Oh, another thought...I know you guys are talking about the IMoo camp. Anybody have plans of going to the LP rally in June? (13th thru 16th I think) Kitima and I have talked about going. P posted somewhere that hotel is $109 a night and rooms are 2 queen beds per room.
I'm going in June and I got a better deal at the Northwoods Inn. I got an e-mail after registering for IMLP about discounts - got the impression when I called to reserve that not many people take advantage of it? Anyway, I got a king room but I'm sure I could easily switch to doubles if someone wanted to share. With tax it's about $295 for Thursday - Saturday night. www.northwoodsinn.com
Crap - just wrote a post that totally vaporized!! Guess that's my signal that it was too long ;-)
Anwyay, Barb - happy to send you the saddle - just PM me your address. I am doing Muncie - if you decide against camp for some reason hopefully we can meet there . I would rather do camp too, but I just can't be gone for that long in the summer.
Haiti - wow Tracy - I really can't imagine, but so awesome that you can. I have found that it is best for me to support help for these things with money. Between the Tsunami and 911 I just practically came undone. I am embarrassed to admit that I have not watched the first bit of news, read in the papers or seen pictures online of the destruction in Haiti. It just makes me a basket case and that's not good for me or my family. I did support my friends here when they did their MLK 25 miles for PIH though.
Michele - I am so glad to have found Pilates. I really am crediting that practice with getting me to where I can run again. I read your input on the thread about calf injury and run form too and keep thinking there has to be a way to merge these things - in both my mind and body. I know my run form needs help, but I really think the pilates is doing me a lot of good there and I feel a lot more stable and strong when I'm running. It's something I wish so much I had someone to work with on! and it sounds like you have such a great understanding of both. Enjoy Mexico - I love the picture and thanks for the links.
Michele - I am so glad to have found Pilates. I really am crediting that practice with getting me to where I can run again. I read your input on the thread about calf injury and run form too and keep thinking there has to be a way to merge these things - in both my mind and body. I know my run form needs help, but I really think the pilates is doing me a lot of good there and I feel a lot more stable and strong when I'm running. It's something I wish so much I had someone to work with on! and it sounds like you have such a great understanding of both. Enjoy Mexico - I love the picture and thanks for the links.
Robin - glad to hear you've found benefit with pilates! Unfortunately there are many pilates instructors who just go to a weekend instructor course and are out there teaching it, as if it were just some choreographed exercises. It's so much more than just doing some movements...when done well, there's so much mental focus on posture/alignment, breathing, controlling "where" the movement is coming from, etc. It helps so much with body awareness, and there really can be a lot of carry-over into running form once you understand what some of the aspects of optimal form are. I would LOVE to work with you some time! But alas, coordinating that might be a bit difficult.
Chi Running (book, dvd, and/or expensive seminars) is a great place to start, though. Based on some principles of Tai Chi, there is at least the focus on posture/alignment and intentional movement.
Thanks for the well wishes everyone and the info Michele. I am excited and nervous.
So, here is what I know so far. It is a work in progress and will continue to evolve. My hospital, Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore, part of U of Maryland is working with Catholic Relief Services( CRS) to make all this happen. We will be working at the hospital St. Francois de Sales, U of Maryland is committing to send teams there for the next 2 months and up to 6 months. So we will have a place to do our work. My friend from a the hospital I used to work, told me that some Drs who went down theret were sent back.
Last week the chief of orthopedic surgery was down dealing with the logistics of having us come down.
Our teams, at least for now, will be transported there by the Air Force. Getting back, will be more interesting, as we will go back to AF base, get on a list to go stateside, and will end up wherever I end up. may have to get a commercial flight/train back. The thing I am trying to wrap my head around is what to expect as far as providing anesthesia. My head will be buried in my anesthesia books this weekend fo sho. No matter what, I am happy to have the opportunity to help, and in any way i can! before I was a nurse anesthetist, I was/am a nurse. So if it means scrubbing, checking patients in, recovering, Whatever it takes........
Oh, still have one more shot to get for thyphoid tomorrow. My arm is still sore from the 4 i got last week, one of them tetanus.
Suzanne & Linda- along your lines of "suffering". I caught myself saying," I am Starving", in the cafeteria this am. I stopped, said, no i'm not "starving" , I am just very Hungry because i did not get my sorry but out of bed early enough to eat breakfast ( also thinking, have a student today, can et breakfast while she sets up- but nope, right into the OR at 6:20 finished 0930a- yes, very hungry.
