Becky- I totally understand your frustration. Sounds to me like the male ego took over for a little while- that's never very pretty. I'm actually relieved that Joe doesn't do Triathlons and only rides with me for "fun" stuff. It allows us each to have our own thing- but I'l admit, there are times I wish I had a built in training buddy like some of you do.
Oh- the apple/carrot thing was yummy. I added raisens just cause it seemed to fit. I couldn't believe how much there was just shredding ONE apple and ONE carrot! WOW, that's a lot of food! I couldn't eat the whole thing so I put half in a tupperware in the fridge. We'll see today at lunch if it survived OK. OK, now I'm making myself hungry! Gotta go!
Kris, I love your under the bridge pics! Way to capitalize on an enforced run break.
Michele, I'm with you. Sometimes quiet and boring is just what I want out of life. I'll take minimal drama, thank you!
Becky, sorry about the frustrating ride with Dan. I enjoyed reading your tale, though, and I could actually feel your frustration building as the story progressed. By the end I was a little tense! Can't give you any insight to the male ego, though. I have the opposite problem with Tabitha - she's a good rider - not as strong as me, but she doesn't ride as often or consistently, either. She's really sensitive about it, though, so she won't even try to ride with me for fear she won't be able to keep up. That's no fun! Oh, and I don't know about the Primal cookbook. Just because I'm eating "clean" doesn't mean I want to eat boring, tasteless food with weird ingredients. We do a lot of grilled protein +/- a quick sauce with tomatoes, onions, garlic etc, and a couple different kinds of vegetables.
We had another enjoyable weekend of TDF viewing. We saw Inception at the theater - I liked it ok, and it was visually stunning at times, but I didn't like it as much as I wanted to like it. Took a Sunday nap after a run and a swim, and had my sister over for dinner. All in all, a great weekend! I was off the Paleo this weekend, though, and today I'm ravenous despite all the good paleo stuff I'm shovelling in my mouth.
I bought the Primal cookbook. Really haven't had looked through it yet but I'll let y'all know what I think as I get time later this week.
I was rrrrealllyyyy bad but it was so good on my splurge meal last night.... Was on my own last night for dinner so went out for light beer, cheese pizza and breadsticks. Bought a People magazine at store and sat and read through it whilst indulging. A TOTAL splurge. Usually I catch up on People at nail salon or doctor office (he he he). Mostly I like to look at the pictures.... love some of the dresses, love to hate some of the dresses. Enjoyed it all going down but man, I have issues digesting that kind of stuff right now. Back on wagon today!!
Hi, ladies! Just a quick check-in...spent the past weekend with Carly in Boston and had my first taste of "city riding". As I told Carly..."I'll keep my cows!" It was nice and we took some pics in our visors. went for a nice long run along the Charles River with her wife Michelle. My favorite part-there was a Dunkin Donuts on every corner! I was in heaven!
Getting nervous and jittery about LP...the "what if's" are really starting to come into play. Making some mojo posters right now while Abby naps.
Kris- loved the pics!
Nemo- glad you liked the apple/carrot thing. I like to use it as "dessert".
Linda- good to hear from you on FB!
Well, keep you posted. We leave for LP on Thursday!
Dana, I'm right there with the irrational fears. I was awake at 4 a.m. this morning convinced I had cellulitis and couldn't do the race. Why? I don't know why! There's something about laying awake in the dark when fears get big and distorted - then you have your coffee and sunshine and think, "What the hell...?"
I'm so excited that my race is season is now officially over, and I can relax, bike for fun, try some new things, rediscover some fun activities that I don't do while training (rollerblading, rock climbing), and spectate/cheer/sherpa my Ironfriends at upcoming races! For those of you not on fb, I raced the Door County Half Ironman yesterday for fun, 3 weeks after IMCdA, and ended up having a great day. It was my kinda weather, overcast and cool. The water was unbelievably calm. Had just a little rain during the bike ride. Fun, hard day. I WILL get around to doing race reports for IMCdA and DCHIM soon.
Safe travels to everyone doing LP this weekend! Sending positive vibes your way for good weather, good health, and safe racing. Have fun with it! After all, it's a privilege to be able to do what we do. I'll be "watching" from home.
thanks, gals... glad to know I'm not the only one. at least for once in my life I knew enough to bite my tongue and not offer feedback on his style/technique/nutrition choices (actually I bite my tongue every time we ride together about that stuff) - as I've learned from many years of exerpience at various gyms, boys do not like to be corrected at all, particularly not by little girls - whether or not the little girls can kick their tushes. So, unless I really think someone is going to absolutely kill themselves by doing something horribly wrong, I will let bad form and ridiculously too heavy weights (which often goes hand in hand with bad form) go and try not to laugh out loud or make faces of horror or disgust or general amusement. I do endurance stuff (with moderate success), Dan does not; he likes sprints and OLYs and will max out at maybe a half marathon every few years (absolutely nothing wrong with that)... so, if he wants my advice he will ask. I do wonder how things will go at Timberman (he's also racing)... I can't help but be a bit competitive and hope that I keep things close...certanly closer than I think he'd like (not that he would ever say it).
@Kristen - sorry to read Tabitha is a bit skittish about heading out with you. But I know where she's coming from. I didn't join up with a running club for years bc I was afraid I was too slow and wouldn't make friends, etc. and I'd been a bit hesitant to go out on group rides for fear of getting dropped or something...but in the last year or so I got over it and started living life for me and doing what I wanted... Heck, in group runs I end up in my own pace group (often bc I have my Garmin programmed and I'm crazy disciplined about my training) same with the rides I've done bc I'm not as good as the "A" folks and am too fast for the "C" group... so the B group stands for Becky... I don't mind and, I came to realize, no one else does either and they like me all the same. I just had to get over the initial insecurity. I'm sure over time, if you encourage her enough (maybe now that you've taken IMFL off the list and can relax a bit more) and are supportive of her efforts, which I'm sure you are, she'll come out of her shell. I suspect that in her way she's trying to respect your amazing athleticism as much as preserving her own ego... she might not really believe that you want her company and want her to participate and enjoy your hobbies with you... which would make them exponentially more enjoyable for you.
Anyway, I plan to make the carrot/apple slaw... tonight if all goes well! Added the ingredients to my grocery list - and will stop by the store on my way over to Dan's (he's helping me by looking over all my mortgage papers before I send them in). Looking forward to it! So thanks to Dana for the recipe and Kristen for the reminder. Kris, can't wait to read your review of the Primal Cookbook... wonder if it's necessary/helpful (as I don't plan to add organ meats to my diet any time soon ... but I will say that I'm having a bit more fun now that I've added red meat into the diet; granted I haven't gone super crazy - have had free range buffalo burgers once or twice)...
Dana and Suz - just trust the training and have fun! Granted it's easy for me to say... remind me I said it come mid October! I've got a training event Sunday morning, but I will be tracking you all afternoon when that is done!!!
Been getting caught up - fun to read at work today to get through Monday!
@Becky - my DH goes from being quite excited/proud/supportive about my first IM to thinking all the preparation is a bit much! Depends on the day! I try not to start every sentence with "EN says...." He esp does not dig the EN hill climbing style. He is a roadie and does not like how I just drop back..he wants me out of the saddle! I do explain in general, but sometimes just let him have his say..This weekend he came on my race rehearsal ride and was impressed with my endurance "you didn't die at the end" - -Thanks hon! So I will just let my actions speak, eh?
@ ;Michele - let's ride chica! You may recall I'm doing race rehearsal on the Cape/Chatham on Aug 6th (a Friday) you are more than welcome to join
@Kristen - I'm a little late on this but congrats on your decision re: IMFL! it must be a load off your mind. When it's not right, you just know..
