Hi Rich - I received my season plan based on my race survey but have a question about the preseason workouts. The plan shows I should be in week 1 of the preseason but when I go to "my training plan" it shows I'm in week 3 of 4 of the preseason. Is that based on my "trial membership" dates? Assuming I plan to join, which schedule should I be on? My sense is that I should follow what Rich sent over yesterday and pick up week 1 even though week 1 is almost over? Thanks!
@Mark -- 1. You're good here. The "system" doesn't tell us when you officially joined. In the future, use the Macro Thread in the General Discussion Forum. Anyway, no worries… 2. We have the elves working overtime back here. Those plans will be live by the time you need them. Welcome aboard!
@Gigi -- Huh…when you created your trial membership the system should have loaded the PS plan into your account to end on ~Oct 28, backfilling your plan from there. I've gone in and now and reset it. Let me know if it still looks jacked. Yes, follow the screencast. The important part is that you start the OS at the time that I indicated in your season plan
Thanks Rich. One more question - when it says 90 minutes biking should that be indoor or outdoor? Or does it not matter? Indoor on the drainer always seems like a harder workout for me so I don't know if there's some conversion I should do if I get lucky and can sneak outside (even tho it's suddenly winter here in Wisconsin!). Thanks!
Hi Rich - I received my season plan based on my race survey but have a question about the preseason workouts. The plan shows I should be in week 1 of the preseason but when I go to "my training plan" it shows I'm in week 3 of 4 of the preseason. Is that based on my "trial membership" dates? Assuming I plan to join, which schedule should I be on? My sense is that I should follow what Rich sent over yesterday and pick up week 1 even though week 1 is almost over? Thanks!
Rich: I am having the same issue as Gigi. My Preseason plan is showing week 3 of 4. Could you reset mine as well? Thanks.
Thanks for the plan! I am stoked to see you are doing IM CDA! I think I will do Wildflower as well instead of Napa Vintage. I have done both and think I am ready to tackle Wildflower again. It is definately a more competitive event. I took 1st in my age group at Napa Vintage this year, so I was planning to defend my title next year, but I think Wildflower will be a better choice in prep for CDA! See you there! Jen D
Hi coach Rich. Thanks for the season plan. A couple of questions: after the mt70.3 next year the other races I have in mind are just guesstimates because I won't know if I will have those weekends free until 2-3 months out. How is the plan adjusted once that information becomes available? Next question: I had hoped to do a marathon in late October next year because I hope to eventually get a BQ ( my marathon pb last year was 3:22 and I'm 43 next month). I know you don't recommend marathons but do you think one would be doable in October after a rev3 half in late August, or should I put it off for another year ( I was planning one this fall before I got injured). Is there a marathon plan for team members? Thanks!
@Jennifer -- Great! I was actually married in the campground in '06, AG on my calf, my dogs as groomspuppies, catered BBQ and >150 pints of BnJ's ice cream for my guests :-) I camp HUGE!! :-)
@Satish -- • You can resubmit that survey anytime and I'll redo your season plan. You can find the link in the right sidebar of your training plan page. • Yes, that's fine. What we don't like to see is athletes using marathons as a training tool for becoming a better / faster triathlete. That's a suboptimal way to do it :-) Yes, we have marathon training plans available for the members, as well as a Marathon specific training forum.
@Tom -- This should have been fixed. I'm assuming it has not for you? Let me know, as this is a bigger, coding issue and I want to let the elves know about it.
@ Tom -- That's a tough one. Can you tell me why / what your situation is that you can only do 4x/wk? Are there time limitations on these session, etc? Thanks, just trying to get more info.
thanks for uploading the trial plan. I have a general question for next years race schedule. I signed up for IM Frankfurt (early July) but nothing beyond. I consider to also do IM Wisconsin (Sep.) since it is close to were I live now (Moved from LA to Neenah WI) for work and cant believe how cold it is already!). Two IM's in one year too much? For background: Turning 50 next year. IM Frankfurt will be my 2nd IM (Did Vineman two years ago 11:45 with limited training) and I have done a bunch of 1/2's with times ranging for 5:09 to 5:30 (Depending on fitness - work works!).
