I can relate to the pet med/shop bills, even if it's just 2 cats! Our last pair of cats (Harold and Mavis) were litter mates and both had congenative heart disease. In addition, Harold had really bad skin allergies. They each got shots every day and also had to take pills/liquid meds that were custom made at a local pharmacy. Oy! When we went away we had to pay a Pet Tech to come to the house to give them their meds. Crazy. They died from heart failure just 6 months apart and I vowed I'd never get another pet- my own heart simply broke and I didn't want to go through it again. Eventually we both adjusted and realized the house was just too quiet, so we decided to get another 2 cats. But this time I said NO LITTER MATES! I wanted a seperate gene pool! Otto & Lilly are pretty healthy- but Joe still says that Kitty Litter is obviously just a loss leader for pet stores 'cause I can never come home from one of those places without picking up some extra treats for the kids
I'm doing my best to be patient with this calf, but now that the OS has started I will admit I'm feeling more anxious. I just have to trust that I'll be back in the game soon enough. This weekend will be tough because I can't run, and I don't think I should bike. I can't just sit around all weekend so I'm gonna head to the pool for some swimming and water running. Maybe I'll even finally make that 10:30 yoga class- that should do me good, right?
Finally- I'm adding one more song to my EN Inspiration playlist. It's Ziggy Marly "Family Time". Whenever I hear it I think about this thread and all the free-flow chatter!
now from this pic you can't tell that today is the coldest day so far!! cold... brrr and we never got that snow yesterday!! I was out walking the dog in 12/12 mphs and got a call from son "mom my fever is up to 102.6" and y'all know you have a "MOM speed" that is, whether walking, running or driving!! told him to get in the shower to help cool off and when I got home it was down to 101.7 so the strep is still with him and got worse, gave him the Zpak this morning and some popsicles and tylenol! told him he picked a good day to stay home.... the other son is back at school. I was outside for about 35' with dog off leash! so he is now taking a nap!
the wind was even more that 12mphs down by the river!! and my fingers freezing to take this pic as my Gore gloves don't work for little camera buttons!! Rudy. Oh and he eats the cheapest Walmart food "Ol Roy" started by my college son so I have continued as he threw up the other brand I had bought for him, and he eats some leftovers too... so far so good, read that he needs to eat 2 day due to
bloat" that this breed can get, he wants more than that!! they can also get epilepsy, cancer and some other bad stuff! According to Animal Planet Website their barrel chests are ideal for running due to room for lungs and heart.. so they need exercise! those long legs give them the ability to "turn on a dime" and yes that large nose, he can ferret out stuff on the ground, ideally a bird dog but right now I dont have the urge to hunt but oldest son goes hunting a lot!! but I don't think has the desire to train him as a bird dog! will see what the shed is like but I brush him about every day (recommended). right here he was asking me why I was stopping as I was wanting him to stay still so I could get a pic, he accomodated me briefly and I snapped this pic!! too cold to actually center the camera so cut off a bit off the trail. Garmin said I burned 121 calories out there!! At 12 degrees, Rudy didn't seem cold! so far we haven't reached his temperature minimum.
okay enough about the dog!! what will I be like with grandkids!!!
Agreed- Rudy is simiply a work of art! Just checking in to say I received a few new pool toys in the mail today (paddles, lap counter watch) so I now have a little something new to look forward to when I get to the pool. I guess I'll be doing a swim focus ala Beth for a little while. :-)
M--that really is a beautiful doggie. I had an Irish Setter growing up named Kelly. I miss her every time I see Rudy--but in a good way. Hope your son is better soon. I had strep all my life until ager 21 (tonsils out) and it is NO fun!
finally fever is broken!! yes he gets it bad.... took dog to last beginner lesson! and went to PT so hated to be gone from sick son but he was asleep on couch the whole time!
OK. I'm well underway on my big rest kick. Spent a couple of hours reading, cooked a good b-fast, now a little computer time. Looking fwd to when Brian heads to the mountain to snowboard, leaving me to nap and read some more. This is going to be great! I think I'll also get on Skype with my sis in VA so I can see her cute little black kitties who are about 5 months old! Little sniffers!
