The Trial Members "Macro" Thread: how does EN work with my Big Picture, Season Goals/Race Schedule
Da Rules:
- This thread is for two way conversations between the Original Poster (OP, you) and the Coaches only
- Please, no trial members giving advice to trials, members to trials, etc. Coaches and OP's only please.
- No questions about gear, nutrition, etc. Big picture, season planning stuff only. Thanks!
Many of you have questions about EN will "work" for you across your planned race season:
"I'm in blah blah shape right now, plan to race IMUSA next year with the Podunk Half IM as a work up in June. I live in Potterville, KS. How would you structure my season?"
...or something similar, you get the idea .
First, this is how our "Team Coaching" model works:
- If you decide to join, your first payment receipt will direct you to a page with some instructions. You'll be directed to fill out our "Training Plan Survey," where you tell us your top five races for the season.
- Patrick and I will look at your submission, do the smart guy thing, and load the appropriate training plans into your account.
- We'll then send you a personal email: "Because of X, I've loaded Y into your account. I recommend you consider blah blah, ask us about blah blah after this race, you may want to seach out TeamEN Member Timmy Smith because he's also racing the Podunk HIM, also has 8 kids and rides a beach cruiser in the races."
- Your training is then revealed to you in a rolling 3-4 week window, so you have what you need, when you need it.
- We also have a Season Planning Toolkit in the Wiki. You can't see it yet, but it's a spreadsheet and some screencasts by Patrick. We recommend you use these to plan out your season using our guidance. You, and we, will then reference this plan when we discuss your season, and changes in the Macro Thread in the General Discussion Forum
- Multimedia: Each week of your training plan has 3-6 content items (podcasts, videos, ebooks, blog posts, and more) associated with it.
- Additional support is provide by the Coaches and Team in our Forums. Have a question about your training, how to change the schedule next week to account for work travel? Just ask in the forum!
- Our two primary support tools are Micro and Macro threads in the General Discussion forum. Visit that link to check out how it's done, and go here to read archived versions of these threads (link coming soon, sorry)
- Then, going forward, you have open access to our entire suite of 20+ training plans. You can load any of these plans yourself into your Training Plan Dashboard.
- At any point, if you have questions about anything at all (what to do this week, macro level changes to your training plan, how to perform a specific workout, race day execution, or any other possible question) you just...ask! The coaches and the team will give you prompt and ludicrously high quality feedback. you have questions about how we and you would use our Team Coaching model and the training plans to manage your season? Please post to THIS thread.
Hi Patrick and Rich,
If I join at the end of the two weeks , I am mid way through my IM AZ training. Will you adapt my training program to account for this and consider my current state of fitness and what stage I am currently at to take me through the final weeks.
Absolutely! A lot depends on the equipment you have and your goals for the race, but we definitely get you 100% on the Race Execution Protocol so that your day, with your fitness _as is_ will be a good one. This takes a bit more lifting on our end to make sure that you are in a good place with your final weeks of training, but we are cognizant of the importance to you and will do our best! Besides, you get to plug into the Team Dinner, Four Keys Talk and maybe get some Mile 18 mojo from Coach Rich too!!!
Vicki - That depends on a few things.
First, how long has your season been? aeen hitting it hard since January and you ask me this in Sept, I'll say that's not a good idea. It's physically possible but the mental cost is great and often sets you back heading into the next cycle.
Second, how much of the IM did you "race?" If you ran the whole marathon, you've got some serious fatigue you'll need to shake out. However, if you blew up / run-walked / etc, that might not be so bad.
Third, how well have you recovered thus far? If you have been really diligent with food and elevation and stretching, you might be better situated.
At the end of the day, it's 100% possible but a function of how well you are willing to toe the line to make it work!
Thanks Patrick,
I have several questions that in my mind all meld together. I'll try to get them in a sequential type arrangement so they flow a little better. I currently have the 12-week Advanced plan that I purchased from you in April 2010 to get me ready for IMLOU (my 1st IM). I used a General Prep week repeatedly over and over until it was time to kick in the 12-week plan.
I like racing and want to do several other races during the year, knowing that the BIGGIE is IMLOU again at the end of August. If I follow the Outseason Plan, when should it start, assuming my first race of the season is at the end of April 2011 as a sprint, then a few weeks later would be a 70.3 that I enjoy doing?
