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2015 TX IM how's it going!

How is everyone doing for TX IM? Not much chatter around here


  • Hi Kim! I'm here! We are about to turn up the heat on the training! !!!!!
  • I can tell!!!!!!!  I peaked 2 weeks ahead and saw some big days!
  • Still trying to absorb all that work from the OS... That was a rough 14 weeks! Right now..I'm really enjoying the decreased hours of swim camp.. but I can feel the excitement building about getting into the meat of training for this season.

    I can't believe IMTX camp is only 6 weeks off! I was able... thanks to some unseasonable weather here in MO... to get outside for a little volume bump a couple weeks ago. Was able to get in a week with 4 longer rides... a 70 and 3 56's milers... don't know how I'll get those two 112's done!
  • Are we all on similar training plans at this point?? 2.5 hour ride was our longest this week?
  • We're probably not on the same plan yet. I just exited NOS... I'm in swim camp for this week and next... then advanced IM for the last 12 weeks.
  • Hey guys. I've been meaning to check in and ask the same question. I finished swim camp last week, and then had a full week of IM training. My long ride this week was 2.5 hours, just like you Kim. I'm on the Beginner IM 2015 plan.

    I'm gearing up for a half marathon next weekend. Anyone else got a race coming up?
  • Oh cool!  Just wanted to verify I was on track! I am on the Intermediate IM Plan.  Chris..I did a Half Marathon 2 weeks ago.  Kind of glad it's done so my focus can be the IM plan only image  Good luck with yours!
  • I ran a bit of the IMTX course this morning. I gotta admit, I get a bit excited when I'm on the course.
  • Home field advantage! I hear it's a great run course. I can't wait to get down there in March to Ride the bike course.

    Did a sweat test today in anticipation of loading up the IM plan for the last 12 weeks. Want to make sure I have my nutrition plan dialed in. Before we know it we'll be wading in the lake on race morning.
  • I've been thinking of that sweat test too Ed. The only problem is, I dont know how to simulate race day conditions right now. Even when you guys are here in March, it's going to be lower humidity, and lower temp. Race day is hot, sticky and brutal. I haven't read through the sweat test stuff yet. Does it have a good way of accounting for the change in temp and humidity, once you've done your test?

    And you think your jealous now? Wait till I start bragging about swimming in that mud-hole Lake Woodlands. Then you'll REALLY be jealous (not). Haahaa.
  • BTW, If anyone is actually interested in swimming in there before the race, they have a practice swim on April 25. Further info is here:

  • I get what your saying about the extreme temps/humidity... but you have to start somewhere. The sweat test gives you two measures ... cold race/hot race. So as far as I'm concerned I'm going to go about trying to choke down at least the cold amount in every workout and increase as I get closer to race day. I tried to build in a heat factor... I did the test at .74 FTP.. so I was working a little harder than race pace. No matter what... it's a good start. 

    My biggest problem when I did IMAZ in '13 was nutrition. I wound up running from portajohn to portajohn on the second half of the run... not fun... and something I sure don't want to repeat!


  • Oh the fun of training the gut... did a :40 run yesterday followed by a 3 hour trainer ride... choked down 177 oz of Gatorade Endurance... a salted caramel Gu and a Powerbar wafer bar... 

  • Good job Ed. My gut hurts just hearing about 177 oz of Endurance.

    in the same vein, I did my half marathon this morning and exceeded expectations by :45 per mile (massive PR overall for me). I attribute it largely to the fact that I filled up my 20 oz hand bottle at every single aid station, and emptied it by the time I got to the next aid station. It was just normal Gatorade, but still. I guess I took on at least 80 oz total, and still managed to drop about 3 lbs throughout the race. I need to get on that sweat test you were talking about.
  • Wow... Huge PR! Congratulations ...I guess like they say around here " work works".
  • Hey team..does anyone else have the BIG DAY PROTOCOL lined up for this weekend? I'm confused because on top of it, it says 1 hour swim, 3 hour bike, 1 hour run. But then when it breaks each sport down to tell you what to do...it says the bike is 150 min and the run is 45 min. Anyone know which is right? image
  • Kim, I've heard it said that RnP aren't all that good at math, and I think this is why people say that...