Dana & Suzanne- yes planning on NE rally in June at LP, would be interested in sharing a room. Heard about Northwoods INN was planning on looking into it
Dana- Hope your dog recovers soon
MicheleM- that pool area looks beautiful< & your comment about becoming easily bored- although, it will probably be sometime before I am bored with anesthesia- some other things I want to take up- Massage therapy and learning to fly, then maybe I can fly to Cabo and gives massages at a retreat I saw a show on FoodNetwork by Giada in Cabo- and really, really want to go
Michele- What type of training did you complete for Pilates? I've been instructing for many years but as pilates & yoga have become more mainstream, I've been less into teaching while infected with the IM bug. Interested in doing some Pilates or yoga training down the road. Highly agree on putting in the time to learn things correctly (safely) before teaching- especially with something like pilates/yoga where injuries can occur.
Robin- Think we may end up with another Chi Running Clinic here in March. I'll keep you in the loop when I hear anything for sure.
At a conference in Indianapolis for next three days, so trying hard to keep up around here! 25 degrees, windchill 11 and snow flurries here again.. brrrrrr. Hoping to get up early and get my workout in!
To all those folks traveling to Haiti to serve- you have my upmost respect and prayers. I can not imagine dealing with something of that proportion. I end up tearing up seeing the children on the news reports. Tracy- be safe!
Tracy - I love your idea of massage therapy school + learning to fly = fly to cabo (or anywhere!) to give massages at a retreat! Brilliant! I am also in awe of your upcoming volunteer opportunity. Wow. Just wow.
Kris - I did my training through PhysicalMind Institute, which offered the various classes in Madison and Chicago. Did their mat training, standing pilates, and then the full apparatus training over the course of about 8 months, and then it took another year or so of self-practice, observation, and teaching practice in order to complete the certification. If I could do it over again, I'd probably go through Balanced Body or Polestar instead. Balanced Body also has some awesome continuing ed conferences for pilates instructors.
hey girls just catchng up this morning... I am trying on a new personal routine... of doing EN before I wake up the kids and then before they come home from school.. so 2 x day and if I don't make that time (beforebus) then I don't check it... yesterday was day #1.. yep I am all about reorganizing... I also decided to get back up at 5 a.m. instead of 6 to get a jumpstart on my day...so guess what I woke up at 4 this morning!!! lol.. I guess my weekend 10 hours of sleep will suffice. I look forward to Rich posting this week some key workouts for IM planning and on my To do list is better planning of meals... January is a great month for me to analyze and dissect my life !! until I am worn out with the process... LOL and look forward to 1 Feb when I can stop thinking!! ha.... no really.. my goal is to look at said tng schedule and then factor in meals on key workout days....and also snacks, breakfast, also any housework projects/yard and the like... if I can look day to day for tng then I can also be Type A, I am anyways!! about some other areas... thread in general forum inspired me to clean up my act a bit!! Robin I am with you.. I can hardly watch the news... so you know my Guatemala trip will be hard on me emotionally too....but maybe not as I can actually DO something.. where right now Haiti,, all I can do is pray (which is good) for Tracy and a friend here Clayton going down for 3 weeks as a doc. The pics of the kids tear me up. Linda welcome back from Vacay.... Annabelle will soon be here.... Pilates sounds very cool and actually on my Bucket List is to teach classes.. but don't actually know where to get certified, thought I would ask where I go...anyways enjoy! okayon hotel info... and info about yesterday's workout was posted in Jan OS week #4, just FYI that I actually did do yesterday's workout!! two days without any pain.. so fingers crossed that I am on the upswing. I could really "feel" all of y'all yesterday while I was out on my bike .. and somewhat emotional.. I finished my 2nd interval out in the cold and was taking it in slowly and actually just started crying.... just out of thankfulness really and I told God that too.!!! and while out there I thought of all of us... and when I get my little schedule figured out esp about meals, I will share.. and see like Nemo could share some Vegan recipes... and etc like we have been doing but really dial this in... so we don't have to think.. we just go Saturday long bike?? crockpot Taco Bean soup.... with X and X... and so when we pack up our stuff Friday night, we just load up the crockpot too... so y'all be thinking along those lines too... you know Beans, chicken, beef, Vegan etc...and then we are gonna figure out collectively REST!! ie you pick one day and write it in on that TNg schedule "sleep in!", or "read book", and then we factor in meeting up with friends who are not tri geeks!!! for me if it gets on my calendar, then it is a go!!! too many moving parts to be spontaneous....and this is where myhead has been!!! this prayer fasting has been great the last few weeks!!! okay time to go. but love to everybody.. and I think we can this thing figured out!!!! together!!!! we are all doing diff stuff with diff families but we share some common goals... let's get there together!!! ,m
Stay warm Kris! It's not any better here at home if that helps and please do give me the heads up if another clinic comes along! I have read the book, but I do better with personal instruction and feed back from someone watching and telling you what you are doing wrong is always good.
