Good morning-it is snowing like crazy here in Wisconsin. Just started the OS plan, getting the HR testing done this week then hope to jump into week 3 next monday. IM St George is my A race, but I have the Mardi Gras Marathon 2/28 as a B race. I signed up before I joined the team, and I am working on my 50 states marathon goal. I recover quickly, and really the race is just for fun-if you can call a marathon fun. My question: is there enough running in the OS plan to get me ready for New Orleans in 12 weeks? Is there anything I should change? Thanks, Sheryl
So i am on week 6 of the beginner plan and waited per others instructions until week 5 to ask this. i chose beginner since this is IM #1 and I am carrying a bit of fluff and was worried about how my body would handle the runs. So here it goes. 1 missed workout, recovering well day to day, feeling super comfortable in all runs on treadmill. on the trainer intervals are tough but very doable. I start my interval now once my HR (no power) hits the target and am able to hold the entire interval.
So do I ...
1) just follow the other threads instructions about adjusting intervals?
2) or should I request a plan change?
3) Stay where I am and wait until week 10 to make a choice since that will be two weeks into the next phase?
4) Hang tight and be happy I feel great and will finish the IM not worrying about a time goal.
My goal race this year is IMWI in September where it's become no secret, I have a goal of going sub 13 (roughly 45 min PR) I think my biggest obstacle frankly is going to be just staying healthy this year as I've been having some nagging issues with my calfs and running.
I start the OS in January. I know that I need to break this year up into two "seasons" or my head is going to explode by September. Additionally, although I know I don't NEED to do a Half before the full, getting an open water swim with 100s of friends before an Ironman gives me confidence (Nemo really doesn't like the swim!). So I need a race in the May/June timeframe. Trouble is, I'm afraid that with TOC I might be trying to do too much. Oh- and around here all the races will be closed by the second week of January so I gotta figure all this out now.
Here's how my year looks:
Jan-May: EN OS
April 25: USAT DU Nationals (5k/38k/5k). I registered for this in a moment of weakness. I'm not wedded to doing it if it makes sense to drop it.
May 15-24(??): Tour of Cali with EN. Not sure the exact dates- it's somewhere in this range.
July 8-11: EN Cowgirl Camp in Madison
September 11: IMWI!!!
My options for adding the "season 1" race are as follows:
May 1/2: White Lake HIM on Sat and Sprint on Sunday. I know this venue cold. Gets me 2 OWS with a crowd on one weekend.
June 12: Hampton VA Oly. Inagural event- small # participants. 3 hours from home, gets me in an OWS- but not with lots of folks. Might not be a whole lotta bang for the buck here.
June 13: Eagleman. It's full, but there are still $$ ways to get in. It seems to fit better on the schedule, but frankly, my heart is not in repeating that course again.
Tagging onto Gina and Nemo. I've been thinking of dropping back, and starting up the OS again in Jan. When I did the IM in '06, I started the OS in October, took a break in July, and then went to November. I enjoyed it, but it was too long.
My big question is how to plan the transition time off on 2010. Everybody else wants to know how to cram tons in, I want to know when/how to ease up. So here's the plan:
Started NOS--doing fine, feeling good, hitting the workouts, no undue fatigue. Should I stand down for these next few weeks, and just pick it up again with the girls in Jan?
My only real goal is IMWI. I'd like to do as well as I can there, and would love to break 13 hours--although the course is new to me. I'd need to take off 52', which is totally doable if I can stay healthy and my quads don't fry at mile 13.
Transtion out of NOS and re-start OS in Jan? Or keep going?
Transition out of OS when? Transition for a week? Then pick up HIM training? (I know I should know this stuff, but guidance is always reassuring. )
Patriot HIM--June 19
Take a little time off after Patriot, or is that too much in the middle of training?
IMWI Camp July 8-11
Maine Vacation July 14-24: You want me to ride hills? There are monsters there. Don't mind training on vaycay. Don't mind taking time off either.
@Sheryl -- Please head over to the Marathon forum, there's a thread over there on supplementing the plan and we can walk you through the specifics over there!
My goal race this year is IMWI in September where it's become no secret, I have a goal of going sub 13 (roughly 45 min PR) I think my biggest obstacle frankly is going to be just staying healthy this year as I've been having some nagging issues with my calfs and running.
