Barb: That is a horrible situation! Does your school have a school resource officer--as in an armed police officer in the school? All Rochester City schools have 2 in each school. That situation went beyond a teacher discipline situation and was really a personal safety issue. On a more global rant, who are these animals raising animals that have no impulse control? Since when did teachers have to act as prison guards? I'm also not surprised by the AP's reaction---he doesn't want to make waves, write up a report of a student threatening bodily harm to a teacher because it will make his school look bad. Alot of these kids also know the limitations of the state law...i.e. in NYS, someone under 16 can't be charged with a violation so they push the limits of what is a misdemeanor or felony. If you really want to push this issue, I'd go talk to your teachers union leaders about it. I'm so so sorry this happened to you, Barb.
On a happier note...I could be convinced about St.Croix 70.3. The US VI in May...what could be better?
eww, St Croix 70.3 is in May? Ugh, think I'll have to say no to that one. My anniversary is May 14. If I abandon my hubby 2 years in a row around anniversary time I think I'd really deserve to be served divorce papers!!!
Jerk student! Not saying he is one, but I've been reviewing lots of writing on juvenile justice this week at work. Bottom line - the best thing you can do for young people is teach them how to be respectful, honest adults, with goals. So good fo you for holding him accountable for his behavior!
Fun story: I bought two bottles of nail polish recently. This morning, I noticed the color names are "Go, Go Green," and "Pedal to the Metal." Racing seems to be influencing my choice of color.
After yesterday's vdot test, I came back to work, put on my lady clothes, and kicked some serious butt. My job? Mostly kinda lame in its day-to-day ness, with not much room for reward. What to do in that situation? Change work, of course. I've been the Maria vonTrapp of work, causing all sorts of good trouble over the past year. Yesterday, in a meeting with our CFO/HR head, I found out this work is actually being recognized -- and respected. Cool. If only I could become a professional troublemaker for good.
eww, St Croix 70.3 is in May? Ugh, think I'll have to say no to that one. My anniversary is May 14. If I abandon my hubby 2 years in a row around anniversary time I think I'd really deserve to be served divorce papers!!!
Oooorrrrr you could plan a super duper anniversary trip, oh and did I mention St Croix would be a very romantic place? (insert EN 3.0 smilie with girl blushing)
Kitima, I did speak briefly w/our school resource office, after I sent him a copy of my write up. Bottom line is, he will do whatever administration tells him to do. And basically, from the lack of contact from him, my guess is that he was told to drop it. I also spoke with some folks knowledgable in the union, who said there was a law inacted a couple of years ago, that REQUIRE schools to press charges against students who threaten teachers. Guess what they have NOT done? I was going to press it, but I feel like I'm already on the bubble because I had the audacity to hold this student accountable!! They have rules,tell us to enforce them, but when we do, they don't back us, and one guy in particular, (the one that made the snarky comment to me) turns the tables and makes it all about what the teacher did, NOT about what the kid said/did!!! And Beth, this kid IS a jerk! When we got to the office, EVERYONE knew his name!!!! What does THAT tell you? My question is why is he still here, if he is known for his dramatic outbursts? I have definately formed an opinion about the type of administrator I will NOT be! When I get an admin job for next year, I am all for kids, but I am old school, and believe that the best way to teach a child and make them a productive, contributing member of society, is to hold them accountable for their behavior!!!! They are enabled enough at home! I wish I could video tape a day in my life here at school. People would be appalled at what is said and how the students dress. Disrespect at it's finest art, in a high school hallway... Okay, I'm done ranting. St. Croix definately sounds good! Will have to see how the finances look for next year. And, when I have a new job, if I can get away for a few days... Beth, I love the nail polish colors/names!! And, good for you, wanting to be a professional troublemaker! Apparently I am! LOL!! It just doesn't feel real good though... On another random note, my 2nd cousin Joan Spitler, is one of the Cake Divas in L.A. I checked out her website this morning, and they had made a complete room mockup, out of cake!!! The furniture, appliances, everything, was CAKE!!! Check it out, as it is too cool!!! Tired of that chair in the corner? Eat it! HA!! Unbelievable! Wish I had that kind of talent!
REQUIRE schools to press charges against students who threaten teachers. Guess what they have NOT done? I was going to press it, but I feel like I'm already on the bubble because I had the audacity to hold this student accountable!! They have rules,tell us to enforce them, but when we do, they don't back us, and one guy in particular, (the one that made the snarky comment to me) turns the tables and makes it all about what the teacher did, NOT about what the kid said/did!!!
And when he kills his UVA lacross playing girlfriend in a fight one night, everyone will want to know why no one set this kid strait years ago and why the administration sat around and didn nothing. This pisses me off to no end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess what they have NOT done? I was going to press it, but I feel like I'm already on the bubble because I had the audacity to hold this student accountable!! They have rules,tell us to enforce them, but when we do, they don't back us, and one guy in particular, (the one that made the snarky comment to me) turns the tables and makes it all about what the teacher did, NOT about what the kid said/did!!! And Beth, this kid IS a jerk! When we got to the office, EVERYONE knew his name!!!! What does THAT tell you? My question is why is he still here, if he is known for his dramatic outbursts? I have definately formed an opinion about the type of administrator I will NOT be! When I get an admin job for next year, I am all for kids, but I am old school, and believe that the best way to teach a child and make them a productive, contributing member of society, is to hold them accountable for their behavior!!!! They are enabled enough at home! I wish I could video tape a day in my life here at school. People would be appalled at what is said and how the students dress. Disrespect at it's finest art, in a high school hallway...
