Now it is all in perspective Check out this little video Susanna made. Just click on the screen when you go to the link. Hope it makes you guys laugh!!
LMAO!!!! OMG, where are those really great smilies we had for water spewing out your nose and peeing your pants when you need them. That's the best laugh I've had in a long time! I love your boobs!
Su picked out the outfits, I've never envisioned myself as a blonde with a pony-tail!
Now it is all in perspective Check out this little video Susanna made. Just click on the screen when you go to the link. Hope it makes you guys laugh!!
Gina!!!! OMG, SO funny!!! You know the funniest things are based in total truth. You an extremist????
m--I'm surprised you didn't set off the alarm bells and get handcuffed by the rent-a-cops in the mall! What a pain to have to go back for the stoopid tag. Hope Joe is feeling better.
Kris--good call on the marathon. Time to step back and hit that goal when the time is right.
Maybe in Jan. we could have a rogue Chicka OS thread? I still will be in it until March, so there's plenty of time and pain to share. We could create our own vibe. But maybe, if y'all don't mind, I will just interlope in the Jan forum. Prolly easier that way.
OK, here's a funny. I had to go to a client Xmas party this evening. It's freezing here--23 degrees and windy. Since I already had my recovery tights on, I just threw on long skirt over and wore them to the party!!!! Heehee! Just to finish off the look that was going on under the skirt, I wore a pair of wool socks over the tights, and covered it all up with some black leather boots! I was toasty and recovering at the same time. Nice jacket and scarf, and I dressed it all up. Keith was just rolling his eyes.
Off to collapse with Cali in front of the TV. Talk to y'all tomorrow!
Gina, yes, the video was funny. I liked the part about remember the good times we had?? as I remember your painful rainy century stories!!
okay, husband still not 100% better and I am still driving us around.. the lights on the road and movement still bothers him. I have some funny tales on his viral ear infection..... like the one morning he FELL out of bed! and I pulled him back in. he gets more fatigued and etc but definitely on the med so thanks... two weeks almost is his longest time to be ill.
This was for his office party last night, downtown at the LR Club, top floor overlooking the city. This time no plastic thingie on the dress! lol. Hubby didn't take full length pic but dress was tea length, strappy black sandals, no hose and by the time I went to bed my feet were frozen!!!
and yes cold here too, and the restaurant always chilly, so added in layer...
me by my tree! I celebrate this season with you!! I hope you have Joy and Peace!! and that 2010 brings blessings into your life that you never DREAMED of..... and once again, thanks for your friendship! m
Oh Gina- Sitting here cryting my eyes out. Glad I am alone. What a beautiful video. And I was just LMAO over the one of you and Sue! If that ain't the truth. We all need to be here and remind each other that the rest of the world is NOT "all tri, all the time".
Marianne- Love the pics of you. Sounds like DH is on the mend. Falling out of bed is a chuckle once you know he is OK. Bonaire is supposed to be a nice scuba diving destination. Also- did the rubber band on the ankle. Ended up with "rope burn" type abrasions. It really hurt. Coach joked it was the only way to get matching tattoos as all of the Master's group had it. We never did it again. I would recommend socks.
Linda- I am sure you are/will cry for that doggie video. I can't always see pics at work. I went back to see you pics of Cali. The last one where she is looking at the camera had me in tears. She looks just like my baby, gone now over 2 years. But I am feeling a strong pull to get a dog. Will wait until after IMMoo. No puppies. I think an EN OS Chicka thread come January will be good. I learn lots from reading the guys and the number analysis, but I am not into it for myself.
Kris- Agree- the more IMMoo chickas in January OS, the better.
Contemplating going for a run in this arctic blast as it LOOKS gorgeous out. Will wait until the sun is higher in the sky.
Gina that was not fair! I'm bawling my eyes out now!!! What a wonderful video!
M- you look beautiful- as always!
OK- something for the rest of you so you can stop crying after watching Gina's vid! We had our Jingle Bell Jog (5k) this morning. With all the trouble I've had with my calfs, I did NOT want to race (heck, I wasn't even sure if I should jog 3.1 miles let alone 'race' it). But I did want to be part of the event. They encourage costumes at this event and so I decided to totally dress up for it- be as uncomfortable as possible, and then by looking totally goofy there would be no way I could take myself too serious and/or try to race. Worked like a champ and I'm so happy to have run the whole 5k and a nice easy pace just enjoying the fellowship of my local community. So here's a pic of my goofy outfit.
Unfortunately what you can't see in this pic is the battery powered christmas tree lights blinking on an off that I was wearing!
Gina- laughing in one video to tearing up in the next! Dog story great!
Nemo- great outfit, glad calf did ok
M-Beautiful pics ( as usual) love the dress. How did DH fall out of bed? giggle at that one, sorry he is still feeling lousy, but sounds like doing better?
Linda- comfy and dressy at same time- Love It!
Excited to be part of Jan OS with EN Chickas, a little nervous since will be finishing up in May. Consistency is name of game though. Thanks for all the support and encouraging me to rest up. I probably overdid it while in AZ. Just being in some of my favorite places in tucson. It was hard to hold back. Lesson learned Fo Sho!
Kit-sorry to hear knee set you back again. I know the feeling of wanting to sob in frustration, especially when so close. Hang in there
Robin- sent CTS meal plans your way
Yes on Rogue OS chicka thread
If i haven't said so lately, REALY Happy to be part of this Group!
Wish all my new friends a very happy holiday season, Happy ,Healthy and Injury free New Year!
Time to get ready for work. Kinda hoping people behave tonight in the Baltimore area, maybe too cold tonight for the gangsta's?
Hi girls!! I'm back from Key West. Great vacation all around. It was good to be back to see our wedding spot and stuff. Unfortunately there are some things changing about Key West that are stupid. The fact that there is a Banana Republic, an Express, and a Coach Factory store on Duval St. now is d-u-m-b. Also lame to see Hard Rock Cafe there. But that's just me. I like all the art-y places and was sad to see things like One Human Family gone. Those are what make a fringe place like Key West fun. Thankfully the best restaurants are still there!!! Cafe Marquesa on Simonton was still great. Seven Fish on Olivia Street (yeah, really, I have a street there!) was yummy as before. El Siboney for cuban on the corner of Catherine and Margaret was so good we went there twice. Louie's Back Yard was only so-so this time, unfortunately. That may have been because our waiter was lackluster and seemed peeved that I complained about smoke drifting to our table from the smokers at the bar, and because we were hot sitting outside.