The kale and sweet potato dish was a hit last night, even with my lack of brown rice. The horror! I had only enough for about a 1/2 cup brown rice. My stash is seriously depleted...not sure how that happend. Had to go with Arborio which I cooked in the rice cooker. It worked, I guess, but that stuff was stick-eeee! Never done Arborio by itself without more typical risotto type accoutrements. Brown will be way better! Thanks for the tip on the recipe....
The Frozen Land of the Tundra it seems has now added mid-south region to it's fold. High yesterday was 23... about the same today. As of yesterday, we had our 10th day below freezing which makes it the longest cold spell in KY in a decade. I ran trails both mornings while it was snowing. We had abt 5"+ that came down Thurs. What time that I could actually take my eyes off 6" in front of my feet, it was georgous. Weather was 12ish both days with single digit windchill but it's not as cold on the trails and think I've got the layers figured out well (thank goodness for those little handwarmers- I buy them by the case at Cosco!!) 5 miles yesterday, 13 today on same course I ran the trail race back in Nov. Wore my PI trail shoes (which i LOVE) Sat but they are not good for those conditions. Switched out to Mizunos today and was very happy Only trick, the absolute second you finish, you chance into dry clothes! Today stopped in the park welcome center after and they had a fire going in the fireplace (lovely!!) Got to see a dear friend (and ran with her a bit- she is a incredible trail runner- she won the women's division in the Nov race). She is a great person to be around- you can feel the happiness rolling off her! Plus she talked my way through about 4 miles of difficult section - of course, my contribution to the conversation was limited to one syllable.
Temps are supposed to go back up to 40's mid week- it'll seem like a heat wave!
it is 39 here, no wind and sunny and feels like FLA!! been in a meeting at church which was grand as it was about Guatemala but I still was itching to be outside, just got home so going outside to clean out my car. been too cold to sit out here and jsut went thru the carwash as it is open today!! made some hot tea! but 39 feels grand!! sunny, but I mentioned that... we leave in 6 weeks for Guatemala so we were practicing our skits that we are doing for the kids! reminded me of HS drama! so I guess I am taking a rest day today, always a good thing as I just walked the dog this morning and took some pics which I haven't uploaded yet. but I ran 8 yesterday!! and it has been since August since I did that so trying to be smart and not run today!! no pains today unlike last week when I could feel that I had ran 6.5 so all in all I am very tickled about my run mileage and according to my new Garmin 310, I ran 23 miles in the last 7 days but only biked 27 and swam 1!! but now up to 38 pushups, (not consec) AND I slept 10 hours last night! one trick that I forgot to remention in "recovery"... I pick one day (sunday) that I don't set my alarm or schedule any early morn workouts , ten hours!! still worried that I am still "fatigued" as that doesn't seem quite normal but I also think winter daylight has something to do with it so no worries!! gonna go take some iron and talk at ya later....
I'm back in the saddle after all of Dec off after my IMCOZ attempt.
We're at Great Wolf Lodge with the kiddos. They are running around playing Magi Quest and Daniel and I are on our lap tops. I'm finally catching up of this thread.
Good to hear that you are back and didn't leave EN! Sounds like a nice vacation. I know it can take quite a while to get back in the swing of things. We'll be here..
it is 39 here, no wind and sunny and feels like FLA!!
Ha! Florida wishes it was that warm! I spoke to Mom today (Tampa) and she said it's going down to mid 20's there tonight! They are FREEEEEEEZING! Seriously, this weather is just crazy! It's supposed to break for us mid week and get back to the normal highs in the low 50's. I can't wait! Now if only I could run
@Carrie- welcome back! So glad to see you over here again. We missed ya!
