I hear you on the spouse/partner stuff. It is funny how similar it all goes for us. I have really backed off of the IM talk--so much so that DH has been asking me about it. He's asked which race I'm going to sign up for next year and we've talked about whether it makes sense. I have come around to the point where I'm realizing some of the really cool stuff that I give up to do long course events. The 3 day backpacking trip we did this weekend is a perfect example. I have been thinking a lot about IMWI for next year, but I also want to do our Czech Republic trip, which we can't do this September due to some scheduling snafus. I do know that DH is supportive of me doing this stuff (clearly - he's even said that he thinks I should do the same race two years in a row to try to do a true PR), but I feel good that I can come to him now and be comfortable putting triathlon lower on my list of priorities. Kind of an odd thing for me to say...given that it was, for SO LONG, at the very top of the list.
@Olivia- Exactly! Although next year would be a non IM year anyway, I am trying to plan a trip to Yellowstone for right after Labor Day 2011 (miss the tourons). I miss backpacking, but that has more to do with being on the east coast, I loved it out west.
I've been trying to get Joe to talk about our next "big" vacation (ie- something NON tri related) but he hasn't quite engaged in the conversation yet. Sooooo many options including a long weekend of sailing, hiking the Appalachian, visiting Olivia and hiking a 14er, or another overseas adventure. In some ways I think Joe will just be happy when the Tour is over so I can stop talking about Andy ;-)
Michele- remind me, what does your DH do? I thought he was a doc of some sort? I can't wait to get all these boyz together at Moo- they are gonna have fun grumbling about us together!
oohh... all that vaca talk is so fun! On my list of potential vacas in the near future: bike trip with Dan and friends, a week long swim trip with Suzanne (Croatia), a hiking and wine tasting trip in Argentina... oh, and one of these years, I'm thinking 2012, I'm gonna try to get into the Marathon du Medoc (drinking wine and running rolled into one... yay!) Hmm... if 2011 is an IM free year for a good number of the chicas, maybe I can take it off, too (I don't have to tell Dan why I'm giving in)... and if the ladies all pick one uber race to do in 2012, I'll be there! I think what you have going on for WI is awesome and would love to be a part of that vibe!!!
Michele and Olivia - thanks ... I'm new to EN and this is my first IM... apparently a deadly combination for a non-EN SO (on top of a non-long course SO). At least he does tris and will join me for some training - I am thankful for that. I have a long way to go til IMFL so I will be more conscious of my chatter. I'm just so excited about what I'm learning and very very very excited about the chicas.
Hang in there Becky, you will find a balance. I think many of us have been down this road with our SO. It is like walking on a tightrope! My husband is so over the whole IM thing. He has gone to all 3 of my IM but we agreed it would be best if he didn't come to anymore. I know he is proud of me and I don't need him there. Race week is stressful enough without entertaining someone. James put it in perspective for me. He is a big hunter and he said it would be like taking me to a week long hunting convention. So this year I am excited to enjoy IM week with all the chicas and my good friend and fellow EN chica Joanna! As for the training, James does like to bike. We don't bike "together" but we will do the same route and carry our cell phones. We each ride different, this way we both enjoy our workout and meet back up at the car when we are done. It is hard to not talk about the training all the time because it is important to you and you are excited. I really think they get jealous of all the time and energy we put into the IM. I think it almost feels like the IM is a third party in the relationship. You will work all this out and the chicas are here for you!
Starkman: First, I highly doubt that you have a muffin top. Second, those speedos don't just come in Mancona sizes. C'mon...whaddaya say?!
Becky: Oooph! Dan's pulling the "you've got too many cats" card...My DH did that when we first started dating. I have ONE really, really well-behaved cat. If I had it my way I would have an entire HERD of them. Seriously, I would. I really love cats. Anyhoo, I too have an non-EN and now recently non-road triathlon spouse. When I first joined, I was so overjoyed with the information about training/racing with power, race execution, and the awesome community of EN that I couldn't stay off the forums or stop talking about it. DH let me know early and often that all the gushing about EN was getting old. So I really toned it down and am on the forum at work (dimmer switch on my productivity!) or when he's at work. Now he just calls it my "cult". What really finally warmed him to EN was joining Marathon Nation and "meeting" Patrick. So I guess like the other Chicas have said, I too keep the rah-rah of EN to a minimum at home. You are right. Communication is very, very good.
