Beth--adding my voice to the chorus of extending a hand and a hug to you. I just wanna smack that Mac. You both will find your way--to a permanent parting...or not.
That puppy is so darn cute!!!! I bet she is lovin life!
Our poor Chester, a 4 year old golden retriever, had a very swollen right side of his face yesterday. He was so very sad looking. I took him to the vet today and he has to have a tooth extracted because it is abscessed. I hate when they have to go under. He looks better today so I almost feel like...wait...let's not do it but I suppose it can flare back up. Poor puppy.
Didn't improve my VDOT with today's first race prep testing. I had to do it on the treadmill because there is just so much ice here. I don't have a footpod so I just did a running (no pun intended) average while on the treadmill. It kept my mind occupied which isn't a difficult thing to do...
@Gina--you are killing all of us in the Patch house! Casey nonchalantly asked a bit ago, "Hey, your friend put up any new puppy pictures?" Cali got a bath on Saturday at Dharma Dog with cucumber melon, and she still smells so good and is so fluffy. I just bury my nose in her. Yum.
"The bicycle is just as good company as most husbands and, when it gets old and shabby, a woman can dispose of it and get a new one without shocking the entire community." Ann Strong, Minneapolis Tribune, 1895
Ok- thought this was a cute quote. Had to share :-)
Hope everyone had great Monday! Still working here....
Kris, did I read somewhere that you teach spinning? Anybody else out there? I'm going to be starting in March! Super pumped! Any good suggestions of where to find good music or what some good spin songs are?
Yes- been teaching on and off for years. I am a super picky abt my music and I use music already in my Itunes library. Nice now that most clubs have hookups for Ipods so you can download and change up your music mixes easily. I usually write out the workouts then pair my music with it- tempo, intensity and timing. Makes it much easier to pace intervals off the songs rather than always a watch. PM me with your email address and I'll give you some of my lists.
Thanks for your input on Linda's questions for you.
We recently woke up and realized (again) what a cool thing you've all created for yourselves in here...but no one knows about, as RnP are stuck in the rut of talking about EN as training plans, coaching, support, etc, vs highlighting the unique vibe and support the Team creates for itself, most notably in this forum.
So while the team is closed and membership is only availabe through referral or as an "upgrade" after purchasing a training plan, we are thinking about doing a women's only membership drive, to make a good thing even better!
I say this in the spirit of full disclosure. Linda said she was asking for your input, but not for the purpose of marketing/growing membership, when in fact we are thinking along those lines and we didn't want you to suddenly wake up to a page of testimonials (written by you ), a women's only membership opportunity, etc.
EN, RnP are in a good place right now. It's been a tough 2-3yrs, but things really started clicking for us in about October of last year. A big ball finally started to roll downhill after 2yrs+ of pushing it up and up. Patrick and I owe soooooo much to you gals we can't even begin to thank you!
"The bicycle is just as good company as most husbands and, when it gets old and shabby, a woman can dispose of it and get a new one without shocking the entire community." Ann Strong, Minneapolis Tribune, 1895
OMG, I laughed out loud when I read that! Love it!
Beth - breakups are so very tough, even when you know it's coming. But caught off-guard is completely overwhelming. I hope that at some point you two can process this and understand where he's coming from, regardless of how it turns out. Everyone deserves an explanation. I'll reiterate what everyone else has said, that we're here for you.
Gina - the puppy pics are so darn cute! dogs are so awesome!
I just read "The Art of Racing in the Rain" and I'll have to say it's an amazing book for dog-lovers. I laughed a lot, and also cried a lot (we had to put down our 14 1/2 yr old pup Tobie in June last year...and our other pup Sitka is now over 14 as well but doing pretty well), but they were happy memory tears. So well-written, and captured so many of the sentiments that I've had for our dogs over the years. Like, I KNOW they can understand much more than most people realize.
@Dana, there's a post in the Nov OS about playlists that might have good songs for spinning.
@Beth, so sorry to hear about what you're going through. Whatever you do, be sure to take really, really good care of yourself, however that may look (sleeping in, working out, hiding under the covers, hiding under the covers with a case of wine...).
@Gina, she is so cute I just want to pop her right in my mouth and eat her! Munch munch munch!
Am I insane? How do I rewrite my little signature at the bottom of these posts? It takes me soooo long to figure this out every time we test but this time I was sure that I remembered the answer being in the message center. But nope.
