Oh Kristen, I'm so sorry to hear the news about Grendel. I have a big lump in my throat just thinking about it all and how awful you must be feeling. Big Hugs coming your way.
Kristin, So sorry to hear about Grendal! It is so hard to lose a pet, even as their aunt! Know that you did all you could, and she may not have near as good of care if you weren't a vet, and her aunt! Big hugs to you and Jill! God bless Grendel!
So sorry to hear that Grendel has passed. I'm sure there is lots of sadness related to the loss. Ask yourself the reasonable questions, Kristen, and then be satisfied with an answer and then work to get to the point of acceptance of the situation. It truly does not sound like you were at fault. It is a sign of your commitment to what you do that you are looking for ways that the outcome could have been different. Your patients and their owners are lucky to have you. Let's hope Grendel's little four legged spirit is at rest now.
Nemo - I can't recall what race you have cominig up. Sorry! Refresh me...
Barb - I'm gonna bet that the Fat Tire will have helped some of the mojo! Just sayin'. Sorry to hear your ride wasn't what you'd hoped. Gosh can I relate to that...seems like that's been the story of my season so far. You do have a lot going on in addition to training, and I think we sometimes forget how much job stress in particular can mess with our physical and emotional energy. Don't sweat some extra rest if you think you need it mentally.
My big news is that yesterday I ate a couple of close to normal meals without issue!!! Managed to have buckwheat pancakes and eggs in the AM and then for dinner some fish and steamed veg (albeit a little over steamed to make them soft). Such a releif....hoping to make more gains today! And last night I slept withoug waking up in intense pain....so so glad! Hoping to push the envelope a bit tomorrow and go for an easy bike ride. Today though we're heading to Aspen to stare at rich people...with any luck we'll have lunch with Lance. Ha ha ha!
Kristen: So sorry about Grendel! You don't need me to tell you what a slippery slope it is with cats, dehydration, and kidney failure. Don't beat yourself up too much about it.
Olivia: Oral surgery...oh baby! I'm really glad you waited until after IMSG to get it done. The liquid diet thing sucks---glad you are able to eat some solids now. The journey continues, doesn't it?! Hang tough, chica!
Beth: My road bike arrived from ToC yesterday. It was utterly filthy. So I made an afternoon of cleaning both road and tri bikes in the manner that I saw the Cervelo test team wrenches to do it last week. What a great time of velo luvin'! In your honor, I lubed both bikes in a dress.
Linda: I've followed your suit and started the Paleo diet too. No grains this week for me! I'm really super focused now on cleaning up what I eat. It's also easier now that there are alot more fruit and veggies available! So one thing I've noticed...get ready it's TMI!..is that I now have 3 bowel movements a day---which is a real joy! I'm typically lucky if I go once a day. Another thing is that I eat a larger volume of food for the Calories budgeted because the food is so low in calorie density. I don't miss the bread or pasta---but I haven't visited my mom recently. I will have a rice and rice noodle binge when I do---she makes the most exquisite Thai food!
One of my favorite TV shows is Nick Baker's Weird Creatures---it's on the Smithsonian Channel. Nick Baker---a really hot British biologist---travels around the globe looking for...you guessed it, weird creatures. I have Nature TV crush on this guy: he's handsome, has that great accent, and is just so sincerely pumped up about wide eyed primates in Madgascar and redundant skinned frogs at Lake Titicaca. Jeff Corwin...meet your rival! Ha!
Posted By Kitima Boonvisudhi on 30 May 2010 10:22 AM
Linda: I've followed your suit and started the Paleo diet too. No grains this week for me! I'm really super focused now on cleaning up what I eat. It's also easier now that there are alot more fruit and veggies available! So one thing I've noticed...get ready it's TMI!..is that I now have 3 bowel movements a day---which is a real joy! I'm typically lucky if I go once a day. Another thing is that I eat a larger volume of food for the Calories budgeted because the food is so low in calorie density. I don't miss the bread or pasta---but I haven't visited my mom recently. I will have a rice and rice noodle binge when I do---she makes the most exquisite Thai food!
