yellow cake with caramel frosting... reminds me of my grandma!
Sunrise early morning on a ride or run- there's something so peaceful and magical in the stillness and newness of the day in that one moment
Also a second on DZ Nuts & A & D oinment!! I haven't tried the "ladies" version. Have been using the Asoss but for some reason the DZ seems to work a bit better!
yellow cake with caramel frosting... reminds me of my grandma!
Sunrise early morning on a ride or run- there's something so peaceful and magical in the stillness and newness of the day in that one moment
Also a second on DZ Nuts & A & D oinment!! I haven't tried the "ladies" version. Have been using the Asoss but for some reason the DZ seems to work a bit better!
Smoothies is the only thing I've found that seems to be compliant with paleo and does the trick for me. I love oatmeal after swimming and that's why I modify a bit more (more than the 5% rule-plus the dairy) over the paleo purist. I do eat steel cut oats with fruit. I also eat eggs about every morning in some fashion which does hit paleo. I must confess though.. I LOVE bacon and sausage is pretty good too!
I have been reading Paleo for Athletes and some of it would be extreme for me. I do see where I can cut out some carbs, but otherwise I see it as pretty restrictive. As a rule, we eat pretty healthily, so I don't see making huge changes. However, the chapters on timing of fueling are informative and I likely will benefit from that.
I can just imagine Su's face if I told her we were having "Moose rump roast" or "Rocky Mt. Oysters" for dinner!!
What Kris said. I've been having OJ and a banana before a workout of ~ an hour. After I have a 300-400 smoothie every morning. If I feel I need a little more, I scramble an egg or egg and egg white. I also break the Paleo thing a little every day, so, when I feel like it, I will have a slice of raisin bread. Some days I need it i need the bread, some not.
For the big long days, I do a full 350-400 cal smoothie before I ride, and another after. On those days I always have some eggs too. Some raisins and nuts (raisings supposed help cut the body acid) about an hour later. Then when I get hungry again, a hinking hunk of protein with salad, and or some fruit.
You eat a lot of food b/c it's so much bulk. I do feel good eating this way, and agree that the sugar monster has been quelled a lot.
Edited to add:
I agree that some of it is too exptreme for me too. It was a good primer for me to do a final clean up of my eating. Since I made eating veggies and fruit the focus of my carbs, the junk food really doesn't taste all that good. It's weird, but may it last. I feel better.
I've been doing smoothies for breakfast, too: unsweetened almond milk, whey protein powder. flax oil, 1/2 banana, and random organic frozen berries. So far so good. I was worried I'd be hungry, but I bought the protein powder and so far so good (I admit I miss adding greek yogurt, but trying to minimize dairy per the paleo plan). I think mine ends up in the 400 calorie range.
One day I was feeling motivated and sauteed veggies and threw in some eggs and cheese. Tasted good, but too much admin for the morning. I save that for weekends if I feel like it (often, though, I don't). I hardboil eggs and add to salads that I take for lunch. A friend told me that in a pinch she'll mash a hardboiled egg with some avacado and do that for breakfast. I haven't tried it.
I'm keeping more primal than paleo, though. I did read both books and agree the timing stuff is super interesting. When I do evening workouts (which are often) I add a sweet potato (with sauteed nuts and cinnamon) to my plate with no remorse.
Unlike some others, I don't like to go out for a morning workout on E. (for a long run, 1.5 hours+, I'll actually eat breakfast and give myself time (an hour or two) to digest). This is learned behavior from a few years of marathon training. I'm still experimenting with what to do pre-morning workout. I used to eat a Luna bar but I had one the other day and it just tasted like chemicals. Kashi granola bars didn't make me want to hurl (and, if I understand the "rules" it's okay immediately prior to a workout)... I'm gonna see if a banana will do the trick... well, if I ever get my AIB in time to workout.
Alrighty -- checking in before I'm off to book club, er, wine and listening to music club in Grant Park. For the first time ever, I didn't finish my book club selection. I didn't even make it past the first sentence. What has Ironman done to me!
Paleo breakfast -- I've joined smoothie camp. I have even accepted soy milk as proper food. I've also been a huge fan of making frittatas with lots of vegetables. Make one. Eat the leftovers for the next few days. The recipes in the Paleo book scared me. I still eat quality baked goods, etc. when I find them, but it has become easier to find delicious other food to eat. My favorite place for pizza at lunch? Happens to make delicious poached salmon, which I had today with a caprese salad. Worthy lunch upgrade.
DZ Nuts = all love here. I'm not sure about the women's product. There's something about Zabriske naming a product Bliss that seems a leetle sketchy.
I love all these beautiful lists! The Aveda lip gloss is the bomb.
Colleen - you look fantastic! Those silly photographers always grab us at the one moment we talk a funny step. Totally conspiracy.
top for this very day... 1. first taste of hot starbucks french pressed coffee 2. Seeing some tri friends at the lake and laughing with them 3. Seeing Grace wake up, she looks like Sleeping Beauty 4. Mooching two packages of Sport Beans off another tri buddy who had just finished riding that I saw in the parking lot before I rode. 5. turning my IPOD on full blast to listen to Hot Blooded as it was 90+ and I was running in it! 6. Seeing another tri buddy on his bike as I was running 7. Finding water fountains and drinking a lot! 8. Smelling fresh cut grass as I ran past. 9. Seeing the Arkansas River beneath me as I ran over the pedestrian bridge 10. Seeing another tri buddy on his bike getting filmed for a commercial as I rode by on my bike. 11. Having my teenage son in a good mood and chatty while I fixed him lunch. 12. Watching another son play in the pool while I did situps outside. 13. Laying out on the air mattress with my hat over my face and splashing water on myself.. thinking "this is the life!" 14. Buying and eating fresh fruit. 15. reading this women's forum!