Just got a call from Clayton. There is a clinic with an international phone. He is in his element having a great time. He started out with the Humanity 1st group he went with, but he has branched out & kinda free lancing. While I was talking to him a helicopter pilot was co-ord with him what time to fly out tomorrow & drop some med supplied to a place with the helicopter. He is trying to learn the language down there. He got an ortho Dr into a place where he was needed & assisted him. Working on kids on top of the jeep. He's been helping a lady with a mission, He's going to help someone with a refugee camp. He's sleeping outside. No mosquitoes so to speak. He is working long hours without a lot of sleep & not a lot to eat & drink, but really appreciating what he gets. Everyone shares whatever they have with everyone else. He said the people down there are very pure & love all the people(Americans, Canadians, Brazilians, etc) helping. He said there is no government. He & a female went to a med supply place & took about 200 lbs of med supplies to where they were needed. He is figuring out what is needed, goes & gets it & gets it to the rite place.
He is loving it down there. He said it was very safe-if anyone wants to come down-they need all kinds of people-haircutters, etc.
He started with 3 bags, cut it down to 2 when he could only take 2 into Haiti & now is just doing with the clothes he has on his back. Carrying a back pack is to cumbersome.
He said it is more thrilling than going out in the mountains & woods.
He will try to call again this weekend, but he said for no one to worry about him. He is great
This is from the mother (friend) of a mt biking friend of mine.. he is in his residency, and winner at all mt bike races! he is just a great guy and so positive and I found this report to be so uplifiting!!! Tracy good luck down there!!
I leave 27 February Nemo, FYI. I also heard to just take down one suitcase and pack the other with gifts/stuff to give away to the poor. I have Happy Meal toys, clothing that my kids have outgrown, shoes (running that I have washed!), and stuff that I have collected.... I think I have too much for a suitcase!! but pretty excited. my blog has a widget of the daily weather!!! and it is WARM down there! yeah....
good tuesday to everybody it is not warm here!!! and I am getting kids ready to toodles. m
Ladies, there is always so much going on in this forum but I try to drop in as often as I can and get some Chicka mojo goin response to Linda and P's questions, you summed it up perfectly for me Leigh. I am more of a lurker than a poster on the forums in general and the women's forum is no exception. Like Leigh I am a younger chicka without children and am not much of a cook so don't have much to contribute in those aspects. However, I know if I have something truly going on in my life I can drop in here, post something and get tremendous support from all you wonderful ladies. I love EN as it gives me focused work and I need that, but It's so refreshing to have a place in EN where something is being discussed other than today's FT numbers, nailing the latest workout, etc and where the women welcome anyone that drops in. And what is not to love about adorable puppy pictures, snowman pictures, vacation pictures, and reading about the inspiring women we have here in 'da HAUS!!! So thank you all for being the wonderful women you are and providing a venue to discuss any and everything.
Gina, I want a new puppy so badly but am trying to have some restraint as I think Emma and I need some more space before we add a new creature to our apartment
Beth, very sorry to hear about your breakup. Hope you are hanging in there...know everyone is here for you for support. It's amazing what stress relief a good bike ride or run can provide...
Exciting to hear about everyone's travels and upcoming adventures.
Gina- Showed DH your puppy pics. He was in Detroit last week with daughter to put down Golden from first marriage. Got tearythinking about how we love doggies. But until I am working part-time, it would not be fair.
Beth- I read your post and my heart just broke for you. That was very NOT fair of him. That behavior of his is NOT an adult dealing with a difficult situation. You are strong and we are here for you. So tough. We all have stories, but what is mroe important is to know that we all survived and you will too- after many tears.
Linda- Gonna send an e-mail with my details/ answers.
Marianne- Thanks for sharing that post/ e-mail. Very uplifting even in that dire of a situation.
Tracy- Please stay safe and take care.
Nemo- How was the gait analysis?
Glad to report that life is a fine level of boring. Don't need any drama. But we are planning our vacation. 2 weeks off the coast of Costa Rica for scuba diving Cocos Island. Early June. IMMoo camp in July and IMMoo in September and all my vacation time is GONE. But it will be worth it.
Thank you for all the kind and wise words. Kitima -- you are so dead on: isn't it amazing how this little corner of the Internet has become home? I feel so lucky to have found all of you!
Annabelle is the cutest puppy ever. That bath shot is priceless!
I've acquired a new apartment (thank heavens for big cities and all their subletting) that is pretty and conviently near Trotter's to Go and my favorite indie video store. Also? Killer back porch. I'm thinking hammock and tomatoes.
