EN Cowgirl Mojo 4.0
OK, ladies, my poster moves on to Kitboo. I wish I could keep it indefinitely. I have LOVED looking at it in the cave. Only for you guys would I post pix of me:
1. First thing in the morning, make-up less.
2. In a jog bra
3. Sweating and soaking wet
Love you all! Thanks Nemo for being the heart and soul behind this. It's great to have it and look up at it for Chicka connection, not to mention motivation.
Before the workout. The poster lived on the wall in front of the bike near one of my two trusty fans.
After the workout, rolling it up so it can travel on.
Now for the pic problem. Hmmmm, I can get to the pic if I go to the url directly. Give me a sec and I'm gonna see if I can follow Beth's tutorial to get it in here.
<img src = "http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n15/Lpatch/LP_IMWIposter_small_before.jpg">
Oh= and Linda- YOU LOOK MARVELOUS!!!!!!
1. post pix
2. Is there PM?
3. Where is the box with all the "bold," "Ital"--all that stuff?
4. Where's DELETE!!!!
Also, I get totally lost trying to follow the threads with lots of posts. I have tried sorting this way and that, and just can't find the rhythm. The other on with "first unread" was so useful.
I know there's friction, I know we are working it out, and I'll be supportive. But how many times have we who have been here since day one had to learn, then re-learn how to navigate around here? It's a lot of time spent. Rant over. But worth it in the end.
I just sent it via PM through this forum (4.0). Let me know if you got it. If not, I can send it through FB.
just testing this forum...please ignore
My word Linda, you are totally cute and making me not want to post MY picture when the mojo comes my way....
I finally found this thread! And I am a late, late, late cowgirl, but here are pics. Nemo, this was a great idea.
Michele, poster is off to you. But you are off on vacation, yes? Send me your address and poster is all yours into the New Year.
Here's the link to the old thread. Are we missing anybody?
Poor Mac, my photographer and lighting director, is on the couch, tired from law school toil. I couldn't bear to disturb him. Here are self-portraits from the pain cave. Unfortunatley, no awesome ab shots, like Linda's. ;-)
Caption: Hi Ladies! This is what I look like post interval, with pain-cave hair. Saturday workouts are long!
Caption: More buff dude on poster; less Beth.
Caption: Here's the NBC docu-drama promo photo. "Here we follow the art school graduate and formerly last picked in gym class girl on her journey to Ironman." Switch to quote from Beth: "Yeah, I really sucked at dodgeball, but who knew then I would just really like to ride my bike fast?" And, greatest artistic influence on my triathlon training? Um, I would have to say Anselm Kiefer, because dude knows how to paint suffering. And more so, Linda Carter in her portrayal of Wonder Woman, because she knows how to kick butt."
p.s. I have a sekrit Cowgirl mojo project I will share soon. Stayed tuned. . .
"And, greatest artistic influence on my triathlon training? Um, I would have to say Anselm Kiefer, because dude knows how to paint suffering. And more so, Linda Carter in her portrayal of Wonder Woman, because she knows how to kick butt."
That is PERFECT!!!! Absolutely true for both. I love that sentiment, and will adopt it as part of my quote collection.
You look so pretty in those very cool pix.
okay I love this thread!!! okay so "Cowgirl" originally was captioned for the EN team of girls going to IMWI 2010, last count was about 13 of us, but I bet the number is growing! and Nemo was there in 2009 and got a poster of WI from an EN dude and came up with this idea of mailing the poster around and we would take a pic with poster in pain cave! and hence this thread was born.... to date, this will be the largest showing of EN chicks at one Ironman!
However, we support all other races and ALL other EN chicks, why chicks in general!!! (and did you know that when you use punctuation it goes back to original size and font, very annoying... but I digress!)
we have many other IM races and chickas going to those!! and in the 3.0 forum knew who was doing what.... but now we are in 4.0 forum so apologies out there to you for "losing" any of you!! you know how a group of girls are talking and you just know that you are missing the first part of the conversation??? well hopefully now you are "caught up"!!! m
As for the signature thing, Beth made a great google doc about it :
As for the EN Cowgirl graphic, I think it's somewhere on this thread: http://endurancenation.us.dnnmax.co...fault.aspx
Welcome back to the haus Michele
CONGRATULATIONS! on your 5k win!!!! It is so fun to win something, especially a race!! Oh and where did you go on vaca??
