Nemo: Love it when I'm funny without even trying! DH always says of my lower legs: Thems aren't calves...they're STEER!
Suzanne: Very infrequently do I do the run right after the ride---especially in the winter. It's too cold to change from sweaty, wet trainer clothes into layers upon layers to run outside. If I had a treadmill, it would make life much more efficient but alas, I'm too cheap to buy one. Really, what I should do is suck it up, get up earlier, put those damned clothes on and go run. But my bed is incredibly cozy in the wee get the idea.
As Kris said, those runs are there for time efficiency and to get in some run frequency without too much of a bump in run volume. What I typically will do is ride/run in the am (depending on how cozy my bed was and when I got up) then run/ride when I get home from work. Sometimes it's 2 showers, but who doesn't like a hot shower? Many times (like when I'm scheduled to be in the OR) I won't shower after the morning workout (no one can smell my stink as I'm covered with a surgical gown)---this strangely motivates me to get the afternoon workout done.
Suzanne, why you don't need a kick in the pants!!! when does it get warm enough to not warrant a clothing change?? ie how much longer for this cold weather for you?? the brick runs, in previous posts... are supposed to help with ROI, meaning one costume change and keep on a truckin'' sounds like you have not only the 20' run but also another 15' in getting dressed and out the door, so le'ts just say a 20' min run is gonna cost you 40' in real out the door of your home to run. and to drive to the gym?? let's just say you might not have to add in clothing cuz you are inside but you gotta drive there and back... so still same thing! and also when is your A race anyways...? I mean if it next month then worth it to get those bricks in, but if months away, why be stressed now when nowhere near the race time?? also, are you trying to lose weight??? to get down to certain race weight as one mile burns 100 cals so again might be worth that 200 cals for 40'?? yep the cost is high... sorta like me and swimming, I gotta drive 30' to the pool and 30' back!!! but I justify it with big haul of groceries on the way home and the fact that I need a shower anyways!!! so you get off trainer.. soaking wet with sweat?? 1. Option A: I would run first.... easier to peel off layers than to put some on a sticky wet layer.. and suffer any drop in watts... just sayin' of course now out in the dark?? huh// and not so safe and in a parking lot, how yucky is that?? hmmmm.....and the bathroom issues.. yeah no fun to be in neighborhood needing to go..... okay if safe??? layer up and run 20' then back inside and strip down to bike shorts... hop on bike and hammer out the session, your legs will be warmed up!! then shower and go to work..... and you will need to get up earlier too. 2. Option B: just do the bike and then just add a bit on the day's run that is a run only. one costume change and you pick your run location to accomodate bathrooms. You get the extra sleep but tack on just a bit on a run. 3. Option C: you go to the gym anyways.. for classes, or whatnot and just hop on the treadmill for 20' beforehand to warm up.... 4. Your weakness?? biking or running?? if a strong runner then not worry so much about this cuz your biking needs work?? but strong cyclist?? then you need the frequency of runs. the bricks are supposed to be a nice easy way to get in some miles and keep the frequency and closer to the race practice that transition.
example: I am a stronger runner than cyclist.. so yesterday I had a mental problem hopping on my bike in 31 degs to knock out 2 x 12', but due to weather hadn't ridden since last Wed, knew rain was coming in. so analyzed was it the worth the mental mojo cost to ride one hour???? I decided yes it was and rode it and did it. there was no mental cost to me however to run the brick afterwards. and in fact.... I love to run so much that it is a treat or icing on the cake... ie when on the bike I tell myself "if you do these intervals, I will let you run!" smile. Because of the location of your trainer your brick runs are limited to your 'hood.. another thought is if running at the gym, then are you leaving right from there to go to work to be ultraefficient on your time... and if so??? then you are just wasting the drive time TO the gym and not afterwards....
and just because you "try on" a new schedule doesn't mean you are boxed into it!! **
*** I am sick of cold and should not have looked at summer cute clothing but I saw this LBD and thought this would be perfect from bike to grocery store attire!! or bike/run to anything... currently< I am on the lookout for a "camping" style shower so that when out on rides not near any shower to clean up and more than wet wipes are needed to erase stink and grime..... yep I have done the ol' chunk a gallon of water on myself but I think some sorta shower might exist out there???? my mind is on warmer days!!!