Michele - Yep - logistics would certainly be difficult, but it would be great if there was ever a way! Luckily the woman I am working with have been doing it for 25 years and really knows her stuff and it is a huge part of her life. She recently went to Chicago and I wonder if she went to the same place you mentioned I will have to ask. She also a PT so that has been really helpful w/ my hip problem, but she's not an endurance athlete, which I do think adds another dimension, but certainly doesn't disqualify . I saw on the website at the place you work in Madison that they have a 35 min. DVD - sounds interesting. I have a pretty good routine now, but I know I have to have some variety or I get bored and quit - like I did w/ the push up challenge
Tracy - I am really awed. My prayers and with you and everyone you will be working with. If you get stuck anywhere near Lexington on the way home - you are welcome to stay with us and would be happy to help out any way I can. We have several bases in the surrounding areas - the biggie in Fort Knox. Take care!!!
Tracy and anyone else going to Haiti: Consider bringing/taking malaria pills. There is malaria in Haiti and now with the aftermath of the earthquake, there will be alot of standing water ripe for mosquito breeding. I've taken Malarone in the past (for a trip to Tanzania)--no side effects that I could tell. Here's a link to the CDC page for relief workers traveling to Haiti: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/content...haiti.aspx
Everyone going to Haiti: Godspeed! Be careful!! I am so in awe of all of you! Fantastic! What an opportunity to do something TRULY life-changing! Something with deep, deep meaning! I just love our forum here. Good stuff all the way around. Robin, I wil pm you with my address, so I can give the saddle a try. Love the chat about Pilates. I have been doing Reformer, with my instructor Claudia. She is awesome. It feels so good and has helped me. I am still an infant when it comes to Pilates, but I'd love to eventually take instructor classes. I also love Yoga. If I had the time right now, I'd be doing Yoga too. Wish I could win the lottery so I could fly to someplace like CABO and teach Pilates/Yoga, and train! Ah, to dream!!! Had a ROCKIN' workout this morning! Met with my trainer, who had me run a mile to warm up before weights. Ran a 9:57 mile!!! I haven't seen sub 10 for YEARS! Just 8 months ago I weighed 55 more lbs., and could only do run/walk, at best...13:00 min. miles!!! Talk about being thankful Marrianne, I certainly am!!! Upped the weights this a.m. too, and it was awesome! Leg press 200 lbs, leg curl and leg extension 110 lbs., chest press with barbell 50 lbs. I'm happy!
Oh, another thought...I know you guys are talking about the IMoo camp. Anybody have plans of going to the LP rally in June? (13th thru 16th I think) Kitima and I have talked about going. P posted somewhere that hotel is $109 a night and rooms are 2 queen beds per room.
Didn't know about this. Sound verrry interesting...Is it a formal EN thing or a casual weekend?
Oh, another thought...I know you guys are talking about the IMoo camp. Anybody have plans of going to the LP rally in June? (13th thru 16th I think) Kitima and I have talked about going. P posted somewhere that hotel is $109 a night and rooms are 2 queen beds per room.
Didn't know about this. Sound verrry interesting...Is it a formal EN thing or a casual weekend?
It's a casual EN thing. Instead of $$$ camps, they are now "rallies". The EN Cowgirl camp is during the Midwest Rally. The LP thing is the Northeast Rally. Link: http://www.endurancenation.us/en_camps/
LP rally is the weekend before Patriot Half. But I am still considering going. Although I can't take any time off from work. So as I type this.... I think not. Bummer.
I saw on the website at the place you work in Madison that they have a 35 min. DVD - sounds interesting.
Ah, the video. It's actually about 10 years old. Kathleen and I started a project last spring to create a new pilates DVD. Did all the choreography and filming on our own. It would have been completely awesome, except that the quality on my 2 camcorders is just not adequate for professional-level video, considering the lighting in the studio isn't ideal. So we spent a ton of time working on the planning and shooting the video, and after all that work the video quality just plain sucks. We were so sad. That was also about the time that I got back into my computer programming career, so don't have much time for the pilates and PT thing these days (except for when I take a whole week off to go to Cabo!). Kathleen actually looked into flying a professional down here to Cabo to shoot the video on the beach, but it was prohibitively expensive. Plus she's already teaching 4 classes a day here, so there's not exactly time to shoot a video anyway.
My long-term plan at the time that we were starting the video project was to create some videos for endurance athletes. Something along the line of the Cyclo-Core and Runner-Core videos, except actually good. Maybe some day, when I'm bored with programming again...
oh my goodness!!!! vaccinations. for me and Andrew, his might still be good from when he went to Costa Rica, but mine??? oh no. y'all don't know how scared I am of needles!! really really bad and I just saw fam doc in December and now to have to go back and get shots!! why I can't even remember my last shot of any kind....but been going there for 17 years.... now I am in a panic just thinking about the shots! I forwarded that link to person in charge as they have not told us anything about this. ugh is all I have to say.
