Watts per Kilo Klub (WKK)
Watts per Kilo Klub
The Watts per Kilo Klub (WKK) was inspired by this discussion over here.
The official WKK Training Website is here. Special thanks to John Withrow for starting us off with a spreadsheet, and Marc Robards for taking it to the next level by coding these webpages for us!
Intent of the WKK:
Help You Achieve Your Goal
Setting, tracking, sharing, and holding ourselves accountable to the group for our watts per kilo goal encourages us to "attack the problem" from two directions: building fitness (high watts) while improving body composition (lower kg). If knowing that the members of WKK are going to ask you for an update means that you put down the donut or squeeze another 5w out of your interval workout, that's a win!
In the past we've had similar groups / forum threads / spreadsheets / whatevers start up -- well intentioned tools to help everyone achieve a goal and have fun with the shared challenges involved in achieving that goal. However, for whatever reasons, sometimes (not often at all, though) these venues can become a handful of members talking to each other, often with friendly smack-talk that is 100% perceived as such by the primary participants, but can be off-putting to new members or folks not "in" on the conversations. So, with that in mind:
- The WKK is about documenting and celebrating improvement and accomplishment of goals, NOT the size of absolute numbers.
- If you, as a participant in the WKK, develop and are motivated by a healthy smacktalking relationship with a small group of other members...that's great! But please consider that not everyone is into that, might feel intimidated by it, so a better venue for those exchanges may be the personal message system vs this WKK forum thread.
- Likewise, if you find yourself intimidated by the exchanges you do see, please consider that EN folks are 100% good people who will be 100% supportive of you and your goals. Jump right in, post your stuff, and tap into the mojo of the group!
Don't have a Powermeter?
Please investigate TrainerRoad.com as an alternative, or contact me for a quote on a powermeter system (rich@endurancenation.us), or start swiping the kid's lunch money . Earning SAU's around the house is a good method also
Remember, the WKK is about helping you to achieve YOUR goals by creating an accountability system that helps you tap into the collective mojo of the Team. Have fun!
Weight last monday: 65.3KG FTP 194 watts 2.97W/kg
Dino and JW, where are u @?
i am sure this will work as i was craving for a pizza yesterday, and went for salmon and veggies thinking of Dino climbing hills on his backyard
@Rachel - I like the idea of dietbet - although hadn't heard of it before - it's worth exploring!
@Matt - welcome back!
My signature line went this route back in Nov as my goal for this year shifted to a 'training year'. I wanted to spend almost as much time working on my mindful eating habits (and consequently, training with new mindful eating habits) as I'll be working on intervals on the bike or at the track.
It is, in a way, my 'A' race. To learn how eating less and recovering better affects my biking and running, without becoming a grouchy a-hole. I'm spending a year working on this to drop those kilo's slowly and then will take up another IM in 2015 5-8kg's lighter than I've ever been.
This takes way more focus and energy than we think it does. It's not complicated, but, it's not easy. That's why I figure making a change like this in non A race season is perfect. The focus that I would be putting on the race stuff is now directed at my eating/recovery habits.
That's why I'm putting my w/kg on a timeline in my signature line. Makes me look at it every time I post. I can see the progress when I'm on it. And, if I stay motivated so that I don't backtrack.
Baby steps, nothing radical.
Hey Matt, would you happen to be able to find a copy of that?
W/kg are cool and all but just remember that old age and treachery beats youth and exuberance every time, he said, as he passed you on Chantry on Saturday within 150m of the top...
Hehe, I am gonna have to go back to Chantry and kill it!
I spend a few minutes looking and coundn't find it, I'll keep looking. It was definitely in Google sheets and i didn't create it so i don't have the original but I may have a link saved somewhere.
Calling NEMO, we need your EN search skills!
I'll do whatever you guys decide. I'm in. Track it or it won't get better right?
Coach Rich,
I did the weekly weigh for 2-3 years, but I dropped it about a year ago. FTP could be added for a w/kg. It was a very basic google docs spreadsheet. Here's a link to the 2012-2013 version of the spreadsheet:
I like the idea of getting back in to a weekly weigh in and the merit badges.
Beyond that fire up a thread to set goals. I know that I have set personal rewards if I hit my weight goals. For example I get to sign up for the Kona Lottery if I get belwo 225 by February 28th. The second goal of 210?(can't remember the exact number right now) by May 25 for my 1/2 marathon and I get to fly of to sign up for IMLP 2015. I'll just have to adapt them for the w/kg Klub.
@David, here's my starting point. Last test was on 12/09/13. 306W. I weighed 193 this morning, so I'll be starting at 3.49W/Kg. It's a long way to 4.0... I have a goal to be 185lbs by the end of Feb and an FTP target of 320 by then so that would put me at 3.81 if I hit both of those... My only chance of getting to 4.0 this yr is to get to 331W and 182lbs. Those are both "doable" independently, hitting them at the same time will be the hard part...
I'm in, whatever it looks like. GREAT idea!
It appears there is obvious interest in a spreadsheet. I'm not computer savvy so I'm not sure I could create it. I would be willing to promote it though on a weekly basis similar to what Gordon used to do.
I'm down for a badge too when I get my W/Kg to 4.0+
I have taken a page from William J.'s play book and have been "quietly plotting my revenge..."
Sounds so easy when lay it out like that....
@Dino: we still don't have your numbers
and Thanx for the 2 decimal thing (wasn't able to locate this