Hi Rich, just getting used to navigating the site, it's great. I want to do IMAZ in 2013; it would be my 1st, IM. questions; A. I work a crazy schedule, different days off each week, nights, days... Can I mix and match workouts for the week? If so, when, how, and what do I need to provide u guys, to accurately plan. B. sprained my knee 2 weeks ago, today was my 1st run, and it still is not 100%. What workouts can I substitute? C. I just got a new TT bike with a power meter, does EN have a suggested threshold test, so I can provide my numbers for the plan?
@Nicolas -- Doing an Ironman in early July followed by IMWI is a "tight turn." In general: • 4wks between IM's = that second one is gonna suck, big time, unless you're a freak ;-) • 6wks = the minimum time between to have a "good" experience, but you'll be very lucky to simply repeat your performance. You won't PR…unless you really boogered the first one, or are a freak :-) • 8wks+ = you'll be fine, but… • I've NEVER seen anyone enjoy the workup to that 2nd Ironman, unless the second one is Kona after qualifying, at, say a July or early August race. That is, recovering and then getting up to train for a second IM in only 8wks is a HUGE mental effort and I've never seen anyone describe it as enjoyable. Just saying'
@Mike -- • The short answer is that our training plans are generic, ie, what you see in your training plan page is what everyone else sees. We can give you all the help you need to help you modify that yourself. That is, you reach out to Patrick in the Micro Thread here http://tinyurl.com/95y3pkm to say "plan says X, Y, Z but I can only do A, B, C…what should I do?" You and Patrick bounce that around and once you reach agreement, you bust out your sharpened #2 pixel and make those changes yourself. Over time, you learn how to manage things on your own, becoming a much better self-coached athletes. This self-serve, self-coached, we don't move your workouts around for you aspect of EN is why membership is $99/mo vs much, much higher that you'll see elsewhere. • Bottomline is your knee is your running coach now, not our training plan. You need to play heads up ball and adjust your schedule daily, depending on how it feels. If it were me and this being October and no pressing need to training "for" anything, I would be smart and not substitute anything. I'd treat getting better like it was my job and working my training in around that job. • Don't worry about that now. You'll test your power very, very early in your OS plan. In the meantime, be sure to check out the Power and Pace Forum. TONS of information in there for you.
Thanks for the season plan! Concerned about minimal training time I'll have while I work an event in Mexico from about March 15-April 4 on the build up to Wildflower. Last year I got in maybe 1 run, 1 swim due to the long, hot, exhausting hours of the event. In my plan this coincides with the get faster build to Wildflower 70.3 on May 4. How should I handle this or should I be concerned?
Also, I will be in town for the Illinois State marathon/half marathon/10k/5k Saturday, April 27 in Urbana,IL and would like to race with a friend. Is a Half Marathon safe to do the week before Wildflower after the break above or should I enjoy a leisurely 10k/ or 5k or no K? Thanks!
Yeah, I saw that. It is what it is and all you can do is what you can do. Do your best to run as frequently as you can...as that's about all you can do. When you get back you have another month before WF so that helps. But, again, it is what it is. Half marathon: lets wait until that time to make the call. I could see it going either way depending on how your fitness is at that time.
Hi Rich - I received the Season Plan based on my race schedule for 2013. It looks great except for the fact that I typically do the bulk of my training during July/Aug because of work/family schedules. I have 4 children and I am a college professor so by starting my IM focused work in mid- August makes when the new school year/semester starts me nervous - any suggestions?
@Melanie -- You're doing IMFL which means that the bulk of your Ironman training, ie, your race specific / critical volume, will happen in ~September and October. Just no way around that, the nature of the IMFL beast. That said, our IM plans are about ~2-3/hrs per week less than you commonly see from other coaches. But…again, there's no way around the fact that your highest volume weeks will be 3 to 9wks out from IMFL. Since you haven't yet registered for FL, maybe the race isn't the best timing for you? Maybe do another event in August or so that your peak weeks better match your ability to train? Just a thought
@George -- Please check your email, I resent your Season Plan to you. I think you may have misread it.
Hey Guys- So I gave you my triple A first priority which is LP IM at the end of July. I am considering a few other events as well prior to this race if the timing can work in my Plan. THe Patriot HIM is June 15th. Delmar Dash is a 5 miler typically 1st or 2nd week of April. Also. looking for a half marathon in May. Question is do these races fit in, if so how do I add them to my Season Plan. If not, why?
BTW- if this is not the forum for this question, let me know. Thanks. Gary
Gary, Yes, those races fit. However, you're good with your existing SP, just circle back to me in late winter with these changes and I'll redo it. Short answer, has no effect on what you'll be doing for the next ~16wks or more.
