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The Trial Members "Macro" Thread: how does EN work with my Big Picture, Season Goals/Race Schedule



  • Ok, we're looking into that issue. Standby.
  •  My trial membership ends today, and I'm going to go ahead with membership. I need to adjust my start date on the OS plan though. My last event is 10/29, so can't start until November. It's a 144 mile ride in CA. I'm not quite sure how much recovery I would need after that and when it would be appropriate to start. Also, I need to retest my FTP. When would it be appropriate to do following this event and relative to the OS plan? Thanks!

  • Hi RnP,
    Have a couple questions as I peruse the site during my trial...
    1 - I hear a bunch of local folks will be starting the OS in November; would love to be on the same schedule, so I assume it's ok to shift my OS start to 10/31 (assuming that's the common start date)?
    2 - Since I've taken a somewhat prolonged "off" season after my last tri in August, ie, 0 - 1 rides per week, no swimming, and ~20 miles running weekly, should I just dive into the OS? What should I do over the next 1.5 weeks to make sure I'm ready? Just want to make sure I don't hurt myself going from almost 0 to 100! Guess the question is what shape should you be in to start the OS?
    3 - Intermediate or Advanced level? I'm a 2:45ish Oly, 5:45ish 1/2 IMr w/ an 11:53 IM PR. Been triing for 15+ years. Definite Kona goals... although I might have to wait to age up a few more times!
    Those are the general season questions. I have a few more tactical questions, like how/if you can log your workouts (I'm coming from tp.com); mobile access; and how to move workouts, but I think I'll be able to figure that out with some help from my friends!

  • @Sarah:

    Please read this

    , then circle back here to tell me what you want to do regarding an OS start date. I'll then redo your SP and send it to you via email.

    • Week 1 of the OS has testing so that's covered.


    1. Yes, that's cool. I generally, during your trial period, have everyone start the OS the week they create their trial, as I know they will want to see the actual training plan. We "fix" the start date after you decide to actually join the team.

    2. The limiter is your run fitness. If you've been running 20mi/wk you'll be fine. You may want to get on your bike 3x/wk between now and then. Don't worry about the swimming.

    3. Do the Intermediate OS for now. Give it 4-6wks then we can talk about whether you need the Advanced OS. The OS sneaks up on you quick if this is your first time working our way.

    4. Logging, moving, etc: we are coaches, not programmers. We have chosen to focus on coaching you, creating resources, building a team, going to races, holding camps vs trying to replicate TP.com, etc. The short answer is that there is no training log here in EN and you can't "move" your workouts. Just print them out and use a sharpened #2 pencil to move stuff around :-)

  • Hi,

    I'm wondering if training plans are only tri specific or are there some run specific plans also? I sometimes train for run-only events and wonder if there are plans for that?

  •  11/7 for a start date. OK? I have a 50K 2/12; I'll have to compress it so I can build miles for that before the 14 weeks is up.

  • @Enrique: see the running section of the WIki (under the resources tab above). You'll find some stuff we've put together to help you integrate some running races into our plans.

    @Sarah, redoing your SP now, please check your email.
  • How do you recoommend training by HR, rather than power, on the bike. I know power is better, but I don't have it. Thanks. -KS
  • Kevin, not sure what you mean by "how do we recommend training with heart rate?"

    Go to the Training tab above, then My Training Plan and look at a bike workout. It will look something like this:

    2 x 10' (2') @ 95-100%/Z4/Hard, where:

    • 95-100% = guidance for athletes with a powermeter. These folks will ride each interval at 95-100% of the Functional Threshold Power (FTP)
    • Z4 = Zone 4 heart rate, guidance for athletes with a heart rate monitor. You'll use the DataTool, also under the Training tab above, to calculate your bike and run HR zones from some tests that are scheduled very early in your plan.
    • Hard = Rate of Perceieved Exertion (RPE) for those that don't have/in addition to either.