I think the others covered the run/not run option, so I won't try. I do know that for me, the brick runs often feel really good after the bike work.
What I can tell you about is growing things in tubs, specifically 1/2 whiskey barrels.
I have grown just about everything in these!! Tomatoes, pole beans, cucumbers, peppers, herbs, even corn. They will hold a LOT of soil and are quite heavy when full, so put them where you want them to stay. I also raised mine up on a few bricks to keep moisture from building up @ ;the bottom. They will last for years and years.
Marianne- don't worry, warm days are sooner for you than any of us!! As for showers, yeah, that gallon jug is great, but akward. As usual, REI comes to the rescue with this item:
They come in various gallon sizes, but here's a link to the 4 gallon variety:
Now that I think of it, why didn't I have this on my stocking stuffer list! This would be awesome to have, esp for those "destination" rides!
Gina- "calf issue"- oh my, you guys kill me!! But I love those puppy bath in the sink pictures. Just adorable (oh, and your countertop is very pretty too!).
oh my gosh, I just knew y'all would know something!! that is what I like about this forum... in under 2 hours, answers to everyday problems!! yeah why didn't I ask for this for Christmas??? oh and Kitima.... about my first summer of training, so Grace was about 4.. my daughter was looking at my quads....somewhat developed with training for a halfIM... and she said "Mommy, your legs look angry!..... but not the backs of them!" I have laughed about my angry legs and jiggly hams!! and still working my hammies to be meaner! m
Ooooh, you guys are the best, thank you! I always thought splitting them up was a cop-out and, while I like the idea of a one-shower day, I'm not at all opposed to running in the evenings, especially if it's only for a little bit of time. This also gives me a lot more breathing room in the mornings (I looked at the 1:15 bike/35 run and nearly died this week). I switched to a.m. workouts last year and once I got over the initial insult of the early alarm and running in the dark I've discovered that I finally have a social life and am no longer begging off with the "I can't, I have to work out" excuse. But there are often evenings when I get home a little early and think, "Hmm, I'm kinda bored." I'll save the runs for those evenings.
Even though my A race is a ways away, I am going to try to keep as many of the runs as possible because, well, who couldn't benefit from a few hundred extra calories burned? But also I have an IT band that screams like a mo-fo if it's neglected - I've discovered that the key to a harmonious relationship with that bugger is consistency, consistency, consistency instead of "Surprise, run 8 miles!"
Gina, thanks for the rain barrel recommendation!
Marianne, you've just inspired me to get to a mall for the first time in six months. Who know Aeropostale's stuff was so cute these days??? And cheap!
Suzanne--what everyone else said. Not once this OS have I suited up to go out in freezing cold weather for a 15' run--or even 35' for that matter. Too much discomfort, too much laundry, too much hassle. I tell Rich, that was written for the SoCal folks. I do it later in the day. And if I miss one...well, here's what Rich had to say in another post today:
Looking at my calendar...this is Feb 3 . PLENTY of time to make anything you want happen and 2-3 missed workouts in Feb will make zero difference on race day. ZERO
I go in the afternoon after work.--most of the time.