So glad you have a home again Beth. I was thinking about you this weekend during my Sunday run. I find it unfathomable how this all transpired. Know that you're in my thoughts. Tomatoes are a brilliant idea!!
What are these questions that everyone is answering...I'm waaaaay out of the loop. Must be because I'm in transition week. Uh huh! That's right! It feels so decadent....
Posted By Kitima Boonvisudhi on 01 Feb 2010 10:06 AM
What more can EN do for us? I think the whole Cowgirl movement of this season and the support for it has been utterly amazing.
"Utterly Amazing" Utters- Cows- Imoo- Chickas- Kitboo- this had me giggling all morning!!
OK, I don't have much time but I did want to check in and see pics, catch up, and give you a quick update. The gait analysis at UVA went really well. That is to say, I'm a total mess and my stride is causing lots of problems, but at least now I know what I need to do and I have a plan. The best news is that Jay told me that it's absolutely my running form that is causing my calf issues and not the bike. So I'm totally cleared to hop back on Calvin and RIDE!! I can't tell you how happy that made me!
I'm gonna give a full report in my "Another Calf Issue" thread in the Med forum later tonight- so look for that if you want the details. I have a lot of work to do before I'm cleared to run. At this point, I think just finishing IMoo will be a good goal for this year. And I really really need to thank all of you- and the whole Cowgirl Mojo thing for keeping me going. Honestly, if I were not part of this group and just signed up for an IM on my own- I'm pretty sure I'd have thrown in the towel and given up on even bothering to train for an Ironman this year. But the opportunity to train and race with you ladies this year is what is keeping me going!
Beth- Congrats on a space of your own. Some of my earliest vegetable gardens were done on the decks of apts! I am currently planning the 2010 garden. Seed catalogs help get me through Jan-Feb!
Olivia- I know you must be reveling in being through with the OS. You did it!!
Tracy- Be safe down there. One of my guys is leaving this weekend for the next week. I am thinking lotsa regional and ketamine are in order!
To all, thanks for your kind words about A'Belle, she is just edible. We had a rough night last night though, for all of you that want puppies, read here . We went to the Vet yesterday and got "dewormed". It obviously upset her tummy badly. She was frantic, crying loudly, outside a gazillion times and then messed her crate (my fault). Anyway, a long, sleepless night. All is well today though except for a tired Momma.
It is Feb 2 and I am getting my arse in gear or else!! Got in a good pain cave ride this morning and brick run. IMMOO will be here before I know it.
@G--you've done this puppy raising enough to know way better than I, but in case the memories have faded...I found those first few months VERY hard. Exhausting. It drove me nutz--you'll worry, you'll fret, she'll chew, semi-emergency vet visits, poops and more poops, accidents, etc. etc. Then, voila, 7-8 months came around, and it's like a new world! You know the drill! Also... get the motivatin going, read or listen to Born to Run. It's SO good. You'll love it and it will fire you up. I got the Book on CD from the Library and I listen mostly in the car. Not only a good story, but great for the mental piece too. Love--L
M- Thanks for sharing message- yes, very inspiring.
Gina- yes, planning lots of regional. Heard ketamine is latest drug on back order, so last week when getting supplies together, were told we could not get and take out of country.
Got a text from one of the girls that went to haiti- Their 1st day, barely set up they did 18 cases, the people were great and was glad she went. Got a call today, would I be able to leave Thursday instead of Fri or sat. So it could be now thurs. GULP
Beth- glad you found a new pad. Yum, tomatoes. I remember a friend of mine had a great race year after a bad break up. Chanel that anger/ frustration/hurt
Linda- agree on the Born to Run, great motivating book. Could read again. Just can't wait to run
Nemo-glad gait analysis provided answers, and you can bike. Will read your report. Definitely need to get down there. Pm me if you can and let me know which level service you got. I saw there are 3 diffierent levels of analysis
WOW - i have gotten so far behind! I've been trying to keep up reading what everyone is up to, but just haven't been able to respond. Sorry to those I miss
Kris - I wanted soooooo badly to be doing that race on Saturday!! But, the Boy Scouts decided to schedule Pinewood Derby that day so it's not to be this year. I can't wait to hear about it though. I wish we had some good running trails here. My ankles are in jeopardy everytime I use those rutted up horse trails, but I don't have much other choice. The more I run on the road the more my body objects - I definitley see trail running in my future if I want to keep running, but I may have to move to get that accomplished.
