@ Kit- I'm with you on the biathlon intrigue! that was my favorite event of the last winter olympics. they'd be hauling along with 190+ HR's and then drop to the ground and shoot a target a mile away. I wouldn't be able to hit the side of a barn if my HR was that high.
I used to do alot of skeet and trap shooting, especially in the winter. The ability to control one's HR and concentrate after some hard aerobic/anaerobic efforts is so cool---something very primal about it, like when we were cavemen during an Ice Age hunting down dinner (yeah, with our neanderthal rifles! ha!).
@ Kit- I'm with you on the biathlon intrigue! that was my favorite event of the last winter olympics. they'd be hauling along with 190+ HR's and then drop to the ground and shoot a target a mile away. I wouldn't be able to hit the side of a barn if my HR was that high.
Me too! LOVE LOVE LOVE that event! I think it's totally underrated 'cause it looks easy. But I'm so amazed at how they can steady themselves after all that hard effort, control their breath, and shoot with such good aim. Yeah, if I were to enter the winter Olympics, biathlon would absolutely be the sport. Hmmmmm, maybe we need an EN Chica Biathlon team next year! Pretty sure Rich would dig that!
Totally INTO biathlon. I mean how cool is that sport???? You think swimmers and triathles toil in obscurity! They are probably some of the most skilled and fit athletes around and nobody knows anything about them. I am down with the biathlon idea, as I will likely be moving on from the Ironman distance after Moo. Besides learning how to navigate with a compass, I would really like to learn how to shoot. Bam!
@Kristen--never have worried about the crock pot, but that doesn't mean one shouldn't--now that I think about it! Haven't heard any malfunctions or major house fires due to them in all the years they've been around. Not sure how comforting that is.
Good track workout today after 2 days off. Sometimes those workouts are rough after a lay off--took me a while to get going, but I felt decent in the end.
Doggie is going BACK IN THE CRATE at night! The boys have been letting her sleep in the kitchen on her bed. She was barking at 4 this morning--that high pitched baark that means I need to pee, or I want company. It was the latter. We raced downstairs, Keith took her out for a minor event, and she just wanted to play. THEN, I left her in the kitchen when I went to the gym, and when I came home she was in my office. I had put up the gate--so either one of my boys stopped in (I hope), or she jumped it. Naughty, naughty puppy. So, in short, I've been up since about 3.
@Kristen, I second Linda. My husband and I use ours at least once a week. I worried about it the first few times, now I just love coming home and having dinner ready. My friend at work, on the other hand, brings hers to school (I'm a teacher) with all the stuff in it and lets it cook away all day!
Ladies, just wondering if you ever the same problem...I can never find my workout clothes! I thought about this tonight while getting them out for tomorrow morning's ride. They are either in the wash, hanging on the drying rack, in the hamper or on the floor. They never seem to be in the drawer when I need to find them!
And for all you chickas into biathlon- there is a biathlon course in LP, on the way into the bobsled course. Don't know if they let normal, everyday peeps in to play, but could be worth looking in to! I can't WAIT for the olympics! My husband and sisters-in-law went up to LP 3 years ago to watch a world cup bobsledding event. It was awesome! You can get so close to the track!
Kristen- I'll 3rd it. I love the crockpot. Just bought stew beef. Looking to fire it up this weekend. Mine is at least 15 years old, and I am sure plder than that. No problem at all!
Dana- I used to have that problem. Solved it 2 ways. 1. dedicated laundry basket. Wet clothes go in shower/ bathroom door/ hangers to dry out a bit. When I get home from work, the now mostly dry clothes go into that laundry basket. Every 7-10 days (depends on season), I wash it. I hate to fold clothes, but that is never a huge load, so I usually force myself to just put it away. 2. I had a problem with socks. They were kept in dresser, but my closet is in another room and I get dressed in the closet (stay warm). I bought a stackable drawer (just one) and put it in the closet. Now all of my workout socks are in there. Much nicer than the mess Iused to leave everywhere.
All of you ladies have inspired me to get out the crock part and start using it. Tell me - do you feel safe starting it and then leaving it unattended all day, or do you just use it when you don't have to leave the house? My alter-ego Captain Careful worries about such things...
Kristen, when I graduated from high school more years ago than I care to remember, my mom bought me a crock pot at Montgomery Wards (remember that store?). It was one of the first one with the lift out crock? Anyway.....yeah....I still use it and I still leave it all day without being attended. I crabbed for a couple of years and my very frugal (insert obsessively cheap) husband bought me a new one for my birthday. It doesn't work. It boils stuff on low....anyway, I went back to my VERY ugly 30 year old crock pot. I just transfer it to the new pretty stainless steel one and put it on warm when I need to look good.
Ladies, just wondering if you ever the same problem...I can never find my workout clothes! I thought about this tonight while getting them out for tomorrow morning's ride. They are either in the wash, hanging on the drying rack, in the hamper or on the floor. They never seem to be in the drawer when I need to find them!
