Dan's reaction struck me as one from someone who does not know bikes, and needs to learn more. And you can tell him I said so. If you'd like, I can send you pictures of Keith in a hospital bed in a neck brace with a broken face, and that was an accident on a bike that had NO apparent flaw. You cannot ride a cracked bike. You made the right decision. Don't get me started on the "it's your choice anyway" speech. Todd will do right by you.
I am in such a BAD mood--read above. Know why? If there is one single reason I would not want to do another IM in the near or distant future are these checklists and this packing. I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT!!!! It overwhelms me. Every niggling detail is important. I try to go all Zen on it, and I'm good for a time then I just can't stand it. I am trying to pack, listen to the course talk and the 4 Keys again. Taylor leaves for college on Thurs., and Grant for Lisbon on the 7th. Casey starts school on Wed. I could not give a sh$# right now about where my Speedfill straw is placed--but I know I will on race day. Rant over. Breathe. Going to eat flank steak and drink a Blue Moon.
Fingers and toes crossed for Barb!!!! We all SO want her to have her day!
Posted By Kitima Boonvisudhi on 29 Aug 2010 04:25 PM
Becky: The bike will be okay if you JUST WATCH IT?!! Just watch it catastrophically fall apart oh say on RACE DAY. Married or not, it's your $$$ that you earned with YOUR job. If you want to buy a freaking LLAMA to ride at IMFL that's your business. Period.
Okay, rant over. I'm really excited about your new tri bike. I'm glad you are too!
Ok, well, my earlier post was premature. I've decided I can stay in EN until after Longhorn is over. Mostly, I really want to see all you IMOO ladies through your big day. It's getting so close!
Becky, put me in the column of it's your money; do what you want with it. A potential catastrophe was right around the corner with that cracked frame. How lucky that your LBS found it! Until you join bank accounts, Dan should just shut up about what you do with your money.
thanks ladies! I think Dan thinks I'm drinking the kool-aid (we had that conversation before about non-EN'ers not really getting it...). But I did try to explain the $$ thing when I started discussing power (a purchase he definitely doesn't think I need... which he emphasized at dinner about a month ago when 2 cyclist friends were in town for a race. The woman won her category... and Dan asked and they both confirmed that they don't train with power). Anyway, we had the it's my money, I'm not asking him to pay for it, just that he support me in my training and racing efforts conversation... so he dropped it. But this bike thing has been a different story. he thinks it's rideable for now. the lbs guy said ride, it watch it, but start shopping... Dan conveniently forgot about that last part... oh well. On Fri and Sat he was really ticking me off about it... so Sun was a surprise. I'm just not gonna talk to him about my major expenditures. But what the heck, this guy has 3 bikes and when we were in NYC in Dec he bought 2 major pieces of art in the blink of an eye... granted, you could certainly argue that those are investments... but still, I didn't argue or try to tell him spending a couple grand on 2 paintings was ridiculous... it's his money. now my rant is over.
thanks for understanding... and letting me rant.
@Kristen - glad you're sticking around a bit longer!
@Linda ;- wow, I haven't been there yet, so I don't know how to help you channel your zen... but hang tough!
gotta call Todd with my credit card... will take lots of pics when I get my new ride! So, how do I deal with the anxiety of actually taking him out for a spin. I'm not gonna wanna breathe on him, touch him or get him dirty let alone run the risk of a scratch or something... I'm probably gonna ride like a grandma...!
Posted By Kitima Boonvisudhi on 29 Aug 2010 04:25 PM
Becky: The bike will be okay if you JUST WATCH IT?!! Just watch it catastrophically fall apart oh say on RACE DAY. Married or not, it's your $$$ that you earned with YOUR job. If you want to buy a freaking LLAMA to ride at IMFL that's your business. Period.
Okay, rant over. I'm really excited about your new tri bike. I'm glad you are too!
Kit- There you go again, mincing your words !!
And I wouldn't have her do it any other way!!! Love it.
