@Marianne - thanks for the nutrition tips... I like the thought of making my infinit more concentrated gradually to get used to it... so I only need one bottle with lots of water... I will definitely work on that for this weekend's long rides. Not sure if I'll have it dialed in for eagleman in a month, but there's another RR coming up, so it will be a good chance to try out a stronger version. happy anniversary! Going for a mtn bike ride sounds awesome - good luck on the trail!
@Robin - glad to hear from you, still sending happy healing thoughts your way!
Along the nutrition lines, I apparently made my bike bottles in a sleep induced coma last weekend... as I was riding I thought, hmm... this tastes pretty weak. I only added one scoop of infinit, not two (this, however, didn't occur to me until I was at work yesterday). D'oh... I'm working in the wrong direction - less concentrated not more! Got my speed drill swim in last night but am still a run behind on the week. I plan to make that up tonight after work (haven't been sleeping well and was so happy that I was sleeping I gave myself an extra hour in bed today, getting up at 6:15). I'll do tonight's swim tomorrow (or not at all... 3 swims a week is a bit much for me right now...) Tomorrow is a long brick... not sure how I'm gonna fit that in. To do it before work I'd have to be AIS by 4:45. Yikes... just don't know. Might bike and skip the run or do the short run after work to stretch my legs... both bikes this weekend have a brick so I won't feel too bad for breaking tomorrow up to fit it in. We'll see... I am glad the swim volume was lower than usual last night (2800m), wonder if the coaches took the hint, Nemo?!
@Becky - Wine tasting and cycling definitely go together. That is why Vineman is on my list of races to do.
Checking in quickly -- I'm trying to finish packing for supersisters tri weekend. Odd things I can't seem to find? I pair of cycling cleats and a pedal wrench. How did I lose a pedal wrench?
Addie, my niece, is running he first 5k this weekend. It is also her birthday. I was in the American Girl store, looking for a running outfit for her doll. Nope. Nobody makes running outfits or tri gear for her! So the doll is getting yoga clothes and tiny chuck taylors. It is fun being the auntie!
I like to write a birthday essay every year -- a reflection on what I've accomplished and how I've grown older and wiser. For the first time since starting this tradition, I started noted what happened and thought, "wow, I did that all this year?!" Into my first draft, I have to admit, this has been a pretty good year.
Ladies- I don't have time to read all the posts, but I wanted to stop in for just a moment to say hello from California!!! Kitima, Leigh, and I are simply having the best time ever! Chris Malone's GF, Margaret is also awesome- I just love her! For sure Kitima and I are the slowest folks here and we are doing our best to represent the EN Chica's to make you all proud. Leigh is simply kicking ASS!!!!!!!!!! OMG, she's gonna rock IMWI! The first 2 days both Kitima and I got a little blown up at the beginning of the ride trying to keep up with the B riders. The "B" group has a lot of "A" riders who have decided to ride with the B folks to take it a little easier. That's totally cool- but it means the group rides a bit too fast for us slower B's out of the gate. Kitima and I have a pact today to watch out for each other and just ride our own pace- if that means we are dropped on the first hill then so be it- we're sticking together at a reasonable pace. Done!!!
Oh- and BTW- Kitima found out on this trip that she has Vit D and Vit B12 deficiency. So no more sunscreen from Kitima! HA HA HA!!! OK- Gotta go, we need to be heading down with our bikes in 45 min and I'm still in jamies!
Ooh, thanks for noticing the tweet of the week Becky! I swear I read that e-mail all the way through...guess not. But yeah, running out of road has become a bit of a problem on my weekday and ABP rides. It's a good problem to have though.
I am in the process of recovering from a stress fracture scare last week. I've been in PT for weeks for an ankle issue and when I saw the ortho for another follow up he said, "You know, I think this is really a stress fracture. Stop running right now and get an MRI." Yesterday he read the MRI and discovered that my bones are fine, my plantar fascia is fine, and there is minor fluid accumulation around my posterior tib tendon. So the problem really IS tendinitis, which on the one hand is relieving because I haven't wasted months in PT for a nonexistent problem, but frustrating on the other hand because I've spent months in PT for a problem that isn't getting better.
But the doctor's exact words were (full cheery voice): "I think you can run!" and "Just push through the pain. I know you can do it!" He said I can't break anything or rupture anything by continuing and as long as I can run without pain (which I can so far) it's a mild case and I can wait until after the Ironman to really rest up and heal. Woo hoo! I went home, put the running shoes on, and headed out for some mile repeats. Then celebrated with a full glass of wine at dinner (which is also how I drowned my sorrows last week).
Kitima, I saw this in the parking lot this weekend and HAD to send it to you. Enjoy ToC!
@Becky - Wine tasting and cycling definitely go together. That is why Vineman is on my list of races to do.
Checking in quickly -- I'm trying to finish packing for supersisters tri weekend. Odd things I can't seem to find? I pair of cycling cleats and a pedal wrench. How did I lose a pedal wrench?
Addie, my niece, is running he first 5k this weekend. It is also her birthday. I was in the American Girl store, looking for a running outfit for her doll. Nope. Nobody makes running outfits or tri gear for her! So the doll is getting yoga clothes and tiny chuck taylors. It is fun being the auntie!
I like to write a birthday essay every year -- a reflection on what I've accomplished and how I've grown older and wiser. For the first time since starting this tradition, I started noted what happened and thought, "wow, I did that all this year?!" Into my first draft, I have to admit, this has been a pretty good year.
@Beth - - ummm, who is bringing the sunscreen??? Still have the bad image of purple stuff coming back up - - - so bad, so many nightmares.
So, we are now counting down to the roadtrip - five hours!!!