@Kris - thanks for all your helpful posts here and on iamtri re: IMKY; hope to meet you there!
@LP'ers Dana, Suzanne, Carly, (who am I missing?)- so excited to follow the race this weekend - and then read the reports!
@ ;John - nice to see you over here! Visit again soon
@Aimee- as long as you aren't under a rock, you will DEFINITELY meet me at IMLOU. I'm playing SAG for the Iamtri group this weekend for the 80 miler. Bob is a super nice guy (meet him last year). I'll be down race week and race day plenty! Wouldn't miss it! Maybe we do a chicka breakfast one morning?
To everyone heading up to LP this weekend, may you have the day you dream of (and not the crazy dreams, the warm fuzzy ones!) Can't wait for the stories, pics etc
Hi everyone! So sorry that I have missed out on so much going on with all of you! Glad to get back on and try to catch up. Definately an interesting thread that Becky started, regarding guys and how the 'little women' don't seem to know as much as the guys do. (In their minds, of course! I hope everything turned out okay! I agree that we should let our actions speak for themselves! Ha! I have been off the radar for awhile, as life got a little complicated lately, with some personal things. Won't go into that, but just too much going on, to take the time to sit and catch up. I truly have missed all of you though! I keep up with some of you on F.B. One thing that has kept me very busy, but has been such an utter joy, has been the planning of my Mom's 90th birthday party! We had the party at her house yesterday, with approx. 25 guests/family/friends. It was wonderful! She doesn't talk much anymore, except on her good days. However, she was happy to see everyone, and she was showered with attention! I loved planning it for her and we had such a lovely day. She loves roses and pink, so I had 2 doz. light pink roses with Baby's Breath, in a vase, as her centerpiece for the table. Lots of food around the roses, and crystal candlesticks with white tapered candles. The theme was pink, pink, pink! I didn't do my long bike Saturday, as I am heading to Louisville this Friday, to ride the entire course on Saturday. Heads up Kris!!! I have to meet you and Aimee!! I plan to start a couple of hours earlier than the rest of the iAmTri group, as my avg. mph is currently 16.5, and I'm afraid I'll be dropped and the last one out there. So, Kris, if you're there, I'll look for the Chica visor! I wiill wear my EN jersey, as I have been doing when I go down to the Ville. I'll be on Queen B, my Specialized Transition Comp. She's black and yellow; thus the Queen B reference! And you are so right about what a great guy Bob Baney is! He has to be, to set up these training rides for all of us, just because! I did my first tri of the season, just this Saturday! Valpo has a sprint tri every July, that I participate in. This year they made the waves larger, rather than making more of them, as they sold out! It was my first true experience of a swimming scrum! We were getting pummeled! It didn't freak me out at all, just frustrated the heck out of me, as I couldn't get around the woman backstroking in front of me, or the one on my left who was side stroking, nor the one on my right, swimming the same pace as me! I'm pretty slow anyways, but the swim was a little slower due to 'traffic'. Have to admit though, that it was excellent practice for IMLOU! Glad to have had the experience! Got that over with! My biking is coming along, as is my run. For whatever reason, my avg. mph this summer has been S L O W, as in 14.5!!! For the past two weeks, it has crept up to 16.6 with hills! Although I truly expected to be riding an avg. of 18-20 mph this summer, I will take what I can get, to get me off of the bike and onto the run! It has been hot enough to fry an egg on the pavement, here! And humid as well. Again, great opportunities to train, and get ready for Louisville! I am so nervous, scared, excited, that I don't know which emotion I'll feel on race day. I imagine all of them! As for all of you doing IMLP this weekend, I am nervous and excited for you too!!! Wish I could be there to watch! Perhaps I can attend Camp there next year, to see what it is all about! Gotta work on my climbing mojo between now and then! You know, going back to my Mom's truly helped me to refocus on what is important. And between family, friends and health, I can't think of anything else!! I have wonderful friends, who took their time to help me out with getting ready for the party, and others who drove long distances to come and honor my Mom. My family came together to enjoy the day with everyone, and it just made me happy, happy, happy. You all are such strong, amazing women! I am so fortunate to have made friends with you and get to know more about you. The wisdom you have all shared about triathlon, and life, has been fantastic! EN CHICAS ROCK!!! Just sayin'... Hope I haven't rambled too much here. Sorry for not listing everyone personally. As long as I've been off of the forum, it would turn into a novel if I did that! Have a great day tomorrow, and a productive, happy week! GO IMLP Peeps!!!!
@Becky - For you, a tale of a bike ride with an exbf gone wrong: I rode the Dairyland Dare course with the ex, who a) hadn't really trained at all, even though he was warned about the difficultly of the course and we had been signed up to do this ride for oh, six months b) had a brand new saddle c) Was riding a double and an 11-23.
Because this was vacation and my season was done, I gave dude a "get out of ride at anytime free" card. We could bail fifteen minutes in and go have a fantastic time in the Wisconsin countryside. The ride happened to fall on one of the hottest days last summer. Smart Beth, arms with extra Infinit and Scaps!, offers to share and explains her new nutrition plan to survive the hot day. Dude declines, claiming he doesn't want such things. I tell him that is quite fine, but if he gets dehyrated, I'm not going to feel sorry for him.
Bike ride is, predictably, cut a little short, but not a lot. And, at some point, I had to made a deal to not use the granny gear on my triple when climbing hills. Dude gets to the end of the ride and is toasted. Completely dehydrated. The nice medical people let him know he can either re-hydrate the hard way (fluid intake and being miserable for awhile) or the easy way (visit to the ER for an IV). Yeah. . Let's just say my inner, perfect Clara Barton, healing the sick instinct didn't kick in (I don't know if I have one of those). I played Tetris on my phone and then dragged dude out to dinner later. I tried to take care of him. He refused. Didn't practice good self-care and we got to spend vacation time in the ER. Lame. I still feel a badly about his day, but dude also forgot he was also on my vacation -- not just his. Not the sort of relationship day you can feel good about.
Oh, am I tired! I remembered it was summer and I live in a fabulous city last weekend. There was playing. Lots of it. And I think I found an apartment I really, really like. Alas, I have to admit I can't train for an Ironman and go be out all weekend. Seriously in need of a few days of rest. But is was good for the soul and totally worth the tired. This morning is "wife morning"-- I'm doing much-needed laundry and cleaning. There is no cycling gear in the kitchen. All spandex is clean. I have groceries. Victory!
Kris: You look resplendent in that pink visor. How you Southern states gals train in those tropical jungle conditions is beyond my comprehension!
Michele M: I am jealous that your race season is done. Good on ya for doing Race Prep in WI in the springtime! IMWI does make for a long season, but fortunately it does end right before cyclocross season.
Starkman: Nice to hear from you. You are welcome here anytime. Any chance we could convince you to show up at IMMoo in a pink speedo?
Barb: What a wonderful thing you did for your mom's birthday! My mom is one of the best and most precious people in my life. It just warmed my heart to hear you talk about yours.
Becky: Oh Dan, Dan, Dan...sounds like he was just embarrassed about getting chicked on the ride by you. You did the right thing by being a good gf and rescuing him AND biting your tongue while he was throwing his tantrum. For IM training, I've found that declaring my ride/run goals to the DH (for example, "I am riding X intervals in this amount of time and shall be climbing at Y watts...You may orbit around me during this workout if you wish.") is the best so that it's clear that you are not racing him or trying to out do him. That being said, it is fun and really quite helpful sometimes to try and race and out do him during long as he knows that's what you're doing. As for the nutrition part, I guess gentle suggestion is the nicest way to do it. On our first date, my DH was gonna "show me around some climbs in the Finger Lakes" (climbs I'd done as part of century, but I didn't say anything and let him be "The Man"). He spectacularly bonked at the top of the last climb and had to ask me a spare gel. Since then,he's been completely open to any and all my suggestions about bike nutrition.