OK ladies, now for my latest news. After much internal debate, I registered for Eagleman (HIM in June). E-man is simply in a good time & place on the calendar for me and as much as I wanted to avoid returning for another tour of duty on that devilish course- I just couldn't find another HIM that made sense. I was going to bag the whole attempt to do a HIM in the spring altogether until I visited friends/family in MD over Christmas. While there I learned that my BFF and some other friends would in fact be going to Cambridge for the race this year as volunteers (I thought they were not racing or going to be there at all). The social part of racing is probably the thing that drives me most, and also knowing several ENers would be there sorta cinched the deal. So I've got a spot and I'm going back again.
Now I just need to get this dang calf thing figured out!
Oh- PS. Hubby and I went to Hampton Roads (2 hour drive) yesterday to see Avatar on the Imax screen. We enjoyed the movie (story/script was just ok- but the special effects are amazing) and then stopped on the drive home at this amazing Sushi restaurant for dinner- YUMMMMMMMMY! It was really nice to have a "date" on a Saturday night and not being worried about getting to bed by 9:30. So I guess the calf injury does have it's up side
welcome back Carrie, glad you took some time off and Dec is a good time with the busyness of holidays, wherever the lodge is it sounds nice!! Nemo< yep the time and convenience and friends sounds like a win win situation for you. I told you my local HIM in June got moved to Sept leaving me with a debate of traveling outta state for a HIM or just training here with centuries, oly's and sprints. haven't seen the movie but my guyz did and said the same thing, I just saw Sherlock Holmes and I thought it was good, went with my oldest son. well husband has a borrowed trainer and got in a one hour ride, he still has vertigo.. so no outside but it didn't work with either of my two bikes, something about "square peg in round hole" as my quick release lever is not the same shape as the round in part on the trainer... so one side would fit but not the other. a trainer by Kinesis so a high of 47 (supposedly) tomorrow so will hope for an outside ride as I missed "Saturday's ride".. will see about that. Kris, glad about the trail running! haven't hit the trails yet as to be honest every run has been with Rudy and haven't wanted to tackle him on a leash or off leash out in the woods..but I think he would be good to come back!! as he does on other runs.... might try a little trail run abour 2ish miles that we have right near the bridge that I train at and that way, surely he can't get away from me too much,, was gonna do it the other day in frigid weather but son was sick with strep at home so needed to scoot back!! the dog has now dug up our flower beds quite bad! but his inside behaviour is so much better! doing laundry and gotta scoot. m
We finally got our impulse-buy TV/DVD hung on the wall in the pain cave today! Well, Tabitha did. I went out for a run.
That's my little Cervelo on the left, and T's Kuota on the right. Reese's crate is down here, but she never goes in it unless we are working out. She loves to kennel while we ride or run! Here's a view from the other side:
@ Kristen- love the set up! At some point, Dave and I will actually rally to organize the basement and create our own little gym like that. It's mostly boxes from condensing two condo's into one house at the moment.
@ the frozen south-peeps: crazy weather for you guys!
Leigh- you ain't kidding. It's just surreal down here! I'm looking at ice that goes almost all the way accross the sound this morning. Joe said "we weren't able to go ice skating outside for the last 10 years living in MD, we move here and NOW we get a frozen Sound? What's up with that?"
I'm mostly worried about the fruit crops in the south (strawberries, peaches, etc). This could be a bad year for those farmers, and a bad year for us fruit lovers!
OK, now for a little fun. A co-worker found this pic while surfing the net over the weekend (I have no idea how he- a non-triathlete- would have found this, but whatever) and he forwarded it to me this morning. Cracked me up! I only wish it said "Chicka!"
My southern chickas are having crazy weather! 23 degrees to me means an hour walk with the dog, no problem. Have to watch how many layers I put on so I don't have a river running down my back! Then again, don't talk to be about heat and humidity! Does me in.
Kristin--I heart your set up! I want a nicer place to train, but we never seem to get around to making it a priority. Maybe once all the boys are gone...Gorgeous doggie too!
Nemo--how's your calf. I don't like that situation one bit. Getting better?
Not much to report here. I was going to go swimming today, but this is the point in the OS where I bag that if I'm getting hints of "that feeling." And since the hints were screaming at me this morning, I'm taking the day off. Will make a few meals for the week, and get ahead on some work. But days off still feel weird, no matter how much I enjoy them. Or do I?????