Beth - I am really sorry to hear your news, especially since you were totally blindsided. Men are such strange creatures - I should know I live w/ 3 of them!! . I will NEVER figure out how they can be so damn silent and inside their heads and then pop up with something totally different from what I figure they are thinking. I do know though that when that stuff happens I have a tendency to take it persaonlly and generally find out it has little or nothing to do with me or anything I have done. I guess I am trying to say I hope you are not beating yourself up at all. I am glad you found a place and being back downtown should certainly have it's perks. If the spirit ever moves you bring Dash and come for a visit in KY! We've got some great riding and while the weather in the spring is dicey sometimes it has to be better than Chicago's a little earlier on. I mean that - about the visit
Gina - Anabelle is too cute and love all the pictures. What a smart girl to get that dog door figured out so soon! Sorry about the sleepless night. I hope her little belly is better today. I feel your pain - you couldn't talk me into another puppy right now even if it you said you'd give me a really sweet tri bike . Esther is finally getting a lot easier and she is 41/2 months old now. I just got the electric fence repaired today so "we" are ready to start on the project of training her to it - sadly that means me keeping her on a leash in the yard for the next week or so. So much for kicking her out the door in the AM when it's cold and dark.
Nemo - I really, really wish I oculd do something like that gait analysis. I'm afraid my dance card is more than full for the year though and I'm trying to work in the SE Rally now too. I will be waaaayyyyyy deep in the SAU hole by the end of the year. I hope it gets your calf issues ironed out once and for all. How did you like Charlottesville, where did you stay and more importantly where did you eat?! You know me - I am always looking for the FOOD REPORT!
As far as the vibe in the Women's Forum, well it's one of the biggest if not THE biggest reason I chose to pony up the membership fee rather than just buy a plan and I'm so glad I did!!! I'm like so many others and have a hard time articulating (especially in writing) what makes it so special. I do much better expressing myself verbally, but it takes a REALLY long time I love so much what Dana said though and everyone else that has chimed in.
Gotta go get dinner on and hope to check back in later on some of the other threads I have lost track of.
Thanks, Gina...I was a little nervous to put it out there! I normally don't write that much or am that open, but I wanted RnP and especially you ladies how much to know I appreciate this forum! (And I had someone watching Abby so I had time to write!) ;0)!
wed: checking in... oh no on Annabelle!!! and yuck on the crate!! believe me, the other day something must have happened to Rudy too cuz there was vomit and wee in his!!! the stench... ugh. as my head was inside the thing cleaning it out and washing all the bedding! He has continued to be himself and also dig holes!! and the other night when I let him out in the evening, I a few minutes later opened the door and he had fallen in the pool!! his paws were topside on the curb and he was whining! oh yeah... I ran out there in flipflops and my PJs, hoping not to break my neck and with a heart beating loudly fished him out by his collar.. the steps were closeby but the cleaner thing was scaring him (no cover, no trees)..... I was soaking wet fishing him out and so was he.... the snow was still on the ground.... and he was ultra happy to be out! so now, like a toddler he can't be let out without somebody watching him NOT to dig holes and NOT to fall in!!! and then he gets out of the gate when nobody shuts it!! so again in my PJs, yelling for the dog!! really I think I need to get some new PJs!! smile.
LMAO about the Fried Green Tomatoes references. One of my favorite movies of all time! If anyone has easy recommendations for how to grow veggies in tubs, lemme know. I have some limited outdoor space that gets enough sun and always want to experiment, but then I get overwhelmed with how much I don't know and give up before ever starting.
Ladies, help. I'm trying to get better about the bricks, especially the ones in the middle of the week. I have zero problem doing the bike work but deciding to do the run is always tough. The issues are:
1. In the cold weather I'm loathe to be outside when I'm soaking wet from the bike. I also hate the time and effort it takes to bundle up.
2. Tacking on the run usually pushes me into running-late-for-work territory. I'm trying to set my alarm 15 minutes earlier to counter this.
3. I'm not really sure how important the run is in the first place, especially the ones that are only 15-20 minutes long.
4. See #1-3 - I get into this ROI loop where I debate whether it's worth the time and effort and running late to fit in a baby run?