The only race I'm currently registered for (2013) is IMLP. Any general guidance on ideal timing for a half marathon and HIM in lead-up Placid? I have a fair amount of flexibility and live in a region with lots of options so looking for some guidance to help me narrow things down a bit.
My trial ends today and I am looking forward to transitioning to full membership. In the season survey I indicated I was coming off injury and so I chose the beginner HIM track. The injury i have (had?) is getting better and better throughout the preseason workouts which I have been doing fully (ok a little more than what has been prescribed). So how much will I gain (or lose) by switching to an intermediate plan? (I am a relative beginner in triathlon but not in endurance sports in general). Someone wiser than me once wrote that one should try to obtain the best result with the least amount of training so I dont mind starting out with the beginner plan or even stick to it for my first HIM, but is there a possibility to transition to an intermediate plan midstream? Is there a big difference between the two? What kind of indicators should I look for to suggest making such a switch? Or is it better to just stick with the beginner program (i.e. don't worry be happy?) Thanks!
@Satish -- I recommend you stick with the Beginner plan for the first ~3-4wks of the OS and then we can circle back to what is the best solution for you.
Hi coaches. Still trying to figure out how to utilize it all. There's so much going on here I struggle to make sure I'm focusing on the right things.
I had planned to do Muncie in July and then Steelhead(repeat) in August, but was toying with not doing Steelhead, and doing Louisville. But my fear is - I don't know that I'm up to it.
I can swim, but I'm slow. And I'm a horrible runner. I've lost alot of weight over the last 4 years, and probably have 20-30 more pounds to go (235 ish now - 6'3")
Would I be too ambitious if I did that? And what should I be doing/looking at each day to make sure I'm on track?
Hopefully I dont sound too "green", but I'm just trying to make sure I know how to fully use the tools before it kicks me over to a full member status...
I do have two questions please: 1.) If I am going to join 3-4 weeks earlier than you suggested do I go back and re-submitt my survey so you can adjust my season plan? 2.) If I add a major race (HIM or IM) how do I let you know or am I on my own to adjust my training?
1. You're good here. The "system" doesn't tell us when you officially joined. In the future, use the Macro Thread in the General Discussion Forum. Anyway, no worries…
2. We have the elves working overtime back here. Those plans will be live by the time you need them.
Welcome aboard!
@Gigi --
Huh…when you created your trial membership the system should have loaded the PS plan into your account to end on ~Oct 28, backfilling your plan from there. I've gone in and now and reset it. Let me know if it still looks jacked. Yes, follow the screencast. The important part is that you start the OS at the time that I indicated in your season plan
Will post in the other thread in future and look forward to seeing the other plans.
Thanks Rich. One more question - when it says 90 minutes biking should that be indoor or outdoor? Or does it not matter? Indoor on the drainer always seems like a harder workout for me so I don't know if there's some conversion I should do if I get lucky and can sneak outside (even tho it's suddenly winter here in Wisconsin!). Thanks!
Rich: I am having the same issue as Gigi. My Preseason plan is showing week 3 of 4. Could you reset mine as well? Thanks.
HI Rich,
Thanks for the plan! I am stoked to see you are doing IM CDA! I think I will do Wildflower as well instead of Napa Vintage. I have done both and think I am ready to tackle Wildflower again. It is definately a more competitive event. I took 1st in my age group at Napa Vintage this year, so I was planning to defend my title next year, but I think Wildflower will be a better choice in prep for CDA! See you there! Jen D
Hi coach Rich. Thanks for the season plan. A couple of questions: after the mt70.3 next year the other races I have in mind are just guesstimates because I won't know if I will have those weekends free until 2-3 months out. How is the plan adjusted once that information becomes available? Next question: I had hoped to do a marathon in late October next year because I hope to eventually get a BQ ( my marathon pb last year was 3:22 and I'm 43 next month). I know you don't recommend marathons but do you think one would be doable in October after a rev3 half in late August, or should I put it off for another year ( I was planning one this fall before I got injured). Is there a marathon plan for team members? Thanks!
I have the same issue as Gigi, can you reset my plan to week 1.
What's the rule of the thumb to help me determine: If I can only do 4 workouts a week which ones should those be?
