So we are about to get a big snow next week. How does once incorporate some xc ski into the OS plan. I find my bike fitness transfers to run more than reverse so should I back of on runs if I ski?
I am new to EN and signed up for the Beginner Plan (Nov OS) based on my past IM times. Based on all of the discussions on the forums of other members who are much more experienced and fit than I am, I know I am not working hard enough. I have retested my 5K run once already and think I should retest on my bike as well. I know how important the OS is for building my fitness and want to make sure I am pushing myself as hard as I should be. Can you please help me determine if I am indeed using the correct plan? Thanks!
I just got my OS plan today and according to the email I should be in the Dec OS group and am supposed to use that to build up for the Lonestar HIM in late April. However, the training tool has me in Week 5 of the 20 week OS. Is that correct? I'm sure my fitness is about there since I've been training for a half marathon this Sunday (Dec 6th) so I don't see it as a problem... just checking.
Just a note: I'm just planning to do the half marathon as a training run (it's not my A-race, it's my wife's and we're running it together). It's also exactly 20 weeks until the HIM.
I'm in the Nov OS with IMLP 2010 (July 25th) as my A race. Set-Up Events just released its 2010 schedule and the Kinetic HIM is May 8th. I also have an Olympic scheduled for May 23rd (priority: C). I'm wondering if it's feasible to do Kinetic - not as an A race, just as get-some-fun-distance-in race. My two concerns are 1) would this interfere with IMLP training? 2) if not, would I pull out of the OS earlier than March to get in some more distance training?
So here is my self hack job on my basic OS week. Was interested in RnP thoughts on if I need to schedule differently.
Monday off
Tuesday as presribed. But I run later because I get sopping wet on bike trainer, takes me too long to dry off enough that I wont freeze running outside and I'm not going to get in my car to drive to tread mill. Later I get in car and drive to tread mill, followed by about 10-15 mins of functional fitness work (more on that under Friday.) I might jump in pool for ten 15 mins. I need to feel the water.
Weds I'm off...because
Thursday I go run with a group and this forces me to do the run workout because its folks of all levels. (This group run is great for me in season long run I run to and from start from home.)
Friday morning I do Thursday bike workout plus later in afternoon is the only day/time I could get functional fitness training session. This is mostly body weight work focused on core (quads, hams, glutes, abs, back). So balls, balance, steps, bands kind of thing. This work in the off season has been huge for me and started as outcome of physical therapy. I have lots of imbalances and basically glutes that would not fire. After starting this work in 08, I took over an hour off my IM WIS. I used to wiggle all over the place quiet upperbody...lots of benes personally for me in this area. I typically jump in pool for 20-15 mins after.
Sat I do bike workout either as presecribed or as majority Z3 depending on how I'm feeling. Probably more z3 because the Friday day is tough one with the bike workout and the functional fitness session. ( I'm thinking better keep intensity/functional fitness on same day.)
Sun run outside as long as I can stand it until its time move to tread mill.
In general, I'm probably not doing the t-runs off the bike because of what I stated...I'm too wet after bike etc. Running off bike in general is not an issue for me as I'm very good about it in season. Also, the bike fitness transfer very well for me to the run. In 08 I had very low run volume due to injury and PRed both my half and full IM runs.
So that is my self hack. I'm comfortabe with it. Obviously its the Thurs group run and Friday functional fitness training (only through Feb cuz March we go Epic Clermont. Yippee) that create hacking need. RnP if you feel I should schedule around those two differently, LMK. Basically, I'm doing at least two days of bike intensity and possibly subbing the third day for tempo since I've added the hard work in functional fitness.
Ok hubby waiting for me in pain cave. Thanks so much.
@Paul, this is not the thread to ask for feedback from other athletes. This is for discussing big picture training plan issues, not specific guidance re your run, etc. Please create a separate thread if you want more detailed, specific feedback re a particular issue. Thanks!