My sister ia an inner city teacher in Newburgh, NY. Police officers on site. Metal detectors to enter the school. I worry, she doesn't. Parents are as bad as the kids.
My hat is off to you Barb. I think I'd have impulse control issues and slap someone.
@ Barb-that is so horrible. My hats go off to teachers everywhere. Not to have the support of your AP and other resources make it so much worse. I'm sure there are some students that you touch and has to make it all worthwhile. I know I had a few good teachers in my day and you never forget them.
On another note, I got the official job offer today and I'm moving to Boston! I am very excited. Not so excited that it is a month before IMLP but life has to go on around this crazy exercise habit of mine. Already got into a fight with SO about taking the dog... So Linda, Michele and Aimee hopefully more riding together in our future! With all of this going on my workouts have been a bit neglected but committed to getting back on track this weekend.
Also as we will be looking for a house to buy in the next year, I may be IM free next year to save some $$. Will have to live vicariously through my EN Chicas!
Unless something changed from Sunday when we rode, Michelle (SO) is working and is moving in August. Carly was hoping the job would start after IMLP, guess they couldn't wait that long. (Sorry for answering for you Carly. Hope all is well.)
Michele you are right. Job couldn't wait till August and Michelle makes more $$ here (Rochester) so she will stay and we will meet up after IM. Frantically looking for pet friendly apts. We will see how it goes. Again very excited about the job and the move, just not in the disruption to my training.
Carly you are moving again!?? Wow! You're so handling that well. I would probably be a basket case...especially in the midst of IM training. Boston will be GREAT though! I'm sure it will suck being separated from Michelle, but probably good to maximize the dough if the opportunity is there.
WRT St. Croix....I can't help but want to do that (love the idea of post-race lounging and vacay, but having just come off of training over the winter it is pretty clear that there would be lots of indoor riding...not as bad, certainly with half the distance, but ugh! would I want to do that again? Not an issue for you, Kris, or maybe Nemo, or Kristen but the rest of us?? Nemo, DH's B'day is the 15th....we could do a joint B'day and anniversary celebration in St. Croix.....HMMMM?
Barbara, amazing. I agree. Accountability is seriously lacking in a BIG way with a lot (certainly not all) kids. My neice is one of those that lacks it. Everything that she gets into is nowhere near her fault. She's a total yardsale! I'm intervening as the Aunt to try to get her on track but man, she cannot see her role in her destiny!
OK....what else? What other races are we talking about for '11?
Kris - I started thinking about LOU which I've NEVER done before just because I can be guaranteed for a WARM swim! Wait...what?
Carly, congratulations on the new job! That's going to be tough, though, being separated from Michelle for a while. I would hate that! Hopefully work and IM training will keep you too busy to be lonely.
Aimee, you are going to love power! I just got mine in November and still have sooooo much to learn. It makes training and racing smoother, for sure, and knowing that I have to download and analyze data afterwards makes me want to push harder on every ride.
Olivia, are you in a post IM recovery delirium?! Thinking about another IM already?! Just last night I apologized to Tabitha in advance for a summer and fall of weekends lost due to long rides, and promised no IM for next year. She could probably be talked into a vacation in St. Croix, though!
Aimee -- Welcome to power. I, too, am a power baby, but I know my riding is a lot smoother now. I don't think I can go back to HR now.
Carly -Big Congratulations! (Insert row of jumping jack smileys)
I saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last night. Crazy violence! Violence in movies quota for the year? Filled. I saw it with a friend, who also lives alone. We sent each other messages when we got home, because we both were checking our closets for bad guys.
Looks like I missed an interesting day yesterday... I had some crazy GI issues and just felt off all day and still am not feeling my normal self. I did get the long run yesterday, but opted to stay in bed this morning...
@Barbara - have you heard of Marathon du Medoc? add that one to your list (well, if you like wine)... that's on my list for sure!
@Carly - congrats on the new job! Good luck with the move and the training! Perhaps with the hectic schedule of unpacking, training, racing, starting the new gig - it might be good for your "kids" to stay in Rochester... but, at the same time, it would be nice to have a friendly, albeit furry, face to come home to until your SO can catch up.
@Beth - too funny about the polish colors. When I was picking paint (remodeling my kitchen) - I laughed when the kitchen color turned out to be "bride to be" ... and a few weeks later I met Dan.
@Aimee - I'm jealous! Please tell me what you think (honestly)... I am an HR athlete... and wonder if it's worth the investment. It's not like I'm ever gonna qualify for Kona or win my AG... I'd like to say there's another IM (or two or three) left in me but I wonder what the true ROI is for a sort of above average, recreational athlete...
@Suzanne (if you're checking in) - good luck at Kinetic! Have fun and kill it!