Awesome! OK, girl, let's compare notes as we go. So far, really good. I have to finish reading the book--it's like me to jump in head first with only half the info I need!!!! LOL! I'm timing the carbs as is recommended before and after big workouts and it's working fine to set me up before a long ride. The "homebrew" recovery shake, however, was too sugary for me--all the juice and glucose had me zinging like a billiard ball. Will modify. Loving eating plates of food as big as my head, and am salivating for it. The plan recommends 5% of intake any old way we want, so your mom's Thai food does not have to go uneaten--nor should it no matter what. (Life definitely too short.) I'm going off the wagon at a BBQ today.
Carrie told me on FB that she and Steve started eating this way, and they're not going back. They also went no dairy (which is Paleo) and no gluten, and said they feel even better. Take a look at the two of them! Something's working--to say the least. They do eat brown rice and brown pasta, so they part with Paleo on that front. All I know is that if I--the sugar-craving, whoopie-pie-addict--am enjoying eating like this, and am not missing the other stuff, then anyone can do it. I am really liking it. Not sure if you saw this, but some recipes here for variety. Faux baked good coming up this week!
Wow girls! You are kickin' it with the Paleo diet! And Kitima, 3 B.M.'s per day! You GO GIRL! LOL! In more ways than one! I think that I am going to get the book and give it a try, after school lets out next week. I am such a carbo addict, that I think it might be tough for me to give up my pasta and bread. But, I will probably do the brown rice thing, with lots of roasted veggies on top! Linda, that is encouragiing if you aren't missing your sugar and whoopie pies! What about alcohol? I know, shouldn't do it, but I do like a cold beer on hot days, and it is getting hot! Kitima, go for the Thai food! Like Linda said, life is too short!!! Enjoy her fantastic cooking while she can do it for you! And, eat all you want, so you will be having some for me! I love Thai food! Well, got a 50 mile ride in today, once again, on flat, smooth road. But, still slow...3:22. It is what it is. Atleast I can ride a bike! Some people can't. So, I'm taking it for what it was, a great ride with a good friend today. Maybe a swim in my future this afternoon, after a nap... @Olivia, the Fat Tire certainly helped!!
Awesome! OK, girl, let's compare notes as we go. So far, really good. I have to finish reading the book--it's like me to jump in head first with only half the info I need!!!! LOL! I'm timing the carbs as is recommended before and after big workouts and it's working fine to set me up before a long ride. The "homebrew" recovery shake, however, was too sugary for me--all the juice and glucose had me zinging like a billiard ball. Will modify. Loving eating plates of food as big as my head, and am salivating for it. The plan recommends 5% of intake any old way we want, so your mom's Thai food does not have to go uneaten--nor should it no matter what. (Life definitely too short.) I'm going off the wagon at a BBQ today.
Carrie told me on FB that she and Steve started eating this way, and they're not going back. They also went no dairy (which is Paleo) and no gluten, and said they feel even better. Take a look at the two of them! Something's working--to say the least. They do eat brown rice and brown pasta, so they part with Paleo on that front. All I know is that if I--the sugar-craving, whoopie-pie-addict--am enjoying eating like this, and am not missing the other stuff, then anyone can do it. I am really liking it. Not sure if you saw this, but some recipes here for variety. Faux baked good coming up this week!
Interested in following your progress on the Paleo. I read last year and my biggest dilemma was breakfast. Most of my norm foods were "off" the list. I also don't feel it made a solid enough case to me personally to give up the dairy. Not that I go hog wild with dairy, but my calcium concerns outweigh any point I saw them make as to the benefits. When I was heavy into lifting, I cut most all the dairy, no processed foods etc and got super lean (freaky- you could see veins where it looked like my skin was thin, more translucent). But then they invented Ritz Bitz Smores....... oh well. I am taking the dietary changes in steps. I do better to drop the weight down first then work on pull out the balance of the processed foods. Again, it's just a slow process of reduction until I don't even miss it (sugar, processed foods etc). After about 3 wks of eating clean, sugar tastes too sweet and other fatty or fried foods make me sick to my stomach (not that it's an irreversible thing if you work at it). Would love to see a few sample food journal days if you are tracking. Can PM me if you like!