@Tracy, bottomline is that your knee is your run coach now, we and our plans are only a guide. The plan you outlined is a good start but you need to be ready to adjust on the fly as your knee talks to you.
When in doubt, do what you need to do (or don't need to do) to let your knee heal. No sense trying to train half-assed through an injury. You won't get faster and risk injuring yourself even more.
So we are about to get a big snow next week. How does once incorporate some xc ski into the OS plan. I find my bike fitness transfers to run more than reverse so should I back of on runs if I ski?
I think you're going to find very quickly that our OS plans don't make much room for much else, particularly hard stuff. I recommend you call a ski a replacement for a run and not try to jam it into the existing schedule. Ski = run, don't try to replace it or make it up somewhere else.
@Carrie, sounds like you're a candidate for the Intermediate plan. Please submit a plan change request, from your Training Plan Central dashboard, and we'll do that for you. Thanks!
I'm in the Nov OS with IMLP 2010 (July 25th) as my A race. Set-Up Events just released its 2010 schedule and the Kinetic HIM is May 8th. I also have an Olympic scheduled for May 23rd (priority: C). I'm wondering if it's feasible to do Kinetic - not as an A race, just as get-some-fun-distance-in race. My two concerns are 1) would this interfere with IMLP training? 2) if not, would I pull out of the OS earlier than March to get in some more distance training?
Kinetic is fine, even as an A-race. You're fine to stay in the NovOS until you exit ~March 20. See my recent post re transitioning from OS to HIM/IM, stuck to the top of this forum.
My plan was loaded as intermediate - not advanced.
JV -
In the future please use the "Need to Move/Change Your Plan?: Click Here" link located on your Training Plan page to request these edits. As it stands, this post doesn't tell me when you started or what plan you are on, I have to go over to that tool and search. We will not catch all of them here; this is more of a "If I am training for IM Moo but want to go on mission to Zimbabwe for 6 weeks, what do I do" type thread...
Hi Rich & Patrick - you have just started me out on the Dec OS Advanced Plan.
Swim Training - I hear your message regarding no (or limited) swimming in OS BUT:
- I started swimming 6 weeks ago - Did swim as a kid (breaststroke at school when I was like 10/11yrs old ).
- I've taken to it pretty well, sorted bilateral breathing very quickly (for example), OK'ish freestyle but lack the good technique & endurance.
- I'm mid swim training - had 2 coaching sessions that are 1:1 sessions with an swim/tri coach (she does have me doing tri-specific stuff even now & mirrors the info I've read on here on technique).
- After an initial few weeks of tecnique focused 'homework' - after 2nd lessson - she felt comfortable allowing me to intro' some endurance sessions too. Reassurring as I know I must be getting some OK technique.
- My swim plan has me doing 2 x 2 day blocks (so 4 sessions) in the week of 1 day drills, the next endurance sets, day off, then repeat.
Question is, I need to integrate 4 sessions into the week - feel this is do-able and I'm wiling to invest the time to build a good foundation in swimming considering I couldnt swim 50m f/c 6-8 weeks ago!
Feel I'm getting the ROI - the 1:1 coaching sessions help a great deal, have another on the 21st Dec (so that'll be 3 in 8-9 week period).
Shall I just keep going with the sessions and see what happens? Looking at the 4 weeks of the plan, I do feel that I'm perhaps 'inside the curve' on the cycling although obviously have no idea how cumulative load will affect all this.
Before EN, my plan was to get as much technique down as possible with the lessons and then back it off a tad once I felt that I was getting some respectable times in the pool.
I'm lucky, pool is 10mins drive away, I work from home and also usually manage to squeeze 90mins out each lunchtime for training.
Any advice appreciated - I guess I could've been more concise and asked the question, 'noob swimming in OS?' !
ps. maybe I should just be aiming for a target 200m (or similar) time and then 'quit' until later in the season, perhaps tick-over to keep some feel for the technique?