Gina, I tried Rocky Mountain Oysters back in vet school (they called them calf fries). Let me tell you, never again. Su would not be pleased! I know she's a vegetarian but, for others, we eat bison once a week and it's really yummy.
For paleo breakfasts I like the smoothie (almost exactly like Becky's!) on weekend, or, during the week, I have a scrambled egg with an additional egg white scrambled in, fruit, and part of an avocado. I haven't been strictly paleo this week but everything has been fresh and wholesome, like the corn tortillas I made myself. Mmmm!
@Becky- I can not eat solids before a morning workout. If I am going for more than 1 hour, I drink a half cup of Odwalla protein shake (any flavor) about 15 minutes before hitting the road. Before that I have already downed 16 oz of water since I always wake up dehydrated.
I have used Ironman training as my lease to eat lots of carbs again. But then the hunger monster started up and I have been making bad choices since returning from Madison. Grocery shopping last night and I am back to my cheese sticks and nuts for snacks between breakfast and lunch. Gotta stay here and away from the sugar or I will be in trouble after the race.
Gonna post under the update thread as well, but I spent about 2 hours with Keith and Linda last night. He looks fantastic and life is calming down. So glad they are leaving for real rest and relaxation in Maine. At this point Linda will be working towards towing the line at Madison 9/12. Very exciting.
Help ladies! I give up. I can't find the Apple/Carrot recipe everyone keeps talking about. I tried searching in the forum, but you wouldn't believe the number of threads with the word Apple in them!!!
No stress, Nemo! It's just some variation of 1 apple, grated, mixed with 1 carrot, grated. I like 1/2 of a big apple and 3/4 of a big carrot, but that's just me. You could fancy it up with lemon juice, I suppose, but I love the sweetness of just that. It's really good with chopped walnuts and or raisins, too.
I'm trying to keep the bad carbs to the occasional recovery scone. And I'm amazed at how much salad I can eat. I'm starting to feel like a baby brontosaurus.
Book club turned into picnicing while listening to great live salsa music with beautiful, flirty, foreign men. When such gifts appear from the universe, a girl has no choice but to flirt back. With luggage covered in Infinit, Garmin and googles on the bathroom vanity, and my kitchen slowly being taken over by chamois cream and Nuun, I needed to remember how to be a woman instead of an over-tired mother of this strange spandexy baby called Ironman that has me talking about the color of my pee in polite company. Today, I did my hair, put on some lip gloss, and flirted a bit on the way to work. LP, I think you may be on to some untapped power source with your IM lipstick.
Work has been kicking my butt, too, this week. A major publication and a major party all happening next week has made for a crazy office. Our event planner is out of town next week, so I'm in charge of a party for 400 guests on Wednesday. Fiscal nerd guests.
Paleo Breakfast: Scenario #1: Get up, go to work, then workout in the afternoon after work. I bring a 7 or 9 cup tupperware full of fruit (summer=berries, peaches/nectarine/pluots, cherries, watermelon; winter=mango, kiwi, strawberries) and graze on it all morning. Depending on the fruit and volume it's between 350-400 Cal and a staggering amount of fiber. 2 hours before the workout, I'll load up on either potatoes, brown rice, wheat bread.
Scenario #2: Work out <90 min @ ungodly hour in the am, eat then go to work. I will drink 12oz of Naked Juice Mighty Mango (250 Cal) 30-45 minutes before or eat nothing before workout. After workout, another 12oz of Naked Juice and 2 slices of wheat toast. <br /> Scenario #3: No work so plenty of time to fuel. I will eat 2 eggs, 2 slices of wheat toast, and 10oz of orange juice 90 minutes before the workout. After the workout, smoothie of almond milk and frozen fruit, followed by either brown rice or potatoes.
Since I've been eating Paleo (about 7 weeks so far), I've noticed that I need alot more gels on the run (1 every 20 minutes even for a 60 minute run) and that I'm much more attentive about taking my Infinit on the bike (250 Cal/hour). For the weekends with the long rides/run, I get more rice, potatoes, and bread than I normally would during the week when the workouts are shorter. As many of you witnessed during the IMMoo camp, I completely threw Paleo out the window as there was such amazingly delicious food at Madison. The foodie scene in Rochester, NY is sad and pathetic---which makes for easy clean eating.
Beth: Nice that you're doing social and girlie things! I've taken a sudden and uncharacteristic interest recently in makeup and purses. I really do love makeup, but don't like purses at all. Worry not, friends! I will still fall all over bike gear and technical clothes over mascara or a clutch.
Beth- I love your flirty episode! What a great way to balance out all this silly Ironman stuff! I'm not very good at the lipstick/makeup/nail polish thing.
Linda, I have been thinking about Keith often during the day and sending up prayers for pain relief and healing! So glad things are moving along!
I love the top ten lists. I'll have to think about that. My friend and I have a list of things we don't understand. We add to it frequently. The top two are men and the internet. I think I need to add 17 year old daughters.
Kristen, Good for you on your decision. It's so hard to make that leap. My husband made it twice and never looked back! Hard decisions but so happy that you are feeling relieved!
