We're looking into this for you. Next time, see the support tab flowing to the right of this page? Click on that and use that for admin issues like this. That's our batphone vs posting something to a forum thread where it's likely to get over looked.
I'm doing the Philly marathon and following the Hack Marathon plan. My OS doesn't start until late Nov. But My Training Plan says I'm in week 3 of the OS. I assume I should just ignore it. Is is scheduled to restart on Nov. 28?
Now that you're a member you should use the Big Boy, members, Macro thread vs this trial members Macro Thread :-)
FYI, you're able to manage your training plan yourself. In your "My Training Plan Page," look in the right sidebar for "Move/Change My Training Plan." Use that to move it around on the calendar. In general, the way we "work" around here is:
You give me your races next and I deliver a Season Plan to you. You did this during your trial process. I then set you up with your initial training plan.
Going forward, you then change, move, load up the training plan you need/when according the Season Plan I created for you. You do this via the Move/Change link above.
If you need additional help, guidance, feedback regarding your season, you ask that in the Macro Thread.
I give you my advice/recommendations and you implement that advice via the Move/Change link.
I may tell you, in that Macro Thread conversation above, to submit a new race survey. You'll see a link to that also in the right sidebar under the Move/Change link above.
That comes to me, I do another season plan + screen cast for you and you do your thing going forward, using the tools above.
This method is efficient for us and faster for you. That is you, you don't need to wait for/pay us $$$$ to move your plan 1 week forward or backward on the calendar. Instead "here's what you should do with your season," takes me about 10' to do that via a spreadsheet and screencast, you and then manage it yourself going forward.
1-I just completed IMAZ 2 weeks ago. Can I wait thru this week to start the OS program and begin next Monday? 2-When I complete the heart rate test should I use my heart rate average from the warm up thru the cool down or just for the main set? 3-Looking at my planned races, would you suggest I drop the Augusta 70.3 (too close to IMFL?) I'm not registered for it yet.
Don't worry about the OS start date I chose for you. I didn't know you raced IMAZ so that definitely changes things . Just figure out if you want to remain a member after your trial, then we can circle back around to what would be a better OS start date for you.
Augusta: timing isn't "great" for this race, in relation to IMFL. Not a deal breaker, but it likely won't "help" your IMFL prep, but also not likely to hurt it too badly either. If you're "meh" about the race, then I say don't do it. If you're racing against friends, it's a traditon for you, etc, then you're fine to do the race.
Thanks for the input...yes, I plan on sticking around :-) I've been watching the site for years and "lurking" I suppose....read the "Four Keys" before each IM I've done (not to just actually apply it correctly...) Once my trial is up, please go ahead and re-check my training plan. Would you suggest another 70.3 race after Florida 70.3 before IMFL? What time frame, and I'll start searching.....If one is not necessary (or beneficial) let me know...I can cross it off and save some $$$ :-) Thanks
@Stacey, you don't _have to_ race before IMFL again, but know that a 6 month gap is a bit much. If there was an August/September half near you that would be nice, or at least some fun training events (centuries, group stuff, etc) to keep you motivated would be good enough! If you want your plan re-checked, you need to re-submit your survey...thanks!
Thank you for the training plans you created. For the first time I feel a sense of direction in my training I forgot to mention that the Pigman is the sprint distance and not HIM. Should I just substitute a 20 week short course TP into the schedule instead? Also, I thought that EN did 12 week training plans and steered clear of 20 wk. plans, or is this for the IM's exclusively? I debated a sprint distance tri 4 weeks before Racine 70.3, is that too soon to the race? Thanks!!
Thank you for the training plans you created. For the first time I feel a sense of direction in my training I forgot to mention that the Pigman is the sprint distance and not HIM. Should I just substitute a 20 week short course TP into the schedule instead? Also, I thought that EN did 12 week training plans and steered clear of 20 wk. plans, or is this for the IM's exclusively? I debated a sprint distance tri 4 weeks before Racine 70.3, is that too soon to the race? Thanks!!
Hi Jami,
At the end of your trial, if you decide to remain a member, we can circle back around to your season plan and I can adjust it for this change in race distance.
12 vs 20wk plans: generally, at the end of the OS, you are much more fit than the first 8wks of the 20wk plans assume you to be so I almost never put our members into their A-race plans (HIM and IM) sooner than about 12wks before their race. I'll keep HIM athletes into the OS until about 8wks out from their HIM. The OS is out best tool for making you much, much faster so that's our go-to training solution in the winter. For new people joining in the spring or summer, I use the Short Course plan whenever possible: very similar to the OS but adds swimming.