    My point is that the workout itself is identical, you just pick the intensity guidance for the device you have and ignore the rest. If I had to guess I'd say that probably half our athletes do not have a powermeter but they also know they are not allowed to spend $$$ on fancy race wheels unless they have a PM first


  • Posted By Rich Strauss on 20 Oct 2011 05:00 PM

    @Enrique: see the running section of the WIki (under the resources tab above). You'll find some stuff we've put together to help you integrate some running races into our plans.

    Rich, I read a large portion of that section. Thanks. So this would directly impact my training right now actually.  When I submitted my 5 races in the survey, I neglected to put an upcoming Marathon on 12/4 (CIM).  I need help understanding how this would be set up.

    If I understand what I read about the running plan, then one option would be to lay over the OS plan with the marathon hack up to the race with a 2 week taper before and 2 week recovery. Then I could start the OS plan all over again up to a certain point.  Is this right? 

    So if I did that, considering that my first A-race in 2012 is an OLY in late May, would I do only a portion of the OS plan then insert the SC plan?  How do I decide how much OS plan to do vs SC course for that OLY?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Enrique: the short answer is...don't worry about that right now :-) Spend your time in your trial membership deciding if this is a good fit for you, RnP know/don't know what they're doing, stuff like that.

    If you do decide to join, we can circle back around to this and I'll redo your season plan. We've seen a gillion different permutations of race schedules of the years so your situation is easy for us.
  • Posted By Rich Strauss on 20 Oct 2011 06:24 PM

    Enrique: the short answer is...don't worry about that right now :-) Spend your time in your trial membership deciding if this is a good fit for you, RnP know/don't know what they're doing, stuff like that.

    If you do decide to join, we can circle back around to this and I'll redo your season plan. We've seen a gillion different permutations of race schedules of the years so your situation is easy for us.

    OK. I was just curious how that works. I'm sure you're right and it's an easy adjustment.  I'll keep poking around.


  • -For the coaches or any other smart/opinionated members: I've been poking around/downloading/reading like a good little trial member. Looking at some of the OS materials, there seems to be a recommendation/feeling that an 'event' (in my case a half marathon) to end the OS prior to the start of your IM phase is beneficial. Is this, in fact, the case? As it happens, there's a good half on tap locally right at the end of my draft OS schedule and if a half marathon is a "recommended" or even "ok to do" type OS ender, than I'd like to sign up. Thoughts on this course of action?
  • Hi Roy,

    Yes, that's the correct. It's an excellent end-of-the-OS test and a legit enough goal on the calendar to help you stick to the program and not flake, maybe also add a little bit of running volume to the plan in the last 4-6wks.

  • @Coach Rich, great, will pencil it in. Thanks.
  • So I've poked around a bit, read other people's posts, already joined the IMAZ 2011 group (I'm volunteering for that race and planning to participate in 2012). I like everything I've seen so far. Just one quick question. The training plan I got has me starting on October 24. So would I join the October OS or November OS group?

    Looking forward to the journey!!

  • @Michelle the group you join is a function of your season plan...make sure you have submitted your survey to Coach Rich and use his guidance!!!
  • Patrick/Rich,

    I just did finalize my survey. I decided to join the team to test your way of training for having a proper outseason,

    to prepare for my 2012 goals which are to finish a HIM under 6:00h and an olympic distance under 2:20h.

    My long term goal is to see if I can qualify for Las Vegas in 2013/2014 years.

    Is that ok be part of the team during the outseason and than to decide if i am continue staying, holding or leaving the team in April?


  • Coach Rich,

    thanks for creating my training plan so super fast, I will consider your guidance regards A-Race.

    I can not access the plan you loaded, I guess because I am still Trail Member, right?



  • Kai, great to chat today...so cool I can talk to you in Germany!!! You are all set with your plan...no excuses now! image
  • I just took a look at the OS training plan, I'm assuming you will explain all of the hyroglyphics somewhere, yes? FTP, Pwr - 60, etc. or am I missing someplace where it gives a little more detail on what that all means?