Normally when I get in from an out door work out that required several layers of clothing, I scour the house for darks and wash them then hang them to dry. Later in the day when I go down to fold the daily load I fold them and put them in the drawer. I was having trouble gathering everything together daily and I finally put my old lingerie chest in the laundry room and it is crammed full of my work out clothing. That way it's all in one place and I can go there and find them without waking up the spousal unit to get dressed at 5:30. If I biked in the PC and only have one layer of stuff, I just throw it in it's own laundry basket and throw it in the next time I have a load of darks. I do a load of laundry every day though so that it doesn't pile up and end up getting done on one day and in an effort to accomplish some sort of demented new year's resolution I'm trying to get ironing done all on one day.......probably not gonna last long though.....
And nothing smells better than opening the door to the smell of dinner (also keeps me from snacking as I'm usually famished the moment I hit the door).
@Michele- that's a great idea to put a storage bin in the closet for socks!! I am one of those anal organizers (my clothes are together by what they are, then in order alphabetically by color--- yes, it is a sickness!!)
Got back in the pool yesterday- one of the first times since Aug. Seems that suits shrink when put into drawer storage... go figure :-)
Kit, I have been toying with trying to get the daughter interested in biathlon. We just took a gun class and are signed up for another on the 20th and she is a disturbingly accurate marksman. She said she wanted to start cross country skiing and this would be an interesting activity for her. Keep us updated. BTW....I could barely hit the large white piece of paper, much less the small circle with the assigned number 5 next to it.
Oh, I should clarify. I have one long shelf in the closet dedicated to workout clothes.
Heavy long sleeve
Light Long Sleeve
Short Sleeve
Running tights
Bike shorts
(way out of reach is really old stuff I should get rid of but can't seem to yet)
Shelf below has sock bin and shelf above has bras, bandanas, and regular exercise shorts/running shorts.
My hats adorn every door knob around. When I get irritated, they go on proper hooks in closet.
I just bought a 3 drawer plastic chest to keep the out door stuff in. It is nearer the front door and all gloves/ hats/ shoe covers/ etc. are in it. I was so sick and tired of the pile of mess we (OK- mostly me) had going. This has been a real process to get organized.
Kris- We have a sickness! But I can't stand wasting time looking for stuff. I don't lay out my workout clothes the night before unless it is a brick. But my clothes for work get laid out the night before.
My clothes for work are GROUPED by color, but not alphabetical
I do not enter DH's closet because I am afraid of the avalanches.
Sheryl: I've heard that women in general are very accurate marksmen. My experience is mostly with shotguns and the occasional rifle. I used to participate in alot of trap shooting tournaments---and would usually win something. Whether that's a function of my shooting accuracy or the fact that not alot of women trap shoot...I don't know. For now, I'm just trying to figure out how to glide gracefully on the skis and not face plant. Once the face plant/belly flop into the snow occurences significantly decrease, I'll think about adding a firearm.
Okay, you've all convinced to me to get a crockpot. I've never owned on. My mom never cooked with one. It will be new adventure in slow cooking.
my clothes are together by what they are, then in order alphabetically by color--- yes, it is a sickness!!
I can vouch for that! I entered Kris's walk-in closet to borrow a bike jersey last summer and simply stood there staring in awe at the neatly hung selection of singlets, short sleeves, long sleeves all in ROYGBIV order. It was almost intimidating!
Kris- when (note I did not say if!) you come to visit me- if you need to borrow something- I'll be bringing selections to you one at a time so you don't see my workout clothing drawers which always start out nice & neat but end up a big mess when I rummage through them for a favorite top on the bottom of the pile!!!
@Kitboo- I've heard the same thing about women marksmen. Hubby got us private Sporting Clay lessons for Valentines last year (it was a date thing) and the instructor said his experience has been the woman always do as well or better than the men- perhaps because they actually listen! True enough, I had the same score as hubby at the end of the day. I used to target shoot with a hand gun as well and when I was practiced had a pretty nice tight grouping. Maybe I need to get hubby to give me rifle lessons this valentines ;-)
I know, I'm strange. I shoot guns but eat vegitarian and practice yoga.
@Michele- I'm with you on the hubby closet too! We have an unspoken rule. I'll fold his cloths and he'll fold mine- but we each put our own away. There was a time I would re-fold anything of mine he tried to fold. But I've finally managed to let that anal obsession go and my life is more manageable!
Oh- and yeah- I always lay out my workout cloths the night before. I only lay out "work" cloths if I'm packing for the pool (since I work at home now I don't have to worry about work cloths nearly as much).
All right, you ladies have convinced me to get out my crockpot and give it a whirl! I think I'll try the kale and sweet potato recipe first, but I'll do it on my day off, just so I can watch it the first time.