Linda- the calf is still "talking" to me. Today was the first day I woke up, stepped out of bed, and didn't have to limp to the bathroom (it tends to tighten up overnight). I was all happy about it this morning until I got up on my tippy toes to kiss Joe and it clearly said "no no no no no!". I've GOT to rededicate myself to yoga practice. I firmly believe it helped me stay injury free for several years and now I'm paying a huge price for getting lazy about it when we moved down here.
hey a high of 47 here today!! still cold this morning but feels like a heat wave!! ha ha, not really. yeah we don't really like 23 down here and well actually don't really like 103 either! just put up with both ends but yes I like the heat better!! as y'all know. well in from PT and slogged with the dog this morning about 5ish miles, (walk/run) and enjoyed being out there with him... so progress. okay so happy that I don't have calf pain! ouchee. sounds bad. gotta do some chores though. m
@ Marianne re: dogfood/feeding/bloat Marianne, dogs with deep chests prone to bloat can also benefit from special dishes such as "go slow dog" found at petsmart to slow their eating. You can find them at most doggy stores and online as well. My dog uses the "go slow dog, or slow down dog" bowl.
If your doggy has digestive issues, Purina EN is an excellent food, available from the vet that is bland.
Thanks Mary... hmmmm well I thought I was just keeping him for Christmas break so he is eating from a Correll dish from out cabinet! and feeding him 2 x day and havent swtiched his food as I know that has to be done gradually, now that he is staying here thru April I will look for go slow bowl, he doesn't seem to eat it fast though and only that one time when he first came did he throw up cuz I gave him a diff dog food and not the Walmart brand! so right now he seems okay. now what about the weepy eyes? I seem to be wiping "sleepy" out of the corners of his eyes and the "gentle collar" if he pulls rubs right in that eye spot. haven't found local vet but will check at Petsmart where I bought collar as on short runs not so much of a problem but the other day, longer and he was pulling and I was stopping but the collar that looks like a horse's bridle, came up on the bottom of his eye. No Linda I haven't tried your collar, the prong one, forgot name as Petsmart trainer showed me this "halti" .... and I know it takes patience for him to heel but right now he still has that leash taut. This morning I let him off leash and he saw a small herd of deer, about 8 of them and took off running and barking at them! through the woods and over frozen puddles, his tongue hanging out!!
okay I have "blithered" about the dog again.... smile. glad mary that you are continuing to recover!! sorry Nemo that you are holding at a pain status! so annoying.
Quick note here.. I made Patrick's pork chop/squash/apples crockpot meal over from the recipe thread. Turned out great- very yummy and makes the house smell good! Two thumbs up!
Actually busy at work today, so not much time to forum. But Love the pics!
Nemo - I love that part of the sign about being "towed away and crushed". That's good stuff! I think I need that in my cube here in the office!!
Kristen - your pain cave looks really cool! Your bikes are so skinny! HA! But also, how cool that your doggie is catching up with Food & Wine magazine??
Rest day was great yesterday. Even better that it's followed up with another day off today. I feel good at this point....gotta determine if I'm ready to roll for tomorrow's workout.
Hmmm crock pot....maybe i need to get mine out in advance of tomorrow. Meetings tomorrow night all night (the joys of having collegues in Australia) so I need to plan our meal tonight. Good thinkin' Kris!
AHHHH!! Take two. I just lost everything I had posted.
Kristen's pics of their pain cave reminded me I needed to get our pics up. This is the new and improved PC, moved from an over the garage room to a guest room.
Looking in...
The wall of fame
For looking, listening, and INSPIRATION!
On to the ridiculous cold. Below is the fountain in our back yard. Look how the running water froze! And, we still have snow on the ground!
And, the snow dog picture. Indie was transfixed on the tennis ball. What else is there in life??
The latest update on the puppies below !!
Whew, that was some photo insertion practice!!
Kristen- Did you guys mount the TV by yourselves??? And Reese is a cutie!!