Olivia: Shortness of breath on the run...When I was 23 years old, I developed cold and exercised induced asthma. I had been running 4 miles to a step aerobics class (it was 1991!), doing the class, and running home. When the weather turned cold, I noticed that I couldn't catch my breath during the class...like I was breathing through a straw. I was on inhalers for about 10 years (which really completely alleviated my symptoms) and have "outgrown" it which makes me think that it may have been allergies instead. I'd not had any problems with seasonal allergies until about 3 years ago. Mind you, I didn't see my primary care doc or an allergist about it---I just pig-headedly diagnosed myself and self-medicated with Claritin. This season has been horrible...I've had asthma-like symptoms/bronchoconstriction on my last couple of bike rides and intervals on the runs. I'm seeing an allergist today and suspect that I'll get prescriptions for inhalers and steroid nasal sprays...But I'll let you know what comes of the visit.
I'm off to Lake Placid tonight after work. Can't wait to meet new EN pals and reconnect with old EN friends!
thanks, chicas! all good thoughts and advice! Kate, I think James put it well... a week long hunting convention would not be my cup of tea. I guess I assumed since Dan is also a triathlete he'd be excited too... I think I'm a bit overboard. All good food for thought!
@Kitima - the more I read, the more I think I may have allergies. I find it hard to believe that I'm always getting sick (I rarely get sick, I'm certainly eating well and healthy, although my sleep is off...but that could be bc my breathing is off). Riding and running outside usually leads to me feeling like I can't swallow (the breathing through a straw you mention). I might try Claritin... and will talk to my doc about it during my physical in a few weeks (along with a list of other things to test for when I give blood for my TSH, fasting blood sugar, etc).
So, true to my FB declaration, I WAS AOB at 5:30 (probably awake before)... but I felt crappy - hadn't slept. I stayed at Dan's last night and never fell asleep... I think, after 2 years, I'm finally one with my tempurpedic and had trouble on his soft bed where I could feel his every move... so I moved to a spare room... bed too hard... then I moved to his study and laid down on the futon (hmm... kinda like goldilocks). It wasn't ideal but it was the best of the 3. Got home at 5:45 with a crazy headache and instead of pulling on the sneaks I laid back down til 8 when I had to take my car to the shop. I WILL run... it will be hot, but hey, it's summer... I'm picking a sort of shady route with 2 water fountains so I can use my fuel belt and refill with cool water as needed. I'm gonna try to stick to Z3 after my warm up... we'll see how that goes...
Now, I might actually try to get up and get out of bed and to the pool early. No promises... it's been a couple of years since I've done a 6am swim (and this time I'm thinking it would be 5:30 start time, at the latest). If not, I will do it after work. We'll see... if all the stars are aligned and the earth stops rotating on its axis you'll know why... Becky is AIP at o'dark thirty. Wow... I'm almost determined to do it now. Almost.
David W, another ENer and me meet for a long run, Heather stays where she lives to run, so anyways the two of us running along (12.45 miles) and I see an oncoming cyclist, a recreational dude in white blousy run top over black shorts, head down low, focusing riding hard, and I think to myself, "he might not be seeing us and run us over", so I wave big to him, to mean "hey we are here so move over!" but nope, instead as he passes me by he says "nope, can't play today!".... well, I got the giggles! I am like oh my goodness, that is hilarious! I was not trying to be friendly!
we were both dripping wet with sweat, at 5:30 am it was 82 degrees! but David came prepared with cold watermelon for at the end of the run which was quite delicious. I gave him some Ironman Perform to try out which we have nicknamed "Liquid Gold" due to it's high cost!!
Had to do bike last night (Wed) and boy were my legs DEAD for run this morning! Yuck! Up a 4:20am to get 2 hrs in before work. Made it with up hairdo only 5 mins late... It was so humid it was unreal. My clothes were wetter than my swim suit from day before when I took them off. They are hanging on a hanger with towel from gym shower in the car. I shudder to think what it'll smell like in there come 5pm.
I am existing this week but running moment to moment... high volume training, high volume at work (covering for 2 other folks out of office) + life = high stress/fatigue. Reading through the posts but not much time to respond so hugs to all!
Olivia - May find more than Nemo on your doorstep. Never been to CO and it's most definitely on the list!
Pondering next years plan... will likely be back in for IMLOU as it sounds like huge local group back in again. Would love to do TX but can't get any interest from folks around here. Would love to have training/racing done in May, then play for the summer! Yah!!!
Allergy ladies - I've been loving my neti pot. Breathing + running = awesome.
Everyone - hi!