Not much chance for trying biathlon here, but it sounds like fun! I'm a good marksman (markswoman?) in the range with my handgun but have never tried a shotgun or rifle.
Please don't kick me out of the EN chicas group for this - my workout clothes are shoved into drawers in the closet, with one drawer each for tops, bottoms, and bras/socks. The most frequently used items sit on top of the other ones. It drives Tabitha crazy - she won't even look in those drawers.
ha! love that fellow chica's are into biathlon. totally on my to do list. Just busted out the old skate skii's last night so with a little luck, will get out on them this weekend! it's funny, I used to go target shooting with my dad all the time. I attributed my ability to keep pace with him score wise to Nintendo and Duck Hunt though, not male vs female.
Funny, my daughter used to be the ultimate slob but now she is happily OCD organized like her mama! Think everyone has a system and it all works for us!
It is now 39 degrees- woohoo!!! Might even be able to take tonights ride to the streets!
The biathlon thing sounds really cool, but it would be too cold for me .... this is the kinda weather I like to shoot in!!
Obviously I need someone to volunteer to come to my house and organize my drawers! I just want to be like Samantha and wriggle my nose and have it all be fixed . I am a very cosmetic cleaner - if you open drawers or doors in my house you will probably be attacked by what bursts out of it. Kinda like those old spring loaded snakes that came in a can. Remember those?
Yes - finally up to 43 here!!! I guess just being that little bit south of Kris makes the 4 degree difference. The snow is melting and there is SUN! We are supposed to get rain next, but I am just happy to have a little warmth and feel my fingers and toes today. It was quite a cold spell here - we are just not used to it being THAT cold for THAT long. It is supposed to be in the 40s through the beginning of next week though. I am trying to think of something fun to do with the kids on Monday when they are out of school that we might be able to do outside. Interesting how the perspective changes - in the winter or early spring 40s sounds great. In the fall when it "drops" to 40 I think I am going to get hypothermia
@ ;Kris- 3 of the drawers are in a bedside table! Truthfully, if I went through my stuff and kept ONLY what I wear regularly, it would take up a lot less room!! Just hate to get rid of anything 'cause it is so damn expensive!
@ Robin- Great photo! Are you training that dog or just having fun?
I'm just not a gun girl. Probably, that 20 years doing Anesthesia and seeing the results of gunshots has tainted my view. I think I tried shooting clay pigeons once and missed them all.
I am just in from a run. FINALLY outside!! Temp is 40ish and I actually came back in and took one layer off. But, holleee crap I forgot how much the run intervals ssssssuckkkkk!! Did 'em though! When I was through, I was a happy girl.
I got a bread machine and am trying it out for the first time this afternoon. RIght now I have a "Honey Whole Wheat" batch going.
Kit, the instructor told us that women are better shots generally than men. I thought it was interesting. My husband is an incredible shot and I think Shelby gets that from him. She is so very much like him it's scary. She asked her dad if the next class includes running and rolling and shooting..... I would just like to not be terrified of my Glock. The class was a lot of fun. The next one should be really good since we can bring our own guns.
Gina, we had such a great bread machine. Husband began working with sourdough cultures and had gotten quite good but then we found out he and Shelby are gluten intolerant, Shelby is most likely celiac disease but I LOVE bread. I was sad today that I couldn't get some really good heavy, grainy bread but I'm the only one that eats it. For sure I would be even more huge if I had fresh bread and butter near by.
I'm sitting here giggling about how this is a "Womans" thread and how all the boyz are missing out on all this gun talk! If they only knew the stuff we talked about in here sometimes!!!
I'm sitting here giggling about how this is a "Womans" thread and how all the boyz are missing out on all this gun talk! If they only knew the stuff we talked about in here sometimes!!!
Don't you worry. There are plenty of us who are lurkers. This thread is recommended reading in my book. My most recent fave was the discussion about staying happily married. That was a keeper.
Sheryl: I have a 9mm and a Beretta in the house (DH is a cop). I don't know what it is about handguns, but I too am a slight skeered of them. I'll take my old 12 gauge back anyday! So cool that your daughter is confident and enjoying her gun handling skills!!
Robin: So what are you shooting with in that pic? I've gone pheasant and quail hunting a few times---the quality of the trip really, really depends on how great the bird dog is!
Gina: That sounds like my dresser---I have an entire dresser devoted to training clothes! Priorities...
I'm sitting here giggling about how this is a "Womans" thread and how all the boyz are missing out on all this gun talk! If they only knew the stuff we talked about in here sometimes!!!
Don't you worry. There are plenty of us who are lurkers. This thread is recommended reading in my book. My most recent fave was the discussion about staying happily married. That was a keeper.
@Gina & Kitma- I was originally skeered of the gun too. Hubby first bought the 357 Magnum when we were dating and he lived in a really really really bad neighborhood in Baltimore. It was seriously for protection- he kept it next to the bed at night. Anyway- I decided if he was gonna have it, and it was gonna be loaded, and I was gonna be staying with him- then I needed to know how to use it. He took me to the range to teach me how to use it and I discovered I really liked target shooting- so it turned into a weekly date kinda thing.