Hi Guys - info below from my integration survey & your feedback email - in the build to (A-race) UK70.3 on June 20th I thought a shorter Tri would work (The New Forest one as below on 2nd May) You agreed (Patrick) but obvously are not aware of my options.
I do have the option of another local event, a HIM on the 23rd May. Good idea to do this? considering:
- I've never competed in a tri before, so all good practice.
- Recovery from 2nd May short event should be OK.
- Is 23rd May for the HIM too close to A-race on the 20th June?
- Could race the local HIM on the 23rd May but say bail out mid-run? i.e. I get the swim, bike & transition practice.
- I have a feeling that the local HIM will be a bigger event with more competitors.
- Slight concern (ok, it hasn't happened before) that the lake swim on the 2nd May could be cancelled due to low temps and I'm left with no competitive swim practice (unlikely I guess).
- Local events but still approx USD $140 so have to make sure they are worthwhile doing.
- Neither local event particular mimics the A-race in terms of terrain etc.
Your race schedule:
HEARTBREAK HALF(14 miles) (1/31/2010), C-Priority
2nd May - New Forest Triathlon (1.1k swim/36 bike/10k), C-Priority
I didn't put this anywhere in my integration survey, but, I wanted to make sure it was said to you guys...and, also, it is a 'question' as well. I am really aiming to get fast this year. You have be started with the Dec OS group, and I have NOLA and IM Louisville on the ticket for 2010, with another 70.3 late in the season. Ultimately, my goal is to be in a position, if a have a good day, possibly qualify for Kona. I am not expecting that I will do so, but, I am trying to put myself into a position where it could happen if I 'show up' on race day. As such, I am scheduled inside the 'advanced' schedule and am doing the core workouts you posted on twitter and mixing in a swim or two each week (pretty much drills only) as you indicated in the OS Swim Protocol.
All that to ask the 'advanced' schedule one that will put me in position to achieve this? I just need you guys to say 'yes', so I don't have to wonder about it, because I trust you and your experience. I am pumped to not be reading 50 different training articles and trying to lay out my own program - that was very exhausting!
I have been resting up nicely since IMFL and only gained a few pounds since taking off. I am starting back with the Jan OS group after the holidays are over. I wanted to outline my schedule for next year with A races included.
1/24 3M Half Marathon
2/27 Cowtown Half Marathon
4/18 ( or 4/25) New Orleans 70.3 or Lonestar 70.3 I haven't decided yet
6/27 Buffalo Springs 70.3 This is my first of two A races for the year
8/28 Hotter-N-Hell Hundred Century ride
6/19 Branson 70.3 My second A race of the year
11/13 70.3 World Championshps ( hopefully )
I have a couple of possibe Olympic races scattered in the middle of the summer buy they are only maybe races for fun and will bother you later if needed. So if I am going to get the max benefit from the OS I need 20 weeks that will put me at the end of May to finish with 4-6 weeks to race prep for Buffalo Springs. I am using NOL or Lonestar as B races for training although wouldn't mind racing well. Does this look like a workable schedule to do well on my two A races. I would like to have a real shot at qualifying for the Worlds in November. ( I had to pass on my slot from Buffalo Springs last year due to IMFL ).
Also,With my race history last year I am just barely in the advanced catagory for OS training ( 10:57 IMFL and 5:04 Redman HIM ). If I would be better suited to go with the intermediate group it is not a problem I will do whatever you guys thinks best. Lastly, when will the January OS schedule be on my training plan, currently I am listed at week 5 or 6 in the OS although I have been ignoring it.? If this looks okay let me know.
@ David, swim: sounds like you understand our points about ROI, diminishing returns, etc. If you're making your decisions after having given careful thought to that stuff, we're cool with that.
@Steve, the Beg, Int, Adv stuff is based on your current fitness, not where you want to be. If your current PR's are in line with the definitions we have given for Advanced, then you're good. But if you're a 12hr IM athlete, not a good idea to jump into our Advanced stuff, just because you want to go 9:30 :-)
Bottomline, yes, our Advanced stuff is the "get-faster"-est stuff we have, but it's a function of your current fitness, not your goals.