5. This might seem silly, but it's a big issue for me: Location. I live near the corner of a major intersection. I'm "stuck" there because the sidewalk on my side of the road heading away from the intersection dead ends at my complex. I'm also at the top of a big hill. For short runs I often resort to doing a five minute loop that takes me through my parking lot and the neighboring apartment complex's lot. This way I don't have to cross a road. As a long-time swimmer, I think I'm more tolerant of laps than most people but it really gets old. The alternatives are 1) crossing the intersection to run laps around another block, or 2) heading doooooown the hill toward the park where I do my long runs. #2 is a sucky option because the brick runs aren't long enough for me to ever really reach the park and then I have run aaaaaallll the way back up the hill, virtually killing any z3 pace. Since we're all friends here, I'll also admit that I have history of GI issues while running and staying close to home or bathrooms is important - and the mild anxiety about where I run and how that experience will be, GI-wise, is sometimes a factor in deciding that the brick run is too much of a bother.
So the solutions I'm going to try are:
1. Suck it up and stop viewing the brick run as optional.
2. Suck it up, cross the intersection, and run laps around a new block.
3. Negate the location issue by getting in the car and driving to the gym to run on the treadmill.
4. Wake up earlier, especially if I'm trying option #3.
Any other words of advice or potential solutions? Things that have worked for you? I'm also willing to take some kicks in the pants about what I baby I'm being, so bring 'em on.
Suzanne- the bricks are scheduled that way as a time savings - ie only one change of clothing etc so definitely not worth the anxiety. If you really felt you needed the miles, maybe you could just add one 30-40 min run in another time in the week but I would think NOT necessary. I found the bricks helpful in the ON season, as much as anything to have the mental block removed (ie my brain telling my legs they can run when they feel like lead and knowing that will quickly pass). IMHO, quality on the bike is the meat and potatoes! And sleep/recovery is a important component of training, not to be underrated by any means!
Beth--adding my voice to the chorus of extending a hand and a hug to you. I just wanna smack that Mac. You both will find your way--to a permanent parting...or not.
Readers beware: Puppy stuff
Less than 48 hours at home and Anabelle is going in and out the doggie door. We went to the Vet today and she officially weighs in @ ;7#11oz.
That puppy is so darn cute!!!! I bet she is lovin life!
Our poor Chester, a 4 year old golden retriever, had a very swollen right side of his face yesterday. He was so very sad looking. I took him to the vet today and he has to have a tooth extracted because it is abscessed. I hate when they have to go under. He looks better today so I almost feel like...wait...let's not do it but I suppose it can flare back up. Poor puppy.
Didn't improve my VDOT with today's first race prep testing. I had to do it on the treadmill because there is just so much ice here. I don't have a footpod so I just did a running (no pun intended) average while on the treadmill. It kept my mind occupied which isn't a difficult thing to do...
Ok...back to the CPA review studying.....
@Gina--you are killing all of us in the Patch house! Casey nonchalantly asked a bit ago, "Hey, your friend put up any new puppy pictures?"
Cali got a bath on Saturday at Dharma Dog with cucumber melon, and she still smells so good and is so fluffy. I just bury my nose in her. Yum.
Ok- thought this was a cute quote. Had to share :-)
Hope everyone had great Monday! Still working here....
It's a blast and I really enjoy it!
Hi Laydeez,
Thanks for your input on Linda's questions for you.
We recently woke up and realized (again) what a cool thing you've all created for yourselves in here...but no one knows about, as RnP are stuck in the rut of talking about EN as training plans, coaching, support, etc, vs highlighting the unique vibe and support the Team creates for itself, most notably in this forum.
So while the team is closed and membership is only availabe through referral or as an "upgrade" after purchasing a training plan, we are thinking about doing a women's only membership drive, to make a good thing even better!
I say this in the spirit of full disclosure. Linda said she was asking for your input, but not for the purpose of marketing/growing membership, when in fact we are thinking along those lines and we didn't want you to suddenly wake up to a page of testimonials (written by you
), a women's only membership opportunity, etc.
EN, RnP are in a good place right now. It's been a tough 2-3yrs, but things really started clicking for us in about October of last year. A big ball finally started to roll downhill after 2yrs+ of pushing it up and up. Patrick and I owe soooooo much to you gals we can't even begin to thank you!
OMG, I laughed out loud when I read that! Love it!
Beth - breakups are so very tough, even when you know it's coming. But caught off-guard is completely overwhelming. I hope that at some point you two can process this and understand where he's coming from, regardless of how it turns out. Everyone deserves an explanation. I'll reiterate what everyone else has said, that we're here for you.
Gina - the puppy pics are so darn cute! dogs are so awesome!