Great! I was actually married in the campground in '06, AG on my calf, my dogs as groomspuppies, catered BBQ and >150 pints of BnJ's ice cream for my guests :-) I camp HUGE!! :-)
@Satish --
• You can resubmit that survey anytime and I'll redo your season plan. You can find the link in the right sidebar of your training plan page.
• Yes, that's fine. What we don't like to see is athletes using marathons as a training tool for becoming a better / faster triathlete. That's a suboptimal way to do it :-) Yes, we have marathon training plans available for the members, as well as a Marathon specific training forum.
@Tom --
This should have been fixed. I'm assuming it has not for you? Let me know, as this is a bigger, coding issue and I want to let the elves know about it.
@ Tom --
That's a tough one. Can you tell me why / what your situation is that you can only do 4x/wk? Are there time limitations on these session, etc? Thanks, just trying to get more info.
Hi RIch,
thanks for uploading the trial plan. I have a general question for next years race schedule. I signed up for IM Frankfurt (early July) but nothing beyond. I consider to also do IM Wisconsin (Sep.) since it is close to were I live now (Moved from LA to Neenah WI) for work and cant believe how cold it is already!). Two IM's in one year too much? For background: Turning 50 next year. IM Frankfurt will be my 2nd IM (Did Vineman two years ago 11:45 with limited training) and I have done a bunch of 1/2's with times ranging for 5:09 to 5:30 (Depending on fitness - work works!).
just getting used to navigating the site, it's great. I want to do IMAZ in 2013; it would be my 1st, IM. questions;
A. I work a crazy schedule, different days off each week, nights, days... Can I mix and match workouts for the week? If so, when, how, and what do I need to provide u guys, to accurately plan.
B. sprained my knee 2 weeks ago, today was my 1st run, and it still is not 100%. What workouts can I substitute?
C. I just got a new TT bike with a power meter, does EN have a suggested threshold test, so I can provide my numbers for the plan?
Doing an Ironman in early July followed by IMWI is a "tight turn." In general:
• 4wks between IM's = that second one is gonna suck, big time, unless you're a freak ;-)
• 6wks = the minimum time between to have a "good" experience, but you'll be very lucky to simply repeat your performance. You won't PR…unless you really boogered the first one, or are a freak :-)
• 8wks+ = you'll be fine, but…
• I've NEVER seen anyone enjoy the workup to that 2nd Ironman, unless the second one is Kona after qualifying, at, say a July or early August race. That is, recovering and then getting up to train for a second IM in only 8wks is a HUGE mental effort and I've never seen anyone describe it as enjoyable. Just saying'
@Mike --
• The short answer is that our training plans are generic, ie, what you see in your training plan page is what everyone else sees. We can give you all the help you need to help you modify that yourself. That is, you reach out to Patrick in the Micro Thread here http://tinyurl.com/95y3pkm to say "plan says X, Y, Z but I can only do A, B, C…what should I do?" You and Patrick bounce that around and once you reach agreement, you bust out your sharpened #2 pixel and make those changes yourself. Over time, you learn how to manage things on your own, becoming a much better self-coached athletes. This self-serve, self-coached, we don't move your workouts around for you aspect of EN is why membership is $99/mo vs much, much higher that you'll see elsewhere.
• Bottomline is your knee is your running coach now, not our training plan. You need to play heads up ball and adjust your schedule daily, depending on how it feels. If it were me and this being October and no pressing need to training "for" anything, I would be smart and not substitute anything. I'd treat getting better like it was my job and working my training in around that job.
• Don't worry about that now. You'll test your power very, very early in your OS plan. In the meantime, be sure to check out the Power and Pace Forum. TONS of information in there for you.
Thanks for the season plan! Concerned about minimal training time I'll have while I work an event in Mexico from about March 15-April 4 on the build up to Wildflower. Last year I got in maybe 1 run, 1 swim due to the long, hot, exhausting hours of the event. In my plan this coincides with the get faster build to Wildflower 70.3 on May 4. How should I handle this or should I be concerned?
Also, I will be in town for the Illinois State marathon/half marathon/10k/5k Saturday, April 27 in Urbana,IL and would like to race with a friend. Is a Half Marathon safe to do the week before Wildflower after the break above or should I enjoy a leisurely 10k/ or 5k or no K? Thanks!
Yeah, I saw that. It is what it is and all you can do is what you can do. Do your best to run as frequently as you can...as that's about all you can do. When you get back you have another month before WF so that helps. But, again, it is what it is. Half marathon: lets wait until that time to make the call. I could see it going either way depending on how your fitness is at that time.