Habitat 500 update for all of you not following on Facebook or the website. I haven't updated the website in a couple of days because I was just so tired after the last couple of days' riding. 500 miles for Habitat for Humanity in seven days was amazing as always. Besides a somewhat windy day and a day of torrential downpour, lightening and thunder it was near perfect weather. Rode with my daughter most of the ride which was a lot of fun and challenging. I made it a goal to ride in a pace group that was beyond my ability and did that for six days but had to pack it in and ride in an easier group today. All in all wonderful. I miss the people.....I won't really eat much humus or blue cheese for a long time and my bike needs a good cleaning and new rims! Only one major accident. A group of slower riders decided that pace lines looked fun and formed up a group of about 20 riders. They were all quite inexperienced and one of the women went down while watching the scenery rather than the wheel in front of her. She broke her collar bone and hip. Amazingly, who would have thought, one of the leading surgeons in the nation for least invasive hip surgery was at the hospital in Aitkin, MN. My guess is that he comes out of Duluth periodically. He did her surgery so that she wouldn't need to be on crutches. This amazing woman (65 years old) is already planning her fundraising for next year. Thankful for minimal injuries and a great time had by all! Thanks for all your positive comments, prayers and thoughts! It was so appreciated. Another year in the books. Feels good. One of my top 10 things is the pain you have in your quads after a week of hard riding.
Sheryl- Congratulations on finishing the 500. Glad you came through unscathed.
Beth- You would be proud of me. My bike arrived on Thursday, back from Madison. I was wearing sandals with a 1" heel, an A-line dark brown skirt- knee length and a beige silk top. I proceeded to unpack the bike and put it back together- WITHOUT getting anything on my clothes and without an apron. I was going over Linda's and knew that once I changed into something comfy, I'd be on the couch for the night. But I thought of you and giggled quite a bit.
I rode all alone today. Of course I got the work done, but it was hot and I just wanted to quit. But instead, I purposely made it long so that I did more hill climbs. All of which are more fun with friends.
Getting my eating back on track. I do not like sushi with brown rice. That is the only place that I can NOT make the leap.
Ok you guys are making me feel like a heifer! If I only ate a handful of something mid morning and a salad for lunch I'd be behind bars for manslaughter :-) (or maybe burger slaughter) I still consider most salads a "side item" instead of a main course. I am getting better about eating them but I'll usually have chicken breast or pork tenderloin with salad and another side veggie, rice or pasta. With night workouts I get in way too late to eat anything but a smaller meal in the evening so lunch is my big meal of the day. I do snack on fruits, nuts and yogurt.
My great nutritional find of the week is Uncrustables (PB&J) on longer rides! They thaw as I ride, easy to eat and keep on bike and after a while my mouth just craves something to chew on (solid foods) vs just gel/infinite liquids.
1x wk gymnastics for gymnastics.. those kids are strong and flexible...
Grace last night down by the river, just does the splits!
after evening church, minutes away is my "training spot" the Arkansas Rivertrail.. so I took my youngest two and took them to a "secret spot", a little trail not so secret with the fishermen!... and a sandy trail from the paved trail led down to the river! More fun here:
Well, it is like someone had thrown a switch and my metabolism is on GO. Right now, I cannot seem to get enough to eat and I AM eating. SInce Wednesday I have cut back on the breads, etc. and am replacing with much more fruit and veggies. Lunch used to be a turkey sandwich and piece of fruit. I have modified that to a HUGE salad with a bit of turkey and a honkin' bowl of fresh fruit. Last night for dinner I grilled a small piece of beef tenderloin and accompanied it with 1/2 of a sweet potato and a HUGE salad.
I agree that the eating cleaner is a good thing, but wowee, I am a hungry girl!!!
I should feel lucky that these long weekend workouts destroy my appetite. When I get home I have a fruit smoothie with protein powder, but really have to force myself to eat the rest of the day. I can drink without a problem though.
Today after riding and the smoothie, all I've had is 1/2 a scone and 56 !!!! ounces of watered down pink lemonade and 8 oz of Odwalla chocolate protein shake. I forced down a 100 calorie pack of popcorn and a handful of cherries. I thought buying my favorite salad for dinner would help, but I got home and stuck it in the fridge. It was half wilted by the time I decided I shouldn't waste my money and ate it with 2 pieces of multigrain chiabbata bread and butter. I continue to drink flavored seltzer.
But M-F I can not get enough to eat. I prefer to think that being in my office is a bad thing as it encourages me to graze on baked goods from the staff. Perhaps I should give up my job? ;-)
Tapped into alittle chicka mojo to get going this weekend. Huge thanks to Gina for picking up and sending my visor
Just what I needed! Am HAPPY, happy (insert happy dance) to report ran 10 miles Sat and rode almost 4 today with minimal pain. The run wasn't fast but it was there! Went to help out friend who's a local RD with their half iron race Sat and ended up on run course till after 3pm. Super hot and humid weekend which in KY spells pop up thunderstorms. Checked the radar when I got home and showers to the north (which is where I was biking) so decided to go for a run. Fiddle farted around for another hour or so and finally got going. Was cruising along, music blaring 5 miles or so out from home when I felt the first drop. NOOOOO problemo as I was sweat drenched at this point and rain felt good. 2 seconds later the lightening and thunder started like crazy. Out in the middle of nowhere, 3 miles to closest store so I run under tree, then remember every weather channel show I've ever watched and promptly spied a concrete bridge I was just getting ready to run over. Ducked under there and waited the storm out, about 20 mins or so.
My biggest worry was that I would fry my Iphone and of all the times, I forgot my bagee I usually carry it in. Sun popped back out and I took off on my loop. Could see the storm off in the distance and thought (key word "thought") I had enough time to make it in. 3 miles later... yup- opens up again. Very little lightening this time so just concentrated on keeping the phone in the driest spots I could and took the shortcut home. Fortunately phone came through unscathed and threw visor, shoes, belt etc outside today and was dry in probably like 20 mins... did I mention hot again today? he he he
This made me laugh out loud! you look mahvelous darling!!! and I celebrate with you on the running knowing what that is like!! Heather has my visor and I will get this week. caught under a bridge!! oh yeah I can hear your kids commenting on your antics!! funny! had that happen to me on my phone too... no baggie! well I am going to bed and signing off I have reworked my tng sched to accomodate family vacay next weekend (see micro thread in general forum). prob my fav tng moment for today? I walked Rudy this morning and since I had told myself rest day I stayed walking with some trottingin there for him... and then some drills, with him on a leash!! high kicks, kick your butt, grapevine, lunges all with him on a leash, nothing major just trying to stay loose!! like I said only a few miles of sweaty walking and then back at my car he laid down in the cool tall grass so I got my mat and beach towel and laid down next to him, and with a water bottle that he now drinks like a baby bottle, me and the Granddog, laid out looking at the sky above while I did my stretches. it was divine. I coulda laid there for a long long time but I was hungry!! so headed home. m
Kris- those bridge pics are hysterical! I got caught in a rainstorm on the Tues ride last week and had to duck under a house (one nice thing about houses being built on stilts around here). My little storm only lasted 5 min or so- so not nearly as bad.
