The "Run What You Brung" Postal Swim Time Trial Thread
Edit: Tracking Spreadsheet Here
Please add your TT stuff and if someone smarter than me wants to take a shot at organizing the spreadsheet better, go for it
We all know that EN is famous...or infamous...for our guidance to not swim in the OutSeason. Some people get it, some people think we're nuts, and it drives many type-A triathletes and coaches batshit crazy . Time to see where we're at and to set benchmark for improvement!
My Proposal:
We pick a week in March and call it the "Run What You Brung Postal Swim TT Week:" just pick a day to knock out a 1k TT swim and post your results to this thread. Bonus if you do it totally cold, ie, haven't swam a lap since date X. Hop in the water, warm up a bit, GO...what's the worse that could happen?
I'd be curious to hear your observations, such as "my 2010 PR was xx:xx, haven't swam since mm/dd/yy, and I swam yy:yy for the TT." We then schedule similar monthlyorwhatever TT's to track how quickly you get your swim mojo back.
Yes, I know we have tests scheduled in your training plan and we can use those also. But a 1k swim test is such an administratively easy thing for you all to do so not a big deal at all to do an additional one per month, for the team mojo.
What say you? For the record, I have not swum in competition since IMCDA'08. I swam about 4x last spring, nothing since then. I have no idea where my swim suit and goggles are. I plan to dive into the Rose Bowl LCM pool, warm up about 200m and then go...see what happens
I'm headed to the pool this afternoon for the first time since October as part of my two weeks of transition from you said, what's the worse that could happen.
Whatever, up to you. Mine will be all pull as that's all I ever do anyway.
Great idea. I'm in.
Can't wait, Coach. This will help me get over my new found fear of swimming, after 50+ years of (very) modest success in the water. 15:26 was my last best time; if I get below 18:00, I'll be pleased.
Cool. I'm hoping that local homie and EN member Barry Plaga doesn't see this post. He'll want to do the TT with me and will try to lap me, at least once, in an LCM pool = freaky fast swimmer!
sounds good. since IMAZ i have only plopped in the water like three times and only to cool down from running and not more than 25minutes. this OS is the first time ever i have followed the no swim guidance. i have always tried to swim in the OS in the past.
will knock this out on monday, feb 28.
over and out,
I've been naughty and not followed the non-swim guidance.
2009: A lot of non-structured swimming, no technique and a lot of combat swimming for work
2010: Due to work posting me somewhere hot, I swam 3x 30mins leading up to my one sprint tri and did the 400m in 9:57.
2011: After a year off swimming. Now OS swim plan week 4. Already knocked OVER 2 MINUTES over 400m and 5mins of 1km; which I guess is hearsay that:
a) you can get away with not swimming in the outseason - I didn't swim for a year
b) the EN plan is right up there for kicking starting your swim season when you need it and you aren't burnt out from the winter months
I'm so up for this. Bring it!
WU - 100
1000yd TT @ 17:10 (8:25, 8:45) ~~ 1:43 All pull
then another 900 for 2000 total.
Now I need to finsh packing my backpack for tomorrow. 10" new snow to start the trip.
See ya'll on thrusday!
I'm definitely in for this year.
Only if you let me win
I know you're joking but don't even SAY that!
(Although that is my secret plan for this year.)
Done. Thanks for organizing this Rich.
I'd love to swim some outdoor LCM. Maybe email your local list when you're going over?
It will be at the Rose Bowl during a weekday lunch. Not going to clutter up my weekend with this. Also, just cuz I'm doing a TT in March doesn't mean I'm going to start swimming regularly or anything
. I'm giving myself 16wks to train for IMWI = it's on beginning May 23rd. Before that I'm kinda making it up as I go, mixing some OS runs with my normal rides, but beginning May 23rd I actually going to follow an actual EN training plan 
'Dogs and cats, living together, total anarchy!'
...which is to say, I'll do the interval runs, Big Days and RR's as prescribed:
Anyway...that's all OT. Let's talk swim TT!