    A few questions:

    1) I don't have a power meter (I wish!) but I have access to a computrainer where I'll put in at least some of my bike workouts (at a local tri store). Haven't used it yet, but does the Computrainer give enough power data/feedback to use with your workouts, or will I have to depend on RPE/heartrate alone?

    2) Are all of the bike workouts in the OS plan very specialized? I was hoping to participate in some of the group Computrainer (multi-rider setup) classes at the Tri store, which include intervals, tempo rides, etc. so I can train with a group this winter and not just in my own dungeon. Will it be possible to merge these two things (EN off-season plan, desire to be social with other triathletes in the winter and do some group classes/rides)

    3) The group does "Iron rides" on Sundays, starting at 3 hours, using the Multirider Computrainer and the actual IM courses. I know there's not much long stuff in the EN OS plan, so would I have to cut the Iron rides short, or not do them at all, or would it be okay to incorporate them if I keep them in the Z1 - Z2 range?

    4) I will definitely have to move days around in the schedule, is there a way to do that? And is there a huge problem with, say, switching the Sat/Sun workouts or the Tues/Wed or whatever? Does that throw the whole thing off? My schedule is crazy, so what I can fit into where is not always straightforward.

    5) Lastly, there's no way in heck I'm not swimming ;-) For one thing, I'm a Master's swim coach and I swim with my team, at a minimum one day a week. They would kill me if I dropped it. My other swim day is mostly technique/easy stuff. Will I be disowned by EN if I swim in the winter?

    Mostly right now I'm trying to figure out if EN will work out with what I had already planned for the winter, which was to take advantage of this awesome multi-rider setup to actually spend the winter training with other triathletes and not just on my own little trainer in the basement like I have in other years.
  • Hi - I was just wondering how to access my training plan. I can't seem to see anything in detail. I received your email, but nothing is coming up image
  • Ruth,

    Try it now, I kicked the box for you

  • i tried...i still don't see how to get it...i went to "training plans" and it lists my plan, but i can't see how to click to see more...
  • Posted By Robin Clevenger on 28 Oct 2011 12:21 AM

    I just took a look at the OS training plan, I'm assuming you will explain all of the hyroglyphics somewhere, yes? FTP, Pwr - 60, etc. or am I missing someplace where it gives a little more detail on what that all means? Go to your My Training Plan page, look in the right side bar and see the Quick Start Guide

    A few questions:

    1) I don't have a power meter (I wish!) but I have access to a computrainer where I'll put in at least some of my bike workouts (at a local tri store). Haven't used it yet, but does the Computrainer give enough power data/feedback to use with your workouts, or will I have to depend on RPE/heartrate alone? Yes, if you know how to use it and what to look for.

    2) Are all of the bike workouts in the OS plan very specialized? I was hoping to participate in some of the group Computrainer (multi-rider setup) classes at the Tri store, which include intervals, tempo rides, etc. so I can train with a group this winter and not just in my own dungeon. Will it be possible to merge these two things (EN off-season plan, desire to be social with other triathletes in the winter and do some group classes/rides) Yes, but...very, very likely that our workouts are more focused and harder, frankly, than what your group/class will be doing. Also, those workouts are written to acheive a specific purpose and scheduled so that they all "work" with each other -- Tuesday works with Wednesday works with Thursday, etc. The more you start to introduce your own stuff, a little here, there, the more you start to insert variables into the plan for which the plan was not intended.

    3) The group does "Iron rides" on Sundays, starting at 3 hours, using the Multirider Computrainer and the actual IM courses. I know there's not much long stuff in the EN OS plan, so would I have to cut the Iron rides short, or not do them at all, or would it be okay to incorporate them if I keep them in the Z1 - Z2 range? The short answer is, no, not a good idea at all to do those 3hr rides, certainly not in Z1-2. The long answer is...let me start a separate post for that as _this_ topic is one we see frequently this time of year.

