@Vriginia - that is crazy... we are apparently drinking the same kool-aid and must stop the spending insanity! I will call my LBS today to see if I can drop the bike off after work tomorrow so they can work on it Th/Fri - in time for me to have it for my weekend ride -- not that I will know what I'm doing with it yet, but hey, it's a start! Good luck with the extra gifts... yikes! I have my folks to get - Dad is figured out and can be done online... mom, hmm... I have a good idea of what I think she needs (to get back into Curves and start taking care of herself) and while we've talked about it I just don't know if she'd go and I don't want to throw my money away. It's so odd... she complains about feeling bad, about looking bad, etc, etc... but she doesn't do anything about it. Vicious cycle.
@Beth - I bow to your dating prowess... I had a hard enough time getting one date in a month let alone 2 in a single day. If I am ever single again, I will call you for advice!
@Tracy - your plan sounds good (hmm... wait, that might be the pre-OS forum)... test out the knee and make sure you're good to go! And, as for getting involved, to get back into the "scene" Thumbs up! That's how I met Dan... in my running group - at a football party. I was talking to a few people about tris and Dan joined the conversation. I can't say I'd ever met him before, he's much faster than I am... not to mention, it was tri season so I wasn't doing Sat group runs... but it was nice that we met naturally and already had lots in common. Although I'm a huge extrovert and will have a good conversation with a brick., I'm a total solo-phobe.. it took me a lot of time and nerve to actually go to running club and tri club solo... then even more time to actually go to the running club post run breakfasts and football parties alone... but I got over it. I finally realized no one is uncomfortable with my singleness (or probably even notices) so why should I be... and when I finally started doing what I liked because I wanted to I met Dan. Funny how life can be...
sorry... I just noticed I got bumped up to veteran member. funny... I don't even remember the different rungs anymore... hopefully someday I can get my head screwed on straight, figure out my still in the box power meter, and be a wsm... but that may take a while!
super huge congrats to the newly crowned WSMs in chicadom: Kit and Leigh! Woo Hoo!!!
I have a project at work now! Finally! Although the powers that be in my division know that this has been a dry spell for me as my program is in a holding pattern while the net neutrality/open internet (which used to be my issue) has taken control of the bureau (at least it seems that way).
not that I can disclose who it is, but my secret santa is a chica which made me super happy... had fun shopping for her! I just hope what I ordered gets there before the holidays. Fingers crossed!
it's crazy cold and windy here... like 20-50 mph winds ... it might be better tomorrow so I might do a second night on the trainer and try to do my 40 min run outside during the day(telework) tomorrow after my various service calls (morning will be a stove repair - one of the heating elements is burned out), mid morning/early afternoon comcast is coming for my digital cable and internet... then a HH with my tri club friends to celebrate IMFL (and a few other first time HIM and IM'ers in our circle of friends). That will be fun!
Interview went well. It will be quite the drive but a great opportunity and quite frankly it literally fell into my lap so hopefully that's a sign. I'll keep you posted.
Sounds like everyone is busy busy. Can't mention interview on Facebook since I have some co-workers on there....so I'll keep you posted here.
Way to go Sheryl! Always nice to walk out of an interview feeling like you nailed it. Even if you don't get it, it's good to feel like you did all you could.
Becky- I'm totally jealous you have telework. We've been fighting for it in my office (SSA) for a while, and it's always "close." I will be a very happy camper when/if it happens.
I've been busy busy hosting friends at my apartment and getting ready for the holidays and a trip to NYC with my mom and brother. Got my EN secret santa done too, it was very interesting buying for someone you don't know. Fingers crossed it was a good pick!
I'm looking forward to an easy night tonight before my crazy weekend begins. I have date #2 tonight which is going to be an easy movie and takeout night at my apartment. Now hopefully he isn't shocked by the amount of furniture I have
Oh, that is a lot of repair dudes to wait for, Becky. Hopefully, they are early and you can work out! . . . You don't want to get in your drainer workout while the cable guy does his thing?