Linda- you know how anal I am about the checklists and schedules. It's only because if I don't write all that stuff down I will absolutely go insane! I hate the stress of getting ready to race. Love to race, just hate the prep work before it!
Kristen- so glad you'll be around for just a few weeks longer so you can share in this experience with us. It's gonna be cool!
thanks ladies! I started discussing power (a purchase he definitely doesn't think I need... which he emphasized at dinner about a month ago when 2 cyclist friends were in town for a race. The woman won her category... and Dan asked and they both confirmed that they don't train with power).
Know what my response it to that? Iimagine how much faster/stronger she COULD be, how much smarter she COULD race if she had power and knew how to use it. Just b/c someone has a natural gift, works it, and does well, does not mean they have risen to the top of their abilities. For all we know, this woman could be pro, but is limited by training in ways that aren't optimal. Power is always optimal. Sheesh, Dan doesn't know what he doesn't know, and sure has opinions about that which he has NO knowledge and NO direct experience. We could not sit across the table from each other in that conversation. Yo! Sorry to harp on him, but he WAAAYYYY out of his element with all of this, IMHO.
Sorry to the re[etition for the IMMoo chicas, but I wanted to share a nice observation Ketih made last night.
Me: I wish I could have a do-over on this training, this time without the thyroid meltdown and your face smash.
Him: What I see is someone who picked up the pieces and made lemonade.
The metaphor mixing is funny , but it helped me put things in persepctive.
Tired today. Ran 35' and will likely swim this afternoon--after my massage! ahhhh!
@Linda - thanks! you're right... and funny, that was my thought but I bit my tongue (actually the woman's husband, when he said the wife doesn't train with power said, "but she probably should.") I need to just not talk to him about this stuff... but it was kinda hard to avoid talking about having to buy a new bike... his attitude just annoys the heck out of me and that's not what I need right now. Iguess that's what I get for dating a guy 11 years older than me who's never been married or lived with someone... he's a tad set in his ways... and I'm just a tad headstrong and a little mouthy... yikes. The relationship isn't perfect, but we're keeping communication lines open and I'm gonna have to continue to work on keeping the EN stuff to myself.
More importantly - you are amazing. With everything you've had to deal with, you have kept your head together and your priorities straight - with family being first. I, for one, am really proud of you for sticking with your goal of IMWI and can't wait to see you finish. You really are an inspiration to us all! Enjoy your massage!!!
No relationship is. And anyone who claims to be in one is the biggest liar ever. Mouthy and headstrong--have you met me? Well, no you haven't but I think you get the drift. Keith and I started out in a fight once, and ended up hysterically laughing when I said, "You are the most syubborn person I have ever known." And he said, " MEEEEEEE?????? That's totally what I think about YOU!" I was all, like, REALLY????? LOL!!!! It's all a give and take and working things out. Not always easy, but doable.
Kris -- Rest up, chica! But I'm so glad you were around to take care of the Louisville crew!
Linda -- I'm so glad you are racing with us. It really, really is the best.
Becky -- Sekrit art-buying code: I'm buying it as an investment = I really love it. The art market completely sucks right now, so unless you are picking up Motherwell prints at garage sales, art is a pretty fickle investment. (My art collecting line is that I'm gathering a collection to leave to my alma mater when I die.) I'm thinking relationships probably all have those areas where somebody says a line and then the other person just winks and nods.
And, yes, safety first. AND, we all know that patching a problem (bike fit, etc.) tends to be more expensive in the long run. We do a sport where we wear out equipment regularly and know that an ill-fitting bike can lead to $$$ at the chiro, masseuse, etc.
Moo Ladies -- Its like a week and half until we all start gathering in Madison!
A few months ago, I made fruit delivereies happen work. Cool? Right? There are now pro fruit and pro candy camps at work. The fruit people think we should get rid of the candy and the candy-liking people feel threatened. What happens? The candy for our wing now gets delivered to my desk every month. This is usually fine. I simply put out a small bowl and hide the rest in a cabinet. Until today. Do you know how cruel it is to put a giant bag of heath bars in front of a toffee-loving tapering Ironman athlete? Super cruel. To the max.