I will say it is tough to run in 96% humidity!!! How you that live in hot and humid places do your workouts is beyond me. I guess you get used to it, adapt, and learn how to manage. I can't beleive how wimpy I've gotten living in CO. Growing up in DC and doing all of my random summer activities I obviously used to be fine with the humidity. Living in Iowa for college wasn't too bad either. This week though on one of my workouts my last 1/4 mile of my last repeat I simply couldn't hold my pace. Had to stop, pant, and then walk it back in. I was so close to being in a bad spot. Gatorade came to the rescue though and I was fine. Have to say it is GREAT being able to get workouts in and then lay around reading all day under a beach umbrella....THAT is a beautiful thing.
Gotta catch up on all these videos and pics that you all have posted over the last week. Would rather do that than manage the mounds of laundry that we have, and come up with my grocery list etc. But responsibility is calling my name.
Sounds like lots of you will be getting underway with OS in another few weeks. There's somthing nice and clean about starting OS with the new year. I did that last year for my first one, and it just felt good. It will be fun for you to all be in it together!!
Welcome home, Olivia! I love Key West---was there in 1989. Mall stores on Duval Street--how appalling! At least the great restaurants and fringe vibe is still there. I'm also sure that those brown pelicans that hang out on every available dock and wooden banister space are there too. Glad to here you had a wonderful and relaxing vacation. I'm with you--I have no idea how peeps train in humidity (and I'm from Thailand!). Give me Tundra Force weather any day!
Hi Olivia! I missed you! Your reaction to Key West reminds me of Harvard Square here. When I was in college, it was definitely a cool place. Totally original shops and restaurants. Now it's just like Duval St. Some restaurants are still around, but there really no reason to go there. It's like the mall. Sad.
Count me in prefering the Tundra to the heat. I ran when it was 17 this morning, and I'll take that any day over the HHH. Another thing to worry about re Moo.
Gina...OMG...LMAO at that video !!! I haven't been involved in the EN forums much as I've needed a break from all things tri related and simply haven't had the time. However, when I clicked on that video it so reminded me of Emma and I and our discussions surrounding IM. I still can't believe I signed up for another and I haven't been able to run a step since B2B over a month ago!!! What was I thinking??? It's a sickness I tell you, and we all need help ...
Hope everyone is getting ready for the holidays. Marianne-you make me look bad with all that you've accomplished. We finally put a tree up last night and hope to decorate it when I get off work tonight.
43 and 95% humidity is what I just ran in! got about 1.5 miles in and yep pain still there... but yes like the humidity!! and yes like the heat and nOPE 17 doesn't sound fun at all... I had trouble with MOJO last week with 22.... overcast, and foggy here but when I got home played catch with Rudy and hip didn't hurt running in my yard and hiding behind the trash can so he could find me.... and he has that long hair so now soaking wet and nasty!! but I was like YEAH I am running playing chase with a dog!! He is here for 5 weeks and now have the kennel and bought a bone! just got in from my Mission Guatemala meeting where we are practicing the skits and songs for the kids and I was right there by the trails and feeling blue honestly so I rummaged around and found some running clothes in my car and put them on and enjoyed my new Christmas songs on IPOD for a run/walk of 2 miles....and had some great prayer with God too and now feel so much better! I hope your Sunday is also going well and welcome back Olivia!! the beach sounds divine! I am now three weeks of ltd training but got warmed up enough today to sretch a bit in parking lot before coming home!! gotta scoot. m
I'm in for Jan OS too! Put in the official change request last week. Hopefully I will stay sound
Sounds like I am the only one that loves HOT and HUMID! I really do - not that it does wonders for times racing, but that is the kind of weather I just love - I start getting all cold and whiny when it hits about 60 . I definintely live too far North!
Tracy - Thank you! Got them - now I just have to put them into practice . I had a bad weekend on the chuck wagon and oh I feel it! I don't even want to see the scale. It probably won't be that bad, but all that stuff makes me feel so bad. Yuck. Back on track today.
Welcome back Olivia! No doubt all the changes are due to the multitudes of Cruise Ships coming in Key West now . Bummer on Louie's too! I'm glad you had some other great meals though and some great weather. I am so loving that all of you are taking these cool vacations and I can live vicariously - so awesome! I can't remember who's next and where are we going?!
Gina - loved the videos! That service dog training is serious stuff now. A real labor of love and like that showed so often people get pretty far now the road and then the dogs don't cut it for their intended purpose. Good for her for making an adjustment and find another way to help- very inspiring and yes I shed a few tears as well.
M - you look absolutely gorgeous dahling! I'm glad you had a nice little run/walk and some time w/ God. After all that is what this time of year is all about!
Speaking of this time of year - I finally got my head in the game and surrendered. We went and got the tree yesterday and decorated the house too. The boys are really excited about it all and actually could help more this year, which was nice. My younger one, Kevin, is the artistic one in the family and had a blast helping put the lights on the tree and ornaments up. Much easier when everyone does some of it and I relinquish control and realize it doesn't all have to be PERFECT! They just have this week left in school too so I better get busy and get some other things done while they are otherwise occupied and before things at work start to get really busy too. We went to a really nice Christmas party on Saturday night - I had such a nice time, kids Christmas pageant at church yesterday and I took the boys to see The Princess and the Frog and out for Burgers and Shakes on Friday night (DH was out of town on a fishing trip til Sat.). We had the best evening together and I highly recommend the movie to anyone that loves the REAL Disney type movies - I thought it was GREAT!
Gina, your IM video was hilarious! It reminds me of the numerous times my sister and I have taken turns getting each other drunk and then talking each other into some type of athletic event. That's how I got her to do her first marathon, and now she is the dedicated runner whipping my butt whenever we run together. My partner, Tabitha, just shook her head when I said I wanted to do another IM and asked "What can I do to help you prepare?" She knew it would come sooner or later.
Agree, Gina! That is a hilarious video! You gotta love that after all of that, Susanna is laughing and making jokes about your IM life together. I love her sense of humor! Funny, funny, funny!