What a crazy week, Jennifer! Enjoy your date! I have a second date this week, too. =-)
We are getting snow in baltimore, already more than they predicted. I like to have something to show how cold it is. I don't want to drive in it though, and I have an appt with chiro this afternoon. having that graston stuff on my foot/calf.
Ok- so last night I was in a car wreck. I rear ended a car which hit another. I am ok, no one was hurt. I am bruised- foot and knee (& ego), and a little achy. I looked to right, then straight ahead, and cars were stopped/ braking. No where to go, and i was hitting the cars before I knew what happened. Car has a lot of front end damage. bring car in on Tuesday. It is driveable( Subaru- are tough, good to know) It also good to my insurance people are good. I have Progressive. Any time I have had to have interactions with them, they have been wonderful!!!!!
becky- let me know how the tv is once you get the cable set up. I may stop in best Buy later.
Yah for second dates!!! You guys are really get me excited to get out there again ( kind of)
Sheryl- glad to hear interview went well. need to get the secret santa gift. I am not a good shopper, yes, definitely hard for people you don't know!
gotta scoot, chiro called, has some opening early cause people cancelled. Wish me luck driving- a little nervous to get out there but needs to be done!
Been lurking. Seems like no time for much of anything lately and getting on the forums gets dropped from the list. Heading into week 8 of the OS.
@ Sheryl, fingers crossed about the job.
@ Tracy, be careful out there on the roads. I'm glad you are ok, the car is material.
@ Nemo, seems like some real winter weather your way! I'm not going to lie I don't envy you.
@ Becky, I hope that your cable got installed and you were able to get everything situated and get your work out in. I love how ridiculous those time frames are. If you set an appointment anywhere else and they said 'sometime between 8 and 1'. You would take your buisness elsewhere.
@ the dating ladies, more power to you. I can't even imagine. Good luck to you all.
I've been getting ready for Christmas. Still biting my tongue in my living situation. Very tough with no privacy for 6+ months now. To add to that my mother decided to join Michelle and I in Florida for Goofy.... I am getting excited for Christmas and thankful for now there is no snow in New England (this Nor'easter can blow out to sea).
Just got a secret santa gift sent from on-line. Want to send another little thing but I can't get it in the little town we live in. Hoping I can get into the cities on Sunday and get it in the mail on Monday....hope it gets there on time.
Just want to tell you all at this time of year how much I truly appreciate you all! Over the past year I feel a unique and blessed bond has formed with us all. I'm grateful for you all daily and daily I think of many or all of you and your experiences, your struggles, joys and triumphs. Thank you for letting me into your lives and thanks for sharing all that each of you are! Love you all!!!!
@Jennifer and Beth -- woo hoo, hope the second dates go well! @Sheryl - fingers crossed that if it's the job you want you get it! (and I love the ramanhanaqanzmas... too cute) @Tracy - gasp. glad you're not hurt! the tv looks awesome... very exciting, even more so bc I don't have to pay for it (except 30 a month) for a while! @Nemo - I lucked out with my secret santa giftee... a chica who I "know".
the install stuff was a nightmare yesterday. the stove window was 8-1 which was ridiculous. the comcast was 11-2. What just made my morning was the call at 10:55 telling me the stove guy didn't feel safe on the roads and wasn't coming. I understand the roads, but to wait 3 hours to tell me... just as the next window started... so I was captive. Cable guy showed up at 12:30 and it took about an hour... I thought I could get a late lunch workout session in when I discovered I had no sound... so I called comcast back and started fiddling... then Dan called and said he'd stop over after work (at 4)... by this point it's 2:30 and if I tried to get to the gym I'd be rushing around to get it done and get showered so I'd be decent when Dan arrived knowing I'd be heading downtown as soon as he left for HH... so I bagged the workout and took a shower. While Dan was over the comcast guy called back and said he'd stop back over after his other visits... no time specified. so, once again I'm a prisoner... he got there close to 6. Fortunately it was a very quick fix, he traded the hdmi cable for component cables and voila sound... I headed to the metro and met my friends (smaller group than anticipated, probably bc of the bad weather), but it was most of my closer friends, so that was AOK with me.
crazy day! working at home again - took the bike to the shop first thing, then swung by the vet to pick up Sid's anti-anxiety meds... all the errands I couldn't do yesterday... now it's finally lunch time and I'm off to the gym... maybe an outdoor run, but I'm not sure what the sidewalks look like...