I start the OS in January. I know that I need to break this year up into two "seasons" or my head is going to explode by September. Additionally, although I know I don't NEED to do a Half before the full, getting an open water swim with 100s of friends before an Ironman gives me confidence (Nemo really doesn't like the swim!). So I need a race in the May/June timeframe. Trouble is, I'm afraid that with TOC I might be trying to do too much. Oh- and around here all the races will be closed by the second week of January so I gotta figure all this out now.
Here's how my year looks:
Jan-May: EN OS
April 25: USAT DU Nationals (5k/38k/5k). I registered for this in a moment of weakness. I'm not wedded to doing it if it makes sense to drop it.
May 15-24(??): Tour of Cali with EN. Not sure the exact dates- it's somewhere in this range.
July 8-11: EN Cowgirl Camp in Madison
September 11: IMWI!!!
My options for adding the "season 1" race are as follows:
May 1/2: White Lake HIM on Sat and Sprint on Sunday. I know this venue cold. Gets me 2 OWS with a crowd on one weekend.
June 12: Hampton VA Oly. Inagural event- small # participants. 3 hours from home, gets me in an OWS- but not with lots of folks. Might not be a whole lotta bang for the buck here.
June 13: Eagleman. It's full, but there are still $$ ways to get in. It seems to fit better on the schedule, but frankly, my heart is not in repeating that course again.
So, what do you think?
Nemo - Go with White can train hard, race, then chill out and have no-holds-barred fun on TOC (ie no need to geek out re lack of run / swim action). Then you can refocus for June/JulyAugust!!!
If you are healthy, then do May 1/2 (if not, go oly), then break. June should be a volume focus for you (big week? big weekend?), then CowGirl camp and race! If you want, you can race again in June, but if you get 1/2 done in May you are all set!
Tagging onto Gina and Nemo. I've been thinking of dropping back, and starting up the OS again in Jan. When I did the IM in '06, I started the OS in October, took a break in July, and then went to November. I enjoyed it, but it was too long.
My big question is how to plan the transition time off on 2010. Everybody else wants to know how to cram tons in, I want to know when/how to ease up. So here's the plan:
Started NOS--doing fine, feeling good, hitting the workouts, no undue fatigue. Should I stand down for these next few weeks, and just pick it up again with the girls in Jan?
My only real goal is IMWI. I'd like to do as well as I can there, and would love to break 13 hours--although the course is new to me. I'd need to take off 52', which is totally doable if I can stay healthy and my quads don't fry at mile 13.
Transtion out of NOS and re-start OS in Jan? Or keep going?
Transition out of OS when? Transition for a week? Then pick up HIM training? (I know I should know this stuff, but guidance is always reassuring. )
Patriot HIM--June 19
Take a little time off after Patriot, or is that too much in the middle of training?
IMWI Camp July 8-11
Maine Vacation July 14-24: You want me to ride hills? There are monsters there. Don't mind training on vaycay. Don't mind taking time off either.
IMWI 9/12
Overall, should I add anything else? Gracias!
Save the hardest questions for last, eh? I say that you know yourself best...if you can handle it, stay with Nov OS and be done in March. Transition 2 weeks and an almost full build to Patriot. Rip it. Take a Week (or two) off, minimal exercise. Return to suffer at IMWI Camp, right into Vacation, then focus in on IM specific training through race day.
Alternative is to restart in Jan (after Transition week off during Xmas - NewYears break), and go through May, basically extending OS right into HIM prep for Patriot, then repeat above. Or at least, that's as far as my prognosticating powers extend!
Jumping onto coat tails of Linda, Nemo, and Gina...
IMMoo is my A race. My goal is beat my DH's IMLP'06 time of 13:47 and proclaim myself the fastest Ironman in our household. (The DH has only done that one IM and wasn't in the shape he is now. He could probably go sub-10:30 easily right now, but hasn't stepped up the start line.)
Anyhoo, I'm still recovering from a running injury and haven't done any land runs longer than 40 minutes at E pace. All interval runs have been done in the pool. I started NOS and feel great.