@Becky- Now I want to chime in. Previously I had thought that: 1. perhaps Dan had a lot less money than you 2. was the same age 3. thinking about marraige and how you handle money But after the art disclosure... I am wrong on all accounts and he needs to GET A GRIP!!! AGAIN- IT IS YOUR MONEY!! Keep the lines of communication open, but make it clear to him when he is crossing the line.
@Linda- Totally cracked up about "YOU are the most stubborn person I know!"..... "ME????!!!"
As my taper treat- and yes, I know it should have been my "intense training treat". I made choclate krispy treats. (rice krispy treats made instead with cocoa pebbles) SO YUMMY!
Riding with power...Oh no, NO successful cyclists would ride with power, would they? Well, let me tell you what's on the bicycles of Lance Armstrong, Jens Voigt, and Fabian Cancellara (the latter two I saw with my own eyes at ToC)...POWER METERS! Now, if you did ride a llama instead of a bicycle during an IM you wouldn't NEED a PM.
Linda: You certainly have made some wonderful lemonade with all those pieces!
Beth: Heath bars...you are a better woman than I. I would've inhaled the whole bowl. Then move on to...
Michele: ...devouring the entire pan of your choc Rice Krispie treats.
Instead, for this last taper weekend I've been binging on watching TV shows about dinosaurs, whales, fish (I own and have watch the Blue Planet series about 1 million times, but I still love watching it!), and some mystery cat in the western mountains of India. I've done no housework, made no IM packing lists, and marginally got the laundry done. Meh. Gotta go...Nick Baker's Weird Creatures is on (he's sooo cute!) and he's looking for "The Vampire Fish of the Amazon." Can't miss that!
those rice krispy/cocoa pebbles treats sound delicious! mmmmmmm..... you deserve it! happy taper! I admit after my 4 hour ride + brick I had a brownie hot fudge sundae... I think sticking to one super duper yummy treat on my big training day of the week is fair!
@Michele - interesting points about Dan. He's older than me and makes more than me... but maybe he is wondering about the whole how I manage money thing, since we have sort of talked about the future and my some day quitting my job as I try to make it as a trainer and gym owner... but I'm not there yet and we're not pooling resources yet... regardless, I am one of the most fiscally responsible people I know... and I think he should appreciate that!
anyway, thank you all ... not just bc you agree with me (but that's nice ), but for being there as a sounding board and a reality check! I'm not nuts or being a nervous nellie about the bike!
Kit, I can't tell: Are you for or against Becky riding a llama during IMFL? You have mentioned it twice...I'm assuming it would be a more aero llama if it had been recently shorn? A llama might just be more comfortable than an aerodynamic bike position for 112 miles!
Gonna have to try those chocolate krispie treats...
@Kit/Kristen - that was a laugh out loud moment... I TOTALLY want an aero llama for IMFL. The warm, dessert like conditions of the beach might work out well... and we wouldn't need to stop at the rest stops for water, I'm guessing (oh wait, I'm confusing a llama with a camel). Too funny! And, I strongly suspect a pack animal will cost a whole lost less than my new bike. I should call Todd ASAP and cancel my order and ask if he knows of any good llama farms and can fit me on one! Hmm... I think we should work with this idea... Beth could probably craft some rules and we'd be in business!
Before I went primal I would buy chocolatey cereal as dessert when it was on sale. I like cocoa puffs better than cocoa pebbles... but I could eat an entire box of fruity pebbles in one sitting if I didn't cut myself off. Mmmmmmm....
Speaking of primal, doing mostly okay - although pre-post training sessions I'll do chocolate milk and bagels or potatoes or pasta or something starchy. I've bought stevia for my coffee fix to keep sugar minimized... weight is still trending down, which is cool (although taper week and the beginning of recovery week, not so much)... today has been my lowest Monday weigh in in ages and ages... and Monday is typically my heavy day of the week. So, I'm cautiously optimistic I'll be at race weight for my AV/RR at the tail end of Sept.
heck, even a girl llama is cheaper than my new bike! Darn it. I guess there's always my chance at IMWI next year...but it might be inappropriate to race IMMooooooo on a llama. Maybe I could put her in a cow costume.