Hope everyone is having a great and relaxing weekend! Solid 3 hr ride for me in the heat + 30 mins brick. In the 90's here yesterday (far above norm this time of year). Relaxing today then off early tomorrow for 2 hr bike & OW swim with friends! yah!!! Taper time baby!
LInda: You got it, sista! It will be good to have a pal in this journey.
I was 4 weeks into using the iPod Touch app "Lose it" to count my caloric intake when I was finding that one bagel, a bowl of spaghetti, or even a sandwich would "cost" ALOT of calories for my daily caloric budget. No problem, but even with avoiding white carbs, the wheat bread and pasta would still leave me really hungry all day. Then at ToC, I noticed that half a Snickers bar, Cheetohs, a Chipotle burrito the size of my head could basically replace every single calorie I burned riding for the day---and I'd still be hungry. So I made the Paleo leap...Now, I'm not hungry all the time (must be the low glycemic index foods) and am still losing weight. No change in the Calorie budget---just more fiber, less carbs, and more lean protein.
My new discovery this week: Broccoli slaw. 1.5 cups is only 25 calories. I add it to my salads for more crunch and more body to just flimsy lettuce.
I don't miss the dairy as I'm lactose intolerant. And I really don't miss the bread or pasta either. There's so much yummy fruit right now to replace those things, but talk to me in the dead of winter when the plant foods selection is slim. The other result of the Paleo switch is that it's pretty much gluten free too. It's only been a week for me---so I'll let you gals know if I'm ready to chew my arm off in hunger in a couple of weeks.
Like, Kit, I'll let you know how this is going in a couple of months. Thing is, you can't be 100% militant--well, at least I can't. I look at it this way...on a random Tuesday night, it's easy for me to skip the glass of wine. So what. Weekend nice dinner, I'll have one. I went to a BBQ tonight, and ate totally Paleo. Ate veggies and a giant slab of chicken. Today was my time to go off the plan, but I did not want the pasta salads in the least, so I picked out the artichoke hearts of one and left the orzo (which I made BTW!) I did have a brownie for dessert. Tomorrow, back on the plan.
Re dairy--again, I'll have some milk or yogurt if I feel like it, but I am finding those are items I can live without. I take my cal/mag faithfully, do weight-bearing exercise (no kidding, right?) so I know I'm getting what I need. I don't miss things like cheese or milk very much. Then again--in that 5% eat-what-you-want, if I want a piece of cheese, I'll have one.
Kris--re breakfast--it's smoothie heaven. That's what I've been doing. Today I had little "omelet muffins" with ham and asparagus. On the side was avocado and fresh cherries. Yum.
Something weird is happening here with me...the more days that go by, the more I don't want to stop eating like this. It's not even about the scale. Something is going on here, this is really making me feel quite good overall, and filling to the point where bread, cereals, and the rest aren't missed. Trust me, if I fall off the rails--and I might--I'll be the first to admit it--and y'all will be the first to hear all about it!
PS--f or the record, I am not doing organ meats. Period. End of that story!
Hi Ladies just a quick update, trying to enjoy some family time this weekend as my sister is in town as am I which is very rare.
Pic after 5K Test L to R: Me, my sis, Dana and Michelle is in front. Mom is taking the pic who ran as well!
Not a great test for me, but that seemed to be secondary. Nice ride this AM until about 5 miles left to go, had a back tire blow out. Call to Michelle to come pick me up. Honestly wasn't too concerned, got my intervals done. Thinking of attempting first OW swim of the season tomorrow. Gonna be COLD!
All this Paleo discussion has my interest peaked. I get it on a lot of fronts, and would certainly love to introduce it into my household. Not so much for me (though I'd benefit for sure) but more for DH. I think it could help some of his digestive "issues". A-hem. Anyway. What I wonder is, if most (not all, Kit) of us are descended from lines that are genetically able to handle reasonable amounts of quality, not processed, cereal grains and carbs, how it can be that cutting them out completely would be necessary. A bit of granola and fruit as an example seems totally reasonable to me. As does adding a bit of yogurt (again, good yogurt w/o added junk) to that mix. A little ditty llike that would seem to me to deliver protein along with a good helping of fruit and to me does not seem like anything evil. Granted those fruit and yogurt monstrosities that you'd get in airports would be evil on all whole lot of levels, but I just have a hard time classifying carefully selected carbs and dairy as having no place in a healthy diet. I assume there's something in the book that addresses that. Could you not also consider breakfasts of that nature and keep lunch, dinner and snacks in th more typical Paleo way?