So question #1: Hoping to be able to run on land with some intensity and do my first Vdot test by mid-January. Should I restart the OS running at week 1 or pick the run training at week 10?
2# I'm going to Argentina to hike in Patagonia for 2 weeks in mid-Feb. When I come back should I restart OS where I left off or just continue with everyone else?
3#: I'm doing ToC in May, then plan on Patriot Man in June, then Cowgirl camp in July. Is that too much before IMMoo? I can drop Patriot Man as I don't have a real burning desire to do a HIM before an IM.
To counter what P said, it sounds to me that you're looking/not looking at races solely on the merits of if you can get in "sprited" OW swim with a lot of people.
When you're in the water at IMWI, about 800m into the swim, are you really going to be thinking "wow, I'm sure glad/wish I had spent $xxx on a race, travel, lodging, etc to get in a good swim before this one because this is totally awesome/sucks!"
Personally, I don't think having done a race with a big start beforehand is going to make all that much difference and I'd certainly be looking at the $$ to see if it made sense.
Thanks guys! I appreciate both sides of the advice! Part of my desire to do the race certainly is to get a little reminder of what a mass swim is like (I've been pulled 2 times from a race for freaking out during the swim, so the mental game is huge for me). I have lots of access to the open water so that's not really a big deal. It's just that mass start stuff- but you make a good point Rich and if I just visualize my successful swim at IMWI 2009 I should be fine.
OTOH, the really big goal driving me to think about a spring race is to give myself something ELSE to think about and focus on before IMWI. Only having one race on my dance card for the entire year is likely to turn me into a total head case by September. I've considered thinking about TOC as a "race" event. I certainly need to get myself prepared to keep up with the team at that show- and perhaps that would be enough. Maybe I can come up with some sort of goal for TOC to focus on acheiving- that would really help. Any ideas on that front?
PnR, What do you think about adding the Hyannis Half Marathon 2/21 and the New Bedford Half Marathon , St Patty's Day in March into my race schedule. I did both of these last year and had a great time. However, I do no want to mess up the OS plan. Lemme know.
Patrick, Thanks for the call this am. I think we may have a mutual friend, Todd Kenyon in RI, No? Mike
Traveling to SoCal for Christmas. Leave 12/21 and return 12/30. That is week 8 and requires testing. Won't be able to test on 12/21 unless I do it real early in the morning and not taking bike to CA. Does it make sense to test on 12/20 - Sunday, then do quite a bit of running while in SoCal and use new FTP on return or wait to test until return? Don't want to wait, but want to do the right thing. Can probably borrow a bike for a couple rides while in SoCal, but can't guarantee to have PM!
Guidance welcomed. Secretly figuring out way to get bike down there but want to test on trainer so I have consistency from one test to next.
I have 2 A races with some time apart, the London Marathon on 25 April and IM Germany 70.3 on 15 August. I’m really “enjoying” the November OS and hitting all the workouts so far. Xmas will need a bit of a training shuffle, but should be able to sneak in a couple of extra runs for the Run challenge so that CTL should keep climbing!
You suggested I should stay with the OS until week 14 before starting a marathon program, but noted I should start to tweak the running in the OS upwards from week 10. How should I change the runs in weeks 10-14 to be ready for your marathon program?
What do you think about adding the Hyannis Half Marathon 2/21 and the New Bedford Half Marathon , St Patty's Day in March into my race schedule. I did both of these last year and had a great time. However, I do no want to mess up the OS plan. Lemme know.
Patrick, Thanks for the call this am. I think we may have a mutual friend, Todd Kenyon in RI, No?
Mike -
Yep, Todd is a good friend, unless there is beer around and then he is my mortal enemy. Hyannis is fine, depending on when you started the OS...if you started in NOV, the mileage will start to go up after week 8, and it's easy to supplement...St. Patty's would be easy to follow up on (and you might be slightly more prepared).
We'll be at hyannis...M is in for the full, I think...I want to rip a good half, but not finidng the time to run long (quite yet).
Traveling to SoCal for Christmas. Leave 12/21 and return 12/30. That is week 8 and requires testing. Won't be able to test on 12/21 unless I do it real early in the morning and not taking bike to CA. Does it make sense to test on 12/20 - Sunday, then do quite a bit of running while in SoCal and use new FTP on return or wait to test until return? Don't want to wait, but want to do the right thing. Can probably borrow a bike for a couple rides while in SoCal, but can't guarantee to have PM!