@Jeff, yes, schedule looks good. Yes, we want to keep you in the OS for as long possible and that schedule gives you enough time to exit and transition over to an HIM training plan.
Probably before Xmas PnI will begin to reach out to all of the Jan peeps and get you guys settled in so look to hear from us around then.
Coach Rich, Ok, os I wrote the following as far as A races, lets just concentrate on IM Louisville, I will defer Boston (if I qualify to 2011) So after Jan 31, how many B or C races should put in my calendar to work up to IM in August? JB
Your race schedule: Miami Man Marathon (1/31/2010) A Boston Marathon (3/19/2010) B (Deleted for 2010) IM Louiville (8/29/2010) A
Ok, os I wrote the following as far as A races, lets just concentrate on IM Louisville, I will defer Boston (if I qualify to 2011) So after Jan 31, how many B or C races should put in my calendar to work up to IM in August?
Your race schedule:
Miami Man Marathon (1/31/2010) A
Boston Marathon (3/19/2010) B (Deleted for 2010)
IM Louiville (8/29/2010) A
Generally for our athletes starting the OS in January or earlier (Dec in your case) and doing an Ironman after...IMUSA, let's say, we like to see them do a half in either May or June. This gives you something to focus on between the end of your OS plan and the start of an IM plan, about 10-12wks out from Louisville. So, basically, anything you want to do until 10-12wks out from from Louisville.
Thanks for your reply Rich - recovering from HIM 4-weeks out from an A-race is one thing - I was thinking also how that would affect the overall plan & my adaptation? i.e. 4 weeks is OK for recovery but how about its affect on training stress/overload against the 'game plan' ?
Also, would you advise on doing the 'C' Olympic on the 2nd May - followed by the 'C' HIM on the 20th - then the 4 weeks to A-race HIM?
I have no idea how much I'll be able to train thru the C-races but tempted to do them both for practice & if you advise, strategic training ovverload. Also, this won't clash with any big volume weeks at that stage of the plan?
@David -- Given your need for experience, the racing is important. We'll just leave the A race knowing you could probably do a bit better (like, oh, 99% of the field). It's not all about the fastest possible day, just your best one given the conditions. Having experience on your side will help make it faster.
That said, I would pick your battle on the C race, as in swim / bike to intensity, but only run the last 6 at race effort. A full 13.1 at race effort is what does the damage!
I am new to EN and signed up for the Beginner Plan (Nov OS) based on my past IM times. Based on all of the discussions on the forums of other members who are much more experienced and fit than I am, I know I am not working hard enough. I have retested my 5K run once already and think I should retest on my bike as well. I know how important the OS is for building my fitness and want to make sure I am pushing myself as hard as I should be. Can you please help me determine if I am indeed using the correct plan? Thanks!
I just got my OS plan today and according to the email I should be in the Dec OS group and am supposed to use that to build up for the Lonestar HIM in late April. However, the training tool has me in Week 5 of the 20 week OS. Is that correct? I'm sure my fitness is about there since I've been training for a half marathon this Sunday (Dec 6th) so I don't see it as a problem... just checking.
Just a note: I'm just planning to do the half marathon as a training run (it's not my A-race, it's my wife's and we're running it together). It's also exactly 20 weeks until the HIM.
Hope this makes sense.
I'm in the Nov OS with IMLP 2010 (July 25th) as my A race. Set-Up Events just released its 2010 schedule and the Kinetic HIM is May 8th. I also have an Olympic scheduled for May 23rd (priority: C). I'm wondering if it's feasible to do Kinetic - not as an A race, just as get-some-fun-distance-in race. My two concerns are 1) would this interfere with IMLP training? 2) if not, would I pull out of the OS earlier than March to get in some more distance training?
