Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

January OS Week 2



  • Got to ride outside today with some of the guys I work with which was good because most of them are faster then I am.  Nice to feel a little pressure to perform to keep up with the guys.   I did do my turn at the front in the bars for my interval sets and managed to split the group.

    Entire workout (167 watts):

    Duration: 2:42:14 (2:46:12)
    Work: 1626 kJ
    TSS: 231.8 (intensity factor 0.926)
    Norm Power: 192
    VI: 1.15
    Pw:HR: 100%
    Pa:HR: 100%
    Distance: 48.533 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 446 167 watts
    Heart Rate: 66 133 114 bpm
    Cadence: 30 156 72 rpm
    Speed: 2.2 26.8 18.0 mph
    Pace 2:14 26:49 3:20 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 0 896 198 lb-in

  • 1.  would you rather live in a seclusion or live somewhere where you could never be alone?  never be alone

    2.  would you rather fly or be inviisible? FLY - or fly on a bike to be more correct

    3.  would you rather be a big bird or Elmo?  Elmo- he makes folks laugh

    4.  Would you rather shave your head permanently or tattoo your face? Just could pick on this one... maybe tattoo my face if it could be like permaent eyeliner kinda thing

    5.  would you rather be the smartest person in the world but the ugliest or the most attractive but the dumbest Ok - If I was smart, I'd know I was ugly, If I'm dumb, i wouldn't care either way

    6.  Would you rather be stuck in  a Star Trek conversation or look like a rat?  Star Trek

    7.  would you rather be in prison for a month or a medical hospital   Hospital

    8.  would you rather have no elbows or have no knees? no elbows= no more dry rough patches - yah

    9.  would you rather end the world hunger or have world peace?  World hunger- if we were all well fed, we'd be content and napping all the time- how could that not be peaceful

    10.  Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or in out space  Underwater- don't like heights so breathing in space... way too far off the ground

    11>  bonus, this one is horrible... would you rather be bald or have size 16 feet?  size 16- European sizing - he he he


    Sorry folks- late to the dance this week.  I've been slowly wadding back into the OS scene.  Ran from 2 weeks post IM till last week with little to no swimming or bike.  I'm not sure the bike has forgiven me yet- think it bit me in the butt last week- a bit sore after riding

    [script removed]


    @John- seriously dude- that is like one of my reoccurring nightmares... I'm running along singing with my music on the treadmill when all of the sudden .... zzziiiipppp...I get sucked into the belt and flip around like George Jetson (help Jane!!)  Did drop my MP3 (back in the day where they weighed a ton) it bounced off and landed in the next row.  Waited a few mins before I discretly slithered off my treadmill and retrieved it. 

  • Legs were heavy today after yesterdays ride, but managed to 'gitter done':

    1/2 mi @ z4:
    Duration: 3:45
    Work: n/a
    rTSS: 6.8 (1.028)
    NGP: 7:19 (220.2 m/min)
    VI: n/a
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: 2.77%
    Distance: 0.5 mi
    Elevation Gain: 10 ft
    Elevation Loss: 0 ft
    Grade: 0.4 % (12 ft)
    Min Max Avg
    Heart Rate: 149 166 163 bpm
    Speed: 7 8.6 7.9 mph
    Pace 6:57 8:37 7:33 min/mi
    Altitude: 72 90 83 ft

    Duration: 3:46
    Work: n/a
    rTSS: 6.4 (0.99)
    NGP: 7:36 (211.9 m/min)
    VI: n/a
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: 1.31%
    Distance: 0.499 mi
    Elevation Gain: 0 ft
    Elevation Loss: 0 ft
    Grade: -0.1 % (-4 ft)
    Min Max Avg
    Heart Rate: 147 164 161 bpm
    Speed: 7.4 8.5 7.9 mph
    Pace 7:03 8:07 7:36 min/mi
    Altitude: 73 79 77 ft