Hot here too- all you ladies be sure to drink up and stay hydrated! It's crazy weather out there!
Hi ladies! Hope everyone had wonderful weekends! It was hot and humid here, too... ugh. I'm over it without any question. But I managed to get my workouts in (well, didn't do the brick run... but that's a long story). Today I start back on HIM for 5 weeks to gear up for Timberman... and, true to form, I start off by not getting my AOB and IP this morning (but swimming at o'dark thirty is something I've almost never done anyway). I don't think I'll be able to after work bc an appraiser is coming to take a look at my condo for the re-fi. No worries, gearing up for EM I only did 2 of the 3 swims a week ...
Did my first real hill ride yesterday out at River Rd (Potomac, MD) (- road by the elementary school and thought of you, Kate). Didn't do the 30/30s bc I didn't know how that would work on those hills, it's rollers all the way. Seriously. I am happy to report my average HR at the end of it all was low Z3 - so that's good. I didn't have my watch set but I was paying attention to how I felt up the hills, trying to keep my feet light and pedaling through the crest to enjoy the descents... and I think I did okay. It was hot and hooomid... Dan did not have a good day. He road his road bike bc his TT is squeaking and driving him nuts, but he'd forgotten his gearing is messed up and he's stuck in the big ring up front - yikes not so good for all of those climbs. None are super steep, but some are long and gradual and just kill ya. Anyway, he cramped. I stopped to wait for him at the top of one hill about 30 miles in and when I finally saw him he was walking his bike. Ugh... I rode back to catch him and get his car key (which, he didn't have - he has keyless entry), made a plan of where he should wait for me (shopping center at intersection of River and Falls) and off I went....
I felt bad for him, but frustrated by the whole situation (I am working into a rant and will try to control myself). Long story short - he's often super supportive and I know he's very proud of me (my EM performance and training for the IM), but, at the same time, he is sort of snotty and incredulous about this whole EN training thing. at times he can tend to be mocking/condescending... yet he's the one who cramped... yes, he had some gearing issues that likely would have killed me.... but he also went out with 1 bottle of cytomax, and a gel (maybe a powerbar, but that may have been in the car). that's it. no water. we were planning on 40-50 miles. It was 90+ degrees out.
The way out he was way ahead of me - often looking back to make sure I was there... that was annoying, I thought we were riding together, I didn't know it was a race or I was so painfully slow... but I was sticking to my plan of trying to ride the hills smartly/EN style and at several junctures I actually caught up to him (which I think surprised the crap out of him bc he'd turn to make sure I was somewhere in the distance and I'd be on his wheel)... then off he went again. Anyway.... I'm gonna reel myself in and skip to the end. I get to the car. I don't change, I don't stretch, I throw my bike in the back, get my mini bottle of gatorade and banana out of the cooler (before we started I noticed my water bottle wasn't closed so it spilled into the cooler and I had no cold water - bummer) and speed off to get him feeling bad he's waiting around. I get there. He loads up his bike and he's ready to go. I want to stretch... I want to at least get out of my wet clothes. I suggest we make a quick stop at the grocery that's right there but he tells me he's already gone in for a drink and a snack.... well, that's nice... for HIM. I ask if he wants to go to Starbucks, no. Well, I WANT to go to Starbucks and get something to drink and use the bathroom at the very least. And I WANT to get out of my wet clothes... I went to SB. The bathroom was being cleaned so I didn't wait around... he made me feel bad for taking 5 minutes. Maybe it's me, but I would have been very thankful for being rescued and I strongly suspect I would have had a cold drink waiting for him had he gone ahead to get the car bc I couldn't finish. I don't know, maybe it's the whole male ego... perhaps he was embarrassed. I don't know. On the drive back he said something about not having done a lot of long rides (which is true... but it's not bc I haven't invited him) or a lot of hills (neither had I) and his gearing killed him (he gets that one, but I also think his hill strategy stunk, he was charging up them, standing and cranking at the outset - so he burned through his legs off the bat)... and the heat (yes, it was hot, but I had 30 oz of infinit and probably 60 of water with me not to mention S!caps, which he refused until about mile 25 after he was in trouble). Just frustrating. So, no brick for me.
Rant over. He was fine on the ride home. He helped me get my stuff upstairs. he posted WY pics on FB last night...
On a much happier note, I met up with Suzanne for dinner to celebrate her belated b-day (was this past thursday) and send her off to Lake Placid! That was lots of fun! She told me about LP camp and caught me up on her life in general... very good to see her!
@Kris - sorry about getting stuck in the rain, love the pics...and I love the pic with the visor. gorgeous!
@Marianne - the kids are fabulous! love the pic and the vid!
@Kristen - I'm definitely gonna have to try the carrot/apple slaw (with nuts and raisins). do you recommend getting the Primal cookbook?
