I really try to never plan too far in advance. but.... Timberman next year? Count me in. But sorry Nemo, if we go scuba diving in Maldives right after sherpa at IMWI 2011, I can't make the NC gathering. But White Lake is an uber wonderful site. Totally recommend folks go there.
2012, I am thinking IMLP as long as life lets it happen.
I am excited about IM TX in 2011. already thought of it, and happy it will be flat!! and hot and windy don't bother me, just will pick out hottest part of day to train in. I will mt bike this Fall, might pick up an adventure race here locally, would love to do P90X, would love to also be a fitness instructor at local college or some such but not certified and not sure how to go about that. would love to go back to my Grand Prix running races here in the state if running holds. so we will see. but there is a century ride, late Sept, an early tri and several mt bike races to keep me active and laughing!!! I plan on moving up in my AG until I eventually age up!! and the competition goes!!
Sticks fingers in ears and singing loudly " la la la la la can't hear you "
2012- PL maybe... 2011- Looks like Lou, wish looked more like TX.... if TX or No Lou... Timberman a maybe...and Nemo... Triple T White Lake does have some appeal....
Really, really think you gals should consider us putting together a 12 woman team for Bourbon Chase- www.bourbonchase.com- Oct '11
IMLP 2012---I'm in! Reunion at Timberman 2011---sure! why not?! Nemo, I'll come to OBX anytime. Never been there.
So my tentative plans for 2011: Snow on the ground: riding mtb with studded tires and skate skiing May: ToC June: Mohican 100 mtb race and Xterra Eastern Cup in Richmond, VA July: Wildernerness 101 mtb race---maybe, depending on how fun or not Mohican is. Aug: Timberman or Suicide 6 (6 hour mtb race) Nov: IMFL...that's right. I said it. For all the whining and crying I did about how I had no mojo to train this year, I want to show up at an IM with aggressive time goals and the fitness to back it up. Vitamin deficiencies and stoopid allergies all under control. This season it just wasn't meant to be for those goals which is just fine because there are 12 pink speedos on my dining room table and that's more than enough to show up for the big party.
Oh yeah and Sept 2011: I shall be at IMWI in a pink bikini because of a challenge I threw out figuring there was no way 10+ doodes would be in pink speedos this year.
- I am totally willing to swim or bike in a half-Full relay, Tracy!
Suzanne- cool!, When you get together with Keith, see if he might be willing to run. Still need to check on switching to relay, but I doubt would be a problem. How is your elbow?
I would also be interested in OBX, and the thelma and Louise road trip- just don't want to go over the edge of the grand canyon!
I have always wanted to do a run relay thing, unfortunately, if it is october, may not be able to go. The New zealand /australia thing is something my friend & I briefly spoke about, but not written in stone.
IM free for me in 2011. YES, on the chica half IM. Timberman sounds like fun. So far for 2011 I have Eagleman in June, chica half later in the year and a fall marathon. Going to try the NYC marathon lottery and if that doesn't work out then Marine Corps. I really want to break 3:30 in the marathon. My PB is 3:34 at Marine Corps. Time to give up IM for a year and get fast, have fun and live life to the fullest.
I am excited about IM TX in 2011. already thought of it, and happy it will be flat!! and hot and windy don't bother me, just will pick out hottest part of day to train in. I will mt bike this Fall, might pick up an adventure race here locally, would love to do P90X, would love to also be a fitness instructor at local college or some such but not certified and not sure how to go about that. would love to go back to my Grand Prix running races here in the state if running holds. so we will see. but there is a century ride, late Sept, an early tri and several mt bike races to keep me active and laughing!!! I plan on moving up in my AG until I eventually age up!! and the competition goes!!
Marianne! I'll just throw it out there. I'll do P90X for the first 13 weeks of outseason along with the plan if you will!! You in???? I had already planned to do that so it'll be fun if others are out there doing it with me!
Posted By Kitima Boonvisudhi on 24 Aug 2010 08:38 PM
Oh yeah and Sept 2011: I shall be at IMWI in a pink bikini because of a challenge I threw out figuring there was no way 10+ doodes would be in pink speedos this year.
Who knew?
And you can all fly into Chicago and we can have foodie camp before bikini day. Or, um, after.
Done with IMs? Of course I am. Didn't I say it 10,000x this season???? (Keith refuses to believe me, ever.) Thing is, now it feels all-well-and-good that the training is behind me, but when I think back to mid-season...I do cringe. I also see how much of life it takes up--and it does. I do have other business and personal things I want to do. But, like Kitima, I am physically feeling better. Like for real, down deep with the thyroid fixed. It's like a whole new world of what I can handle, so that's what opens me back up to the idea. We'll see what life brings.