Alright I really don't have any work mojo. I am so uninspired and not challenged by my job right now that it just isn't compelling. I've been trying for over a year now to get into a different role, one that will provide more of a challenge and exercise my brain a little more but it hasn't happened yet. Ugh! It really stinks to have to struggle through most of the work day trying to keep focus on something that just doesn't do it for ya. At least today I have a further reprieve....going to volunteer at a day shelter and kitchen for homeless people. That will at least feel like I'm contributing something useful and will no doubt remind me how lucky I am to even have a job to go to.
Bad day in the pain cave. A week away from the bike and a 1:20 AM bed time on Saturday night due to an 11:40 PM flight arrival in Denver for our return trip didn't do much for my energy level today. Ahhhh it's great to be back! HA HA!
Monday! hey everybody. well it was 49 and 95% humidity this morning and I got in 1.5 miles!! with Rudy at my side running after dropping off kids and before driving DH to airport..... and I am on the new dog diet!! yep last night he threw up on the carpet and I was gagging and this morning he pooped on same carpet! and gagging on that so it has taken care of appetite!!! now I put him outside again and he is howling to come in!!! he is such a baby!! and big too. up to my hips.... here for 5 weeks during Christmas break. anyway unloading groceries and about to knock out some housework but wanted to check in and say HI! he follows me everywhere I go too! except when he snuck off to poop! cuz I was in my bedroom putting on track pants!! stinker.
love listening to all the Christmas music too on the radio!! m
Good Monday everyone! Marianne- that dog sounds like HE needs to be on a new diet or something!
I went out for a run this morning and had good success with no calf issues! That's now 3 runs since returning from vacay with no problems. I left the Garmin at home and just ran with the iPod listening to Mike Hedman's "Meet the Teammate" podcast. I'm coming back VERY slowly and I won't allow myself to run with a watch until I'm really sure I can run for about an hour without any indication of trouble. Hopefully I'll be ready to strap the Garmin back on when the OS starts up again.
More good news- I've found a buyer for Calvin. It's a local triathlete whose son is getting into racing. His son is only 10!!!! But the bike nearly fits him and his dad is pretty sure by next season he'll be ready to ride it- so he's going to buy it from me. That makes me happy because I wanted to be sure Calvin found a good home! I've already started making plans for what I will do with the $$ when the transaction is final (thinking about another PT wheel so I don't have to swap back & forth between the road bike and tri bike. but then again- maybe I should put that $$ towards a cross or mountain bike!!!)
Oh- and the Oven should get fixed today. Joe ordered the replacement part and it should get delivered today - which is good 'cause we have Christmas Cake baking to do!!! Finally, the dock is almost fixed as well. We had a friend from MD come down to visit this weekend and he helped Joe with much of the repairs. Joe still has a few things to do so that the fix is "permanent" but it looks like we're in good shape as long as we can get a few more days before another big storm blows through.
I hope everyone is pulling things together for their holidays and not getting too stressed out. Robin- your delegate and don't worry about how it turns out attitude is exactly on target (but often so hard to do)! Originally Joe and I were going to stay here at the beach. But with the Brother-in-Law situation going on, we've decided to head up to MD for the weekend so we can be with Joe's family and perhaps visit with his brother. It's more work than we wanted after the big trip to NZ, but it's important for us to be with the family.
Nemo you were right, dog needs diff dog food, the cheap kind from Walmart! and have signed him up for Petsmart class tomorrow!! and bought him a chuck it "flying squirrel" to play catch wth. along with shampoo and brush and I think I gotta get in there with him! unbelievable 63 and sunny out there so I got in an hour bike ride on Lucky and felt normal! no surges or hills or anything fancy just a nice ride, been 16 days since I have been on a bike.... okay I gotta unload car, shower and get ready for bball practice... glad that the Chickas are s l o w l y on the mend! about to take another prednisone!! lol.
I can't even stand to say that name without getting the heebies! I had to take the liquid form after my surgery this year. I have NEVER tasted anything so utterly foul! I eventually convinced my doc how gross it was and he said I could stop taking it. I hope you're taking a form of it that protects you from the evil taste.
Prednisone- eeeeek. Be really careful M, do exactly as the Dr orders and wien yourself on/off it correctly. Joe was on that stuff for a long time many years back and it made him puff up like a marshmello in the microwave.
OK, I have to share this with someone!! You may recall I was nominated for Tri Club President while on vacation. Well, after returning and giving it a lot of thought, I declined the nomination (too much personal stuff going on and with my IM goals this year- I'm sorta "out of sync" with the local club that is more about sprints/olys- on top of all of that, I'm still the "new kid" in a small town where everyone knows everyone and still learning how to navigate local politics). Bottom line, it's a small club with very little in the way of helping hands, there's a bit of a "Tri" vs "Cyclist" struggle in the club, and I just didn't want to take on the Pres role and be stuck with all the work. Selfish? Maybe- I dunno.
Anyway, since saying "no" all I've gotten are these super nice responses pleading with me to reconsider. These notes are really making me tear up! Here's an example:
I know you had posted that you had personal goals and that you thought being the new kid on the block you shouldn't take the prez position, but I hope you really don't think that because, whether your new or not you would be the essence of what are club needs. You would be as dedicated to the Tri folks needs as you would to the cyclist needs. I think you would be an asset and a role model to our club members. Your dedication to the all the sports is second to none, when I was doing that road race in Charolette in 95 deg. weather and saw you running it as marathon I was like woe, thats one tough girl. So with that said I really think if anybody on this beach can do a awsome job and look after all the sports coraled up in this club would be you! Doesn't matter if your new old young or whatever, if your qualified, your qualified and you are. Hope you reconsider, you would be a key piece to the puzzle.
Help me ladies!!!! Where is that book about Woman who don't know how to say "No"? I really need it right now!!!
Nemo, you wont get help from me as I think you would make the perfect president!! great way to connect with new friends in a fast yet efficient way, great way to spread the joy of endurance racing, perfect way to maintain control of a diverse group while making contact with cyclists and triathletes!! you can determine the social course of the group and I bet influence in other ways too... great way to Hear what is going on and everybody likes you here in the forum and I can only imagine you are better in person!!! you love volunteering have a sense of humor and love to help people out! you are patient and kind and those are just the qualities people gravitate to!!! nope, I didn't help you say NO!!!
and in fact, I bet all of the rest of us chickas have reached out to other beginners to get them started too and it just took one somebody to believe in us.....