I just read "The Art of Racing in the Rain" and I'll have to say it's an amazing book for dog-lovers. I laughed a lot, and also cried a lot (we had to put down our 14 1/2 yr old pup Tobie in June last year...and our other pup Sitka is now over 14 as well but doing pretty well), but they were happy memory tears. So well-written, and captured so many of the sentiments that I've had for our dogs over the years. Like, I KNOW they can understand much more than most people realize.
Nemo - hope the running analysis goes well!
@Beth, so sorry to hear about what you're going through. Whatever you do, be sure to take really, really good care of yourself, however that may look (sleeping in, working out, hiding under the covers, hiding under the covers with a case of wine...).
@Gina, she is so cute I just want to pop her right in my mouth and eat her! Munch munch munch!
Am I insane? How do I rewrite my little signature at the bottom of these posts? It takes me soooo long to figure this out every time we test but this time I was sure that I remembered the answer being in the message center. But nope.
Howdy chickas
First, I gotta say, I hat not having my computer at home! 2-3 weeks in the shop! Gym is closing in a few minutes so have to be quick.
Beth so sorry to hear about what happened. Hang in there, be strong and sending a virtual hug
Gina-adorable puppy pictures




Nemo- loved otto and snow Kitty. Please, please let me know how gait analysis goes, will probably head down after Haiti.
Haiti departure is tentative for Friday or sat last I heard and dependant on military transport to area. Need to pick up some more gear tomorrow
Linda- will get back on questions.
need to go to library next day or two or both, hoping for more uninterupted computer time.
Used to teach spin 1st yr of anesthesia school, loved it! Used to make music CDs form music in my library, ask people in class what they liked etc.
Ok getting the boot , more later
This is from the mother (friend) of a mt biking friend of mine.. he is in his residency, and winner at all mt bike races! he is just a great guy and so positive and I found this report to be so uplifiting!!! Tracy good luck down there!!
I leave 27 February Nemo, FYI. I also heard to just take down one suitcase and pack the other with gifts/stuff to give away to the poor. I have Happy Meal toys, clothing that my kids have outgrown, shoes (running that I have washed!), and stuff that I have collected.... I think I have too much for a suitcase!! but pretty excited. my blog has a widget of the daily weather!!! and it is WARM down there! yeah....
good tuesday to everybody it is not warm here!!! and I am getting kids ready to toodles. m
Ladies, there is always so much going on in this forum but I try to drop in as often as I can and get some Chicka mojo goin response to Linda and P's questions, you summed it up perfectly for me Leigh. I am more of a lurker than a poster on the forums in general and the women's forum is no exception. Like Leigh I am a younger chicka without children and am not much of a cook so don't have much to contribute in those aspects. However, I know if I have something truly going on in my life I can drop in here, post something and get tremendous support from all you wonderful ladies. I love EN as it gives me focused work and I need that, but It's so refreshing to have a place in EN where something is being discussed other than today's FT numbers, nailing the latest workout, etc and where the women welcome anyone that drops in. And what is not to love about adorable puppy pictures, snowman pictures, vacation pictures, and reading about the inspiring women we have here in 'da HAUS!!! So thank you all for being the wonderful women you are and providing a venue to discuss any and everything.
Gina, I want a new puppy so badly but am trying to have some restraint as I think Emma and I need some more space before we add a new creature to our apartment
Beth, very sorry to hear about your breakup. Hope you are hanging in there...know everyone is here for you for support. It's amazing what stress relief a good bike ride or run can provide...
Exciting to hear about everyone's travels and upcoming adventures.
Happy Tuesday everyone
Beth- I read your post and my heart just broke for you. That was very NOT fair of him. That behavior of his is NOT an adult dealing with a difficult situation. You are strong and we are here for you. So tough. We all have stories, but what is mroe important is to know that we all survived and you will too- after many tears.
Linda- Gonna send an e-mail with my details/ answers.
Marianne- Thanks for sharing that post/ e-mail. Very uplifting even in that dire of a situation.
Tracy- Please stay safe and take care.
Nemo- How was the gait analysis?
Glad to report that life is a fine level of boring. Don't need any drama. But we are planning our vacation. 2 weeks off the coast of Costa Rica for scuba diving Cocos Island. Early June. IMMoo camp in July and IMMoo in September and all my vacation time is GONE. But it will be worth it.
Suzanne - I made a google doc on how to pimp your sig file: I don't know if you still need to hard code formatting, but the screen shots should direct you to where to do the changing.
Annabelle is the cutest puppy ever. That bath shot is priceless!
I've acquired a new apartment (thank heavens for big cities and all their subletting) that is pretty and conviently near Trotter's to Go and my favorite indie video store. Also? Killer back porch. I'm thinking hammock and tomatoes.