I don't want to do Placid b/c of the expense up there. It's wicked, wicked expensive for EVERYTHING. Accommodations are nuts. I have this thing about being ripped off, and I get that feeling with Placid. But then again, I've learned to never say never.
Kitima--FL is a GREAT race to show up to prepared. There is NOTHING to worry about there except wind--weather is good, no hills to speak of, it's low key, accommodations are really nice--and cheap! Swim is amazing in the Gulf. The Boyle's and I love that race. The only thing is you are chasing daylight to ride at the end of training, OW is up here cold, and you get sick of the season by Nov. OTOH, when you come home, it's the holidays, you're done with the race and in perfect sync with the seasons to wind down. Rich always talks it down, but I think FL has a lot going for it. It is the ONE race I want to go back to.
giggle out LOUD!! really. okay I am doing IMTX and also considering IMAZ for 2011 and then UT for 2012, how is that for long term planning?! Yes I love Florida too, yes LP is super expensive! no FLA isn't, but I have done that one so going for the others ones... still have goal of doing them all in the US! so next year? is flat and windy! can't wait. dad gum hills and Variability Index....
okay I don't own P90X.. what do I do? and how does this work, I don't even know how to operate my TV!! is it DVD or what? but I have WII, does it come on WII??? cuz my daughter sets me up on that!!! I need some arm muscles girls!
I am sitting here in Sugoi shorty shorts and EN singlet, plastered to my body cuz I have gained weight!! I figure if I wear it, then I won't eat!!! no really a short bike ride before I head out... I had no energy to ride yesterday, it was abot 92 degrees and I got on my bike for 12'!! yep and realized that I could just fall asleep!! so I bagged the 2 x 20' headed home and took a one hour nap.!! actually with the cooler Madison weather I think I can change my runnin shorts and not wear the ones with pockets cuz I won't need water more than every 1 mile and perhaps for the first time stay in the tri shorts, but not reg shorts, but these, so gonna test out this outfit this morning, alas don't have the EN bra on but a red one.. so yes it matches and got the silly band on too! the cow. we are nuts you know that!!??? we are like HIGH School softball team or some such.. now all we need are matching flip flops and don't forget to go get your toenails painted, for the now traditional feet shot of all of us...
signing off, getting fatter! in Arkansas where the high today is 91! m
+1 on loving IMFL. For all the reasons Linda lists. I loved that gulf swim, really liked the accomodation we had, didn't feel nickled and dimed by any of the experience, and felt like my family got a vacation out of the whole thing. If I did that race again it would give me an opportunity to try for a PR on a course I've done before. Only issue with that course is that the flat course isn't perfect after a summer of hill riding in CO. But whatevs....
I also have the same reasons for not wanting to go to Placid. The expense of staying there and all of the production required to get there is not appealing. CDA was stressful enough. All that seven night minimum and price increase crap was infuriating. I even called the Chamber of Commerce to let them know that I didn't appreciate being so blatantly taken advantage of, and that they should hope that their town would make me want to stay and come back...instead I was really turned off. I know...over dramatic and prissy of me. I must have been PMSing that week or something. It remains a frustration though.
Last night DH was asking me when I was going to start training for next year's IM. He can't seem to get it that I really might not do IM next year...and he's NOT helping!
Soooo minor scheduling issue with potential Timberman outing...it's likely to be the Sunday on which the new "Quiznos Pro Challenge"--or as I prefer to call it given my past history with Quiznos, Tour of Colorado--will start. Ugh! That would mean not doing whatever EN plans (assuming it comes together) during that race. Dagnabit! What is a girl to do????
Sort a thought I might also try Xterra for the first time next year, but I'm realizing that I hate having people on my tail while on the MTB (it happened a lot this weekend...mainly because I'm not the best descender, especially on narrow, loose sections) and that I would probably just get off my bike and let everyone pass during the race just to avoid that. Yeah, probably not the best approach.
hi Ladies! You're all too funny... I'm loving your planning for the next few years and am glad I'm not the only one who has it pretty much figured out (although things can change). Despite my bad mood day, Timberman was great and I highly recommend it. My problem was I didn't stay in my box - but the course was nice. hard but not too hard. the support was great. there were some logistical issues (packet pickup is a ways from the race site, parking race day, ran out of some food by the time I finished) but overall, it was fun! I do plan to go back, hopefully in 2012... and that's after a 12 hour drive there and 11.5 hour drive home bc of crazy traffic!
@Linda - glad to hear FL is go back worthy since I'm doing it!