*note: I am taking prednisone and I seem to be a Kleenex or Keepsakes Jewelers commercial!!!
hey girls, okay yes the pills taste nasty on prednisone!! and yes weaning off, only one week long and read the side effects... so you start 4 pills then 3, then 2 and then 1...... but gotta say that the side effects for me personally? sleepless, like awake at 2 and 4 a.m., not hungry and seem to be tearing up more frequently!! I feel like a Kleenex commercial!!! could be lack of training too!!! anyway dang it, I ran 1.5 miles with dog today and butt still hurts!! now it just feels like a mallet has been taken to it rather than electrical shocks down my butt /hamstring!! and because I ahven't run in awhile, now feel shin splints coming on!!! I can see the funny side of the whole thing actually! but nope my face is not a marshmallow but seems like my gut/abs are!!! as my tights have left ridges in the waistline!!!
okay so yesterday I rode in 63 and today I was outside in 33! that is 30 degrees colder and yes windy too! and I just got back in from first obedience class with Rudy!! 30' of some great advice!! and yes last night's shower with the dog was hilarious but hey I have had five kids and won't be outdone by a dog!!! I really enjoy running with him as he enjoys it so much too! and yep when I look back in the back seat and he is asleep on an old quilt looking quite chilled, I seem to have found quite the perfect running partner!! last year for Christmas Heather bought me a great pink NIke winter running top, turtleneck, long sleeves over the hands and quite warm!! it was great to be toasty with a Nike headband to match and black/pink tights!! a gray day but no reason not to have girl power out there!!!
and I forgot to share my Christmas music: (1st stab at some new holiday music.... that I have been running with, I like some reflection music and some fun stuff!! and you just gotta love Run Rudolph Run!!)
What a great note to receive! Bottom line, you need to do what is best for yourself. It is tough to say No after that. Your energy and spirit as a member of the club will still help in those areas- biking needs vs tri needs etc.. offer to be tri club pres in your off IM year!
I know you want to have a great race. IM is stressful enough, add Pres of tri club- It would be like the 3.0 emoticon that explodes! I don't want to see you explode, I want to see you cross finishline in Madison under 13 hrs!
Sounds like you have reservations about being the pres....whatever your reasons are, I would listen to what is holding you back and go with that. There are usually opportunities in the future for stuff, we all know that. People always need others who are self motivated to motivate and sometimes we just need for whatever reason to step back and say no, not this time. Give ourselves ( yourself) a break and come back to it later.Or not. Saying no isn't a bad thing, actually it can be a good thing. You aren't letting people down, just doing what you need to do for your situation.
Hi ladies! I am peeking in from the crazy depths of Bethland, where I realized I have exactly one weekend of prep time before Christmas/leaving for vacation. Dude. I'm looking forward to the near future, where the biggest challenge will be avoiding getting "juiced" by snowboarders. It is work's end of the year, so all reports and bills are due. And our Board is currently here, which is kind of like a mother-in-law visit, but with twelve mothers instead of one.
Nemo - Such a nice note! If not president this year, I'm sure you will be a fabulous tri club chief of staff/cheerleader/marketing pro, etc. Not being president doesn't mean you are not doing anything.
Marianne - It is such a joyous vision to think of you outside running in your pink getup, listening to Christmas music.
Nemo---If you're hesitating and don't think you'll have the time or energy, then you won't. Nothing wrong with saying NO if you know you won't be able to do the job you want to do. It would be worse to say YES and come up short on the job or some other facet of your life. You're not being selfish--just realistic. There's only so many hours/watts/mental space that one person can expend and it's true wisdom to know what those limits are. You're one smart cookie, girlfriend. I know you'll do what's right for you.
Marianne---Prednisone! Crazy emotional and physiologic roller coaster ride that drug is. I hope it does it's antinflammatory job on your piriformis and lets you get some sleep.
Inspired by Gina, I spent most of the weekend making broth: beef broth for soup noodles and chicken broth for everyday stuff (I freeze it into ice cubes for easier dosing). It all reminded me of my childhood (I spent alot of time with my mom in the kitchen)---very "Like Water for Chocolate". For the last 20 years, I've been writing down my mom's "recipes" on pieces of scrap paper. The word "recipe" being used loosely as she doesn't measure anything. So it's mostly a list of ingredients in Thai and English with notes like "mix until the right color" or "heat until syrup feels sticky between fingers". I'm going to finally organize these scraps of paper into something of a "cookbook" over the holiday and re-confirm with her about the accuracy of them.
Nemo, don't fall prey to the "disease to please." Reading your thoughts, you are so over the line on the NO side of the fence--all for good reasons, I might add. Even if they weren't "good" reasons, they are your reasons and that's good enough. It's nice to be loved and wanted, but they can love and want you when you're ready. Know how we talk about IM year being kinda selfish--well, it is. That job will chew you up and spit you out with all the rest you have going on. In future years, it might be a piece of cake. I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole in 2010.
Kitboo, I do the same thing with my grandmother's recipes! Before she died, I took down the list of ingredients in each thing, cuz there sure was no measuring! There's one marinade I make that I go by smell to know it's right! Isn't that fabulous? I'm passing it down to my boys. They love the dish, so I tell them--"stick your nose in here and know how it smells so you can make it when I'm gone."
Hanging in there OS-wise. Nothing much new to report. I haven't missed a workout in 6 weeks. So far today, I just don't feel like suiting up for that 30' run. Moo is a long way away, right? I may just take the time and bag it. Meet below just got postponed, so I took Cali out for the 30'. She is becoming my best-est running pard'ner.
Re swimming--Taylor told me yesterday that his goal for this season is to win the MA State Championship in the 200 free. He needs a ~1:44 to win; his personal goal is to go 1:43. His current best time is 1:46. He was 4th overall last year as a junior. It will be fun to see the progress toward that goal!
That's hysterical!
Gina!!!! OMG, SO funny!!! You know the funniest things are based in total truth.