Nemo- Have you tried sleeping in a night splint? May help the calf from tightening.
Marianne- I think Rudy is alllll yours...
I made homemade wheat bread yesterday and it is yummy!! Off to make spaghetti, play with Indie, and do Leigh's core workout!!
@Nemo - I love that parking sign! I need one for my garage.
@Gina - your pain cave looks great! The wall of fame is an especially nice touch. The puppy pics didn't come out, though. We need to see those puppies! A client brought in a litter of 11 2-day old lab puppies - they are sooooo cute. Indie is going to have fun with her baby sister. And, yes, T installed the TV herself. I had nothing to do with it.
All of you ladies have inspired me to get out the crock part and start using it. Tell me - do you feel safe starting it and then leaving it unattended all day, or do you just use it when you don't have to leave the house? My alter-ego Captain Careful worries about such things...
girls, this is your Public Service Announcement for your annual gyn visit! uh huh, I think some of you forgot to make the mammogram appt from my last PSA so now add this one to your list!! smile. and to celebrate I bought a new summer on clearance tie dye yellow jog top! so cute and will match my mt biking kit for post races!! yes, a bike jersey for mammograms and a running top for pap smears!! on sale is best (natch)..This year after I finish mt bike the races I plan on running the course to prove that I could run it faster than ride it!! and btw Sports Academy sells Ironman sports sunglasses, granted with the rims so not good for aero but good looking for $15 for road or mt or other, didn't buy them but made a note. I really only like the rimless kinds and hard to find in the general stores. warm sunny day in upper 40's blue skies too! gotta scoot, chores to be done now behind. m
Kristen & Gina: Nice pain cave pics! They're both SO CLEAN.
Marianne: Good reminder...I've finally followed up on your last one and am getting a mammogram on Friday.
I've taken up a new hobby: skate skiing. I tried on a borrowed pair last week and am hooked! Someday I would like to try biathlon as I'm intrigued with the idea of combining skiing with shooting guns. Weird, I know.
@ Kit- I'm with you on the biathlon intrigue! that was my favorite event of the last winter olympics. they'd be hauling along with 190+ HR's and then drop to the ground and shoot a target a mile away. I wouldn't be able to hit the side of a barn if my HR was that high.
Gina always has the best song recommendations!
I can relate to the pet med/shop bills, even if it's just 2 cats! Our last pair of cats (Harold and Mavis) were litter mates and both had congenative heart disease. In addition, Harold had really bad skin allergies. They each got shots every day and also had to take pills/liquid meds that were custom made at a local pharmacy. Oy! When we went away we had to pay a Pet Tech to come to the house to give them their meds. Crazy. They died from heart failure just 6 months apart and I vowed I'd never get another pet- my own heart simply broke and I didn't want to go through it again. Eventually we both adjusted and realized the house was just too quiet, so we decided to get another 2 cats. But this time I said NO LITTER MATES! I wanted a seperate gene pool! Otto & Lilly are pretty healthy- but Joe still says that Kitty Litter is obviously just a loss leader for pet stores 'cause I can never come home from one of those places without picking up some extra treats for the kids
I'm doing my best to be patient with this calf, but now that the OS has started I will admit I'm feeling more anxious. I just have to trust that I'll be back in the game soon enough. This weekend will be tough because I can't run, and I don't think I should bike. I can't just sit around all weekend so I'm gonna head to the pool for some swimming and water running. Maybe I'll even finally make that 10:30 yoga class- that should do me good, right?