Me - Um, can I hire someone to fold my laundry? Why is this so hard to schedule now? I had a monster day at work yesterday, which included a big deal meeting with the president and CFO where I got to tell them about my work and throwing a fancy party for nearly four-hundred fiscal geeks. (Nobody gets to retire in their sixties anymore. And the chicken satay and potstickers were superb.) Our meeting planner is on vacation, so I got to be in charge of the party. Wow! Running a party is majorly tiring. But I'm way better now and convincing cantakerous, powerful men that they really need to get to dinner. (Without saying anything involving a chica acronym.) I also got to play 1800 House and make seating charts for dinner. Today, I got to kick someone off the committee I co-chair. Not fun. I don't do politics well. But during the kicking off discussion, it became very clear that it was the right thing to do.
I also found a new, giant apartment this week. They are sending over the lease. I like this space. It is the first apartment I've had that is a little decadent. I'm thinking this is going to be my grown-up apartment and I want to stay in it for awhile. I don't exactly know what it is going to look like when completed, but I think it has room for everything I could possibly want. I can also walk to a number of my favorite places -- including friends' houses. And my nearest grocery story is the fantastic Middle Eastern Bakery.
@Beth - congrats on the party planning... sorry about the job stress and firing. Ugh... I've had to formally reprimand someone and while it was absolutely the right thing to do (heck, she should have been fired, but this is the government and that's about impossible), it still stunk. And, congrats on the new apartment! I can't wait to come check it out and sleep in your pain cave.
Ok, so no swim for me today but it's not my fault... honest! The dealer called yesterday afternoon while I was running (at 4:30... holy hell did that suck, at least it wasn't super humid but wowsa)... I listened to the message and he had issues to discuss with me... and the shop had already closed... so no car meant no trip to the pool at 0'dark thirty. As far as the car, it's nothing serious, exactly - 2 tires are apparently rotting out (cracking, tread separation) from age and need to be changed... so I need to decide if I spend a premium for the dealer to change the tires or check to be sure I'm not getting snowed and shop in my infinite weekend spare time for tires... either way, I will definitely get the car today and either swim after work (have my gear with me) or tomorrow afternoon post-ride and post-ride-nap. If all goes well, I'll catch up with Kate and Nemo for a ride in the morning! Depending on how far they go... hope it works out!
Way to go on the work stuff Beth! It really is tough to remove someone from a team. I personally don't think that is something we ever get good at. Nor do we want to, I guess.
I do use a sinus rinse on most days. Definitely helps! My breathing issues are really lung based. I use an inhaler, but sometimes find that it just makes me shaky. I swear, I am a mess!
Kris- your morning reminds me of one of my long run days before IMSG. Showered at work, applied make up and dried hair while on a conference call, grabbed recovery brb from my desk on my way to my next meeting. That's crazy stuff. I do hope you get some respite soon so your work fatigue decreases, giving you more energy to expend on training. Priorities, right?
Olivia- you are holding out on us! What's going on with that facial reconstruction/dental work stuff? I know that's getting really tiring on you- wanna be able to support you in any way we can!
Beth- wooohooo on the grown up apartment! Will be nice not to be mixed in with the college kids huh!? Although, I'm sure it's a bit energizing at times. So now that you've gotten that appartment shoping done, let's talk about TOC ;-)
Becky- I hope you can join us on Saturday- even if its just for part of the ride. Would love to see you!
@Nemo (and Kate if you read this) - I hope so, too! I've been emailing Kate. I know the when and where 9although I've never been there) but I don't know what your planned time/distance is and if there's a place to run. My schedule calls for 3 hours and a 20 or 30 minute run. So if you guys go longer and are doing a loop, I suppose could do an out and back... only issue is a friend agreed to meet me at Peirce Mill for a second loop and run... but he's not entirely punctual or reliable (last time we made that deal he didn't come... but he texted me so I didn't wait)... I can ask him, but I KNOW he's not ready for 40-50 miles at all let alone the hills of River Rd. Regardless, canceling on him is no problem for me (Timberman hill training is crucial) bc I'd love to catch up with you two! Worst case: even if I don't ride with you, perhaps we can all meet up for brunch (there's a fabulous little spot in Del Ray I love love love.. Mancini's on Mt. Vernon. Omlettes, pancakes, waffles... you name it. it's yummy!!!).
Becky- Riley's Lock is right on the C&O Canal. So our post ride run will be on the toepath- perfect training spot. We've got a 4.5 hour ride planned- I don't know exactly where that will take us (there are many options) but I'm sure we can do somthing that makes it simple enough for you to be back at the parking lot at the 3 hour mark. I've got errands to run in Rockville after the ride, so likely won't be back to VA for brunch - more like linner :-)
Olivia, can we all visit you? I need new ski buddies.
Kris, Olivia, I completely understand the craziness of the triathlete to work transition. I acutally blow-dryed my hair this week and people were amazed at how long my hair was and that I actually have a nice haircut because they've only seen it in a bun lately.