Just smiling ear to ear, love you guys, love this team. I think it was breakfast, but me in a great mood all day. Oatmeal cooked with almond milk/h20, with 1/2 banana and almonds, a sprinkle of cinamon. Been good all day, except had a little red wine ( Malbec, Kitima, thought of you)
Really focusing on being good with food, and for most part have been, so reading about health bars and the variety of rice krispy treats is KILLING me. At least the red wine is protecting my heart
I think Llamas may cause a new kind of chafing never experienced before, may be stinky as well, and the spitting. What would one wear on a llama, Would it be itchy?
Ok, so this is the kind of goofball moment, just stoopid things that make me laugh.
At work, quick bathroom break, look in mirror, as usuall hardly any hair is in my OR hat, hanging out all over the place. Surpirsed the hair police were not all over me....... so I took my hat off, took my nubby ponytail out, and shook my hair just like they do in hair commercials, my hair was bouncy and wavy, and shiny too. I felt like this is a hair commercial moment, laughing ( Crazy, I know!) My moment ended, pulled my hair back, hat on, and back to work. No pictures, but it really did happen
Just a warning, before Wisconsin
Gotta scoot, need to stay on strict bedt time schedule, its late!
Hi ladies! LUV the Llama talk! Luv Llamas! Thank you all for your support yesterday. It was a tough day, indeed. I'll be posting my RR soon. I had a very, um, 'unusual' bike ride! When I told Patrick about it, he even raised his eyebrows! Gotcha interested? Good! I'll be posting my RR this week. It was truly a very challenging day. But I LOVED meeting team members and Patrick! What a wonderful time I had. I am a bit discouraged about not finishing, but I am also thinking about which IM to do next year...IMLOU for revenge? IMWI? or IMFL, which a ton of people recommended, yesterday! Any comments about any of these races is appreciated...
Oh, Barb! Glad to hear you in good spirits. I hope the ride was at least good unusual -- and there were no pink bunnies.
A llama saddle would go on the llama, of course. And then you could wear comfy running clothes. The trick would be carrying llama nutrition.
Okay, to counterbalance the delicious rice krispie talk (which are really delicious with peanut butter and m&ms), my new favorite of the week? Peaches with greek yogurt, a little honey, and lavendar. So unbelievably delicious I am not making rice krispie treats or eating Heath bars.
I remember reading an article about how cookbooks with good illustrations are good gifts for college students and people in prison, who cannot eat all sorts of delicious things. Maybe if we talk about food we won't need to eat pound bags of jelly bellys during taper?
Dave says no Llamas. I think he's still gunshy about animals following the groundhog/fox invasion.
Speaking of baked goods- my patients are killing me. Now that the heat wave is over and school is back, they are baking up a storm. two trays of cookies showed up Friday, brownies yesterday. suffice it to the say, the taper diet has taken a direct hit.
Taper.. who has time to taper? I'm going directly to recovery I think. No workouts (official) Sat, Sun, with IMLOU in town. Did lots of walking and some jogging with folks on the course and the eating.... well been a bit crazy. Haven't eaten too much crap food, but feel so out of sync with all the running around I'm not 100% sure what I did eat. I had a splurge meal in there, which isn't great with reduced volume. Still so exhausted slept 10 hrs last night and right through alarm to go swim! need to get myself straight again so I have a plan for each day. I'll be swimming/running tonight looks like!!
@Beth - since I wouldn't be riding, I would think I could easily wear a backpack to be sure my llama is properly fed along the course. Hopefully someone at infinit could help me out with an endurance mix that would be just right for her. I'll have to work with her on the spitting at officials, though, as a DQ would really stink... and, from the sounds of it, I might want to keep her away from the WTC reps, too (although they may be deserving of a goober to the face).
