thanks.. still have a lot to digest about the talk... and about how I feel. I feel empowered by you all (your support) and have really come into my own this past 2 years... so we'll see. He's a wonderful person. But so am I... well, most of the time... I'm in a better place than I was when I met him so either way I'll be okay. I hope we talk more after the holidays. Actually, it's more that I hope we keep talking.
hopefully the lurkers are too busy to check in with us - so I'm throwing this out of the things Dan mentioned as holding him back is our sex life. You may remember our Oct (?) discussion about lack of mojo during IM training... well, for me it hasn't picked up where we left off now that my IM is history. Part of that could be my meds (anti-depression/anxiety), but to be honest, I think a lot more of it is mental insofar as I don't know how connected I feel to Dan and don't know what I want/if it's working for me.
I think women in general are more open and inclined to be amorous when they feel loved/respected/safe... basically in a stable and supportive and healthy relationship. (we're talking long term sexual happiness... not the beginning of a relationship hot and heavy can't keep our hands off each other... ). I've been confused about how I feel for a while now and I think it's manifested in the bedroom... but I was able to disguise it with my crazy training schedule/volume. Dan has noticed the change and it's one of the two things that's really concerning him about "going to the next level" (as he put it). This is a horrible catch 22 for me. Oversimplified: I need to know where we're going before I can feel frisky and he wants me to feel frisky so he can commit. I tried to explain to him that I've shut down a bit because I've been confused. He doesn't get how the two are connected. Men are obviously very different...
argh. sorry to railroad the thread with my nuttiness..
I can't believe it's Christmas week... seriously, this is nuts! Looking forward to skipping town. Hope Dan and I will get to relax a bit. It'll be good to see my younger brothers and finally meet my nephew. I know my parents will be happy to see us all... hopefully they don't drive me nuts (I have a very short fuse when they're involved... ).
@Jennifer, Beth - the dating ideas sound fun... perhaps ice skating outdoors somewhere? granted, I can't skate to save my life, but I can laugh at myself while trying! Then hot cocoa or a nice glass of wine at a bar...
Oooohhh ice skating is a good idea. Nice call. It's pretty funny, once I mentioned to a few people that I've been dating, or trying to meet people, now everyone is brainstorming as to people they can set me up with. It's kinda fun since they've never done it before now! Who knows, I may be headed out on multiple dates a day like Beth in no time
Becky- Dan not understanding where you are coming from re: friskiness...I'm gonna have to call BS. I have a few very dense guy friends, and even the dumbest of them get that girls are amorous when they're all about you and when they aren't then something is up emotionally. Hopefully your post-holiday talk will reveal some more stuff, but from the way things sound I wouldn't continue to put it off once all the holiday craziness settles down. Sounds like you both need it.
@Jennifer - thanks... I've put off having the conversation bc I'm not prepared [yet] for the potential consequence... lawyer rule of thumb: never ask a question you don't know the answer to... translation into dating: never make an ultimatum you're not prepared to stand by/accept the consequences of. I may not be sure but I'm not prepared for singledom. I admit it, I'm a wuss and am weak...
Head to OR soon - it will end up to be a very long day. Flight out of Dulles at 6, arrive in Portland at 9. Nice that it's a direct flight, but that will be midnight my time and I got up at 5:30 to hop on the trainer.
Struggling to figure out how to use all my training software... but the PM is up and running... glad I'll have another week at home with it before OS.
I suspect I'll check in occasionally - assuming my bro leaves his laptop at home when he goes to work tomorrow... but just in case, I want to wish you all a great holiday!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas yesterday! So far the trip out west has been great. I finally got out to the Willamette Valley and did some wine tasting. I met my nephew, Vinko (Slovenian for Vincent), and got to visit with the fam (with the exception of my older brother).
I strongly suspect that when my jeans come out of the dryer tonight it will be a struggle to get them on. Sigh... It will be good to be home and to get myself back into a routine. But, this past year my routine has been off and my weight has been up... I have to figure out how to keep my weight down and have a BF at the same time... the problem may be eating out more... definitely drinking more wine (I rarely opened up wine on a weeknight eating home alone)... I'm sick of complaining, gotta do something!
Heading home early tomorrow morning... from rain to snow. Should be interesting. Although a layover in San Fran is a crazy way to go home, I'm glad with all the bad weather that's happening everywhere.