If I already have the 12-week plan that seemed to work well for me, would it work to pay for the Outseason plan, then drop off and use my 12-week Advanced plan that I've already paid for? I hate not using that plan, since I already have it and the resources that came with it. I understand I don't completely grasp the EN broad strokes of the plan setup yet, but the more I look in the forum, the more I learn.
Lastly, with no swimming in the Outseason plan, when would I start swimming to get ready for early season races and would I simply follow a "general prep" plan for that under your program? I know you may be "giving away" too much in these answers so I hope I've left you enough wiggle room.
This year I did my first half Vineman 70.3 (this was also my first tri season) without any training plan and was getting a little tired during final prep for the race, and recovered quite poorly from it. (Took 2 weeks completely off, then started working on my fitness again with the intent of being pretty fit yet well rested to start the outseason plan).
Greetings from London
My 2011 races include: May Half Marathon, July Half IM and September IMWI. I think I would start the OS plan Jan 3, correct?
I see a 20 week OS plan and a 12 or 20 week IM program. Do these IM specific programs include all the phases, i.e. general prep, pre-race, etc.?
Lastly, if I sign up now and secure the $99/month membership, can I put a hold on my membership right away until I actually start, Jan 2011?
Not sure if this is the appropriate sub-forum but I'm trying to decide between getting the OS plan or going the full member route. I have decided that either route I take, I will modify the plan to fit my personal experience, fitness goals (e.g. 2 winter marathons) and interests (e.g. I plan to swim this winter because I like to SWIM, bike and run). If this is too against the grain for the forum, I will just purchase the plan, modify it myself and get the in-season plan if I like the OS plan. However, I like the idea of a forum of like-minded athletes & knowledgeable coaches to offer motivation and provide guidance.
Here's a little background that may be pertinent:
--I'm 40 y.o. & I've been doing tris for 7 years (4 IMs, 15 HIMs). Best IM was IMAZ (10:2X with a couple flats and having the flu at week -3; 1:09 swim; 5:2? bike; 3:45 run); best HIM was Rev3 Cedar Point (4:44 in good conditions). I'm not talented but my motivation comes from doing the best I can and then trying to go faster.
--No background in any discipline
--would like to go sub 10 at IM Austria in 2011 (one of the fastest IM courses)
--I hate doing very high intensity workouts in training (I feel like I am going to die every time I do the LT bike test and have trouble holding my HIM pace for longer than 4 miles in training) but love it in racing. Training in a group always brings out the best in me but it is hard to coordinate group training. Maybe the forum will offer inspiration??
--I get a lot of motivation from racing frequently. I plan to do 2-3 HIMs before my IM and another HIM 4-6 wks after (and maybe a Rev3 IM 10 weeks after IM Austria if the motivation is there).
--I work from home and have a lot of flexibility with my job. I can't take off for 4 hr bike rides in the middle of the day but a 20+ hr training week isn't usually a problem. I also have no kids and my wife also does tris (i.e. no guilt about abandoning the family). I realize this may not be the case forever so I want to make the most out of my good fortune while it lasts. Will EN help me get the most out of my limited athletic ability or is it just for those who want to go really hard for those who can only train for 10-12 hrs per week?
I am not trying to rock the boat, I simply want to know if this is the boat for me. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
@Ed -- Great questions! I suggest you start the OS either in OCT or NOV (latest)…an OCT start exits you on 3/1 with time to recover and then train for the 70.3, doing the sprint along the way. A NOV start puts you out on 4/1, which is tight with the rest of your season, but might be required you are still racing in Sept/Oct of this year. I would then modify your adv plan to get you to the half, then another break, then the full adv plan to your race. Or, as a plan purchaser, you could sign up for 3 x $49/mo for the first three months, save $150 on membership, and get the full Team experience. 100% up to you. As for the swimming, our 2010 plans have a swim hack document that include 20 weeks of swimming but separate from the OS plans…you can use that as you see fit. Most folks do fine starting a swim focus period (as in 4x/week) during the transition period from the OS when they aren't biking/running…then carrying that into the regular season.