@Michele - I did actually know that pebbles has their own "krispy treat" recipe... only bc I actually perused the boxes as I happily munched away... Speaking of decadent treats, my brother makes truffles out of oreos, they absolutely heavenly... mmm.... maybe I should ask him to make up a batch and bring them to FL for me to celebrate with. Mmmmmm!
@Tracy - love the hair commercial moment... I will never have one of those as I highly doubt my hair will ever grow longer than my chin (I don't have the face for long hair), so I will live vicariously through your Pantene moments! And great job with the healthy eating! It was hard for me to break some associations, but a few months of mostly clean eating has really worked wonders for my definition and the number on the scale! I still have my occasional treats, some less infrequent as they should be... but it gets easier!
@Barb - so glad to hear from you and hear you in good spirits. I'm partial to WI for next year (since I'm planning to do it)... bc I'm doing IMFL this year. Would love love love some chica company... and it will be well supported by the EN Chica crew, so it should be a lot of fun (well, as much fun as 13-17 hours of exercise can be).
No one would believe the stuff we talk about here. Cracks me up!
Barb- I'm looking forward to your Race Report. We were on pins and needles hoping you made the bike cut-off. Then on cloud 9 so happy to see the Mile 70 split, and then shortly afterwards saw your FB post. Man, it was a roller coaster ride for us too!!!
Dan's reaction struck me as one from someone who does not know bikes, and needs to learn more. And you can tell him I said so. If you'd like, I can send you pictures of Keith in a hospital bed in a neck brace with a broken face, and that was an accident on a bike that had NO apparent flaw. You cannot ride a cracked bike. You made the right decision. Don't get me started on the "it's your choice anyway" speech. Todd will do right by you.
I am in such a BAD mood--read above.
Know why? If there is one single reason I would not want to do another IM in the near or distant future are these checklists and this packing. I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT!!!! It overwhelms me. Every niggling detail is important. I try to go all Zen on it, and I'm good for a time then I just can't stand it. I am trying to pack, listen to the course talk and the 4 Keys again. Taylor leaves for college on Thurs., and Grant for Lisbon on the 7th. Casey starts school on Wed. I could not give a sh$# right now about where my Speedfill straw is placed--but I know I will on race day. Rant over. Breathe. Going to eat flank steak and drink a Blue Moon. 
Fingers and toes crossed for Barb!!!! We all SO want her to have her day!
Becky, put me in the column of it's your money; do what you want with it. A potential catastrophe was right around the corner with that cracked frame. How lucky that your LBS found it! Until you join bank accounts, Dan should just shut up about what you do with your money.
Yeah Kristen, glad to hear, glad you can stay a little longer, but we still hate to see you go
thanks ladies! I think Dan thinks I'm drinking the kool-aid (we had that conversation before about non-EN'ers not really getting it...). But I did try to explain the $$ thing when I started discussing power (a purchase he definitely doesn't think I need... which he emphasized at dinner about a month ago when 2 cyclist friends were in town for a race. The woman won her category... and Dan asked and they both confirmed that they don't train with power). Anyway, we had the it's my money, I'm not asking him to pay for it, just that he support me in my training and racing efforts conversation... so he dropped it. But this bike thing has been a different story. he thinks it's rideable for now. the lbs guy said ride, it watch it, but start shopping... Dan conveniently forgot about that last part... oh well. On Fri and Sat he was really ticking me off about it... so Sun was a surprise. I'm just not gonna talk to him about my major expenditures. But what the heck, this guy has 3 bikes and when we were in NYC in Dec he bought 2 major pieces of art in the blink of an eye... granted, you could certainly argue that those are investments... but still, I didn't argue or try to tell him spending a couple grand on 2 paintings was ridiculous... it's his money. now my rant is over.
thanks for understanding... and letting me rant.
@Kristen - glad you're sticking around a bit longer!