On another note, we watched a cool movie last night. A Scottish film called "On a Clear Day." It's about this guy who gets sacked from his job at age 55 and is near ruin who decides he wants to swim the English Channel. Made me think about some challenges that I may yet take on. Made DH say "Is this why you need to do another Ironman?" (Doh!) I liked it and highly recommend for something fairly light to watch one evening. Available instantly to stream from Netflix.
Thank you, everyone, for the support about Grendel. You gals are great!
I, too, am highly interested in the Paleo diet after hearing Linda's and Kit's responses to it. I purchased the "Paleo for Athletes" book yesterday and am working my way through it. Like Olivia, even though I get the "premise" of the diet, I don't see the harm in things like plain greek yogurt or occasional grains like quinoa. I'm really sort of torn - I have been quite carnivorous all my life, but recently have just been wanting less meat and more vegetarian options. I think T and I are going to give the Paleo diet a try for a month and then see...
Olivia, thanks for the movie recommendation. We have been renting movies and haven't found anything really good lately!
Happy Memorial Day! from my run this morning. so the run was great! and how was the pacing on the speedwork - "meh" like you northern gals say! I can't get the left quad/hamstring to cooperate. but the run itself was awesome!! me and the dog were running along, him off leash and me too!!! and this is what I was seeing on my left!! check out IMWI forum for more about my day but I hope yours is going well.
carly nice pic
linda uh oh I eat greek yogurt every day, crave it.
I feel good, I mean really good. I am starting my 6 weeks of IM training and I like the routine. I have cut way back on gluten foods, like hardly any, cut back on suggary foods, again hardly any, been 6.6 weeks of new synthroid dosage and so I don't actually concern myself with the lost " on the run pacing!! I am just so thankful to be running, last two weeks avgd 26 miles/week. i have felt strong on the bike too but honestly> I just love the Ironman lifestyle, like Rich has talked about. some people get burned out and others just make it a lifestyle schtick! it such a big event that it has forced me to seek medical/PT help, make dietary changes and scheduling changes in my life too! and tomorrow I turn 47!! yep. and today I laid out in my bikini with a popsicle and enjoyed every minute of it! nope no pics of that
Hi ladies! i'm back from riding in Wisconsin and totally fired up to train! Great weekend with good company. Best quotes:
"So, are you pro or semi-pro?" - from mechanic in bike shop, while swapping out the 11-23 for a 12-27 on my Kestrel.
"Ack! Snake!" - from me, and Robert T.'s wife, Annette, after we rode inches away from a very, very wiggly snake. And then we worried we may have hurt the snake.
"Whoa! Your thigh muscles are huge!" - My non-tri, yet serious gym-going friend, Amber, in Madison, when she saw me for the first time in all spandex.
"Is that a mountain bike? How much did you pay for it? Like $2k?" - Dad in minivan, admiring my bike while filling up gas.
There was a turtle sundae at Michael's Frozen Custard and lots of homemade clif bars and iced coffee at a neat coffee shop on the IMWI route. I'm happy to report Wisconsin has many excellent beers on tap at good starting/stopping points of ride routes. My three year-old godson also has a serious crush on me. Serious. I guess that way to a boy's heart is by playing toy trains with him. If only grown-up boys were that easy. ;-)
OK Girls!!! I have been reading a lot of posts for quite a whlle but not writting much on this forum but did want to announce that my big "A" Race is within site. My DH and I are leaving for Kona tomorrow, bike already shipped and I am packing, repacking, packing, repacking think you get the drift. My husband says "you need all THAT for one week in Kona", totally not understanding that I really don't know which "outfit" I will finally use for the race... I am close. Then I go through all my goggles and so it goes. I have had many many physical ssues . NO more blood clots no more coumidin but jeez louise, all that indoor training when I couldnt ride outside DID NOT ccnvert like I thought it would to much speed on my race rehearsals and long rides, not to mention my brick days.....ugh
. I had a one hour one on one with Coach Patrick (via phone) and tried to get every little final detail down. My son arrives on Thursday and this is his first (HIM) and he is a lot more nervous than I am but then I am in denial I am sure. The winds have been blowin like crazy there and I just hope for a nice calm day, but it will be what it will be.
