I promise I won't make my sister ride 84 miles with me the day before her marathon. I am looking forward to our road trip to North Dakota next week. Despite growing up there and having tons of family there, I haven't visited for years. Everyone seems to want to come to Chicago.
Had a great long run this morning along the river. I'm a bit of a late riser, shall we say. Early morning workouts are not my thing at all, but I'm trying to adapt and do it EN-style, as much as I can (which is a lot less than most of you chicas, I think!) I really wanted to do this workout this morning and last night I couldn't get to sleep. I was berating myself "if I can't get up early, how am I ever going to train for an IM, this is ridiculous!" Some serious neg talk. DH is away for work, which didn't help. After some kava (love it) managed to fall asleep. Popped up right at 5:45 sans alarm. No problem, hit the road. Have been patting myself on the back all day.
Hi ladies. Just a quick check in as I've been off the radar for a couple of days. Finding my mojo once again, thank GOODNESS!!! Lurking here does help, even if I'm feeling a bit down and not up to chatting. Reading how everyone is crushing it, gets the juices flowing and I appreciate that! Robin, so glad you are done with that surgery! Heal up quickly girl! Aimee, good for you, getting up and getting it done! I've had the same problem lately, and broke that streak this morning, with a ride on the trainer! 2x10 main set, after 3x1's. Worked hard, sweating, but it felt good to have done it! After reading another forum, I got convinced to give up my med/long runs on Saturdays, with my marathon pals, and ride baby ride! Got a 3 hr. ride coming up, with LOTS of cadence targets as the main theme, after 2x10's, doing them as 4x10's TWICE!! But, I will think of those of you going to TOC, riding some real 'hills'! Jealous!!! Aimee, where do you get kava? Kitima, LOVE the POOP Tarts and Crap Jacks!! Cracks me up! I've got my doc. appt. next week, and shall request the thryoid tests that you all had suggested. Can't wait to find out if it is my thyroid, or if I just need to sew my mouth shut!! Also, am going down to Louisville a week from Saturday, to ride part of the IM course. Scared, but excited! I am STILL in awe of EVERYONE who did IMSG! And, as I've said before, so impressed with how Olivia talked herself into keeping going! Wish I could say I could take that on, but I better get through Louisville first! And, I'm not a fan of COLD water! However, definately think that RnP should have camp at SG next year...just sayin'. Happy Thursday everyone!
@Kitima -- too funny! Love it! I'm a Kashi goLean girl and that stuff has some serious fiber... one of my brothers came to visit, never having had it, liked it... but spent a lot of time in the "library" that weekend.
@Beth - as a marathoner with a triathlon problem, thank you for not torturing your little sis for her big day!
@Barbara - welcome back... my mojo has been all over the map... and today before my run I felt horrible and tired and slugging... but it all worked out...
(sorry for the repeat post - I added this to my OS and the Eagleman thread):
SUCCESS! Okay, in the grand scheme of things, I'm still pretty pokey, but I shaved off 1:15 from my last 5k TT! and my number (whatever it is, I forget the lingo) went from 37 to 39.
my first mile was 7:51, mile 2, 8:08 (I turned around, almost got hit by a cyclist who hadn't announced his passing), mile 3, 7:52 (that's better)... grand total 24:35! Woot!! Having Dan pace me definitely helped... my goal was to not let him get too far ahead of me (well, initally I hoped to stay with him bc 8:00, he claims, is his normal everyday jog pace... he was going faster than that, obviously)!
more exciting is how I've improved since February: my first test was about a month after hand surgery - and I'd been trying to build up slowly, Nemo style...and I took it during snowmageddon on a treadmill. I thought an 8:30 pace was doable so that's what I did... not sure what I was thinking after such a long lay off as it was definitely the hardest 3 miles ever and I had trouble finishing it but my pride kept me from touching the speed!
test 1) 26:27, avg HR 183, avg pace 8:32 = 36
test 2) 25:50, avg HR 186, avg pace 8:20 = 37
test 3) 24:35, avg HR 184, avg pace 7:56 = 39
Yay me! and I will admit that going into the run I felt pretty crappy. slightly headachy and tired (not my legs, just mentally from reading all day)... I was actually afraid the test would be a total wash. BUT after the warm up, getting the fresh air I felt better... and knowing I'd be reporting back helped so much... I had wanted an 8 mm avg pace so much the last time... but fell short (in part bc there were some hills, and it was a warmer day - we altered the course a bit today to avoid hills)... so this thrills me! And, my reward for the hard work?! harder work to come. Hmm.... that doesn't seem quite right, so Dan and I went to dinner and split a half carafe of red wine, I had chx and pasta he had amazing pesto!