Ok, funny "small world" story here in Cabo. There are 21 women on this pilates retreat, many of which I know as clients from the pilates studio that I've worked at in Madison. One of them, Paige, moved to Colorado a year and a half ago. She and I are talking today about triathlon stuff, since she knows I've done IMWI. She said a good friend of hers has done several IM's, so I asked what her name was. She says "Pam Kassner". I said, hey, that name sounds familiar...I think she's part of the online training group that I'm a member of, Endurance Nation. Paige says, yes, she is! So, not sure if Pam is still keeping track of the forum or not, but if so, Paige says hi.
Marianne- If you get typhoid vaccine early, you can get the oral pills. Needle only lasts 2 years, pills last 5! I did the pills (1 pill every other day for 5 pills). One less needle! No options for the Hepatitis vaccines- sorry.
ok, no computer at home now for the next 3 weeks! The part you plug the charger into cracked so it won't turn on! bad luck with computers. At least I got the Best Buy warranty this time. next computer will be a MAC. Timing kind of suucks though...... heavy sigh. Thank God for my blackberry. For some reason I can't access EN from it though. Still feel kind of lost without the bugger at home, just can't got on the internet any ol time. Will have to don manual on computrainer.
Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers! Part of the first team left today at 1pm, the rest depends on availablity of transportation. My boss , who left at 1 today said I will probably go next sat? All tentative and rolling/flexible. I plan to bring my camera, so will do a RR when I get back.
Kitima-yes, prescriptions for malranone and Cipro. Got my thyphoid yesterday, so all shots done. I am more worried about the Dengue fever. Will be picking up some Sawyers mosquito repellant along with all other gear this weekend. Also had a shot of cortisone into the bursa in my Knee. So Marianne, I was thinking of you with all the shots I have had in last 1 week Oh also had to get my blood tested on new thyroid dose. The numbing medicine helped so I think it is the pes anserine bursitis tendonitis. I have to rest it for 3 days. They gave me the ok to dump the custom orthotics, My knee was not hurting prior to getting them- will go back to prostep and work on strengthening foot muscles
Marianne- University of arkasas med ctr may have a travel clinic. They should be able to help you out with shots/prescriptions you need & any other recommendation. I'm still kinda chuckling about the safe sex lecture we got. Apparently there is plenty of haitian beer, so after working in OR all day, go back to the tent, put our feet up, down a beer or two...... hehe, the thought cracks me up.
Ok- gotta scoot, where did the time go today? Really seems like on my days off time goes by so much faster then when at work!
Tracy, Marianne, all others going to mosquito-infested places with tropical diseases: One more thing y'all might consider doing is treating the clothes you're going to wear there with Permethrin. It's an insect repellant that you spray on your clothes and stays on it through 6 washings. I used it when I went to Tanzania and didn't get one bug bite. Here's a link to some from REI: http://www.rei.com/product/768970
Shots---I utterly hate being stuck by a needle too! I can't even look---which seems really, really ridiculous given my job, but it stinks being on the receiving end.
Tracy: Glad to hear there's progress being made with your knee and finding the very root of the problem. Such a long journey sometimes, isn't it? Stay strong, chica!
sleeeting here and a bit of snow, but icy so no school today... feels like a Sat cuz I slept in after I realized no school. yes UAMS has a travel center and on my list to figure this out.... also ran out of synthroid and now at walgreenpharmacy!!! so I have some med stuff to do today!! I have a runny nose that bothered me sleeping so the extra sleep was nice. not sure where that came from, I just started sneezing.... I have new halter Thanks Linda for Rudy, around his body... as he has brken two leashes this week!! yep... we go backwards and then forwards!! he put ona bit of weight with my running down and got a bit "rowdier" too... so yesterday I let him off leash in the fields and he tore after four deer! absolutely went from zero to 50!! and came back with his tongue hangin out.. now today icy...?? I have four kids and a dog in the house!! ha. and a husband home too. here when bad weather is coming the grocery stores are coverd up,, and I was in it too.. for my reg shopping day!! anyways gonna fire up some beans and leftover ham in the crock pot and fix a brunch later on too. I had three great trainin days and thankful for the rest day today. hope to get my meals organized like I have said I was gonna do. hugs to all!!! 1year2ironman5.blogspot.com m
Off to Haiti, Tracy?!? And Marianne, you're off soon too. All the best wishes for safe travel, and health while you're away.
Really busy week this week. Literally no time for much beyond the workouts, errands, cooking, and work. So strange because for the last quarter of last year I was so bored with work that I had a ton of extra free time! That's how it goes I guess.