Personally, I've never done the T-runs off the trainer for reasons you stated (I think.) It's freezing cold or snowy or icy and I've just sweated a swimming pool. I either just do the two run days or add a run before a personal training or a quick swim session. I find I build run strength from the bike so I'm not killing myself to get in shorty runs. If I was somewhere warm etc I would do it. If I had a treadmill in home (considering) I would do it. But right now, I just run mostly Wed and Sun and I've been fine.
well glad we could help you out Suzanne!!! Aeropostale: they have cute little tops too... whenever summer gets here!! going out to dinner in 45', gotta scoot. must put on real clothes... besides race tee and track pants and run shoes.. hmm??? been doing housework so stayed comfy!!! m
Aeropostale has totally cute stuff. Anyone else a fan of Forever 21? I keep finding the cutest tops and dresses there.
Fried Green Tomatoes -- totally going into the Netflix queue. I haven't watched that one forever.
Barrels rock! Summer gardens sound like so much fun!
Suzanne - I join the chorus of non-brick runners. I will do my bike workout in the morning and usually get the run done at lunch, adding another ten-fifteen minutes.
Thank you for all the wise and kind words. Men are strange creatures and no beating myself up. Perhaps I'll become that triathlete version of "Eat, Pray, Love,"? Eat. Train. Watch French Films?
Hmm. Maybe Dash would want to go on a field trip!
I went back to the beginning of the 30/30s, so i didn't have a 2x20 yesterday -- but my sister did. She looked totally destroyed! I had no idea what we looked like after those things. . .
okay on the camping shower??? buddy David has offered to throw buckets of water at us, for FREE!!! husband said I couldn't lift 4 gallons of water and had I thought of that??!! hmmmm....well no I hadn't. just had fried green tomatoes for real last week as an appetizer, way good with GFs. okay has "samples" on sale so check it out, I ordered some purple!!!! tri shorts for $20. yeah okay I have a yellow/purple jersey and also a long sleeved purple jersey, hope it matches! I know I could just wear black and be done with it, but that doesn't EVEN sound like fun!!! purple and gray actually..... that way you can show up on a ride and not look "too serious" but if you wanna break out and hammer you can!! or just lay low and enjoy the ride! or just wear purple! and enjoy the spring days that surely are coming our way!! anyways, I love Voler and know some of you do too. their tri shorts are what I do the Ironmans in, and yes basic black on that day!! smile. m
Marianne- Just because it holds 4 gallons doesn't mean you have to fill it up and use all of it. When I was an avid camper, we'd fill it, put it on the roof of the truck to warm up while we hiked, and shower afterwards. Both of us could get a great shower and have left over water that we later used to put out the campfire. Or someone else hanging out with us could shower. But be careful. The water can get hot enough to burn you. So if you want a cool shower, don't put it in the sun.
Sigh- I miss my days of camping in Southern UT, and all the other places I went when I lived in a dry climate. I hate that I have become a camping weanie. I hate to be cold and rained upon, which is more normal here on the east coast.
Having a painfully quiet day at work. Maybe I just jinxed it....
When I was a medical student, I vowed that I would never become "One of those bitter, jaded, crusty old surgeons". Lately, it's been a real challenge to hold up that promise to myself... So I decided to look up some birds that I might see on my trip to Argentina coming up. It was an instant pick-me-up! Apparently, in Iguazu Falls, Toco Toucans are everywhere and are frequently seen in the trees outside the hotels:
It's the Fruit Loops bird! Such a cool blue around its eyes...
Also, there's the Chestnut-earred Aracari:
How cool is that bird?!
Now if I see one of these babies (Blue-crowned Motmot), I'm just gonna pee my pants and pass out from sheer birding joy!
Kit- Those are some gorgeous birds. I hope you will have your camera @ ;the ready!! As for the "bitter, crustiness", I think some of it just comes with the territory !!!
Kitima: I think you are just due for a vacay!!!! and just can't wait, cool on the birds. Michele, yes good idea on campin shower, nope I won't need a hot shower, probably a cold one so I guess I need to hide it so it doesn't get warm. still think it has warrant!
Hi Ladies!! This is a very fun thread. Wish I could keep up with it. Just wanted to say Hi. Love all the pics, banter, love and support you all give eachother.