Just registered for Timberman. What is with all of the questions? I just want to race, not explain my entire athletic history. And to make them all required fields? SHHEEESSHHHHH! I do NOT heart how crazy these races have become. However the lady who took my hotel reservation was very lovely.
Looking forward to meeting some EN peeps in August!
@Carly - Hooray for you joining the Timberman party! I was totally making up answers to the questions. I think for one of them, I wrote that I would only answer it if they promised to rack my one, true soulmate next to me. INVASIVE!
Date = awesome. And there's been talk of a third one involving barbecue.
I am too full of turkey, pie, and ukrainian food for anything more profound. How's everyone doing with holiday prep?
Phew...I'm exhausted from the weekend. Just a lot of work, family commitments, and holiday parties. Fun, but exhausting, and that's always a tough way to start a new week. But, I have a week and a half off starting Wednesday at 5pm so I'm really really really looking forward to that. And today I get to go and buy my Nook with the Christmas presents I've already gotten Second date for me went really good. Was nice to have a low key night, and was happy before he left that he wanted to get together again. Enjoying the actual dates, not enjoying the random waiting around etc. that goes along with dating. Maybe I need to start being like Beth and dating multiples!
@Beth- good to hear your date went well. I think I might need to start getting some date ideas from you, I'm starting to run out of my old standards!
Morning ladies! I think I'm all done with my holiday shopping. I need to find a way to bake cookies for Joe without him knowing about it. Very hard since we're always home at the same time!
My favorite kinds of dates when we first met were the non-traditional date kinda things. Going for a hike in the mountains, sailing on a sunfish, playing put-put, spending an afternoon at the Zoo, exploring a new museum, etc. One nice thing about DC is that so many of the museums and monuments are free- so it's easy to have a low key date without spending a lot of cash
I agree, hooray for good second dates and here's to fabulous #3!
@Nemo... hmm... that is tough. I'd suggest going to a friends' house and borrowing her oven. Then you can have friend bonding time while making a surprise for Joe! Or tell him you're making the cookies for someone else (work party or friend, etc)...
all is okay with me. Still have to get Dad's gift card, but that will be online so I'm not stressed. Have to have a chat with mom about what I want to get her (gym or Curves membership)... since she'll be traveling through next week I can talk to her when I see her and if she's on board get it set up to go active Jan 1.
Got Jina back from the shop with the PM but I haven't had a chance to check it out... other than to download and print all the stuff I need to start the learning process... plan to take the new laptop with me to OR/WA to try to get some of it done on the plane... Dan usually reads or does cross words anyway so a few hours staring at my computer drinking kool-aid won't bother him.
Dan and I started "the talk". Well, I started the talk and he was a pill and put me off and I was very upset by being put off. Granted, I didn't want or expect to do it before the holidays but I just couldn't swallow it any more. It was Sat night and he was not feeling well and basically tabled the conversation. Saying he thought things were "fine" and there were things he wanted to talk about but not then. I said I wasn't "fine" and well, went home in a very emotional state. We did talk a bit last night... It was strange. I have no closure, but at least it's out there. He's just not an emotional guy and he's not a talker. It was just odd. I still don't know but I do feel better for having let it out.
On a happier note, I got my secret santa gift... the shipping label had the bill to address so I know who got it for me... which makes me think my identity won't be a secret either (bc I had it shipped directly, too)... so, thanks Beth! I wore the t-shirt pretty much all weekend; it's a great layer!
@Everyone, whew...lots of Holiday stuff going on. We were just remarking on Saturday that this Christmas seems quite stress free for some reason.
@Becky, Hope things go better with the "talking." It's hard when it's not during the holidays. Praying you find the perfect time and situation to make it all work.