Dropping in quick to say hi! Aquabike went well this weekend- swim seemed slow but checked out others times (including some of my masters group) and times were slower than norm cross the board. Bike time was 5+ mins faster than last year so happy with that. Best part were the shirts...
hi ladies... still bummed about the news of the crashes at TOC... . and thankful Kitima was there to launch in to doctor mode to handle the situation.
on a happier note - @Suzanne - love the license plate, too funny. @Kris - that shirt is awesome, worth the price of admission. I saw something similar at the Marine Corps marathon a few years ago, but they didn't have my size.
News flash: I successfully got my AOB this morning (after hitting snooze twice at 4:45) and got my AIS for 75 minutes on the drainer. I definitley had trouble getting into my zone 4 (since I'm HR, no testing -- 1x20(5), 1x15(4), 1x10(3)) perhaps bc it was so early... but I did it! No time to run, will do that 25 minute jaunt after work... technically it didn't say "brick" and I just don't see getting up at 4:15 to workout... maybe I'll have to re-evaluate that when IM training rolls around. I definitely don't want to change my tour of duty at work, I like being home at 5:30 - that's enough time to enjoy some daylight. My weight is up... I think because through this past Sunday I was eating out and drinking a lot in the week and a half prior... trying to correct that this week. Haven't been on the scale since Saturday... so I don't know if I'm making improvements - but I am definitely trying... it was trending down and I was feeling better about it but the first A race is less than a month away... I really want to at least be at my normal range... so I can focus on general prep to get down to race range!
Saw the hand doc yesterday - for maybe 5 minutes - after waiting 45 she could have at least spent some time with me... long story short, she's happy (not sure how, she barely looked at my hand, took a few measurements - no bending twisting, tweaking, pulling like usual) - amazed at my progress, amazed I won't need another surgery to repair (the suture removal is still TBD), and doesn't need to see me for 4 months (if I want to go back in). No more need for PT. Woo hoo... no more burning credit hours or continuing to dig a huge sick leave hole!
Still waiting to become an aunt... sis-in-law's water broke yesterday morning but she hasn't dilated enough... been in the hospital over 24 hours now. As of 9am contractions were getting more intense... hopefully the meds she's been on will help with the dilation. Apparently her mom was in labor (or waited, not sure) 51 hours to have her older brother. WOW... doesn't exactly make a strong case for having a kiddo any time soon.... or ever. 51 hours?! That's not right. What do men go with that can even come close to that kind of torture?
Sorry for the frenetic and all over the place note... lots of random stuff going on in my world... nothing earth shattering but it is what it is...
Thanks Becky, man what a shock, it is so scary and definitely shows ua all it can happen to ANYONE. I sure hope he takes time to take care of himself and not worry so much about doing a Pod Cast and returning emails and answering ridiculous questions (I hope you know what I mean) at a time like this. At the same time, he probably wants to keep things as "normal" as possible, it is diffficult for such a "giver" to have all the focus on himself. I am a shrink in my real life so felt I was a little bit qualified to give an "opinon". Again, thanks for guiding me to the right place I was really stunned.
I have to admit Coach P's crash scared me inside today to bike. I am not a real experienced rider but have been feeling comfortable. I will not let it get to me and have great riding planned this weekend. Today after work with the traffic and alone, just didn't have a good feeling. Got it done on the trainer and I survived.
On the Boston move, we have an apt. We got the lease and it says something about the lady upstairs basically being an a$$ and that we are to have no contact with her and to direct any questions she has to the guy who owns the building. Should be an interesting year.
I'm struggling big time with the run mojo lately. I HAVE to get the long run in tomorrow. Will do it after work as I can't stand this job and just want to be out of there as early as possible. Really looking forward to having Sunday completely off this week!!!
Been totally derailed the last 2 days. Oldest sister found to have ovarian mass and referred to gyn-oncologist here in Chattanooga. Have had one aunt die last year from ovarian ca and another diagnosed in last 6 months (glad i don't have my ovaries). After seeing Dr., good news is he thinks 10% chance is a cancer, but have to wait on more lab work and then surgery on June 7. Scared, but hoping for the best.
Su got in late last night from San Francisco and I was just to tired to get in early run this morning. Will try for tomorrow.
Also, we leave for the beach early Sat and i have done ZERO to get us ready.
Carly - that's equal parts hysterical and horrifying about the upstairs neighbor. I hope it goes well! You gotta love neighbors - I have so many great friends in my 'hood but then I also have "the crazy cat lady" and "the stripper". I have no idea what their names are, this is just what everyone calls them.
Gina - so sorry to hear about your sister and I'm crossing my fingers that it's something benign and treatable.
Hellooooooo Ladies! OK- I still haven't had time to read the posts, but want to quickly check in with you all. The days are so jammed packed that we don't have much time for internet stuff (I see the value of an iPhone on a trip like this). I've taken a bunch of pics and will post them when I can. You know know the story about the Day 3 issues. Going into that day Kitima and I were only concerned about weather or now we'd be able to do the KOMs or have to take the alternate route. We did do the KOMs (which, btw- was absolutely beautiful), but due to the accidents we were only able to finish 2 of the 3 (frankly, I was so freakin cold coming down the first one that I had pretty much decided I didn't want to do any more descending that day and planned to get in the van at the top of the second KOM anyway).
Yesterday's ride was gorgeous!!! Best part of the day was seeing Carrie Chavez coming up the road to join me for a final pull into the rest stop at the bottom of the first KOM. MAN that girl can fly down a hill!!! Rolled into the rest stop and saw the rest of the NorCal crew. OMG, Steve Cramer looks NOTHING like I imagined! Soooooo awesome to meet all of those guys. I think I nearly squeezed the life out of all of them with big bear hugs.
OK- Gotta go. I'm typing this in bed and the alarm went off 15 min ago- we gotta get rolling again!