So here is my self hack job on my basic OS week. Was interested in RnP thoughts on if I need to schedule differently.
Monday off
Tuesday as presribed. But I run later because I get sopping wet on bike trainer, takes me too long to dry off enough that I wont freeze running outside and I'm not going to get in my car to drive to tread mill. Later I get in car and drive to tread mill, followed by about 10-15 mins of functional fitness work (more on that under Friday.) I might jump in pool for ten 15 mins. I need to feel the water.
Weds I'm off...because
Thursday I go run with a group and this forces me to do the run workout because its folks of all levels. (This group run is great for me in season long run I run to and from start from home.)
Friday morning I do Thursday bike workout plus later in afternoon is the only day/time I could get functional fitness training session. This is mostly body weight work focused on core (quads, hams, glutes, abs, back). So balls, balance, steps, bands kind of thing. This work in the off season has been huge for me and started as outcome of physical therapy. I have lots of imbalances and basically glutes that would not fire. After starting this work in 08, I took over an hour off my IM WIS. I used to wiggle all over the place quiet upperbody...lots of benes personally for me in this area. I typically jump in pool for 20-15 mins after.
Sat I do bike workout either as presecribed or as majority Z3 depending on how I'm feeling. Probably more z3 because the Friday day is tough one with the bike workout and the functional fitness session. ( I'm thinking better keep intensity/functional fitness on same day.)
Sun run outside as long as I can stand it until its time move to tread mill.
In general, I'm probably not doing the t-runs off the bike because of what I stated...I'm too wet after bike etc. Running off bike in general is not an issue for me as I'm very good about it in season. Also, the bike fitness transfer very well for me to the run. In 08 I had very low run volume due to injury and PRed both my half and full IM runs.
So that is my self hack. I'm comfortabe with it. Obviously its the Thurs group run and Friday functional fitness training (only through Feb cuz March we go Epic Clermont. Yippee) that create hacking need. RnP if you feel I should schedule around those two differently, LMK. Basically, I'm doing at least two days of bike intensity and possibly subbing the third day for tempo since I've added the hard work in functional fitness.
Ok hubby waiting for me in pain cave. Thanks so much.
@Paul, this is not the thread to ask for feedback from other athletes. This is for discussing big picture training plan issues, not specific guidance re your run, etc. Please create a separate thread if you want more detailed, specific feedback re a particular issue. Thanks!
@Tracy, bottomline is that your knee is your run coach now, we and our plans are only a guide. The plan you outlined is a good start but you need to be ready to adjust on the fly as your knee talks to you.
When in doubt, do what you need to do (or don't need to do) to let your knee heal. No sense trying to train half-assed through an injury. You won't get faster and risk injuring yourself even more.
I think you're going to find very quickly that our OS plans don't make much room for much else, particularly hard stuff. I recommend you call a ski a replacement for a run and not try to jam it into the existing schedule. Ski = run, don't try to replace it or make it up somewhere else.
@Carrie, sounds like you're a candidate for the Intermediate plan. Please submit a plan change request, from your Training Plan Central dashboard, and we'll do that for you. Thanks!
@ Paul, possible I goofed the loading of your plan. Fixed now.
Kinetic is fine, even as an A-race. You're fine to stay in the NovOS until you exit ~March 20. See my recent post re transitioning from OS to HIM/IM, stuck to the top of this forum.
My plan was loaded as intermediate - not advanced.
Patrick -
Chuck Peterson here - I started the OS intermediate plan 5 weeks ago - just finished week 5. I assume you want me to go to week 6.
JV -
In the future please use the "Need to Move/Change Your Plan?: Click Here" link located on your Training Plan page to request these edits. As it stands, this post doesn't tell me when you started or what plan you are on, I have to go over to that tool and search.
We will not catch all of them here; this is more of a "If I am training for IM Moo but want to go on mission to Zimbabwe for 6 weeks, what do I do" type thread...