Guidance welcomed. Secretly figuring out way to get bike down there but want to test on trainer so I have consistency from one test to next.
Bryan -
You are not's a tough time to train and one of the main reasons we have the annual HOLIDAY RUN CHALLENGE in full effect.
Work on the week before as Thursday bike wicked early, then Firday off. Saturday is your test day, and then you are outie on a runcation.
I have 2 A races with some time apart, the London Marathon on 25 April and IM Germany 70.3 on 15 August. I’m really “enjoying” the November OS and hitting all the workouts so far. Xmas will need a bit of a training shuffle, but should be able to sneak in a couple of extra runs for the Run challenge so that CTL should keep climbing!
You suggested I should stay with the OS until week 14 before starting a marathon program, but noted I should start to tweak the running in the OS upwards from week 10. How should I change the runs in weeks 10-14 to be ready for your marathon program?
JC -
I would look to build that weekend long run up to about 1:30. I personally do a longer run every other weekend right now in the OS (so this weekends 2x2miles at z4 will be in a 1:20 run, but last weekend I ran only 45 mins). I think 1:30 is a nice place to be by the time you hit week 14, just note that we test then, so you might have to build weeks 10, 11, 12, then back down pre test...
I have 2 A races with some time apart, the London Marathon on 25 April and IM Germany 70.3 on 15 August. I’m really “enjoying” the November OS and hitting all the workouts so far. Xmas will need a bit of a training shuffle, but should be able to sneak in a couple of extra runs for the Run challenge so that CTL should keep climbing!
You suggested I should stay with the OS until week 14 before starting a marathon program, but noted I should start to tweak the running in the OS upwards from week 10. How should I change the runs in weeks 10-14 to be ready for your marathon program?
JC -
I would look to build that weekend long run up to about 1:30. I personally do a longer run every other weekend right now in the OS (so this weekends 2x2miles at z4 will be in a 1:20 run, but last weekend I ran only 45 mins). I think 1:30 is a nice place to be by the time you hit week 14, just note that we test then, so you might have to build weeks 10, 11, 12, then back down pre test...
I think my question got lost in the Cowgirl shuffle...
IMMoo is my A race. My goal is beat my DH's IMLP'06 time of 13:47 and proclaim myself the fastest Ironman in our household. (The DH has only done that one IM and wasn't in the shape he is now. He could probably go sub-10:30 easily right now, but hasn't stepped up the start line.)
Anyhoo, I'm still recovering from a running injury and haven't done any land runs longer than 40 minutes at E pace. All interval runs have been done in the pool. I started NOS and feel great.
So question #1: Hoping to be able to run on land with some intensity and do my first Vdot test by mid-January. Should I restart the OS running at week 1 or pick the run training at week 10?
2# I'm going to Argentina to hike in Patagonia for 2 weeks in mid-Feb. When I come back should I restart OS where I left off or just continue with everyone else?
3#: I'm doing ToC in May, then plan on Patriot Man in June, then Cowgirl camp in July. Is that too much before IMMoo? I can drop Patriot Man as I don't have a real burning desire to do a HIM before an IM.
Posted By Kitima Boonvisudhi on 13 Dec 2009 10:28 AM
I think my question got lost in the Cowgirl shuffle...
IMMoo is my A race. My goal is beat my DH's IMLP'06 time of 13:47 and proclaim myself the fastest Ironman in our household. (The DH has only done that one IM and wasn't in the shape he is now. He could probably go sub-10:30 easily right now, but hasn't stepped up the start line.)
Anyhoo, I'm still recovering from a running injury and haven't done any land runs longer than 40 minutes at E pace. All interval runs have been done in the pool. I started NOS and feel great.
So question #1: Hoping to be able to run on land with some intensity and do my first Vdot test by mid-January. Should I restart the OS running at week 1 or pick the run training at week 10? You should start the run training in Week 1 of the OS
2# I'm going to Argentina to hike in Patagonia for 2 weeks in mid-Feb. When I come back should I restart OS where I left off or just continue with everyone else? Let's talk about it when you get back.