As I was on my way to work one day this week I thought about how lame it is that I was off to work on unimportant stuff when people need help. I'm sure all of you have been there. The typical thought process, you know. All I can do is provide my donations (thankfully my company is matching) and do what I can to help others in situations that are closer to home.
I'm staring down my last weekend of OS! Hard to believe! Transition week this coming week and then on 2/8 we're underway with IMSG race prep. Guess that means I'll have to get my booty back in the ol swimming pool. Haven't been in since August '09. Funny really. My freinds think I'm utterly crazy having not swam at all yet with Ironman some 90-something days away. It has been actually a really nice break!
Did all of you get your saddle trading worked out? I still need to experiment with a different tri saddle, but I just don't wanna start! I feel like it's going to be a saga. Guess the transition week would be a good week to do some trials though, huh? Ugh.....OK, maybe I'll see about getting that going.
Gotta go order my EN singlet! Gotta fly our flag at the races this year!
Michele -- Im glad you sent a direct message as I haven't had a chance to dip into forums lately because of work. There was a few days there where I wasn't even on FB....when I'm not on FB, life is really pulling me elsewhere. My direct email is pam@superpear.com and if you (or any of the wonderful EN folks) want to communicate more directly please friend me on FB. I'm loving getting to know such neat and inspiring people.
I get a little overwhelmed with information so my Forum eyeballing gets restricted sometimes so be sure to email or FB me if anything specific is coming up.
Looking forward to meeting as many as you as possible through out the summer.
@Olivia- The saddle issues are never ending. But I really want to be comfortable and functional (if ya know what I mean) during IM training. So I have chosen this time in OS as my keep trying.
we did get the snow, and it now just ice.. on the ground, but kids are excited and I was happy to have "two" saturdays as I slept in both days!! 8 a.m. today! wow.. so 9.5 hours of sleep, feels good and I only got up cuz I wanted coffee! DH took dog for a walk... so I could stay in bed, nice. anyways, one son already bundled and out the door and taking advantage of my "foot" warmers as we don't have snow boots down here!! gotta scoot. to get daughter ready for outside. also I don't have Excel so can't figure out the handy dandy spreadsheet to go with IMWI.
Helloooooooo Ladies! Oh my, I've been away for a week and so much has happened! Oh, and I missed you all too! I'm finally taking this cold snowy/rainy day to catch up on the Forum. All I can say is WOW! What a wonderful group of gals we have here, it's just amazing!
I got to meet Carrie H while I was in Dallas for an EN Breakfast. She took a pic and I hope will post it soon. I'm waiting out in front of the hotel for her to pick me up and she calls to say "I'm pulling in now- look for the silver Porche" WHA? Oh yes, she has this very sweet ride!!! I don't know where she puts the bike, but the car is a beauty! Anyway, we had a lot of fun and I'm so glad I had the chance to meet Carrie, Scott, and Phil.
I flew home last night (into Raleigh) and Joe called to tell me the snowstorm was coming and to get on the road ASAP before it got bad. Sure enough, flurries started and I had a 3.5 hour drive ahead! Luckily I was going east and so I stayed just ahead of it- getting home before the big stuff hit. For those that are not on FB, I thought I'd post pics from our Winter Wonderland at the beach. It's not often you can build a snowman here!
Our Snowman (and me in my new EN hat)
Joe, Otto, and the SnowCat
A closeup of Otto and the Snowcat. Otto had fun in the snow for a little while- but he looks a little insulted by the snowcat!
And finally, this is what happens to snowmen on the Outer Banks where the REAL weather issue is always the wind!
The first one looks like Julius Snowman to me . We are covered up w/ the white stuff too, but I refuse to play in it, so I admire your spirit for getting out there! Snow is one of the few things in life I really really hate
NEMO!!!! So glad you're back! You call that snow??? (Razzin' ya.) Very cute pix!
Can't wait to see pix of A'belle! Today is the day Gina picks her up!
Chuggin' along. Not much to report. Took a mini-OS hiatus last week. A couple of shorter workouts, and only EZ running. I needed it. Felt much, much, much-o better on the bike this morning. Back at it next week. You know how P always recommends a mini-break in the middle of IM training? Well this OS is also 20 weeks. That's a looong time. Breaking it up seems to make sense. At least this old bod needed it. Back to giving it a smack down from now to the end.
Anwyay, Barb - happy to send you the saddle - just PM me your address. I am doing Muncie - if you decide against camp for some reason hopefully we can meet there
Haiti - wow Tracy - I really can't imagine, but so awesome that you can. I have found that it is best for me to support help for these things with money. Between the Tsunami and 911 I just practically came undone. I am embarrassed to admit that I have not watched the first bit of news, read in the papers or seen pictures online of the destruction in Haiti. It just makes me a basket case and that's not good for me or my family. I did support my friends here when they did their MLK 25 miles for PIH though.