    Duration: 3:50
    Work: n/a
    rTSS: 6.3 (0.975)
    NGP: 7:43 (208.7 m/min)
    VI: n/a
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: -2.64%
    Distance: 0.501 mi
    Elevation Gain: 0 ft
    Elevation Loss: 0 ft
    Grade: -0.0 % (-1 ft)
    Min Max Avg
    Heart Rate: 155 167 163 bpm
    Speed: 6.7 8.8 7.8 mph
    Pace 6:48 8:56 7:43 min/mi
    Altitude: 70 77 74 ft

    1 mi @ z4:
    Duration: 7:30
    Work: n/a
    rTSS: 13.5 (1.013)
    NGP: 7:25 (217.0 m/min)
    VI: n/a
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: 0.91%
    Distance: 1 mi
    Elevation Gain: 10 ft
    Elevation Loss: 0 ft
    Grade: 0.3 % (14 ft)
    Min Max Avg
    Heart Rate: 147 173 169 bpm
    Speed: 6.4 8.8 7.9 mph
    Pace 6:48 9:22 7:34 min/mi
    Altitude: 72 86 80 ft

    Duration: 7:34
    Work: n/a
    rTSS: 13.2 (0.997)
    NGP: 7:32 (213.4 m/min)
    VI: n/a
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: 4.13%
    Distance: 1 mi
    Elevation Gain: 10 ft
    Elevation Loss: 11 ft
    Grade: -0.0 % (-1 ft)
    Min Max Avg
    Heart Rate: 157 174 172 bpm
    Speed: 3.7 8.5 7.9 mph
    Pace 7:03 16:06 7:34 min/mi
    Altitude: 62 81 71 ft
  • Yesterday I did a quick ride today on the trainer. I did 4 spinups and a 2x8' (176 watts, 175 watts). It was a little lighter than I should have been on the intensity scale--only 92% vs target of 95% to 100%. I still don't feel it on the bike yet.

    Good run today.

    I did four strides (5:55, 5:27, 5:20, 5:17), 1/2 mile (8:24) and 2x1 mile (8:13, 7:59). My pacing on the second mile seemed to be a little faster than I should have gone. I love running Sunday morning. There are a bunch of soccer players out on the field at the track I run at. It is fun to watch them. A couple of them yell and scream at each other. It is funny--one of them was yelling at a buddy today "You don't understand soccer, you need short passes and your not hitting the cross." It is just a pick-up game, but watching it helps to take my mind off the run.

    My hip was bothering me a little after the run. My endurance and speed is coming back. Good stuff.
  • My run today was 3X1/2 mile (5:14,:5:16; 5:15) and 1X1 @ 10:31 for 42' total time with WU and CD. 

    I did not run during the 3' rest to shorten up the workout on my feet and knees.  I could feel some effects of 3 runs this week and in particular the longer Tuesday run.  It's several hours after and the 10' or so I took off the run is a good thing.


  • Has anyone experienced sharp pain on the inside of their elbow? This is kind of weird. I have never had a problem before. It started to flare up yesterday when I was playing video games with the kids. Probably the least strenuous activity I could imagine. I'm not sure if this is related to sitting my elbows on aerobars and I am curious if anyone else has had a similar problem.
  • Did the weekend ride today best ride in the OS thus far didn't take any break on the 2x15 and just put the two sets together. I missed the 25 minute EZ run from tuesday so I took my dog out for a 25 minute run in town w/ yak trax on. First time outside since I don't know when. I was having doubts about my vDot test thinking it was a little faster than I could do outside and my footpod calibration was bad so after running the first two miles I ran at what felt like my TP on the treadmill/footpod and was w/ in 7 seconds of that time. So the footpod might or might not be off, I guess it really doesn't matter for the time being, efforts w/ it are repeatable it's functional.
    I've got an extra crappy week of work including 2x48 hour shifts, this week was pretty crappy too as working hours went. I cant' complain too much though I get to exercise at work.