3#: I'm doing ToC in May, then plan on Patriot Man in June, then Cowgirl camp in July. Is that too much before IMMoo? I can drop Patriot Man as I don't have a real burning desire to do a HIM before an IM. It's not "too" much, but if you don't feel a need to do the HIM then not doing it would sure simplify things for you.
Still looking for some feedback re the questions below. Thanks.
Posted By Fred Gilbert on 09 Dec 2009 04:16 PM <p>I'm on the Oct OS plan and loving it. Couple of questions regarding upcoming races:</p> <p>1) Half mary planned for 2/7. When and how should I adjust the OS plan to ramp up the mileage so I can have a good showing?</p> <p>2) Racing CA 70.3 on 3/27. B+ race. Same question as above.
We are going on vacation for the holidays (visiting famiy) for 18 days (23 Dec through 9 Jan) and I will not have my bike. I'm in the Nov OS group. My A race is September 18 and my B race is in May 23. Plus, I need to get my "Phase 2" bike and run testing done. Any ideas on how best to work with my schedule and not lose training?
New member and on the interm level OS Dec plan. Week 4-5/16 I will be out of town on vacation with my family and will not have access to a bike (Dec 26th - 31st). Any suggestions?
Also, question on weight training; You mentioned weight training can be advantageous for those over 40. I am 43, should I be doing core strength training? What do you suggest.
Schedule looks great, no recommended changes.
So i am on week 6 of the beginner plan and waited per others instructions until week 5 to ask this. i chose beginner since this is IM #1 and I am carrying a bit of fluff and was worried about how my body would handle the runs.
So here it goes. 1 missed workout, recovering well day to day, feeling super comfortable in all runs on treadmill. on the trainer intervals are tough but very doable. I start my interval now once my HR (no power) hits the target and am able to hold the entire interval.
So do I ...
1) just follow the other threads instructions about adjusting intervals?
2) or should I request a plan change?
3) Stay where I am and wait until week 10 to make a choice since that will be two weeks into the next phase?
4) Hang tight and be happy I feel great and will finish the IM not worrying about a time goal.
Thanks for all your input
@Paul, I've switch you over the Intermediate plan. Good luck!
Thank you so much for this thread! It's my turn.
My goal race this year is IMWI in September where it's become no secret, I have a goal of going sub 13 (roughly 45 min PR) I think my biggest obstacle frankly is going to be just staying healthy this year as I've been having some nagging issues with my calfs and running.
I start the OS in January. I know that I need to break this year up into two "seasons" or my head is going to explode by September. Additionally, although I know I don't NEED to do a Half before the full, getting an open water swim with 100s of friends before an Ironman gives me confidence (Nemo really doesn't like the swim!). So I need a race in the May/June timeframe. Trouble is, I'm afraid that with TOC I might be trying to do too much. Oh- and around here all the races will be closed by the second week of January so I gotta figure all this out now.
Here's how my year looks:
Jan-May: EN OS
April 25: USAT DU Nationals (5k/38k/5k). I registered for this in a moment of weakness. I'm not wedded to doing it if it makes sense to drop it.
May 15-24(??): Tour of Cali with EN. Not sure the exact dates- it's somewhere in this range.
July 8-11: EN Cowgirl Camp in Madison
September 11: IMWI!!!
My options for adding the "season 1" race are as follows:
May 1/2: White Lake HIM on Sat and Sprint on Sunday. I know this venue cold. Gets me 2 OWS with a crowd on one weekend.
June 12: Hampton VA Oly. Inagural event- small # participants. 3 hours from home, gets me in an OWS- but not with lots of folks. Might not be a whole lotta bang for the buck here.
June 13: Eagleman. It's full, but there are still $$ ways to get in. It seems to fit better on the schedule, but frankly, my heart is not in repeating that course again.
So, what do you think?
Jumping on board with Nemo:
Jan -? : OS
Early May : Rev3Tri (olympic or 1/2)
Late May: Vacation
June: ?
July: EN Cowgirl camp
Sept: IMWI
Tagging onto Gina and Nemo. I've been thinking of dropping back, and starting up the OS again in Jan. When I did the IM in '06, I started the OS in October, took a break in July, and then went to November. I enjoyed it, but it was too long.