I strongly suspect that when my jeans come out of the dryer tonight it will be a struggle to get them on.
Becky- you are not alone! I fell off the wagon from Dec 24-26. On Christmas day in particular I decided to just enjoy the entire day, food and all, with no guilt. When Joe made eggs Benedict for b-fast he asked if I wanted to use my whole wheat muffins and I debated the decision in my had for a while and finally said "No- if I'm going to splurge today, I might as well splurge. Go ahead and toast a Thomas's muffin for me". He cracked up and said "Splurge? You call choosing an white English Muffin a splurge? Well, don't party too hard hon!". That helped set the tone for the day and I did just enjoy all the good eats we made together.
Love your splurge, Nemo! LOL! I won't tell you how I've been splurging!! Suffice it to say that it has not been 'triathlete friendly'! Time to get back on the athelete boat! Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas holiday. I have enjoyed special Christmas runs this past week. One was a 2 mile Santa Run, with about 50 people, running down the street in Santa hats/outfits, and waving to cars. The other was a post-Christmas run yesterday, on a very hilly course. Most did 10 miles, I opted for 8.5, due to a sore hamstring that was shutting down on me. But I enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Wish there were special get-togethers like these, every weekend! Great fun! On the down side, I have to call the Endo doc to see about getting a root canal!!! After an emergency visit to my dentist, I have a cracked tooth with drainage, and a RX for Vicodin... Merry Christmas to me... Not!
I think I'm going to be joining you guys here now that I have time (or think I will). I haven't read through all the discussion.
Thoughts so far: Gotta start watching my intake more. Jeans are getting tight. Was diagnosed hypothyroid in November. Working on getting meds straight. Dr. says that once my levels are normalized losing weight should be easier. We'll see.
John got me a PM for Christmas. I was floored and almost started crying. Guess this means I have to step up and do the HIM I've been talking about in the spring. Knee and running are coming along. Fingers crossed that continues.
Looking at growing my practice now that I'm out of school. Not sure what else is going to be out there, but know good things are on the way.
@Nemo - I wish my splurge was just a white versus a wheat muffin... LOL!
I kinda said, what the heck, it's the holidays and OS isn't for another week... unfortunately I've been saying that a lot since IMFL. On the way home I had a lot of time to read (what a travel ordeal... and I thought San Fran layover would be better than anywhere else that might have snow) - and came across a really interesting few articles in Outdoor Magazine. In one, various members of the staff did different challenges, i.e., adding a daily nap, cutting caffeine, doing a cleanse, walking around every 30 minutes, being more social...
The write up on the cleanse was really interesting - and I bought the book the journalist mentioned: Clean by Dr. Junger. I just started reading it (during my commute and lunch break). From the article it sounds like there's a cleanse period followed by a gradual re-introduction of certain "approved" foods over time. It seemed like it had a primal/paleo ring to it. I've just started the book and if it seems safe to me (from the little bit I've read it claims I can still work out in the cleanse phase), I might try it after my annual re-gift holiday party on 1/8. Curious if any of you have heard of the book?
Ha, I also have been "splurging." Just got back from a trip to NYC with my brother and mom, and I ate a lot of everything. Needless to say I'm glad to get back to a normal routine of eating, and also glad to start the OS soon. I like doing whatever I want, but I do so much better with a set plan.
@Penny- Yay on the PM! What a fun present, I'm sure you'll really enjoy the instant feedback from it.
@Beth- I am cracking up with your FB posts on being a teenage girl. They just make me smile! Glad to hear things are going well
Hope everyone had a great holiday, gotta run and get ready for NYE which also happens to be my brother's birthday, so I'll be hosting him and a bunch of friends at my apartment (I am "downtown" which is very exciting for them).
Jennifer- I'm right there with you. I've been really enjoying all this flex time, and rest assured, that english muffin was only the beginning of my splurge! But like you, I'm looking forward to getting back in a routine. Now, if I can just get better about maintaining my core/flexibility this year. I think that's really gonna be my only "resolution" (I don't like to make resolutions, but that's one area I really do need to fix).
super fast, just logged in to add my run from yesterday to the challenge spreadsheet... we're in a distant 4th, come on chicas! RUN desperately trying to figure out the pwer stuff - downloading, uploading, configuring... and at some point reading the darn charts. crazy... kinda fun but wow what a time suck... must leave my computer to hit the gym... weight is crazy high. almost halfway through "Clean" think I'm gonna try it. starting 1/9 will be the "elimination week" then on the following sat, 1/15 will be week 1 of 3... from what I can tell that's the detox week. should be interesting... but I'm hopeful.