@Ben -- Experience shows you'll want 2 weeks of rest post the OS; you'll be fine to build to a Half at the end, even if it's just 7 weeks. Recover for 1-2 weeks after the half and then jump into the full. You can (A) buy the HIM plan and modify it up for the full too, (B) buy the full IM plan and cut it back for the half, or (c) use the 3 x $49/mo discount to join up and we'll give you access to all the plans as you need them, with support and guidance too boot. Your call.
@Scott -- We say no. Knowing that you will train for 6-8 months for IMCDA, that's rolling the dice way to close. In our world, if you are serious about IMCDA performance, the race deadline is 6 weeks out. Please show me the triathlete who brings tons of fitness (IM to a HIM race) is crushing it, but just has fun and does nothing stoopid (or get injured) in a HIM. I don't know that lady/guy. Instead, I'd look at an earlier half like Oceanside…would be a good break for your training and a change of scenery, etc. Those last 12 weeks are critical, with the last 6 being sacred!
@Des -- We just did this in 2010 with Dave Tallo, who broke a chain at Regensberg (40' SAG, yet finished in 10:30), then raced IMCanada and went 10:10 . We can help you hold that peak for sure, but it's a function of how your training and actual race goes. In general we have you recover hard before building up…it you search for posts by Dave Tallo you'll find how we advised him. I would look to do a HIM in early June if at all possible. Between those races is all IM prep, so if you wanted to do some Dus for fun in April/May as part of wrapping your OS that's fine (the OS is what makes you faster, not the Dus that make you fitter). We have a whole self-coached guide that explains how to drop races into your season; but you can also ask us in the forums and we'll help you out. In general, we don't taper you much for the races (usually just Fri/Sat light for a Sun race), focusing instead on getting you to recover as quickly as possible to get back to your regularly scheduled season. Hope that helps!
@Matt -- Yes to the January Start for sure…have fun until then! The 20 week plans include the gene prep (8 weeks) and race prep (12 weeks); 12 week plans are only race prep. I haven't talked to Rich about signing up and going immediately on hold, but yes, you could do that too…that would lock in the pricing and bring you on in Dec, just in time to start shaking things loose before an OS start in Jan!
@Randy -- Appreciate the questions and don't worry about the boat, etc., if you are on the team we'll help you out even if you are the crazy winter marathon guy (hey, a good nickname!). At the end of the day, the training has to be fun…and it sound like you know exactly what you need to do to get fit and ready for your season. As for the intensity stuff, we do a lot of hard training, period. Even folks who have more time than 10-12/wk end up doing the work because they see the results. IOW, even folks like you who don't like intensity have a hard time frowning on hard workouts when your bike and run fitness is astronomically improved. Most simply learn to like the work. Given your known dislike of that intensity, the Team might just be the thing to keep you motivated and on track to have a great season. If you go with the plans only, you'd have all the tools to be successful, you'd just have a lot of solo work to do to patch them together across a year (but it can be done). Joining means being able to connect with folks (like me) who have done Austria (loved it) and can help you with that stuff as well! Hope that helps!
Thanks for the thoughtful reply. It sounds like this may be the right combination of focused yet flexible training I have been looking for. I had a coach for part of last season but we came to an impasse over my desire to train more or less or differently (no water running!). Hopefully the forum community will provoke that hard 'group training' motivation when going solo on the trainer.
@Des, see this post about membership hold
@Randy, thanks for the feedback. Notes:
Just got done with IMWI, considering joining the team but not sure when to start the OS - Oct or Nov? Oct seems a little close but I physically I feel I could do it. I'm not currently injured and have been doing long course training for four years with good consistency in the off season (swim, bike, run year round).
Next year I plan on mixing it up for the types of events.
TTT - May (relay team)
Sprint - June
HIM - relay for fun - most likely swim 3rd week July
HIM - Steelhead - first week in Aug - A race
Burrito Union - as many sprint trialthons as possible in 10 hours (relay team)
Greetings, this is my first post. I've poked around and like what I see, I think TeamEN would be a good fit for me based on my goals for 2011 and I'd say there's a good chance I'll convert to a full member. That said, I have a few questions about stacking my 2011 training programs.
First some quick background. 2010 was my first year in triathlon, I had absolutely zero experience before this year. I dove right in feet first by training for IMLOU beginning in January. Had to buy a bike, all my gear, everything, from scratch. I did the Rev 3 Knoxville Oly in May and then IMLOU a few weeks ago. I completed IMLOU, which was my primary ultimate goal, but I'm not completely satisfied with my time (15:34). I can do better, and that's what 2011 will be all about. Going faster. My goal is sub 13.