Appetite: I have NONE which is not right for me. As many of my Chica pals witness at the Cowgirl camp, I'm getting clobbered by allergies this summer. After 7 days of religiously taking Zyrtec, I still go through a nightly routine of being completely stuffed up and mouth breathing like a fish out of water. I also have some lovely tightness in my chest and shortness of breath at FTP. I'm taking every decongestant, antihistamine (pill and nasal spray that I can get my hands on. The result is a few hours of being able to breathe during the day (good for work and training), but mentally I'm a zombie and all the meds are suppressing my typical ravenous hunger. I've cried "Uncle!" and made an appointment with the Allergy doc this Thurs... Gina & Michele C----those shots and even low dose Prednisone sounds really, really good to me right now. No more whining about them from me ! The upside (besides no appetite) is that the more active I am the more I can breathe---must be shunting of blood flow from my nasal passages to the muscles? So at least I'm motivated to train so that I can have a few more moments of breathing through my nose!
Kitima: Have you tried Breathe Right strips for the nighttime? I am unable to sleep if I can't breathe out of my nose and during colds or allergy season the strips really, really help.
Barbara- so nice to hear from you! No worries about catching up on everything, just jump back in with both feet :-) Oh, and 90!!! How Awesome! That must have been one very special birthday celebration! I'm in major denial right now about how old my parents are- They have currently each lived just a bit longer than their own parents- and- ugh, I just can't even think about it.
Kris- man, you are rockin cool to volunteer to be SAG for an 80 miler smack dab in the middle of your own Ironman training!!! I don't know if I could be that generous. So cool!
Beth- I'm living a little "single girl life" vicariously through you :-)
Kitboo- no appetite? OK, now I KNOW something is wrong with you! Hope the allergist visit helps!
STARKMAN!!! Nice to see you pop in to say hello. I'll second Beth's recommendation that you come out to Madison for the EN CHICA MILE 18 PARTY! Would love to see ya again.
I'm licking my wounds from watching TDF yesterday. My heart simply SANK when Andy dropped the chain. I couldn't watch the very end with the podium ceremony- I just couldn't bare it. So it wasn't until later in the day that I heard about (and then watched) the fans booo Contadore as he put on the yellow jersey. Very interesting day indeed.
Oh- and I'm already scheming and planning for my 2011 season. I want to have FUN FUN FUN next year! TOC is booked- I'm in for sure and believe it or not Joe is joining me (as a worker bee for Rich & Patrick). I had soooo much fun at Chica Camp that I really hope we can get together for another one next year- even if I'm not training for a IM. Maybe the LP Camp this time around- I've always wanted to ride up that way. Or maybe we'll all follow Linda to Maine :-) Oh- and I have a friend who is currently doing a tri camp thing in France where part of the camp is riding on the TDF course and seeing the race. That sounds REALLY appealing. Oh, and finally, I wanna get my inner roadie on next year. I'd like to enter a road race- just need to find the right one that doesn't conflict with everything else!
Hey gals! First time back in the forum since the training camp, went out to DC for work last week. Had a few great runs - this old aching body loves the humidity!! How the rest of you live and train through this constantly though, that requires serious hydration strategy, I mean it was great to be at a conference and never need to go to the bathroom but that can't be good in the long run .
@Michelle ;M - how was the DCHIM? I would like to do that some day, I'm assuming it's just beautiful.
OMG - what about this week's swim workouts??? Where did all this volume come from? My shoulders are dying today.
@Michelle C - bought me some tennis balls for my aching traps and have been doing the recommended shower stretches, thanks again for your help!
Posted By Heather La Freniere on 20 Jul 2010 11:00 AM
@Michelle ;M - how was the DCHIM? I would like to do that some day, I'm assuming it's just beautiful.
Yes, it's a great race! It's probably the best organized race I've ever done. Flat bike, hilly run. Mostly scenic, although after Coeur d'Alene, it's a little more difficult to appreciate the beauty of Door County My only complaint is the post-race food. The ONLY things available are pulled pork sandwiches and corn on the cob. For those of us who don't eat meat, that kinda sucks. However, I was SO hungry after the race (took in very few calories before and during the event) that I broke down and not only ate a pork sandwich...I ate two of them.
For those of us who don't eat meat, that kinda sucks. However, I was SO hungry after the race (took in very few calories before and during the event) that I broke down and not only ate a pork sandwich...I ate two of them.
That would have turned my vegetarian gut into a knot of pain! UGH! But Officer Steve would be proud of you
Ladies - thank you all for your words of wisdom and sharing your own experiences. it's helped a lot! Dan and I talked last night about all sorts of stuff - training and IMs included. Dan is an engineer and not exactly a talkative guy... and not exactly an emotional guy. It wasn't the easiest conversation in the world, but I think it was a very good first step. He definitely doesn't get the EN way... and I definitely have to watch my apparently incessant references to EN this and that and the Chicas (you're not the only one, Aimee)... thing is, he's doing a half with me in Aug and he's only done a few HIMs and has crapped out on the runs during them so I guess I thought my trying to talk about what I've learned would be helpful... apparently my delivery leaves a lot to be desired. So we talked about that stuff which had been on my mind... and about some relationship stuff which has also been on my mind. I have no idea what the end result was except to say my gut reaction wasn't good... and I've learned in the last few years to always trust my gut. I'm still processing it all, so I'll just leave it at that... I didn't sleep well (shocker). My throat was stiff as can be (i.e., hard to swallow) and my head was pounding when I got up... so I took the day and went back to bed. Sort of felt like I was in a fog all day (without drugs - but I know what you're feeling like, Kit and wonder myself if I have allergies) but did do my brick eventually which helped take my mind off things.
Assuming things with Dan work out, I may rethink my next year race plan (I didn't know IMWI and the EN 12 week out, drop dead date was such a HUGE flippin deal for him; apparently it is because he and his friends, who want to go on a bike trip, don't understand why I need to "put my life on hold" for the summer to train and why a 7-9 day bike tour of Ireland, riding every day, doesn't count as training). I thought I'd cleared this with Dan long before we started talking bike tour... but I think his friend Kristan has twisted it in his head bc she's not getting her way - I can only go before mid-June and she'd rather go in July or Aug (honestly, I do like her - this is coming off poorly - although she does get in her moods). I don't know... as I said, he and I need to talk more and I have to process... still have some time to figure it all out. Did I mention he told me he's not a super emotional guy and he's not the "fall madly and head over heels in love" type... at least he never has before. Hmm... he also said he can't get his head around my cats in his townhouse (granted, his place is like a museum to me and I can't get my head around my living there, let alone my cats). What the hell is that supposed to mean? I asked him if he loves me, thinks he could love me or if we ever get married would it be a shake hands type of business arrangement. he laughed, but you know, he never answered the question. It was just such a strange conversation that left more questions on the table... but I walked away with a strange "warning" gut feeling. Argh... it's all so strange. But, at the end of the day, sure I want a best friend (and that's who my husband/boyfriend should be) but I also want someone who thinks about me when I'm not there, who wants to do nice things for me just because, and who, deep down, loves me. To be honest, I've had doubts about Dan off and on... but this sort of put it all out there for me. He's so wonderful and we have a lot in common and 95% of the time it's easy (the Tuesdays in January, as we discussed months ago),but I never let myself go gaga crazy... I thought I was self-sabotaging myself like I always do... but I dont' think I am/I was. I think I'm finally getting comfortable with myself. So, ladies, we'll see. But I'm glad we're talking. Communication is good. So, one way or the other, this will work out for the best.