Finally- I'm adding one more song to my EN Inspiration playlist. It's Ziggy Marly "Family Time". Whenever I hear it I think about this thread and all the free-flow chatter!
now from this pic you can't tell that today is the coldest day so far!! cold... brrr and we never got that snow yesterday!! I was out walking the dog in 12/12 mphs and got a call from son "mom my fever is up to 102.6" and y'all know you have a "MOM speed" that is, whether walking, running or driving!! told him to get in the shower to help cool off and when I got home it was down to 101.7 so the strep is still with him and got worse, gave him the Zpak this morning and some popsicles and tylenol! told him he picked a good day to stay home.... the other son is back at school. I was outside for about 35' with dog off leash! so he is now taking a nap!
the wind was even more that 12mphs down by the river!! and my fingers freezing to take this pic as my Gore gloves don't work for little camera buttons!! Rudy. Oh and he eats the cheapest Walmart food "Ol Roy" started by my college son so I have continued as he threw up the other brand I had bought for him, and he eats some leftovers too... so far so good, read that he needs to eat 2 day due to
bloat" that this breed can get, he wants more than that!! they can also get epilepsy, cancer and some other bad stuff! According to Animal Planet Website their barrel chests are ideal for running due to room for lungs and heart.. so they need exercise! those long legs give them the ability to "turn on a dime" and yes that large nose, he can ferret out stuff on the ground, ideally a bird dog but right now I dont have the urge to hunt but oldest son goes hunting a lot!! but I don't think has the desire to train him as a bird dog! will see what the shed is like but I brush him about every day (recommended). right here he was asking me why I was stopping as I was wanting him to stay still so I could get a pic, he accomodated me briefly and I snapped this pic!! too cold to actually center the camera so cut off a bit off the trail. Garmin said I burned 121 calories out there!! At 12 degrees, Rudy didn't seem cold! so far we haven't reached his temperature minimum.
okay enough about the dog!! what will I be like with grandkids!!!
Hi ladies! Hope you are all having a good friday so far.
M--that really is a beautiful doggie. I had an Irish Setter growing up named Kelly. I miss her every time I see Rudy--but in a good way.
Hope your son is better soon. I had strep all my life until ager 21 (tonsils out) and it is NO fun!
The kale and sweet potato dish was a hit last night, even with my lack of brown rice. The horror! I had only enough for about a 1/2 cup brown rice. My stash is seriously depleted...not sure how that happend. Had to go with Arborio which I cooked in the rice cooker. It worked, I guess, but that stuff was stick-eeee! Never done Arborio by itself without more typical risotto type accoutrements. Brown will be way better! Thanks for the tip on the recipe....
The Frozen Land of the Tundra it seems has now added mid-south region to it's fold. High yesterday was 23... about the same today. As of yesterday, we had our 10th day below freezing which makes it the longest cold spell in KY in a decade. I ran trails both mornings while it was snowing. We had abt 5"+ that came down Thurs. What time that I could actually take my eyes off 6" in front of my feet, it was georgous. Weather was 12ish both days with single digit windchill but it's not as cold on the trails and think I've got the layers figured out well (thank goodness for those little handwarmers- I buy them by the case at Cosco!!) 5 miles yesterday, 13 today on same course I ran the trail race back in Nov. Wore my PI trail shoes (which i LOVE) Sat but they are not good for those conditions. Switched out to Mizunos today and was very happy
Only trick, the absolute second you finish, you chance into dry clothes! Today stopped in the park welcome center after and they had a fire going in the fireplace (lovely!!) Got to see a dear friend (and ran with her a bit- she is a incredible trail runner- she won the women's division in the Nov race). She is a great person to be around- you can feel the happiness rolling off her! Plus she talked my way through about 4 miles of difficult section - of course, my contribution to the conversation was limited to one syllable.
Temps are supposed to go back up to 40's mid week- it'll seem like a heat wave!
I'm back in the saddle after all of Dec off after my IMCOZ attempt.
We're at Great Wolf Lodge with the kiddos. They are running around playing Magi Quest and Daniel and I are on our lap tops. I'm finally catching up of this thread.
Just wanted to say Hi!
Hi Carrie!
Good to hear that you are back and didn't leave EN! Sounds like a nice vacation. I know it can take quite a while to get back in the swing of things. We'll be here..
Ha! Florida wishes it was that warm! I spoke to Mom today (Tampa) and she said it's going down to mid 20's there tonight! They are FREEEEEEEZING! Seriously, this weather is just crazy! It's supposed to break for us mid week and get back to the normal highs in the low 50's. I can't wait! Now if only I could run
@Carrie- welcome back! So glad to see you over here again. We missed ya!