    Power-Tap #1:
    Duration: 10:04
    Work: 176 kJ
    TSS: 17 (intensity factor 1.006)
    Norm Power: 292
    VI: 1
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 5.42 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 192 417 291 watts
    Cadence: 88 182 97 rpm
    Speed: 30.8 37.1 32.2 mph
    Pace 1:37 1:57 1:52 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 118 374 255 lb-in

    Power-Tap #3:
    Duration: 10:02
    Work: 182 kJ
    TSS: 18.2 (intensity factor 1.043)
    Norm Power: 302
    VI: 1
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 5.428 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 129 405 302 watts
    Cadence: 74 156 96 rpm
    Speed: 25.6 34.2 32.4 mph
    Pace 1:45 2:21 1:51 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 121 373 267 lb-in

    Power-Tap #5:
    Duration: 30:12 (30:14)
    Work: 435 kJ
    TSS: 35.1 (intensity factor 0.835)
    Norm Power: 242
    VI: 1.01
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 15.412 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 422 240 watts
    Cadence: 33 156 91 rpm
    Speed: 3.9 35.6 30.7 mph
    Pace 1:41 15:20 1:57 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 0 883 225 lb-in

  • Love the dog theme at the beginning of the thread. I'll have to figure out how to post pics of my running partners, weimaraners Sophie and Savana.

    I have to confess, that the first day of the OS, I could not focus through my FTP test ... after 20 minutes, I bailed, and used 95% of that number for the first two weeks of the training plan. (FTP est. of 250, versus peak of 312 before IMCanada 2008.) The good news is I actually got back to trainer discipline, and have hit all the workouts.

    Today, I got a chance to do a new FTP test at Vision Quest - 24 computrainers, group test - YEAH!  Protocol was close, with 40 minutes straight through, on a rolling course. It was a bit tough to maintain power on the descents, but I tried to channel my best EN mojo, and ended up hitting 263 Pavg / 264 Pnorm for the test!!


    Duration: 39:54 (39:56)

    Work: 629 kJ

    TSS: 66.5 (intensity factor 1)

    Norm Power: 264

    VI: 1

    Pw:HR: -0.11%

    Pa:HR: -10.54%

    Distance: 13.19 mi

                                      Min     Max     Avg    


     Power:            176    352     263 watts 

    Heart Rate:     164    189   177 bpm

    Cadence:          65    111     82 rpm

    Speed:              13   28.5   19.9 mph      

  • Posted By Tom Scroggins on 17 Jan 2010 06:47 PM

    Has anyone experienced sharp pain on the inside of their elbow? This is kind of weird. I have never had a problem before. It started to flare up yesterday when I was playing video games with the kids. Probably the least strenuous activity I could imagine. I'm not sure if this is related to sitting my elbows on aerobars and I am curious if anyone else has had a similar problem.

    I got this from poor technique swimming last year. But yours sounds like a wrist flexion thing from the video game controller.

  • The advice everyone had on the power for the ride was great.  My 2x10's looked much better this week.  Just in my head I like it much better being right at my FTP vs. at the bottom of the range.

     Power-Tap #1:

        Duration:      10:05

        Work:          136 kJ

        TSS:           17 (intensity factor 1.006)

        Norm Power:    225

        VI:            1

        Pw:HR:          6.19%

        Pa:HR:          4.69%

        Distance:      3.296 mi

            Min    Max    Avg

        Power:           184    266    225     watts

        Heart Rate:      126    166    158     bpm

        Cadence:         77    84    80     rpm

        Speed:           19    20.2    19.6     mph

        Pace             2:58    3:09    3:04     min/mi

        Crank Torque:    196    277    238     lb-in

    Power-Tap #3:

        Duration:      10:10

        Work:          140 kJ

        TSS:           17.9 (intensity factor 1.027)

        Norm Power:    230

        VI:            1

        Pw:HR:          4.98%

        Pa:HR:          3.52%

        Distance:      3.37 mi

            Min    Max    Avg

        Power:           137    272    230     watts

        Heart Rate:      142    171    166     bpm

        Cadence:         75    85    81     rpm

        Speed:           18.1    20.4    19.8     mph

        Pace             2:56    3:18    3:01     min/mi

        Crank Torque:    150    285    240     lb-in

    Power-Tap #5:

        Duration:      15:08

        Work:          173 kJ

        TSS:           18.3 (intensity factor 0.851)

        Norm Power:    191

        VI:            1

        Pw:HR:          2.41%

        Pa:HR:          1.64%

        Distance:      4.635 mi

            Min    Max    Avg

        Power:           139    245    191     watts

        Heart Rate:      140    163    157     bpm

        Cadence:         80    88    84     rpm

        Speed:           16.7    19    18.3     mph

        Pace             3:09    3:35    3:16     min/mi

        Crank Torque:    138    243    192     lb-in

    Power-Tap #7:

        Duration:      15:24

        Work:          179 kJ

        TSS:           19.2 (intensity factor 0.865)

        Norm Power:    194

        VI:            1

        Pw:HR:          2.13%

        Pa:HR:          2.32%

        Distance:      4.794 mi

            Min    Max    Avg

        Power:           148    246    194     watts

        Heart Rate:      146    169    161     bpm

        Cadence:         67    90    85     rpm

        Speed:           18    19.6    18.6     mph

        Pace             3:04    3:20    3:13     min/mi

        Crank Torque:    145    244    193     lb-in


  • Posted By Al Truscott on 17 Jan 2010 11:31 PM
    Posted By Tom Scroggins on 17 Jan 2010 06:47 PM

    Has anyone experienced sharp pain on the inside of their elbow? This is kind of weird. I have never had a problem before. It started to flare up yesterday when I was playing video games with the kids. Probably the least strenuous activity I could imagine. I'm not sure if this is related to sitting my elbows on aerobars and I am curious if anyone else has had a similar problem.

    I got this from poor technique swimming last year. But yours sounds like a wrist flexion thing from the video game controller.

    LMAO- A whole new set of injuries to worry about.  Do you play much Guitar Hero?  Maybe you need lessons on how to hold the guitar?


  • Posted By Nemo Brauch on 18 Jan 2010 10:13 AM
    Posted By Al Truscott on 17 Jan 2010 11:31 PM
    Posted By Tom Scroggins on 17 Jan 2010 06:47 PM

    Has anyone experienced sharp pain on the inside of their elbow? This is kind of weird. I have never had a problem before. It started to flare up yesterday when I was playing video games with the kids. Probably the least strenuous activity I could imagine. I'm not sure if this is related to sitting my elbows on aerobars and I am curious if anyone else has had a similar problem.

    I got this from poor technique swimming last year. But yours sounds like a wrist flexion thing from the video game controller.

    LMAO- A whole new set of injuries to worry about.  Do you play much Guitar Hero?  Maybe you need lessons on how to hold the guitar?


    This was more like a marathon session of New Super Mario Bros.Wii.  It was pleny of fun, but my elbow is pretty stiff.  I would actually understand it more if it was Guitar Hero.  That seems like your arm moves more.  This was more like a firm grip on the controller through stressful stage after stressful stage of conquering the game!  This is what happens when you don't have huge workouts occupying your time...

  • OK - What's with the swimming talk out here? Do some of the OS plans have swimming in them now, or are you a bunch of renegades?

    For the survey questions (sorry I'm late ...)

    Ok, I'll play....

    1.  would you rather live in a seclusion or live somewhere where you could never be alone?  (Seclusion ... but it would be tough!)

    2.  would you rather fly or be inviisible? (Fly - Duh!)

    3.  would you rather be a big bird or Elmo?  (Elmo-although I'm a bit disconnected from the Sesame Street crowd, and all other kiddie characters. My kids are 19 and 20, and no grandkids on the near-term horizon, I hope!)

    4.  Would you rather shave your head permanently or tattoo your face?  (Shaved head - I saw Mike Tyson at the Golden Globes last night, and even though he was an idiot before, he looks like even more of an idiot with the tattooed face!)