Michele - I am so glad to have found Pilates. I really am crediting that practice with getting me to where I can run again. I read your input on the thread about calf injury and run form too and keep thinking there has to be a way to merge these things - in both my mind and body. I know my run form needs help, but I really think the pilates is doing me a lot of good there and I feel a lot more stable and strong when I'm running. It's something I wish so much I had someone to work with on! and it sounds like you have such a great understanding of both. Enjoy Mexico - I love the picture and thanks for the links.
Robin - glad to hear you've found benefit with pilates! Unfortunately there are many pilates instructors who just go to a weekend instructor course and are out there teaching it, as if it were just some choreographed exercises. It's so much more than just doing some movements...when done well, there's so much mental focus on posture/alignment, breathing, controlling "where" the movement is coming from, etc. It helps so much with body awareness, and there really can be a lot of carry-over into running form once you understand what some of the aspects of optimal form are. I would LOVE to work with you some time! But alas, coordinating that might be a bit difficult.
Chi Running (book, dvd, and/or expensive seminars) is a great place to start, though. Based on some principles of Tai Chi, there is at least the focus on posture/alignment and intentional movement.
Thanks for the well wishes everyone and the info Michele. I am excited and nervous.
So, here is what I know so far. It is a work in progress and will continue to evolve. My hospital, Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore, part of U of Maryland is working with Catholic Relief Services( CRS) to make all this happen. We will be working at the hospital St. Francois de Sales, U of Maryland is committing to send teams there for the next 2 months and up to 6 months. So we will have a place to do our work. My friend from a the hospital I used to work, told me that some Drs who went down theret were sent back.
Last week the chief of orthopedic surgery was down dealing with the logistics of having us come down.
Our teams, at least for now, will be transported there by the Air Force. Getting back, will be more interesting, as we will go back to AF base, get on a list to go stateside, and will end up wherever I end up. may have to get a commercial flight/train back. The thing I am trying to wrap my head around is what to expect as far as providing anesthesia. My head will be buried in my anesthesia books this weekend fo sho. No matter what, I am happy to have the opportunity to help, and in any way i can! before I was a nurse anesthetist, I was/am a nurse. So if it means scrubbing, checking patients in, recovering, Whatever it takes........
Oh, still have one more shot to get for thyphoid tomorrow. My arm is still sore from the 4 i got last week, one of them tetanus.
Suzanne & Linda- along your lines of "suffering". I caught myself saying," I am Starving", in the cafeteria this am. I stopped, said, no i'm not "starving" , I am just very Hungry because i did not get my sorry but out of bed early enough to eat breakfast ( also thinking, have a student today, can et breakfast while she sets up- but nope, right into the OR at 6:20 finished 0930a- yes, very hungry.
Dana & Suzanne- yes planning on NE rally in June at LP, would be interested in sharing a room. Heard about Northwoods INN was planning on looking into it
Dana- Hope your dog recovers soon
MicheleM- that pool area looks beautiful< & your comment about becoming easily bored- although, it will probably be sometime before I am bored with anesthesia- some other things I want to take up- Massage therapy and learning to fly, then maybe I can fly to Cabo and gives massages at a retreat
I saw a show on FoodNetwork by Giada in Cabo- and really, really want to go
Have a good night
Robin- Think we may end up with another Chi Running Clinic here in March. I'll keep you in the loop when I hear anything for sure.
At a conference in Indianapolis for next three days, so trying hard to keep up around here! 25 degrees, windchill 11 and snow flurries here again.. brrrrrr. Hoping to get up early and get my workout in!
To all those folks traveling to Haiti to serve- you have my upmost respect and prayers. I can not imagine dealing with something of that proportion. I end up tearing up seeing the children on the news reports. Tracy- be safe!
Tracy - I love your idea of massage therapy school + learning to fly = fly to cabo (or anywhere!) to give massages at a retreat! Brilliant! I am also in awe of your upcoming volunteer opportunity. Wow. Just wow.
Kris - I did my training through PhysicalMind Institute, which offered the various classes in Madison and Chicago. Did their mat training, standing pilates, and then the full apparatus training over the course of about 8 months, and then it took another year or so of self-practice, observation, and teaching practice in order to complete the certification. If I could do it over again, I'd probably go through Balanced Body or Polestar instead. Balanced Body also has some awesome continuing ed conferences for pilates instructors.
Stay warm Kris! It's not any better here at home if that helps
Michele - Yep - logistics would certainly be difficult, but it would be great if there was ever a way! Luckily the woman I am working with have been doing it for 25 years and really knows her stuff and it is a huge part of her life. She recently went to Chicago and I wonder if she went to the same place you mentioned I will have to ask. She also a PT so that has been really helpful w/ my hip problem, but she's not an endurance athlete, which I do think adds another dimension, but certainly doesn't disqualify
Tracy - I am really awed. My prayers and with you and everyone you will be working with. If you get stuck anywhere near Lexington on the way home - you are welcome to stay with us and would be happy to help out any way I can. We have several bases in the surrounding areas - the biggie in Fort Knox. Take care!!!