@Linda ;- wow, I haven't been there yet, so I don't know how to help you channel your zen... but hang tough!
gotta call Todd with my credit card... will take lots of pics when I get my new ride! So, how do I deal with the anxiety of actually taking him out for a spin. I'm not gonna wanna breathe on him, touch him or get him dirty let alone run the risk of a scratch or something... I'm probably gonna ride like a grandma...!
Linda- you know how anal I am about the checklists and schedules. It's only because if I don't write all that stuff down I will absolutely go insane! I hate the stress of getting ready to race. Love to race, just hate the prep work before it!
Kristen- so glad you'll be around for just a few weeks longer so you can share in this experience with us. It's gonna be cool!
Know what my response it to that? Iimagine how much faster/stronger she COULD be, how much smarter she COULD race if she had power and knew how to use it. Just b/c someone has a natural gift, works it, and does well, does not mean they have risen to the top of their abilities. For all we know, this woman could be pro, but is limited by training in ways that aren't optimal. Power is always optimal. Sheesh, Dan doesn't know what he doesn't know, and sure has opinions about that which he has NO knowledge and NO direct experience. We could not sit across the table from each other in that conversation. Yo! Sorry to harp on him, but he WAAAYYYY out of his element with all of this, IMHO.
Sorry to the re[etition for the IMMoo chicas, but I wanted to share a nice observation Ketih made last night.
Me: I wish I could have a do-over on this training, this time without the thyroid meltdown and your face smash.
Him: What I see is someone who picked up the pieces and made lemonade.
The metaphor mixing is funny
, but it helped me put things in persepctive.
Tired today. Ran 35' and will likely swim this afternoon--after my massage! ahhhh!
@Linda - thanks! you're right... and funny, that was my thought but I bit my tongue (actually the woman's husband, when he said the wife doesn't train with power said, "but she probably should.") I need to just not talk to him about this stuff... but it was kinda hard to avoid talking about having to buy a new bike... his attitude just annoys the heck out of me and that's not what I need right now. Iguess that's what I get for dating a guy 11 years older than me who's never been married or lived with someone... he's a tad set in his ways... and I'm just a tad headstrong and a little mouthy... yikes. The relationship isn't perfect, but we're keeping communication lines open and I'm gonna have to continue to work on keeping the EN stuff to myself.
More importantly - you are amazing. With everything you've had to deal with, you have kept your head together and your priorities straight - with family being first. I, for one, am really proud of you for sticking with your goal of IMWI and can't wait to see you finish. You really are an inspiration to us all! Enjoy your massage!!!
No relationship is. And anyone who claims to be in one is the biggest liar ever.
Mouthy and headstrong--have you met me? Well, no you haven't but I think you get the drift. Keith and I started out in a fight once, and ended up hysterically laughing when I said, "You are the most syubborn person I have ever known." And he said, " MEEEEEEE?????? That's totally what I think about YOU!" I was all, like, REALLY????? LOL!!!! It's all a give and take and working things out. Not always easy, but doable.
Kris -- Rest up, chica! But I'm so glad you were around to take care of the Louisville crew!
Linda -- I'm so glad you are racing with us. It really, really is the best.
Becky -- Sekrit art-buying code: I'm buying it as an investment = I really love it. The art market completely sucks right now, so unless you are picking up Motherwell prints at garage sales, art is a pretty fickle investment. (My art collecting line is that I'm gathering a collection to leave to my alma mater when I die.) I'm thinking relationships probably all have those areas where somebody says a line and then the other person just winks and nods.
And, yes, safety first. AND, we all know that patching a problem (bike fit, etc.) tends to be more expensive in the long run. We do a sport where we wear out equipment regularly and know that an ill-fitting bike can lead to $$$ at the chiro, masseuse, etc.
Moo Ladies -- Its like a week and half until we all start gathering in Madison!
A few months ago, I made fruit delivereies happen work. Cool? Right? There are now pro fruit and pro candy camps at work. The fruit people think we should get rid of the candy and the candy-liking people feel threatened. What happens? The candy for our wing now gets delivered to my desk every month. This is usually fine. I simply put out a small bowl and hide the rest in a cabinet. Until today. Do you know how cruel it is to put a giant bag of heath bars in front of a toffee-loving tapering Ironman athlete? Super cruel. To the max.