@Kate - bummed you won't be repeating IMWI next year ... was hoping to have some local company to train with... but I'm still hoping we can ride together (well, meaning that we park in the same place at the same time and start together... then I watch your become a little dot in the distance).
@Tracy - I have to reread and think... I've had the ACE cert books for 2 years now... becoming a trainer has been a goal of mine for a long time... and I do plan to quit this gig eventually and own a gym (even have a partner lined up)... amazingly Dan is on board and fine with it. Which is a huge relief... assuming he and I are going the distance.
@M- I've gained weight, too. Ugh... was doing well... then taper week coincided with pre-period week... a very bad combination... then I traveled and while I tried to eat as well as I could it was hard to do... and of course pre-race carbs and post race carbs... But, home now and back to paleo eating... and will be back to normal training next week. Just be careful... don't want to gain too much weight during your taper!
work has picked up... finishing up my lunch now... want to thank you all again for being here... this has become such an amazing support network. I feel like I'm off the deep end and totally one dimensional (more and more lately)... and I might explode or implode if I didn't have you all to bounce ideas off of... right now this power thing is nagging me. I'm over thinking and making it really complicated (that's what I do)... I really just need to relax... but I'm an ENTJ... once I make the decision I'm good... and it won't be a second thought in my mind... but I obsess and obsess until the decision is made. At least I've stopped replaying the race. I did have a good day. I did learn a lot. I know what I need to work on (staying in my box, particularly in the swim). Enough said. I have to get over it and myself!
Sort a thought I might also try Xterra for the first time next year, but I'm realizing that I hate having people on my tail while on the MTB (it happened a lot this weekend...mainly because I'm not the best descender, especially on narrow, loose sections) and that I would probably just get off my bike and let everyone pass during the race just to avoid that. Yeah, probably not the best approach.
Having done Xterra and mtb races, it's really the responsibility of the passer to get around the passee. For Xterra, most mtb'ers can't swim so even I was one of the first peeps out of the water. About 40 people typically pass me on singletrack. Everyone, I'm talking 100%, has been extremely polite and friendly about it. I've never felt pressured to get out of the way. The Xterra vibe (compared to IM) is incredibly laid-back, friendly, and supportive. No nutty bar room stare downs or douche-bag posturing. It's like one big picnic with your family and friends who are all covered in mud and dirt.
okay I don't own P90X.. what do I do? and how does this work, I don't even know how to operate my TV!! is it DVD or what? but I have WII, does it come on WII??? cuz my daughter sets me up on that!!! I need some arm muscles girls!
Marianne, just google it and you will find a website to order it from. It's DVD's. It's intense but no problem for you! I'm on it for 13 weeks. If I start 2 weeks after IMWI....my last day of the program will be Christmas day....what a great Christmas gift!!!
Wow...you gals are doing it!!! Having fun reading all the plans. It gets me pumped up!!!
Sheryl & Marianne, just a little word of warning to be very careful trying to comit to P90X during the OS Program. Michele C can provide better insight since she's done P90X before but I've heard it can be pretty intense. Might be a bit much with the OS on top.
None. None of my clothes are fitting correctly now, which is making me feel unpretty. This mornng -- victory! I remembered I had one pair of crazy german linen pants I picked up at Filene's basement that have a tie just above the hips. They fit beautifully. Weird victory. I am issuing myself the 'No Latte Challenge' so I might stay this way until race day. Paleo land has been interesting. I actually thought of the rice in my Chipotle burrito bol yesterday as a treat.
I've been looking at doing P90X too, but really just the strength training stuff, as with the biking and running of the OS, plus a beginning ballet class I have planned, I figured that my cardio, stretching, etc. would cover the random cardio type workouts in there. I really really want to start weight training again as I think that my knee injury of the last few weeks could have been avoided if I would have continued my routine. I agree with the EN philosophy that nothing makes you faster than doing SBR faster, but really think there are huge returns for strength training/dynamic stretching stuff/etc. What do you guys think?
I'm actually thinking about "taking off" from EN schedules and start the OS in Jan. That gives me time to do some cool stuff with fitness for fun- unstructured time. Yoga, strength training and lots of running on tap- then I'll hit the bike hard Jan with OS and scale back the other stuff. Remember... this is the time for a mental break. Training 24/7 will drive you crazy and sanity is important :-) Especially if you are doing a later season race next year, no need to jack things up early. Have fun.. do things with different crowds (trail runs, mtn biking etc) Good break all the way round!
On other fronts... crazy busy here so haven't been posting much. Had pics from Madison etc RR #2 yada yada yada.... getting ready for IMLOU this weekend. Having dinner tonight with the team so will try to post up more and keep in touch with what's going on here. Looking forward to more of a down week next week!