I ate mostly well this weekend, but drank Fri, Sat, and Sun... and my weight definitely showed it today... but it was nice to catch up with friends at a BBQ Sat and with Suzanne last night... and living life is important! Hopefully I can undo the "damage" and get back on good ground (downward trend) without many problems this week. Friday my weight was the lowest it's been since last September as far as I can remember... within 3 of normal... but that was Friday and today I'm way up... from weekend fun and it's pre-period week (always a heavy week for me)... so, we'll see what happens. Still have a few weeks to be where I want to be (and hopefully, hold) for IM training.
Happy taper week for the LP'ers out there! I know Tracy and Suzanne... I'm sure there are more!
Becky- I can sympathize with you. My DH does not like to be beat by me. Plus he won't drink or fuel correctly, etc, etc, etc. IMHO- take the good with the bad. Advice from my BFF's former MIL before her wedding "decide which flaws you can live with and find someone with those flaws". BFF passed that wisdom on to me and it works. Dan sounds like a greatguy in so many ways, chalk it up to a bad day. But hopefully it doesn't persist. As for the EN comments- DH gets that way when I am deep in the heart of training. I have really worked to keep it more even this time around, AND it was his idea for me to sign up for IMWI. Hang in there.
Nothing to report from here. Life is quiet and boring and I LIKE IT THAT WAY! I can not face a RR this coming weeken (adjusting schedule for family obligation RR weekend) so I am pushing it out to 8/7. I am in DENIAL that I am doing this again. ;-)
YEA!!!! This is my favorite of your favorite things, Kristen!!!! Just let me know when you're coming!
yellow cake with caramel frosting... reminds me of my grandma!
Sunrise early morning on a ride or run- there's something so peaceful and magical in the stillness and newness of the day in that one moment
Also a second on DZ Nuts & A & D oinment!! I haven't tried the "ladies" version. Have been using the Asoss but for some reason the DZ seems to work a bit better!
Calling all you Paleo Girls !!!
What do you eat for breakfast??????
I have been reading Paleo for Athletes and some of it would be extreme for me. I do see where I can cut out some carbs, but otherwise I see it as pretty restrictive. As a rule, we eat pretty healthily, so I don't see making huge changes. However, the chapters on timing of fueling are informative and I likely will benefit from that.
I can just imagine Su's face if I told her we were having "Moose rump roast" or "Rocky Mt. Oysters" for dinner!!
What Kris said. I've been having OJ and a banana before a workout of ~ an hour. After I have a 300-400 smoothie every morning. If I feel I need a little more, I scramble an egg or egg and egg white. I also break the Paleo thing a little every day, so, when I feel like it, I will have a slice of raisin bread. Some days I need it i need the bread, some not.
For the big long days, I do a full 350-400 cal smoothie before I ride, and another after. On those days I always have some eggs too. Some raisins and nuts (raisings supposed help cut the body acid) about an hour later. Then when I get hungry again, a hinking hunk of protein with salad, and or some fruit.
You eat a lot of food b/c it's so much bulk. I do feel good eating this way, and agree that the sugar monster has been quelled a lot.
Edited to add:
I agree that some of it is too exptreme for me too. It was a good primer for me to do a final clean up of my eating. Since I made eating veggies and fruit the focus of my carbs, the junk food really doesn't taste all that good. It's weird, but may it last. I feel better.
I've been doing smoothies for breakfast, too: unsweetened almond milk, whey protein powder. flax oil, 1/2 banana, and random organic frozen berries. So far so good. I was worried I'd be hungry, but I bought the protein powder and so far so good (I admit I miss adding greek yogurt, but trying to minimize dairy per the paleo plan). I think mine ends up in the 400 calorie range.
One day I was feeling motivated and sauteed veggies and threw in some eggs and cheese. Tasted good, but too much admin for the morning. I save that for weekends if I feel like it (often, though, I don't). I hardboil eggs and add to salads that I take for lunch. A friend told me that in a pinch she'll mash a hardboiled egg with some avacado and do that for breakfast. I haven't tried it.
I'm keeping more primal than paleo, though. I did read both books and agree the timing stuff is super interesting. When I do evening workouts (which are often) I add a sweet potato (with sauteed nuts and cinnamon) to my plate with no remorse.
Unlike some others, I don't like to go out for a morning workout on E. (for a long run, 1.5 hours+, I'll actually eat breakfast and give myself time (an hour or two) to digest). This is learned behavior from a few years of marathon training. I'm still experimenting with what to do pre-morning workout. I used to eat a Luna bar but I had one the other day and it just tasted like chemicals. Kashi granola bars didn't make me want to hurl (and, if I understand the "rules" it's okay immediately prior to a workout)... I'm gonna see if a banana will do the trick... well, if I ever get my AIB in time to workout.
Alrighty -- checking in before I'm off to book club, er, wine and listening to music club in Grant Park. For the first time ever, I didn't finish my book club selection. I didn't even make it past the first sentence. What has Ironman done to me!
Paleo breakfast -- I've joined smoothie camp. I have even accepted soy milk as proper food. I've also been a huge fan of making frittatas with lots of vegetables. Make one. Eat the leftovers for the next few days. The recipes in the Paleo book scared me. I still eat quality baked goods, etc. when I find them, but it has become easier to find delicious other food to eat. My favorite place for pizza at lunch? Happens to make delicious poached salmon, which I had today with a caprese salad. Worthy lunch upgrade.
DZ Nuts = all love here. I'm not sure about the women's product. There's something about Zabriske naming a product Bliss that seems a leetle sketchy.
I love all these beautiful lists! The Aveda lip gloss is the bomb.
Colleen - you look fantastic! Those silly photographers always grab us at the one moment we talk a funny step. Totally conspiracy.
1. first taste of hot starbucks french pressed coffee
2. Seeing some tri friends at the lake and laughing with them
3. Seeing Grace wake up, she looks like Sleeping Beauty
4. Mooching two packages of Sport Beans off another tri buddy who had just finished riding that I saw in the parking lot before I rode.