Sad news today. A friend's son died in a snowmobile accident yesterday. He was 26 and he and his wife are expecting a baby any day. She went into labor yesterday from the trauma of the news, but they are stopping the labor for now. Not sure what the plan is but the visitation is Wednesday with the funeral on Thursday. Makes me so sad and truly appreciate all I have and how unimportant so many things are.
Everyone stay warm and about all, please all stay safe!!! If you are traveling, please travel wisely. Tracy, I would bet you will be on the road. Please please take care. So glad your accident wasn't worse and that you will be ok.
Thanks Nemo! I was going to comment, too, on your post that I love all of your dates except for putt putt. For some weird reason I have always hated playing putt putt. I think it's from when my brother would pitch big fits when he didn't win. I think that's the reason I hate to play monopoly too.
@Sheryl - Oh, dear! So young, and with a baby on the way, too.
@Becky - You're welcome. Glad you like it! And thank you, Santabecky! Dash and I totally needed some skulls to pump up the bike mojo. Time to decorate the pain cave and get to work! =-)
And "the talk" doesn't sound terribly fun at all. Although some things are definitely worth fighting for -- and sometimes you get what you want and everyone is happier.
@Jennifer - Glad you had a good date! Dating multiple boys - go for it! Let's see. Christmas date was totally fun. I also am a fan of zoo date (also good for a first date, because this one can be of any length. Easy to extend, or bail after seeing the penguins). I have rib date planned, and am excited for that. Walking in Lincoln Park at night -- especially the little pavilion on the other side of the pond -- is very romantic. I keep wanting to go on pool playing date. I also have a no coffee date policy -- so hard to flirt at Starbuck's. Drinks. Way more fun. Better lighting. Hopleaf is great for that. Music Box matinee, then brunch. I like the low-key, not terribly expensive dates.
@Sheryl - I'm game for a chica team. Do you suppose I get extra points for running in FARGO?
I "started" a chica team for the run challenge, it's on the spreadsheet... hope you'll join me!
@Beth - you're welcome! Poor Dash can't be neglected too much longer!
Dan and I exchanged gifts last night ahead of the trip (so we don't have to pack stuff). I got him a wine book, a red and white wine aerator, and a zagat wine club membership - a case every 3 months. So, there was a theme there... ha ha. He got me the primal cookbook which is great as we eat dinner together a lot and when I started trying to eat clean he was getting very bored with grilled meat/fish and veggies every night... so like my wine gift to him, he will benefit, too. And he got me a pearl iZumi windbreaker/rain jacket in orange and white to match Jina! I joked with him when I got the bike that none of my bike gear matches (my other two bikes were easy - black, red, white, gray... all worked). Oh, and I got tickets to see A Christmas Carol at Ford's Theater, unfortunately I couldn't get seats before Christmas, so we're going New Year's day evening... a date night in DC!
@Sheryl - I still have chills. I am so sorry to hear about your friend's son... and his wife and baby. So tragic.
Sheryl, so sorry to hear of your friend's tragic loss! Hugs to you and prayers to her, and her family. I'm glad to hear that the dating scene is still alive and well in Chicago! Enjoy it girls! Trying to tie up loose ends here, on my Christmas wrapping. Ready to wash up some b'fast dishes then off to the Y for a run in my new Asics!! I needed new shoes so badly, after starting to experience shin splints and Plantar's Faciatis! I hope all of you are healthy, happy, and enjoying the holiday season!! Becky, talks are tough, no doubt. But they are necessary. If you can't talk to your partner, then why bother being with them, right? Good luck kiddo! Hope it works out how you want it to!
Sheryl- Thoughts go out to your friend and her family. That's extremely heartbreaking, especially someone so young with a lot in front of him.
Becky- Sounds like you got a lot of fun gear. I always enjoy getting tri/workout stuff, though most don't buy it for me cause they're afraid of getting the wrong thing!
Beth- Good ideas! I'll need to make a list. I love the Hopleaf...mmm such good beer. Though I'm waiting for him to call, since I'm a bit stubborn and I planned the last date I feel like that's the way it should be. He definitely has given the impression that he sucks at the electronic (phone, text) communication, so who knows if it will happen. But overall it's a nice boost to the mojo going into the new year, so I'm not worrying about it much.