    5.  would you rather be the smartest person in the world but the ugliest or the most attractive but the dumbest (smartest ...)

    6.  Would you rather be stuck in  a Star Trek conversation or look like a rat?  (Star Trek)

    7.  would you rather be in prison for a month or a medical hospital (Medical Hospital - I don't think the prison treatment would be good!)

    8.  would you rather have no elbows or have no knees? (No elbows)

    9.  would you rather end the world hunger or have world peace?  (world peace-no brainer)

    10.  Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or in out space (underwater - Immediate aplicability)

     11>  bonus, this one is horrible... would you rather be bald or have size 16 feet? (Bald...except the big feet might make them like flippers.)

    BTW - Is this a Chicka quiz?  SOme of the questions have more harsh implications for our fair maidens!

  • Mike:

    Good to have you along my friend.  There is a swim hack this year so you can swim if you want on Monday or Friday.


  • I lose SAUs if I don't go to the Y with DW on Thurs and Sun!
  • Thought I would share this. I saw a bumper sticker today that reminded me of our quiz... It simply said "Visualize Whirled Peas" There might be a connection to our nutrition in there.
  • Posted By Ralph Butler on 16 Jan 2010 05:23 PM

    Got to ride outside today with some of the guys I work with which was good because most of them are faster then I am.  Nice to feel a little pressure to perform to keep up with the guys.   I did do my turn at the front in the bars for my interval sets and managed to split the group.

    Duration: 2:42:14 (2:46:12)

    Work: 1626 kJ

    TSS: 231.8 (intensity factor 0.926)

    Norm Power: 192

    VI: 1.15

    Pw:HR: 100%

    Pa:HR: 100%

    Distance: 48.533 mi

    Min Max Avg

    Power: 0 446 167 watts

    Heart Rate: 66 133 114 bpm

    Cadence: 30 156 72 rpm

    Speed: 2.2 26.8 18.0 mph

    Pace 2:14 26:49 3:20 min/mi

    Crank Torque: 0 896 198 lb-in



    Entire workout (167 watts):


    I may have missed it but when I saw this data the other day I was waiting for Nemo or someone to chime in.


    2:42 ride @ .926 IF?  Uh, someone needs to retake his FT test.    I am sensing some sandbagging.    That is just fooking crazy talk. 


  • Posted By John Stark on 19 Jan 2010 12:30 AM

    I may have missed it but when I saw this data the other day I was waiting for Nemo or someone to chime in.


    2:42 ride @ .926 IF?  Uh, someone needs to retake his FT test.    I am sensing some sandbagging.    That is just fooking crazy talk. 


    WHOA!  Yeah, I missed that one too.  I'd agree, new FTP is on the horizon!!!


    Mike- I swim because I can't bike or run right now.  Calling myself a Jan OSer right now is a bit of a stretch, but I can't give up!

  • Posted By Nemo Brauch on 19 Jan 2010 11:02 AM
    Posted By John Stark on 19 Jan 2010 12:30 AM

    I may have missed it but when I saw this data the other day I was waiting for Nemo or someone to chime in.


    2:42 ride @ .926 IF?  Uh, someone needs to retake his FT test.    I am sensing some sandbagging.    That is just fooking crazy talk. 


    WHOA!  Yeah, I missed that one too.  I'd agree, new FTP is on the horizon!!!


    Mike- I swim because I can't bike or run right now.  Calling myself a Jan OSer right now is a bit of a stretch, but I can't give up!

    Nemo never gives up! That is why you ROCK!    And just so Ralph knows, I was just playing around with my comments.  That is a kick ass bike and you should be proud.  Only question I have is did you Pull A Stark after? 


  • Why am i posting in wk 2? After discussing with Coach P where I was, where I wanted to go, and my lack of consistency, we decided to hit the reset button and start OS over. Get a good OS in, then transition to the 1/2 IM plan for my A race in September.