1. perhaps Dan had a lot less money than you
2. was the same age
3. thinking about marraige and how you handle money
But after the art disclosure... I am wrong on all accounts and he needs to GET A GRIP!!! AGAIN- IT IS YOUR MONEY!!
Keep the lines of communication open, but make it clear to him when he is crossing the line.
@Linda- Totally cracked up about "YOU are the most stubborn person I know!"..... "ME????!!!"
@Beth- Heath bars.... yummy.
As my taper treat- and yes, I know it should have been my "intense training treat". I made choclate krispy treats. (rice krispy treats made instead with cocoa pebbles) SO YUMMY!
Linda: You certainly have made some wonderful lemonade with all those pieces!
Beth: Heath bars...you are a better woman than I. I would've inhaled the whole bowl. Then move on to...
Michele: ...devouring the entire pan of your choc Rice Krispie treats.
Instead, for this last taper weekend I've been binging on watching TV shows about dinosaurs, whales, fish (I own and have watch the Blue Planet series about 1 million times, but I still love watching it!), and some mystery cat in the western mountains of India. I've done no housework, made no IM packing lists, and marginally got the laundry done. Meh. Gotta go...Nick Baker's Weird Creatures is on (he's sooo cute!) and he's looking for "The Vampire Fish of the Amazon." Can't miss that!
you are all hysterical!
those rice krispy/cocoa pebbles treats sound delicious! mmmmmmm..... you deserve it! happy taper! I admit after my 4 hour ride + brick I had a brownie hot fudge sundae... I think sticking to one super duper yummy treat on my big training day of the week is fair!
@Michele - interesting points about Dan. He's older than me and makes more than me... but maybe he is wondering about the whole how I manage money thing, since we have sort of talked about the future and my some day quitting my job as I try to make it as a trainer and gym owner... but I'm not there yet and we're not pooling resources yet... regardless, I am one of the most fiscally responsible people I know... and I think he should appreciate that!
anyway, thank you all ... not just bc you agree with me (but that's nice
), but for being there as a sounding board and a reality check! I'm not nuts or being a nervous nellie about the bike!
Kit, I can't tell: Are you for or against Becky riding a llama during IMFL?
You have mentioned it twice...I'm assuming it would be a more aero llama if it had been recently shorn?
A llama might just be more comfortable than an aerodynamic bike position for 112 miles!
Gonna have to try those chocolate krispie treats...
@Kit/Kristen - that was a laugh out loud moment... I TOTALLY want an aero llama for IMFL. The warm, dessert like conditions of the beach might work out well... and we wouldn't need to stop at the rest stops for water, I'm guessing (oh wait, I'm confusing a llama with a camel). Too funny! And, I strongly suspect a pack animal will cost a whole lost less than my new bike. I should call Todd ASAP and cancel my order and ask if he knows of any good llama farms and can fit me on one! Hmm... I think we should work with this idea... Beth could probably craft some rules and we'd be in business!
Before I went primal I would buy chocolatey cereal as dessert when it was on sale. I like cocoa puffs better than cocoa pebbles... but I could eat an entire box of fruity pebbles in one sitting if I didn't cut myself off. Mmmmmmm....
Speaking of primal, doing mostly okay - although pre-post training sessions I'll do chocolate milk and bagels or potatoes or pasta or something starchy. I've bought stevia for my coffee fix to keep sugar minimized... weight is still trending down, which is cool (although taper week and the beginning of recovery week, not so much)... today has been my lowest Monday weigh in in ages and ages... and Monday is typically my heavy day of the week. So, I'm cautiously optimistic I'll be at race weight for my AV/RR at the tail end of Sept.
I gotta stop eating or my race weight is gonna start creeping back up the scale before race day. This is the part of the taper that just sucks!
Llamas are way cheaper than bikes -- especially boy llamas
How much do llamas cost?
