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2015 TX IM how's it going!



  • Sounds like you did awesome Chris!  It definitely is all about learning from these trainings to prep us for the big day! SO I think you did the work, learned a lot and will keep progressing!  I have been sick since I did my Big Protocol Day! So glad I got it in before I got sick.  But now I'm on day 3 of no work outs image  Boo!  But should be able to ease back in tomorrow!  Keep up the good work!


    Can anyone send me this Nutrition Excel sheet?  I can't get it to open in Excel on my computer.  

  • Had to lay off the run today. My knees arent use to 5 runs a week. I have written in my macro thread to Coach to see about adjusting which runs.
    So. Today was a 3 hour ride for me. I focused solely on heart rate. It was a windy day, and I even chose to go down a long chipseal road with headwind. Why? Because that's where I fell apart in IMTX last year. Today, I watched my HR, ignored my speed, and just rode.

    My final HR average was 2 beats under the max I could go to for this ride. I felt GREAT after. Not beat up at all. It was a slow ride, and I do hope that I get faster, but I understand now why HR is so important on the ride ( I don't have power meter).
    On that terrible part of the course last year, I lost it. I felt like crap, I pushed myself to go too fast. Now, I think if I would have just made it past that point, the roads would have smoothed out and all would be okay.
    Good ride for me today. Positive and thought provoking.
  • Hey Latisha, I'm with you on the runs. I've been dropping the "green" runs first when needed. This week I was feeling a bit run-down, so those were the ones to go. As a matter of circumstance I didn't hit today's run either, but I might try to make it up after tomorrow's ride, depending on how I feel.

    Good job on the ride. Nothing like finishing a good long ride and feeling awesome afterword. Keep it up.
  • Congrats on the great work!  Sounds like the course for the bike was rough last year!  What words of wisdom do you have for this newbie?
  • Endurance Nation has this course down pretty well. I have to look  at the EN site, but they have it broken down my miles. That is a GREAT resource, so when you start to feel down on the bike, you know there is going to be something good at the end.


  • Who can tell me where to find race course nutrition? What they will have? I have looked everywhere! image
  • It looks like WTA is messing with the Ironman Texas website. They used to have the info at the following link:


    But that gets me to a "not found" page now...
  • I know Chris?  on course nutrition used to be part of the site.
  • From Last Year's Race Guide:

    IRONMAN Perform
    Bonk Breaker Bars
    GU Original Energy Gels
    Roctane Ultra Endurance Gels
    GU Chomps
    IRONMAN Perform
    Chicken Broth
    Bonk Breaker Bars
    GU Original Energy Gels
    Roctane Ultra Endurance Gels
    GU Chomps

    Gatorade Endurance is now on course in lieu of the Ironman Perform, but I think everything else is the same.
  • Thanks Chris! I emailed Ironman to...here was her response:



    Thank you for your email. We are currently updating our nutritional information for all of our websites.

    Bike course aid stations are located approximately every 15 miles along the course serving a variety of nutrition and Gatorade Endurance Formula. Run course aid stations are located approximately every mile along the run course providing Gatorade Endurance Formula. The Bike Course will have orange flavored Gatorade Endurance and the run course will have lemon lime Gatorade Endurance. Both courses will have Energy Bars, most likely Bonk Breakers, but that has not been confirmed as of yet.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions.

    Safe training & Have a great day,


  • Hey team! Got some good news today ???????? I'm out of run jail, 6 weeks and I'm F'n going crazy. I want to smash my elliptical. Upper hamstring was pulled real good on marathon, little bit of pain still but OK was given to start light. I'm going to start run integration from wiki tomorrow since it's my long run scheduled. I'm just happy, camp is coming! ( not sure how run will be )
  • YAY RON!!! That is exciting news!!!!  

  • Has anyone received a Schedual for camp? It's rodeo time down there and a few good concerts going on. squeeze out as much as I can
  • Has anyone received a Schedual for camp? It's rodeo time down there and a few good concerts going on. squeeze out as much as I can
  • WOOOOO HOOOOOO RON!!!!! I know how hard that can be!!!!! YOU GOT THIS!


  • @Ron... Glad you're through the rough patch...

    Rough workout today.... Switched it up and did a reverse brick to increase the bike workload and just about got more than I could handle. I wanted to shut it down I the first couple of minutes... But kept chugging along. I'm sure glad that one is over... Just hope I'll have something tomorrow for the long run.
  • Did I just read we don't SWIM at the camp???? image Why not? And I have never been there...we need to memorize this bike course? That freaks me out...does anyone know the format for how the ride will go? I will get lost for sure if it's not an easy follow image Boo..getting nervous again!
  • Lake Woodlands is a lake that you cant swim in on a normal basis. There is a practice swim a few weeks before the race if you're really itching to swim in it, but otherwise you have to stay out. If you're really looking to get a swim in that weekend, we have a YMCA, 24 hour fitness, Villa Sport and a few other pools that you can get into. But I think as far as open water goes, you're probably SOL unless you go up to Lake Conroe, or want to take a dip in one of the little mud-hole ponds that people have in their subdivisions.