So anyway, my questions. IMLOU 2011 will be my big race, and I'd also like to do Rev 3 Knoxville. Knoxville is 18 weeks out from Jan 3, and IMLOU is 16 weeks from Knoxville. So it seems like a no brainer to do the 20 week OS program and then 12-16 IM program. So, assuming that's my general approach to 2011....
1. Should I do Oly or HIM at Knoxville? I had planned on Oly but your program stacking blog post mentioned ending the OS with a HIM.
2. Would there be any problem with doing a sprint or oly in April or June? There are some local races that I wouldn't mind doing.
3. Would I need to taper heading into Knoxville or take a recovery week(s) after it? Since the OS program is only 5-8 hrs/week, I wasn't sure if I'd still need a taper.
4. What the heck do I do between now and January? Just chill out? I should mention that I'm doing a half marathon the first week of November but I'd classify it as more of a social race than a real race. It will be the first HM for a few of my friends and my presence is more of moral support & pacing and less about me actually racing. I'm currently running a few hours a week to retain some fitness but that's about it.
5. I don't have a power meter and from the looks of it, your bike workouts seem to require one. Can I do the bike workouts without a power meter?
Keep in mind that speed is my A#1 objective for 2011 and everything I do should be in the context of improving my IM time.
Hey R&P, a couple of questions:
1. I saw a couple of responses from you guys referencing the 3 x $49/mo discount for people who have purchased plans from you in the past. I assume the price would then revert to $99 thereafter, correct? I would like to give the Team at least a 3 month trial to see how it fits and was wondering how I would go about securing that pricing given that I purchased an OS and HIM plan from you guys this past season.
2. I already sent Rich an email regarding my plans for next year (before I decided to jump on this trial offer) but am looking for some clarification as to how the start of the OS would work for me as part of the Team. At the moment, my only definite race is my "A" race IM Canada on August 28th. Assuming no other big races, I would think this would put me at a November, December or Jan start date for the OS. But, I've already taken a month off and am getting itchy to get back at it. So, I guess my question is whether, when I fill out the survey at the beginning, there is a way to request an earlier start date (i.e. October) than might otherwise be prescribed as a result of my actual race schedule?
Hey Coaches! Still trying to decide between forum member or just buying plans and going on my own. My 3 priority events for 2011 are below. I am having trouble laying out how to piece together the plans for these events. Can you confirm or correct my thinking...
May 17 - Half Marathon
July 17 - Half Ironman
September 11 - Ironman
So, based on those events, which of the two routes would be best...
January 3 - Out Season Start
1.) last 18 weeks of 20 week Ironman Plan
2.) last 9 weeks of 12 week Half IM plan, then last 9 weeks of 12 week Ironman Plan
Also, will the Out Season plan give me all I need for the Half Marathon in May? Or do people typically adjust the OS plan and slowly build up a longer run 8-12 weeks out?
My biggest worry is being able to have all the required fitness for the Halves I am doing but not to stray away too much from the IM training. How would one structure the weeks for my 2011 scheduled events?
@Ken, your schedule looks good. As for when to start the OS, you can either:
@Jason, my answers to your questions:
All right, here it goes. I have a some questions on how best to spend the limited money and time I have to get faster for next year and complete 2 HIM’s. I also plan to move up to Iron distance races in 2012.
First a little about me, I’m completing my 2nd season of triathlon and 4th year of endurance sports. I started with running and have completed 6 Half’s and 3 marathons. Last season I did only sprints (4) and this season I will complete 4 Oly’s and 6 Sprints. My final event of the season is the Marine Corps Marathon on Halloween. This is a C race for me just looking for a nice run/walk through DC. After this I planned on taking 4-6 weeks off as I did train for a marathon, actually the Goofy, last out season and am pretty beat down. I am overweight and since starting endurance sports have lost over 100 pounds but still need to drop 30-50 pounds or more so during my down time I am planning to get my diet back under control as I gained 25 pounds last out season that I have not been able to lose during this season.