    4) I will definitely have to move days around in the schedule, is there a way to do that? And is there a huge problem with, say, switching the Sat/Sun workouts or the Tues/Wed or whatever? Does that throw the whole thing off? My schedule is crazy, so what I can fit into where is not always straightforward. Go to the Micro Thread and post your proposed schedule. That is "EN says to do A, B, C, my life say it's gotta be X, Y, Z, let me know what you think!" Patrick and I can then give you our advice on your interpretation of our training plan. You can do this every week, if you like. Just realize that we don't like weekends and asking me on Monday night what to do on Tuesday probably isn't going to work

    5) Lastly, there's no way in heck I'm not swimming ;-) For one thing, I'm a Master's swim coach and I swim with my team, at a minimum one day a week. They would kill me if I dropped it. My other swim day is mostly technique/easy stuff. Will I be disowned by EN if I swim in the winter? No, we understand that.

    Mostly right now I'm trying to figure out if EN will work out with what I had already planned for the winter, which was to take advantage of this awesome multi-rider setup to actually spend the winter training with other triathletes and not just on my own little trainer in the basement like I have in other years. Yes, I get it. But also understand that you're paying us to coach you. Our "way" of doing things, our advice, that you're paying for, is to do this, that, and the other thing. The more you try to change _that_ so you can hold on to the old-you stuff...it becomes a waste of your money, frankly. As a coach yourself you can understand this. It's as if I showed up to your Masters workout, you're doing 100's and I say, "yeah, no, that's not really what I want do. Mind if I hop in lane 4 and do the 400s that I think I need to do?" That's not going to work for either of us 


  • Mostly right now I'm trying to figure out if EN will work out with what I had already planned for the winter, which was to take advantage of this awesome multi-rider setup to actually spend the winter training with other triathletes and not just on my own little trainer in the basement like I have in other years. Yes, I get it. But also understand that you're paying us to coach you. Our "way" of doing things, our advice, that you're paying for, is to do this, that, and the other thing. The more you try to change _that_ so you can hold on to the old-you stuff...it becomes a waste of your money, frankly. As a coach yourself you can understand this. It's as if I showed up to your Masters workout, you're doing 100's and I say, "yeah, no, that's not really what I want do. Mind if I hop in lane 4 and do the 400s that I think I need to do?" That's not going to work for either of us 


    Ah, you mean I can't have my cake and eat it too? I can't socialize all winter AND get faster? Wah. Tantrum.

    Okay. I'll spend this weekend cogitating on that and figuring out my options. I can also use the Computrainer setup there on my own time (i.e. not in class times) so if I decide to go with EN (and I have to tell you, I am VERY impressed with what you've got going here) it looks like that would be a good compromise to just go in on my own, which would give me access to some power data as well. Or perhaps do the Iron ride with the group, but be doing my own thing with intervals for 90 minutes instead of a 3:00 Z2 ride that everyone else is doing? Might make me the pariah of the group, but I guess you folks are used to that.

    To clarify, it's not that I'm resistant to doing things the new EN way, I'm good with innovation and working smarter not longer and you guys obviously have the experience and numbers to back up your plans. It's more a desire not to give up the social aspect of triathlon training. As a busy mom, that's my "me" time.

  • @Robin, you could do the weekdays with EN and then the weekend rides with your group..that would let you do both, me thinks! The social stuff is important in the winter, so we don't want to lose sight of that!
  • Hey Rich,

    Should I be able to see my whole training plan at this point? I can only see week one...Thanks for your help.
  • Rich-

    Quick question. My 5 day trial is over and I have started the OS program.  Now that I am in do I need to resubmit my race schedule in the survey or is the one that I provided during the trial membership just rolled into my now active membership? 



  • Help image I can't seem to view the other forums. I'm an EN member now, but can't seem to get beyond the dashboard image Thanks for your help.
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