Hi Girls, you haven't heard from me in forever but wanted to say "goodbye" for a while. I searched long and hard regarding if I should take an entire break due to sooo many darn medical issues. In a nut shell I have been laid back for nearly 8 weeks. I had a nasty slip and fall (in my house on a doggie accident I didn't see), tore my ligaments tendons, calf muscle (on my knee replacement leg) and then was hospitalized with ischemic (sp) ulcerative colitis the whole week of Christmas. I was actually baking Xmas cookies, feeling fine and had the worst stomach ache "attack' of my life....sparing you all the gorey details after suffering and bleeding for several hours my husband insisted we go to ER and sure enough I was admitted and not only saved my life but made mine and my families world stop for about a week (was released to bedrest on Christmas Eve). So here I am telling you Happy New Year and telling Patrick I need two months off (now doubting that $98 per month) is that big of a deal. I guess in some ways I am really and trully telling myself I CAN take a real break. But I have a slot for National Champions 70.3 in September and although that sounds far away, after two entire months of doing aboslutely nothing already and now dealing with real health issues I am so scared I actually won't get myself in shape again. Has anyone ever had a "comeback" after so much time completely off and is there a strategy for getting back (to racing)? All I know is the EN way and now doubting myself like crazy. As most of you know, TRI life is a big part of all of us who do it and I wake up and get consumed with guilt over all my equipment, bikes, tech stuff AND an entire new EN wardrobe coming anyday now.
Anyway, didn't mean to go on so long but wanted to tell those of you who know me AGAIN thanks for the support and I hope one of these days i will be one who can "give back" vs. taking. Nemo told me straight out on day one that is how it works and so far I haven't been able to do that. Maybe this sob story will help someone say "jeez my life isn't THAT bad" If not thanks anyway and Happy New Years to you and be blessed with whatever you have , I am working on that one myself
@Linda- what a bummer. Sounds like you've really run into a bad patch of health issues. Heal up, enjoy your break, and we hope to see you back here healthy and ready to rock soon!
@Becky- I'm so sorry I can't help with the holiday run. I had to take a forced break to let the ankle turn/calf issue heal up. I'm hoping to be back in the game for the JOS group next week
@Beth- I LOVE your list of foods. Mine is not nearly as entertaining, but certainly equally bad! It all ends tonight!
@Penny- I can't wait to see how much fun you are going to have with that PM, and how exciting 2011 will be for you Doc!
Happy New Year to all of you. While 2010 had some wonderful memories (year of the Chica after all!) I will be glad to see it's accident prone nature fade into the shadows! Here's to an accident free 2011 for all of us!
@Linda: WOW! You have been busy! Hope that you heal both physically and mentally quickly. Ya know, continuing to hang out here during your healing process might help you stay mentally engaged and do some of that giving back. . . Just a thought.
@Nemo: Thanks! Tomorrow will be the first ride. They sent the wrong hub and rim. So, John is lending me his PT for tomorrow. Can't wait!
The food splurge ends after dinner and stuff tonight. I'm looking forward to 2011. Got some exciting things in the works. Should know more next week.
BTW - has anyone else tried the shellac nail polish? It is supposed to last for 2 weeks. The first time I had it done, it lasted about a week. I don't think the lady let it cure correctly. Had it done again last week and it is still going strong! Wondering what color will be next - right now I have on bright red. I'm kind of laughing at myself. I haven't had painted nails in years because the polish lasts, if I'm lucky, a day or two. I'm enjoying having them with some color again. ..