What are these questions that everyone is answering...I'm waaaaay out of the loop. Must be because I'm in transition week. Uh huh! That's right! It feels so decadent....
OK, I don't have much time but I did want to check in and see pics, catch up, and give you a quick update. The gait analysis at UVA went really well. That is to say, I'm a total mess and my stride is causing lots of problems, but at least now I know what I need to do and I have a plan. The best news is that Jay told me that it's absolutely my running form that is causing my calf issues and not the bike. So I'm totally cleared to hop back on Calvin and RIDE!! I can't tell you how happy that made me!
I'm gonna give a full report in my "Another Calf Issue" thread in the Med forum later tonight- so look for that if you want the details. I have a lot of work to do before I'm cleared to run. At this point, I think just finishing IMoo will be a good goal for this year. And I really really need to thank all of you- and the whole Cowgirl Mojo thing for keeping me going. Honestly, if I were not part of this group and just signed up for an IM on my own- I'm pretty sure I'd have thrown in the towel and given up on even bothering to train for an Ironman this year. But the opportunity to train and race with you ladies this year is what is keeping me going!
OK- gotta get back to work. I'm WAAAAAAAY behind!
Beth- Congrats on a space of your own. Some of my earliest vegetable gardens were done on the decks of apts! I am currently planning the 2010 garden. Seed catalogs help get me through Jan-Feb!
Olivia- I know you must be reveling in being through with the OS. You did it!!
Tracy- Be safe down there. One of my guys is leaving this weekend for the next week. I am thinking lotsa regional and ketamine are in order!
To all, thanks for your kind words about A'Belle, she is just edible. We had a rough night last night though, for all of you that want puppies, read here
. We went to the Vet yesterday and got "dewormed".
It obviously upset her tummy badly. She was frantic, crying loudly, outside a gazillion times and then messed her crate (my fault). Anyway, a long, sleepless night. All is well today though except for a tired Momma.
It is Feb 2 and I am getting my arse in gear or else!! Got in a good pain cave ride this morning and brick run. IMMOO will be here before I know it.
@G--you've done this puppy raising enough to know way better than I, but in case the memories have faded...I found those first few months VERY hard. Exhausting. It drove me nutz--you'll worry, you'll fret, she'll chew, semi-emergency vet visits, poops and more poops, accidents, etc. etc. Then, voila, 7-8 months came around, and it's like a new world! You know the drill! Also... get the motivatin going, read or listen to Born to Run. It's SO good. You'll love it and it will fire you up. I got the Book on CD from the Library and I listen mostly in the car. Not only a good story, but great for the mental piece too. Love--L
M- Thanks for sharing message- yes, very inspiring.
Gina- yes, planning lots of regional. Heard ketamine is latest drug on back order, so last week when getting supplies together, were told we could not get and take out of country.
Got a text from one of the girls that went to haiti- Their 1st day, barely set up they did 18 cases, the people were great and was glad she went. Got a call today, would I be able to leave Thursday instead of Fri or sat. So it could be now thurs. GULP

Beth- glad you found a new pad. Yum, tomatoes. I remember a friend of mine had a great race year after a bad break up. Chanel that anger/ frustration/hurt
Linda- agree on the Born to Run, great motivating book. Could read again. Just can't wait to run
Nemo-glad gait analysis provided answers, and you can bike. Will read your report. Definitely need to get down there. Pm me if you can and let me know which level service you got. I saw there are 3 diffierent levels of analysis
gotta go
WOW - i have gotten so far behind! I've been trying to keep up reading what everyone is up to, but just haven't been able to respond. Sorry to those I miss
Kris - I wanted soooooo badly to be doing that race on Saturday!! But, the Boy Scouts decided to schedule Pinewood Derby that day so it's not to be this year. I can't wait to hear about it though. I wish we had some good running trails here. My ankles are in jeopardy everytime I use those rutted up horse trails, but I don't have much other choice. The more I run on the road the more my body objects - I definitley see trail running in my future if I want to keep running, but I may have to move to get that accomplished.
Beth - I am really sorry to hear your news, especially since you were totally blindsided. Men are such strange creatures - I should know I live w/ 3 of them!!