Once he moved into a nicer neighborhood the gun became entirely recreational and is now unloaded and locked in one part of the house with the bullets in another part of the house. On really really really bad days of work I'll ask him if we can go to the range so I can unload a little anger on a paper target. But for some reason that I can't explain, it still makes me a little nervous when he cleans it.
I am sitting here just smiling--closet organizing and rifle talk! Never, but never, would I have thought we would have so much in common in the area of FIRE ARMS!!! I've only shot once, but I went duck hunting once with Keith and his friend Bob. That hunting trip is what made me fall in love with Labradors. That day Bob's dog, Jade, did 10 "blind retreives"--with whistle and hand signals. She would swim across the icy river, turn around, sit, and wait for the signal. Go a little further and turn for the cue. She brought back back duck after duck--and she loved every minute of it. She was so well trained that, after dropping the duck, she waited for the command to move ~5-feet away to "shake." He was tired of getting wet, and taught her to do that. It might sound dumb, but every time I think about watching her, I get misty. It was beautiful. She's old an getting incontinent now, but what a doggie!!!
@GINA ;AND KRIS--lalalalalalalala about your organization! OMG, I'm getting a twitch just reading about it. I often go find my stuff in the baskets in the basement. I just do not care I guess. The ONLY thing I'm persnickety about is my compression stuff. I don't have dupes of that, and when I want it, I want it. It goes nicely in the drawer always. The rest--whatever!
When we bought our house 3 years ago it was perfect and had everything we needed - but it was (and is) in a "transitional" neighborhood. We are 5-10 minutes from both our works, downtown, restaurants, movies, shopping, etc, and there is a many miles-long network of paved concrete trail for running right out our door, but there are also drug dealers in the park next door and prostitutes strolling down the street. Ah, the big city life!
We have a big (kind of) mean-sounding dog, and a burglar alarm, but we still felt a little vulnerable. Neither T nor I had ever handled nor shot a gun. I was literally shaking with fear after the classroom part of our class when they led us into the range and had us shoot handguns (we rented one). Long story short, after a few more practice sessions with rented guns, we purchased 2 Glock 9 mm handguns. We keep them loaded in our bedside tables and we know how to use them. We neither have kids nor have any friends with kids who might come over and go exploring. It's not a perfect solution, but it does make us feel a little safer.
okay catching up... so now we are talking guns and closets....??
My oldest three hunt so yes we have guns and it is bird hunting... we moved into the city and DH doesn't hunt anymore due to job change so son #4 sorta lost out on that hobby as I don't hunt! so oldest son is an avid hunter and duck hunted many of the days of Christmas break. but I don't like guns at all in the house for fear of any son of mine attempting suicide. just gonna be blunt about it. you know my BFF's son shot himself in his garage... and a previous pastor's son accidentally shot himself while on his bed cleaning it (both died)... so I am antsy about guns although they are locked up in gun cabinet. Duck Hunting is sort of like golf here, lots of business done out there and many duck blinds, duck camps, lodges and land dedicated to duck hunting east of here.... lots of friends/camaraderie and the like.... so I lost the gun battle many years ago when my oldest son made legos into guns and pieces of bread into guns!! he got his first shotgun at age 9. then oldest son was into shooting sports and I drove him all over the place so he can shoot! this was downright hilarious as I had four children in tow, one of them still nursing! and thru the 4H he won trophies and went to summer camps.... I am pro military though so I figure that if any of those boys get drafted or volunteer, they should know how to operate a weapon and kill the enemy and as a Mom... I want them back home! so there I said my controversy, I don't like guns! but if you have to use one, then know how to use it! Having four sons changed me a bit admittedly as I am more tolerant of aggression and violence if needed for defense. My husband is out of town a LOT. and I feel safer in my house with my sons...and tell them that..granted they are fast asleep and would under no circumstance be thinking clearly if awakened! Husband was in the army so he was used to weapons too and blew up bridges, roads and other stuff being a Combat Engineer. Quite annoying when watching any war flick as he picks it apart and tells me the blast is way too big for X. He also notes uniforms, haircuts and other obvious military faux pas. I do think my oldest son has the tenacity and skill to be a sniper but right now wouldn't like the authority figures in the military!! My second son has a high tolerance to pain and would make an excellent fire jumper or other extreme service sport, or even a Ranger as he is all about the glory for the team and is impervious to pain.... my third son excels at "gaming" and not sure how that translates into real life but is an expert ranked high in Call of Duty!! the Fourth son, makes all sorts of weapons, either out of Nerf, or even plastic piping using marshmallows as bullets! Plastic pellet guns are a mainstay around here as well as cap guns. BB guns and anything else that propels..... and thus is my life with sons. I do remember my sister making fun of me and in disbelief when they were younger and they were fussing and tattletaling and came to me "Is there any blood?", "Do we need to go to the hospital?" okay , NO? then leave me alone and work it out!! And there is a pecking order determined by birth that I don't mess with... each brother covers for each other as well. They hardly tattle on each other (see previous statement of mine) and consider it mutiny to try to get one of them in trouble....I have to use detective skills to crack open a case or years later, they will reveal what "actually happened". Born into that environment, my daughter got the benefit of me and four brothers as we don't tolerate a lot of "drama", gossip or otherwise tacky girl behaviour. She has in no way wanted to operate a gun or shoot nerf guns but is the target of many a bullet! She doesn't cry too much but she sure can run fast!! She on the other hand, tattles on them all! and has no fear of retaliation. All i have to do is ask her "what happened here?" and she relates all the people and what transpired.