And single-girl life. Fun, but I will admit to daydreaming about a nice house with a big garden and someone to chat with while making dinner.
Oh Nemo. The heart wants to go to ToC but the budget is saying 'save money' "save money". Evil budget.
Hi girls! I've been lurking lately, but I'm keeping my eye on all of you...
Yay for EN meetups! I wish my job required a little travel so I could meet some of you, but it requires, generally, none. My boss gets a pained look in his eye when we ask him if we can do CE someplace where we would have to fly to, so we all get it locally. As far as chica gatherings go, I'm going to work on that for next year!
I'm through with this all paleo gig! It was a neat experiment, and I'm going to continue eating lots of fresh vegetables and fruit (always have), but my body works better with more complex carbs. I got a migraine each and every time I went back to strict paleo after a period of "cheating" and adding in things like bread. It's not worth it to me! I'm keeping that apple/raisin salad, though. I'm a clean eater anyway, with processed and/or junk foods never really entering the picture.
To everyone riding long this weekend; Be Safe!
To everyone racing this weekend, especially those racing IMUSA, have a great time and be proud of all your hard work!
@Beth- and that is why when they told me I was promoted to Chief Advanced Practitioner of our department, I just looked at my boss and said "no". Truly, I did. He was surprised. But you ascend to the title through attrition and just because I had been there the longest, Voila! I am in charge. But I know myself. So I proceeded to explain to him that I do not want to manage people and discuss problems. That I am a better indian, I am not a chief. He dropped it and I hope it never comes up again.
Does anyone else have this problem...? When I am tired from all of this training, I can not complete a sentence. Every night, the sleepier I feel, the more often I say, "I... ummm..." and nothing else. I have no clue where I am going, but can not keep myself from saying this over and over again. Max just looks at me and shakes his head. It's almost like I am drunk. The next day I always think it's quite funny, until it starts again.
@Beth- and that is why when they told me I was promoted to Chief Advanced Practitioner of our department, I just looked at my boss and said "no". Truly, I did. He was surprised. But you ascend to the title through attrition and just because I had been there the longest, Voila! I am in charge. But I know myself. So I proceeded to explain to him that I do not want to manage people and discuss problems. That I am a better indian, I am not a chief. He dropped it and I hope it never comes up again.
M- Being Chief CRNA, "fell" into my lap when we moved to TN. I DESPISE being in an administrative position for a litany of reasons. Looking so forward to this tenure being over when Su finishes Residency and we move!!
Does anyone else have this problem...? When I am tired from all of this training, I can not complete a sentence. Every night, the sleepier I feel, the more often I say, "I... ummm..." and nothing else. I have no clue where I am going, but can not keep myself from saying this over and over again. Max just looks at me and shakes his head. It's almost like I am drunk. The next day I always think it's quite funny, until it starts again.
Only have time for a quick blurb- I have been lurking. Thinking of all you gals!
Night before LP, I can breath better- the worst of this cold/bronchitis bug is behind me. ( for those that don't follow on FB- have been sick since last thursday.) At team dinner, David Martin, one of docs on team called in a Zithromax prescription and really think it has made a difference. What timing ugh. Lists, don't always work for me. Thought I was so prepared, but still have missing stuff. All replaced, but ugh.
A challenge of being at IM with an elderly parent, that REALLY wants to be here- finding parking that will be appropriate, where can they go, to watch, access with wheel chair etc, Adds a whole new stress. Really trying to stay within my box. Today mom has a fever and has been throwing up, apparently was up most of the night. maybe it will just be a 24 hr thing ( fingers crossed). ( kind of wish I packed some IV fluids and zofran) anyway.......My 2 aunts, my sister, niece and nephew are here as well, as well as willie the dog
Sounds like everyone is kicking butt on training rides and runs in the incredible heat. Keep up the good work!!!!!! It is inspiring me. Will think of you all during IM tomorrow. Will have chica hat on during run
Linda, maybe leave the PM and Garmin at home for a week so you don't get frustrated. You will get back into things quicker then you think, cut yourself some slack! We all really want you to be with us at IM MOO it will be an amzing experience. You know all the chicas have your back and are your biggest supportors! Sending you hugs!
So proud of the chicas! Suzanne had a great day and a first time to be super duper proud of. Dana and Carly are out there giving it there everything! Tracy... way to go, wish I was there to cheer and hug ya... with the crazy year you've had and then getting sick, my hat is off to you for stepping up to the line and giving it what you could. I will be thinking of you as I continue to train and I hope to make you proud in FL!