    The way I understand the ride format is that on day 1, we'll all take out together and have a few pit-stops along the way to meet up at (if you guys want to wait for my slow tail). Then on day 2, I'll start out earlier than all you speed demons, and we're all more or less on our own to execute our own race. The fastest guys will go last, so that at some point, we're all seeing each other throughout the day.

    Do you have a bike computer? If so, it's probably best to load the course in there, in addition to memorizing it. You could also look at an app for your phone like Ismoothrun or runkeeper or mapmyride. I think in all of those, you can set your phone up to give you verbal commands on when/where to turn. It might run down your battery though, so I'd suggest testing it out ahead of time.

    But yeah, KNOWING the course is probably a good idea, just in case your electronics break down. And also make sure to take a copy of the course map on paper with you. Worst case scenario, you have to stop and ask a farmer where you are, and where you need to turn.

    I always try to drive the course the night ahead of time also, so that I can see what I'm in for, especially if there is construction. If anyone is down to do that on Thursday afternoon, I might be up for the drive.
  • Oh okay! Somehow I thought the swim was part of the camp.  Bummer.  I don't need to swim in a pool...just thought I could get some time in the real water image

     Okay..now I will freak out about the ride.  Do you know how or what app to input this bike course into?  I have a Garmin for my computer.  I need something to tell me TURN HERE out loud on the phone I guess?  

     I'm happy to ride the course Thursday..but it would be 112 mile drive! ha!  WOW!

  • Which Garmin do you have? If it is one that you plug into your computer directly (510 or 810), then take a look at this link:

    http://support.garmin.com/support/searchSupport/case.faces?supportPage=Edge 810&caseId={89b599d0-6189-11e2-f3fb-000000000000}&locale=en_US

    You can download the course that we will ride on camp weekend from Coach P's email.

    It's a good idea to use Garmin Connect (or another program) to draw out a course for yourself this weekend or next, just to see how the turn by turn instructions work on your bike computer. It's not too confusing once you try it a time or two, but the first time might be a little confusing.
  • And that 112 mile drive would be in addition to the 3 or 4 hour drive or plane ride you just made that morning coming into town. Like I said, I'm probably going to do it, so anyone is welcome to ride shotgun that wants.
  • I have the Garmin 910. Don't think it has the map feature.
  • Hmmmm. Maybe, maybe not. I've got a 910 that I use for everything except the bike. I'll see if I can get something to work. Here is what I found so far:



    Looks like there MAY be something you can do to "beep" you when you're getting ready to turn.
  • You can up load maps from map my ride, save as gpx file to computer, plug 510 in(not sure if works on 910/920) click and drag gpx into new file folder and your done

    Hope it helps.
  • Okay Chris..since you are my new BFF image  How slow is your booty on the bike?  Maybe you are my pace and I can trail with you!  image
  • So the good news is that you CAN in fact load maps/courses to a Garmin 910. I drew out the map on Garmin Connect, and then uploaded it to my 910 from there. I haven't tested it out on a run/ride yet though.

    As far as my bike goes, if I end up at 17 to 18 mph average, I'm going to be scared of the run. So somewhere below that. All I'm saying, is if you guys have stuff to drop, I'd be happy to pick them up.
  • I saw that about the 910..I'm going to work on it this weekend.  You are so nice to do that and check for me.  Now my husband is on it too!  Not really sure how much it helps...what does it do beep when I have to turn? Sounds like I still need a pretty solid knowledge of the course.  My 910 is my bike computer, so I need it to see my power, etc.  But I will try.  Maybe I will do mapmyride on my phone too as back up.

     I'm likely riding in the 17-18 range.  So maybe you won't be too far behind image 

  • The 510 beeps at me when I am supposed to turn, and I'm betting the 910 does something similar. It also beeps at me when I'm "off course."

    Not a problem working on this Kim. It's as much for me as it is for you. My wife's 510 died on her last year when she was setting up her bike the morning of IM Coer d'Alene. The only reason she had ANY kind of info on the bike was because she rides with the 910 and the 510 both. I learned a lesson that day from her experience. Redundancy isn't a bad thing.
  • I'm studying the map... but I'll probably pay for the premium version "ride with GPS" app for the month. You can download the IMTX course and get turn by turn directions to your phone. Can you hear it from your pocket while you're riding? Your guess is as good as mine... but at least I won't have to pack a map... $10 for the month of premium membership... I'll try it out before I head down there... I'll let you know
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