Hey, Chicas, my SO is due any day now, so I'm putting my EN membership on hold until the midnight feedings are done. I just wanted to wish everyone good luck at IMOO before I leave. I'll be thinking of all of you and really wish I could be there. Say hi to all of the Chicago Tri Club people at the Cross Plains water station at miles 40 and 80. Please feel free to friend me on facebook if you'd like to see pictures of Kate, our soon-to-be daughter.
2012, I am thinking IMLP as long as life lets it happen.
I just said 2011...
Never said 2012 wasn't an option.
Will have to see what direction life takes me!!
ahem....I thought you were done with IMs......ahem.......Placid......ahem
We are truly sick......
2012- PL maybe...
2011- Looks like Lou, wish looked more like TX.... if TX or No Lou... Timberman a maybe...and Nemo... Triple T White Lake does have some appeal....
Really, really think you gals should consider us putting together a 12 woman team for Bourbon Chase- www.bourbonchase.com- Oct '11
You chicas are cracking me up..I will refrain from entering this discusion until Monday August 30th at 12:00a.m.
IMLP 2012---I'm in!
Reunion at Timberman 2011---sure! why not?!
Nemo, I'll come to OBX anytime. Never been there.
So my tentative plans for 2011:
Snow on the ground: riding mtb with studded tires and skate skiing
May: ToC
June: Mohican 100 mtb race and Xterra Eastern Cup in Richmond, VA
July: Wildernerness 101 mtb race---maybe, depending on how fun or not Mohican is.
Aug: Timberman or Suicide 6 (6 hour mtb race)
Nov: IMFL...that's right. I said it. For all the whining and crying I did about how I had no mojo to train this year, I want to show up at an IM with aggressive time goals and the fitness to back it up. Vitamin deficiencies and stoopid allergies all under control. This season it just wasn't meant to be for those goals which is just fine because there are 12 pink speedos on my dining room table and that's more than enough to show up for the big party.
Marianne! I'll just throw it out there. I'll do P90X for the first 13 weeks of outseason along with the plan if you will!! You in???? I had already planned to do that so it'll be fun if others are out there doing it with me!
Who knew?
And you can all fly into Chicago and we can have foodie camp before bikini day. Or, um, after.
Done with IMs? Of course I am.
Didn't I say it 10,000x this season???? (Keith refuses to believe me, ever.) Thing is, now it feels all-well-and-good that the training is behind me, but when I think back to mid-season...I do cringe. I also see how much of life it takes up--and it does. I do have other business and personal things I want to do. But, like Kitima, I am physically feeling better. Like for real, down deep with the thyroid fixed. It's like a whole new world of what I can handle, so that's what opens me back up to the idea. We'll see what life brings.
I don't want to do Placid b/c of the expense up there. It's wicked, wicked expensive for EVERYTHING. Accommodations are nuts. I have this thing about being ripped off, and I get that feeling with Placid. But then again, I've learned to never say never.
Kitima--FL is a GREAT race to show up to prepared. There is NOTHING to worry about there except wind--weather is good, no hills to speak of, it's low key, accommodations are really nice--and cheap! Swim is amazing in the Gulf. The Boyle's and I love that race. The only thing is you are chasing daylight to ride at the end of training, OW is up here cold, and you get sick of the season by Nov. OTOH, when you come home, it's the holidays, you're done with the race and in perfect sync with the seasons to wind down. Rich always talks it down, but I think FL has a lot going for it. It is the ONE race I want to go back to.
okay I don't own P90X.. what do I do? and how does this work, I don't even know how to operate my TV!! is it DVD or what? but I have WII, does it come on WII??? cuz my daughter sets me up on that!!! I need some arm muscles girls!
I am sitting here in Sugoi shorty shorts and EN singlet, plastered to my body cuz I have gained weight!! I figure if I wear it, then I won't eat!!! no really a short bike ride before I head out... I had no energy to ride yesterday, it was abot 92 degrees and I got on my bike for 12'!! yep and realized that I could just fall asleep!! so I bagged the 2 x 20' headed home and took a one hour nap.!! actually with the cooler Madison weather I think I can change my runnin shorts and not wear the ones with pockets cuz I won't need water more than every 1 mile and perhaps for the first time stay in the tri shorts, but not reg shorts, but these, so gonna test out this outfit this morning, alas don't have the EN bra on but a red one.. so yes it matches and got the silly band on too! the cow. we are nuts you know that!!??? we are like HIGH School softball team or some such.. now all we need are matching flip flops and don't forget to go get your toenails painted, for the now traditional feet shot of all of us...
signing off, getting fatter! in Arkansas where the high today is 91! m
I also have the same reasons for not wanting to go to Placid. The expense of staying there and all of the production required to get there is not appealing. CDA was stressful enough. All that seven night minimum and price increase crap was infuriating. I even called the Chamber of Commerce to let them know that I didn't appreciate being so blatantly taken advantage of, and that they should hope that their town would make me want to stay and come back...instead I was really turned off. I know...over dramatic and prissy of me. I must have been PMSing that week or something. It remains a frustration though.