Marrianne, I still think of you when I do my swim, I am slow but I do try super hard to stay with positive thoughts in my head. Doctor (knee surgeon) says this will be my last long race, that I can do sprints and maybe Olympic distances but no more long runs so it is very bitter sweet, first of many for my son I am hoping but I have reached the end of my long running days. However, after all the sad things going on in and out of this forum and just in general, how can I complain?? For example, in the middle of writing this to all of you my really good friend called to tell me what a tough day it was for her, her son was killed in Iraq a few years ago and something like that always puts my little whining wowes in their place.
Thanks to all of you for all the helpful hints, and to Al, who has given me lots of great words of wisdom. Something kind of funny though on my phone call with Patrick...
I was telling him how I don't like to post my numbers because the truth is I average about 15 MPH on my bike, my run is at best 10 minute miles and my swim is just fast enough to get in under the cut off (well not that bad), now he didn't say this in any way mean but he said, "Linda, quite frankly in your population (rather than saying age group) people are just happy to get their Dunkin Donut run in for the day....you picked one of the toughests HIM courses so please don't be embarressed". I had to laugh really hard on that one and it did make me feel better. So just keep your fingers crossed that I make all the time cuts (I WILL!!!) and I will keep you posted and post some good pics of my son and I after the race wearing lots of leis and having a nice cool Mai Tai (well that's my fantasy anyway), OK, aloha for now, Linda H. (AKA Shrink)
Beth - GREAT quotes! Love it! Awesome to hang out with you again this weekend, I had such a fun time riding and hanging out with everyone.
Linda - GOOD LUCK!! I know you'll do great...just keep smiling and focusing on the present moment during the race. Enjoy the opportunity to participate in such a challenging event.
Hope you all had a fantastic holiday weekend! And a great week ahead...
Kristen--Truly sorry about Grendel. It does hurt deeply in every way.
Olivia--how are you feeling? That is atrocious. You must be down to skin and bones, plus feeling terrible. {{{{So sorry this is still going on.}}}}
Nemo - I can't recall what race you have cominig up. Sorry! Refresh me...
Barb - I'm gonna bet that the Fat Tire will have helped some of the mojo! Just sayin'. Sorry to hear your ride wasn't what you'd hoped. Gosh can I relate to that...seems like that's been the story of my season so far. You do have a lot going on in addition to training, and I think we sometimes forget how much job stress in particular can mess with our physical and emotional energy. Don't sweat some extra rest if you think you need it mentally.
My big news is that yesterday I ate a couple of close to normal meals without issue!!! Managed to have buckwheat pancakes and eggs in the AM and then for dinner some fish and steamed veg (albeit a little over steamed to make them soft). Such a releif....hoping to make more gains today! And last night I slept withoug waking up in intense pain....so so glad! Hoping to push the envelope a bit tomorrow and go for an easy bike ride. Today though we're heading to Aspen to stare at rich people...with any luck we'll have lunch with Lance. Ha ha ha!
Olivia: Oral surgery...oh baby! I'm really glad you waited until after IMSG to get it done. The liquid diet thing sucks---glad you are able to eat some solids now. The journey continues, doesn't it?! Hang tough, chica!
Beth: My road bike arrived from ToC yesterday. It was utterly filthy. So I made an afternoon of cleaning both road and tri bikes in the manner that I saw the Cervelo test team wrenches to do it last week. What a great time of velo luvin'! In your honor, I lubed both bikes in a dress.
Linda: I've followed your suit and started the Paleo diet too. No grains this week for me! I'm really super focused now on cleaning up what I eat. It's also easier now that there are alot more fruit and veggies available! So one thing I've noticed...get ready it's TMI!..is that I now have 3 bowel movements a day---which is a real joy! I'm typically lucky if I go once a day. Another thing is that I eat a larger volume of food for the Calories budgeted because the food is so low in calorie density. I don't miss the bread or pasta---but I haven't visited my mom recently. I will have a rice and rice noodle binge when I do---she makes the most exquisite Thai food!