You an extremist???? 
m--I'm surprised you didn't set off the alarm bells and get handcuffed by the rent-a-cops in the mall! What a pain to have to go back for the stoopid tag. Hope Joe is feeling better.
Kris--good call on the marathon. Time to step back and hit that goal when the time is right.
Maybe in Jan. we could have a rogue Chicka OS thread? I still will be in it until March, so there's plenty of time and pain to share. We could create our own vibe. But maybe, if y'all don't mind, I will just interlope in the Jan forum. Prolly easier that way.
OK, here's a funny. I had to go to a client Xmas party this evening. It's freezing here--23 degrees and windy. Since I already had my recovery tights on, I just threw on long skirt over and wore them to the party!!!! Heehee! Just to finish off the look that was going on under the skirt, I wore a pair of wool socks over the tights, and covered it all up with some black leather boots! I was toasty and recovering at the same time.
Nice jacket and scarf, and I dressed it all up. Keith was just rolling his eyes.
Off to collapse with Cali in front of the TV. Talk to y'all tomorrow!
Gina, yes, the video was funny. I liked the part about remember the good times we had?? as I remember your painful rainy century stories!!
okay, husband still not 100% better and I am still driving us around.. the lights on the road and movement still bothers him. I have some funny tales on his viral ear infection..... like the one morning he FELL out of bed! and I pulled him back in. he gets more fatigued and etc but definitely on the med so thanks... two weeks almost is his longest time to be ill.
This was for his office party last night, downtown at the LR Club, top floor overlooking the city. This time no plastic thingie on the dress! lol. Hubby didn't take full length pic but dress was tea length, strappy black sandals, no hose and by the time I went to bed my feet were frozen!!!
and yes cold here too, and the restaurant always chilly, so added in layer...
me by my tree! I celebrate this season with you!! I hope you have Joy and Peace!! and that 2010 brings blessings into your life that you never DREAMED of..... and once again, thanks for your friendship! m
One for all the dog people here (and a good IM song too!!)
Oh Gina- Sitting here cryting my eyes out. Glad I am alone. What a beautiful video. And I was just LMAO over the one of you and Sue! If that ain't the truth. We all need to be here and remind each other that the rest of the world is NOT "all tri, all the time".
Marianne- Love the pics of you. Sounds like DH is on the mend. Falling out of bed is a chuckle once you know he is OK. Bonaire is supposed to be a nice scuba diving destination. Also- did the rubber band on the ankle. Ended up with "rope burn" type abrasions. It really hurt. Coach joked it was the only way to get matching tattoos as all of the Master's group had it. We never did it again. I would recommend socks.
Linda- I am sure you are/will cry for that doggie video. I can't always see pics at work. I went back to see you pics of Cali. The last one where she is looking at the camera had me in tears. She looks just like my baby, gone now over 2 years. But I am feeling a strong pull to get a dog. Will wait until after IMMoo. No puppies. I think an EN OS Chicka thread come January will be good. I learn lots from reading the guys and the number analysis, but I am not into it for myself.
Kris- Agree- the more IMMoo chickas in January OS, the better.
Contemplating going for a run in this arctic blast as it LOOKS gorgeous out. Will wait until the sun is higher in the sky.
Gina that was not fair! I'm bawling my eyes out now!!! What a wonderful video!
M- you look beautiful- as always!
OK- something for the rest of you so you can stop crying after watching Gina's vid! We had our Jingle Bell Jog (5k) this morning. With all the trouble I've had with my calfs, I did NOT want to race (heck, I wasn't even sure if I should jog 3.1 miles let alone 'race' it). But I did want to be part of the event. They encourage costumes at this event and so I decided to totally dress up for it- be as uncomfortable as possible, and then by looking totally goofy there would be no way I could take myself too serious and/or try to race. Worked like a champ and I'm so happy to have run the whole 5k and a nice easy pace just enjoying the fellowship of my local community. So here's a pic of my goofy outfit.
Unfortunately what you can't see in this pic is the battery powered christmas tree lights blinking on an off that I was wearing!
Gina- laughing in one video to tearing up in the next! Dog story great!
Nemo- great outfit, glad calf did ok
M-Beautiful pics ( as usual) love the dress. How did DH fall out of bed? giggle at that one, sorry he is still feeling lousy, but sounds like doing better?
Linda- comfy and dressy at same time- Love It!
Excited to be part of Jan OS with EN Chickas, a little nervous since will be finishing up in May. Consistency is name of game though. Thanks for all the support and encouraging me to rest up. I probably overdid it while in AZ. Just being in some of my favorite places in tucson. It was hard to hold back.
Lesson learned Fo Sho!
Kit-sorry to hear knee set you back again. I know the feeling of wanting to sob in frustration
, especially when so close. Hang in there
Robin- sent CTS meal plans your way
Yes on Rogue OS chicka thread
If i haven't said so lately, REALY Happy to be part of this Group!
Wish all my new friends a very happy holiday season, Happy ,Healthy and Injury free New Year!
Time to get ready for work. Kinda hoping people behave tonight in the Baltimore area, maybe too cold tonight for the gangsta's?
Hi girls!! I'm back from Key West. Great vacation all around. It was good to be back to see our wedding spot and stuff. Unfortunately there are some things changing about Key West that are stupid. The fact that there is a Banana Republic, an Express, and a Coach Factory store on Duval St. now is d-u-m-b. Also lame to see Hard Rock Cafe there. But that's just me. I like all the art-y places and was sad to see things like One Human Family gone. Those are what make a fringe place like Key West fun. Thankfully the best restaurants are still there!!! Cafe Marquesa on Simonton was still great. Seven Fish on Olivia Street (yeah, really, I have a street there!) was yummy as before. El Siboney for cuban on the corner of Catherine and Margaret was so good we went there twice. Louie's Back Yard was only so-so this time, unfortunately. That may have been because our waiter was lackluster and seemed peeved that I complained about smoke drifting to our table from the smokers at the bar, and because we were hot sitting outside.