I share a closet with my husband and I swore I never would.. but on the right on the shelves I also have cheap plastic bins, marked "tights", "jog tops", singlets, shorts, bras, socks, Winter tops, swimsuits and then Gus and water bottles. Shoes are stacked above those and tied together or laid on top of each other. I hang my jackets and track pants and that is all I hang. Not a lot of hanging space for me. I have two drawers, NO three!! dedicated to race tees! and I have two drawers! dedicated to summer swimsuits and cover ups...We have a pool. Now in my car? (from a RR started at 5 a.m.!! this past summer!)
I keep my running shoes and all cycling gear for the season, a stretch mat, ankle weights, band, a cooler, and all bike cleaning and CO2 and the like...bought a box from Container Store and it organizes all my stuff. and there you have it!! yep you can call me anytime, if I am in my car and I could run or swim with the gear/clothing I have in my car and with a heads up just load in my bike and I am good to go! normally have about 400 calories stashed at all times as well! wipes, kleenex, maps of local roads, why I really am a geek!!!
I used to do alot of skeet and trap shooting, especially in the winter. The ability to control one's HR and concentrate after some hard aerobic/anaerobic efforts is so cool---something very primal about it, like when we were cavemen during an Ice Age hunting down dinner (yeah, with our neanderthal rifles! ha!).
Me too! LOVE LOVE LOVE that event! I think it's totally underrated 'cause it looks easy. But I'm so amazed at how they can steady themselves after all that hard effort, control their breath, and shoot with such good aim. Yeah, if I were to enter the winter Olympics, biathlon would absolutely be the sport. Hmmmmm, maybe we need an EN Chica Biathlon team next year! Pretty sure Rich would dig that!
Totally INTO biathlon. I mean how cool is that sport???? You think swimmers and triathles toil in obscurity! They are probably some of the most skilled and fit athletes around and nobody knows anything about them. I am down with the biathlon idea, as I will likely be moving on from the Ironman distance after Moo. Besides learning how to navigate with a compass, I would really like to learn how to shoot. Bam!
@Kristen--never have worried about the crock pot, but that doesn't mean one shouldn't--now that I think about it! Haven't heard any malfunctions or major house fires due to them in all the years they've been around. Not sure how comforting that is.
Good track workout today after 2 days off. Sometimes those workouts are rough after a lay off--took me a while to get going, but I felt decent in the end.
Doggie is going BACK IN THE CRATE at night! The boys have been letting her sleep in the kitchen on her bed. She was barking at 4 this morning--that high pitched baark that means I need to pee, or I want company. It was the latter. We raced downstairs, Keith took her out for a minor event, and she just wanted to play. THEN, I left her in the kitchen when I went to the gym, and when I came home she was in my office. I had put up the gate--so either one of my boys stopped in (I hope), or she jumped it. Naughty, naughty puppy.
So, in short, I've been up since about 3.
Ladies, just wondering if you ever the same problem...I can never find my workout clothes! I thought about this tonight while getting them out for tomorrow morning's ride. They are either in the wash, hanging on the drying rack, in the hamper or on the floor. They never seem to be in the drawer when I need to find them!
And for all you chickas into biathlon- there is a biathlon course in LP, on the way into the bobsled course. Don't know if they let normal, everyday peeps in to play, but could be worth looking in to! I can't WAIT for the olympics! My husband and sisters-in-law went up to LP 3 years ago to watch a world cup bobsledding event. It was awesome! You can get so close to the track!
Kristen- I'll 3rd it. I love the crockpot. Just bought stew beef. Looking to fire it up this weekend. Mine is at least 15 years old, and I am sure plder than that. No problem at all!
Dana- I used to have that problem. Solved it 2 ways. 1. dedicated laundry basket. Wet clothes go in shower/ bathroom door/ hangers to dry out a bit. When I get home from work, the now mostly dry clothes go into that laundry basket. Every 7-10 days (depends on season), I wash it. I hate to fold clothes, but that is never a huge load, so I usually force myself to just put it away. 2. I had a problem with socks. They were kept in dresser, but my closet is in another room and I get dressed in the closet (stay warm). I bought a stackable drawer (just one) and put it in the closet. Now all of my workout socks are in there. Much nicer than the mess Iused to leave everywhere.