One of my favorite TV shows is Nick Baker's Weird Creatures---it's on the Smithsonian Channel. Nick Baker---a really hot British biologist---travels around the globe looking for...you guessed it, weird creatures. I have Nature TV crush on this guy: he's handsome, has that great accent, and is just so sincerely pumped up about wide eyed primates in Madgascar and redundant skinned frogs at Lake Titicaca. Jeff Corwin...meet your rival! Ha!
Awesome! OK, girl, let's compare notes as we go. So far, really good. I have to finish reading the book--it's like me to jump in head first with only half the info I need!!!! LOL! I'm timing the carbs as is recommended before and after big workouts and it's working fine to set me up before a long ride. The "homebrew" recovery shake, however, was too sugary for me--all the juice and glucose had me zinging like a billiard ball. Will modify. Loving eating plates of food as big as my head, and am salivating for it. The plan recommends 5% of intake any old way we want, so your mom's Thai food does not have to go uneaten--nor should it no matter what. (Life definitely too short.) I'm going off the wagon at a BBQ today.
Carrie told me on FB that she and Steve started eating this way, and they're not going back. They also went no dairy (which is Paleo) and no gluten, and said they feel even better. Take a look at the two of them! Something's working--to say the least. They do eat brown rice and brown pasta, so they part with Paleo on that front. All I know is that if I--the sugar-craving, whoopie-pie-addict--am enjoying eating like this, and am not missing the other stuff, then anyone can do it. I am really liking it. Not sure if you saw this, but some recipes here for variety. Faux baked good coming up this week!
And, eat all you want, so you will be having some for me! I love Thai food!
Well, got a 50 mile ride in today, once again, on flat, smooth road. But, still slow...3:22. It is what it is. Atleast I can ride a bike! Some people can't. So, I'm taking it for what it was, a great ride with a good friend today. Maybe a swim in my future this afternoon, after a nap...
@Olivia, the Fat Tire certainly helped!!
Interested in following your progress on the Paleo. I read last year and my biggest dilemma was breakfast. Most of my norm foods were "off" the list. I also don't feel it made a solid enough case to me personally to give up the dairy. Not that I go hog wild with dairy, but my calcium concerns outweigh any point I saw them make as to the benefits. When I was heavy into lifting, I cut most all the dairy, no processed foods etc and got super lean (freaky- you could see veins where it looked like my skin was thin, more translucent). But then they invented Ritz Bitz Smores....... oh well. I am taking the dietary changes in steps. I do better to drop the weight down first then work on pull out the balance of the processed foods. Again, it's just a slow process of reduction until I don't even miss it (sugar, processed foods etc). After about 3 wks of eating clean, sugar tastes too sweet and other fatty or fried foods make me sick to my stomach (not that it's an irreversible thing if you work at it). Would love to see a few sample food journal days if you are tracking. Can PM me if you like!
Hope everyone is having a great and relaxing weekend! Solid 3 hr ride for me in the heat + 30 mins brick. In the 90's here yesterday (far above norm this time of year). Relaxing today then off early tomorrow for 2 hr bike & OW swim with friends! yah!!! Taper time baby!
LInda: You got it, sista! It will be good to have a pal in this journey.
I was 4 weeks into using the iPod Touch app "Lose it" to count my caloric intake when I was finding that one bagel, a bowl of spaghetti, or even a sandwich would "cost" ALOT of calories for my daily caloric budget. No problem, but even with avoiding white carbs, the wheat bread and pasta would still leave me really hungry all day. Then at ToC, I noticed that half a Snickers bar, Cheetohs, a Chipotle burrito the size of my head could basically replace every single calorie I burned riding for the day---and I'd still be hungry. So I made the Paleo leap...Now, I'm not hungry all the time (must be the low glycemic index foods) and am still losing weight. No change in the Calorie budget---just more fiber, less carbs, and more lean protein.
My new discovery this week: Broccoli slaw. 1.5 cups is only 25 calories. I add it to my salads for more crunch and more body to just flimsy lettuce.