Wow Linda sorry to hear of all your injuries/medical issues! It's a total bummer to have to take time off but, yes, you can and will come back. I crashed in June 2009 and broke my collar bone and elbow. No big deal until the surgeon screwed up. I had a plate in my cb and wires in my elbow. The plate was supposed to stay in for a year but he insisted on taking it out after 13 weeks (at the same time as taking out the wires from my elbow). 1 week later I rolled over in my sleep and it snapped. Back to surgery (#3) to have the plate put back in. 7 weeks later the plate worked it's way through the incision/scar exposing me to what could have been a life threatening bacteria infection. New surgeon and surgery #4 on my collar bone to take the plate out and then immobilized for another 10 weeks. It was a slow recovery and comeback but I was able to do Ironman WI in 2010. Not my best time but not my worst either...but it was one of my most enjoyable and satisfying events. Take the time to read some books you haven't had time to because of training, or download a bunch of new music or just enjoy the company of friends and family that we all miss when we're training. You'll appreciate the experience that much more when you can get back into it. You'll find that a lot of the comeback will be "between the ears" - I'm convinced, as much as we have to train physically, so much of this is mental strength. Good luck with your recovery!!!
@Linda - wow, I'm so glad you're okay. Please take care of yourself! We'll be here for you when you get back!
@Nemo - I was so upset to have read about your calf/ankle after everything you went through last year.... but you know what you need to do to rock and roll when the time comes! I'll log an extra mile for you tomorrow!
Two more nights of great food and wine in store for me...then I'll be good this week but have a party next Saturday ... so that will be my real line in the sand night! After that I'm gonna try the "Clean" cleanse. Haven't finished the book yet but it sounds interesting, and relatively sound as far as cleanses go. I'll let you know. I plan to keep a journal and takes pics to start and every week... I've already written down "symptoms" and reasons for doing it - to be able to compare to how I feel and look after the month.
Anyway, better get downstairs to help Dan with dinner - low key night in with friends. Good food and wine... We'd hoped to see Black Swan today but not enough time. I'm taking him to Christmas Carol at Ford's Theater tomorrow night (with dinner out first), so hopefully we can go on Sunday.
Hi Girls, after reading all your replies and Penny's give back comment. I stayed!! I'll hang around and see what I can add. After reading Gigi's story I didn't feel so bad (thanks Gigi). Today I told my husband "this is the first day I have even thought about maybe getting on a bike", now I can't but I didn't even want to "think" about it. I want to give back so whatever I have to offer up I will . Love the nail polish as I look at my very damaged pink and white way overdo fill. Becky, I have been reading about your relationship with Dan all these months and never commenting.... but I wholly agree that sex lifes are almost always a reflection of the relationship. Remember I am a shrink in my real world. Whenever patients or friends discuss sex lifes it often/almost always gets down to "respect" (you mentioned this too) and how one feels respected or respects her or his partner. I have found that women (us) look at our partners and yearn for them when our respect for either them or ourselves is intact. Personally, when I am in times that I don't "respect" my husbands choices I am not that willing to be intimate. It could be a nagging thing with step children or often things we haven't really dealt with that just "come to a head" . So it is not the kind of respect that lasts forever, it could be his actions as of late. So for me, it can wax and wane. Anyone have any thoughts on the respect aspect?? My professional and personal experience is that MEN don't operate under this same emotion and they almost always feel "loved" when we give ourselfs to them. Sometimes when I beat myself up mentally that I haven't been "doing it" lately, I spend more time beating myself up than the simple act of having "sex". Also, when we do, he is SO HAPPY, I mean it really really makes him feel good. For me it is not like that, but I feel really happy when I see how happy it makes him. So although this is a random response I am on my way of giving 'back' to the girls .Not sure if this transfers to January, hope so!
Super jealous of all the running storeis but super happy for you. Happy New Years too, today has been the best I have felt in a long while.
thanks.. still have a lot to digest about the talk... and about how I feel. I feel empowered by you all (your support) and have really come into my own this past 2 years... so we'll see. He's a wonderful person. But so am I... well, most of the time... I'm in a better place than I was when I met him so either way I'll be okay. I hope we talk more after the holidays. Actually, it's more that I hope we keep talking.
hopefully the lurkers are too busy to check in with us - so I'm throwing this out of the things Dan mentioned as holding him back is our sex life. You may remember our Oct (?) discussion about lack of mojo during IM training... well, for me it hasn't picked up where we left off now that my IM is history. Part of that could be my meds (anti-depression/anxiety), but to be honest, I think a lot more of it is mental insofar as I don't know how connected I feel to Dan and don't know what I want/if it's working for me.