Tracy and anyone else going to Haiti: Consider bringing/taking malaria pills. There is malaria in Haiti and now with the aftermath of the earthquake, there will be alot of standing water ripe for mosquito breeding. I've taken Malarone in the past (for a trip to Tanzania)--no side effects that I could tell. Here's a link to the CDC page for relief workers traveling to Haiti: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/content...haiti.aspx
Marianne: Same thing with Guatemala! If you're going to be in a rural area, you might want to take malaria pills too! CDC link: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/guatemala.aspx
Don't want any of my girlfriends coming home with some tropical disease!
I just love our forum here. Good stuff all the way around. Robin, I wil pm you with my address, so I can give the saddle a try. Love the chat about Pilates. I have been doing Reformer, with my instructor Claudia. She is awesome. It feels so good and has helped me. I am still an infant when it comes to Pilates, but I'd love to eventually take instructor classes. I also love Yoga. If I had the time right now, I'd be doing Yoga too. Wish I could win the lottery so I could fly to someplace like CABO
Had a ROCKIN' workout this morning! Met with my trainer, who had me run a mile to warm up before weights. Ran a 9:57 mile!!! I haven't seen sub 10 for YEARS! Just 8 months ago I weighed 55 more lbs., and could only do run/walk, at best...13:00 min. miles!!! Talk about being thankful Marrianne, I certainly am!!! Upped the weights this a.m. too, and it was awesome! Leg press 200 lbs, leg curl and leg extension 110 lbs., chest press with barbell 50 lbs. I'm happy!
Didn't know about this. Sound verrry interesting...Is it a formal EN thing or a casual weekend?
It's a casual EN thing.
Instead of $$$ camps, they are now "rallies". The EN Cowgirl camp is during the Midwest Rally. The LP thing is the Northeast Rally. Link: http://www.endurancenation.us/en_camps/
Ah, the video. It's actually about 10 years old. Kathleen and I started a project last spring to create a new pilates DVD. Did all the choreography and filming on our own. It would have been completely awesome, except that the quality on my 2 camcorders is just not adequate for professional-level video, considering the lighting in the studio isn't ideal. So we spent a ton of time working on the planning and shooting the video, and after all that work the video quality just plain sucks. We were so sad. That was also about the time that I got back into my computer programming career, so don't have much time for the pilates and PT thing these days (except for when I take a whole week off to go to Cabo!). Kathleen actually looked into flying a professional down here to Cabo to shoot the video on the beach, but it was prohibitively expensive. Plus she's already teaching 4 classes a day here, so there's not exactly time to shoot a video anyway.
My long-term plan at the time that we were starting the video project was to create some videos for endurance athletes. Something along the line of the Cyclo-Core and Runner-Core videos, except actually good.
Maybe some day, when I'm bored with programming again...
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Dana,
Happy Birthday to you!!!
Can't wait to see you and Doug in a few weeks!!
Marianne- If you get typhoid vaccine early, you can get the oral pills. Needle only lasts 2 years, pills last 5! I did the pills (1 pill every other day for 5 pills). One less needle! No options for the Hepatitis vaccines- sorry.
Happy Belated Birthday Dana!
ok, no computer at home now for the next 3 weeks! The part you plug the charger into cracked so it won't turn on! bad luck with computers. At least I got the Best Buy warranty this time. next computer will be a MAC. Timing kind of suucks though...... heavy sigh. Thank God for my blackberry. For some reason I can't access EN from it though. Still feel kind of lost without the bugger at home, just can't got on the internet any ol time. Will have to don manual on computrainer.
Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers! Part of the first team left today at 1pm, the rest depends on availablity of transportation. My boss , who left at 1 today said I will probably go next sat? All tentative and rolling/flexible. I plan to bring my camera, so will do a RR when I get back.
Kitima-yes, prescriptions for malranone and Cipro. Got my thyphoid yesterday, so all shots done. I am more worried about the Dengue fever. Will be picking up some Sawyers mosquito repellant along with all other gear this weekend. Also had a shot of cortisone into the bursa in my Knee. So Marianne, I was thinking of you with all the shots I have had in last 1 week
Oh also had to get my blood tested on new thyroid dose. The numbing medicine helped so I think it is the pes anserine bursitis tendonitis. I have to rest it for 3 days. They gave me the ok to dump the custom orthotics, My knee was not hurting prior to getting them- will go back to prostep and work on strengthening foot muscles
Marianne- University of arkasas med ctr may have a travel clinic. They should be able to help you out with shots/prescriptions you need & any other recommendation. I'm still kinda chuckling about the safe sex lecture we got. Apparently there is plenty of haitian beer, so after working in OR all day, go back to the tent, put our feet up, down a beer or two...... hehe, the thought cracks me up.