I will say it is tough to run in 96% humidity!!! How you that live in hot and humid places do your workouts is beyond me. I guess you get used to it, adapt, and learn how to manage. I can't beleive how wimpy I've gotten living in CO. Growing up in DC and doing all of my random summer activities I obviously used to be fine with the humidity. Living in Iowa for college wasn't too bad either. This week though on one of my workouts my last 1/4 mile of my last repeat I simply couldn't hold my pace. Had to stop, pant, and then walk it back in. I was so close to being in a bad spot. Gatorade came to the rescue though and I was fine. Have to say it is GREAT being able to get workouts in and then lay around reading all day under a beach umbrella....THAT is a beautiful thing.
Gotta catch up on all these videos and pics that you all have posted over the last week. Would rather do that than manage the mounds of laundry that we have, and come up with my grocery list etc. But responsibility is calling my name.
Sounds like lots of you will be getting underway with OS in another few weeks. There's somthing nice and clean about starting OS with the new year. I did that last year for my first one, and it just felt good. It will be fun for you to all be in it together!!
Welcome home, Olivia! I love Key West---was there in 1989. Mall stores on Duval Street--how appalling! At least the great restaurants and fringe vibe is still there. I'm also sure that those brown pelicans that hang out on every available dock and wooden banister space are there too. Glad to here you had a wonderful and relaxing vacation. I'm with you--I have no idea how peeps train in humidity (and I'm from Thailand!). Give me Tundra Force weather any day!
Kit, I went to Thailand about a year ago. was so humid and I grew up on the Gulf Coast. I had trouble training in the hotel!!!!
Hi Olivia! I missed you! Your reaction to Key West reminds me of Harvard Square here. When I was in college, it was definitely a cool place. Totally original shops and restaurants. Now it's just like Duval St. Some restaurants are still around, but there really no reason to go there. It's like the mall. Sad.
Count me in prefering the Tundra to the heat. I ran when it was 17 this morning, and I'll take that any day over the HHH. Another thing to worry about re Moo.
Gina...OMG...LMAO at that video

!!! I haven't been involved in the EN forums much as I've needed a break from all things tri related and simply haven't had the time. However, when I clicked on that video it so reminded me of Emma and I and our discussions surrounding IM. I still can't believe I signed up for another and I haven't been able to run a step since B2B over a month ago!!! What was I thinking??? It's a sickness I tell you, and we all need help
Hope everyone is getting ready for the holidays. Marianne-you make me look bad with all that you've accomplished. We finally put a tree up last night and hope to decorate it when I get off work tonight.
43 and 95% humidity is what I just ran in! got about 1.5 miles in and yep pain still there... but yes like the humidity!! and yes like the heat and nOPE 17 doesn't sound fun at all... I had trouble with MOJO last week with 22....
overcast, and foggy here but when I got home played catch with Rudy and hip didn't hurt running in my yard and hiding behind the trash can so he could find me.... and he has that long hair so now soaking wet and nasty!! but I was like YEAH I am running playing chase with a dog!! He is here for 5 weeks and now have the kennel and bought a bone! just got in from my Mission Guatemala meeting where we are practicing the skits and songs for the kids and I was right there by the trails and feeling blue honestly so I rummaged around and found some running clothes in my car and put them on and enjoyed my new Christmas songs on IPOD for a run/walk of 2 miles....and had some great prayer with God too and now feel so much better!
I hope your Sunday is also going well and welcome back Olivia!! the beach sounds divine! I am now three weeks of ltd training but got warmed up enough today to sretch a bit in parking lot before coming home!! gotta scoot. m
I'm in for Jan OS too! Put in the official change request last week. Hopefully I will stay sound
Sounds like I am the only one that loves HOT and HUMID! I really do - not that it does wonders for times racing, but that is the kind of weather I just love - I start getting all cold and whiny when it hits about 60
. I definintely live too far North!
Tracy - Thank you! Got them - now I just have to put them into practice
. I had a bad weekend on the chuck wagon and oh I feel it! I don't even want to see the scale. It probably won't be that bad, but all that stuff makes me feel so bad. Yuck. Back on track today.
Welcome back Olivia! No doubt all the changes are due to the multitudes of Cruise Ships coming in Key West now
. Bummer on Louie's too! I'm glad you had some other great meals though and some great weather. I am so loving that all of you are taking these cool vacations and I can live vicariously - so awesome! I can't remember who's next and where are we going?!
Gina - loved the videos! That service dog training is serious stuff now. A real labor of love and like that showed so often people get pretty far now the road and then the dogs don't cut it for their intended purpose. Good for her for making an adjustment and find another way to help- very inspiring and yes I shed a few tears as well.
M - you look absolutely gorgeous dahling! I'm glad you had a nice little run/walk and some time w/ God. After all that is what this time of year is all about!
Speaking of this time of year - I finally got my head in the game and surrendered. We went and got the tree yesterday and decorated the house too. The boys are really excited about it all and actually could help more this year, which was nice. My younger one, Kevin, is the artistic one in the family and had a blast helping put the lights on the tree and ornaments up. Much easier when everyone does some of it and I relinquish control and realize it doesn't all have to be PERFECT! They just have this week left in school too so I better get busy and get some other things done while they are otherwise occupied and before things at work start to get really busy too. We went to a really nice Christmas party on Saturday night - I had such a nice time, kids Christmas pageant at church yesterday and I took the boys to see The Princess and the Frog and out for Burgers and Shakes on Friday night (DH was out of town on a fishing trip til Sat.). We had the best evening together and I highly recommend the movie to anyone that loves the REAL Disney type movies - I thought it was GREAT!
I hope everybody has a great week!
Gina, your IM video was hilarious! It reminds me of the numerous times my sister and I have taken turns getting each other drunk and then talking each other into some type of athletic event. That's how I got her to do her first marathon, and now she is the dedicated runner whipping my butt whenever we run together.
My partner, Tabitha, just shook her head when I said I wanted to do another IM and asked "What can I do to help you prepare?" She knew it would come sooner or later.
Agree, Gina! That is a hilarious video! You gotta love that after all of that, Susanna is laughing and making jokes about your IM life together. I love her sense of humor! Funny, funny, funny!
Alright I really don't have any work mojo. I am so uninspired and not challenged by my job right now that it just isn't compelling. I've been trying for over a year now to get into a different role, one that will provide more of a challenge and exercise my brain a little more but it hasn't happened yet. Ugh! It really stinks to have to struggle through most of the work day trying to keep focus on something that just doesn't do it for ya. At least today I have a further reprieve....going to volunteer at a day shelter and kitchen for homeless people. That will at least feel like I'm contributing something useful and will no doubt remind me how lucky I am to even have a job to go to.