There I go rambling and writing another book. Sorry... but thanks. It's really nice to read that you've had similar feelings and dealings with the male ego...
@Barbara - great to hear from you! Congrats on your first tri of the season, reading about it I was frustrated for you about the swim. So glad your mom had a wonderful day/party! It sounds lovely!
@Beth - you should write a book! seriously, about everything! you've had some unique experiences, but I think you could make going to the grocery sound utterly magical! how are MooJo and Moose Man... and little moo-mooses on the way?
Suzanne...uck! the crazy dreams having been going on for about a week....not only of ironman, but just plain WEIRD ones!
Ladies who will be in IMLP- racing or otherwise...let's wear our visors to dinner on Thursday PM!
Kit- ugh! here's to wishing you feel better soon!
Tracy- saw the FB post, nope, won't be in LP until Thrusday afternoon....swam for about 15 minutes in our local 'finger' was warm and beautiful. Did lots of floating!
Carly- how are you doing?! YOu should be flying home soon!
Oh Becky, how I remember those awful dating moments! As much as I like to live vicariously through Beth's Single Girl life, I admit I would be scared as heck to return to the dating scene!
Joe has always been kinda quiet about his emotions as well. And some times I know he is frustrated by the time I spend on triathlon/ironman. So I have to read between the lines a lot. He rolls his eyes when I talk about EN, Chicas, and Moo Jo. But every now and then he does something that makes me realize he is listening.
Today I received an email from Joe which simply said this:
Hi Ladies! Checking in finally after a weekend totally off grid in the Holy Cross Wilderness. So many places to go in there but we were at Missouri Lakes. We hiked over 16 miles all the way up to 12,300'. We had spectacular weather!! On Friday night I slept the best I've ever slept in a tent. Not sure why but it was grand!
Kitima - i read with interest your stories of not being able to breathe. I'm on a mission to discover the reason behind my running getting so much slower lately. Among other theories that I am testing, I've taken note of a definite feeling that I can't breathe. Sounds differnt from yours as yours sounds like it's sinus related, while I'm having actual feelings of not being able to get enough air in my lungs. May go back to the allergy folks at National Jewish who did my allergy testing and who wanted me to do a breathing test last year which I declined. (The nerve...telling an Ironman athlete that she needed to have a breathing test. Pshaw!) Anyway, now I'm wondering if there truly is an allergy induced asthma thing going on.
Speaking of not being able to breathe, in my committment to do other random "workout-like-a-normal-person" stuff I have gone twice to this BoSu/MVe chair class at my gym the last 2 Tuesdays. HOLY CRAP! The BoSu part is intense cardio and hopping all over one or two of those crazy things and it KILLS ME! I can barely move my legs by the end of the :30. Granted, both times I've ridden my bike to the gym which is in effect a :30 time trial from my house, but still!! I cannot believe how that stuff brings me to my knees. Thankfully the MVe part, which is a lot of Pilates based movements, is good strong work for me that I know I can focus on and do thanks to the pilates DH and I did back in '08-'09.
So looking forward to stories from IMUSA this weekend!! Go Chicas!!
Hi Girls, really interesting stuff. Everyone is working, training, and relationships often challenge us beyond our comfort zone. When I am "off" with DH, I have a gut wrentching stomach all day until it is resolved. He is not a good "apologizer" nor am I, mostly we are in sync, but when not it is awful for me. He was very very interesting to watch and observe at HIM in Kona, he is a big time CEO guy, used to being in charge and after a week of lurking in the background of my week in Kona prepping for race and going to all the "events" it became very awkward. He is super supportive but I have made many mistakes "competing" with him in sports and really put my foot in my mouth about two weeks ago.
Anyway, good luck to all of you racing this weekend. We have had the most ridiculous heat ever. I am in the desert this weekend and it is 109 at 7:30 PM. I can only work out indoors and the pool doing laps this morning it was 94 outside and at least that in the pool (which I felt like I was swimming in a jacuzzi). Got the mile in anyway.
Rode with my kids last weekend in Malibu 72 miles, we are all doing a century together in August. Big news DH and I are going to Malaysia and I am searching for anyone who knows anyone who has ever biked there. I am doing some research and trying to get some Garmin Maps for Asia, flying my bike (so far anyway). Going to post this somewhere, not sure where though. Nemo always knows where to tell me to go for these random situations,
Heather , good to hear from you, you still blew me away at Rally and know you are going to race your pants off. After reading Katimas and others posts on their bike experiences I can only relate to Beth, I am doing my best to stay steady at 14-15 MPH, and hills just dust me. Did a 7 mile climb in Malibu and no mattter how hard I try I am at 7-9 MPH. Considering a new crank, just never seem to have a 911 gear. I always try to save 1 gear for emergency and then end up using it on tough hills and then have no where to go....out of saddle, giving it all I got just to get up the dang hill.
Anyway, just checking in and saying hello to all of you and love reading your stories, everyone seems to have very supportive friends, famiies and plenty on their plates, busy busy busy. Heather , how you do it with 3 little ones, still amazes me. I am a grandma now and my little one is just starting to ride a little tike bike. Have a great week. And if anyone knows anything about cycling in Malaysia, show me where to go (July 29-Aug 7th)
my mojo is still off... so no morning run... but I will swim tonight (stuff is already laid out). I'm thinking the 5k test tomorrow just isn't gonna happen - it's been so ridiculously hot and humid my running hasn't been very strong lately and tomorrow the weather will be just as bad and I don't think my confidence can handle a VDot drop... so I planning on a Th long run instead (that will also make up for the lost 45 minutes today), somewhere in the neighborhood of 120 minutes... I think that will be a good use of my time. I know I'll have more chances to test when I get into IM prep.
so, I threw an olive branch out to Dan... (1) asking if a bike tour next Oct (post IMWI) is an option. If not, I told him (2) we should talk, I would be willing to forgo an IM in 2011 provided I can do one in 2012... and reminded him that when I had laid out my thoughts and rationale for wanting to get it done in 2011 (possible marriage and then kiddos would mean many IM-free years ... and I wanted to do another while I could and while I was conditioned) he seemed onboard with it all so the conversation we had surprised me... true to his non-emotional/communicative form, he sent me a one liner email saying he'd check the bike trek (or whatever company it is) schedule to see if Oct is an option. Honestly, though... if the choice is biking in Ireland or IM, I'm gonna go with IM. I would love to do a European bike tour, but Ireland wouldn't be my choice (I'm a wino, not a beer drinker... so while it would be gorgeous, I'd be watching them carrouse at bars). I don't know. This is taking too much of my good life force.
What really gets me is when we spoke last night (briefly) he was photoshopping pics of us and printing them for frames... so while I'm all stressed out about our talk and what it all means, he's going on as if it never happened. I don't get men or at least this one. But, I guess i should take it as a good sign.
Anyway, week 8 of HIM prep. Gotta get my arse back in gear. Glad to have the plan working me. This time around, despite the fact that Dan is doing the HIM, I will do my best to not start every sentence that has anything to do with racing or training with EN. If he wants my help or suggestions he will ask. I need to not be so bossy... I think I'm being helpful, apparently it doesn't come across that way.
Again, thanks for reading and offering your suggestions and experiences. It really is so nice to know I'm not alone.
And, out of nowhere - to add to my favorite things: fresh peaches from the farmers' market that melt in your mouth!
Good luck to the IMLP chicas... Carly, I hope my tri top brings you lots of good mojo! I wore it an Eagleman and while it was a brutal day, considering the long swim and the crazy heat, I ended up having a pretty good day (translation, I didn't fall apart on the run)!