G--let's hope that 10% risk drops to zero when the results are back. Some scary stuff. Keep us posted. Yikes, you just never know.
Carly--ALWAYS go with that gut, GF. Always. If it "didn't feel right," I am so glad you tucked inside and got it done. That neighbor is going to be a piece of work--and a half.
Based on what Carly said, let me share something with y'all about riding indoors on the trainer or CT. My former coach Michael McCormack (won IMC twice), Karen Smyers, Carole Sharpless (pro competitor), and Jarrod Shoemaker (who I met in my LBS) have all told me personally--not heresay--that they, and most pros, ride indoors once-a-week year round on the hard interval day. No distractions, no traffic, constant pedaling--just head down and go. That's quite a roster with the same story. Never feel bad about getting it done inside. There can be a lot gained from riding on the trainer.
Meh, LR day. But got it done and glad it's over. I too am struggling with the run mojo. The shorter ones are fine, the LR is like taking medicine. I am now finding them SO boring. But I'll keep truckin' no matter what.
Okay I LOVE the long runs! I get jazzed the night before just thinking about them, I know I am sick, sick sick. anyways... so I ran 12.5 yesterday and felt like I coulda run longer! I lose track of time out there and am in a world of by myself with a few distractions! okay so the newspaper did a story on my mother for when she did her first 5k and raised money for Am Cancer Soc and the interviewer called me.. and my mother told her that I did Ironmans and that my sister who also did the race homeschooled and had two autistic sons.. so yep then this week my sister gets in the paper and next week they are interviewing me!! lol. for my IMs. and wait, it gets better my brother is in Fox News in Greenville, SC tomorrow at 10 p.m. for his recent 2nd marriage to woman whose husband died due to cancer and his first wife from cancer too. so now the whole family has been in the news!!! I am nervous about the interview.. I will run Monday morning and photographer to meet me right after that at my favorite spot on the Big Dam Bridge... so now what to do about the hair??? lol with visor and ponytail or just let it down?? wear the sweaty clothes or change. ???? Should I be on my bike or in run clothes!?? I know I am deliberating way too long about this, then I meet with the interviewer that afternoon. and OH, I decided to go cheesy and hooked out all four IM medals to wear around my neck! with my white IM Lake Placid dry fit shirt by Kswiss. (I think if I choose run clothes)... I leave early in the morning to drive ### hours to brothers wedding reception. m
So bummed to hear about what has happened in Cali - I hope everyone else continues to have a great time though
Gina - I hope your sis gets good news soon. I am keeping her in my prayers & have fun at the beach - which beach are you going to? The beach (any beach) is my favorite place on earth. We are going to Maryland again this year (late July early August) and I so look forward to it!
Becky - so glad your hand is doing well!
Linda - that is good to hear about the trainer. I have always enjoyed one early morning a week where I just get on and go for it for about an hour while it's still dark and everyone else is in bed - then I have the rest of the day w/out it hanging over my head or feeling like I am taking up their time with my thing.
M - you will do great in the interview and sounds like your family has very inspiring stories to tell! No telling how many people you will touch. Be safe on the drive to SC and congrats to your brother! Memphis in May will just have to do without us this year!
I am doing great! I am really feeling like my old self this week and am staring longingly at my bike, but made a pact with myself that I would do nothing but walk the first two weeks. I am ready to get back to normal life though I must admit. Weird thing is I have all kinds of desire to just get out and go for a little run/walk or ride my bike, but no burning desire to TRAIN and be on a schedule (which is a BIG change for me) - maybe that will come back and maybe it won't. I'm looking forward to a fun summer with my kids and if I'm ready to do the Aquabike at Muncie I will and if I'm not ready I won't. I'm not going to try to force anything I've decided. Trying to get a few other life things in order during this down time and lessen the LSS for my re-entry into "normal" everyday life. I have arranged a sitter 2 days a week this summerr to help me with the boys so I can have one day for a long bike ride if I desire and one day to do errands and office work. I am hoping this is a good compromise from past years where I worked all the time and had a full time sitter to last year without a sitter and having to drag the boys along to work and do grocery shopping, errands, etc. and beg, borrow or make deals with the devil for time for the long bike ride.
Morning ladies! Not much to report on my end... my weight is yo-yo'ing but I'm handling it better and taking charge. I got up early 2x this week - an improvement. Got on the bike super early Wed and got up to eat Th so I could do my run once nature had taken it's course (which took longer than usual... oh well). Knowing I've got 2 early mornings this weekend I opted to sleep til 6 today (hoping to get in early to bank some credit hours - for my doc appt the other day... of course the one day there's a metro delay on my line... murphy's law is just a kick in the pants sometimes)! I will do Tuesday's swim tonight (long work) and plan to be on the trail and rolling by 7am tomorrow... 3 hours plus brick. Sunday will be up in the air as I'm heading to Columbia to cheer for the DB and friends who are racing. I hope I can get my ride in when we get back... before heading to Reston to catch up with my folks who are staying with my aunt and uncle. Speaking of family, I'm an aunt again! This kiddo really kept us all guessing. Robin's water broke Tuesday morning... she wasn't dilating. Was on meds for 2 days, still not dilating beyond 5cm... so they did a c-section yesterday. 9lbs, 12oz. All I can say is thank god they did a c-section... I just can't even fathom that coming out naturally... WOW. So, my baby brother (who will be 35 next month) is a daddy and the Hirselj clan now has a "little" Vince in the mix. Crazy!
@Carly - congrats on the apartment... and I totally understand the skittishness about riding indoors. I do it at even the forecast of rain even if the skies are sunny (3 hours + is a long time to be out there if the weather turns)... a crash will do that to you.