That's all I got... tomorrow will be my first attempt at a solo long ride (4 hours) while doing the set workout stuff...since I'll be alone I need to figure out a loop that's a decent length, but won't leave me stranded just in case (not to mention so I can keep a cooler for refueling). I don't know about you , but I really hate riding alone - especially now that my mojo is low. Oh, and FWIW, I'm still thinking about IMWI next year...if my local friend Emily does it that will help - so I have someone to train with who's local... but as someone put it, it's a family decision... and I actually have someone else to consult with about these things now...
Hi Chicas! Thanks for all of the good vibes sent my way! Carly, congrats on the new job, and the move. Sorry it comes at an inopportune time, but in the long run it will be worth it, from the sounds of it! That will be tough, being away from Michelle. I wouldn't like being away from Jo. Aimee, I am soooo jealous that you got Power! Wish I could! But not until I get a new job that pays way more than my mere teacher's salary... Speaking of goes girls, you won't believe THIS one now....I got an email yesterday from the Principal, that she wants to meet with me, the AP, and my supervisor (I'm a special ed. teacher, so I work through a co-op) on Tuesday! I called my super last night and asked her what this was about. She said it is regarding my "inappropriate language" and "not following proper discipline procedures"! REALLY????????????? Are you KIDDING ME??? I know what this is really about. They are required by law, to file charges against any kid threatening a teacher. They don't want to do that, because it will make the school look bad. (Like it doesn't already! We are ALWAYS in the newspaper! Thats how I find out half of the crap that goes on there!) So, if I f'd up 'procedure' by not calling an administrator to come handle it, AND I referred to the student's actions as being "an ASSHOLE" which he IS, then they will hang their hats on that, to not let me take it further. I have my administrator's license, I know what this crap is about! Kills me, because if they had asked me, I had decided not to press the issue and press charges. I was just really p.o.'d that day. But, I had asked our Resource cop about if the school pressed charges, and I know he went running to admin. because he knows where his bread is buttered...that's why I'm getting called in! I PRAY I can get a new job and get out of this hell hole! I have never seen such a mess in my life! I have contacted my union pres. and she has offered to attend that meeting with me. You bet she will be! I know one thing, I am no longer going to help with discipline. I don't care if a kid's pants are to his ankles, and he's talking on his cell phone going down the hall. As long as I work in this school, I am NOT putting MYSELF through this $%!T again!!!!! WHEW! Rant done!! I had to share this with all of you because you have been soooo supportive! So, I am asking for major positive vibes sent to me Tues. morning, since I am going in for a hand slapping and butt reaming! Unbelieveable! On a happier note, I'm leaving today, for Indianapolis, to do the Indy Mini Marathon! Hope my hamstring holds up! Had massage & acupuncture on it last night, or I couldn't have even started the race. I have been so slow and sluggish lately, and only swam 2 x's this week, in my 4th week of IM training, that I'm not expecting too much out of this 1/2 mary, except finishing. But, it is a fun girl's weekend for my Tri/Marathon buddy Deb and I. We will catch up on each other's drama , during the 3 hour ride down there and back! I wish I could find a really good paying job working with something to do with Triathlon. That is where my love lies. I would leave education in a heartbeat, due to the anti-teacher stance it is taken. I could really enjoy traveling and doing something with races and training! Anyone have any ideas? I mean ANY?
Morning ladies! Carly- thanks for the details, it sounds stressful to me- but maybe not having the SO & Kids around during peak IM training won't be so bad in the long run.
Beth- I can't do scary movies! They get into my head too much.
I got to do my brick this morning (the shoulder felt much better) and it was fun to be out there on such a perfectly beautiful day. 65, sunny, and not humid. We just don't get many of those days and so you gotta enjoy them while you can! I haven't even looked ahead to see what the weekend is supposed to bring. Guess I should get on that next!
WRT St. Croix....I can't help but want to do that (love the idea of post-race lounging and vacay, but having just come off of training over the winter it is pretty clear that there would be lots of indoor riding...not as bad, certainly with half the distance, but ugh! would I want to do that again? Not an issue for you, Kris, or maybe Nemo, or Kristen but the rest of us?? Nemo, DH's B'day is the 15th....we could do a joint B'day and anniversary celebration in St. Croix.....HMMMM?
OK....what else? What other races are we talking about for '11?
Kris - I started thinking about LOU which I've NEVER done before just because I can be guaranteed for a WARM swim! Wait...what?
Olivia- St Croix is perfect timing leading out to LOU. I can guarantee you that LOU will be warm! (or much warmer than IMSG)! You get to train through the nice summer weather & you can make a trip down any time for a guided tour of the course! Just sayin..... You would love this course....
okay just sayin hi!! read everybody and wow! all I gotta say. I am feeling better with thyroid but not at 100% I can tell... so overall good news on that front. dog is also doing well and doesn't like heat but paw is better! m
Afternoon ladies! Hope everyone had great rides today! I saw the thread about the Moo visors and I'm jealous. Since IMWI may be my 2011 race, perhaps there will be a few left and I can get one later to wear next year!