We've got plenty of time to solve that sprint + Racine thing above, don't worry about it now.
I re-submitted my race season, taking out Augusta 70.3 and adding an olympic distance in late August...(do I need another 1/2IM? It's hard to find them in Florida in summer...) Let me know when you think the best time to start my OS would be. Thanks
Thanks, Rich, for your quick response! Amazing!! You said I should begin Outseason this week with Week 1, however in the "My Training Plan" section, it says that I am at week 11 (of 20). I am going with what you said with the spreadsheet! THANKS so much.
Hey Guys, been picking at the site a bit.. (Will upload a picture in the next day, haven't got one on the work P.C. and no access to facebook to scoop one)
What can you tell me about the diet section of the EN site? Are there meal plans, or is it just a QnA area? I'm trying to shed some excess lbs while ramping up for my goal race.
Patrick, in the top navigation bar see Community/Groups, then find the Body Comp Accountability Group. Join that. In there, and in many other places on the site, there a TON of people doing and thinking the same things you are.
Hi there, thank you for the comments on my present race schedule regarding the marathon. You were dead on with the comments, I have read this about marathons before. My original plan was not to do a marathon at all but it just happend to come up and I thought what the heck I can just cruise and get mental about the distance. But I see now the recovery part is an issue. No worries, the 1/2 will do which was my original original plan. I only have (2) main races this year, IMCDA and Pacific Grove Tri-Olympic. The IM will be my first so I want to be knowledgeable and well trained for this event as I want to enjoy it.This will not be a "race" for me, I will be a participant if that makes sense. Finishing well is the goal. The Pacific Grove Tri is the race I wish to win my age group so this is a "race" I am interested in a support group that is pretty interactive and I think Endurance Nation may be the right fit. I belong to the local tri club and have support from members there, and I actually have a coach who is setting my workouts (he did not know about the marathon),but he is not much of a cheerleader. I am also interested in having constant dialogue ( I guess maybe you could call it reasurance) with the IM race.
Hi Rich. Thanks for loading my plan up and for the screencast (very cool). This is a bit forward looking, but after I complete the 20 week short course plan (ending on June 10), i then load the Half IM plan and do that for 8-9 weeks until Santa Barbara, will I be doing the first 8-9 weeks of the Half IM plan or the last 8-9 weeks?...that goes for the last 12 weeks into IMAZ as well. Not a big deal right now since I'll be focusing on my June race but I'm just curious. Thank again! ---Jay
Jay, all you need to do is load the 20wk HIM and IM plans to end on those races respectively (hope that makes sense :-) They system then backfills your calendar dropping you into the last X weeks of the 20wk IM/HIM plan. The reason why I have you do the last X weeks of 20wk plan vs having you load up the 12wk plan is because the first week of the 12wk plan has some admin stuff that you won't/don't need.
Short answer...I've done all the thinking for you. Just load up what I told you in the SP screenshot and screencast as you'll be good :-)
Thanks for the help with the season plan Rick. I have two questions. First, if I am 26 weeks out from my (A) half-IM race and you suggested to do 14 weeks of the begginer OS plan followed by the 20 week half-IM plan would I start the HIM plan at week 8 since there will only be 12 weeks to my race? Secondly, does it affect things greatly if I flip flop the Saturday/Sunday workouts? Thanks for the feedback.
Hey Rich, thanks for sending me the overview of my season plan.
Just out of curiosity are the 8 weeks of the HIM plan primarily to get me ready for my HIM on May 6th or is it more of serving as a bridge from outseason workouts to IM plan workouts? My reason for asking is that although I am joining kind ofe late for this, I was hoping to get more than 4 weeks of outseason workouts with the hopes of increasing my FTP as much as possible and the HIM is a low priority race (haven't even signed up yet just figured I should do a HIM at some point and hard to find any in the South in June or July).
Also, I am definitely interested in the Louisville camp! Do you know the dates? We are actually trying to plan a family vacation for July right now and would love to make sure these two events don't conflict for me.
Hey coach, I had several issues I needed to discuss with you. Would it be easier for you on here or by phone? My number is 817-739-6059 if that is easier. I promise not to be this much of a nuisance after I join! Maybe. Lol
Thanks for the season plan and screen cast. I have eliminated the marathon from my schedule, I appreciate that advice. Question for you. I am registered for Fast Camp, and am guessing it would be best for me to go off the plan you sent? Secondly, I don't really know my training zones/paces/power at this point. Would you recommend possibly doing those test next week to find those zones?