OK ladies, now for my latest news. After much internal debate, I registered for Eagleman (HIM in June). E-man is simply in a good time & place on the calendar for me and as much as I wanted to avoid returning for another tour of duty on that devilish course- I just couldn't find another HIM that made sense. I was going to bag the whole attempt to do a HIM in the spring altogether until I visited friends/family in MD over Christmas. While there I learned that my BFF and some other friends would in fact be going to Cambridge for the race this year as volunteers (I thought they were not racing or going to be there at all). The social part of racing is probably the thing that drives me most, and also knowing several ENers would be there sorta cinched the deal. So I've got a spot and I'm going back again.
Now I just need to get this dang calf thing figured out!
Oh- PS. Hubby and I went to Hampton Roads (2 hour drive) yesterday to see Avatar on the Imax screen. We enjoyed the movie (story/script was just ok- but the special effects are amazing) and then stopped on the drive home at this amazing Sushi restaurant for dinner- YUMMMMMMMMY! It was really nice to have a "date" on a Saturday night and not being worried about getting to bed by 9:30. So I guess the calf injury does have it's up side
Nemo< yep the time and convenience and friends sounds like a win win situation for you. I told you my local HIM in June got moved to Sept leaving me with a debate of traveling outta state for a HIM or just training here with centuries, oly's and sprints.
haven't seen the movie but my guyz did and said the same thing, I just saw Sherlock Holmes and I thought it was good, went with my oldest son.
well husband has a borrowed trainer and got in a one hour ride, he still has vertigo.. so no outside but it didn't work with either of my two bikes, something about "square peg in round hole" as my quick release lever is not the same shape as the round in part on the trainer... so one side would fit but not the other. a trainer by Kinesis so a high of 47 (supposedly) tomorrow so will hope for an outside ride as I missed "Saturday's ride".. will see about that. Kris, glad about the trail running! haven't hit the trails yet as to be honest every run has been with Rudy and haven't wanted to tackle him on a leash or off leash out in the woods..but I think he would be good to come back!! as he does on other runs.... might try a little trail run abour 2ish miles that we have right near the bridge that I train at and that way, surely he can't get away from me too much,, was gonna do it the other day in frigid weather but son was sick with strep at home so needed to scoot back!! the dog has now dug up our flower beds quite bad! but his inside behaviour is so much better! doing laundry and gotta scoot. m
We finally got our impulse-buy TV/DVD hung on the wall in the pain cave today! Well, Tabitha did. I went out for a run.
That's my little Cervelo on the left, and T's Kuota on the right. Reese's crate is down here, but she never goes in it unless we are working out. She loves to kennel while we ride or run! Here's a view from the other side:
And, ok, one gratuitous doggy shot:
Have a great Monday, ladies!
@ Kristen- love the set up!
At some point, Dave and I will actually rally to organize the basement and create our own little gym like that. It's mostly boxes from condensing two condo's into one house at the moment.
@ the frozen south-peeps: crazy weather for you guys!
Gratuitous puppy shots are always welcome!!
Leigh- you ain't kidding. It's just surreal down here! I'm looking at ice that goes almost all the way accross the sound this morning. Joe said "we weren't able to go ice skating outside for the last 10 years living in MD, we move here and NOW we get a frozen Sound? What's up with that?"
I'm mostly worried about the fruit crops in the south (strawberries, peaches, etc). This could be a bad year for those farmers, and a bad year for us fruit lovers!
OK, now for a little fun. A co-worker found this pic while surfing the net over the weekend (I have no idea how he- a non-triathlete- would have found this, but whatever) and he forwarded it to me this morning. Cracked me up! I only wish it said "Chicka!"
My southern chickas are having crazy weather! 23 degrees to me means an hour walk with the dog, no problem. Have to watch how many layers I put on so I don't have a river running down my back! Then again, don't talk to be about heat and humidity! Does me in.
Kristin--I heart your set up! I want a nicer place to train, but we never seem to get around to making it a priority. Maybe once all the boys are gone...Gorgeous doggie too!