IMSG 12 weeks away....HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?? I am in denial....
was wondering about you Carrie, glad you said hey!! wow 12 weeks.!! hope everything is going well for you and your training!! okay girls now Rich (P90X thread) has inspired us uploading some Flashdance music on our IPODs!!! about to do it. m
Carrie- I'm in denial too! I don't think I'm ready to track an Ironman race online right now- let alone actually start the 12 weeks of training for one!!! Guess I better start my own 12 week online tracking training program! IMSG will be a toughie since it's a few time zones away!
The coaches sent us our 12 wk plans which start 2/8 via e-mail in a pdf TODAY. A substitute until the new platform has them up and running. I took one look at it and almost cried. No lie. So hard to imagine going from OS work to that amount of volume. Will need to get all my recovery powders ready, ice packs, compression sleeves, prayers, make appts with a sports psychologist to help me keep perspective and believing in myself( I have a friend specializing in that...will be talking to her joke). HOLY CRAP!!! Right now I can only look a few days ahead or it is overwhelming.
Carrie: Hard to wrap one's head around leaving OS and jumping right into Race Prep! You are so so strong this year on the bike and the run---especially the run! Your performance at IMLP last year was was hard to believe you ever had an injury before that race. This year you're in such a great place: physically, mentally, spiritually. I can't wait to see you shine at IMSG.
The coaches sent us our 12 wk plans which start 2/8 via e-mail in a pdf TODAY. A substitute until the new platform has them up and running. I took one look at it and almost cried. No lie. So hard to imagine going from OS work to that amount of volume. Will need to get all my recovery powders ready, ice packs, compression sleeves, prayers, make appts with a sports psychologist to help me keep perspective and believing in myself( I have a friend specializing in that...will be talking to her joke). HOLY CRAP!!! Right now I can only look a few days ahead or it is overwhelming.
Prayers and encouragement welcome....
Ditto! My tongue fell out of my mouth when I read the first week's workouts. Yowza! Better make the most of this weekend....things are going to be different for the next 12 weeks!
I like your prep list, Carrie! I need to get a few more of those things done. Just got a fresh pair of running shoes today, changed my PT CPU battery last weekend, ordered a load of "Formula O" from Infinit this week,gotta do some tire maintenance on the bike this weekend...your other items are good additions!!
Carrie & Olivia- please remind the rest of us that the "Transition Period" is Oh So IMPORTANT if for no other reason than to take care of all that admin stuff so when the training starts we are ready!!! UG, I'm freaking out with you!
yep Carrie and Olivia, we will be here to remind you of your past successes and build your confidence. rain here again.. no bike, yeah I know I should buy a trainer!!! gotta scoot... toodles. m
Olivia and Carrie, I think my blood pressure jumped 10 points when I read your posts about your new volumes! You girls are some tough cookies! I have been quite happy in the OS and am terrified to receive my half IM plan in a few weeks. At least I have the entire summer to prepare for my race prep plan. Y'all are so smart to get everything ready NOW so you can just focus on training. Stay strong!
Raining, raining, raining today. Know how hard it is to get a puppy to go outside in this ??? A'Belle is actually doing well. She slept 5 hours straight last night!!
I think I have figured out my lack of mojo. Maybe. I have felt like an amoeba since IMAZ, going this way and that, feeling more and more sluggish. Now, that I have refocused on the OS I am feeling better. Also, I have started with some different hormones, that the Dr. says should make me feel more energetic. Here's hopin!
My sister and Mom are drving up from B'ham today to meet A'Belle. Gotta go do defcon 5 cleanup!!
All- I feel like I have 20+ psychologists right here! I actually got an email abt a class coming up given by our local sports motivational/psychologist so this is all timely talk. A sign to sign up! On the bright side of things... Im training/volume also means you can EAT! Healthfully, granted, but wonderful big fruit/protein smoothies and one of my favorite long ride treats... snickers and a baby coke!! YUM!
