I will drive up WED before race, 12 hour drive puts me there WED night and staying at Residence Inn, 7 miles away but it does have a kitchen. Husband to be there Sat = monday and is flying in. I will leave Monday after finisher lunch. That way I can Gatorade swim Thur morning, ride part of the tricky spots on Thursday register, and for sure drive it... go to EN dinner Thu night, Friday, swim and then go ride a hill that I need some mental confidence on, banquet, Saturday bike check in and pick up husband, then late lunch/early dinner and together we will drive the course as he likes to see it....Sunday race, Monday finisher's tent and lunch and then drive home. m
I'll be volunteering at IMWI registration on Thursday afternoon from 1-5pm. Hope to see you ALL there! Of course, you'll also be seeing me on Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon as well...
so, I just got back from a fabulous dinner with Kate and Nemo... Nemo visited Alexandria to train this weekend (unfortunately I wasn't able to join them for any rides...). They decided that I'm coming to IMWI to cheer/sherpa... LoL. I wasn't that difficult to convince since I've been thinking about it myself anyway (I want to sign up for 2011... and being there?volunteering will get me in line) - heck apparently they decided how I can stick to my IM training while taking the weekend off... renting a bike and riding and swimming Saturday. Running during the bike portion on Sunday, etc. Too perfect. Kate also informed me that there's a direct flight out of Reagan...
So, if I can make this work (I'm thinking, coming in Friday after work and staying through Monday to minimize time off)... would anyone have a spare bed, cot, or floor I could sleep on? I'm hoping I could catch a cab from the airport... so I wouldn't need to be carted around...
Hoping this will work, I think being a part of your special weekend will be a chance in a lifetime... and I want so much to meet you... put faces to names - you've all been so wonderful to me since I joined in December!
Becky I hope you work it out and come to IM MOO this year. Yup, you'll get your training in. Oh by the way if think you are going to be a slacker...I'll be in a rental car with a whistle telling you to "get your big girl pants on!" LOL!!!!
@Kate - how can I refuse such a great offer! LoL... seriously, I REALLY hope it works out! I just checked airfare and found some times that I think will get me there for the team dinner on Friday and give me enough time to be in line on Monday to register before going back to the airport...it would probably involve me missing 2 days of work, but I'll live (fortunately, come October I start accruing 6 hours of leave per pay period)... I have some time off awards in the bank that will help ... anyway, I digress. Airfare is not bad at all! When is the team dinner on Friday (I'm hoping/thinking it's Fri for the race Sun)? I'd love to be there for that.
My training thought would be do my Sun long ride on Th morning if at all possible (my telework day) instead of my run. I'll do whatever the Fri workout is that morning before getting on a plane. On Sat, assuming the course will be marked and open, I'll do an OWS swim... followed by my normal Sat long ride (if I borrow or rent a bike)... Sunday while the athletes are riding I'll do my long run from Thursday which will get me done with plenty of time to get to mile 18 to see Rich in all of his glory and cheer for the chicas (oh, and other EN'ers)! I think it might work... provided I find a place to stay (help) and a bike (I have one lead, thanks, Michele...). If I have to, I'll do my Sat/Sun rides on Th/Fri before leaving which will just leave the OWS and run for the weekend and I'll be good... one way or the other, I think I can work out my training. Now I just have to make sure the BF won't leave me if I sign up for a 2011 IM. Fingers crossed!!!
I'm also driving up on Wed but thinking I'll spend the night around Chicago as only have room reserved Thur- Mon (stopping to visit a few clients on the way). Man- I'm not used to paying for a hotel an IM. Some big bucks there (hence the see if I can find somewhere cheaper Wed night). That will put me in early Thurs am and get all the admin stuff out of the way. Leaving Monday after breakfast, IM store, etc.
@M- I don't think they are doing gatorade practice swims this year. Lou isn't and it isn't on the tentative schedule. I'm attaching a copy of the tentative schedule in the IMWI forum in just a second.
@M- I don't think they are doing gatorade practice swims this year. Lou isn't and it isn't on the tentative schedule. I'm attaching a copy of the tentative schedule in the IMWI forum in just a second.
I was just looking @ ; that last night and wondering. I suppose it is a liability issue?
At CdA this year, I don't think they had the buoys up until race morning. They did have some very small white buoys marking the corners of the course, but nothing more than that.
I have a kayak that I'd love to paddle while you guys swim. Unfortunately I have an 8:30am appointment on Thurs morning, and I'm working all day Friday. So could either have someone else paddle the kayak for you, or get out there super early one of those mornings, or wait 'til Saturday.
Michele- that's so generous of you!!! If we could work it out to have you (or someone) out there w/ Kayak I'm sure it would make many of us feel a bit more at ease. Heck, I might be able to get Joe to paddle it for us if we can figure out a way to get it from you (we'll be in a rental car).
Howdy Cowgirls! We've got just 4 weeks left, and I want to be sure we know where the Posters are at this point (and to make sure they get to Madison for race week). I think Pam currently has Poster #1, but I've lost track of Poster #2. Anyone know where that one is? Who hasn't gotten it yet? Here is the last list I have:
Howdy Cowgirls! We've got just 4 weeks left, and I want to be sure we know where the Posters are at this point (and to make sure they get to Madison for race week). I think Pam currently has Poster #1, but I've lost track of Poster #2. Anyone know where that one is? Who hasn't gotten it yet? Here is the last list I have:
Poster 1
Gina & Su
Poster 2
I sent the poster to Sheryl I think April or May. She may still have it. She is not on here much. I'll check on it.
Pam- so bummed you won't be at the team dinner. It might make more sense to ship it to Michele M. since that way it will be in Madison for sure. Michele, do you mind?