5. turning my IPOD on full blast to listen to Hot Blooded as it was 90+ and I was running in it!
6. Seeing another tri buddy on his bike as I was running
7. Finding water fountains and drinking a lot!
8. Smelling fresh cut grass as I ran past.
9. Seeing the Arkansas River beneath me as I ran over the pedestrian bridge
10. Seeing another tri buddy on his bike getting filmed for a commercial as I rode by on my bike.
11. Having my teenage son in a good mood and chatty while I fixed him lunch.
12. Watching another son play in the pool while I did situps outside.
13. Laying out on the air mattress with my hat over my face and splashing water on myself.. thinking "this is the life!"
14. Buying and eating fresh fruit.
15. reading this women's forum!
For paleo breakfasts I like the smoothie (almost exactly like Becky's!) on weekend, or, during the week, I have a scrambled egg with an additional egg white scrambled in, fruit, and part of an avocado. I haven't been strictly paleo this week but everything has been fresh and wholesome, like the corn tortillas I made myself. Mmmm!
@Becky- I can not eat solids before a morning workout. If I am going for more than 1 hour, I drink a half cup of Odwalla protein shake (any flavor) about 15 minutes before hitting the road. Before that I have already downed 16 oz of water since I always wake up dehydrated.
I have used Ironman training as my lease to eat lots of carbs again. But then the hunger monster started up and I have been making bad choices since returning from Madison. Grocery shopping last night and I am back to my cheese sticks and nuts for snacks between breakfast and lunch. Gotta stay here and away from the sugar or I will be in trouble after the race.
Gonna post under the update thread as well, but I spent about 2 hours with Keith and Linda last night. He looks fantastic and life is calming down. So glad they are leaving for real rest and relaxation in Maine. At this point Linda will be working towards towing the line at Madison 9/12. Very exciting.
Hope to post more soon, work is kicking my a$$.
I'm trying to keep the bad carbs to the occasional recovery scone. And I'm amazed at how much salad I can eat. I'm starting to feel like a baby brontosaurus.
Book club turned into picnicing while listening to great live salsa music with beautiful, flirty, foreign men. When such gifts appear from the universe, a girl has no choice but to flirt back.
With luggage covered in Infinit, Garmin and googles on the bathroom vanity, and my kitchen slowly being taken over by chamois cream and Nuun, I needed to remember how to be a woman instead of an over-tired mother of this strange spandexy baby called Ironman that has me talking about the color of my pee in polite company. Today, I did my hair, put on some lip gloss, and flirted a bit on the way to work. LP, I think you may be on to some untapped power source with your IM lipstick.
Work has been kicking my butt, too, this week. A major publication and a major party all happening next week has made for a crazy office. Our event planner is out of town next week, so I'm in charge of a party for 400 guests on Wednesday. Fiscal nerd guests.
Scenario #1: Get up, go to work, then workout in the afternoon after work. I bring a 7 or 9 cup tupperware full of fruit (summer=berries, peaches/nectarine/pluots, cherries, watermelon; winter=mango, kiwi, strawberries) and graze on it all morning. Depending on the fruit and volume it's between 350-400 Cal and a staggering amount of fiber.
2 hours before the workout, I'll load up on either potatoes, brown rice, wheat bread.
Scenario #2: Work out <90 min @ ungodly hour in the am, eat then go to work. I will drink 12oz of Naked Juice Mighty Mango (250 Cal) 30-45 minutes before or eat nothing before workout. After workout, another 12oz of Naked Juice and 2 slices of wheat toast. <br />
Scenario #3: No work so plenty of time to fuel. I will eat 2 eggs, 2 slices of wheat toast, and 10oz of orange juice 90 minutes before the workout. After the workout, smoothie of almond milk and frozen fruit, followed by either brown rice or potatoes.
Since I've been eating Paleo (about 7 weeks so far), I've noticed that I need alot more gels on the run (1 every 20 minutes even for a 60 minute run) and that I'm much more attentive about taking my Infinit on the bike (250 Cal/hour). For the weekends with the long rides/run, I get more rice, potatoes, and bread than I normally would during the week when the workouts are shorter. As many of you witnessed during the IMMoo camp, I completely threw Paleo out the window as there was such amazingly delicious food at Madison. The foodie scene in Rochester, NY is sad and pathetic---which makes for easy clean eating.
Beth: Nice that you're doing social and girlie things! I've taken a sudden and uncharacteristic interest recently in makeup and purses. I really do love makeup, but don't like purses at all. Worry not, friends! I will still fall all over bike gear and technical clothes over mascara or a clutch.
Just popping in here. Hope that is OK;-). Saw the question about Paleo Breakfast and thought, wow, a question I can answer, woo hoo?
I don't follow Paleo exactly but this would be considered as such:
shake: arbonne vanilla figure 8 - 2 scoops. 1 scoop of Flax meal, 1/2 scoop Arbonne fiber and cup frozen strawberries, blend and drink. 300 yummy calories.
If after a hard training morning will bring almonds and an orange to snack on in a few hours.
Sometimes same meal for lunch if short on time. Otherwise salad and egg on it for lunch:-).
We do eat brown rice pasta, brown rice and brown rice tortillas. Not exactly Paleo but since going Gluten free we feel so much better.
I love the top ten lists. I'll have to think about that. My friend and I have a list of things we don't understand. We add to it frequently. The top two are men and the internet. I think I need to add 17 year old daughters.
Kristen, Good for you on your decision. It's so hard to make that leap. My husband made it twice and never looked back! Hard decisions but so happy that you are feeling relieved!