Bad day in the pain cave. A week away from the bike and a 1:20 AM bed time on Saturday night due to an 11:40 PM flight arrival in Denver for our return trip didn't do much for my energy level today. Ahhhh it's great to be back! HA HA!
Monday! hey everybody. well it was 49 and 95% humidity this morning and I got in 1.5 miles!! with Rudy at my side running after dropping off kids and before driving DH to airport..... and I am on the new dog diet!! yep last night he threw up on the carpet and I was gagging and this morning he pooped on same carpet! and gagging on that so it has taken care of appetite!!! now I put him outside again and he is howling to come in!!! he is such a baby!! and big too. up to my hips.... here for 5 weeks during Christmas break.
anyway unloading groceries and about to knock out some housework but wanted to check in and say HI! he follows me everywhere I go too! except when he snuck off to poop!
cuz I was in my bedroom putting on track pants!! stinker.
love listening to all the Christmas music too on the radio!! m
Good Monday everyone! Marianne- that dog sounds like HE needs to be on a new diet or something!
I went out for a run this morning and had good success with no calf issues! That's now 3 runs since returning from vacay with no problems. I left the Garmin at home and just ran with the iPod listening to Mike Hedman's "Meet the Teammate" podcast. I'm coming back VERY slowly and I won't allow myself to run with a watch until I'm really sure I can run for about an hour without any indication of trouble. Hopefully I'll be ready to strap the Garmin back on when the OS starts up again.
More good news- I've found a buyer for Calvin. It's a local triathlete whose son is getting into racing. His son is only 10!!!! But the bike nearly fits him and his dad is pretty sure by next season he'll be ready to ride it- so he's going to buy it from me. That makes me happy because I wanted to be sure Calvin found a good home! I've already started making plans for what I will do with the $$ when the transaction is final (thinking about another PT wheel so I don't have to swap back & forth between the road bike and tri bike. but then again- maybe I should put that $$ towards a cross or mountain bike!!!)
Oh- and the Oven should get fixed today. Joe ordered the replacement part and it should get delivered today - which is good 'cause we have Christmas Cake baking to do!!! Finally, the dock is almost fixed as well. We had a friend from MD come down to visit this weekend and he helped Joe with much of the repairs. Joe still has a few things to do so that the fix is "permanent" but it looks like we're in good shape as long as we can get a few more days before another big storm blows through.
I hope everyone is pulling things together for their holidays and not getting too stressed out. Robin- your delegate and don't worry about how it turns out attitude is exactly on target (but often so hard to do)! Originally Joe and I were going to stay here at the beach. But with the Brother-in-Law situation going on, we've decided to head up to MD for the weekend so we can be with Joe's family and perhaps visit with his brother. It's more work than we wanted after the big trip to NZ, but it's important for us to be with the family.
Nemo you were right, dog needs diff dog food, the cheap kind from Walmart! and have signed him up for Petsmart class tomorrow!! and bought him a chuck it "flying squirrel" to play catch wth. along with shampoo and brush and I think I gotta get in there with him! unbelievable 63 and sunny out there so I got in an hour bike ride on Lucky and felt normal! no surges or hills or anything fancy just a nice ride, been 16 days since I have been on a bike.... okay I gotta unload car, shower and get ready for bball practice... glad that the Chickas are s l o w l y on the mend! about to take another prednisone!! lol.
Ick, ick, ick!!! Prednisone!
I can't even stand to say that name without getting the heebies! I had to take the liquid form after my surgery this year. I have NEVER tasted anything so utterly foul! I eventually convinced my doc how gross it was and he said I could stop taking it. I hope you're taking a form of it that protects you from the evil taste.
Prednisone- eeeeek. Be really careful M, do exactly as the Dr orders and wien yourself on/off it correctly. Joe was on that stuff for a long time many years back and it made him puff up like a marshmello in the microwave.
OK, I have to share this with someone!! You may recall I was nominated for Tri Club President while on vacation. Well, after returning and giving it a lot of thought, I declined the nomination (too much personal stuff going on and with my IM goals this year- I'm sorta "out of sync" with the local club that is more about sprints/olys- on top of all of that, I'm still the "new kid" in a small town where everyone knows everyone and still learning how to navigate local politics). Bottom line, it's a small club with very little in the way of helping hands, there's a bit of a "Tri" vs "Cyclist" struggle in the club, and I just didn't want to take on the Pres role and be stuck with all the work. Selfish? Maybe- I dunno.
Anyway, since saying "no" all I've gotten are these super nice responses pleading with me to reconsider. These notes are really making me tear up! Here's an example:
I know you had posted that you had personal goals and that you thought being the new kid on the block you shouldn't take the prez position, but I hope you really don't think that because, whether your new or not you would be the essence of what are club needs. You would be as dedicated to the Tri folks needs as you would to the cyclist needs. I think you would be an asset and a role model to our club members. Your dedication to the all the sports is second to none, when I was doing that road race in Charolette in 95 deg. weather and saw you running it as marathon I was like woe, thats one tough girl. So with that said I really think if anybody on this beach can do a awsome job and look after all the sports coraled up in this club would be you! Doesn't matter if your new old young or whatever, if your qualified, your qualified and you are. Hope you reconsider, you would be a key piece to the puzzle.
Help me ladies!!!! Where is that book about Woman who don't know how to say "No"? I really need it right now!!!
Nemo, you wont get help from me as I think you would make the perfect president!! great way to connect with new friends in a fast yet efficient way, great way to spread the joy of endurance racing, perfect way to maintain control of a diverse group while making contact with cyclists and triathletes!! you can determine the social course of the group and I bet influence in other ways too... great way to Hear what is going on and everybody likes you here in the forum and I can only imagine you are better in person!!! you love volunteering have a sense of humor and love to help people out! you are patient and kind and those are just the qualities people gravitate to!!!
nope, I didn't help you say NO!!!
and in fact, I bet all of the rest of us chickas have reached out to other beginners to get them started too and it just took one somebody to believe in us.....