Thanks, I am very excited about this plan and EN!!!
Yes, don't do FastCamp, do the plan I loaded up for you instead. Regarding testing, are you training with power and/or pace? Do you have HR training zones and are they accurate?
I am training wtih power and pace. I have a HR monitor as well. I honestly have not checked/tested any of my power/pace zones since last September, and I know I don't have the same fitness right now. As for HR, it's been a long time since I have tested or worked with those zones.
Thanks for putting the schedule together. Since I just got it, I wlll do the Swim Test tomorrow. Everything else is fine. I do have an Olympic Race on the 18th coming up next Sunday. My thoughts were to continue training through Thursday, take Friday off. Saturday is a driving day and then a quick 20 minute easy spin or run to loosen up from the 6 hour ride. I will do the race as a good training race. Any thoughts on this is very welcome.
Thanks for the training plan. I decided to go ahead and sign up. Trying to understand the next steps. I have powerbeam pro trainer that I just purchased; so planning on power. What testing do I need to do before I start the workouts?
Thanks for putting the schedule together. Since I just got it, I wlll do the Swim Test tomorrow. Everything else is fine. I do have an Olympic Race on the 18th coming up next Sunday. My thoughts were to continue training through Thursday, take Friday off. Saturday is a driving day and then a quick 20 minute easy spin or run to loosen up from the 6 hour ride. I will do the race as a good training race. Any thoughts on this is very welcome.
Thanks for the training plan. I decided to go ahead and sign up. Trying to understand the next steps. I have powerbeam pro trainer that I just purchased; so planning on power. What testing do I need to do before I start the workouts?
Our test is:
Do a good warmup, with some short, hard efforts to open up your legs.
Test: 2 x 20' (2') at the best/hardest effort you can sustain for each 20' interval.
Download that session into PowerAgent or other software and create a range for the 42' above that includes the rest. The normalized power of this interval is your Fuctional Threshold Power (FTP) used to calculate wattage for training.
When you read your bike workouts, you'll see "95-100%," etc. Is is 95-100% of your FTP above.
Hi Ruth,
We're looking into this for you. Next time, see the support tab flowing to the right of this page? Click on that and use that for admin issues like this. That's our batphone vs posting something to a forum thread where it's likely to get over looked.
I'm doing the Philly marathon and following the Hack Marathon plan. My OS doesn't start until late Nov. But My Training Plan says I'm in week 3 of the OS. I assume I should just ignore it. Is is scheduled to restart on Nov. 28?
Now that you're a member you should use the Big Boy, members, Macro thread vs this trial members Macro Thread :-)
FYI, you're able to manage your training plan yourself. In your "My Training Plan Page," look in the right sidebar for "Move/Change My Training Plan." Use that to move it around on the calendar. In general, the way we "work" around here is:
This method is efficient for us and faster for you. That is you, you don't need to wait for/pay us $$$$ to move your plan 1 week forward or backward on the calendar. Instead "here's what you should do with your season," takes me about 10' to do that via a spreadsheet and screencast, you and then manage it yourself going forward.
3 questions for you...
1-I just completed IMAZ 2 weeks ago. Can I wait thru this week to start the OS program and begin next Monday?
2-When I complete the heart rate test should I use my heart rate average from the warm up thru the cool down or just for the main set?
3-Looking at my planned races, would you suggest I drop the Augusta 70.3 (too close to IMFL?) I'm not registered for it yet.
Thanks. :-)
Hi Rich,
Thanks for the input...yes, I plan on sticking around :-) I've been watching the site for years and "lurking" I suppose....read the "Four Keys" before each IM I've done (not to just actually apply it correctly...) Once my trial is up, please go ahead and re-check my training plan. Would you suggest another 70.3 race after Florida 70.3 before IMFL? What time frame, and I'll start searching.....If one is not necessary (or beneficial) let me know...I can cross it off and save some $$$ :-) Thanks
Hi Jami,
At the end of your trial, if you decide to remain a member, we can circle back around to your season plan and I can adjust it for this change in race distance.
12 vs 20wk plans: generally, at the end of the OS, you are much more fit than the first 8wks of the 20wk plans assume you to be so I almost never put our members into their A-race plans (HIM and IM) sooner than about 12wks before their race. I'll keep HIM athletes into the OS until about 8wks out from their HIM. The OS is out best tool for making you much, much faster so that's our go-to training solution in the winter. For new people joining in the spring or summer, I use the Short Course plan whenever possible: very similar to the OS but adds swimming.
We've got plenty of time to solve that sprint + Racine thing above, don't worry about it now.