Habitat 500 update for all of you not following on Facebook or the website. I haven't updated the website in a couple of days because I was just so tired after the last couple of days' riding. 500 miles for Habitat for Humanity in seven days was amazing as always. Besides a somewhat windy day and a day of torrential downpour, lightening and thunder it was near perfect weather. Rode with my daughter most of the ride which was a lot of fun and challenging. I made it a goal to ride in a pace group that was beyond my ability and did that for six days but had to pack it in and ride in an easier group today. All in all wonderful. I miss the people.....I won't really eat much humus or blue cheese for a long time and my bike needs a good cleaning and new rims! Only one major accident. A group of slower riders decided that pace lines looked fun and formed up a group of about 20 riders. They were all quite inexperienced and one of the women went down while watching the scenery rather than the wheel in front of her. She broke her collar bone and hip. Amazingly, who would have thought, one of the leading surgeons in the nation for least invasive hip surgery was at the hospital in Aitkin, MN. My guess is that he comes out of Duluth periodically. He did her surgery so that she wouldn't need to be on crutches. This amazing woman (65 years old) is already planning her fundraising for next year. Thankful for minimal injuries and a great time had by all! Thanks for all your positive comments, prayers and thoughts! It was so appreciated. Another year in the books. Feels good. One of my top 10 things is the pain you have in your quads after a week of hard riding.
Sheryl- Congratulations on finishing the 500. Glad you came through unscathed.
Beth- You would be proud of me. My bike arrived on Thursday, back from Madison. I was wearing sandals with a 1" heel, an A-line dark brown skirt- knee length and a beige silk top. I proceeded to unpack the bike and put it back together- WITHOUT getting anything on my clothes and without an apron. I was going over Linda's and knew that once I changed into something comfy, I'd be on the couch for the night. But I thought of you and giggled quite a bit.
I rode all alone today. Of course I got the work done, but it was hot and I just wanted to quit. But instead, I purposely made it long so that I did more hill climbs. All of which are more fun with friends.
Getting my eating back on track. I do not like sushi with brown rice. That is the only place that I can NOT make the leap.
Hope all is well with everyone.
My great nutritional find of the week is Uncrustables (PB&J) on longer rides! They thaw as I ride, easy to eat and keep on bike and after a while my mouth just craves something to chew on (solid foods) vs just gel/infinite liquids.
Inspiration... from my kids.
1x wk gymnastics for gymnastics.. those kids are strong and flexible...
Grace last night down by the river, just does the splits!
after evening church, minutes away is my "training spot" the Arkansas Rivertrail.. so I took my youngest two and took them to a "secret spot", a little trail not so secret with the fishermen!... and a sandy trail from the paved trail led down to the river! More fun here:
Create your own video slideshow at
Well, it is like someone had thrown a switch and my metabolism is on GO. Right now, I cannot seem to get enough to eat and I AM eating. SInce Wednesday I have cut back on the breads, etc. and am replacing with much more fruit and veggies. Lunch used to be a turkey sandwich and piece of fruit. I have modified that to a HUGE salad with a bit of turkey and a honkin' bowl of fresh fruit. Last night for dinner I grilled a small piece of beef tenderloin and accompanied it with 1/2 of a sweet potato and a HUGE salad.
I agree that the eating cleaner is a good thing, but wowee, I am a hungry girl!!!
Today after riding and the smoothie, all I've had is 1/2 a scone and 56 !!!! ounces of watered down pink lemonade and 8 oz of Odwalla chocolate protein shake. I forced down a 100 calorie pack of popcorn and a handful of cherries. I thought buying my favorite salad for dinner would help, but I got home and stuck it in the fridge. It was half wilted by the time I decided I shouldn't waste my money and ate it with 2 pieces of multigrain chiabbata bread and butter. I continue to drink flavored seltzer.
But M-F I can not get enough to eat. I prefer to think that being in my office is a bad thing as it encourages me to graze on baked goods from the staff. Perhaps I should give up my job? ;-)
Tapped into alittle chicka mojo to get going this weekend. Huge thanks to Gina for picking up and sending my visor
Just what I needed! Am HAPPY, happy (insert happy dance) to report ran 10 miles Sat and rode almost 4 today with minimal pain. The run wasn't fast but it was there! Went to help out friend who's a local RD with their half iron race Sat and ended up on run course till after 3pm. Super hot and humid weekend which in KY spells pop up thunderstorms. Checked the radar when I got home and showers to the north (which is where I was biking) so decided to go for a run. Fiddle farted around for another hour or so and finally got going. Was cruising along, music blaring 5 miles or so out from home when I felt the first drop. NOOOOO problemo as I was sweat drenched at this point and rain felt good. 2 seconds later the lightening and thunder started like crazy. Out in the middle of nowhere, 3 miles to closest store so I run under tree, then remember every weather channel show I've ever watched and promptly spied a concrete bridge I was just getting ready to run over. Ducked under there and waited the storm out, about 20 mins or so.
My biggest worry was that I would fry my Iphone and of all the times, I forgot my bagee I usually carry it in. Sun popped back out and I took off on my loop. Could see the storm off in the distance and thought (key word "thought") I had enough time to make it in. 3 miles later... yup- opens up again. Very little lightening this time so just concentrated on keeping the phone in the driest spots I could and took the shortcut home. Fortunately phone came through unscathed and threw visor, shoes, belt etc outside today and was dry in probably like 20 mins... did I mention hot again today? he he he
I walked Rudy this morning and since I had told myself rest day I stayed walking with some trottingin there for him... and then some drills, with him on a leash!! high kicks, kick your butt, grapevine, lunges all with him on a leash, nothing major just trying to stay loose!! like I said only a few miles of sweaty walking and then back at my car he laid down in the cool tall grass so I got my mat and beach towel and laid down next to him, and with a water bottle that he now drinks like a baby bottle, me and the Granddog, laid out looking at the sky above while I did my stretches. it was divine. I coulda laid there for a long long time but I was hungry!! so headed home. m
Hot here too- all you ladies be sure to drink up and stay hydrated! It's crazy weather out there!