*note: I am taking prednisone and I seem to be a Kleenex or Keepsakes Jewelers commercial!!!
hey girls, okay yes the pills taste nasty on prednisone!! and yes weaning off, only one week long and read the side effects... so you start 4 pills then 3, then 2 and then 1...... but gotta say that the side effects for me personally? sleepless, like awake at 2 and 4 a.m., not hungry and seem to be tearing up more frequently!! I feel like a Kleenex commercial!!! could be lack of training too!!! anyway dang it, I ran 1.5 miles with dog today and butt still hurts!! now it just feels like a mallet has been taken to it rather than electrical shocks down my butt /hamstring!! and because I ahven't run in awhile, now feel shin splints coming on!!! I can see the funny side of the whole thing actually! but nope my face is not a marshmallow but seems like my gut/abs are!!! as my tights have left ridges in the waistline!!!
okay so yesterday I rode in 63 and today I was outside in 33! that is 30 degrees colder and yes windy too! and I just got back in from first obedience class with Rudy!! 30' of some great advice!! and yes last night's shower with the dog was hilarious but hey I have had five kids and won't be outdone by a dog!!!
I really enjoy running with him as he enjoys it so much too! and yep when I look back in the back seat and he is asleep on an old quilt looking quite chilled, I seem to have found quite the perfect running partner!! last year for Christmas Heather bought me a great pink NIke winter running top, turtleneck, long sleeves over the hands and quite warm!! it was great to be toasty with a Nike headband to match and black/pink tights!! a gray day but no reason not to have girl power out there!!! 
and I forgot to share my Christmas music: (1st stab at some new holiday music.... that I have been running with, I like some reflection music and some fun stuff!! and you just gotta love Run Rudolph Run!!)
O holy Night by MercyMe
Breath of Heaven by Amy Grant
Santa bring my Baby back to me by Elvis
Little Saint Nick the Beach boys
Run rudolph Run by Chuck Berry
World Christmas by R. Kelley
8 days of Christmas by Destiny's Child
the little Drummer boy by Sean Kingston
sugar Rum Cherry by Duke Ellington
Last Christmas by Cascada
What a great note to receive! Bottom line, you need to do what is best for yourself. It is tough to say No after that. Your energy and spirit as a member of the club will still help in those areas- biking needs vs tri needs etc.. offer to be tri club pres in your off IM year!
I know you want to have a great race. IM is stressful enough, add Pres of tri club- It would be like the 3.0 emoticon that explodes! I don't want to see you explode, I want to see you cross finishline in Madison under 13 hrs!
Good Luck!
Nemo-my 2 cents,
Sounds like you have reservations about being the pres....whatever your reasons are, I would listen to what is holding you back and go with that. There are usually opportunities in the future for stuff, we all know that. People always need others who are self motivated to motivate and sometimes we just need for whatever reason to step back and say no, not this time. Give ourselves ( yourself) a break and come back to it later. Or not. Saying no isn't a bad thing, actually it can be a good thing. You aren't letting people down, just doing what you need to do for your situation.
Good luck with the decision
Hi ladies! I am peeking in from the crazy depths of Bethland, where I realized I have exactly one weekend of prep time before Christmas/leaving for vacation. Dude. I'm looking forward to the near future, where the biggest challenge will be avoiding getting "juiced" by snowboarders. It is work's end of the year, so all reports and bills are due. And our Board is currently here, which is kind of like a mother-in-law visit, but with twelve mothers instead of one.
Nemo - Such a nice note! If not president this year, I'm sure you will be a fabulous tri club chief of staff/cheerleader/marketing pro, etc. Not being president doesn't mean you are not doing anything.
Marianne - It is such a joyous vision to think of you outside running in your pink getup, listening to Christmas music.
Olivia is back!
Nemo---If you're hesitating and don't think you'll have the time or energy, then you won't. Nothing wrong with saying NO if you know you won't be able to do the job you want to do. It would be worse to say YES and come up short on the job or some other facet of your life. You're not being selfish--just realistic. There's only so many hours/watts/mental space that one person can expend and it's true wisdom to know what those limits are. You're one smart cookie, girlfriend. I know you'll do what's right for you.
Marianne---Prednisone! Crazy emotional and physiologic roller coaster ride that drug is. I hope it does it's antinflammatory job on your piriformis and lets you get some sleep.
Inspired by Gina, I spent most of the weekend making broth: beef broth for soup noodles and chicken broth for everyday stuff (I freeze it into ice cubes for easier dosing). It all reminded me of my childhood (I spent alot of time with my mom in the kitchen)---very "Like Water for Chocolate". For the last 20 years, I've been writing down my mom's "recipes" on pieces of scrap paper. The word "recipe" being used loosely as she doesn't measure anything. So it's mostly a list of ingredients in Thai and English with notes like "mix until the right color" or "heat until syrup feels sticky between fingers". I'm going to finally organize these scraps of paper into something of a "cookbook" over the holiday and re-confirm with her about the accuracy of them.
Nemo, don't fall prey to the "disease to please." Reading your thoughts, you are so over the line on the NO side of the fence--all for good reasons, I might add. Even if they weren't "good" reasons, they are your reasons and that's good enough. It's nice to be loved and wanted, but they can love and want you when you're ready.
Know how we talk about IM year being kinda selfish--well, it is. That job will chew you up and spit you out with all the rest you have going on. In future years, it might be a piece of cake. I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole in 2010.
Kitboo, I do the same thing with my grandmother's recipes! Before she died, I took down the list of ingredients in each thing, cuz there sure was no measuring! There's one marinade I make that I go by smell to know it's right! Isn't that fabulous? I'm passing it down to my boys. They love the dish, so I tell them--"stick your nose in here and know how it smells so you can make it when I'm gone."
Hanging in there OS-wise. Nothing much new to report. I haven't missed a workout in 6 weeks. So far today, I just don't feel like suiting up for that 30' run. Moo is a long way away, right? I may just take the time and bag it. Meet below just got postponed, so I took Cali out for the 30'. She is becoming my best-est running pard'ner.
Re swimming--Taylor told me yesterday that his goal for this season is to win the MA State Championship in the 200 free. He needs a ~1:44 to win; his personal goal is to go 1:43. His current best time is 1:46. He was 4th overall last year as a junior. It will be fun to see the progress toward that goal!