@Linda - thanks for the indoor riding mojo boost... that's kinda been my philosophy for no real reason other than when I'm on the trainer it's all me for all that time... no coasting, etc to help me out.
@Gina - have a great vaca. And hang in there... I hope your sister is okay. Sending positive vibes her way.
Beth and Jo dropping a note in from crazy tri weekend in North Dakota. So far, lots of biking -- but the kind that involves driving stopping to have BLTs and burgers in the bar with dad and brother in at the bar in tiny North Dakota towns -- and wondering just how far away the next Cenex station might be. I haven't been back in North Dakota for eight years and was a little worried that it wouldn't quite feel like home any longer. It does. Everything smells like lilacs and crab apple blossms right now. Those BLTs? I forgot the question of preference is for light or dark toast. Cass Clay milk tastes better than all the rest. And, yes, you can drive an old pickup truck in cycling cleats.
There are tons of people in town for the Fargo Marathon -- I guess this is a huge Boston qualifying race because it is low altitude and dead flat. My take? Tons of volunteers, easy to navigate, and the race schwag is awesome so far. I might actually wear the tech shirt in real life!
Love to you all and I'll try to post Moo Jo's new pics to Facebook.
Beth and Jo dropping a note in from crazy tri weekend in North Dakota. So far, lots of biking -- but the kind that involves driving stopping to have BLTs and burgers in the bar with dad and brother in at the bar in tiny North Dakota towns -- and wondering just how far away the next Cenex station might be. I haven't been back in North Dakota for eight years and was a little worried that it wouldn't quite feel like home any longer. It does. Everything smells like lilacs and crab apple blossms right now. Those BLTs? I forgot the question of preference is for light or dark toast. Cass Clay milk tastes better than all the rest. And, yes, you can drive an old pickup truck in cycling cleats.
I love this paragraph! Like reading something from a novel .Next chapter, please.
Better news on this end. My sister's CA-125 test came back normal. Yes, she still has an ovarian mass to be taken out, but with a normal CA-125 the likelyhood that it is CA is slim. To say the least, I am relieved.
I missed several days of working out because she was up here for testing, and frankly, workouts were the LAST thing on my mind. Got back in the groove this morning and knocked out my long run. The steamy mornings are settling in here in TN!
Am now getting us packed up to head to the Gulf Coast until Memorial Day. Picked lettuce, chard, beets, onions, spinach from the yard to take and making a few loaves of bread too. Bikes(check),running gear (check),books(check),dogstuff(check),sunscreen(check),assorted cables for garmin/joule/mac/iphone/camera(sheesh/check),puzzles(check),etc,etc. Hope I get it all in the car!!
Everyone have a great weekend. Parts and hearts, you know the routine
@ Marianne - you look so cute in every picture I see of you - go with your gut on outfit choice. I love that you brought your medals!!
@Beth sounds like an awesome road trip - love it. I've never been to that part of the country..
Having one of my better training weeks, which has been encouragings, since I'm racing in about two weeks...Have had good luck getting up early on Thursdays and Fridays. I think I will try to stick with that. Going to ride the Moosman 1/2 course on Sunday with some folks. @Linda - let me know if interested in joining. Meeting @ 9 am at the park (Wellington) on Newfound Lake - anyone else welcome as well.
Currently, I ride a lovely and trusty Cervelo RS ("Xavier") with clip-on carbon aerobars. Yesterday I went and got fitted for a tri-bike (for IMKY, won't have it for Mooseman which is ok) so my LBS fellow narrowed down the brands/models that would work for me.This may not be the appropriate thread at all, please redirect me if it isn't. These are the ones that are recommended (the yellow are the easiest for the shop to get). Anyone have a good word about a certain bike? I am reading a bunch on slowtwitch, but I'm a terrible 'buyer's regret" person and I agonize..Thanks
Aimee, I have a Scott Contessa Plasma (or Plasma Contessa, idk) in XS and I think it's probably a little big for me (I'm 5'4''). It was my first tri bike ever and I mostly got it because it was an end-of-year fire sale price. I haven't ridden any other models so I can't offer a comparison for you, but what I can say (and you're probably aware of this) is that the Scott has an integrated seat post, meaning it has to be custom cut for you and, once cut, can't really be resized. I obviously have some wiggle room to go up or down but if I decided to add an inch of height or sell it to someone who needed more height, it can't be done - it's already been cut down. Also, I've been trying out lots of saddles lately and I keep seeing this piece of advice to slightly rotate your saddle to the right or left but you can't do that with the integrated seat post.
I don't point this out as it being a BAD thing, it's just something to consider. I like the Scott just fine but I think my happiness is mostly due to having my first all carbon bike and the nicest components and gearing that I've ever had.
Aunt Becky! Congratulations to your SIL and welcome little Vince! That's so exciting!
Aimee - WRT to your bike purchase...first I can sooooo relate to the buyer's regreat, and second guessing I'm that way with small purchases even, so the big ones like bike purchases can be agonizing!...second, if you're looking for a vote of sorts, I gues i'd say Specialized. My tri bike is not a Specialized, but my MTB is and DH has 2 Specialized MTBs. They rock! They are well spec'd component wise, constructed nicely, and definitely reflect some forward thinking in terms of design for performance. I would assume that all of that crosses over into their other bike lines. In fact, I sometimes think that if I were to buy a new tri bike I'd look really seriously at Specialized right out of the gate. Anyway, may not be helpful comments, but just some thoughts off the top of my head.
...my head which is drugged up thanks to my oral surgery this AM...doing well, but not comfortable by any stretch...but luckily I now have nothing to do but catch up with my girls while sucking down delicious Alden's ice cream!!!!
Gina your garden harvest sounds delightful! I am very relieved, as I am sure you are too, that your sister's mass tested out to be normal. Phew! Have a great trip.