    I've really struggled with consistency, so I'm going to start posting my WODs here for my Jan OSer to see. Whether anyone comments or not, I dont care. It just helps me to be more accountable to someone. Feedback appreciated, but not required. Here goes...

    Duration: 1:00:46
    Work: 511 kJ
    TSS: 69.4 (intensity factor 0.831)
    Norm Power: 150
    VI: 1.07
    Pw:HR: 18.16%
    Pa:HR: 12.28%
    Distance: 14.985 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 276 140 watts
    Heart Rate: 98 165 149 bpm
    Cadence: 31 119 82 rpm
    Speed: 2.4 19.1 14.9 mph
    Pace 3:09 24:46 4:02 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 0 389 144 lb-in

    Int 1:
    Duration: 6:06
    Work: 66 kJ
    TSS: 10.3 (intensity factor 1.006)
    Norm Power: 181
    VI: 1
    Pw:HR: 5.5%
    Pa:HR: 8.11%
    Distance: 1.674 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 1 214 182 watts
    Heart Rate: 123 151 144 bpm
    Cadence: 75 90 80 rpm
    Speed: 7.4 17.7 16.4 mph
    Pace 3:23 8:07 3:40 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 0 222 191 lb-in
    Int 2:
    Duration: 6:00
    Work: 63 kJ
    TSS: 9.5 (intensity factor 0.975)
    Norm Power: 176
    VI: 0.99
    Pw:HR: 2.69%
    Pa:HR: 3.95%
    Distance: 1.605 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 136 207 177 watts
    Heart Rate: 138 161 153 bpm
    Cadence: 75 93 82 rpm
    Speed: 14.7 17.1 16.0 mph
    Pace 3:31 4:04 3:44 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 131 224 182 lb-in
    Int 3:
    Duration: 6:03
    Work: 64 kJ
    TSS: 9.6 (intensity factor 0.975)
    Norm Power: 175
    VI: 1
    Pw:HR: 4.9%
    Pa:HR: 4.43%
    Distance: 1.651 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 224 176 watts
    Heart Rate: 141 165 159 bpm
    Cadence: 76 94 80 rpm
    Speed: 6.6 19.1 16.3 mph
    Pace 3:09 9:07 3:41 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 0 243 186 lb-in
    Z3 work:
    Duration: 25:07
    Work: 210 kJ
    TSS: 25.4 (intensity factor 0.78)
    Norm Power: 140
    VI: 1
    Pw:HR: 2.21%
    Pa:HR: 2.42%
    Distance: 6.207 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 276 140 watts
    Heart Rate: 140 163 157 bpm
    Cadence: 31 110 83 rpm
    Speed: 2.4 17 14.8 mph
    Pace 3:31 24:46 4:03 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 0 389 141 lb-in
    + Tran Run

  • Andy - Welcome Back; we're watching you!

  • Hey Andy! You can run (and bike and swim), but you can't hide! Workout looks solid.
  •  Good for you. Never give up!

  • Andy - Keep posting - we'll keep you accountable! Way to get back at it.
  • Great job Andy! I did a "restart" too and I'm just 2 weeks ahead of you! We'll keep each other honest!
  • Thanks everyone. Running today at lunch. Back later to report
  • 5 x 1/2 m + Z3 time
    total: 54:45
    Pace (dreadmill) 4:08, 4:03, 4:03, 4:03, 3:54
  • Glad to see you keeping on keeping on. Consistency is tough. Good job.
  • Back for more...thanks for all the support
    Duration: 6:04
    Work: 65 kJ
    TSS: 10.1 (intensity factor 1)
    Norm Power: 180
    VI: 1
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 1.657 mi

    Duration: 6:00
    Work: 64 kJ
    TSS: 9.8 (intensity factor 0.989)
    Norm Power: 178
    VI: 0.99
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 1.688 mi

    Entire workout (133 watts):
    Duration: 53:24
    Work: 427 kJ
    TSS: 56.9 (intensity factor 0.803)
    Norm Power: 145
    VI: 1.08
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