Carrie, you always seem so wonderful together, a master of balance. I so much appreciate your love of life & the sport and that you share it with so many of us. You have a wonderful Norcal support crew on the ground and the chickas from near & far.
Olivia- after all that you have come through and handled with such grace and fortitude, I am so looking forward to running this race (online) with ya. This is what you've been working for- you will do this!
Gina- so with ya on the motivation and for me it's been a life balance issue. It's so easy to say we need to take down time and so hard to give ourselves permission to do so. I truly think it's an important part of the process. Everyone needs some puppy time! I took Jan to inch my way back in and have finally gotten in my first full week. Every day I feel a bit more focused and relaxing into the routine. Good luck with you Z5 defcon sprints!
My focus now... buy one of those super cute Aeropostle sundresses and flip flops as motivation to keep the diet clean. I'm picturing myself healthy, tan and smiling in my outfit!
Happy Weekend all! Wish me luck on what looks to be a VERY muddy trail race tomorrow! Raining since midnight and talk of snow flurries tonight... brrr!
Nemo: Love it when I'm funny without even trying! DH always says of my lower legs: Thems aren't calves...they're STEER!
Suzanne: Very infrequently do I do the run right after the ride---especially in the winter. It's too cold to change from sweaty, wet trainer clothes into layers upon layers to run outside. If I had a treadmill, it would make life much more efficient but alas, I'm too cheap to buy one. Really, what I should do is suck it up, get up earlier, put those damned clothes on and go run. But my bed is incredibly cozy in the wee get the idea.
As Kris said, those runs are there for time efficiency and to get in some run frequency without too much of a bump in run volume. What I typically will do is ride/run in the am (depending on how cozy my bed was and when I got up) then run/ride when I get home from work. Sometimes it's 2 showers, but who doesn't like a hot shower? Many times (like when I'm scheduled to be in the OR) I won't shower after the morning workout (no one can smell my stink as I'm covered with a surgical gown
)---this strangely motivates me to get the afternoon workout done.
1. Option A: I would run first.... easier to peel off layers than to put some on a sticky wet layer.. and suffer any drop in watts... just sayin' of course now out in the dark?? huh// and not so safe and in a parking lot, how yucky is that?? hmmmm.....and the bathroom issues.. yeah no fun to be in neighborhood needing to go..... okay if safe??? layer up and run 20' then back inside and strip down to bike shorts... hop on bike and hammer out the session, your legs will be warmed up!! then shower and go to work..... and you will need to get up earlier too.
2. Option B: just do the bike and then just add a bit on the day's run that is a run only. one costume change and you pick your run location to accomodate bathrooms. You get the extra sleep but tack on just a bit on a run.
3. Option C: you go to the gym anyways.. for classes, or whatnot and just hop on the treadmill for 20' beforehand to warm up....
4. Your weakness?? biking or running?? if a strong runner then not worry so much about this cuz your biking needs work?? but strong cyclist?? then you need the frequency of runs. the bricks are supposed to be a nice easy way to get in some miles and keep the frequency and closer to the race practice that transition.
example: I am a stronger runner than cyclist.. so yesterday I had a mental problem hopping on my bike in 31 degs to knock out 2 x 12', but due to weather hadn't ridden since last Wed, knew rain was coming in. so analyzed was it the worth the mental mojo cost to ride one hour???? I decided yes it was and rode it and did it. there was no mental cost to me however to run the brick afterwards. and in fact.... I love to run so much that it is a treat or icing on the cake... ie when on the bike I tell myself "if you do these intervals, I will let you run!" smile.