I had a crazy training weekend. Had every intention of meeting up with Nemo and Kate to ride on Saturday morning but got a bug or some bad food.... and had a very rough Fri night and pretty sluggish Saturday. I did eventually hop on the trainer Sat and did the work segment of my workout... granted I never got close to hitting my zones... Today I skipped a tri club training event (it was 85 at 5am... and that was before the sun came up). But I did hit the pool and did Friday's 3300m (seriously, what's up with 3300m while training for a HIM?) then got home and hopped on the trainer for my 2 hours of Z2 work... and then, since I was feeling guilty I did 15 of the scheduled 30 min run. It was 97 with a heat index of a bazillion... but I needed to suffer through it. By the time I got done, stretched, and got out of the shower... storm had hit town and it was crazy gray/green out... then blammo, 50mph winds and rain. No power. No big deal except I hadn't eaten and REALLY needed to... so my post mini-training tri meal was a glass of choco milk, half banana with pnut butter, and a handful of raisins. Good enough... A few hours later I was having a yummy dinner with Kate and Nemo who were telling me the wonderful tales of their weekend riding adventures. Despite the suffer-fest, I'm sorry I missed it!
They informed me, during dinner, that I AM coming to WI to sherpa. So that's that. They figured out how I can stick to my training plan for IMFL... so, I guess all I need is a flight and a place to stay. Actually, I think it would be awesome and I'm gonna try to make it happen... come in Fri after work (hopefully in time for the team dinner)... and leave some time Monday (after I sign up for 2011).... so if you have an extra bed or cot or floor, let me know!
The bigger story is in the IMWI forum, but I raced my first Oly this weekend with my sister. We both needed a morale oly. And it worked. Funniest part? Jo was assigned race number 69. Definitely a fantastic way to set the tone for having a fun race. It was actually pretty cool racing with my sister. She spent the swim right behind me, being able to see me most of the way. I spent most of the swim trying to catch the women in front of me, because I knew Jo would kick my a** if I got out of the water after she did. I admit to being a little worried about her on the course -- the best part of the day was spotting her on the bike course, very happy (and getting to yell Go Miss 69!) and knowing both of us were going to finish the race happy with our days.
Other cool thing about Olys? Passing lots of boys on their bling bikes. There's so much more passing in short course races than I'm accustomed to!
I've been trying to get Joe to talk about our next "big" vacation (ie- something NON tri related) but he hasn't quite engaged in the conversation yet. Sooooo many options including a long weekend of sailing, hiking the Appalachian, visiting Olivia and hiking a 14er, or another overseas adventure. In some ways I think Joe will just be happy when the Tour is over so I can stop talking about Andy ;-)
Michele- remind me, what does your DH do? I thought he was a doc of some sort? I can't wait to get all these boyz together at Moo- they are gonna have fun grumbling about us together!
oohh... all that vaca talk is so fun! On my list of potential vacas in the near future: bike trip with Dan and friends, a week long swim trip with Suzanne (Croatia), a hiking and wine tasting trip in Argentina... oh, and one of these years, I'm thinking 2012, I'm gonna try to get into the Marathon du Medoc (drinking wine and running rolled into one... yay!) Hmm... if 2011 is an IM free year for a good number of the chicas, maybe I can take it off, too (I don't have to tell Dan why I'm giving in)... and if the ladies all pick one uber race to do in 2012, I'll be there!
I think what you have going on for WI is awesome and would love to be a part of that vibe!!!
Michele and Olivia - thanks ... I'm new to EN and this is my first IM... apparently a deadly combination for a non-EN SO (on top of a non-long course SO). At least he does tris and will join me for some training - I am thankful for that. I have a long way to go til IMFL so I will be more conscious of my chatter. I'm just so excited about what I'm learning and very very very excited about the chicas.
Just let me know when you're coming! We have room in both Breckenridge and in Denver...and you'll have your own bathroom!!
Anyone is welcome.
Speaking of visits next time I'm back home in MD I have to get together with all of you out there in the metro area...
Becky: Oooph! Dan's pulling the "you've got too many cats" card...My DH did that when we first started dating. I have ONE really, really well-behaved cat. If I had it my way I would have an entire HERD of them. Seriously, I would. I really love cats.
Anyhoo, I too have an non-EN and now recently non-road triathlon spouse. When I first joined, I was so overjoyed with the information about training/racing with power, race execution, and the awesome community of EN that I couldn't stay off the forums or stop talking about it. DH let me know early and often that all the gushing about EN was getting old. So I really toned it down and am on the forum at work (dimmer switch on my productivity!) or when he's at work. Now he just calls it my "cult". What really finally warmed him to EN was joining Marathon Nation and "meeting" Patrick. So I guess like the other Chicas have said, I too keep the rah-rah of EN to a minimum at home.