Speaking of 2011, had dinner with the DB last night and mentioned this thread about planning 2011 seasons and that a some of you are taking it off bc of the toll of training, etc and that one of you said an IM was a family decision. Well, Dan definitely liked that and agreed wholeheartedly. My only response was that it stinks they sell out a year in advance and I need to figure out what I wanted to do... that if the thing with us continues we may have to plan an "event"... so that will be an IM-free year... and IF we have a kiddo, that will definitely be an IM-free year... he then asked when IMWI was - because he'd really like to do a European bike tour vaca (which I'd be up for, of course) and he knows I want to do Marathon du Medoc some day... anyway, IMWI is mid-Sept, which means I'd be hard-core training (per the 12 week rule) by mid-June... he seemed very agreeable to that - that the bike tour may be earlier in June (I'm thinking I can work in some bricks and runs while traveling). So, it seems, IMWI is a real possibility for 2011 and then I'd do the Philly marathon in late November (if I get into NYC I'll defer a year and do it in 2012). 2012 will likely be an IM-free year, perhaps with some OLYs and maybe a HIM and the Medoc marathon (which is more about the wine tasting than the running) in September and NYC in November. Cool.... but, wait, it gets better.
I don't know how it came up... and it was very, very brief... but at some point during the conversation I said something about wanting to quit and work at/own a gym and he was like okay, do it. I questioned, you'd be okay with my quitting a super-secure legal job; leaving my six figure income and benefits (he's also govt) and supporting me (depending on how much I could earn it would not be what I'm making now) - and he was like, yup, no problem. That was it... super brief... but I've mentioned my long term goal before... but I flat out directly questioned him.... Wow is all I got. Kind of a relief, really. We may be in business ladies... a nationwide chain gym for triathletes (and others, or course)!
OK, now it's fess up time. I got up at 5:45 this morning, planning a go-time of 7ish... not thrilled with the idea of a 4 hour bike ride solo... but figured out where I'd go (Rock Creek Park, Beach Drive - a 25 mile out and back trip, figured I'd do it 2-3 times). The radio said t-storms and 40mph winds expected. The sky looked okay, but I knew 4 hours was a long time... so I wussed out. I think more of it was that my bike mojo is zippo since my crash (and that's the course I crashed on) and I'm a little freaked to go out alone. I wanted to, I knew I should... and I know I'll be doing a lot of solo rides in the months ahead (doubtful Dan will come out with me for 4 hour training rides) - I have to get my confidence back.
So, I did 2:30 on the trainer (I thought this was fair - the OS called for 90 trainer minutes or 180 outside minutes). I did a 10min WU, all the work called for (the Z4 and Z3 intervals) then 30 minutes of Z2 (directions called for remainder in Z2) - then I made up yesterday's 40 minute Z1 run. I think it rained super briefly while I was on the trainer, but the sky was all sunny when I was jogging - definitely crazy windy (which would have been hard for me on the bike with my hand).
I don't know... there are others of you coming back from colossal bike wrecks - any words of wisdom? Will I stop being a chicken any time soon? I'm fairly new to biking but last year I made such huge strides and was really getting comfortable and much stronger ... then the crash happened in late Aug, probably only got 2 or 3 rides in before winter... and those were hard for me mentally, particularly on the down hills.... I'd ride the breaks and pray. Every bump made me jittery... hard to relax... Now my hand is off so I can't grip with my left hand... I'm a mess... but I know it's 70% mental and any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Rock Creek Park, Beach Drive - a 25 mile out and back trip, figured I'd do it 2-3 times)
Becky- I shake my head so many times when I read your posts trying to figure out how we never met when I was in DC. That route was always my "safe ride". Good for days when the weather threatened because you could be back at your car very quickly (or at a minimum, hiding under a bridge for cover). I also liked it for solo rides because it's always filled with other people so if something happened, you'd have help fast. Only trouble is all the strollers & rollerbladers & kids on new bikes, esp down at the south end by the ranger station. Anyway, I can't wait to finally meet you!
Becky - Order yourself a chicas rule visor! (They say chicas rule, nothing about IM). Plus, I selflishly love the idea of all sorts of chica hats out on the run paths, making good race mojo.
It sounds like you had a most excellent date with lots of good future/life planning. Awesome.
Crash - After I bad bike crash, I didn't get on my bike for two years. But I'm glad I got back on it. Those long rides outside are truly one of my favorite things in the world.
Today's arch-nemesis? The candied grapefruit peel I bought along with lots of other snacks for the gathering I'm hosting tomorrow night. That stuff is so delicious. Maybe I should start making my own, considering my large weekly consumption of grapefruit.
Monday: I hope to make the chat tonight, it was 7 my time. coach or no coach!! hope you can make it. scooting.. rain and coffee and it is Monday... had a good mother's day and yes took pics and will share report.. really it was a perfect mothers' day and wish they could all be that way! rode 27 miles with friends in spitting rain and had intervals along the way!, then ran with dog of 3 miles of trail cuz rain had picked up and I ducked into trees for some relief, then went home, tidied, packed lunch and waited forever for all 7 of us to RIDE IN ONE CAR! over to Pinnacle MT where we climbed the "hard side", first walking 2 miles to the base.. then we climbed taking the dog, sat at the top and went down the easy side! picnicked, played in the park on the see saw then walked around another 1.5 mile beautiful trail with bald cypress trees.. ALL SEVEN OF US plus the dog! no fighting either! back at home my husband helped with the dishes, dog was whooped and we watched a movie! .....oh I forgot I got to stretch after my morning run. so basically I did all of my favorite things! will post pics later... and yes MOO JO went with me... m
@Beth - thanks, I'll take a look - for some reason I had the impression the visors would say IM Moo or something EN Cowgirls or something like that...