Everyone stay safe! Oh, and let's run! Totally signed up for the challenge as it will coincide perfectly with a trip to NYC. Lots of running needs to get done in prep for the JOS!
@Vriginia - that is crazy... we are apparently drinking the same kool-aid and must stop the spending insanity! I will call my LBS today to see if I can drop the bike off after work tomorrow so they can work on it Th/Fri - in time for me to have it for my weekend ride -- not that I will know what I'm doing with it yet, but hey, it's a start! Good luck with the extra gifts... yikes! I have my folks to get - Dad is figured out and can be done online... mom, hmm... I have a good idea of what I think she needs (to get back into Curves and start taking care of herself) and while we've talked about it I just don't know if she'd go and I don't want to throw my money away. It's so odd... she complains about feeling bad, about looking bad, etc, etc... but she doesn't do anything about it. Vicious cycle.
@Jennifer - oh no! How are you feeling?
@Beth - I bow to your dating prowess... I had a hard enough time getting one date in a month let alone 2 in a single day. If I am ever single again, I will call you for advice!
@Tracy - your plan sounds good (hmm... wait, that might be the pre-OS forum)... test out the knee and make sure you're good to go! And, as for getting involved, to get back into the "scene" Thumbs up! That's how I met Dan... in my running group - at a football party. I was talking to a few people about tris and Dan joined the conversation. I can't say I'd ever met him before, he's much faster than I am... not to mention, it was tri season so I wasn't doing Sat group runs... but it was nice that we met naturally and already had lots in common. Although I'm a huge extrovert and will have a good conversation with a brick., I'm a total solo-phobe.. it took me a lot of time and nerve to actually go to running club and tri club solo... then even more time to actually go to the running club post run breakfasts and football parties alone... but I got over it. I finally realized no one is uncomfortable with my singleness (or probably even notices) so why should I be... and when I finally started doing what I liked because I wanted to I met Dan. Funny how life can be...
Happy day all!!!
super huge congrats to the newly crowned WSMs in chicadom: Kit and Leigh! Woo Hoo!!!
I have a project at work now! Finally! Although the powers that be in my division know that this has been a dry spell for me as my program is in a holding pattern while the net neutrality/open internet (which used to be my issue) has taken control of the bureau (at least it seems that way).
not that I can disclose who it is, but my secret santa is a chica which made me super happy... had fun shopping for her! I just hope what I ordered gets there before the holidays. Fingers crossed!
it's crazy cold and windy here... like 20-50 mph winds ... it might be better tomorrow so I might do a second night on the trainer and try to do my 40 min run outside during the day(telework) tomorrow after my various service calls (morning will be a stove repair - one of the heating elements is burned out), mid morning/early afternoon comcast is coming for my digital cable and internet... then a HH with my tri club friends to celebrate IMFL (and a few other first time HIM and IM'ers in our circle of friends). That will be fun!
hope the interview went well, sheryl!
Woo hoo on WSM's. Congrats!!!
Interview went well. It will be quite the drive but a great opportunity and quite frankly it literally fell into my lap so hopefully that's a sign. I'll keep you posted.
Sounds like everyone is busy busy. Can't mention interview on Facebook since I have some co-workers on there....so I'll keep you posted here.
Thanks for the mojo and prayer!
Becky- I'm totally jealous you have telework. We've been fighting for it in my office (SSA) for a while, and it's always "close." I will be a very happy camper when/if it happens.
I've been busy busy hosting friends at my apartment and getting ready for the holidays and a trip to NYC with my mom and brother. Got my EN secret santa done too, it was very interesting buying for someone you don't know. Fingers crossed it was a good pick!
I'm looking forward to an easy night tonight before my crazy weekend begins. I have date #2 tonight which is going to be an easy movie and takeout night at my apartment. Now hopefully he isn't shocked by the amount of furniture I have
Oh, that is a lot of repair dudes to wait for, Becky. Hopefully, they are early and you can work out! . . . You don't want to get in your drainer workout while the cable guy does his thing?
