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Watts per Kilo Klub (WKK)



  • Super excited with my FTP test this morning. New FTP of 231! This puts me at 3.8 w/kg. I really made myself suffer, I got my heart rate up to 174 indoors on the trainer, a number I normally only see running at Z4+!

  • Posted By Peter Noyes on 05 Mar 2014 10:23 AM

    Super excited with my FTP test this morning. New FTP of 231! This puts me at 3.8 w/kg. I really made myself suffer, I got my heart rate up to 174 indoors on the trainer, a number I normally only see running at Z4+!

    Yeah Buddy!!!!    That is awesome work!   Thanks for the update!

  • Nice work Peter, way to suffer! Enjoy those new zones image
  • @Marc, I like the graph feature, pretty cool. Thanks!
  • Wow gang don't post to often but a break through for me that does not happen often. Decided to do a bike test yesterday out of the blue. I was feeling confident and fresh and knew my last couple of weeks of trg were paying off. I was able to bang out a 255 - 5% = 243 ftp. Very happy with this result because my weight is at last years IMMOO race day. Usaully I gain 5-7 lbs over the OS but I have taken an unusual approach to my trg this year. My goal is simple but is it attainable 3.5 wt/kg before my A race in LP hmm ??????????


  • @Steve Ross.... Thats cause your married to a "Vegan" and your earning those watts through more hard work and consistency.... Big congrats on the break through couldnt happen to a nice guy....
  • @Steve, you're almost there! Keep up the good work! See you in LP.
  • All right. Finally making progress in the right direction. Down to 144.7 on the scale this morning. FTP up to 239! Back to last seasons peak.
  • So I am the lowest weight I've been all year and waist circumference down too. And this happened after an injury that kept me from exercising for a week. What gives? Could I be losing muscle that fast?
  • no you will not lose muscle that fast... And if your waist circumference is down, then that is also not indicative of muscle loss... It will likely take you a couple of workouts to get your form back provided the injury isn't serious and won't limit your cycling. I find that my ability to put out great workouts and nail my power intervals naturally ebbs and flows over time. Ideally for WKK your weight gradually comes down and your power gradually goes up. The next best thing is if your weight gradually comes down and your power stays flat or at a minimum doesn't fall as fast as your weight comes down. This leads to an upward trend in W/Kg which is the whole goal of this thread. In the OS, usually people see bigger power gains, in the regular training blocks, the weight is probably the leader, but it's all a balancing act.
  • Minimal gains to report after another thrashing in the pain cave. My 5' output went from a 342 to 353W NP so that's good I guess. It is hilly around here. I really tried hard to be disciplined and follow that  suggestion about the 110% intervals target being what I could expect during the 20' test. Bzzzzt! Nope. I even started out on the low side and tried to build up but I began to fade in the 3rd 5 minutes and was really killing myself to hold 300W NP but wound up at 298W NP. That gives me just a 3W increase from an FTP of 280W. My W/Kg is now at about 3.8.

  • @PW Congrats on the FTP gain! The 4.0 w/kg and 300 watt club is just around the corner for you!
  • I'd like to think so, TC, but the results don't show it. My last 3 tests gave me FTPs of 275, 280 and now 283W. That's over most of the OS block and so it looks like I've hit a plateau. My weight has gone down some but my body does not tolerate being around 160 lbs for long. I'm at 164 right now so there isn't much room there.

    I guess the only thing that could suggest my FTP might be a little higher would be the way I do the tests. I did better at not dying on the 20' effort this time but I really went at the 5' effort hard. I always do that and I'm completely shredded at the end of that thing. I'm just under 25% above FTP for my VO2max. I suppose I could do another test and sandbag that interval but that wouldn't seem right. As for the 20/2/20 test, I don't know. That is a long 20 minutes of agony. Twice? Call me a wuss. I don't care.

  • Peter's comments begs the question about FTP testing for WKK ... I assumed everyone was just following the 5/20 protocol. But the 5' min VO2 can take away from the 20' and since VO2 is calculated once the FTP is set .. .so why bother? 

    So, what's best and what's acceptable?


  • I've been training with power for about 2 1/2 years and have done FTP tests with 2 x 8s, 2 x 20s and the EN protocol with the 5 x VO2 followed by the 20 min test. But the best test I've found for me is Rubber Glove on Sufferfest with Trainerroad. It has a very good warm-up and then takes you into a 20 min test that scales up but basically works from whatever your current FTP is that you plug in. I've done it 2 or 3 times in the last several months, and the FTP it gives me has been been a very effective (and very tough) target for the EN workouts. I like it better because I think doing the 5 mins at VO2 max before the 20 mins means you leave something on the table.

    It's a personal thing, but this is what has worked for me, and I've been seeing good results. I'm testing next week for week 8 of the Get Faster program and I'm hoping this finally get me though the 4.0 level (I think I'm at about 3.98 now).
  • Sorry folks but the tests are not about which one is giving you the highest #s! If that would be the case I'd take the 5' segment only and forget about the 20' image

    Basically the only TRUE test is a 1h TT ride as hard as you can as FTP is defined as the maximum sustainable power-output for one full hour - PERIOD!
    As we all know this is not a very repeatable and user-friendly test some of the smartes power-gurus among us tried to find a other protocols that would give you a pretty close estimate to that # without having to sweat blood for a whole hour!