Because of the location of your trainer your brick runs are limited to your 'hood.. another thought is if running at the gym, then are you leaving right from there to go to work to be ultraefficient on your time... and if so??? then you are just wasting the drive time TO the gym and not afterwards....
and just because you "try on" a new schedule doesn't mean you are boxed into it!! **
I am sick of cold and should not have looked at summer cute clothing but I saw this LBD and thought this would be perfect from bike to grocery store attire!! or bike/run to anything...
currently< I am on the lookout for a "camping" style shower so that when out on rides not near any shower to clean up and more than wet wipes are needed to erase stink and grime..... yep I have done the ol' chunk a gallon of water on myself but I think some sorta shower might exist out there???? my mind is on warmer days!!!
I think the others covered the run/not run option, so I won't try. I do know that for me, the brick runs often feel really good after the bike work.
What I can tell you about is growing things in tubs, specifically 1/2 whiskey barrels.
I have grown just about everything in these!! Tomatoes, pole beans, cucumbers, peppers, herbs, even corn. They will hold a LOT of soil and are quite heavy when full, so put them where you want them to stay. I also raised mine up on a few bricks to keep moisture from building up @ ;the bottom. They will last for years and years.
Marianne- don't worry, warm days are sooner for you than any of us!! As for showers, yeah, that gallon jug is great, but akward. As usual, REI comes to the rescue with this item:
They come in various gallon sizes, but here's a link to the 4 gallon variety:
Now that I think of it, why didn't I have this on my stocking stuffer list! This would be awesome to have, esp for those "destination" rides!
Gina- "calf issue"- oh my, you guys kill me!! But I love those puppy bath in the sink pictures. Just adorable (oh, and your countertop is very pretty too!).
Even though my A race is a ways away, I am going to try to keep as many of the runs as possible because, well, who couldn't benefit from a few hundred extra calories burned? But also I have an IT band that screams like a mo-fo if it's neglected - I've discovered that the key to a harmonious relationship with that bugger is consistency, consistency, consistency instead of "Surprise, run 8 miles!"
Gina, thanks for the rain barrel recommendation!
Marianne, you've just inspired me to get to a mall for the first time in six months. Who know Aeropostale's stuff was so cute these days??? And cheap!
Suzanne--what everyone else said. Not once this OS have I suited up to go out in freezing cold weather for a 15' run--or even 35' for that matter. Too much discomfort, too much laundry, too much hassle. I tell Rich, that was written for the SoCal folks. I do it later in the day. And if I miss one...well, here's what Rich had to say in another post today:
Looking at my calendar...this is Feb 3
. PLENTY of time to make anything you want happen and 2-3 missed workouts in Feb will make zero difference on race day. ZERO
I go in the afternoon after work.--most of the time.
Personally, I've never done the T-runs off the trainer for reasons you stated (I think.) It's freezing cold or snowy or icy and I've just sweated a swimming pool. I either just do the two run days or add a run before a personal training or a quick swim session. I find I build run strength from the bike so I'm not killing myself to get in shorty runs. If I was somewhere warm etc I would do it. If I had a treadmill in home (considering) I would do it. But right now, I just run mostly Wed and Sun and I've been fine.
Ditto on the no T runs during OS for me. I hate bricks like I hate the snow to boot!!! It's gonna have to be WHOLE LOT warmer to make me do one
Aeropostale has totally cute stuff. Anyone else a fan of Forever 21? I keep finding the cutest tops and dresses there.
Fried Green Tomatoes -- totally going into the Netflix queue. I haven't watched that one forever.
Barrels rock! Summer gardens sound like so much fun!
Suzanne - I join the chorus of non-brick runners. I will do my bike workout in the morning and usually get the run done at lunch, adding another ten-fifteen minutes.
Thank you for all the wise and kind words. Men are strange creatures and no beating myself up. Perhaps I'll become that triathlete version of "Eat, Pray, Love,"? Eat. Train. Watch French Films?
Hmm. Maybe Dash would want to go on a field trip!
I went back to the beginning of the 30/30s, so i didn't have a 2x20 yesterday -- but my sister did. She looked totally destroyed! I had no idea what we looked like after those things. . .