I think women in general are more open and inclined to be amorous when they feel loved/respected/safe... basically in a stable and supportive and healthy relationship. (we're talking long term sexual happiness... not the beginning of a relationship hot and heavy can't keep our hands off each other... ). I've been confused about how I feel for a while now and I think it's manifested in the bedroom... but I was able to disguise it with my crazy training schedule/volume. Dan has noticed the change and it's one of the two things that's really concerning him about "going to the next level" (as he put it). This is a horrible catch 22 for me. Oversimplified: I need to know where we're going before I can feel frisky and he wants me to feel frisky so he can commit. I tried to explain to him that I've shut down a bit because I've been confused. He doesn't get how the two are connected. Men are obviously very different...
argh. sorry to railroad the thread with my nuttiness..
I can't believe it's Christmas week... seriously, this is nuts! Looking forward to skipping town. Hope Dan and I will get to relax a bit. It'll be good to see my younger brothers and finally meet my nephew. I know my parents will be happy to see us all... hopefully they don't drive me nuts (I have a very short fuse when they're involved... ).
@Jennifer, Beth - the dating ideas sound fun... perhaps ice skating outdoors somewhere? granted, I can't skate to save my life, but I can laugh at myself while trying! Then hot cocoa or a nice glass of wine at a bar...
@Barbara - yay for new running shoes!
Becky- Dan not understanding where you are coming from re: friskiness...I'm gonna have to call BS. I have a few very dense guy friends, and even the dumbest of them get that girls are amorous when they're all about you and when they aren't then something is up emotionally. Hopefully your post-holiday talk will reveal some more stuff, but from the way things sound I wouldn't continue to put it off once all the holiday craziness settles down. Sounds like you both need it.
Head to OR soon - it will end up to be a very long day. Flight out of Dulles at 6, arrive in Portland at 9. Nice that it's a direct flight, but that will be midnight my time and I got up at 5:30 to hop on the trainer.
Struggling to figure out how to use all my training software... but the PM is up and running... glad I'll have another week at home with it before OS.
I suspect I'll check in occasionally - assuming my bro leaves his laptop at home when he goes to work tomorrow... but just in case, I want to wish you all a great holiday!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all my friends!
I strongly suspect that when my jeans come out of the dryer tonight it will be a struggle to get them on. Sigh... It will be good to be home and to get myself back into a routine. But, this past year my routine has been off and my weight has been up... I have to figure out how to keep my weight down and have a BF at the same time... the problem may be eating out more... definitely drinking more wine (I rarely opened up wine on a weeknight eating home alone)... I'm sick of complaining, gotta do something!
Heading home early tomorrow morning... from rain to snow. Should be interesting. Although a layover in San Fran is a crazy way to go home, I'm glad with all the bad weather that's happening everywhere.
So, if folks are traveling - be safe!
Becky- you are not alone! I fell off the wagon from Dec 24-26. On Christmas day in particular I decided to just enjoy the entire day, food and all, with no guilt. When Joe made eggs Benedict for b-fast he asked if I wanted to use my whole wheat muffins and I debated the decision in my had for a while and finally said "No- if I'm going to splurge today, I might as well splurge. Go ahead and toast a Thomas's muffin for me". He cracked up and said "Splurge? You call choosing an white English Muffin a splurge? Well, don't party too hard hon!". That helped set the tone for the day and I did just enjoy all the good eats we made together.
Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas holiday. I have enjoyed special Christmas runs this past week. One was a 2 mile Santa Run, with about 50 people, running down the street in Santa hats/outfits, and waving to cars. The other was a post-Christmas run yesterday, on a very hilly course. Most did 10 miles, I opted for 8.5, due to a sore hamstring that was shutting down on me. But I enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Wish there were special get-togethers like these, every weekend! Great fun!
On the down side, I have to call the Endo doc to see about getting a root canal!!! After an emergency visit to my dentist, I have a cracked tooth with drainage, and a RX for Vicodin...
Merry Christmas to me...
I think I'm going to be joining you guys here now that I have time (or think I will). I haven't read through all the discussion.
Thoughts so far: Gotta start watching my intake more. Jeans are getting tight. Was diagnosed hypothyroid in November. Working on getting meds straight. Dr. says that once my levels are normalized losing weight should be easier. We'll see.
John got me a PM for Christmas. I was floored and almost started crying. Guess this means I have to step up and do the HIM I've been talking about in the spring. Knee and running are coming along. Fingers crossed that continues.