Beth, Gina is right...your brief snippet sounds like something out of a novel...Very cool! I love it!
Linda - I'm curious, about your social circle with Karen Smyers and whether you might have ever met a freind of mine who also is friends with Karen. Sue Feitelberg? She's from Bostson and is up there a lot, but lives in NYC. Given how small this world is it would not surprise me.
Robin - I'm glad to hear that you are doing well. I'm with ya on the "do what you can when you can for as long as you feel like" approach. Sounds like you've got some good schedule parameters in place to support you for some bike or run time....or Robin time. Hugs!
@Olivia--I've known Karen for years, as a gym friend. She swam with my masters group for a couple of years, and we would change in the same row in the locker room. Chit chat, about this and that. She's perfectly nice, willing to share, if somewhat guarded. Can't blame her, people would be all over her. But one winter day we got talking about the CT, I mentioned what Michael McCormack told me (they know each other well), and she concurred. Jarrod Shoemaker raced with my son on an elite development team, which is how I talk to him. Not my "social circle" of personal friends, but connected enough to chat about bikes. Oh, to your original question, I do not know Sue.
@Aimee--I have the Kuota as you saw. The only thing I will say about any of those bikes--and I'm aping Rich here--the brand does not matter. The model does not matter. Nor do wheel sets or components at this point. The ONLY thing that matters is f-i-t. Period. The rest can be added and subtracted. There is no buyer's remorse if the bike fits. Rich will also say, he'd rather have you on a Huffy that fits with a PM, than a Cervelo P4 that's all wrong.
FWIW, when I bought my tri bike, I trusted my bike shop dude so much that I didn't even know what bike it would be until I picked it up. Truly I had no idea of make or model. He just had a budget, and we did fit, fit, fit. Then he put together the best bike for me--and we fit it again after it was put together! Good luck with your decision.
I have to agree with Linda on the fit. After my fit it was like I had a completely different and better bike. I ride a Kestrel 52cm as I refused to get 650 tires. I could tell the difference immediately as it was my first 'nice' bike. Good luck with the process, fun stuff!
Gearing up for 'big day' tomorrow. Looking forward to it good weather forecast and going with Dana. Pit stop to watch neice's first tri
Hello Ladies!!! Today is our last day in California :-( Leigh, Kitboo, and I have had an awesome time together and it only makes me look forward to our time together in Madison that much more!!! It's the Time Trial day so we'll be heading out to stalk pros and no biking!!!! Kitboo and I are heading down to the hotel pool for a quick dip before breakfast. Soooooo nice to not be getting ready to get AOB!
Completed my first marathon today!!! So, now I have to have a new goal. Paced really well until I came across a fellow marathoner that I started with and he wasn't sure he was going to finish. It was mile 18. So, I shook hands with him and promised I would get him to the finish line. We ran stop sign to stop sign, portapotty to portapotty - - but, I convinced him to run in from mile 25. He finished!!! It was also his first marathon. So, I ended up slowing my pace down quite a bit and am thinking of doing another one to see what my actual time would be. I was a little PO at the end because they ran out of medals!! They promised to mail me one and gave me a nice race print, but I did feel I may have needed the reward for running the mary. Did get the double challenge GO FAR medal that spins which is quite awesome since I ran the 5K the night before with my Addie (who turned 9 today). -Jo
Did you do Fargo ND marathon? an acquaintance Leah thorvilson won the women's and qualifed for Olympic Trials there. an Arkansas and everybodyknows her and super sweet! and another GF of mine did it too!! she is doing like one marathon per month! way cool.. if you did cuz I hadn't connected the dots.
@Marianne - thanks for the nutrition tips... I like the thought of making my infinit more concentrated gradually to get used to it... so I only need one bottle with lots of water... I will definitely work on that for this weekend's long rides. Not sure if I'll have it dialed in for eagleman in a month, but there's another RR coming up, so it will be a good chance to try out a stronger version. happy anniversary! Going for a mtn bike ride sounds awesome - good luck on the trail!
@Suzanne - love the tweet of the week! Woo hoo!
@Robin - glad to hear from you, still sending happy healing thoughts your way!
Along the nutrition lines, I apparently made my bike bottles in a sleep induced coma last weekend... as I was riding I thought, hmm... this tastes pretty weak. I only added one scoop of infinit, not two (this, however, didn't occur to me until I was at work yesterday). D'oh... I'm working in the wrong direction - less concentrated not more!
Got my speed drill swim in last night but am still a run behind on the week. I plan to make that up tonight after work (haven't been sleeping well and was so happy that I was sleeping I gave myself an extra hour in bed today, getting up at 6:15). I'll do tonight's swim tomorrow (or not at all... 3 swims a week is a bit much for me right now...) Tomorrow is a long brick... not sure how I'm gonna fit that in. To do it before work I'd have to be AIS by 4:45. Yikes... just don't know. Might bike and skip the run or do the short run after work to stretch my legs... both bikes this weekend have a brick so I won't feel too bad for breaking tomorrow up to fit it in. We'll see... I am glad the swim volume was lower than usual last night (2800m), wonder if the coaches took the hint, Nemo?!
@Becky - Wine tasting and cycling definitely go together. That is why Vineman is on my list of races to do.
Checking in quickly -- I'm trying to finish packing for supersisters tri weekend. Odd things I can't seem to find? I pair of cycling cleats and a pedal wrench. How did I lose a pedal wrench?
Addie, my niece, is running he first 5k this weekend. It is also her birthday. I was in the American Girl store, looking for a running outfit for her doll. Nope. Nobody makes running outfits or tri gear for her! So the doll is getting yoga clothes and tiny chuck taylors. It is fun being the auntie!