Now to the questions:
I have ~ $100/month to spend on training in the out season. I’m sold on the EN way and will use the plans to build fast. However, I’m a poor swimmer; my best swim avg. was 2:08/100 M in an Oly with a wetsuit. Should I buy an OS and HIM plan and spend the money on swim coaching (Masters coach will work on technique with me cost $40/month) or live with the slow swim and join the team to slam the bike and run and save swimming till next off season. BTW I’m also slow running and cycling (PR 5 K 27:09, PR 40K bike 19.4 MPH).
Also next season I plan on doing Fl70.3 in May. I had planned to start the OS plan in mid to late Dec or Early Jan. How would you suggest prepping for that race and a Target A HIM in Aug or Sept.
Thanks for the info and the free look around. Great stuff.
I started digging more into the plans...
Follow up to help me decide but I'm leaning towards a Nov start coming off IMWI to get some more run volume under my belt. I buy the koolaide your proposing regarding building fast as it makes sense to me however I do have some concerns if the OS running is right for me given my recent (last year) history.
I am currently injury free with zero pain running but was completely sidelined from a run perspective Aug 2009 - Feb 2010 with plantar fasciitis. Knowing how debilitating this injury was for me mentally and physically, when I did start up running and to ensure I made it to IMWI, I never ran consecutive days and only kept my running volume on the low side 1 hr or less per run and open marathon pace or slower (longest runs were a 13.1 HIM and a 11 miler 4 weeks out from IMWI). Never did any speed/threshold/interval work so as not to tweak anything. Sometimes my foot would be sore the next day but nothing ever lingered into the second day.
So although you don't propose training slow, I'm wondering if I might need some more base / run toughness built into my legs to handle the rigors of the type of running proposed in your plans since I haven't done any of that type of work for at least a year. Does that seem like a reasonable conclusion or do you have a different point of view you'd like to share?
So is six weeks of consistent running (now to Nov) adequate prep to build some volume for the OS plan OR do you have an alternate RX for someone like me who which would give me an Oct start but not take on the running rigors right away I see in the OS plan in my dashboard? What I want to understand is what sort of base fitness levels do most of your athletes need to take on OS running without risking injury. Or is there a flavor of the OS plan that has a slower progression of difficulty for running.
Thanks to PnR for such a great resources for us trial people. Just wonderful advice (and free, at least for now)
3 Qs below. Will move the first to micro thread if that's where it belongs?
* I've got some weekend travel obligations (some for work, some fun) in the OS that I can't or won't move (this is a hobby, after all). So, what typically happens in those weeks or is it an audible at the time, even if its a known issue well in advance?
* Same flavor, but longer and worse time .. 2 x 10 day trips most likely to out-of-the-way places w/o no bike (Feb and June). Also an audible or integrated into the season plan?
* If I end up having to go to NY or HKG for work out of the blue for a week ... w/o a lot of notice. Clearly an audible, but does it really work?
being a good soldier so far .... did my bike intervals this AM at 165+HR and run the other day at 170 ...
@Jason, go HIM at Knoxville for sure. No issues with an early sprint, it just replaces a weekend workout! We'd taper you a bit, and have to add some swimming, but it can be done! You could start Nov 1, go full OS and have time to do some HIM training pre Knoxville. Then break a bit and then full IM plan for IM Lou. I prefer that option and it plugs you in with some good folks. Otherwise you can do some more fun 10k, 5k races and some fall century rides to keep fit! You can do with out a PM but we'll do everything we can to get you on a payment plan to get one…it's critical for IM success! Hope that helps…
@Tyler yes, info coming shortly on that upgrade info. 3x 49, then defaults to 99 for the rest of your first year. Tyler, yes you can ask for Oct start, and we'll just recommend an early HIM to be the focus of the first part of your year, that's all!
@Matt - I like the Jan OS start with the 9x HIM and 9xIM builds. Actual IM training is about adding volume which is VERY EASY after a full OS and some quality HIM training. Yes, the OS will finish you with long runs in the 90' range, which is pretty close to be HM ready!
@Dewey - I think you should go with the Team. We can get you on track with body comp/accountability and help you improve bike and run times. We'll even be able to hack some swim guidance for you, but remember that's the shortest part of any and run's where it's at! If you are rested, I would go for an OCT OS start, exiting into a modified HIM plan for FL. A break, then it's back to HIM training for your second race!