Kristen, when I graduated from high school more years ago than I care to remember, my mom bought me a crock pot at Montgomery Wards (remember that store?). It was one of the first one with the lift out crock? Anyway.....yeah....I still use it and I still leave it all day without being attended. I crabbed for a couple of years and my very frugal (insert obsessively cheap) husband bought me a new one for my birthday. It doesn't work. It boils stuff on low....anyway, I went back to my VERY ugly 30 year old crock pot. I just transfer it to the new pretty stainless steel one and put it on warm when I need to look good.
@Michele- that's a great idea to put a storage bin in the closet for socks!! I am one of those anal organizers (my clothes are together by what they are, then in order alphabetically by color--- yes, it is a sickness!!)
Got back in the pool yesterday- one of the first times since Aug. Seems that suits shrink when put into drawer storage... go figure :-)
Kit, I have been toying with trying to get the daughter interested in biathlon. We just took a gun class and are signed up for another on the 20th and she is a disturbingly accurate marksman. She said she wanted to start cross country skiing and this would be an interesting activity for her. Keep us updated. BTW....I could barely hit the large white piece of paper, much less the small circle with the assigned number 5 next to it.
Oh, I should clarify. I have one long shelf in the closet dedicated to workout clothes.
Heavy long sleeve
Light Long Sleeve
Short Sleeve
Running tights
Bike shorts
(way out of reach is really old stuff I should get rid of but can't seem to yet)
Shelf below has sock bin and shelf above has bras, bandanas, and regular exercise shorts/running shorts.
My hats adorn every door knob around. When I get irritated, they go on proper hooks in closet.
I just bought a 3 drawer plastic chest to keep the out door stuff in. It is nearer the front door and all gloves/ hats/ shoe covers/ etc. are in it. I was so sick and tired of the pile of mess we (OK- mostly me) had going. This has been a real process to get organized.
Kris- We have a sickness!
But I can't stand wasting time looking for stuff. I don't lay out my workout clothes the night before unless it is a brick. But my clothes for work get laid out the night before.
My clothes for work are GROUPED by color, but not alphabetical
I do not enter DH's closet because I am afraid of the avalanches.
Sheryl: I've heard that women in general are very accurate marksmen. My experience is mostly with shotguns and the occasional rifle. I used to participate in alot of trap shooting tournaments---and would usually win something. Whether that's a function of my shooting accuracy or the fact that not alot of women trap shoot...I don't know. For now, I'm just trying to figure out how to glide gracefully on the skis and not face plant. Once the face plant/belly flop into the snow occurences significantly decrease, I'll think about adding a firearm.
Okay, you've all convinced to me to get a crockpot. I've never owned on. My mom never cooked with one. It will be new adventure in slow cooking.
I can vouch for that! I entered Kris's walk-in closet to borrow a bike jersey last summer and simply stood there staring in awe at the neatly hung selection of singlets, short sleeves, long sleeves all in ROYGBIV order.
It was almost intimidating!
Kris- when (note I did not say if!) you come to visit me- if you need to borrow something- I'll be bringing selections to you one at a time so you don't see my workout clothing drawers which always start out nice & neat but end up a big mess when I rummage through them for a favorite top on the bottom of the pile!!!
I know, I'm strange. I shoot guns but eat vegitarian and practice yoga.
@Michele- I'm with you on the hubby closet too! We have an unspoken rule. I'll fold his cloths and he'll fold mine- but we each put our own away. There was a time I would re-fold anything of mine he tried to fold. But I've finally managed to let that anal obsession go and my life is more manageable!
Oh- and yeah- I always lay out my workout cloths the night before. I only lay out "work" cloths if I'm packing for the pool (since I work at home now I don't have to worry about work cloths nearly as much).
All right, you ladies have convinced me to get out my crockpot and give it a whirl! I think I'll try the kale and sweet potato recipe first, but I'll do it on my day off, just so I can watch it the first time.
Not much chance for trying biathlon here, but it sounds like fun! I'm a good marksman (markswoman?) in the range with my handgun but have never tried a shotgun or rifle.
Please don't kick me out of the EN chicas group for this - my workout clothes are shoved into drawers in the closet, with one drawer each for tops, bottoms, and bras/socks. The most frequently used items sit on top of the other ones. It drives Tabitha crazy - she won't even look in those drawers.
ha! love that fellow chica's are into biathlon. totally on my to do list. Just busted out the old skate skii's last night so with a little luck, will get out on them this weekend! it's funny, I used to go target shooting with my dad all the time. I attributed my ability to keep pace with him score wise to Nintendo and Duck Hunt though, not male vs female.