I like to write a birthday essay every year -- a reflection on what I've accomplished and how I've grown older and wiser. For the first time since starting this tradition, I started noted what happened and thought, "wow, I did that all this year?!" Into my first draft, I have to admit, this has been a pretty good year.
Oh- and BTW- Kitima found out on this trip that she has Vit D and Vit B12 deficiency. So no more sunscreen from Kitima! HA HA HA!!! OK- Gotta go, we need to be heading down with our bikes in 45 min and I'm still in jamies!
Ooh, thanks for noticing the tweet of the week Becky! I swear I read that e-mail all the way through...guess not. But yeah, running out of road has become a bit of a problem on my weekday and ABP rides. It's a good problem to have though.
I am in the process of recovering from a stress fracture scare last week. I've been in PT for weeks for an ankle issue and when I saw the ortho for another follow up he said, "You know, I think this is really a stress fracture. Stop running right now and get an MRI."
Yesterday he read the MRI and discovered that my bones are fine, my plantar fascia is fine, and there is minor fluid accumulation around my posterior tib tendon. So the problem really IS tendinitis, which on the one hand is relieving because I haven't wasted months in PT for a nonexistent problem, but frustrating on the other hand because I've spent months in PT for a problem that isn't getting better.
But the doctor's exact words were (full cheery voice): "I think you can run!" and "Just push through the pain. I know you can do it!" He said I can't break anything or rupture anything by continuing and as long as I can run without pain (which I can so far) it's a mild case and I can wait until after the Ironman to really rest up and heal. Woo hoo! I went home, put the running shoes on, and headed out for some mile repeats. Then celebrated with a full glass of wine at dinner (which is also how I drowned my sorrows last week).
Kitima, I saw this in the parking lot this weekend and HAD to send it to you. Enjoy ToC!
@Beth - - ummm, who is bringing the sunscreen??? Still have the bad image of purple stuff coming back up - - - so bad, so many nightmares.
So, we are now counting down to the roadtrip - five hours!!!
2 triathletes
3 kids
2 road bikes
10.5 hrs in the car
hmmm....the bike there would be pretty flat.....
stay tuned for the continuing saga...
Dropping in quick to say hi! Aquabike went well this weekend- swim seemed slow but checked out others times (including some of my masters group) and times were slower than norm cross the board. Bike time was 5+ mins faster than last year so happy with that. Best part were the shirts...
hi ladies... still bummed about the news of the crashes at TOC... . and thankful Kitima was there to launch in to doctor mode to handle the situation.
on a happier note - @Suzanne - love the license plate, too funny. @Kris - that shirt is awesome, worth the price of admission. I saw something similar at the Marine Corps marathon a few years ago, but they didn't have my size.
News flash: I successfully got my AOB this morning (after hitting snooze twice at 4:45) and got my AIS for 75 minutes on the drainer. I definitley had trouble getting into my zone 4 (since I'm HR, no testing -- 1x20(5), 1x15(4), 1x10(3)) perhaps bc it was so early... but I did it! No time to run, will do that 25 minute jaunt after work... technically it didn't say "brick" and I just don't see getting up at 4:15 to workout... maybe I'll have to re-evaluate that when IM training rolls around. I definitely don't want to change my tour of duty at work, I like being home at 5:30 - that's enough time to enjoy some daylight. My weight is up...
I think because through this past Sunday I was eating out and drinking a lot in the week and a half prior... trying to correct that this week. Haven't been on the scale since Saturday... so I don't know if I'm making improvements - but I am definitely trying... it was trending down and I was feeling better about it but the first A race is less than a month away... I really want to at least be at my normal range... so I can focus on general prep to get down to race range!
Saw the hand doc yesterday - for maybe 5 minutes
- after waiting 45 she could have at least spent some time with me... long story short, she's happy (not sure how, she barely looked at my hand, took a few measurements - no bending twisting, tweaking, pulling like usual) - amazed at my progress, amazed I won't need another surgery to repair (the suture removal is still TBD), and doesn't need to see me for 4 months (if I want to go back in). No more need for PT. Woo hoo... no more burning credit hours or continuing to dig a huge sick leave hole! 
Still waiting to become an aunt... sis-in-law's water broke yesterday morning but she hasn't dilated enough... been in the hospital over 24 hours now. As of 9am contractions were getting more intense... hopefully the meds she's been on will help with the dilation. Apparently her mom was in labor (or waited, not sure) 51 hours to have her older brother.
WOW... doesn't exactly make a strong case for having a kiddo any time soon.... or ever. 51 hours?! That's not right. What do men go with that can even come close to that kind of torture?
Sorry for the frenetic and all over the place note... lots of random stuff going on in my world... nothing earth shattering but it is what it is...
Hi, I missed the posting on the crashes, worried, where were the posts for that??
I checked in the TOC forum and no news there!
Thanks Becky, man what a shock, it is so scary and definitely shows ua all it can happen to ANYONE. I sure hope he takes time to take care of himself and not worry so much about doing a Pod Cast and returning emails and answering ridiculous questions (I hope you know what I mean) at a time like this. At the same time, he probably wants to keep things as "normal" as possible, it is diffficult for such a "giver" to have all the focus on himself. I am a shrink in my real life so felt I was a little bit qualified to give an "opinon". Again, thanks for guiding me to the right place I was really stunned.
Hi errbody! That's all I have to say. Swamped!
Love to all of you.
I have to admit Coach P's crash scared me inside today to bike. I am not a real experienced rider but have been feeling comfortable. I will not let it get to me and have great riding planned this weekend. Today after work with the traffic and alone, just didn't have a good feeling. Got it done on the trainer and I survived.
On the Boston move, we have an apt. We got the lease and it says something about the lady upstairs basically being an a$$ and that we are to have no contact with her and to direct any questions she has to the guy who owns the building. Should be an interesting year.