Posted By Kitima Boonvisudhi on 20 Jul 2010 09:47 AM
Starkman: Nice to hear from you. You are welcome here anytime. Any chance we could convince you to show up at IMMoo in a pink speedo?
Uh . . . . . um . . . . .NO! My ex-Fat Boy physique isn't really Speedo friendly. This pic I snapped of a sign in a women's clothing store window in Alexandria, VA a couple of weeks ago says it all about me. But thanks for asking.
Like everyone else with a non EN spouse, I really have to watch what I say. 2 years ago, my first iron race, I was on EN every night and CONSTANTLY saying "EN says..."
After the 2008 race was over, DH politely told me he was tired of hearing about EN. I stayed in EN but stopped talking about it unless he asked specifically. Fast forward 1 year to 2009 and he suggests I race IMWI in 2010. I warn him about EN and training load, but he is supportive. Here we are 8 weeks out from the race and last night I asked him if I was doing better this year. (I know I am but I wanted his perspective.) He shrugged and said "Yeah, I guess so". I made a joke out of that not being a ringing endorsement, but I refrained from listing all of the ways that I have improved.
I made a committment to spend less time on the forum when at home. If I can't be online at work, I might be off for a few days. I NEVER bring EN up unless he asks, and usually he is asking about Keith Patch and Coach P recovery. I do NOT discuss training.
Does he want help with training and getting fitter? You bet. Does he want to hear about EN? No way.
So it's a mix of walking a tight line. After 2 years I am navigating better.
Oh Marianne- I think I'm right there with you!!!
Becky- I totally understand your frustration. Sounds to me like the male ego took over for a little while- that's never very pretty. I'm actually relieved that Joe doesn't do Triathlons and only rides with me for "fun" stuff. It allows us each to have our own thing- but I'l admit, there are times I wish I had a built in training buddy like some of you do.
Oh- the apple/carrot thing was yummy. I added raisens just cause it seemed to fit. I couldn't believe how much there was just shredding ONE apple and ONE carrot! WOW, that's a lot of food! I couldn't eat the whole thing so I put half in a tupperware in the fridge. We'll see today at lunch if it survived OK. OK, now I'm making myself hungry! Gotta go!
Kris, I love your under the bridge pics! Way to capitalize on an enforced run break.
Michele, I'm with you. Sometimes quiet and boring is just what I want out of life. I'll take minimal drama, thank you!
Becky, sorry about the frustrating ride with Dan. I enjoyed reading your tale, though, and I could actually feel your frustration building as the story progressed. By the end I was a little tense!
Can't give you any insight to the male ego, though.
I have the opposite problem with Tabitha - she's a good rider - not as strong as me, but she doesn't ride as often or consistently, either. She's really sensitive about it, though, so she won't even try to ride with me for fear she won't be able to keep up. That's no fun! Oh, and I don't know about the Primal cookbook. Just because I'm eating "clean" doesn't mean I want to eat boring, tasteless food with weird ingredients. We do a lot of grilled protein +/- a quick sauce with tomatoes, onions, garlic etc, and a couple different kinds of vegetables.
We had another enjoyable weekend of TDF viewing. We saw Inception at the theater - I liked it ok, and it was visually stunning at times, but I didn't like it as much as I wanted to like it. Took a Sunday nap after a run and a swim, and had my sister over for dinner. All in all, a great weekend! I was off the Paleo this weekend, though, and today I'm ravenous despite all the good paleo stuff I'm shovelling in my mouth.
Have a great Monday, everyone!
I was rrrrealllyyyy bad but it was so good on my splurge meal last night.... Was on my own last night for dinner so went out for light beer, cheese pizza and breadsticks. Bought a People magazine at store and sat and read through it whilst indulging. A TOTAL splurge. Usually I catch up on People at nail salon or doctor office (he he he). Mostly I like to look at the pictures.... love some of the dresses, love to hate some of the dresses. Enjoyed it all going down but man, I have issues digesting that kind of stuff right now. Back on wagon today!!
Getting nervous and jittery about LP...the "what if's" are really starting to come into play. Making some mojo posters right now while Abby naps.
Kris- loved the pics!
Nemo- glad you liked the apple/carrot thing. I like to use it as "dessert".
Linda- good to hear from you on FB!
Well, keep you posted. We leave for LP on Thursday!
Safe travels to everyone doing LP this weekend! Sending positive vibes your way for good weather, good health, and safe racing. Have fun with it! After all, it's a privilege to be able to do what we do.
Lurker John here . . . . .
Just wanted to tell all you ladies how damn cool it is to follow your posts! You all have something special and it is very fun to watch!
EN Chica's ROCK!
OK, just wanted to say "Hi!" Now I will go back to lurker status.
P.S. Kris Frazier you are looking lean girl!
thanks, gals... glad to know I'm not the only one. at least for once in my life I knew enough to bite my tongue and not offer feedback on his style/technique/nutrition choices (actually I bite my tongue every time we ride together about that stuff) - as I've learned from many years of exerpience at various gyms, boys do not like to be corrected at all, particularly not by little girls - whether or not the little girls can kick their tushes. So, unless I really think someone is going to absolutely kill themselves by doing something horribly wrong, I will let bad form and ridiculously too heavy weights (which often goes hand in hand with bad form) go and try not to laugh out loud or make faces of horror or disgust or general amusement. I do endurance stuff (with moderate success), Dan does not; he likes sprints and OLYs and will max out at maybe a half marathon every few years (absolutely nothing wrong with that)... so, if he wants my advice he will ask. I do wonder how things will go at Timberman (he's also racing)... I can't help but be a bit competitive and hope that I keep things close...certanly closer than I think he'd like (not that he would ever say it).
@Kristen - sorry to read Tabitha is a bit skittish about heading out with you. But I know where she's coming from. I didn't join up with a running club for years bc I was afraid I was too slow and wouldn't make friends, etc. and I'd been a bit hesitant to go out on group rides for fear of getting dropped or something...but in the last year or so I got over it and started living life for me and doing what I wanted... Heck, in group runs I end up in my own pace group (often bc I have my Garmin programmed and I'm crazy disciplined about my training) same with the rides I've done bc I'm not as good as the "A" folks and am too fast for the "C" group... so the B group stands for Becky... I don't mind and, I came to realize, no one else does either and they like me all the same. I just had to get over the initial insecurity. I'm sure over time, if you encourage her enough (maybe now that you've taken IMFL off the list and can relax a bit more) and are supportive of her efforts, which I'm sure you are, she'll come out of her shell. I suspect that in her way she's trying to respect your amazing athleticism as much as preserving her own ego... she might not really believe that you want her company and want her to participate and enjoy your hobbies with you... which would make them exponentially more enjoyable for you.
Anyway, I plan to make the carrot/apple slaw... tonight if all goes well!
Added the ingredients to my grocery list - and will stop by the store on my way over to Dan's (he's helping me by looking over all my mortgage papers before I send them in). Looking forward to it! So thanks to Dana for the recipe and Kristen for the reminder. Kris, can't wait to read your review of the Primal Cookbook... wonder if it's necessary/helpful (as I don't plan to add organ meats to my diet any time soon
... but I will say that I'm having a bit more fun now that I've added red meat into the diet; granted I haven't gone super crazy - have had free range buffalo burgers once or twice)...
Dana and Suz - just trust the training and have fun! Granted it's easy for me to say... remind me I said it come mid October!
I've got a training event Sunday morning, but I will be tracking you all afternoon when that is done!!!
Hi all -
Been getting caught up - fun to read at work today to get through Monday!