What a crazy week, Jennifer! Enjoy your date! I have a second date this week, too. =-)
Yeah for getting Secret Santa shopping done (and totally agree- picking out a present for someone you don't know is pretty scary!)
Yeah for good job interviews!
And finally, Holy crap, it's snowing and the Sound is frozen. WTF!?
Nemo- you're getting snow in Nags head? Wow!
We are getting snow in baltimore, already more than they predicted. I like to have something to show how cold it is. I don't want to drive in it though, and I have an appt with chiro this afternoon. having that graston stuff on my foot/calf.
Ok- so last night I was in a car wreck. I rear ended a car which hit another. I am ok, no one was hurt. I am bruised- foot and knee (& ego), and a little achy. I looked to right, then straight ahead, and cars were stopped/ braking. No where to go, and i was hitting the cars before I knew what happened. Car has a lot of front end damage. bring car in on Tuesday. It is driveable( Subaru- are tough, good to know) It also good to my insurance people are good. I have Progressive. Any time I have had to have interactions with them, they have been wonderful!!!!!
becky- let me know how the tv is once you get the cable set up. I may stop in best Buy later.
Yah for second dates!!! You guys are really get me excited to get out there again ( kind of)
Sheryl- glad to hear interview went well. need to get the secret santa gift. I am not a good shopper, yes, definitely hard for people you don't know!
gotta scoot, chiro called, has some opening early cause people cancelled. Wish me luck driving- a little nervous to get out there but needs to be done!
Been lurking. Seems like no time for much of anything lately and getting on the forums gets dropped from the list. Heading into week 8 of the OS.
@ Sheryl, fingers crossed about the job.
@ Tracy, be careful out there on the roads. I'm glad you are ok, the car is material.
@ Nemo, seems like some real winter weather your way! I'm not going to lie I don't envy you.
@ Becky, I hope that your cable got installed and you were able to get everything situated and get your work out in. I love how ridiculous those time frames are. If you set an appointment anywhere else and they said 'sometime between 8 and 1'. You would take your buisness elsewhere.
@ the dating ladies, more power to you. I can't even imagine. Good luck to you all.
I've been getting ready for Christmas. Still biting my tongue in my living situation. Very tough with no privacy for 6+ months now. To add to that my mother decided to join Michelle and I in Florida for Goofy.... I am getting excited for Christmas and thankful for now there is no snow in New England (this Nor'easter can blow out to sea).
Just got a secret santa gift sent from on-line. Want to send another little thing but I can't get it in the little town we live in. Hoping I can get into the cities on Sunday and get it in the mail on Monday....hope it gets there on time.
Just want to tell you all at this time of year how much I truly appreciate you all! Over the past year I feel a unique and blessed bond has formed with us all. I'm grateful for you all daily and daily I think of many or all of you and your experiences, your struggles, joys and triumphs. Thank you for letting me into your lives and thanks for sharing all that each of you are! Love you all!!!!
And hoping to cover you all,
Happy Ramahanaquanzmas
@Sheryl - fingers crossed that if it's the job you want you get it! (and I love the ramanhanaqanzmas... too cute)
@Tracy - gasp. glad you're not hurt! the tv looks awesome... very exciting, even more so bc I don't have to pay for it (except 30 a month) for a while!
@Nemo - I lucked out with my secret santa giftee... a chica who I "know".
the install stuff was a nightmare yesterday. the stove window was 8-1 which was ridiculous. the comcast was 11-2. What just made my morning was the call at 10:55 telling me the stove guy didn't feel safe on the roads and wasn't coming. I understand the roads, but to wait 3 hours to tell me... just as the next window started... so I was captive. Cable guy showed up at 12:30 and it took about an hour... I thought I could get a late lunch workout session in when I discovered I had no sound... so I called comcast back and started fiddling... then Dan called and said he'd stop over after work (at 4)... by this point it's 2:30 and if I tried to get to the gym I'd be rushing around to get it done and get showered so I'd be decent when Dan arrived knowing I'd be heading downtown as soon as he left for HH... so I bagged the workout and took a shower. While Dan was over the comcast guy called back and said he'd stop back over after his other visits... no time specified. so, once again I'm a prisoner... he got there close to 6. Fortunately it was a very quick fix, he traded the hdmi cable for component cables and voila sound... I headed to the metro and met my friends (smaller group than anticipated, probably bc of the bad weather), but it was most of my closer friends, so that was AOK with me.