Welcome to the haus Pam
After Cali rolled in poop on our walk in the woods today, we were close enough to home for Keith to walk her rather than mess up the car. I took the path back to the car by myself. It was sunny and beautiful. The naked tree branches were making an arbor all the way down. The red berries on some of the bushes where like Xmas lights in the dappled sun. I stopped and just stood there. I was quiet and content. Then the question came to me.
Do I really want to do Ironman Wisconsin?
The breeze was blowing, and seemingly on it came just a quiet "yes." A 100% yes. No "hell yeah," no "you'll rock it, baby," IOW no bravado. It was just sure and very reassuring. It was a lovely moment I wanted to share. I hope to remember and hang on to that as the year moves ahead and we all get ready.
OMW...don't you love those wonderful moments?
Besides...aren't you supposed to help me when ride bike through the biker bar??? I'm gonna need help!!!
Very cool...so I'm an EN Cowgirl 2010. This will be my 4th IM Moo. After a super PR showing in 2008 I said I was done with IMs (5) especially WIS. But a funny thing happened after watching it this year and seeing the next night that it was still open. Hmmmm. Should I do it I ask hubby hoping and thinking he'd say no. Oops. Then 2 weeks later they announce IM 70.3 Miami. Oct 30 2010. OOps. So we in for big fun this year. Okay well I will come back to this forum over the weekend and learn more about the Cowchica thing and how I get a signature.
I live in Pewaukee, 50 mins from downtown Madison. I know the course with my eyes closed so happy to answer any questions, ride, etc.
I'm familiar with RnP kool aid from going to Rich's in camp in 07. I drink most of it but do a little self hacking cuz I know what works for me and sometimes I can get overwhelmed with all the data...over stimulated you can say.
Looking forward to getting to know folks.
Oh I definitely want to take a pic with the poster so LMK who I need to give address too. What cute idea.
Usually my boys are bringing the dog poop in on their shoes....yuk peroid! We have a yellow lab, seven years old named Job (long o). Took me 4 years of the boys fervently praying for a dog to concede; I never grew up with pets and was Never interested in having any kind of animal. But, oh those boys prayed and prayed, so mom gave in. And who takes care of the ole dog....we all know the answer to that
@Pam-I am with ya on being overwhelmed with all the data. I just use what works for me and let the other stuff shift through. Sounds like you are the go to gal for IMWI! It will be fun to meet all the chickas at the EN Camp in JUly.
Thanks!!! I'm testing to see if I did the Cowgirl thing right. Ok every time I come into the Forum a different post is at top. Very open to getting to know all EN chicas. Plz friend me on FB and just mention you are Cow Chica whether MOO or something else. If I get too addicted to lots of Forum activity I'm in big trouble. Will still play here but want to make sure I don't miss any key info, news etc. Thanks. Hugs. I'm a big hugger.
Oh goody. I did it. Giddy up gals. No what happens is I submit and some old post comes up. Then I have to go Forum heading and hit it again to get new posts. Okay I gotta get off this computer...makes me feel like I'm at work. And I haven't even gone to FB yet (this evening..that doesn't include earlier today. hahahahaha.)
Good Morning!
Didn't mean to post and disappear for 3 days, but realized I had caught bad bugs on flights home and have been sleeping. I did get up and go to work conference Thursday and Friday, but not actually to work (this was pre-planned luckily). Have had a very messed up sleep schedule. But figure I get up at 5:30 all week, 1 Saturday won't kill me if it helps me back to normal.
Very excited about the cowgirl mojo. All of you ladies are going to be my inspiration!
Linda- I am so very glad that you had such a beautiful moment and the positive feelings that came with it. I am planning on chasing down you and Keith during the training rides!
Kathy- I went to Palau. Island archipelago in Pacific near equator, SW of Guam, SE of Phillipines. Gorgeous. 3 weeks
. Same place last year. I get 3 weeks of vacation per year and save them to use all at once.
Will post a RR as the win was unusual to say the least. But we are talking about a country that is trying to do better and triathlon, bike and run races all started in the last few years as the roads were paved.
So in the past month have I missed any major info on IMMoo? Besides the usual massive amount of forum posts to get through, the switch to 4.0 is really slowing me down.