I'm struggling big time with the run mojo lately. I HAVE to get the long run in tomorrow. Will do it after work as I can't stand this job and just want to be out of there as early as possible. Really looking forward to having Sunday completely off this week!!!
Be safe out there ladies!
Been totally derailed the last 2 days. Oldest sister found to have ovarian mass and referred to gyn-oncologist here in Chattanooga. Have had one aunt die last year from ovarian ca and another diagnosed in last 6 months (glad i don't have my ovaries). After seeing Dr., good news is he thinks 10% chance is a cancer, but have to wait on more lab work and then surgery on June 7. Scared, but hoping for the best.
Su got in late last night from San Francisco and I was just to tired to get in early run this morning. Will try for tomorrow.
Also, we leave for the beach early Sat and i have done ZERO to get us ready.
Gina - so sorry to hear about your sister and I'm crossing my fingers that it's something benign and treatable.
Yesterday's ride was gorgeous!!! Best part of the day was seeing Carrie Chavez coming up the road to join me for a final pull into the rest stop at the bottom of the first KOM. MAN that girl can fly down a hill!!! Rolled into the rest stop and saw the rest of the NorCal crew. OMG, Steve Cramer looks NOTHING like I imagined! Soooooo awesome to meet all of those guys. I think I nearly squeezed the life out of all of them with big bear hugs.
OK- Gotta go. I'm typing this in bed and the alarm went off 15 min ago- we gotta get rolling again!
G--let's hope that 10% risk drops to zero when the results are back. Some scary stuff. Keep us posted. Yikes, you just never know.
Carly--ALWAYS go with that gut, GF. Always. If it "didn't feel right," I am so glad you tucked inside and got it done. That neighbor is going to be a piece of work--and a half.
Based on what Carly said, let me share something with y'all about riding indoors on the trainer or CT. My former coach Michael McCormack (won IMC twice), Karen Smyers, Carole Sharpless (pro competitor), and Jarrod Shoemaker (who I met in my LBS) have all told me personally--not heresay--that they, and most pros, ride indoors once-a-week year round on the hard interval day. No distractions, no traffic, constant pedaling--just head down and go. That's quite a roster with the same story. Never feel bad about getting it done inside. There can be a lot gained from riding on the trainer.
Meh, LR day. But got it done and glad it's over. I too am struggling with the run mojo. The shorter ones are fine, the LR is like taking medicine. I am now finding them SO boring. But I'll keep truckin' no matter what.
So bummed to hear about what has happened in Cali
Gina - I hope your sis gets good news soon. I am keeping her in my prayers & have fun at the beach - which beach are you going to? The beach (any beach) is my favorite place on earth. We are going to Maryland again this year (late July early August) and I so look forward to it!
Becky - so glad your hand is doing well!
Linda - that is good to hear about the trainer. I have always enjoyed one early morning a week where I just get on and go for it for about an hour while it's still dark and everyone else is in bed - then I have the rest of the day w/out it hanging over my head or feeling like I am taking up their time with my thing.
M - you will do great in the interview and sounds like your family has very inspiring stories to tell! No telling how many people you will touch. Be safe on the drive to SC and congrats to your brother! Memphis in May will just have to do without us this year!
I am doing great! I am really feeling like my old self this week and am staring longingly at my bike, but made a pact with myself that I would do nothing but walk the first two weeks. I am ready to get back to normal life though I must admit. Weird thing is I have all kinds of desire to just get out and go for a little run/walk or ride my bike, but no burning desire to TRAIN and be on a schedule (which is a BIG change for me) - maybe that will come back and maybe it won't. I'm looking forward to a fun summer with my kids and if I'm ready to do the Aquabike at Muncie I will and if I'm not ready I won't. I'm not going to try to force anything I've decided. Trying to get a few other life things in order during this down time and lessen the LSS for my re-entry into "normal" everyday life. I have arranged a sitter 2 days a week this summerr to help me with the boys so I can have one day for a long bike ride if I desire and one day to do errands and office work. I am hoping this is a good compromise from past years where I worked all the time and had a full time sitter to last year without a sitter and having to drag the boys along to work and do grocery shopping, errands, etc. and beg, borrow or make deals with the devil for time for the long bike ride.
Take care all and be safe out there! xxoo
Morning ladies! Not much to report on my end... my weight is yo-yo'ing but I'm handling it better and taking charge. I got up early 2x this week - an improvement. Got on the bike super early Wed and got up to eat Th so I could do my run once nature had taken it's course (which took longer than usual... oh well). Knowing I've got 2 early mornings this weekend I opted to sleep til 6 today (hoping to get in early to bank some credit hours - for my doc appt the other day... of course the one day there's a metro delay on my line... murphy's law is just a kick in the pants sometimes)! I will do Tuesday's swim tonight (long work) and plan to be on the trail and rolling by 7am tomorrow... 3 hours plus brick. Sunday will be up in the air as I'm heading to Columbia to cheer for the DB and friends who are racing. I hope I can get my ride in when we get back... before heading to Reston to catch up with my folks who are staying with my aunt and uncle. Speaking of family, I'm an aunt again! This kiddo really kept us all guessing. Robin's water broke Tuesday morning... she wasn't dilating. Was on meds for 2 days, still not dilating beyond 5cm... so they did a c-section yesterday. 9lbs, 12oz. All I can say is thank god they did a c-section... I just can't even fathom that coming out naturally... WOW. So, my baby brother (who will be 35 next month) is a daddy and the Hirselj clan now has a "little" Vince in the mix. Crazy!
@Carly - congrats on the apartment... and I totally understand the skittishness about riding indoors. I do it at even the forecast of rain even if the skies are sunny (3 hours + is a long time to be out there if the weather turns)... a crash will do that to you.