Let's see..
1) Swimsuit drawer
2) Tights drawer
3) Bike shorts drawer
4) Bike jersey drawer
5) Singlet drawer
6) Tri top drawer
7) Running shorts drawer
8) Sock bin
9) Bra bin
10) Hanging short sleeves
11) Hanging long sleeves
12) Cold weather misc bin
I need to streamline some of this stuff....
@Gina.... how big is this dresser?
Funny, my daughter used to be the ultimate slob but now she is happily OCD organized like her mama! Think everyone has a system and it all works for us!
It is now 39 degrees- woohoo!!! Might even be able to take tonights ride to the streets!
The biathlon thing sounds really cool, but it would be too cold for me
.... this is the kinda weather I like to shoot in!!
Obviously I need someone to volunteer to come to my house and organize my drawers! I just want to be like Samantha and wriggle my nose and have it all be fixed
. I am a very cosmetic cleaner - if you open drawers or doors in my house you will probably be attacked by what bursts out of it. Kinda like those old spring loaded snakes that came in a can. Remember those?
Yes - finally up to 43 here!!! I guess just being that little bit south of Kris makes the 4 degree difference. The snow is melting and there is SUN! We are supposed to get rain next, but I am just happy to have a little warmth and feel my fingers and toes today. It was quite a cold spell here - we are just not used to it being THAT cold for THAT long. It is supposed to be in the 40s through the beginning of next week though. I am trying to think of something fun to do with the kids on Monday when they are out of school that we might be able to do outside. Interesting how the perspective changes - in the winter or early spring 40s sounds great. In the fall when it "drops" to 40 I think I am going to get hypothermia
@ ;Kris- 3 of the drawers are in a bedside table! Truthfully, if I went through my stuff and kept ONLY what I wear regularly, it would take up a lot less room!! Just hate to get rid of anything 'cause it is so damn expensive!
@ Robin- Great photo! Are you training that dog or just having fun?
I'm just not a gun girl. Probably, that 20 years doing Anesthesia and seeing the results of gunshots has tainted my view. I think I tried shooting clay pigeons once and missed them all.
I am just in from a run. FINALLY outside!! Temp is 40ish and I actually came back in and took one layer off. But, holleee crap I forgot how much the run intervals ssssssuckkkkk!! Did 'em though! When I was through, I was a happy girl.
I got a bread machine and am trying it out for the first time this afternoon. RIght now I have a "Honey Whole Wheat" batch going.
Kit, the instructor told us that women are better shots generally than men. I thought it was interesting. My husband is an incredible shot and I think Shelby gets that from him. She is so very much like him it's scary. She asked her dad if the next class includes running and rolling and shooting....
. I would just like to not be terrified of my Glock. The class was a lot of fun. The next one should be really good since we can bring our own guns.
Gina, we had such a great bread machine. Husband began working with sourdough cultures and had gotten quite good but then we found out he and Shelby are gluten intolerant, Shelby is most likely celiac disease but I LOVE bread. I was sad today that I couldn't get some really good heavy, grainy bread but I'm the only one that eats it. For sure I would be even more huge if I had fresh bread and butter near by.
Don't you worry. There are plenty of us who are lurkers. This thread is recommended reading in my book. My most recent fave was the discussion about staying happily married. That was a keeper.
Robin: So what are you shooting with in that pic? I've gone pheasant and quail hunting a few times---the quality of the trip really, really depends on how great the bird dog is!
Gina: That sounds like my dresser---I have an entire dresser devoted to training clothes! Priorities...
Once he moved into a nicer neighborhood the gun became entirely recreational and is now unloaded and locked in one part of the house with the bullets in another part of the house. On really really really bad days of work I'll ask him if we can go to the range so I can unload a little anger on a paper target. But for some reason that I can't explain, it still makes me a little nervous when he cleans it.
I am sitting here just smiling--closet organizing and rifle talk! Never, but never, would I have thought we would have so much in common in the area of FIRE ARMS!!! I've only shot once, but I went duck hunting once with Keith and his friend Bob. That hunting trip is what made me fall in love with Labradors. That day Bob's dog, Jade, did 10 "blind retreives"--with whistle and hand signals. She would swim across the icy river, turn around, sit, and wait for the signal. Go a little further and turn for the cue. She brought back back duck after duck--and she loved every minute of it. She was so well trained that, after dropping the duck, she waited for the command to move ~5-feet away to "shake." He was tired of getting wet, and taught her to do that. It might sound dumb, but every time I think about watching her, I get misty. It was beautiful. She's old an getting incontinent now, but what a doggie!!!
@GINA ;AND KRIS--lalalalalalalala about your organization!
OMG, I'm getting a twitch just reading about it. I often go find my stuff in the baskets in the basement. I just do not care I guess.
The ONLY thing I'm persnickety about is my compression stuff. I don't have dupes of that, and when I want it, I want it. It goes nicely in the drawer always. The rest--whatever!