Hi Rich - I received the Season Plan based on my race schedule for 2013. It looks great except for the fact that I typically do the bulk of my training during July/Aug because of work/family schedules. I have 4 children and I am a college professor so by starting my IM focused work in mid- August makes when the new school year/semester starts me nervous - any suggestions?
Thanks - Melanie
Why the 20 week HIM plan to get ready for IMLP? And, do I start it at week 1 of the plan on 5/6/2013?
You're doing IMFL which means that the bulk of your Ironman training, ie, your race specific / critical volume, will happen in ~September and October. Just no way around that, the nature of the IMFL beast. That said, our IM plans are about ~2-3/hrs per week less than you commonly see from other coaches. But…again, there's no way around the fact that your highest volume weeks will be 3 to 9wks out from IMFL. Since you haven't yet registered for FL, maybe the race isn't the best timing for you? Maybe do another event in August or so that your peak weeks better match your ability to train? Just a thought
@George --
Please check your email, I resent your Season Plan to you. I think you may have misread it.
Hey Guys- So I gave you my triple A first priority which is LP IM at the end of July. I am considering a few other events as well prior to this race if the timing can work in my Plan. THe Patriot HIM is June 15th. Delmar Dash is a 5 miler typically 1st or 2nd week of April. Also. looking for a half marathon in May. Question is do these races fit in, if so how do I add them to my Season Plan. If not, why?
BTW- if this is not the forum for this question, let me know. Thanks. Gary
Yes, those races fit. However, you're good with your existing SP, just circle back to me in late winter with these changes and I'll redo it. Short answer, has no effect on what you'll be doing for the next ~16wks or more.
Got it. Thanks.
Hi Coach Rich,
The only race I'm currently registered for (2013) is IMLP. Any general guidance on ideal timing for a half marathon and HIM in lead-up Placid? I have a fair amount of flexibility and live in a region with lots of options so looking for some guidance to help me narrow things down a bit.
Thanks in advance!
Hi coach Rich
My trial ends today and I am looking forward to transitioning to full membership. In the season survey I indicated I was coming off injury and so I chose the beginner HIM track. The injury i have (had?) is getting better and better throughout the preseason workouts which I have been doing fully (ok a little more than what has been prescribed). So how much will I gain (or lose) by switching to an intermediate plan? (I am a relative beginner in triathlon but not in endurance sports in general). Someone wiser than me once wrote that one should try to obtain the best result with the least amount of training so I dont mind starting out with the beginner plan or even stick to it for my first HIM, but is there a possibility to transition to an intermediate plan midstream? Is there a big difference between the two? What kind of indicators should I look for to suggest making such a switch? Or is it better to just stick with the beginner program (i.e. don't worry be happy?
) Thanks!
Please read this blog post (should answer a lot of your questions) and let me know if you need more help: http://www.endurancenation.us/blog/training/racing-a-half-ironman-before-a-full-ironman/
@Satish --
I recommend you stick with the Beginner plan for the first ~3-4wks of the OS and then we can circle back to what is the best solution for you.
I had planned to do Muncie in July and then Steelhead(repeat) in August, but was toying with not doing Steelhead, and doing Louisville. But my fear is - I don't know that I'm up to it.
I can swim, but I'm slow. And I'm a horrible runner. I've lost alot of weight over the last 4 years, and probably have 20-30 more pounds to go (235 ish now - 6'3")
Would I be too ambitious if I did that? And what should I be doing/looking at each day to make sure I'm on track?
Hopefully I dont sound too "green", but I'm just trying to make sure I know how to fully use the tools before it kicks me over to a full member status...
No too ambitious. Please read our thoughts on stepping up to an Ironman here: http://www.endurancenation.us/blog/training/are-you-ready-to-step-up-from-a-half-to-a-full-ironman/
Also, I sent your Season Plan to you on Friday. I just resent it to your email address, david.harris@kellogg.com, in case you missed it.
I do have two questions please: 1.) If I am going to join 3-4 weeks earlier than you suggested do I go back and re-submitt my survey so you can adjust my season plan? 2.) If I add a major race (HIM or IM) how do I let you know or am I on my own to adjust my training?
1. Yes
2. Same deal, just retake the survey and I'll recreate your season plan for you