Last night DH was asking me when I was going to start training for next year's IM. He can't seem to get it that I really might not do IM next year...and he's NOT helping!
Soooo minor scheduling issue with potential Timberman outing...it's likely to be the Sunday on which the new "Quiznos Pro Challenge"--or as I prefer to call it given my past history with Quiznos, Tour of Colorado--will start. Ugh! That would mean not doing whatever EN plans (assuming it comes together) during that race. Dagnabit! What is a girl to do????
Sort a thought I might also try Xterra for the first time next year, but I'm realizing that I hate having people on my tail while on the MTB (it happened a lot this weekend...mainly because I'm not the best descender, especially on narrow, loose sections) and that I would probably just get off my bike and let everyone pass during the race just to avoid that. Yeah, probably not the best approach.
hi Ladies! You're all too funny... I'm loving your planning for the next few years and am glad I'm not the only one who has it pretty much figured out (although things can change). Despite my bad mood day, Timberman was great and I highly recommend it. My problem was I didn't stay in my box - but the course was nice. hard but not too hard. the support was great. there were some logistical issues (packet pickup is a ways from the race site, parking race day, ran out of some food by the time I finished) but overall, it was fun! I do plan to go back, hopefully in 2012... and that's after a 12 hour drive there and 11.5 hour drive home bc of crazy traffic!
@Linda - glad to hear FL is go back worthy since I'm doing it!
@Kate - bummed you won't be repeating IMWI next year ... was hoping to have some local company to train with... but I'm still hoping we can ride together (well, meaning that we park in the same place at the same time and start together... then I watch your become a little dot in the distance).
@Tracy - I have to reread and think... I've had the ACE cert books for 2 years now... becoming a trainer has been a goal of mine for a long time... and I do plan to quit this gig eventually and own a gym (even have a partner lined up)... amazingly Dan is on board and fine with it. Which is a huge relief... assuming he and I are going the distance.
@M- I've gained weight, too. Ugh... was doing well... then taper week coincided with pre-period week... a very bad combination... then I traveled and while I tried to eat as well as I could it was hard to do... and of course pre-race carbs and post race carbs... But, home now and back to paleo eating... and will be back to normal training next week. Just be careful... don't want to gain too much weight during your taper!
work has picked up... finishing up my lunch now... want to thank you all again for being here... this has become such an amazing support network. I feel like I'm off the deep end and totally one dimensional (more and more lately)... and I might explode or implode if I didn't have you all to bounce ideas off of... right now this power thing is nagging me. I'm over thinking and making it really complicated (that's what I do)... I really just need to relax... but I'm an ENTJ... once I make the decision I'm good... and it won't be a second thought in my mind... but I obsess and obsess until the decision is made. At least I've stopped replaying the race. I did have a good day. I did learn a lot. I know what I need to work on (staying in my box, particularly in the swim). Enough said. I have to get over it and myself!
None. None of my clothes are fitting correctly now, which is making me feel unpretty. This mornng -- victory! I remembered I had one pair of crazy german linen pants I picked up at Filene's basement that have a tie just above the hips. They fit beautifully. Weird victory. I am issuing myself the 'No Latte Challenge' so I might stay this way until race day. Paleo land has been interesting. I actually thought of the rice in my Chipotle burrito bol yesterday as a treat.
I've been looking at doing P90X too, but really just the strength training stuff, as with the biking and running of the OS, plus a beginning ballet class I have planned, I figured that my cardio, stretching, etc. would cover the random cardio type workouts in there. I really really want to start weight training again as I think that my knee injury of the last few weeks could have been avoided if I would have continued my routine. I agree with the EN philosophy that nothing makes you faster than doing SBR faster, but really think there are huge returns for strength training/dynamic stretching stuff/etc. What do you guys think?
On other fronts... crazy busy here so haven't been posting much. Had pics from Madison etc RR #2 yada yada yada.... getting ready for IMLOU this weekend. Having dinner tonight with the team so will try to post up more and keep in touch with what's going on here. Looking forward to more of a down week next week!