My big question is how to plan the transition time off on 2010. Everybody else wants to know how to cram tons in, I want to know when/how to ease up.
So here's the plan:
Started NOS--doing fine, feeling good, hitting the workouts, no undue fatigue. Should I stand down for these next few weeks, and just pick it up again with the girls in Jan?
My only real goal is IMWI. I'd like to do as well as I can there, and would love to break 13 hours--although the course is new to me. I'd need to take off 52', which is totally doable if I can stay healthy and my quads don't fry at mile 13.
Transtion out of NOS and re-start OS in Jan? Or keep going?
Transition out of OS when? Transition for a week? Then pick up HIM training? (I know I should know this stuff, but guidance is always reassuring.
Patriot HIM--June 19
Take a little time off after Patriot, or is that too much in the middle of training?
IMWI Camp July 8-11
Maine Vacation July 14-24: You want me to ride hills? There are monsters there. Don't mind training on vaycay. Don't mind taking time off either.
IMWI 9/12
Overall, should I add anything else? Gracias!
@Sheryl -- Please head over to the Marathon forum, there's a thread over there on supplementing the plan and we can walk you through the specifics over there!
Nemo - Go with White can train hard, race, then chill out and have no-holds-barred fun on TOC (ie no need to geek out re lack of run / swim action). Then you can refocus for June/JulyAugust!!!
Gina -
If you are healthy, then do May 1/2 (if not, go oly), then break. June should be a volume focus for you (big week? big weekend?), then CowGirl camp and race! If you want, you can race again in June, but if you get 1/2 done in May you are all set!
Save the hardest questions for last, eh?
I say that you know yourself best...if you can handle it, stay with Nov OS and be done in March. Transition 2 weeks and an almost full build to Patriot. Rip it. Take a Week (or two) off, minimal exercise. Return to suffer at IMWI Camp, right into Vacation, then focus in on IM specific training through race day.
Alternative is to restart in Jan (after Transition week off during Xmas - NewYears break), and go through May, basically extending OS right into HIM prep for Patriot, then repeat above. Or at least, that's as far as my prognosticating powers extend!
Thanks v. much, Patrick. When you figure it out for me, it all seems so simple.
Sounds like a nice year!
Jumping onto coat tails of Linda, Nemo, and Gina...
IMMoo is my A race. My goal is beat my DH's IMLP'06 time of 13:47 and proclaim myself the fastest Ironman in our household. (The DH has only done that one IM and wasn't in the shape he is now. He could probably go sub-10:30 easily right now, but hasn't stepped up the start line.)
Anyhoo, I'm still recovering from a running injury and haven't done any land runs longer than 40 minutes at E pace. All interval runs have been done in the pool. I started NOS and feel great.
So question #1: Hoping to be able to run on land with some intensity and do my first Vdot test by mid-January. Should I restart the OS running at week 1 or pick the run training at week 10?
2# I'm going to Argentina to hike in Patagonia for 2 weeks in mid-Feb. When I come back should I restart OS where I left off or just continue with everyone else?
3#: I'm doing ToC in May, then plan on Patriot Man in June, then Cowgirl camp in July. Is that too much before IMMoo? I can drop Patriot Man as I don't have a real burning desire to do a HIM before an IM.
To counter what P said, it sounds to me that you're looking/not looking at races solely on the merits of if you can get in "sprited" OW swim with a lot of people.
When you're in the water at IMWI, about 800m into the swim, are you really going to be thinking "wow, I'm sure glad/wish I had spent $xxx on a race, travel, lodging, etc to get in a good swim before this one because this is totally awesome/sucks!"
Personally, I don't think having done a race with a big start beforehand is going to make all that much difference and I'd certainly be looking at the $$ to see if it made sense.
Thanks guys! I appreciate both sides of the advice! Part of my desire to do the race certainly is to get a little reminder of what a mass swim is like (I've been pulled 2 times from a race for freaking out during the swim, so the mental game is huge for me). I have lots of access to the open water so that's not really a big deal. It's just that mass start stuff- but you make a good point Rich and if I just visualize my successful swim at IMWI 2009 I should be fine.