Becky, congrats!!! Wonderful! You definately deserved the half carafe of red wine and chix ! Yippee for Vdot and pace increases! I'm still holding out hope that I will increase my VDOTyet! 3 hour bike tomorrow...hope to nail it! HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! HAPPY ToC too!!
AIP 5:30am for 3000 yds masters. Did long run last night and soooo tired this morning, I am on my way driving to pool when suddenly I think "Did I put my pants on before I left?" and had to look down to be sure. Had bathing suit on under and knew I had that on so wasn't scandalizing the neighborhood. I've had that issue with deodorant before (hmmmm did I remember to put on) but never shorts! YIKES! Aqua bike HIM tomorrow early am, riding early Sun- sounds like I better plan a nap in one afternoon or both!!
Kit, Leigh & Nemo- greatly looking forward to your adventures in CA!! Have a blast!
Kris-LOL Take a nap for sure this weekend! Have fun with the aquavelo. I once forgot to wear my bra at work. Sad thing is it took a few hrs to figure out i was kind of bouncy, looked down my scrub top, oops ( I think I worked a 3-11, then next day work 7a, add that on top of me not being a morning person)
Becky- Nice job on the VDOT, nice pacing!!!! woohooo. Well deserved 1/2 carafe of wine
Michele- Happy Belated Birthday! Are you still liking the droid?
Robin- Hope you are recovering well! Enjoy your internet free time at the lake house, Sounds like a great place to recover.
Kitima- Too funny about the poop tarts and crap jacks. I have had the poop tarts, they are good
Kris- you are a MACHINE, with or without your pants!!
Kit- Gonna have to try the poop tarts. We buy the Nature's Path organic ones.
Becky- Congrats on the new Vdot. Now you get to work HARDER
So, the 3 year old dishwasher needs replacing. That will be my task after riding tomorrow. Then I may head for an afternoon recvoery swim. Haven't been to the pool this week because my head is still full of SNOT. (sorry ya'll, it is what it is)
All you IMFL chicks: I am going to TRY and get enough SAU's to be able to come down in Nov!!
@Marianne, Michele, Beth, Kitima, Firs, Becky, Nemo and everyone else who posted anything to give me help on my mary...
Pace - - - cruise, do it, just finish it - - got it. Already told B she has to be at mile 18.
Running the Fargo marathon on the 22nd - my baby girl's 9th b-day and three days after Beth's birthday. Happy birthday to you, you are so cool for a big sister ...
As for biking with big sis - - - still afraid she may beat me up if I do not do as she pleases...
Thanks for the what to pack advice - - still very afraid of the purple juice they are going to have on the course.
Just got my volunteer assignment for IMWI - changing tent...believe that is wetsuit stripper?? Can I put that on my resume - - awesome job - - - had trouble between that and bike fetcher. Thought bike fetcher would be bad because I would want to test ride or simply stare at the bike porn.
Random idea: I was thinking about getting a YUDU for fun. Beth wants to make Cowgirl running skirts - - any interest?!
Okay, so I don't post much mostly because all of you are super awesome and I just love to read and process what you post. I have many days read a couple posts to get motivated for a workout or two.
Last night got awesome bike in (maybe b/c bike trailer was not involved?) and feeling good about it - -
idea: I was thinking about getting a YUDU for fun. Beth wants to make Cowgirl running skirts - - any interest?!
Not sure what YUDU is?? Wetsuit stripper way better job (refer to old post about how to pee on the bike). At least if pee on wetsuit, in a bunch of water to greatly dilute before we get out. he he he.....
@Gina- sorry to hear abt the dishwasher. NO fun to spend $$'s on something like that- however I do not remember fondly washing by hand so....
Tracy, Barbara, Jo & other sherpas- figure I'd get ahead of the game and already start thanking you now!! Having you guys up there will be awesome and you don't know what a help it truly is to have each and every one of you there! The chickas are one!
Vacation is under 3 weeks away. I need it. I wanted to slap my 20 something year old patient this morning. I thought she left the room because she wasn't feeling well ... nope she went to call her mother!! Mean while I have other patient's waiting. I can say professional decorum went out the window for a minute. WHO DOES THAT?? DO YOU REALLY THINK I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN WAIT FOR YOU TO GET OFF THE PHONE? Not in a million years would I ever have done somthing like that.