@Marianne - I thought of you riding yesterday. It was crazy, crazy, crazy windy - with some strong crosswinds. I tried to go aero but had a hard time on the way out... the way back was much better and I made a definite effort to tuck and kept telling myself to relax (my hands, shoulders, neck). I also discovered that when I'm riding up, I shift both gears with my right hand. I don't think I ever noticed that before...and I'm pretty sure I did it prior to surgery. I just don't like letting go with my left hand. Ever. I can't ride either bike with no hands, and I don't even like taking one hand off the tri bike to signal turns (I much more comfortable doing that on the road bike, but I only use my right hand)... interesting. So, I do cross over and work the big ring shifer with my right hand... if I ever get a chance to ride in normal conditions I will add that to my list of bike handling goals (letting go, using the water bottles behind my seat)...
Carly: Congrats on your new job! When are you moving?
Aimee: Welcome to the wonderful world of power! It will change how you train and what you think is work---all for the better. So did you get a PT? When's it coming?
Beth: I had no idea that movie/book was so violent. Obviously, I've not read it yet but I mistakenly had the impression it was like a ponderous, lyrical Barbara Kingsolver novel.
Becky: What to do after a bike crash? Get back on the bike ASAP (that is, after you've checked yourself and are not hurt). 3 years ago I wiped out hard on wet mountain bike trails (a slippery log going across the trail diagonally). I never rode in even remotely MOIST conditions for 1 year. Just so stinking SKEERED of it. Wasn't until last summer that I got over---the whole summer was so rainy that if I had any hope of riding mtb, I'd have to do it in the rain. It took an entire season to get over that fear. Pffft! On the other hand, last season I endo'd twice (new bike/bigger wheels/overconfident). The second I brushed myself off and caught my breath, my DH made me go back and ride the section again and again until I could clean it without fear. It was the best lesson I learned. That and not grabbing a handful of front brake.
Marianne: You have the best adventures! I'm going to try and be on time for the chat room tonight.
So I bought an iTouch a couple of weeks ago---and I'm having so much fun with it. The Calorie counting app has been very helpful. I'm completely addicted a game called "Angry Birds". And I just downloaded an app from The Audubon Society that is a field guide for identifying birds, mammals, trees, and wildflowers. It's sooo cool. Yep, I'm a big BIRD NERD. Ask Dana and Nathalie---I love pointing out birds, flowers, and trees on our long rides and runs. I think they run/ride faster just to get away from me. Ha! So Nemo, I've looked up what kinds of birds we could see in CA. Let me say: that state has some cool birds---especially hummingbirds! If there's an Anna's hummingbird at the top of a KOM, I'll will myself a watts/kg > 5 just to see it.
Me too- was wondering how she did. Don't leave us hanging Marianne! We need details!
On a happier note...I could be convinced about St.Croix 70.3. The US VI in May...what could be better?
Jerk student! Not saying he is one, but I've been reviewing lots of writing on juvenile justice this week at work. Bottom line - the best thing you can do for young people is teach them how to be respectful, honest adults, with goals. So good fo you for holding him accountable for his behavior!
Fun story: I bought two bottles of nail polish recently. This morning, I noticed the color names are "Go, Go Green," and "Pedal to the Metal." Racing seems to be influencing my choice of color.
After yesterday's vdot test, I came back to work, put on my lady clothes, and kicked some serious butt. My job? Mostly kinda lame in its day-to-day ness, with not much room for reward. What to do in that situation? Change work, of course. I've been the Maria vonTrapp of work, causing all sorts of good trouble over the past year. Yesterday, in a meeting with our CFO/HR head, I found out this work is actually being recognized -- and respected. Cool. If only I could become a professional troublemaker for good.
Oooorrrrr you could plan a super duper anniversary trip, oh and did I mention St Croix would be a very romantic place? (insert EN 3.0 smilie with girl blushing)
Okay, I'm done ranting. St. Croix definately sounds good! Will have to see how the finances look for next year. And, when I have a new job, if I can get away for a few days...
Beth, I love the nail polish colors/names!! And, good for you, wanting to be a professional troublemaker! Apparently I am! LOL!! It just doesn't feel real good though...
On another random note, my 2nd cousin Joan Spitler, is one of the Cake Divas in L.A. I checked out her website this morning, and they had made a complete room mockup, out of cake!!! The furniture, appliances, everything, was CAKE!!! Check it out, as it is too cool!!! Tired of that chair in the corner? Eat it! HA!! Unbelievable! Wish I had that kind of talent!
And when he kills his UVA lacross playing girlfriend in a fight one night, everyone will want to know why no one set this kid strait years ago and why the administration sat around and didn nothing. This pisses me off to no end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My hat is off to you Barb. I think I'd have impulse control issues and slap someone.
@ Barb-that is so horrible. My hats go off to teachers everywhere. Not to have the support of your AP and other resources make it so much worse. I'm sure there are some students that you touch and has to make it all worthwhile. I know I had a few good teachers in my day and you never forget them.