    That being said the 5/20 protocol is not an EN invention! It is coming from Andy Coggan and Allan Hunter (the godfathers of power-training) and the 5' segment is there for a very good reason. They define it as "ALL-out" effort - not just as Vo2, which most of us would just interpret as very hard effort. It should be done ALL OUT so if you have something left in your tank before the final 60' start you have to give it all!!
    This superhard effort causes some serious fatigue but that's exactly what it should do - This segment is only there for causing a lot of fatigue load into your legs before you start off into the 20' FTP segment!
    The closer you follow the protocol the more accurate will your test result be in terms of reflecting your REAL physical ability!
  • I'd love to do only the 5 min test if I could get away with it! My point is that the FTP you get from whatever test you use is there to set your training zones. If you use a protocol that gives you training zones that you are able to work within but that challenge you significantly, you will make progress. If the test overstates your FTP then you won't be able to consistently hit the Zone 4 and Zone 5 targets based on that FTP. If you underperform on the FTP test, then you might be selling yourself short in the following weeks when you are doing your training based on that result.
  • Hi all! I am very late to this party but excited to join. I think I've added myself to the appropriate spreadsheets.

    I just exited JOS and entered short course ending 5/18 so tested this week for the 3rd time in 2014. FTP increased from 144 (sadly down 10% from 2013 high due to 2 months off the bike after AZIM). I'm back to 149 which is just shy of 3W/kg. After my oly 5/18 will be in get fast/bike focus so goal is 3.5w/kg-although I am not elite so shooting for the stars.
    And testing hurt last night-I actually saw a HR of 180 at the end.
  • Ugh! Hate when FTP tests don't go as smoothly as I would have liked. VO2 felt pretty easy and actually over achieved a bit on that, but during the FTP segment had all sorts of small issues and then it started to fall apart in the last half. But held it together to get a 5 watt bump. Not exactly what I wanted today but I'll take it.

    Reached my Watts/Kg goal for the OS so I'm sure there is still some gains to be had but I'll chalk this up to just be one of those days. I'll consider a retest on another day but so far so good. It will be good when I can start riding outside again.

    Either way still a win even with a small improvement.
  • @Betsy- welcome to the Klub. At 180HR, sounds like you had a great test... Also, make sure you added yourself to the website as this is what we've all moved to thanks to Marc's hard work coding... Here's the link just in case you couldn't find it: http://wkk.marcrobards.com/ (@Rich, maybe you could edit your original post here add the link to the website in big bold font.

    @Darren, I'm likely testing this week and I'd do anything for a 5W bump so don't beat yourself up over a gain man. Nice work! Also it's impossible to overachieve on the 5 min VO2 because this is supposed to be an all out effort (but I know what you mean)...
  • Thanks John, The 2014 Get Faster plan sure emphasized 2min VO2 over the 2013 plan which was 1min VO2s. The Saturday 2.5 hour trainer sessions definitely made me blow up on several occasions but with my test VO2 performance last night it worked pretty well but I think at the slight detriment to my 20min FTP execution. I'm sure this will come back to me in time and there will be another gain coming in there at some point once I balance out.
  • Bike Test Done this morning.  Bumped the FTP up 15 points to 248!   This moved me from 3.3 to 3.55 W/Kg 

  • Bike test done this morning.  I added 2.5W.  I guess after what I just told Darren, I need to follow my own advice and not be disappointed with it.  The good news is that I'm down ~5lbs since my last test so W/Kg eeked a tiny bit higher.


    The good news is at least it's slowly moving in the right direction.  AND, I just got done with a 28-day continuous run block and my run has improved DRAMATICALLY over the last couple months.  Given the big run gains, I'm happy I didn't lose anything on the bike.

    Test Date Weight 5' segment 20' segment FTP VO2/FTP W/Kg
    12/9/2013 196 365 321 305.0 1.20 3.42
    1/18/2014 188 368 329 312.6 1.18 3.66
    2/10/2014 183 371 332 315.4 1.18 3.79

  • Great work John.
  • So I did a long-is workout today totally fasted (like almost all of my workouts). I had 2 full water bottles during my 1:45:00 ride on my rollers, then did a 4.5 mile Brick.

    Then... I got weighed and saw 178.6 lbs on the scale. I know it was a slightly dehydrated form and before I totally housed a whole Vitamix full of super awesome shake, but still...

    So at 315.4W from Thursday and 178.6 lbs from today I can "fake" stretch my W/Kg to 3.89 W/Kg... Getting closer but still feels like an eternity away to get to 4.0...
  • I did my end of out season bike test today;

    weight 66.8kg (147.3 lbs)

    FTP 255

    w/kg 3.81.  Not 4.0, but i'll take it.  

  • Weight today plus new FTP last week has me above 3.2 w/kg, still a bit short of my goal of 3.3 - all of which will now have to come from a power boost, as I dare not get any leaner than 66 kilos.

  • Hey John, great test, those are some big numbers! Do you ever test outside? Maybe you can get enough of a bump outside to get you over that 4.0 hump?

    Great work Jim, 15 watts is a huge bump especially at the end of the OS!
  • Threshold power test today = new FTP and personal best! Movin' up. Up 12 watts from last test! 250 watts/64 kg = 3.9. Fired up!
  • Way to go Mark. That's awesome!
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