. I will NEVER figure out how they can be so damn silent and inside their heads and then pop up with something totally different from what I figure they are thinking. I do know though that when that stuff happens I have a tendency to take it persaonlly and generally find out it has little or nothing to do with me or anything I have done. I guess I am trying to say I hope you are not beating yourself up at all. I am glad you found a place and being back downtown should certainly have it's perks. If the spirit ever moves you bring Dash and come for a visit in KY! We've got some great riding and while the weather in the spring is dicey sometimes it has to be better than Chicago's a little earlier on. I mean that - about the visit 
Gina - Anabelle is too cute and love all the pictures. What a smart girl to get that dog door figured out so soon! Sorry about the sleepless night. I hope her little belly is better today. I feel your pain - you couldn't talk me into another puppy right now even if it you said you'd give me a really sweet tri bike
. Esther is finally getting a lot easier and she is 41/2 months old now. I just got the electric fence repaired today so "we" are ready to start on the project of training her to it - sadly that means me keeping her on a leash in the yard for the next week or so. So much for kicking her out the door in the AM when it's cold and dark. 
Nemo - I really, really wish I oculd do something like that gait analysis. I'm afraid my dance card is more than full for the year though and I'm trying to work in the SE Rally now too. I will be waaaayyyyyy deep in the SAU hole by the end of the year. I hope it gets your calf issues ironed out once and for all. How did you like Charlottesville, where did you stay and more importantly where did you eat?! You know me - I am always looking for the FOOD REPORT!
As far as the vibe in the Women's Forum, well it's one of the biggest if not THE biggest reason I chose to pony up the membership fee rather than just buy a plan and I'm so glad I did!!! I'm like so many others and have a hard time articulating (especially in writing) what makes it so special. I do much better expressing myself verbally, but it takes a REALLY long time
I love so much what Dana said though and everyone else that has chimed in.
Gotta go get dinner on and hope to check back in later on some of the other threads I have lost track of.
My 3rd Lab was named was "Idgie" after Imogene Louise Threadgood!!
Linda- I will pick up "Born to Run" tomorrow
Sheryl- How is your pups face?
Tracy- My Dad always used to ask, "What are you giving back?". You are the kind of person he would have been proud to know.
Robin- It is this mix of wanting her to stay young and yummy, but wanting her to be easy like Indie is.
Dana- I loved what you said about the whole EN karma. You espoused much of what I feel about being a part of this.
LMAO about the Fried Green Tomatoes references. One of my favorite movies of all time! If anyone has easy recommendations for how to grow veggies in tubs, lemme know. I have some limited outdoor space that gets enough sun and always want to experiment, but then I get overwhelmed with how much I don't know and give up before ever starting.
Ladies, help. I'm trying to get better about the bricks, especially the ones in the middle of the week. I have zero problem doing the bike work but deciding to do the run is always tough. The issues are:
1. In the cold weather I'm loathe to be outside when I'm soaking wet from the bike. I also hate the time and effort it takes to bundle up.
2. Tacking on the run usually pushes me into running-late-for-work territory. I'm trying to set my alarm 15 minutes earlier to counter this.
3. I'm not really sure how important the run is in the first place, especially the ones that are only 15-20 minutes long.
4. See #1-3 - I get into this ROI loop where I debate whether it's worth the time and effort and running late to fit in a baby run?
5. This might seem silly, but it's a big issue for me: Location. I live near the corner of a major intersection. I'm "stuck" there because the sidewalk on my side of the road heading away from the intersection dead ends at my complex. I'm also at the top of a big hill. For short runs I often resort to doing a five minute loop that takes me through my parking lot and the neighboring apartment complex's lot. This way I don't have to cross a road. As a long-time swimmer, I think I'm more tolerant of laps than most people but it really gets old. The alternatives are 1) crossing the intersection to run laps around another block, or 2) heading doooooown the hill toward the park where I do my long runs. #2 is a sucky option because the brick runs aren't long enough for me to ever really reach the park and then I have run aaaaaallll the way back up the hill, virtually killing any z3 pace. Since we're all friends here, I'll also admit that I have history of GI issues while running and staying close to home or bathrooms is important - and the mild anxiety about where I run and how that experience will be, GI-wise, is sometimes a factor in deciding that the brick run is too much of a bother.
So the solutions I'm going to try are:
1. Suck it up and stop viewing the brick run as optional.
2. Suck it up, cross the intersection, and run laps around a new block.
3. Negate the location issue by getting in the car and driving to the gym to run on the treadmill.
4. Wake up earlier, especially if I'm trying option #3.
Any other words of advice or potential solutions? Things that have worked for you? I'm also willing to take some kicks in the pants about what I baby I'm being, so bring 'em on.
Rock on!