On another note, I got the official job offer today and I'm moving to Boston! I am very excited. Not so excited that it is a month before IMLP but life has to go on around this crazy exercise habit of mine. Already got into a fight with SO about taking the dog... So Linda, Michele and Aimee hopefully more riding together in our future! With all of this going on my workouts have been a bit neglected but committed to getting back on track this weekend.
Also as we will be looking for a house to buy in the next year, I may be IM free next year to save some $$. Will have to live vicariously through my EN Chicas!
Michele you are right. Job couldn't wait till August and Michelle makes more $$ here (Rochester) so she will stay and we will meet up after IM. Frantically looking for pet friendly apts. We will see how it goes. Again very excited about the job and the move, just not in the disruption to my training.
WRT St. Croix....I can't help but want to do that (love the idea of post-race lounging and vacay, but having just come off of training over the winter it is pretty clear that there would be lots of indoor riding...not as bad, certainly with half the distance, but ugh! would I want to do that again? Not an issue for you, Kris, or maybe Nemo, or Kristen but the rest of us?? Nemo, DH's B'day is the 15th....we could do a joint B'day and anniversary celebration in St. Croix.....HMMMM?
Barbara, amazing. I agree. Accountability is seriously lacking in a BIG way with a lot (certainly not all) kids. My neice is one of those that lacks it. Everything that she gets into is nowhere near her fault. She's a total yardsale! I'm intervening as the Aunt to try to get her on track but man, she cannot see her role in her destiny!
OK....what else? What other races are we talking about for '11?
Kris - I started thinking about LOU which I've NEVER done before just because I can be guaranteed for a WARM swim! Wait...what?
Awesome Carly! Where are you looking?? So great to have another chica to ride/train with! @Michele - next weekend, you and me, baby!
St Croix...mmmm.. I will keep that in mind.
@Barbara - good vibes to you..inmates/asylum, I agree
Chicas - I have officially ordered POWER! It is being built for me now!! Yay!!
Carly, congratulations on the new job! That's going to be tough, though, being separated from Michelle for a while. I would hate that! Hopefully work and IM training will keep you too busy to be lonely.
Aimee, you are going to love power! I just got mine in November and still have sooooo much to learn.
It makes training and racing smoother, for sure, and knowing that I have to download and analyze data afterwards makes me want to push harder on every ride.
Olivia, are you in a post IM recovery delirium?! Thinking about another IM already?!
Just last night I apologized to Tabitha in advance for a summer and fall of weekends lost due to long rides, and promised no IM for next year. She could probably be talked into a vacation in St. Croix, though!
Have a great Friday and a great weekend, ladies!
Aimee -- Welcome to power. I, too, am a power baby, but I know my riding is a lot smoother now. I don't think I can go back to HR now.
Carly -Big Congratulations!

(Insert row of jumping jack smileys)
I saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last night. Crazy violence! Violence in movies quota for the year? Filled. I saw it with a friend, who also lives alone. We sent each other messages when we got home, because we both were checking our closets for bad guys.
Morning ladies!
Looks like I missed an interesting day yesterday... I had some crazy GI issues and just felt off all day and still am not feeling my normal self. I did get the long run yesterday, but opted to stay in bed this morning...
@Barbara - have you heard of Marathon du Medoc? add that one to your list (well, if you like wine)... that's on my list for sure!
@Carly - congrats on the new job! Good luck with the move and the training! Perhaps with the hectic schedule of unpacking, training, racing, starting the new gig - it might be good for your "kids" to stay in Rochester... but, at the same time, it would be nice to have a friendly, albeit furry, face to come home to until your SO can catch up.
@Beth - too funny about the polish colors. When I was picking paint (remodeling my kitchen) - I laughed when the kitchen color turned out to be "bride to be" ... and a few weeks later I met Dan.
@Aimee - I'm jealous! Please tell me what you think (honestly)... I am an HR athlete... and wonder if it's worth the investment. It's not like I'm ever gonna qualify for Kona or win my AG... I'd like to say there's another IM (or two or three) left in me but I wonder what the true ROI is for a sort of above average, recreational athlete...
@Suzanne (if you're checking in) - good luck at Kinetic! Have fun and kill it!
That's all I got... tomorrow will be my first attempt at a solo long ride (4 hours) while doing the set workout stuff...since I'll be alone I need to figure out a loop that's a decent length, but won't leave me stranded just in case (not to mention so I can keep a cooler for refueling). I don't know about you , but I really hate riding alone - especially now that my mojo is low. Oh, and FWIW, I'm still thinking about IMWI next year...if my local friend Emily does it that will help - so I have someone to train with who's local... but as someone put it, it's a family decision... and I actually have someone else to consult with about these things now...
Aimee, I am soooo jealous that you got Power! Wish I could! But not until I get a new job that pays way more than my mere teacher's salary...
