Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

January OS Week 2



  • Nice job Andrew- you nailed it!
  • Finising week 2...
    Sat - Missed my ride. It was my daughter's 1st birthday, and I was overly busy running errands. I'll try to post a pic (if I can figure it out)

    I know, I'm due 10 lashes for missing a WOD.

    Sun - dreadmill....3x1/2 mile (4:03 each) and 1x1m (8:08)....

    Overall, despite missing Sat, it was a good week. Thanks for the support everyone
  • Andy,

    Feel free to keep posting in your current week but I'd mightsuggest just posting in the week 9 thread.  There are already beginner, intermediate and advance workouts being posted.  Not to mention guys like me with week 9 runs and I post some week 18 bike stuff as I started in the November OS for cycling.

    Good job on the workouts and no shame in missing a workout for a 1st birthday.


  • What Gordon said! I'm doing "week 5" this week but I post with the rest of the Jan Peeps in whatever week it is for them. It all works out in the end. And I totally agree- a 1st B-day is something that certainly takes priority- don't sweat it!
  • Ok, wasnt sure of protocol....i'll change my posts starting today (post ride)
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