@Becky - my DH goes from being quite excited/proud/supportive about my first IM to thinking all the preparation is a bit much! Depends on the day! I try not to start every sentence with "EN says...." He esp does not dig the EN hill climbing style. He is a roadie and does not like how I just drop back..he wants me out of the saddle! I do explain in general, but sometimes just let him have his say..This weekend he came on my race rehearsal ride and was impressed with my endurance "you didn't die at the end" - -Thanks hon!
So I will just let my actions speak, eh?
@ ;Michele - let's ride chica! You may recall I'm doing race rehearsal on the Cape/Chatham on Aug 6th (a Friday) you are more than welcome to join
@Kristen - I'm a little late on this but congrats on your decision re: IMFL! it must be a load off your mind. When it's not right, you just know..
@Kris - thanks for all your helpful posts here and on iamtri re: IMKY; hope to meet you there!
@LP'ers Dana, Suzanne, Carly, (who am I missing?)- so excited to follow the race this weekend - and then read the reports!
@ ;John - nice to see you over here! Visit again soon
To everyone heading up to LP this weekend, may you have the day you dream of (and not the crazy dreams, the warm fuzzy ones!) Can't wait for the stories, pics etc
I have been off the radar for awhile, as life got a little complicated lately, with some personal things. Won't go into that, but just too much going on, to take the time to sit and catch up. I truly have missed all of you though! I keep up with some of you on F.B. One thing that has kept me very busy, but has been such an utter joy, has been the planning of my Mom's 90th birthday party! We had the party at her house yesterday, with approx. 25 guests/family/friends. It was wonderful! She doesn't talk much anymore, except on her good days. However, she was happy to see everyone, and she was showered with attention! I loved planning it for her and we had such a lovely day. She loves roses and pink, so I had 2 doz. light pink roses with Baby's Breath, in a vase, as her centerpiece for the table. Lots of food around the roses, and crystal candlesticks with white tapered candles. The theme was pink, pink, pink!
I didn't do my long bike Saturday, as I am heading to Louisville this Friday, to ride the entire course on Saturday. Heads up Kris!!! I have to meet you and Aimee!! I plan to start a couple of hours earlier than the rest of the iAmTri group, as my avg. mph is currently 16.5, and I'm afraid I'll be dropped and the last one out there. So, Kris, if you're there, I'll look for the Chica visor! I wiill wear my EN jersey, as I have been doing when I go down to the Ville. I'll be on Queen B, my Specialized Transition Comp. She's black and yellow; thus the Queen B reference! And you are so right about what a great guy Bob Baney is! He has to be, to set up these training rides for all of us, just because!
I did my first tri of the season, just this Saturday! Valpo has a sprint tri every July, that I participate in. This year they made the waves larger, rather than making more of them, as they sold out! It was my first true experience of a swimming scrum! We were getting pummeled! It didn't freak me out at all, just frustrated the heck out of me, as I couldn't get around the woman backstroking in front of me, or the one on my left who was side stroking, nor the one on my right, swimming the same pace as me! I'm pretty slow anyways, but the swim was a little slower due to 'traffic'. Have to admit though, that it was excellent practice for IMLOU! Glad to have had the experience! Got that over with!
It has been hot enough to fry an egg on the pavement, here! And humid as well. Again, great opportunities to train, and get ready for Louisville!
I am so nervous, scared, excited, that I don't know which emotion I'll feel on race day. I imagine all of them! As for all of you doing IMLP this weekend, I am nervous and excited for you too!!! Wish I could be there to watch! Perhaps I can attend Camp there next year, to see what it is all about! Gotta work on my climbing mojo between now and then!
You know, going back to my Mom's truly helped me to refocus on what is important. And between family, friends and health, I can't think of anything else!! I have wonderful friends, who took their time to help me out with getting ready for the party, and others who drove long distances to come and honor my Mom. My family came together to enjoy the day with everyone, and it just made me happy, happy, happy.
You all are such strong, amazing women! I am so fortunate to have made friends with you and get to know more about you. The wisdom you have all shared about triathlon, and life, has been fantastic! EN CHICAS ROCK!!! Just sayin'...
Hope I haven't rambled too much here. Sorry for not listing everyone personally. As long as I've been off of the forum, it would turn into a novel if I did that!
Have a great day tomorrow, and a productive, happy week! GO IMLP Peeps!!!!
@Becky - For you, a tale of a bike ride with an exbf gone wrong: I rode the Dairyland Dare course with the ex, who a) hadn't really trained at all, even though he was warned about the difficultly of the course and we had been signed up to do this ride for oh, six months b) had a brand new saddle c) Was riding a double and an 11-23.
Because this was vacation and my season was done, I gave dude a "get out of ride at anytime free" card. We could bail fifteen minutes in and go have a fantastic time in the Wisconsin countryside. The ride happened to fall on one of the hottest days last summer. Smart Beth, arms with extra Infinit and Scaps!, offers to share and explains her new nutrition plan to survive the hot day. Dude declines, claiming he doesn't want such things. I tell him that is quite fine, but if he gets dehyrated, I'm not going to feel sorry for him.
Bike ride is, predictably, cut a little short, but not a lot. And, at some point, I had to made a deal to not use the granny gear on my triple when climbing hills. Dude gets to the end of the ride and is toasted. Completely dehydrated. The nice medical people let him know he can either re-hydrate the hard way (fluid intake and being miserable for awhile) or the easy way (visit to the ER for an IV). Yeah. . Let's just say my inner, perfect Clara Barton, healing the sick instinct didn't kick in (I don't know if I have one of those). I played Tetris on my phone and then dragged dude out to dinner later. I tried to take care of him. He refused. Didn't practice good self-care and we got to spend vacation time in the ER. Lame. I still feel a badly about his day, but dude also forgot he was also on my vacation -- not just his. Not the sort of relationship day you can feel good about.
@Barb -- That sounds like a lovely party.
@IMLP ladies -- I'm so excited for you all!
@John - Hi!
Oh, am I tired! I remembered it was summer and I live in a fabulous city last weekend. There was playing. Lots of it. And I think I found an apartment I really, really like. Alas, I have to admit I can't train for an Ironman and go be out all weekend. Seriously in need of a few days of rest.
But is was good for the soul and totally worth the tired. This morning is "wife morning"-- I'm doing much-needed laundry and cleaning. There is no cycling gear in the kitchen. All spandex is clean. I have groceries. Victory!
Michele M: I am jealous that your race season is done. Good on ya for doing Race Prep in WI in the springtime! IMWI does make for a long season, but fortunately it does end right before cyclocross season.
Starkman: Nice to hear from you. You are welcome here anytime. Any chance we could convince you to show up at IMMoo in a pink speedo?
Barb: What a wonderful thing you did for your mom's birthday! My mom is one of the best and most precious people in my life. It just warmed my heart to hear you talk about yours.
Becky: Oh Dan, Dan, Dan...sounds like he was just embarrassed about getting chicked on the ride by you. You did the right thing by being a good gf and rescuing him AND biting your tongue while he was throwing his tantrum. For IM training, I've found that declaring my ride/run goals to the DH (for example, "I am riding X intervals in this amount of time and shall be climbing at Y watts...You may orbit around me during this workout if you wish.") is the best so that it's clear that you are not racing him or trying to out do him. That being said, it is fun and really quite helpful sometimes to try and race and out do him during long as he knows that's what you're doing.
As for the nutrition part, I guess gentle suggestion is the nicest way to do it. On our first date, my DH was gonna "show me around some climbs in the Finger Lakes" (climbs I'd done as part of century, but I didn't say anything and let him be "The Man"). He spectacularly bonked at the top of the last climb and had to ask me a spare gel. Since then,he's been completely open to any and all my suggestions about bike nutrition.