OTOH, the really big goal driving me to think about a spring race is to give myself something ELSE to think about and focus on before IMWI. Only having one race on my dance card for the entire year is likely to turn me into a total head case by September. I've considered thinking about TOC as a "race" event. I certainly need to get myself prepared to keep up with the team at that show- and perhaps that would be enough. Maybe I can come up with some sort of goal for TOC to focus on acheiving- that would really help. Any ideas on that front?
I'm on the Oct OS plan and loving it. Couple of questions regarding upcoming races:
1) Half mary planned for 2/7. When and how should I adjust the OS plan to ramp up the mileage so I can have a good showing?
2) Racing CA 70.3 on 3/27. B+ race. Same question as above.
What do you think about adding the Hyannis Half Marathon 2/21 and the New Bedford Half Marathon , St Patty's Day in March into my race schedule. I did both of these last year and had a great time. However, I do no want to mess up the OS plan. Lemme know.
Patrick, Thanks for the call this am. I think we may have a mutual friend, Todd Kenyon in RI, No?
Traveling to SoCal for Christmas. Leave 12/21 and return 12/30. That is week 8 and requires testing. Won't be able to test on 12/21 unless I do it real early in the morning and not taking bike to CA. Does it make sense to test on 12/20 - Sunday, then do quite a bit of running while in SoCal and use new FTP on return or wait to test until return? Don't want to wait, but want to do the right thing. Can probably borrow a bike for a couple rides while in SoCal, but can't guarantee to have PM!
Guidance welcomed. Secretly figuring out way to get bike down there but want to test on trainer so I have consistency from one test to next.
You suggested I should stay with the OS until week 14 before starting a marathon program, but noted I should start to tweak the running in the OS upwards from week 10. How should I change the runs in weeks 10-14 to be ready for your marathon program?
Mike -
Yep, Todd is a good friend, unless there is beer around and then he is my mortal enemy.
Hyannis is fine, depending on when you started the OS...if you started in NOV, the mileage will start to go up after week 8, and it's easy to supplement...St. Patty's would be easy to follow up on (and you might be slightly more prepared).
We'll be at hyannis...M is in for the full, I think...I want to rip a good half, but not finidng the time to run long (quite yet).
Bryan -
You are not's a tough time to train and one of the main reasons we have the annual HOLIDAY RUN CHALLENGE in full effect.
Work on the week before as Thursday bike wicked early, then Firday off. Saturday is your test day, and then you are outie on a runcation.
JC -
I would look to build that weekend long run up to about 1:30. I personally do a longer run every other weekend right now in the OS (so this weekends 2x2miles at z4 will be in a 1:20 run, but last weekend I ran only 45 mins). I think 1:30 is a nice place to be by the time you hit week 14, just note that we test then, so you might have to build weeks 10, 11, 12, then back down pre test...
That's great, thanks.
I think my question got lost in the Cowgirl shuffle...
IMMoo is my A race. My goal is beat my DH's IMLP'06 time of 13:47 and proclaim myself the fastest Ironman in our household. (The DH has only done that one IM and wasn't in the shape he is now. He could probably go sub-10:30 easily right now, but hasn't stepped up the start line.)
Anyhoo, I'm still recovering from a running injury and haven't done any land runs longer than 40 minutes at E pace. All interval runs have been done in the pool. I started NOS and feel great.
So question #1: Hoping to be able to run on land with some intensity and do my first Vdot test by mid-January. Should I restart the OS running at week 1 or pick the run training at week 10?
2# I'm going to Argentina to hike in Patagonia for 2 weeks in mid-Feb. When I come back should I restart OS where I left off or just continue with everyone else?
3#: I'm doing ToC in May, then plan on Patriot Man in June, then Cowgirl camp in July. Is that too much before IMMoo? I can drop Patriot Man as I don't have a real burning desire to do a HIM before an IM.
New member and on the interm level OS Dec plan. Week 4-5/16 I will be out of town on vacation with my family and will not have access to a bike (Dec 26th - 31st). Any suggestions?
Also, question on weight training; You mentioned weight training can be advantageous for those over 40. I am 43, should I be doing core strength training? What do you suggest.
thank you R&P!