Speaking of goes girls, you won't believe THIS one now....I got an email yesterday from the Principal, that she wants to meet with me, the AP, and my supervisor (I'm a special ed. teacher, so I work through a co-op) on Tuesday! I called my super last night and asked her what this was about. She said it is regarding my "inappropriate language" and "not following proper discipline procedures"! REALLY????????????? Are you KIDDING ME??? I know what this is really about. They are required by law, to file charges against any kid threatening a teacher. They don't want to do that, because it will make the school look bad. (Like it doesn't already! We are ALWAYS in the newspaper! Thats how I find out half of the crap that goes on there!) So, if I f'd up 'procedure' by not calling an administrator to come handle it, AND I referred to the student's actions as being "an ASSHOLE" which he IS, then they will hang their hats on that, to not let me take it further. I have my administrator's license, I know what this crap is about! Kills me, because if they had asked me, I had decided not to press the issue and press charges. I was just really p.o.'d that day. But, I had asked our Resource cop about if the school pressed charges, and I know he went running to admin. because he knows where his bread is buttered...that's why I'm getting called in! I PRAY I can get a new job and get out of this hell hole! I have never seen such a mess in my life! I have contacted my union pres. and she has offered to attend that meeting with me. You bet she will be! I know one thing, I am no longer going to help with discipline. I don't care if a kid's pants are to his ankles, and he's talking on his cell phone going down the hall. As long as I work in this school, I am NOT putting MYSELF through this $%!T again!!!!! WHEW! Rant done!! I had to share this with all of you because you have been soooo supportive! So, I am asking for major positive vibes sent to me Tues. morning, since I am going in for a hand slapping and butt reaming! Unbelieveable!
On a happier note, I'm leaving today, for Indianapolis, to do the Indy Mini Marathon! Hope my hamstring holds up! Had massage & acupuncture on it last night, or I couldn't have even started the race. I have been so slow and sluggish lately, and only swam 2 x's this week, in my 4th week of IM training, that I'm not expecting too much out of this 1/2 mary, except finishing. But, it is a fun girl's weekend for my Tri/Marathon buddy Deb and I. We will catch up on each other's drama , during the 3 hour ride down there and back!
I wish I could find a really good paying job working with something to do with Triathlon. That is where my love lies. I would leave education in a heartbeat, due to the anti-teacher stance it is taken. I could really enjoy traveling and doing something with races and training! Anyone have any ideas? I mean ANY?
Morning ladies! Carly- thanks for the details, it sounds stressful to me- but maybe not having the SO & Kids around during peak IM training won't be so bad in the long run.
Beth- I can't do scary movies! They get into my head too much.
I got to do my brick this morning (the shoulder felt much better) and it was fun to be out there on such a perfectly beautiful day. 65, sunny, and not humid. We just don't get many of those days and so you gotta enjoy them while you can! I haven't even looked ahead to see what the weekend is supposed to bring. Guess I should get on that next!
Olivia- St Croix is perfect timing leading out to LOU. I can guarantee you that LOU will be warm! (or much warmer than IMSG)! You get to train through the nice summer weather & you can make a trip down any time for a guided tour of the course! Just sayin..... You would love this course....
Afternoon ladies! Hope everyone had great rides today! I saw the thread about the Moo visors and I'm jealous. Since IMWI may be my 2011 race, perhaps there will be a few left and I can get one later to wear next year!
Speaking of 2011, had dinner with the DB last night and mentioned this thread about planning 2011 seasons and that a some of you are taking it off bc of the toll of training, etc and that one of you said an IM was a family decision. Well, Dan definitely liked that and agreed wholeheartedly. My only response was that it stinks they sell out a year in advance and I need to figure out what I wanted to do... that if the thing with us continues we may have to plan an "event"... so that will be an IM-free year... and IF we have a kiddo, that will definitely be an IM-free year... he then asked when IMWI was - because he'd really like to do a European bike tour vaca (which I'd be up for, of course) and he knows I want to do Marathon du Medoc some day... anyway, IMWI is mid-Sept, which means I'd be hard-core training (per the 12 week rule) by mid-June... he seemed very agreeable to that - that the bike tour may be earlier in June (I'm thinking I can work in some bricks and runs while traveling). So, it seems, IMWI is a real possibility for 2011 and then I'd do the Philly marathon in late November (if I get into NYC I'll defer a year and do it in 2012). 2012 will likely be an IM-free year, perhaps with some OLYs and maybe a HIM and the Medoc marathon (which is more about the wine tasting than the running) in September and NYC in November. Cool.... but, wait, it gets better.
I don't know how it came up... and it was very, very brief... but at some point during the conversation I said something about wanting to quit and work at/own a gym and he was like okay, do it. I questioned, you'd be okay with my quitting a super-secure legal job; leaving my six figure income and benefits (he's also govt) and supporting me (depending on how much I could earn it would not be what I'm making now) - and he was like, yup, no problem. That was it... super brief... but I've mentioned my long term goal before... but I flat out directly questioned him.... Wow is all I got. Kind of a relief, really. We may be in business ladies... a nationwide chain gym for triathletes (and others, or course)!