Appetite: I have NONE which is not right for me. As many of my Chica pals witness at the Cowgirl camp, I'm getting clobbered by allergies this summer. After 7 days of religiously taking Zyrtec, I still go through a nightly routine of being completely stuffed up and mouth breathing like a fish out of water. I also have some lovely tightness in my chest and shortness of breath at FTP. I'm taking every decongestant, antihistamine (pill and nasal spray that I can get my hands on. The result is a few hours of being able to breathe during the day (good for work and training), but mentally I'm a zombie and all the meds are suppressing my typical ravenous hunger. I've cried "Uncle!" and made an appointment with the Allergy doc this Thurs...
Gina & Michele C----those shots and even low dose Prednisone sounds really, really good to me right now. No more whining about them from me !
The upside (besides no appetite) is that the more active I am the more I can breathe---must be shunting of blood flow from my nasal passages to the muscles? So at least I'm motivated to train so that I can have a few more moments of breathing through my nose!
Kris- man, you are rockin cool to volunteer to be SAG for an 80 miler smack dab in the middle of your own Ironman training!!! I don't know if I could be that generous. So cool!
Beth- I'm living a little "single girl life" vicariously through you :-)
Kitboo- no appetite? OK, now I KNOW something is wrong with you! Hope the allergist visit helps!
STARKMAN!!! Nice to see you pop in to say hello. I'll second Beth's recommendation that you come out to Madison for the EN CHICA MILE 18 PARTY! Would love to see ya again.
I'm licking my wounds from watching TDF yesterday. My heart simply SANK when Andy dropped the chain. I couldn't watch the very end with the podium ceremony- I just couldn't bare it. So it wasn't until later in the day that I heard about (and then watched) the fans booo Contadore as he put on the yellow jersey. Very interesting day indeed.
Oh- and I'm already scheming and planning for my 2011 season. I want to have FUN FUN FUN next year! TOC is booked- I'm in for sure and believe it or not Joe is joining me (as a worker bee for Rich & Patrick). I had soooo much fun at Chica Camp that I really hope we can get together for another one next year- even if I'm not training for a IM. Maybe the LP Camp this time around- I've always wanted to ride up that way. Or maybe we'll all follow Linda to Maine :-) Oh- and I have a friend who is currently doing a tri camp thing in France where part of the camp is riding on the TDF course and seeing the race. That sounds REALLY appealing. Oh, and finally, I wanna get my inner roadie on next year. I'd like to enter a road race- just need to find the right one that doesn't conflict with everything else!
OK- I better get back to work :-)
Hey gals! First time back in the forum since the training camp, went out to DC for work last week. Had a few great runs - this old aching body loves the humidity!! How the rest of you live and train through this constantly though, that requires serious hydration strategy, I mean it was great to be at a conference and never need to go to the bathroom but that can't be good in the long run
@Michelle ;M - how was the DCHIM? I would like to do that some day, I'm assuming it's just beautiful.
OMG - what about this week's swim workouts??? Where did all this volume come from? My shoulders are dying today.
@Michelle C - bought me some tennis balls for my aching traps and have been doing the recommended shower stretches, thanks again for your help!
Yes, it's a great race! It's probably the best organized race I've ever done. Flat bike, hilly run. Mostly scenic, although after Coeur d'Alene, it's a little more difficult to appreciate the beauty of Door County
My only complaint is the post-race food. The ONLY things available are pulled pork sandwiches and corn on the cob. For those of us who don't eat meat, that kinda sucks. However, I was SO hungry after the race (took in very few calories before and during the event) that I broke down and not only ate a pork sandwich...I ate two of them. 
Ladies - thank you all for your words of wisdom and sharing your own experiences. it's helped a lot! Dan and I talked last night about all sorts of stuff - training and IMs included. Dan is an engineer and not exactly a talkative guy... and not exactly an emotional guy. It wasn't the easiest conversation in the world, but I think it was a very good first step. He definitely doesn't get the EN way... and I definitely have to watch my apparently incessant references to EN this and that and the Chicas (you're not the only one, Aimee)... thing is, he's doing a half with me in Aug and he's only done a few HIMs and has crapped out on the runs during them so I guess I thought my trying to talk about what I've learned would be helpful... apparently my delivery leaves a lot to be desired. So we talked about that stuff which had been on my mind... and about some relationship stuff which has also been on my mind. I have no idea what the end result was except to say my gut reaction wasn't good... and I've learned in the last few years to always trust my gut. I'm still processing it all, so I'll just leave it at that... I didn't sleep well (shocker). My throat was stiff as can be (i.e., hard to swallow) and my head was pounding when I got up... so I took the day and went back to bed. Sort of felt like I was in a fog all day (without drugs - but I know what you're feeling like, Kit and wonder myself if I have allergies) but did do my brick eventually which helped take my mind off things.
Assuming things with Dan work out, I may rethink my next year race plan (I didn't know IMWI and the EN 12 week out, drop dead date was such a HUGE flippin deal for him; apparently it is because he and his friends, who want to go on a bike trip, don't understand why I need to "put my life on hold" for the summer to train and why a 7-9 day bike tour of Ireland, riding every day, doesn't count as training). I thought I'd cleared this with Dan long before we started talking bike tour... but I think his friend Kristan has twisted it in his head bc she's not getting her way - I can only go before mid-June and she'd rather go in July or Aug (honestly, I do like her - this is coming off poorly - although she does get in her moods). I don't know... as I said, he and I need to talk more and I have to process... still have some time to figure it all out. Did I mention he told me he's not a super emotional guy and he's not the "fall madly and head over heels in love" type... at least he never has before. Hmm... he also said he can't get his head around my cats in his townhouse (granted, his place is like a museum to me and I can't get my head around my living there, let alone my cats). What the hell is that supposed to mean? I asked him if he loves me, thinks he could love me or if we ever get married would it be a shake hands type of business arrangement. he laughed, but you know, he never answered the question. It was just such a strange conversation that left more questions on the table... but I walked away with a strange "warning" gut feeling. Argh... it's all so strange. But, at the end of the day, sure I want a best friend (and that's who my husband/boyfriend should be) but I also want someone who thinks about me when I'm not there, who wants to do nice things for me just because, and who, deep down, loves me. To be honest, I've had doubts about Dan off and on... but this sort of put it all out there for me. He's so wonderful and we have a lot in common and 95% of the time it's easy (the Tuesdays in January, as we discussed months ago),but I never let myself go gaga crazy... I thought I was self-sabotaging myself like I always do... but I dont' think I am/I was. I think I'm finally getting comfortable with myself. So, ladies, we'll see. But I'm glad we're talking. Communication is good. So, one way or the other, this will work out for the best.
There I go rambling and writing another book. Sorry... but thanks. It's really nice to read that you've had similar feelings and dealings with the male ego...
@Barbara - great to hear from you! Congrats on your first tri of the season, reading about it I was frustrated for you about the swim. So glad your mom had a wonderful day/party! It sounds lovely!
@Beth - you should write a book! seriously, about everything! you've had some unique experiences, but I think you could make going to the grocery sound utterly magical! how are MooJo and Moose Man... and little moo-mooses on the way?
Ladies who will be in IMLP- racing or otherwise...let's wear our visors to dinner on Thursday PM!
Kit- ugh! here's to wishing you feel better soon!
Tracy- saw the FB post, nope, won't be in LP until Thrusday afternoon....swam for about 15 minutes in our local 'finger' was warm and beautiful. Did lots of floating!
Carly- how are you doing?! YOu should be flying home soon!