I don't miss the dairy as I'm lactose intolerant. And I really don't miss the bread or pasta either. There's so much yummy fruit right now to replace those things, but talk to me in the dead of winter when the plant foods selection is slim.
The other result of the Paleo switch is that it's pretty much gluten free too. It's only been a week for me---so I'll let you gals know if I'm ready to chew my arm off in hunger in a couple of weeks.
here is article on me.
Like, Kit, I'll let you know how this is going in a couple of months. Thing is, you can't be 100% militant--well, at least I can't. I look at it this way...on a random Tuesday night, it's easy for me to skip the glass of wine. So what. Weekend nice dinner, I'll have one. I went to a BBQ tonight, and ate totally Paleo. Ate veggies and a giant slab of chicken. Today was my time to go off the plan, but I did not want the pasta salads in the least, so I picked out the artichoke hearts of one and left the orzo (which I made BTW!) I did have a brownie for dessert. Tomorrow, back on the plan.
Re dairy--again, I'll have some milk or yogurt if I feel like it, but I am finding those are items I can live without. I take my cal/mag faithfully, do weight-bearing exercise (no kidding, right?) so I know I'm getting what I need. I don't miss things like cheese or milk very much. Then again--in that 5% eat-what-you-want, if I want a piece of cheese, I'll have one.
Kris--re breakfast--it's smoothie heaven. That's what I've been doing. Today I had little "omelet muffins" with ham and asparagus. On the side was avocado and fresh cherries. Yum.
Something weird is happening here with me...the more days that go by, the more I don't want to stop eating like this. It's not even about the scale. Something is going on here, this is really making me feel quite good overall, and filling to the point where bread, cereals, and the rest aren't missed. Trust me, if I fall off the rails--and I might--I'll be the first to admit it--and y'all will be the first to hear all about it!
PS--f or the record, I am not doing organ meats. Period. End of that story!
Hi Ladies just a quick update, trying to enjoy some family time this weekend as my sister is in town as am I which is very rare.
Pic after 5K Test L to R: Me, my sis, Dana and Michelle is in front. Mom is taking the pic who ran as well!
Not a great test for me, but that seemed to be secondary. Nice ride this AM until about 5 miles left to go, had a back tire blow out. Call to Michelle to come pick me up. Honestly wasn't too concerned, got my intervals done. Thinking of attempting first OW swim of the season tomorrow. Gonna be COLD!
Will catch up next week!
On another note, we watched a cool movie last night. A Scottish film called "On a Clear Day." It's about this guy who gets sacked from his job at age 55 and is near ruin who decides he wants to swim the English Channel. Made me think about some challenges that I may yet take on. Made DH say "Is this why you need to do another Ironman?" (Doh!) I liked it and highly recommend for something fairly light to watch one evening. Available instantly to stream from Netflix.
I, too, am highly interested in the Paleo diet after hearing Linda's and Kit's responses to it. I purchased the "Paleo for Athletes" book yesterday and am working my way through it. Like Olivia, even though I get the "premise" of the diet, I don't see the harm in things like plain greek yogurt or occasional grains like quinoa. I'm really sort of torn - I have been quite carnivorous all my life, but recently have just been wanting less meat and more vegetarian options. I think T and I are going to give the Paleo diet a try for a month and then see...
Olivia, thanks for the movie recommendation. We have been renting movies and haven't found anything really good lately!
Happy Memorial Day! from my run this morning. so the run was great! and how was the pacing on the speedwork - "meh" like you northern gals say! I can't get the left quad/hamstring to cooperate. but the run itself was awesome!! me and the dog were running along, him off leash and me too!!! and this is what I was seeing on my left!! check out IMWI forum for more about my day but I hope yours is going well.
carly nice pic
linda uh oh I eat greek yogurt every day, crave it.
I feel good, I mean really good. I am starting my 6 weeks of IM training and I like the routine. I have cut way back on gluten foods, like hardly any, cut back on suggary foods, again hardly any, been 6.6 weeks of new synthroid dosage and so I don't actually concern myself with the lost " on the run pacing!! I am just so thankful to be running, last two weeks avgd 26 miles/week. i have felt strong on the bike too but honestly> I just love the Ironman lifestyle, like Rich has talked about. some people get burned out and others just make it a lifestyle schtick! it such a big event that it has forced me to seek medical/PT help, make dietary changes and scheduling changes in my life too! and tomorrow I turn 47!! yep. and today I laid out in my bikini with a popsicle and enjoyed every minute of it! nope no pics of that
Hi ladies! i'm back from riding in Wisconsin and totally fired up to train!