You are right. Communication is very, very good.
Olivia: Shortness of breath on the run...When I was 23 years old, I developed cold and exercised induced asthma. I had been running 4 miles to a step aerobics class (it was 1991!), doing the class, and running home. When the weather turned cold, I noticed that I couldn't catch my breath during the class...like I was breathing through a straw. I was on inhalers for about 10 years (which really completely alleviated my symptoms) and have "outgrown" it which makes me think that it may have been allergies instead.
I'd not had any problems with seasonal allergies until about 3 years ago. Mind you, I didn't see my primary care doc or an allergist about it---I just pig-headedly diagnosed myself and self-medicated with Claritin. This season has been horrible...I've had asthma-like symptoms/bronchoconstriction on my last couple of bike rides and intervals on the runs. I'm seeing an allergist today and suspect that I'll get prescriptions for inhalers and steroid nasal sprays...But I'll let you know what comes of the visit.
I'm off to Lake Placid tonight after work. Can't wait to meet new EN pals and reconnect with old EN friends!
@Kitima - the more I read, the more I think I may have allergies. I find it hard to believe that I'm always getting sick (I rarely get sick, I'm certainly eating well and healthy, although my sleep is off...but that could be bc my breathing is off). Riding and running outside usually leads to me feeling like I can't swallow (the breathing through a straw you mention). I might try Claritin... and will talk to my doc about it during my physical in a few weeks (along with a list of other things to test for when I give blood for my TSH, fasting blood sugar, etc).
So, true to my FB declaration, I WAS AOB at 5:30 (probably awake before)... but I felt crappy - hadn't slept. I stayed at Dan's last night and never fell asleep... I think, after 2 years, I'm finally one with my tempurpedic and had trouble on his soft bed where I could feel his every move... so I moved to a spare room... bed too hard... then I moved to his study and laid down on the futon (hmm... kinda like goldilocks). It wasn't ideal but it was the best of the 3. Got home at 5:45 with a crazy headache and instead of pulling on the sneaks I laid back down til 8 when I had to take my car to the shop. I WILL run... it will be hot, but hey, it's summer... I'm picking a sort of shady route with 2 water fountains so I can use my fuel belt and refill with cool water as needed. I'm gonna try to stick to Z3 after my warm up... we'll see how that goes...
Now, I might actually try to get up and get out of bed and to the pool early. No promises... it's been a couple of years since I've done a 6am swim (and this time I'm thinking it would be 5:30 start time, at the latest). If not, I will do it after work. We'll see... if all the stars are aligned and the earth stops rotating on its axis you'll know why... Becky is AIP at o'dark thirty. Wow... I'm almost determined to do it now. Almost.
okay today's funny, or I thought so..
David W, another ENer and me meet for a long run, Heather stays where she lives to run, so anyways the two of us running along (12.45 miles) and I see an oncoming cyclist, a recreational dude in white blousy run top over black shorts, head down low, focusing riding hard, and I think to myself, "he might not be seeing us and run us over", so I wave big to him, to mean "hey we are here so move over!" but nope, instead as he passes me by he says "nope, can't play today!".... well, I got the giggles! I am like oh my goodness, that is hilarious! I was not trying to be friendly!
we were both dripping wet with sweat, at 5:30 am it was 82 degrees! but David came prepared with cold watermelon for at the end of the run which was quite delicious. I gave him some Ironman Perform to try out which we have nicknamed "Liquid Gold" due to it's high cost!!
talk at ya later!! hope your day goes well. m
I am existing this week but running moment to moment... high volume training, high volume at work (covering for 2 other folks out of office) + life = high stress/fatigue. Reading through the posts but not much time to respond so hugs to all!
Olivia - May find more than Nemo on your doorstep. Never been to CO and it's most definitely on the list!
Pondering next years plan... will likely be back in for IMLOU as it sounds like huge local group back in again. Would love to do TX but can't get any interest from folks around here. Would love to have training/racing done in May, then play for the summer! Yah!!!
Allergy ladies - I've been loving my neti pot. Breathing + running = awesome.
Everyone - hi!
Me - Um, can I hire someone to fold my laundry? Why is this so hard to schedule now? I had a monster day at work yesterday, which included a big deal meeting with the president and CFO where I got to tell them about my work and throwing a fancy party for nearly four-hundred fiscal geeks. (Nobody gets to retire in their sixties anymore. And the chicken satay and potstickers were superb.) Our meeting planner is on vacation, so I got to be in charge of the party. Wow! Running a party is majorly tiring. But I'm way better now and convincing cantakerous, powerful men that they really need to get to dinner. (Without saying anything involving a chica acronym.) I also got to play 1800 House and make seating charts for dinner. Today, I got to kick someone off the committee I co-chair. Not fun. I don't do politics well. But during the kicking off discussion, it became very clear that it was the right thing to do.