Jo changing tent volunteer, okay you will see a bunch of cold nekked women disoriented, yelling or talking loud or getting right to bidness with dressing! wild in there. I try to avoid it!!! and pick the chair the closest to the exit! so it is hard to remember the helpers in there... I try hard to say thankyou but I couldn't tell ya what the women in there looked like. I am not one of the yelling women either!
out the door to store, just in from successful 40' consecutive lap no break swim! shoulder feeling better! yeah. stil have wet hair and goggle marks and race tee on but I don't care! husband also went swimming with me so win/win... made him a sandwich and chips for drive back and he inhaled them! smile. Good vibes to everybody! I am still trying GF foods so didn't have sandwich
afraid to ask what a YUDU is?? not sure.
good luck on marathon. sis will take pics right??? so look your best at mile 18. "fake it til you make it" when you get there!
@Jo - I looked up what a Yudu is - how fun. I'm not gonna be a cowgirl this year, but I aspire to be next year... but that totally reminded me of another random piece of marathon advice -- put your name on the front of your shirt. Big, so people can read it -- random strangers will cheer for you, by name, and it's fun... and you'll need it! seriously! I call out to people when I watch and even though I don't know them, I can tell that they appreciate the support and I'll usually get a thumbs up or a shout out of thanks. Every little bit helps! Have fun with it!
@Michele - wow... that's crazy. I can't even imagine that... but kids and young adults these days are so clueless and all about themselves. I said it recently, not sure where, but I fear for our future. No one can read, write, or string together a sentence... and manners, well don't even get me started there. Horrific. (and, yes, I know, thanks to my VDot bump, pain is in my future... not much of a reward for a job well done).
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Looking forward to MooJo (and other) updates from TOC!
Becky -- Hooray, new vdot! And how cool is it you have a good pacer?
Michele -- All I can say is Grrr. Arghh.
Jo - All ready for sherpa duty! Let me know if I can applique letters to your run top! Although, we are running in ND. Everyone probably already knows your name.
Annual check-up for the gpv today. Blood drawn. Whole works. Blah. But pizza and beer are appearing on the communal proofreading table as I write. We're losing our asia security person, which is sad, but I'm glad we are sending him off in style.
Tales from the triathlon sisterhood? Yesterday, Jo and I were on the phone, coordinating packing. Snippets of triathlon life:
"Who's prostretch are we bringing? We don't need two!"
"Let's bring your bike pump, because it is better -- and my foam roller, because it is shorter."
"Can we share Infinit? What do you have . . . "
We will be packing four types of Infinit. Because I, too, am afraid of purple mystery endurance drink on the course.
Kitima, I spit out my big gulp of water yesterday with the Poop Tart comment. Thanks!
Becky, congratulations on the new VDOT!!! I've been feeling the desire to test my FTP, as I've been hitting Z5 on my intervals and had an IF of .93 on a hilly 40 miler last weekend. Maybe in another couple of weeks...
Gina, it would just be wonderful if you could come to IMFL! You are welcome to crash at our (not yet determined ) condo with me, T, my Mom and Dad, sister, and a random friend from vet school. It's going to be a party!
This has been an unexpected doctor visit kind of week. Like Beth, the GPV had her annual check up Wednesday. Then, I saw a skin lesion that freaked me out this morning, and I knew I would worry about it all during our vacation. My super-duper, love-her-lots dermatologist got me in today (!), said it was probably nothing, and froze it off. I heart her for sure!
Am I going to have to google Yudu? Jo, best of luck on your marathon, and have lots of fun!
Be careful and have a wonderful time to Kit, Nemo, and Leigh at TOC! Stalk the pro tour guys for me, would ya?
We are off to Maui for a week of swimming, hiking, eating, sunbathing, drinking, snorkeling, sleeping, beach running, horseback riding...you get the picture... tomorrow. I may not be posting but I'm sure I'll lurk a little. Have a great week, ladies, and I can't wait to catch up with everyone when we get back. Aloha, y'all!
Just checking in real quick ladies. OK- I still don't know what a YUDU is!??? Help?
In California at Rich's house. Today is our wedding anniversary and I spend it at dinner with 4 buff men, none of whom were my hubby. Hmmmmmmmm. Thankfully he's a totally secure dude!!!