Hi ladies! Hope everyone had wonderful weekends! It was hot and humid here, too... ugh. I'm over it without any question. But I managed to get my workouts in (well, didn't do the brick run... but that's a long story). Today I start back on HIM for 5 weeks to gear up for Timberman... and, true to form, I start off by not getting my AOB and IP this morning (but swimming at o'dark thirty is something I've almost never done anyway). I don't think I'll be able to after work bc an appraiser is coming to take a look at my condo for the re-fi. No worries, gearing up for EM I only did 2 of the 3 swims a week ...
Did my first real hill ride yesterday out at River Rd (Potomac, MD) (- road by the elementary school and thought of you, Kate). Didn't do the 30/30s bc I didn't know how that would work on those hills, it's rollers all the way. Seriously. I am happy to report my average HR at the end of it all was low Z3 - so that's good. I didn't have my watch set but I was paying attention to how I felt up the hills, trying to keep my feet light and pedaling through the crest to enjoy the descents... and I think I did okay. It was hot and hooomid... Dan did not have a good day. He road his road bike bc his TT is squeaking and driving him nuts, but he'd forgotten his gearing is messed up and he's stuck in the big ring up front - yikes not so good for all of those climbs. None are super steep, but some are long and gradual and just kill ya. Anyway, he cramped. I stopped to wait for him at the top of one hill about 30 miles in and when I finally saw him he was walking his bike. Ugh... I rode back to catch him and get his car key (which, he didn't have - he has keyless entry), made a plan of where he should wait for me (shopping center at intersection of River and Falls) and off I went....
I felt bad for him, but frustrated by the whole situation (I am working into a rant and will try to control myself). Long story short - he's often super supportive and I know he's very proud of me (my EM performance and training for the IM), but, at the same time, he is sort of snotty and incredulous about this whole EN training thing. at times he can tend to be mocking/condescending... yet he's the one who cramped... yes, he had some gearing issues that likely would have killed me.... but he also went out with 1 bottle of cytomax, and a gel (maybe a powerbar, but that may have been in the car). that's it. no water. we were planning on 40-50 miles. It was 90+ degrees out.
The way out he was way ahead of me - often looking back to make sure I was there... that was annoying, I thought we were riding together, I didn't know it was a race or I was so painfully slow... but I was sticking to my plan of trying to ride the hills smartly/EN style and at several junctures I actually caught up to him (which I think surprised the crap out of him bc he'd turn to make sure I was somewhere in the distance and I'd be on his wheel)... then off he went again. Anyway.... I'm gonna reel myself in and skip to the end. I get to the car. I don't change, I don't stretch, I throw my bike in the back, get my mini bottle of gatorade and banana out of the cooler (before we started I noticed my water bottle wasn't closed so it spilled into the cooler and I had no cold water - bummer) and speed off to get him feeling bad he's waiting around. I get there. He loads up his bike and he's ready to go. I want to stretch... I want to at least get out of my wet clothes. I suggest we make a quick stop at the grocery that's right there but he tells me he's already gone in for a drink and a snack.... well, that's nice... for HIM. I ask if he wants to go to Starbucks, no. Well, I WANT to go to Starbucks and get something to drink and use the bathroom at the very least. And I WANT to get out of my wet clothes... I went to SB. The bathroom was being cleaned so I didn't wait around... he made me feel bad for taking 5 minutes. Maybe it's me, but I would have been very thankful for being rescued and I strongly suspect I would have had a cold drink waiting for him had he gone ahead to get the car bc I couldn't finish. I don't know, maybe it's the whole male ego... perhaps he was embarrassed. I don't know. On the drive back he said something about not having done a lot of long rides (which is true... but it's not bc I haven't invited him) or a lot of hills (neither had I) and his gearing killed him (he gets that one, but I also think his hill strategy stunk, he was charging up them, standing and cranking at the outset - so he burned through his legs off the bat)... and the heat (yes, it was hot, but I had 30 oz of infinit and probably 60 of water with me not to mention S!caps, which he refused until about mile 25 after he was in trouble). Just frustrating. So, no brick for me.
Rant over. He was fine on the ride home. He helped me get my stuff upstairs. he posted WY pics on FB last night...
On a much happier note, I met up with Suzanne for dinner to celebrate her belated b-day (was this past thursday) and send her off to Lake Placid! That was lots of fun! She told me about LP camp and caught me up on her life in general... very good to see her!
@Kris - sorry about getting stuck in the rain, love the pics...and I love the pic with the visor. gorgeous!
@Marianne - the kids are fabulous! love the pic and the vid!
@Kristen - I'm definitely gonna have to try the carrot/apple slaw (with nuts and raisins). do you recommend getting the Primal cookbook?
I ate mostly well this weekend, but drank Fri, Sat, and Sun... and my weight definitely showed it today... but it was nice to catch up with friends at a BBQ Sat and with Suzanne last night... and living life is important! Hopefully I can undo the "damage" and get back on good ground (downward trend) without many problems this week. Friday my weight was the lowest it's been since last September as far as I can remember... within 3 of normal... but that was Friday and today I'm way up... from weekend fun and it's pre-period week (always a heavy week for me)... so, we'll see what happens. Still have a few weeks to be where I want to be (and hopefully, hold) for IM training.
Happy taper week for the LP'ers out there! I know Tracy and Suzanne... I'm sure there are more!
Nothing to report from here. Life is quiet and boring and I LIKE IT THAT WAY! I can not face a RR this coming weeken (adjusting schedule for family obligation RR weekend) so I am pushing it out to 8/7. I am in DENIAL that I am doing this again. ;-)