Pam- I checked with Michele Moreno- she's cool with you shipping the poster to her and she'll be sure it gets to the dinner. Her addy is in the EN Chica Contact doc that Linda created for us:
Arkansas mafia hotel: heather & mom staying at Marriott across the street and I am staying at Residence Inn. James staying at doubletree. David at Residence Inn. russ at Marriott. Kristina at Doubletree. okay so I am 7 miles from race start, but DH has Marriott points so we normally stay in one of those and it has a kitchen. this is FYI. not sure if I should move to closer hotel... ? I will just drive to race start I guess. m
Pam- I checked with Michele Moreno- she's cool with you shipping the poster to her and she'll be sure it gets to the dinner. Her addy is in the EN Chica Contact doc that Linda created for us:
Looking forward to meeting everybody!! oh, my husband says to remind everybody that on race day I have my "game face" on and "not to take it personally!" .... ha! but I bet you will have yours on too! m
where did the little mt icon go to post pics,?? not sure
Oh my gosh you brought me the poster and I missed it
I'm so sorry. What a bummer.
Thank you for mailing it and please LMK what I do with it next.
so, I just got back from a fabulous dinner with Kate and Nemo... Nemo visited Alexandria to train this weekend (unfortunately I wasn't able to join them for any rides...). They decided that I'm coming to IMWI to cheer/sherpa... LoL. I wasn't that difficult to convince since I've been thinking about it myself anyway (I want to sign up for 2011... and being there?volunteering will get me in line) - heck apparently they decided how I can stick to my IM training while taking the weekend off... renting a bike and riding and swimming Saturday. Running during the bike portion on Sunday, etc. Too perfect. Kate also informed me that there's a direct flight out of Reagan...
So, if I can make this work (I'm thinking, coming in Friday after work and staying through Monday to minimize time off)... would anyone have a spare bed, cot, or floor I could sleep on? I'm hoping I could catch a cab from the airport... so I wouldn't need to be carted around...
Hoping this will work, I think being a part of your special weekend will be a chance in a lifetime... and I want so much to meet you... put faces to names - you've all been so wonderful to me since I joined in December!
@Kate - how can I refuse such a great offer! LoL... seriously, I REALLY hope it works out! I just checked airfare and found some times that I think will get me there for the team dinner on Friday and give me enough time to be in line on Monday to register before going back to the airport...it would probably involve me missing 2 days of work, but I'll live (fortunately, come October I start accruing 6 hours of leave per pay period)... I have some time off awards in the bank that will help ... anyway, I digress. Airfare is not bad at all! When is the team dinner on Friday (I'm hoping/thinking it's Fri for the race Sun)? I'd love to be there for that.
My training thought would be do my Sun long ride on Th morning if at all possible (my telework day) instead of my run. I'll do whatever the Fri workout is that morning before getting on a plane. On Sat, assuming the course will be marked and open, I'll do an OWS swim... followed by my normal Sat long ride (if I borrow or rent a bike)... Sunday while the athletes are riding I'll do my long run from Thursday which will get me done with plenty of time to get to mile 18 to see Rich in all of his glory and cheer for the chicas (oh, and other EN'ers)! I think it might work... provided I find a place to stay (help) and a bike (I have one lead, thanks, Michele...). If I have to, I'll do my Sat/Sun rides on Th/Fri before leaving which will just leave the OWS and run for the weekend and I'll be good... one way or the other, I think I can work out my training. Now I just have to make sure the BF won't leave me if I sign up for a 2011 IM.
Fingers crossed!!!
@M- I don't think they are doing gatorade practice swims this year. Lou isn't and it isn't on the tentative schedule. I'm attaching a copy of the tentative schedule in the IMWI forum in just a second.
We can always make our own swim, create our own vibe. Problem solved.
I sure hope I get to site on some buoys in advance. That really helps me.
I have a kayak that I'd love to paddle while you guys swim. Unfortunately I have an 8:30am appointment on Thurs morning, and I'm working all day Friday. So could either have someone else paddle the kayak for you, or get out there super early one of those mornings, or wait 'til Saturday.
Michele--who is your friend with the race wheel I can rent? I'm going to go with the HED that he has. Thanks!
Linda (and anyone else interested...), you can contact Pete at Rocket Bicycle Studio.
http://www.rocketbicyclestudio.com/ (click on "Do the Demo")
He has several different models of Hed and Reynolds wheels available.
Howdy Cowgirls! We've got just 4 weeks left, and I want to be sure we know where the Posters are at this point (and to make sure they get to Madison for race week). I think Pam currently has Poster #1, but I've lost track of Poster #2. Anyone know where that one is? Who hasn't gotten it yet? Here is the last list I have:
Poster 1
Gina & Su
Poster 2
I have poster but will not be at Team Din cuz I don't get to Madison until Friday. So should I mail it back to you? What is your address?
Talked with Sheryl today. She has poster and will be sending it to next person tomorrow or as soon as she can.
Bummer Pam---we will miss u
Thanks Kathy!
Pam- so bummed you won't be at the team dinner. It might make more sense to ship it to Michele M. since that way it will be in Madison for sure. Michele, do you mind?
Pam- I checked with Michele Moreno- she's cool with you shipping the poster to her and she'll be sure it gets to the dinner. Her addy is in the EN Chica Contact doc that Linda created for us:
Pam and I met up briefly on Friday evening, so I have the poster! Will bring it along to the Thursday dinner...
Two weeks from race day!
video Grace took of me post run, during stretching.... outside in my back yard.
Looking forward to meeting everybody!! oh, my husband says to remind everybody that on race day I have my "game face"
on and "not to take it personally!"
.... ha! but I bet you will have yours on too!
where did the little mt icon go to post pics,?? not sure