Looking at growing my practice now that I'm out of school. Not sure what else is going to be out there, but know good things are on the way.
Take care everyone!
@Nemo - I wish my splurge was just a white versus a wheat muffin... LOL!
I kinda said, what the heck, it's the holidays and OS isn't for another week... unfortunately I've been saying that a lot since IMFL. On the way home I had a lot of time to read (what a travel ordeal... and I thought San Fran layover would be better than anywhere else that might have snow) - and came across a really interesting few articles in Outdoor Magazine. In one, various members of the staff did different challenges, i.e., adding a daily nap, cutting caffeine, doing a cleanse, walking around every 30 minutes, being more social...
The write up on the cleanse was really interesting - and I bought the book the journalist mentioned: Clean by Dr. Junger. I just started reading it (during my commute and lunch break). From the article it sounds like there's a cleanse period followed by a gradual re-introduction of certain "approved" foods over time. It seemed like it had a primal/paleo ring to it. I've just started the book and if it seems safe to me (from the little bit I've read it claims I can still work out in the cleanse phase), I might try it after my annual re-gift holiday party on 1/8. Curious if any of you have heard of the book?
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!
@Penny- Yay on the PM! What a fun present, I'm sure you'll really enjoy the instant feedback from it.
@Beth- I am cracking up with your FB posts on being a teenage girl. They just make me smile! Glad to hear things are going well
Hope everyone had a great holiday, gotta run and get ready for NYE which also happens to be my brother's birthday, so I'll be hosting him and a bunch of friends at my apartment (I am "downtown" which is very exciting for them).
@Everyone - A list of the best bad things I've eaten in the last few weeks:
The good thing about all this feasting? I am so ready to be Paleo-Vegan Poster Child.
@Jennifer - OMG, serious boy like. Some boys are just more awesome than others. And he likes me, too. ;-)
@Penny - Hooray PM!
desperately trying to figure out the pwer stuff - downloading, uploading, configuring... and at some point reading the darn charts. crazy... kinda fun but wow what a time suck... must leave my computer to hit the gym...
weight is crazy high.
almost halfway through "Clean" think I'm gonna try it. starting 1/9 will be the "elimination week" then on the following sat, 1/15 will be week 1 of 3... from what I can tell that's the detox week. should be interesting... but I'm hopeful.
Hi Girls, you haven't heard from me in forever but wanted to say "goodbye" for a while. I searched long and hard regarding if I should take an entire break due to sooo many darn medical issues. In a nut shell I have been laid back for nearly 8 weeks. I had a nasty slip and fall (in my house on a doggie accident I didn't see), tore my ligaments tendons, calf muscle (on my knee replacement leg) and then was hospitalized with ischemic (sp) ulcerative colitis the whole week of Christmas. I was actually baking Xmas cookies, feeling fine and had the worst stomach ache "attack' of my life....sparing you all the gorey details after suffering and bleeding for several hours my husband insisted we go to ER and sure enough I was admitted and not only saved my life but made mine and my families world stop for about a week (was released to bedrest on Christmas Eve). So here I am telling you Happy New Year and telling Patrick I need two months off (now doubting that $98 per month) is that big of a deal. I guess in some ways I am really and trully telling myself I CAN take a real break. But I have a slot for National Champions 70.3 in September and although that sounds far away, after two entire months of doing aboslutely nothing already and now dealing with real health issues I am so scared I actually won't get myself in shape again. Has anyone ever had a "comeback" after so much time completely off and is there a strategy for getting back (to racing)? All I know is the EN way and now doubting myself like crazy. As most of you know, TRI life is a big part of all of us who do it and I wake up and get consumed with guilt over all my equipment, bikes, tech stuff AND an entire new EN wardrobe coming anyday now.
Anyway, didn't mean to go on so long but wanted to tell those of you who know me AGAIN thanks for the support and I hope one of these days i will be one who can "give back" vs. taking. Nemo told me straight out on day one that is how it works and so far I haven't been able to do that. Maybe this sob story will help someone say "jeez my life isn't THAT bad
" If not thanks anyway and Happy New Years to you and be blessed with whatever you have , I am working on that one myself
@Linda- what a bummer. Sounds like you've really run into a bad patch of health issues. Heal up, enjoy your break, and we hope to see you back here healthy and ready to rock soon!