@ KEn, the OS you see is the OS, straight up. Yes to running durability, and yes we can help modify your plan to move the runs around so you stay healthy. Your health is the #1 priority…nothing else matters. Fitness on top of unhealthy legs is USELESS. I like your plan. I'd see what John Stark is cooking up in his run focus thread or PM him now while you are here..he's doing a run focus right now….
@ Tim, it's all audibles (I like that). In general how wed adjust the weekend stuff is a function of where you want to see the most improvement (we are biased to bike, but will listen to you). Going away isn't bad..we can advise you on how to do the run thing there, and how to return to the bike. And if you have to travel for work, you just do. Somebody's got to pay for that bike and those race entry fees!!!!
This was my second year of doing Triathlons and was going to be my First Half Ironman in Branson but I woke up that morning and was very Sick so I dropped out which was very disappointing. For next year my big A race I was planning to do was Steelhead 70.3 which is Aug 14th next year. Living in the midwest the races don't really start till about May. Here is my question, I was wondering how many oly or sprints I should do before the Half Ironman to prepare or should I just really work on the plan since that will eat into my long bike on the weekends? I would like to do a oly in May then another one in June and maybye a sprint in July for my season what are your thoughts? Also since I got robbed on my Ironman I was thinking of just do some run training and doing a Half marathon in Nov and then start right into the Outseason Nov group is that a good idea?

Okay, I think I'll go with the Nov start. I read the John Stark thread on running focus and the other side bar to the other thread. I'm currently reading the Daniels running formula book on how to build my base and for now I think need base over speed. Seems like folks in EN are generally in tune with Daniels methodologies and drink some of his koolaide
Here's my plan since I wont see you guys for about a month. Please let me know what you think.
Next week I think I'll be sufficiently recovered for easy running only. I'm going to see if I can spread the average of my HIM weekly volume (3 days running) over a 4 day schedule (with one back to back session - 1,2,4,6) and 3 weeks later progress to a 5 day schedule(with two back to back 1,3,4,6,7) and see how the body/foot responds to an increase in frequency coupled with a decrease in volume since I'm still in recovery mode. We'll see in six weeks how ready I'll be to throw in one quality workout into the mix to start out or increase my volume. I'm patient, I know I have work to do to earn the right to run train FAST but I think I can still get faster just by adding more volume than I currently have. It's the missing link for me to get to the next level.
In addition one of the threads someone mentioned an e-book on running that you guys put together. Is that true and where might I find that gem of information?
I'm thinking of ending my trial membership and joining. Looks like an active and supportive community to complement the plans, and the coaching philosophy looks really attractive. I'm into going hard on workouts so should be aligned with how I like to train.
Background: 2009 I got off the couch. 2010 was my first year of multisport, I did a sprint du and 3 olys. PB of 2:25:39 (Chicago tri, bike/run = 1:05/45). Did 2 half marathons, PB 1:33:30. I'm planning to do the Chicago Marathon on Oct 10 but am running to finish not racing for a time -- leveraging my season fitness not training for it other than longer long runs over the past month -- need to cross "marathon" off my bucket list.
For 2011 I want to move to to the HIM distance and do Racine 70.3 as my A race. Targeting sub-5:00 although don't know if that is reasonable. May also do Steelhead. Questions are:
1. Based on my oly times, is sub-5:00 the right range to be thinking about for a goal, assuming I do the 20-week OS followed by an HIM plan? I want an aggressive goal to work toward but not something that is unattainable.
2. Racine is 7/17. Does this imply targeting a Dec start to the OS? I saw some other threads saying that Dec OS is not recommended due to holidays, low participation by other EN team members, etc.
3. Is it a good idea to have an "offseason" before starting your "outseason"? Mentally I'm not sure I'll be ready to go hard core into the OS in November. I have some 10ks and a 15k planned in Oct/Nov so I won't be on the couch obviously, but I think I'll need time to stay away from training-obsession and decompress. This would further reinforce that Dec is a good OS start unless you say that to target Racine properly I need to start earlier.
Look forward to your thoughts!
@Michael, recommend you search That said, I've done Wildflower many times and the timing is great for CDA. In fact, you don't really want to race an HIM after about May 15, when working up for CDA.