I also found a new, giant apartment this week. They are sending over the lease. I like this space. It is the first apartment I've had that is a little decadent. I'm thinking this is going to be my grown-up apartment and I want to stay in it for awhile. I don't exactly know what it is going to look like when completed, but I think it has room for everything I could possibly want. I can also walk to a number of my favorite places -- including friends' houses. And my nearest grocery story is the fantastic Middle Eastern Bakery.
@Beth - congrats on the party planning... sorry about the job stress and firing. Ugh... I've had to formally reprimand someone and while it was absolutely the right thing to do (heck, she should have been fired, but this is the government and that's about impossible), it still stunk. And, congrats on the new apartment! I can't wait to come check it out and sleep in your pain cave.
Ok, so no swim for me today but it's not my fault... honest! The dealer called yesterday afternoon while I was running (at 4:30... holy hell did that suck, at least it wasn't super humid but wowsa)... I listened to the message and he had issues to discuss with me... and the shop had already closed... so no car meant no trip to the pool at 0'dark thirty. As far as the car, it's nothing serious, exactly - 2 tires are apparently rotting out (cracking, tread separation) from age and need to be changed... so I need to decide if I spend a premium for the dealer to change the tires or check to be sure I'm not getting snowed and shop in my infinite weekend spare time for tires... either way, I will definitely get the car today and either swim after work (have my gear with me) or tomorrow afternoon post-ride and post-ride-nap. If all goes well, I'll catch up with Kate and Nemo for a ride in the morning! Depending on how far they go... hope it works out!
I do use a sinus rinse on most days. Definitely helps! My breathing issues are really lung based. I use an inhaler, but sometimes find that it just makes me shaky. I swear, I am a mess!
Kris- your morning reminds me of one of my long run days before IMSG. Showered at work, applied make up and dried hair while on a conference call, grabbed recovery brb from my desk on my way to my next meeting. That's crazy stuff. I do hope you get some respite soon so your work fatigue decreases, giving you more energy to expend on training. Priorities, right?
Beth- wooohooo on the grown up apartment! Will be nice not to be mixed in with the college kids huh!? Although, I'm sure it's a bit energizing at times. So now that you've gotten that appartment shoping done, let's talk about TOC ;-)
Becky- I hope you can join us on Saturday- even if its just for part of the ride. Would love to see you!
@Nemo (and Kate if you read this) - I hope so, too! I've been emailing Kate. I know the when and where 9although I've never been there) but I don't know what your planned time/distance is and if there's a place to run. My schedule calls for 3 hours and a 20 or 30 minute run. So if you guys go longer and are doing a loop, I suppose could do an out and back... only issue is a friend agreed to meet me at Peirce Mill for a second loop and run... but he's not entirely punctual or reliable (last time we made that deal he didn't come... but he texted me so I didn't wait)... I can ask him, but I KNOW he's not ready for 40-50 miles at all let alone the hills of River Rd. Regardless, canceling on him is no problem for me (Timberman hill training is crucial) bc I'd love to catch up with you two! Worst case: even if I don't ride with you, perhaps we can all meet up for brunch (there's a fabulous little spot in Del Ray I love love love.. Mancini's on Mt. Vernon. Omlettes, pancakes, waffles... you name it. it's yummy!!!).
All this riding together sounds like so much fun.
Olivia, can we all visit you? I need new ski buddies.
Kris, Olivia, I completely understand the craziness of the triathlete to work transition. I acutally blow-dryed my hair this week and people were amazed at how long my hair was and that I actually have a nice haircut because they've only seen it in a bun lately.
And single-girl life. Fun, but I will admit to daydreaming about a nice house with a big garden and someone to chat with while making dinner.
Oh Nemo. The heart wants to go to ToC but the budget is saying 'save money' "save money". Evil budget.
We have a most evil hummingbird that returns every year. He is so nasty. He bullies all the nice ones.
Hi girls! I've been lurking lately, but I'm keeping my eye on all of you...
Yay for EN meetups! I wish my job required a little travel so I could meet some of you, but it requires, generally, none. My boss gets a pained look in his eye when we ask him if we can do CE someplace where we would have to fly to, so we all get it locally. As far as chica gatherings go, I'm going to work on that for next year!
I'm through with this all paleo gig! It was a neat experiment, and I'm going to continue eating lots of fresh vegetables and fruit (always have), but my body works better with more complex carbs. I got a migraine each and every time I went back to strict paleo after a period of "cheating" and adding in things like bread. It's not worth it to me! I'm keeping that apple/raisin salad, though.