crazy day! working at home again - took the bike to the shop first thing, then swung by the vet to pick up Sid's anti-anxiety meds... all the errands I couldn't do yesterday... now it's finally lunch time and I'm off to the gym... maybe an outdoor run, but I'm not sure what the sidewalks look like...
Just registered for Timberman. What is with all of the questions? I just want to race, not explain my entire athletic history. And to make them all required fields? SHHEEESSHHHHH! I do NOT heart how crazy these races have become. However the lady who took my hotel reservation was very lovely.
Looking forward to meeting some EN peeps in August!
@Carly - Hooray for you joining the Timberman party! I was totally making up answers to the questions. I think for one of them, I wrote that I would only answer it if they promised to rack my one, true soulmate next to me. INVASIVE!
Date = awesome. And there's been talk of a third one involving barbecue.
I am too full of turkey, pie, and ukrainian food for anything more profound. How's everyone doing with holiday prep?
@Beth- good to hear your date went well. I think I might need to start getting some date ideas from you, I'm starting to run out of my old standards!
My favorite kinds of dates when we first met were the non-traditional date kinda things. Going for a hike in the mountains, sailing on a sunfish, playing put-put, spending an afternoon at the Zoo, exploring a new museum, etc. One nice thing about DC is that so many of the museums and monuments are free- so it's easy to have a low key date without spending a lot of cash
I agree, hooray for good second dates and here's to fabulous #3!
@Nemo... hmm... that is tough. I'd suggest going to a friends' house and borrowing her oven. Then you can have friend bonding time while making a surprise for Joe! Or tell him you're making the cookies for someone else (work party or friend, etc)...
all is okay with me. Still have to get Dad's gift card, but that will be online so I'm not stressed. Have to have a chat with mom about what I want to get her (gym or Curves membership)... since she'll be traveling through next week I can talk to her when I see her and if she's on board get it set up to go active Jan 1.
Got Jina back from the shop with the PM but I haven't had a chance to check it out... other than to download and print all the stuff I need to start the learning process... plan to take the new laptop with me to OR/WA to try to get some of it done on the plane... Dan usually reads or does cross words anyway so a few hours staring at my computer drinking kool-aid won't bother him.
Dan and I started "the talk". Well, I started the talk and he was a pill and put me off and I was very upset by being put off. Granted, I didn't want or expect to do it before the holidays but I just couldn't swallow it any more. It was Sat night and he was not feeling well and basically tabled the conversation. Saying he thought things were "fine" and there were things he wanted to talk about but not then. I said I wasn't "fine" and well, went home in a very emotional state. We did talk a bit last night... It was strange. I have no closure, but at least it's out there. He's just not an emotional guy and he's not a talker. It was just odd. I still don't know but I do feel better for having let it out.
On a happier note, I got my secret santa gift... the shipping label had the bill to address so I know who got it for me... which makes me think my identity won't be a secret either (bc I had it shipped directly, too)... so, thanks Beth! I wore the t-shirt pretty much all weekend; it's a great layer!
@Beth, excited to hear more about your dates.
@Everyone, whew...lots of Holiday stuff going on. We were just remarking on Saturday that this Christmas seems quite stress free for some reason.
@Becky, Hope things go better with the "talking." It's hard when it's not during the holidays. Praying you find the perfect time and situation to make it all work.
Sad news today. A friend's son died in a snowmobile accident yesterday. He was 26 and he and his wife are expecting a baby any day. She went into labor yesterday from the trauma of the news, but they are stopping the labor for now. Not sure what the plan is but the visitation is Wednesday with the funeral on Thursday. Makes me so sad and truly appreciate all I have and how unimportant so many things are.