Sigh- I miss my days of camping in Southern UT, and all the other places I went when I lived in a dry climate. I hate that I have become a camping weanie. I hate to be cold and rained upon, which is more normal here on the east coast.
Having a painfully quiet day at work. Maybe I just jinxed it....
When I was a medical student, I vowed that I would never become "One of those bitter, jaded, crusty old surgeons". Lately, it's been a real challenge to hold up that promise to myself...
So I decided to look up some birds that I might see on my trip to Argentina coming up. It was an instant pick-me-up! Apparently, in Iguazu Falls, Toco Toucans are everywhere and are frequently seen in the trees outside the hotels:
It's the Fruit Loops bird! Such a cool blue around its eyes...
Also, there's the Chestnut-earred Aracari:
How cool is that bird?!
Now if I see one of these babies (Blue-crowned Motmot), I'm just gonna pee my pants and pass out from sheer birding joy!
Kit- Those are some gorgeous birds. I hope you will have your camera @ ;the ready!! As for the "bitter, crustiness", I think some of it just comes with the territory !!!
Hi Ladies!! This is a very fun thread. Wish I could keep up with it. Just wanted to say Hi. Love all the pics, banter, love and support you all give eachother.
IMSG 12 weeks away....HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?? I am in denial....
XO Carrie
It will be fun to see all the IMSG peeps breaking in the new forums. There will be race rehearsals before we know it!
Prayers and encouragement welcome....
Michele: I leave a week from tomorrow, Feb 12.
Carrie: Hard to wrap one's head around leaving OS and jumping right into Race Prep! You are so so strong this year on the bike and the run---especially the run! Your performance at IMLP last year was was hard to believe you ever had an injury before that race. This year you're in such a great place: physically, mentally, spiritually. I can't wait to see you shine at IMSG.
Ditto! My tongue fell out of my mouth when I read the first week's workouts. Yowza! Better make the most of this weekend....things are going to be different for the next 12 weeks!
I like your prep list, Carrie! I need to get a few more of those things done. Just got a fresh pair of running shoes today, changed my PT CPU battery last weekend, ordered a load of "Formula O"
from Infinit this week,gotta do some tire maintenance on the bike this weekend...your other items are good additions!!
Olivia & Carrie- Care to give us a sneak peek ??
Raining, raining, raining today. Know how hard it is to get a puppy to go outside in this ??? A'Belle is actually doing well. She slept 5 hours straight last night!!
I think I have figured out my lack of mojo. Maybe. I have felt like an amoeba since IMAZ, going this way and that, feeling more and more sluggish. Now, that I have refocused on the OS I am feeling better. Also, I have started with some different hormones, that the Dr. says should make me feel more energetic. Here's hopin!
My sister and Mom are drving up from B'ham today to meet A'Belle. Gotta go do defcon 5 cleanup!!
Happy Friday girls!!
Carrie, you always seem so wonderful together, a master of balance. I so much appreciate your love of life & the sport and that you share it with so many of us. You have a wonderful Norcal support crew on the ground and the chickas from near & far.
Olivia- after all that you have come through and handled with such grace and fortitude, I am so looking forward to running this race (online) with ya. This is what you've been working for- you will do this!
Gina- so with ya on the motivation and for me it's been a life balance issue. It's so easy to say we need to take down time and so hard to give ourselves permission to do so. I truly think it's an important part of the process. Everyone needs some puppy time! I took Jan to inch my way back in and have finally gotten in my first full week. Every day I feel a bit more focused and relaxing into the routine. Good luck with you Z5 defcon sprints!
My focus now... buy one of those super cute Aeropostle sundresses and flip flops as motivation to keep the diet clean. I'm picturing myself healthy, tan and smiling in my outfit!
Happy Weekend all! Wish me luck on what looks to be a VERY muddy trail race tomorrow! Raining since midnight and talk of snow flurries tonight... brrr!