I'm a clean eater anyway, with processed and/or junk foods never really entering the picture.
To everyone riding long this weekend; Be Safe!
To everyone racing this weekend, especially those racing IMUSA, have a great time and be proud of all your hard work!
Does anyone else have this problem...? When I am tired from all of this training, I can not complete a sentence. Every night, the sleepier I feel, the more often I say, "I... ummm..." and nothing else. I have no clue where I am going, but can not keep myself from saying this over and over again. Max just looks at me and shakes his head. It's almost like I am drunk. The next day I always think it's quite funny, until it starts again.
Hi Ladies
Only have time for a quick blurb- I have been lurking. Thinking of all you gals!
Night before LP, I can breath better- the worst of this cold/bronchitis bug is behind me. ( for those that don't follow on FB- have been sick since last thursday.) At team dinner, David Martin, one of docs on team called in a Zithromax prescription and really think it has made a difference. What timing ugh. Lists, don't always work for me. Thought I was so prepared, but still have missing stuff. All replaced, but ugh.
A challenge of being at IM with an elderly parent, that REALLY wants to be here- finding parking that will be appropriate, where can they go, to watch, access with wheel chair etc, Adds a whole new stress.
Really trying to stay within my box. Today mom has a fever and has been throwing up, apparently was up most of the night. maybe it will just be a 24 hr thing ( fingers crossed). 
( kind of wish I packed some IV fluids and zofran) anyway.......My 2 aunts, my sister, niece and nephew are here as well, as well as willie the dog
Sounds like everyone is kicking butt on training rides and runs in the incredible heat. Keep up the good work!!!!!! It is inspiring me. Will think of you all during IM tomorrow. Will have chica hat on during run
Will catch up more later
Love ya all
I *heart* the EN chicas as Placid today. Rock on, women!
So proud of the chicas! Suzanne had a great day and a first time to be super duper proud of. Dana and Carly are out there giving it there everything! Tracy... way to go, wish I was there to cheer and hug ya... with the crazy year you've had and then getting sick, my hat is off to you for stepping up to the line and giving it what you could. I will be thinking of you as I continue to train and I hope to make you proud in FL!
I had a crazy training weekend. Had every intention of meeting up with Nemo and Kate to ride on Saturday morning but got a bug or some bad food.... and had a very rough Fri night and pretty sluggish Saturday. I did eventually hop on the trainer Sat and did the work segment of my workout... granted I never got close to hitting my zones... Today I skipped a tri club training event (it was 85 at 5am... and that was before the sun came up). But I did hit the pool and did Friday's 3300m (seriously, what's up with 3300m while training for a HIM?) then got home and hopped on the trainer for my 2 hours of Z2 work... and then, since I was feeling guilty I did 15 of the scheduled 30 min run. It was 97 with a heat index of a bazillion... but I needed to suffer through it. By the time I got done, stretched, and got out of the shower... storm had hit town and it was crazy gray/green out... then blammo, 50mph winds and rain. No power. No big deal except I hadn't eaten and REALLY needed to... so my post mini-training tri meal was a glass of choco milk, half banana with pnut butter, and a handful of raisins. Good enough... A few hours later I was having a yummy dinner with Kate and Nemo who were telling me the wonderful tales of their weekend riding adventures. Despite the suffer-fest, I'm sorry I missed it!
They informed me, during dinner, that I AM coming to WI to sherpa. So that's that.
They figured out how I can stick to my training plan for IMFL... so, I guess all I need is a flight and a place to stay. Actually, I think it would be awesome and I'm gonna try to make it happen... come in Fri after work (hopefully in time for the team dinner)... and leave some time Monday (after I sign up for 2011).... so if you have an extra bed or cot or floor, let me know!
Hooray Becky coming to sherpa!
Hooray LP ladies!
Gina, Michele -- I'm totally exhausted, too.
The bigger story is in the IMWI forum, but I raced my first Oly this weekend with my sister. We both needed a morale oly. And it worked. Funniest part? Jo was assigned race number 69. Definitely a fantastic way to set the tone for having a fun race.
It was actually pretty cool racing with my sister. She spent the swim right behind me, being able to see me most of the way. I spent most of the swim trying to catch the women in front of me, because I knew Jo would kick my a** if I got out of the water after she did. I admit to being a little worried about her on the course -- the best part of the day was spotting her on the bike course, very happy (and getting to yell Go Miss 69!) and knowing both of us were going to finish the race happy with our days.
Other cool thing about Olys? Passing lots of boys on their bling bikes. There's so much more passing in short course races than I'm accustomed to!