Everyone stay warm and about all, please all stay safe!!! If you are traveling, please travel wisely. Tracy, I would bet you will be on the road. Please please take care. So glad your accident wasn't worse and that you will be ok.
Take care all!!
Thanks Nemo! I was going to comment, too, on your post that I love all of your dates except for putt putt. For some weird reason I have always hated playing putt putt. I think it's from when my brother would pitch big fits when he didn't win. I think that's the reason I hate to play monopoly too.
@Becky - You're welcome. Glad you like it! And thank you, Santabecky! Dash and I totally needed some skulls to pump up the bike mojo. Time to decorate the pain cave and get to work! =-)
And "the talk" doesn't sound terribly fun at all. Although some things are definitely worth fighting for -- and sometimes you get what you want and everyone is happier.
@Jennifer - Glad you had a good date! Dating multiple boys - go for it! Let's see. Christmas date was totally fun. I also am a fan of zoo date (also good for a first date, because this one can be of any length. Easy to extend, or bail after seeing the penguins). I have rib date planned, and am excited for that. Walking in Lincoln Park at night -- especially the little pavilion on the other side of the pond -- is very romantic. I keep wanting to go on pool playing date. I also have a no coffee date policy -- so hard to flirt at Starbuck's. Drinks. Way more fun. Better lighting. Hopleaf is great for that. Music Box matinee, then brunch. I like the low-key, not terribly expensive dates.
@Sheryl - I'm game for a chica team. Do you suppose I get extra points for running in FARGO?
I "started" a chica team for the run challenge, it's on the spreadsheet... hope you'll join me!
@Beth - you're welcome! Poor Dash can't be neglected too much longer!
Dan and I exchanged gifts last night ahead of the trip (so we don't have to pack stuff). I got him a wine book, a red and white wine aerator, and a zagat wine club membership - a case every 3 months. So, there was a theme there... ha ha. He got me the primal cookbook which is great as we eat dinner together a lot and when I started trying to eat clean he was getting very bored with grilled meat/fish and veggies every night... so like my wine gift to him, he will benefit, too. And he got me a pearl iZumi windbreaker/rain jacket in orange and white to match Jina! I joked with him when I got the bike that none of my bike gear matches (my other two bikes were easy - black, red, white, gray... all worked). Oh, and I got tickets to see A Christmas Carol at Ford's Theater, unfortunately I couldn't get seats before Christmas, so we're going New Year's day evening... a date night in DC!
@Sheryl - I still have chills. I am so sorry to hear about your friend's son... and his wife and baby. So tragic.
I'm glad to hear that the dating scene is still alive and well in Chicago!
Trying to tie up loose ends here, on my Christmas wrapping. Ready to wash up some b'fast dishes then off to the Y for a run in my new Asics!! I needed new shoes so badly, after starting to experience shin splints and Plantar's Faciatis!
I hope all of you are healthy, happy, and enjoying the holiday season!! Becky, talks are tough, no doubt. But they are necessary. If you can't talk to your partner, then why bother being with them, right? Good luck kiddo! Hope it works out how you want it to!
Becky- Sounds like you got a lot of fun gear. I always enjoy getting tri/workout stuff, though most don't buy it for me cause they're afraid of getting the wrong thing!
Beth- Good ideas! I'll need to make a list. I love the Hopleaf...mmm such good beer. Though I'm waiting for him to call, since I'm a bit stubborn and I planned the last date I feel like that's the way it should be. He definitely has given the impression that he sucks at the electronic (phone, text) communication, so who knows if it will happen. But overall it's a nice boost to the mojo going into the new year, so I'm not worrying about it much.
Everyone stay safe! Oh, and let's run! Totally signed up for the challenge as it will coincide perfectly with a trip to NYC. Lots of running needs to get done in prep for the JOS!
Becky- sounds like a lovely gift exchange with thoughtful gifts on both sides. The talk is tough, but it's gotta happen.
Gotta scoot, phone is ringing!