Great weekend with good company. Best quotes:
"So, are you pro or semi-pro?" - from mechanic in bike shop, while swapping out the 11-23 for a 12-27 on my Kestrel.
"Ack! Snake!" - from me, and Robert T.'s wife, Annette, after we rode inches away from a very, very wiggly snake. And then we worried we may have hurt the snake.
"Whoa! Your thigh muscles are huge!" - My non-tri, yet serious gym-going friend, Amber, in Madison, when she saw me for the first time in all spandex.
"Is that a mountain bike? How much did you pay for it? Like $2k?" - Dad in minivan, admiring my bike while filling up gas.
There was a turtle sundae at Michael's Frozen Custard and lots of homemade clif bars and iced coffee at a neat coffee shop on the IMWI route. I'm happy to report Wisconsin has many excellent beers on tap at good starting/stopping points of ride routes. My three year-old godson also has a serious crush on me. Serious. I guess that way to a boy's heart is by playing toy trains with him.
If only grown-up boys were that easy. ;-)
OK Girls!!! I have been reading a lot of posts for quite a whlle but not writting much on this forum but did want to announce that my big "A" Race is within site. My DH and I are leaving for Kona tomorrow, bike already shipped and I am packing, repacking, packing, repacking think you get the drift. My husband says "you need all THAT for one week in Kona", totally not understanding that I really don't know which "outfit" I will finally use for the race... I am close. Then I go through all my goggles and so it goes. I have had many many physical ssues . NO more blood clots no more coumidin but jeez louise, all that indoor training when I couldnt ride outside DID NOT ccnvert like I thought it would to much speed on my race rehearsals and long rides, not to mention my brick days.....ugh
. I had a one hour one on one with Coach Patrick (via phone) and tried to get every little final detail down. My son arrives on Thursday and this is his first (HIM) and he is a lot more nervous than I am but then I am in denial I am sure. The winds have been blowin like crazy there and I just hope for a nice calm day, but it will be what it will be.
Marrianne, I still think of you when I do my swim, I am slow but I do try super hard to stay with positive thoughts in my head. Doctor (knee surgeon) says this will be my last long race, that I can do sprints and maybe Olympic distances but no more long runs so it is very bitter sweet, first of many for my son I am hoping but I have reached the end of my long running days. However, after all the sad things going on in and out of this forum and just in general, how can I complain?? For example, in the middle of writing this to all of you my really good friend called to tell me what a tough day it was for her, her son was killed in Iraq a few years ago and something like that always puts my little whining wowes in their place.
Thanks to all of you for all the helpful hints, and to Al, who has given me lots of great words of wisdom. Something kind of funny though on my phone call with Patrick...
I was telling him how I don't like to post my numbers because the truth is I average about 15 MPH on my bike, my run is at best 10 minute miles and my swim is just fast enough to get in under the cut off (well not that bad), now he didn't say this in any way mean but he said, "Linda, quite frankly in your population (rather than saying age group) people are just happy to get their Dunkin Donut run in for the day....you picked one of the toughests HIM courses so please don't be embarressed". I had to laugh really hard on that one and it did make me feel better. So just keep your fingers crossed that I make all the time cuts (I WILL!!!) and I will keep you posted and post some good pics of my son and I after the race wearing lots of leis and having a nice cool Mai Tai (well that's my fantasy anyway), OK, aloha for now, Linda H. (AKA Shrink)
Beth - GREAT quotes! Love it! Awesome to hang out with you again this weekend, I had such a fun time riding and hanging out with everyone.
Linda - GOOD LUCK!! I know you'll do great...just keep smiling and focusing on the present moment during the race. Enjoy the opportunity to participate in such a challenging event.
Hope you all had a fantastic holiday weekend! And a great week ahead...
catching up... now to June.
Happy June Ladies! Time to start a new monthly Thread. Our story continues here.