We have a big (kind of) mean-sounding dog, and a burglar alarm, but we still felt a little vulnerable. Neither T nor I had ever handled nor shot a gun. I was literally shaking with fear after the classroom part of our class when they led us into the range and had us shoot handguns (we rented one). Long story short, after a few more practice sessions with rented guns, we purchased 2 Glock 9 mm handguns. We keep them loaded in our bedside tables and we know how to use them. We neither have kids nor have any friends with kids who might come over and go exploring. It's not a perfect solution, but it does make us feel a little safer.
okay catching up... so now we are talking guns and closets....??
My oldest three hunt so yes we have guns and it is bird hunting... we moved into the city and DH doesn't hunt anymore due to job change so son #4 sorta lost out on that hobby as I don't hunt! so oldest son is an avid hunter and duck hunted many of the days of Christmas break. but I don't like guns at all in the house for fear of any son of mine attempting suicide. just gonna be blunt about it. you know my BFF's son shot himself in his garage... and a previous pastor's son accidentally shot himself while on his bed cleaning it (both died)... so I am antsy about guns although they are locked up in gun cabinet. Duck Hunting is sort of like golf here, lots of business done out there and many duck blinds, duck camps, lodges and land dedicated to duck hunting east of here.... lots of friends/camaraderie and the like.... so I lost the gun battle many years ago when my oldest son made legos into guns and pieces of bread into guns!! he got his first shotgun at age 9. then oldest son was into shooting sports and I drove him all over the place so he can shoot! this was downright hilarious as I had four children in tow, one of them still nursing! and thru the 4H he won trophies and went to summer camps.... I am pro military though so I figure that if any of those boys get drafted or volunteer, they should know how to operate a weapon and kill the enemy and as a Mom... I want them back home! so there I said my controversy, I don't like guns! but if you have to use one, then know how to use it! Having four sons changed me a bit admittedly as I am more tolerant of aggression and violence if needed for defense. My husband is out of town a LOT. and I feel safer in my house with my sons...and tell them that..granted they are fast asleep and would under no circumstance be thinking clearly if awakened! Husband was in the army so he was used to weapons too and blew up bridges, roads and other stuff being a Combat Engineer. Quite annoying when watching any war flick as he picks it apart and tells me the blast is way too big for X. He also notes uniforms, haircuts and other obvious military faux pas. I do think my oldest son has the tenacity and skill to be a sniper but right now wouldn't like the authority figures in the military!! My second son has a high tolerance to pain and would make an excellent fire jumper or other extreme service sport, or even a Ranger as he is all about the glory for the team and is impervious to pain.... my third son excels at "gaming" and not sure how that translates into real life but is an expert ranked high in Call of Duty!! the Fourth son, makes all sorts of weapons, either out of Nerf, or even plastic piping using marshmallows as bullets! Plastic pellet guns are a mainstay around here as well as cap guns. BB guns and anything else that propels..... and thus is my life with sons. I do remember my sister making fun of me and in disbelief when they were younger and they were fussing and tattletaling and came to me "Is there any blood?", "Do we need to go to the hospital?" okay , NO? then leave me alone and work it out!! And there is a pecking order determined by birth that I don't mess with... each brother covers for each other as well. They hardly tattle on each other (see previous statement of mine) and consider it mutiny to try to get one of them in trouble....I have to use detective skills to crack open a case or years later, they will reveal what "actually happened". Born into that environment, my daughter got the benefit of me and four brothers as we don't tolerate a lot of "drama", gossip or otherwise tacky girl behaviour. She has in no way wanted to operate a gun or shoot nerf guns but is the target of many a bullet! She doesn't cry too much but she sure can run fast!! She on the other hand, tattles on them all! and has no fear of retaliation. All i have to do is ask her "what happened here?" and she relates all the people and what transpired.
I share a closet with my husband and I swore I never would.. but on the right on the shelves I also have cheap plastic bins, marked "tights", "jog tops", singlets, shorts, bras, socks, Winter tops, swimsuits and then Gus and water bottles. Shoes are stacked above those and tied together or laid on top of each other. I hang my jackets and track pants and that is all I hang. Not a lot of hanging space for me. I have two drawers, NO three!! dedicated to race tees! and I have two drawers!
dedicated to summer swimsuits and cover ups...We have a pool. Now in my car? (from a RR started at 5 a.m.!! this past summer!)
I keep my running shoes and all cycling gear for the season, a stretch mat, ankle weights, band, a cooler, and all bike cleaning and CO2 and the like...bought a box from Container Store and it organizes all my stuff. and there you have it!! yep you can call me anytime, if I am in my car and I could run or swim with the gear/clothing I have in my car and with a heads up just load in my bike and I am good to go! normally have about 400 calories stashed at all times as well! wipes, kleenex, maps of local roads, why I really am a geek!!!