Males can cost $300 or more and females can be $2,000 dollars or more.
You can make krispy treats with fruity pebbles or PBCap'n Crunch. Just sayin...
I did not need to know that!
Just smiling ear to ear, love you guys, love this team.
I think it was breakfast, but me in a great mood all day. Oatmeal cooked with almond milk/h20, with 1/2 banana and almonds, a sprinkle of cinamon. Been good all day, except had a little red wine ( Malbec, Kitima, thought of you)
Really focusing on being good with food, and for most part have been, so reading about health bars and the variety of rice krispy treats is KILLING me
. At least the red wine is protecting my heart
I think Llamas may cause a new kind of chafing never experienced before, may be stinky as well, and the spitting. What would one wear on a llama, Would it be itchy?
Ok, so this is the kind of goofball moment, just stoopid things that make me laugh.
At work, quick bathroom break, look in mirror, as usuall hardly any hair is in my OR hat, hanging out all over the place. Surpirsed the hair police were not all over me....... so I took my hat off, took my nubby ponytail out, and shook my hair just like they do in hair commercials, my hair was bouncy and wavy, and shiny too. I felt like this is a hair commercial moment, laughing ( Crazy, I know!
) My moment ended, pulled my hair back, hat on, and back to work. No pictures, but it really did happen
Just a warning, before Wisconsin
Gotta scoot, need to stay on strict bedt time schedule, its late!
Good night
Oh, Barb! Glad to hear you in good spirits. I hope the ride was at least good unusual -- and there were no pink bunnies.
A llama saddle would go on the llama, of course. And then you could wear comfy running clothes. The trick would be carrying llama nutrition.
Okay, to counterbalance the delicious rice krispie talk (which are really delicious with peanut butter and m&ms), my new favorite of the week? Peaches with greek yogurt, a little honey, and lavendar. So unbelievably delicious I am not making rice krispie treats or eating Heath bars.
I remember reading an article about how cookbooks with good illustrations are good gifts for college students and people in prison, who cannot eat all sorts of delicious things. Maybe if we talk about food we won't need to eat pound bags of jelly bellys during taper?
Speaking of baked goods- my patients are killing me. Now that the heat wave is over and school is back, they are baking up a storm. two trays of cookies showed up Friday, brownies yesterday. suffice it to the say, the taper diet has taken a direct hit.
@Beth - since I wouldn't be riding, I would think I could easily wear a backpack to be sure my llama is properly fed along the course. Hopefully someone at infinit could help me out with an endurance mix that would be just right for her. I'll have to work with her on the spitting at officials, though, as a DQ would really stink... and, from the sounds of it, I might want to keep her away from the WTC reps, too (although they may be deserving of a goober to the face).
@Michele - I did actually know that pebbles has their own "krispy treat" recipe... only bc I actually perused the boxes as I happily munched away...
Speaking of decadent treats, my brother makes truffles out of oreos, they absolutely heavenly... mmm.... maybe I should ask him to make up a batch and bring them to FL for me to celebrate with. Mmmmmm!
@Tracy - love the hair commercial moment... I will never have one of those as I highly doubt my hair will ever grow longer than my chin (I don't have the face for long hair), so I will live vicariously through your Pantene moments! And great job with the healthy eating! It was hard for me to break some associations, but a few months of mostly clean eating has really worked wonders for my definition and the number on the scale! I still have my occasional treats, some less infrequent as they should be... but it gets easier!
@Barb - so glad to hear from you and hear you in good spirits. I'm partial to WI for next year (since I'm planning to do it)... bc I'm doing IMFL this year. Would love love love some chica company... and it will be well supported by the EN Chica crew, so it should be a lot of fun (well, as much fun as 13-17 hours of exercise can be).
Barb- I'm looking forward to your Race Report. We were on pins and needles hoping you made the bike cut-off. Then on cloud 9 so happy to see the Mile 70 split, and then shortly afterwards saw your FB post. Man, it was a roller coaster ride for us too!!!