    But beyond that it looks like the purpose of this "big day" is more related to putting all 4 disciplines (swim, bike, run, nutrition) together, more so than worrying about fitness. Plus or minus a little bit of any one discipline probably wont have as big of an impact as the lessons learned from transition from one discipline to the next does.

    I'd guess if you really feel frisky, go for the longer times. But if the nutrition and transition issues are starting to bite you, keep it on the shorter end.
  • Ha!  Rich just said it's 1 hour swim, 3 hour bike and 1 hour run!  So the longer one it is!  image  He is going to fix the error image Do you have that on your calendar too this weekend?
  • Yep. But in the write up for mine it says 4 hours on the bike. Haahaa.

    Guess I'd better make myself a game-plan for nutrition. I've somewhat winged it so far.
  • OMG! Ha! I'm on the Intermediate plan..are you on advanced?
  • Nope. I'm a newb to long course racing, so I'm on the beginner plan.
  • What week are you on? I'm so confused..why would I have a 3 hour bike and you have a 4 hour bike?  I'm in week 8.
  • I'm in week 8 too.

    I just looked at the intermediate plan for Saturday, and it looks like you have "30 minutes zone 1, 2.5 hours of zone 2, then remaining time in zone 2+" and in the top of the box it shows 210 minutes. And in the verbage it says 4 hours. The beginner plan says "30 minutes zone 1, 2.5 hours zone 2, then remaining time in zone 2+" and has 180 minutes minutes in the top of the box, with 4 hours in the verbage. The Advanced plan has the same thing, but they have 240 minutes minutes at the top of their box. I guess the verbages is based on the advanced plan, and the minutes noted at the top of the box are just a guide for the rest of us.
  • OMG OMG OMG CHRIS! Somehow my plan was on HALF distance!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been on the wrong plan for god knows how many weeks!  The most I have been riding is the 150 mins!  OH CRAP!  If you had not looked that up I don't know when I would have realized OMG!
  • It's not that big a deal... you have plenty of time to transition over... There isn't a whole lot of difference between 3-4 hours. The really important part is that you are doing the "work"parts/ intervals within the set.
  • Calm down. I think you'll be in good shape. You just got out of swim camp like last week, maybe 2 weeks ago, right? It cant have been worse than that. And I bet if you compare the half vs the full plan for the last couple weeks, they're not too different. Maybe a little bit of volume, but that's about it. Keep in mind that we're barely out of the outseason, where intensity was much more important than volume.
  • And also, the most important parts of this weekend are:

    1. holding position/form
    2. nutrition plan testing
    3. fatigue familiarity
    4. bike fit/comfort (especially after a good hard swim)

    None of those have much to do with a 30 minute difference in your bike time.
  • That all being said, go ahead and bump over to the full plan. image
  • I'm just cracking up now!  The only real differences were the bikes times mostly.  I have been doing 2.5 hours as the longest ride the last few weeks.  My running is ahead of the game because I just did a half marathon and have been running 1.5 hour runs as my long runs.  I swam 1.5 miles last week so not worried there.  Just gotta get my biking ON track!  It's my weakest event too (go figure).  so I was going to go from 2.5 hours to 3 hours this week.  Now going from 2.5 hours to 4 hours image  That should be fun image  AT least I get to do it outside image  Okay..thanks Chris for bringing me back down from the PANIC! Ha!  But...OMG! 
  • Like Ed E says above, there's not much difference between those bike rides. Probably just a potty break and an extra bottle of Gatorade (or 2 or 3, depending on how your sweat test goes).

    I figure there will be PLENTY of time later to panic. Like 5 minutes before the race, or when I'm getting run over in the swim. Or when I have my third flat on the bike. Or when I realize I SHOULD have hit that last restroom I past a mile ago on the run. See? Plenty of good times to panic. This just isn't one of em. image
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