OK, now it's fess up time. I got up at 5:45 this morning, planning a go-time of 7ish... not thrilled with the idea of a 4 hour bike ride solo... but figured out where I'd go (Rock Creek Park, Beach Drive - a 25 mile out and back trip, figured I'd do it 2-3 times). The radio said t-storms and 40mph winds expected. The sky looked okay, but I knew 4 hours was a long time... so I wussed out. I think more of it was that my bike mojo is zippo since my crash (and that's the course I crashed on) and I'm a little freaked to go out alone. I wanted to, I knew I should... and I know I'll be doing a lot of solo rides in the months ahead (doubtful Dan will come out with me for 4 hour training rides) - I have to get my confidence back.
So, I did 2:30 on the trainer (I thought this was fair - the OS called for 90 trainer minutes or 180 outside minutes). I did a 10min WU, all the work called for (the Z4 and Z3 intervals) then 30 minutes of Z2 (directions called for remainder in Z2) - then I made up yesterday's 40 minute Z1 run. I think it rained super briefly while I was on the trainer, but the sky was all sunny when I was jogging - definitely crazy windy (which would have been hard for me on the bike with my hand).
I don't know... there are others of you coming back from colossal bike wrecks - any words of wisdom? Will I stop being a chicken any time soon? I'm fairly new to biking but last year I made such huge strides and was really getting comfortable and much stronger ... then the crash happened in late Aug, probably only got 2 or 3 rides in before winter... and those were hard for me mentally, particularly on the down hills.... I'd ride the breaks and pray. Every bump made me jittery... hard to relax... Now my hand is off so I can't grip with my left hand... I'm a mess... but I know it's 70% mental and any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Becky- I shake my head so many times when I read your posts trying to figure out how we never met when I was in DC. That route was always my "safe ride". Good for days when the weather threatened because you could be back at your car very quickly (or at a minimum, hiding under a bridge for cover). I also liked it for solo rides because it's always filled with other people so if something happened, you'd have help fast. Only trouble is all the strollers & rollerbladers & kids on new bikes, esp down at the south end by the ranger station. Anyway, I can't wait to finally meet you!
Becky - Order yourself a chicas rule visor! (They say chicas rule, nothing about IM). Plus, I selflishly love the idea of all sorts of chica hats out on the run paths, making good race mojo.
It sounds like you had a most excellent date with lots of good future/life planning. Awesome.
Crash - After I bad bike crash, I didn't get on my bike for two years. But I'm glad I got back on it. Those long rides outside are truly one of my favorite things in the world.
Today's arch-nemesis? The candied grapefruit peel I bought along with lots of other snacks for the gathering I'm hosting tomorrow night. That stuff is so delicious. Maybe I should start making my own, considering my large weekly consumption of grapefruit.
@Beth - thanks, I'll take a look - for some reason I had the impression the visors would say IM Moo or something EN Cowgirls or something like that...
@Marianne - I thought of you riding yesterday. It was crazy, crazy, crazy windy - with some strong crosswinds. I tried to go aero but had a hard time on the way out... the way back was much better and I made a definite effort to tuck and kept telling myself to relax (my hands, shoulders, neck). I also discovered that when I'm riding up, I shift both gears with my right hand. I don't think I ever noticed that before...and I'm pretty sure I did it prior to surgery. I just don't like letting go with my left hand. Ever. I can't ride either bike with no hands, and I don't even like taking one hand off the tri bike to signal turns (I much more comfortable doing that on the road bike, but I only use my right hand)... interesting. So, I do cross over and work the big ring shifer with my right hand... if I ever get a chance to ride in normal conditions I will add that to my list of bike handling goals (letting go, using the water bottles behind my seat)...
I hope all the mom's had a great mother's day!
Aimee: Welcome to the wonderful world of power! It will change how you train and what you think is work---all for the better. So did you get a PT? When's it coming?
Beth: I had no idea that movie/book was so violent. Obviously, I've not read it yet but I mistakenly had the impression it was like a ponderous, lyrical Barbara Kingsolver novel.
Becky: What to do after a bike crash? Get back on the bike ASAP (that is, after you've checked yourself and are not hurt). 3 years ago I wiped out hard on wet mountain bike trails (a slippery log going across the trail diagonally). I never rode in even remotely MOIST conditions for 1 year. Just so stinking SKEERED of it. Wasn't until last summer that I got over---the whole summer was so rainy that if I had any hope of riding mtb, I'd have to do it in the rain. It took an entire season to get over that fear. Pffft! On the other hand, last season I endo'd twice (new bike/bigger wheels/overconfident). The second I brushed myself off and caught my breath, my DH made me go back and ride the section again and again until I could clean it without fear. It was the best lesson I learned. That and not grabbing a handful of front brake.
Marianne: You have the best adventures! I'm going to try and be on time for the chat room tonight.
So I bought an iTouch a couple of weeks ago---and I'm having so much fun with it. The Calorie counting app has been very helpful. I'm completely addicted a game called "Angry Birds". And I just downloaded an app from The Audubon Society that is a field guide for identifying birds, mammals, trees, and wildflowers. It's sooo cool. Yep, I'm a big BIRD NERD. Ask Dana and Nathalie---I love pointing out birds, flowers, and trees on our long rides and runs. I think they run/ride faster just to get away from me. Ha!
So Nemo, I've looked up what kinds of birds we could see in CA. Let me say: that state has some cool birds---especially hummingbirds! If there's an Anna's hummingbird at the top of a KOM, I'll will myself a watts/kg > 5 just to see it.