Oh Becky, how I remember those awful dating moments! As much as I like to live vicariously through Beth's Single Girl life, I admit I would be scared as heck to return to the dating scene!
Joe has always been kinda quiet about his emotions as well. And some times I know he is frustrated by the time I spend on triathlon/ironman. So I have to read between the lines a lot. He rolls his eyes when I talk about EN, Chicas, and Moo Jo. But every now and then he does something that makes me realize he is listening.
Today I received an email from Joe which simply said this:
Milk Moo Jo or else!
He has a twisted sense of humor- but this is how he shows me he loves me.
Kitima - i read with interest your stories of not being able to breathe. I'm on a mission to discover the reason behind my running getting so much slower lately. Among other theories that I am testing, I've taken note of a definite feeling that I can't breathe. Sounds differnt from yours as yours sounds like it's sinus related, while I'm having actual feelings of not being able to get enough air in my lungs. May go back to the allergy folks at National Jewish who did my allergy testing and who wanted me to do a breathing test last year which I declined. (The nerve...telling an Ironman athlete that she needed to have a breathing test. Pshaw!) Anyway, now I'm wondering if there truly is an allergy induced asthma thing going on.
Speaking of not being able to breathe, in my committment to do other random "workout-like-a-normal-person" stuff I have gone twice to this BoSu/MVe chair class at my gym the last 2 Tuesdays. HOLY CRAP! The BoSu part is intense cardio and hopping all over one or two of those crazy things and it KILLS ME! I can barely move my legs by the end of the :30. Granted, both times I've ridden my bike to the gym which is in effect a :30 time trial from my house, but still!! I cannot believe how that stuff brings me to my knees. Thankfully the MVe part, which is a lot of Pilates based movements, is good strong work for me that I know I can focus on and do thanks to the pilates DH and I did back in '08-'09.
So looking forward to stories from IMUSA this weekend!! Go Chicas!!
Olivia -- I love the BOSU ball. And that workout sounds amazing. The BOSU is the only reason I actually do my core work. So. Much. Fun.
Hi Girls, really interesting stuff. Everyone is working, training, and relationships often challenge us beyond our comfort zone. When I am "off" with DH, I have a gut wrentching stomach all day until it is resolved. He is not a good "apologizer" nor am I, mostly we are in sync, but when not it is awful for me. He was very very interesting to watch and observe at HIM in Kona, he is a big time CEO guy, used to being in charge and after a week of lurking in the background of my week in Kona prepping for race and going to all the "events" it became very awkward. He is super supportive but I have made many mistakes "competing" with him in sports and really put my foot in my mouth about two weeks ago.
Anyway, good luck to all of you racing this weekend. We have had the most ridiculous heat ever. I am in the desert this weekend and it is 109 at 7:30 PM. I can only work out indoors and the pool doing laps this morning it was 94 outside and at least that in the pool (which I felt like I was swimming in a jacuzzi). Got the mile in anyway.
Rode with my kids last weekend in Malibu 72 miles, we are all doing a century together in August. Big news DH and I are going to Malaysia and I am searching for anyone who knows anyone who has ever biked there. I am doing some research and trying to get some Garmin Maps for Asia, flying my bike (so far anyway). Going to post this somewhere, not sure where though. Nemo always knows where to tell me to go for these random situations,
Heather , good to hear from you, you still blew me away at Rally and know you are going to race your pants off. After reading Katimas and others posts on their bike experiences I can only relate to Beth, I am doing my best to stay steady at 14-15 MPH, and hills just dust me. Did a 7 mile climb in Malibu and no mattter how hard I try I am at 7-9 MPH. Considering a new crank, just never seem to have a 911 gear. I always try to save 1 gear for emergency and then end up using it on tough hills and then have no where to go....out of saddle, giving it all I got just to get up the dang hill.
Anyway, just checking in and saying hello to all of you and love reading your stories, everyone seems to have very supportive friends, famiies and plenty on their plates, busy busy busy. Heather , how you do it with 3 little ones, still amazes me. I am a grandma now and my little one is just starting to ride a little tike bike. Have a great week. And if anyone knows anything about cycling in Malaysia, show me where to go (July 29-Aug 7th)
Sorry Beth, I meant Barbara
my mojo is still off... so no morning run... but I will swim tonight (stuff is already laid out). I'm thinking the 5k test tomorrow just isn't gonna happen - it's been so ridiculously hot and humid my running hasn't been very strong lately and tomorrow the weather will be just as bad and I don't think my confidence can handle a VDot drop... so I planning on a Th long run instead (that will also make up for the lost 45 minutes today), somewhere in the neighborhood of 120 minutes... I think that will be a good use of my time. I know I'll have more chances to test when I get into IM prep.
so, I threw an olive branch out to Dan... (1) asking if a bike tour next Oct (post IMWI) is an option. If not, I told him (2) we should talk, I would be willing to forgo an IM in 2011 provided I can do one in 2012... and reminded him that when I had laid out my thoughts and rationale for wanting to get it done in 2011 (possible marriage and then kiddos would mean many IM-free years ... and I wanted to do another while I could and while I was conditioned) he seemed onboard with it all so the conversation we had surprised me... true to his non-emotional/communicative form, he sent me a one liner email saying he'd check the bike trek (or whatever company it is) schedule to see if Oct is an option. Honestly, though... if the choice is biking in Ireland or IM, I'm gonna go with IM. I would love to do a European bike tour, but Ireland wouldn't be my choice (I'm a wino, not a beer drinker... so while it would be gorgeous, I'd be watching them carrouse at bars). I don't know. This is taking too much of my good life force.
What really gets me is when we spoke last night (briefly) he was photoshopping pics of us and printing them for frames... so while I'm all stressed out about our talk and what it all means, he's going on as if it never happened. I don't get men or at least this one. But, I guess i should take it as a good sign.
Anyway, week 8 of HIM prep. Gotta get my arse back in gear. Glad to have the plan working me. This time around, despite the fact that Dan is doing the HIM, I will do my best to not start every sentence that has anything to do with racing or training with EN.
If he wants my help or suggestions he will ask. I need to not be so bossy... I think I'm being helpful, apparently it doesn't come across that way.
Again, thanks for reading and offering your suggestions and experiences. It really is so nice to know I'm not alone.
And, out of nowhere - to add to my favorite things: fresh peaches from the farmers' market that melt in your mouth!
Good luck to the IMLP chicas... Carly, I hope my tri top brings you lots of good mojo! I wore it an Eagleman and while it was a brutal day, considering the long swim and the crazy heat, I ended up having a pretty good day (translation, I didn't fall apart on the run)!
Uh . . . . . um . . . . .NO! My ex-Fat Boy physique isn't really Speedo friendly. This pic I snapped of a sign in a women's clothing store window in Alexandria, VA a couple of weeks ago says it all about me.
LMAO - that sign is AWESOME! I love it!
After the 2008 race was over, DH politely told me he was tired of hearing about EN. I stayed in EN but stopped talking about it unless he asked specifically. Fast forward 1 year to 2009 and he suggests I race IMWI in 2010. I warn him about EN and training load, but he is supportive. Here we are 8 weeks out from the race and last night I asked him if I was doing better this year. (I know I am but I wanted his perspective.) He shrugged and said "Yeah, I guess so". I made a joke out of that not being a ringing endorsement, but I refrained from listing all of the ways that I have improved.
I made a committment to spend less time on the forum when at home. If I can't be online at work, I might be off for a few days. I NEVER bring EN up unless he asks, and usually he is asking about Keith Patch and Coach P recovery. I do NOT discuss training.
Does he want help with training and getting fitter? You bet. Does he want to hear about EN? No way.
So it's a mix of walking a tight line. After 2 years I am navigating better.