@Linda - thanks for the indoor riding mojo boost... that's kinda been my philosophy for no real reason other than when I'm on the trainer it's all me for all that time... no coasting, etc to help me out.
@Gina - have a great vaca. And hang in there... I hope your sister is okay. Sending positive vibes her way.
Hugs all around...
Beth and Jo dropping a note in from crazy tri weekend in North Dakota. So far, lots of biking -- but the kind that involves driving stopping to have BLTs and burgers in the bar with dad and brother in at the bar in tiny North Dakota towns -- and wondering just how far away the next Cenex station might be. I haven't been back in North Dakota for eight years and was a little worried that it wouldn't quite feel like home any longer. It does. Everything smells like lilacs and crab apple blossms right now. Those BLTs? I forgot the question of preference is for light or dark toast. Cass Clay milk tastes better than all the rest. And, yes, you can drive an old pickup truck in cycling cleats.
There are tons of people in town for the Fargo Marathon -- I guess this is a huge Boston qualifying race because it is low altitude and dead flat. My take? Tons of volunteers, easy to navigate, and the race schwag is awesome so far. I might actually wear the tech shirt in real life!
Love to you all and I'll try to post Moo Jo's new pics to Facebook.
Hi Everyone
Thought I'd chime in while I'm on a veerrrrry long conference call! It is going from 10 -3 !! Luckily I can go on mute..
@Gina - phew, that must be such a relief
@ Marianne - you look so cute in every picture I see of you - go with your gut on outfit choice. I love that you brought your medals!!
@Beth sounds like an awesome road trip - love it. I've never been to that part of the country..
Having one of my better training weeks, which has been encouragings, since I'm racing in about two weeks...Have had good luck getting up early on Thursdays and Fridays. I think I will try to stick with that. Going to ride the Moosman 1/2 course on Sunday with some folks. @Linda - let me know if interested in joining. Meeting @ 9 am at the park (Wellington) on Newfound Lake - anyone else welcome as well.
Currently, I ride a lovely and trusty Cervelo RS ("Xavier") with clip-on carbon aerobars. Yesterday I went and got fitted for a tri-bike (for IMKY, won't have it for Mooseman which is ok) so my LBS fellow narrowed down the brands/models that would work for me.This may not be the appropriate thread at all, please redirect me if it isn't. These are the ones that are recommended (the yellow are the easiest for the shop to get). Anyone have a good word about a certain bike? I am reading a bunch on slowtwitch, but I'm a terrible 'buyer's regret" person and I agonize..Thanks
I don't point this out as it being a BAD thing, it's just something to consider. I like the Scott just fine but I think my happiness is mostly due to having my first all carbon bike and the nicest components and gearing that I've ever had.
Aimee - WRT to your bike purchase...first I can sooooo relate to the buyer's regreat, and second guessing I'm that way with small purchases even, so the big ones like bike purchases can be agonizing!...second, if you're looking for a vote of sorts, I gues i'd say Specialized. My tri bike is not a Specialized, but my MTB is and DH has 2 Specialized MTBs. They rock! They are well spec'd component wise, constructed nicely, and definitely reflect some forward thinking in terms of design for performance. I would assume that all of that crosses over into their other bike lines. In fact, I sometimes think that if I were to buy a new tri bike I'd look really seriously at Specialized right out of the gate. Anyway, may not be helpful comments, but just some thoughts off the top of my head.
...my head which is drugged up thanks to my oral surgery this AM...doing well, but not comfortable by any stretch...but luckily I now have nothing to do but catch up with my girls while sucking down delicious Alden's ice cream!!!!
Gina your garden harvest sounds delightful! I am very relieved, as I am sure you are too, that your sister's mass tested out to be normal. Phew! Have a great trip.
Beth, Gina is right...your brief snippet sounds like something out of a novel...Very cool! I love it!
Linda - I'm curious, about your social circle with Karen Smyers and whether you might have ever met a freind of mine who also is friends with Karen. Sue Feitelberg? She's from Bostson and is up there a lot, but lives in NYC. Given how small this world is it would not surprise me.
Robin - I'm glad to hear that you are doing well. I'm with ya on the "do what you can when you can for as long as you feel like" approach. Sounds like you've got some good schedule parameters in place to support you for some bike or run time....or Robin time. Hugs!
@Olivia--I've known Karen for years, as a gym friend. She swam with my masters group for a couple of years, and we would change in the same row in the locker room.
Chit chat, about this and that. She's perfectly nice, willing to share, if somewhat guarded. Can't blame her, people would be all over her. But one winter day we got talking about the CT, I mentioned what Michael McCormack told me (they know each other well), and she concurred. Jarrod Shoemaker raced with my son on an elite development team, which is how I talk to him. Not my "social circle" of personal friends, but connected enough to chat about bikes.
Oh, to your original question, I do not know Sue. 
@Aimee--I have the Kuota as you saw. The only thing I will say about any of those bikes--and I'm aping Rich here--the brand does not matter. The model does not matter. Nor do wheel sets or components at this point. The ONLY thing that matters is f-i-t. Period. The rest can be added and subtracted. There is no buyer's remorse if the bike fits. Rich will also say, he'd rather have you on a Huffy that fits with a PM, than a Cervelo P4 that's all wrong.
FWIW, when I bought my tri bike, I trusted my bike shop dude so much that I didn't even know what bike it would be until I picked it up. Truly I had no idea of make or model. He just had a budget, and we did fit, fit, fit. Then he put together the best bike for me--and we fit it again after it was put together! Good luck with your decision.
Gearing up for 'big day' tomorrow. Looking forward to it good weather forecast and going with Dana. Pit stop to watch neice's first tri
Gina- Great news about your sis!