’m sure his diagnosis is correct and I am, indeed, getting better. Going to be a rough two weeks, Figure I can swim with pull buoy (yuck...) and do upper body strength (double yuck...) and ride the trainer if I take it easy (and I’m pain-free). Whatever it takes.
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    Wow! That is quite possibly the best of all the worst case scenario’s. Giving you just did an Iron Man, your coach, whoever that is, would tell you to rest anyway. I think your body would respond well to some upper body circuit lifting. Might be nice to get some good strength locked in before you return to the Endurance. Please rest, and please keep me posted
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    Ha! Turns out my coach wrote a four-week Ironman recovery plan  :) I’ve been following that and hacking it where needed. I’m in week 3, so I’ll just kind of keep going until I get cleared to run again, then I plan to start the RDP (modified as needed). When I figure out next season, I’ll submit my roadmap and we can discuss it. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks, @Coach Patrick
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