Hi Rich & Patrick - you have just started me out on the Dec OS Advanced Plan.
Swim Training - I hear your message regarding no (or limited) swimming in OS BUT:
- I started swimming 6 weeks ago - Did swim as a kid (breaststroke at school when I was like 10/11yrs old ).
- I've taken to it pretty well, sorted bilateral breathing very quickly (for example), OK'ish freestyle but lack the good technique & endurance.
- I'm mid swim training - had 2 coaching sessions that are 1:1 sessions with an swim/tri coach (she does have me doing tri-specific stuff even now & mirrors the info I've read on here on technique).
- After an initial few weeks of tecnique focused 'homework' - after 2nd lessson - she felt comfortable allowing me to intro' some endurance sessions too. Reassurring as I know I must be getting some OK technique.
- My swim plan has me doing 2 x 2 day blocks (so 4 sessions) in the week of 1 day drills, the next endurance sets, day off, then repeat.
Question is, I need to integrate 4 sessions into the week - feel this is do-able and I'm wiling to invest the time to build a good foundation in swimming considering I couldnt swim 50m f/c 6-8 weeks ago!
Feel I'm getting the ROI - the 1:1 coaching sessions help a great deal, have another on the 21st Dec (so that'll be 3 in 8-9 week period).
Shall I just keep going with the sessions and see what happens? Looking at the 4 weeks of the plan, I do feel that I'm perhaps 'inside the curve' on the cycling although obviously have no idea how cumulative load will affect all this.
Before EN, my plan was to get as much technique down as possible with the lessons and then back it off a tad once I felt that I was getting some respectable times in the pool.
I'm lucky, pool is 10mins drive away, I work from home and also usually manage to squeeze 90mins out each lunchtime for training.
Any advice appreciated - I guess I could've been more concise and asked the question, 'noob swimming in OS?' !
ps. maybe I should just be aiming for a target 200m (or similar) time and then 'quit' until later in the season, perhaps tick-over to keep some feel for the technique?
Hi Guys - info below from my integration survey & your feedback email - in the build to (A-race) UK70.3 on June 20th I thought a shorter Tri would work (The New Forest one as below on 2nd May) You agreed (Patrick) but obvously are not aware of my options.
I do have the option of another local event, a HIM on the 23rd May. Good idea to do this? considering:
- I've never competed in a tri before, so all good practice.
- Recovery from 2nd May short event should be OK.
- Is 23rd May for the HIM too close to A-race on the 20th June?
- Could race the local HIM on the 23rd May but say bail out mid-run? i.e. I get the swim, bike & transition practice.
- I have a feeling that the local HIM will be a bigger event with more competitors.
- Slight concern (ok, it hasn't happened before) that the lake swim on the 2nd May could be cancelled due to low temps and I'm left with no competitive swim practice (unlikely I guess).
- Local events but still approx USD $140 so have to make sure they are worthwhile doing.
- Neither local event particular mimics the A-race in terms of terrain etc.
Your race schedule:
HEARTBREAK HALF(14 miles) (1/31/2010), C-Priority
2nd May - New Forest Triathlon (1.1k swim/36 bike/10k), C-Priority
UK 70.3 (6/20/2010), A-Priority
Bournemouth Olympic Intl Tri, 7/4/2010, B-Priority
Timberman 70.3, 08/22/2010, A-Priority
I didn't put this anywhere in my integration survey, but, I wanted to make sure it was said to you guys...and, also, it is a 'question' as well. I am really aiming to get fast this year. You have be started with the Dec OS group, and I have NOLA and IM Louisville on the ticket for 2010, with another 70.3 late in the season. Ultimately, my goal is to be in a position, if a have a good day, possibly qualify for Kona. I am not expecting that I will do so, but, I am trying to put myself into a position where it could happen if I 'show up' on race day. As such, I am scheduled inside the 'advanced' schedule and am doing the core workouts you posted on twitter and mixing in a swim or two each week (pretty much drills only) as you indicated in the OS Swim Protocol.