@Becky- I'm so sorry I can't help with the holiday run. I had to take a forced break to let the ankle turn/calf issue heal up. I'm hoping to be back in the game for the JOS group next week
@Beth- I LOVE your list of foods. Mine is not nearly as entertaining, but certainly equally bad! It all ends tonight!
@Penny- I can't wait to see how much fun you are going to have with that PM, and how exciting 2011 will be for you Doc!
Happy New Year to all of you. While 2010 had some wonderful memories (year of the Chica after all!) I will be glad to see it's accident prone nature fade into the shadows! Here's to an accident free 2011 for all of us!
@Nemo: Thanks! Tomorrow will be the first ride. They sent the wrong hub and rim. So, John is lending me his PT for tomorrow. Can't wait!
The food splurge ends after dinner and stuff tonight. I'm looking forward to 2011. Got some exciting things in the works. Should know more next week.
BTW - has anyone else tried the shellac nail polish? It is supposed to last for 2 weeks. The first time I had it done, it lasted about a week. I don't think the lady let it cure correctly. Had it done again last week and it is still going strong! Wondering what color will be next - right now I have on bright red. I'm kind of laughing at myself. I haven't had painted nails in years because the polish lasts, if I'm lucky, a day or two. I'm enjoying having them with some color again. ..
Happy New Year everyone!
@Linda - wow, I'm so glad you're okay. Please take care of yourself! We'll be here for you when you get back!
@Nemo - I was so upset to have read about your calf/ankle after everything you went through last year.... but you know what you need to do to rock and roll when the time comes! I'll log an extra mile for you tomorrow!
Two more nights of great food and wine in store for me...then I'll be good this week but have a party next Saturday ... so that will be my real line in the sand night! After that I'm gonna try the "Clean" cleanse. Haven't finished the book yet but it sounds interesting, and relatively sound as far as cleanses go. I'll let you know. I plan to keep a journal and takes pics to start and every week... I've already written down "symptoms" and reasons for doing it - to be able to compare to how I feel and look after the month.
Anyway, better get downstairs to help Dan with dinner - low key night in with friends. Good food and wine... We'd hoped to see Black Swan today but not enough time. I'm taking him to Christmas Carol at Ford's Theater tomorrow night (with dinner out first), so hopefully we can go on Sunday.
Happy New Year, Ladies!!!
@Becky - I added my numbers to the spreadsheet. We are now in third.
@Linda -- I'm so sorry to hear about all the injuries. Take care.
Eating. Jo and I are going to DMK Burger tonight. Tomorrow, I return to being meat-eating vegan girl.
Hi Girls, after reading all your replies and Penny's give back comment. I stayed!! I'll hang around and see what I can add. After reading Gigi's story I didn't feel so bad (thanks Gigi). Today I told my husband "this is the first day I have even thought about maybe getting on a bike", now I can't but I didn't even want to "think" about it. I want to give back so whatever I have to offer up I will . Love the nail polish as I look at my very damaged pink and white way overdo fill. Becky, I have been reading about your relationship with Dan all these months and never commenting.... but I wholly agree that sex lifes are almost always a reflection of the relationship. Remember I am a shrink in my real world. Whenever patients or friends discuss sex lifes it often/almost always gets down to "respect" (you mentioned this too) and how one feels respected or respects her or his partner. I have found that women (us) look at our partners and yearn for them when our respect for either them or ourselves is intact. Personally, when I am in times that I don't "respect" my husbands choices I am not that willing to be intimate. It could be a nagging thing with step children or often things we haven't really dealt with that just "come to a head" . So it is not the kind of respect that lasts forever, it could be his actions as of late. So for me, it can wax and wane. Anyone have any thoughts on the respect aspect?? My professional and personal experience is that MEN don't operate under this same emotion and they almost always feel "loved" when we give ourselfs to them. Sometimes when I beat myself up mentally that I haven't been "doing it" lately, I spend more time beating myself up than the simple act of having "sex". Also, when we do, he is SO HAPPY, I mean it really really makes him feel good. For me it is not like that, but I feel really happy when I see how happy it makes him. So although this is a random response I am on my way of giving 'back' to the girls .Not sure if this transfers to January, hope so!
Super jealous of all the running storeis but super happy for you. Happy New Years too, today has been the best I have felt in a long while.
THANKS PENNY!! and all the girls!