Hi Rich,
I re-submitted my race season, taking out Augusta 70.3 and adding an olympic distance in late August...(do I need another 1/2IM? It's hard to find them in Florida in summer...) Let me know when you think the best time to start my OS would be. Thanks
Thanks, Rich, for your quick response! Amazing!! You said I should begin Outseason this week with Week 1, however in the "My Training Plan" section, it says that I am at week 11 (of 20). I am going with what you said with the spreadsheet! THANKS so much.
Thanks Rich! That worked and everything looks great. I am so excited to be using this schedule and training plan! WooHoo ... here we go!
What can you tell me about the diet section of the EN site? Are there meal plans, or is it just a QnA area? I'm trying to shed some excess lbs while ramping up for my goal race.
Hi there, thank you for the comments on my present race schedule regarding the marathon. You were dead on with the comments, I have read this about marathons before. My original plan was not to do a marathon at all but it just happend to come up and I thought what the heck I can just cruise and get mental about the distance. But I see now the recovery part is an issue. No worries, the 1/2 will do which was my original original plan. I only have (2) main races this year, IMCDA and Pacific Grove Tri-Olympic. The IM will be my first so I want to be knowledgeable and well trained for this event as I want to enjoy it.This will not be a "race" for me, I will be a participant if that makes sense. Finishing well is the goal. The Pacific Grove Tri is the race I wish to win my age group so this is a "race" I am interested in a support group that is pretty interactive and I think Endurance Nation may be the right fit. I belong to the local tri club and have support from members there, and I actually have a coach who is setting my workouts (he did not know about the marathon),but he is not much of a cheerleader. I am also interested in having constant dialogue ( I guess maybe you could call it reasurance) with the IM race.
Short answer...I've done all the thinking for you. Just load up what I told you in the SP screenshot and screencast as you'll be good :-)
Thanks for the help with the season plan Rick. I have two questions. First, if I am 26 weeks out from my (A) half-IM race and you suggested to do 14 weeks of the begginer OS plan followed by the 20 week half-IM plan would I start the HIM plan at week 8 since there will only be 12 weeks to my race? Secondly, does it affect things greatly if I flip flop the Saturday/Sunday workouts? Thanks for the feedback.
See my answer directly above your post. That applies to you also.
Not a big deal to flip Saturday and Sunday in the HIM plans.
Hey Rich, thanks for sending me the overview of my season plan.
Just out of curiosity are the 8 weeks of the HIM plan primarily to get me ready for my HIM on May 6th or is it more of serving as a bridge from outseason workouts to IM plan workouts? My reason for asking is that although I am joining kind ofe late for this, I was hoping to get more than 4 weeks of outseason workouts with the hopes of increasing my FTP as much as possible and the HIM is a low priority race (haven't even signed up yet just figured I should do a HIM at some point and hard to find any in the South in June or July).
Also, I am definitely interested in the Louisville camp! Do you know the dates? We are actually trying to plan a family vacation for July right now and would love to make sure these two events don't conflict for me.
Thanks for your help, Dan
Thanks for the season plan and screen cast. I have eliminated the marathon from my schedule, I appreciate that advice. Question for you. I am registered for Fast Camp, and am guessing it would be best for me to go off the plan you sent? Secondly, I don't really know my training zones/paces/power at this point. Would you recommend possibly doing those test next week to find those zones?
Thanks, I am very excited about this plan and EN!!!
Hey Brian,
Yes, don't do FastCamp, do the plan I loaded up for you instead. Regarding testing, are you training with power and/or pace? Do you have HR training zones and are they accurate?
I am training wtih power and pace. I have a HR monitor as well. I honestly have not checked/tested any of my power/pace zones since last September, and I know I don't have the same fitness right now. As for HR, it's been a long time since I have tested or worked with those zones.
Hi Coach,
Thanks for putting the schedule together. Since I just got it, I wlll do the Swim Test tomorrow. Everything else is fine. I do have an Olympic Race on the 18th coming up next Sunday. My thoughts were to continue training through Thursday, take Friday off. Saturday is a driving day and then a quick 20 minute easy spin or run to loosen up from the 6 hour ride. I will do the race as a good training race. Any thoughts on this is very welcome.
Thanks for the training plan. I decided to go ahead and sign up. Trying to understand the next steps. I have powerbeam pro trainer that I just purchased; so planning on power. What testing do I need to do before I start the workouts?
Jason, that all sounds good.
Our test is:
When you read your bike workouts, you'll see "95-100%," etc. Is is 95-100% of your FTP above.