Nemo--how's your calf. I don't like that situation one bit. Getting better?
Not much to report here. I was going to go swimming today, but this is the point in the OS where I bag that if I'm getting hints of "that feeling." And since the hints were screaming at me this morning, I'm taking the day off. Will make a few meals for the week, and get ahead on some work. But days off still feel weird, no matter how much I enjoy them. Or do I?????
Marianne, dogs with deep chests prone to bloat can also benefit from special dishes such as "go slow dog" found at petsmart to slow their eating. You can find them at most doggy stores and online as well. My dog uses the "go slow dog, or slow down dog" bowl.
If your doggy has digestive issues, Purina EN is an excellent food, available from the vet that is bland.
okay I have "blithered" about the dog again.... smile.
glad mary that you are continuing to recover!! sorry Nemo that you are holding at a pain status! so annoying.
Two thumbs up!
Nemo - I love that part of the sign about being "towed away and crushed". That's good stuff! I think I need that in my cube here in the office!!
Kristen - your pain cave looks really cool! Your bikes are so skinny! HA! But also, how cool that your doggie is catching up with Food & Wine magazine??
Rest day was great yesterday. Even better that it's followed up with another day off today. I feel good at this point....gotta determine if I'm ready to roll for tomorrow's workout.
Hmmm crock pot....maybe i need to get mine out in advance of tomorrow. Meetings tomorrow night all night (the joys of having collegues in Australia) so I need to plan our meal tonight. Good thinkin' Kris!
AHHHH!! Take two. I just lost everything I had posted.
Kristen's pics of their pain cave reminded me I needed to get our pics up. This is the new and improved PC, moved from an over the garage room to a guest room.
On to the ridiculous cold. Below is the fountain in our back yard. Look how the running water froze! And, we still have snow on the ground!
And, the snow dog picture. Indie was transfixed on the tennis ball. What else is there in life??
The latest update on the puppies below !!
Whew, that was some photo insertion practice!!
Kristen- Did you guys mount the TV by yourselves??? And Reese is a cutie!!
Nemo- Have you tried sleeping in a night splint? May help the calf from tightening.
Marianne- I think Rudy is alllll yours...
I made homemade wheat bread yesterday and it is yummy!! Off to make spaghetti, play with Indie, and do Leigh's core workout!!
@Nemo - I love that parking sign! I need one for my garage.
@Gina - your pain cave looks great! The wall of fame is an especially nice touch. The puppy pics didn't come out, though. We need to see those puppies! A client brought in a litter of 11 2-day old lab puppies - they are sooooo cute.
Indie is going to have fun with her baby sister. And, yes, T installed the TV herself. I had nothing to do with it.
@Olivia - glad to hear you are resting. Good job!
All of you ladies have inspired me to get out the crock part and start using it. Tell me - do you feel safe starting it and then leaving it unattended all day, or do you just use it when you don't have to leave the house? My alter-ego Captain Careful worries about such things...
Hmmmm, not sure why the pics of the puppies went amok. Check my FB page, I put some there.
and btw Sports Academy sells Ironman sports sunglasses, granted with the rims so not good for aero but good looking for $15 for road or mt or other, didn't buy them but made a note. I really only like the rimless kinds and hard to find in the general stores.
warm sunny day in upper 40's blue skies too! gotta scoot, chores to be done now behind. m
Kristen & Gina: Nice pain cave pics! They're both SO CLEAN.
Marianne: Good reminder...I've finally followed up on your last one and am getting a mammogram on Friday.
I've taken up a new hobby: skate skiing. I tried on a borrowed pair last week and am hooked! Someday I would like to try biathlon as I'm intrigued with the idea of combining skiing with shooting guns. Weird, I know.
Have a wonderful Wednesday, friends!
@ Kit- I'm with you on the biathlon intrigue! that was my favorite event of the last winter olympics. they'd be hauling along with 190+ HR's and then drop to the ground and shoot a target a mile away. I wouldn't be able to hit the side of a barn if my HR was that high.