Ok- gotta scoot, where did the time go today? Really seems like on my days off time goes by so much faster then when at work!
Tracy, Marianne, all others going to mosquito-infested places with tropical diseases: One more thing y'all might consider doing is treating the clothes you're going to wear there with Permethrin. It's an insect repellant that you spray on your clothes and stays on it through 6 washings. I used it when I went to Tanzania and didn't get one bug bite. Here's a link to some from REI: http://www.rei.com/product/768970
Shots---I utterly hate being stuck by a needle too! I can't even look---which seems really, really ridiculous given my job, but it stinks being on the receiving end.
Tracy: Glad to hear there's progress being made with your knee and finding the very root of the problem. Such a long journey sometimes, isn't it? Stay strong, chica!
Really busy week this week. Literally no time for much beyond the workouts, errands, cooking, and work. So strange because for the last quarter of last year I was so bored with work that I had a ton of extra free time! That's how it goes I guess.
As I was on my way to work one day this week I thought about how lame it is that I was off to work on unimportant stuff when people need help. I'm sure all of you have been there. The typical thought process, you know. All I can do is provide my donations (thankfully my company is matching) and do what I can to help others in situations that are closer to home.
I'm staring down my last weekend of OS! Hard to believe! Transition week this coming week and then on 2/8 we're underway with IMSG race prep. Guess that means I'll have to get my booty back in the ol swimming pool. Haven't been in since August '09. Funny really. My freinds think I'm utterly crazy having not swam at all yet with Ironman some 90-something days away. It has been actually a really nice break!
Did all of you get your saddle trading worked out? I still need to experiment with a different tri saddle, but I just don't wanna start! I feel like it's going to be a saga. Guess the transition week would be a good week to do some trials though, huh? Ugh.....OK, maybe I'll see about getting that going.
Gotta go order my EN singlet! Gotta fly our flag at the races this year!
Michele -- Im glad you sent a direct message as I haven't had a chance to dip into forums lately because of work. There was a few days there where I wasn't even on FB....when I'm not on FB, life is really pulling me elsewhere. My direct email is pam@superpear.com and if you (or any of the wonderful EN folks) want to communicate more directly please friend me on FB. I'm loving getting to know such neat and inspiring people.
I get a little overwhelmed with information so my Forum eyeballing gets restricted sometimes so be sure to email or FB me if anything specific is coming up.
Looking forward to meeting as many as you as possible through out the summer.
Helloooooooo Ladies! Oh my, I've been away for a week and so much has happened! Oh, and I missed you all too! I'm finally taking this cold snowy/rainy day to catch up on the Forum. All I can say is WOW! What a wonderful group of gals we have here, it's just amazing!
I got to meet Carrie H while I was in Dallas for an EN Breakfast. She took a pic and I hope will post it soon. I'm waiting out in front of the hotel for her to pick me up and she calls to say "I'm pulling in now- look for the silver Porche"


WHA? Oh yes, she has this very sweet ride!!! I don't know where she puts the bike, but the car is a beauty! Anyway, we had a lot of fun and I'm so glad I had the chance to meet Carrie, Scott, and Phil.
I flew home last night (into Raleigh) and Joe called to tell me the snowstorm was coming and to get on the road ASAP before it got bad. Sure enough, flurries started and I had a 3.5 hour drive ahead! Luckily I was going east and so I stayed just ahead of it- getting home before the big stuff hit. For those that are not on FB, I thought I'd post pics from our Winter Wonderland at the beach. It's not often you can build a snowman here!
Our Snowman (and me in my new EN hat)
Joe, Otto, and the SnowCat
A closeup of Otto and the Snowcat. Otto had fun in the snow for a little while- but he looks a little insulted by the snowcat!
And finally, this is what happens to snowmen on the Outer Banks where the REAL weather issue is always the wind!
HELP!!!! I've Fallen and I can't get up!!!!


The first one looks like Julius Snowman to me
NEMO!!!! So glad you're back! You call that snow??? (Razzin' ya.) Very cute pix!
Can't wait to see pix of A'belle! Today is the day Gina picks her up!
Chuggin' along. Not much to report. Took a mini-OS hiatus last week. A couple of shorter workouts, and only EZ running. I needed it. Felt much, much, much-o better on the bike this morning. Back at it next week. You know how P always recommends a mini-break in the middle of IM training? Well this OS is also 20 weeks. That's a looong time. Breaking it up seems to make sense. At least this old bod needed it. Back to giving it a smack down from now to the end.