All that to ask the 'advanced' schedule one that will put me in position to achieve this? I just need you guys to say 'yes', so I don't have to wonder about it, because I trust you and your experience. I am pumped to not be reading 50 different training articles and trying to lay out my own program - that was very exhausting!
Thanks for your hard work.
I have been resting up nicely since IMFL and only gained a few pounds since taking off. I am starting back with the Jan OS group after the holidays are over. I wanted to outline my schedule for next year with A races included.
I have a couple of possibe Olympic races scattered in the middle of the summer buy they are only maybe races for fun and will bother you later if needed. So if I am going to get the max benefit from the OS I need 20 weeks that will put me at the end of May to finish with 4-6 weeks to race prep for Buffalo Springs. I am using NOL or Lonestar as B races for training although wouldn't mind racing well. Does this look like a workable schedule to do well on my two A races. I would like to have a real shot at qualifying for the Worlds in November. ( I had to pass on my slot from Buffalo Springs last year due to IMFL ).
Also,With my race history last year I am just barely in the advanced catagory for OS training ( 10:57 IMFL and 5:04 Redman HIM ). If I would be better suited to go with the intermediate group it is not a problem I will do whatever you guys thinks best. Lastly, when will the January OS schedule be on my training plan, currently I am listed at week 5 or 6 in the OS although I have been ignoring it.? If this looks okay let me know.
Bottomline, yes, our Advanced stuff is the "get-faster"-est stuff we have, but it's a function of your current fitness, not your goals.
Probably before Xmas PnI will begin to reach out to all of the Jan peeps and get you guys settled in so look to hear from us around then.
That's all I needed! Thanks!
Ok, os I wrote the following as far as A races, lets just concentrate on IM Louisville, I will defer Boston (if I qualify to 2011) So after Jan 31, how many B or C races should put in my calendar to work up to IM in August?
Your race schedule:
Miami Man Marathon (1/31/2010) A
Boston Marathon (3/19/2010) B (Deleted for 2010)
IM Louiville (8/29/2010) A
Generally for our athletes starting the OS in January or earlier (Dec in your case) and doing an Ironman after...IMUSA, let's say, we like to see them do a half in either May or June. This gives you something to focus on between the end of your OS plan and the start of an IM plan, about 10-12wks out from Louisville. So, basically, anything you want to do until 10-12wks out from from Louisville.
Thanks for your reply Rich - recovering from HIM 4-weeks out from an A-race is one thing - I was thinking also how that would affect the overall plan & my adaptation? i.e. 4 weeks is OK for recovery but how about its affect on training stress/overload against the 'game plan' ?
Also, would you advise on doing the 'C' Olympic on the 2nd May - followed by the 'C' HIM on the 20th - then the 4 weeks to A-race HIM?
I have no idea how much I'll be able to train thru the C-races but tempted to do them both for practice & if you advise, strategic training ovverload. Also, this won't clash with any big volume weeks at that stage of the plan?
Thanks again,
@David -- Given your need for experience, the racing is important. We'll just leave the A race knowing you could probably do a bit better (like, oh, 99% of the field). It's not all about the fastest possible day, just your best one given the conditions. Having experience on your side will help make it faster.
That said, I would pick your battle on the C race, as in swim / bike to intensity, but only run the last 6 at race effort. A full 13.1 at race effort is what does the damage!
Text removed by me - need to rephrase/re-list in more appropriate section.
I do not think I need any changes, just a quick look at my season race plan and your advice.
· January-April: OS and Transition (Do I need to schedule a race or can I just transition to race season plan?)
· May: Pokagon Olympic Tri - May 22
· June: 70.3 Hawaii or Kansas (A Race) - If Hawaii, I will take some down time after the race to enjoy with my wife.
· July: Muncie Endurathon (Aqua Bike)
· August: No Races Planned
· September: IMWI (AAA Race)
I appreciate you thoughts.