We're having a great time. I think Dan has pics from dessert with Moo Jo. I need to download a pic from the airport too. But right now, I'm just plain tired. Been up since 5:00am and it's almost midnight east coast time. Ugh, the jet lag is killing me!
Nemo- glad you & MooJo arrived in CA safely, you guys are going to have so much fun. Get some REST! Oh Happy Anniversary
Kristen- have great trip to Hawaii
Beth & Jo- have a great trip also, have a great marathon Jo! Loved the packing story. Keep meaning to get a Prostretch! how great to have triathlon sisterhood
Michele- argh! I get that all the time trying to do pre & post op visits. I ordered the Droid Incredible by HTC- should have it in about a week. can't wait. have heard good things about it
I'm not at all caught up here, but I think I get the gist....Becky's bumping up her vDot, Kris may or may not have forgotten deodorant but did have her pants on, Kristen's kickin' it island style, Gina's been over working her DW, Michele has the rudest patients in the world, Jo and Beth are off for a supersisters weekend, Marianne is swimming sensationally and keeping her DH well nourished, Barb's doing some beastly biking, Tracy's gonna be talkin' turkey on a new phone (i'll need a full review, btw)
Since returning from SG I got so totally sucked in to work and trying to start reconnecting with friends and getting reintegrated into my other non-tri commitments that I've been completely out of the EN swing. (I think about every body lots though!) Truth is I REALLY over scheduled myself. My new job is totally overwhelming!! (I'm going get to work after I finish here) even though its the same company there are new challenges and new people all of which combine to make the new work itself even more of a challenge. Then all these evening activities, even the ones that are for fun are wearing me out! It's to the point that I'm almost looking forward to my periodontal surgery next Friday because I won't be able to do anything but sit still and REST! Tomorrow I'm running in the Colorado Colfax Marathon relay with some gals from my health club. Should be a fun outing. I got stuck with the longest leg, which should be OK. Even though I've only run twice since IMSG, I think the fact that I walked the majority of that marathon, means I have some run fitness that might be ready to carry me through my 7.8 mile segment. We'll see though... DH's B'day today...so were going to see Iron Man 2. (the movie, but also the second "ironman" he will see in the span of 2 weeks) I'm going to bust out his fave chicken cacciatore for dinner....mmmmmm
Love MooJo and can't wait to hear about her weekend adventures. Especially from TOC!
Hi, girls! Hope you all had a great Saturday, whether it was working out, resting or being with fam and friends!
Carly and I enjoyed a very windy 4 hour ride today. My first sunburn of the season! (I know, I know...sunscreen next time!) Just around the elastic of the legs of my shorts. Then we made awesome smoothies: scoop of lo-fat ricotta, carton of low fat yogurt and lots of frozen strawberries! Yum-o!
Hi Nemo, Marianne, Linda, and all the girls, it has been a long time. Please let me know if adding this question here is "hijacking", I don't want to do that, but you were my first EN friends and I know you have had a TON of experience, I first wrote it to Al becasue he has raced a lot in HI. Then I found the nutrition forum and posted it there. But figured you gilrs may know something I don't so instead of re-writing iti all I am going to leave it "as is" , how I wrote it to Al.
HI Al, not sure if this is the right place to ask you but you always give me good advice. I am reviewing all the stuff I haven't had time to because I have had to "stand down and do nothing for 4 days", started getting a little bit over trained and having calf issues, shoulder issues, blah blah. So long and short of it I am catching up on how I am going to execute. I know I need to take in 250-300 calories every hour on the bike. As you know the bike is going to take me EVERY MINUTE to make the time cutt off. So I am going to wear a camal pac on my back (which has been working for me) and will have to load all the calories in there as the wind freaked me out so much in Havi that I couldn't manage my water bottles or even much goos. So if I am on the bike for 4.5 hours I would need approx 1,500 calories on the bike alone. I use Infinity designed especially for me but afraid it might make the wateri too thick to go through the straw. The other idea is I have one of those 6 0unce small bottles that I can fill up with Hammer gel and hopefully reach around when it is not too windy to grab a big slurp of it (has a top you pull with your teeth and just squeeze in moiuth) I am not adapt at tearing the little packets, my hands get all sticky and thare are DQ checks if you dump any trash which one could fall out of my hand. I am also going to add some salt capsules into my INFINITY into the bag (Pat or Rich had that on a video) because I am a ridiculous sweater and it is going to be really hot and humid in Kona June 5th. Think I will do your oatmeal breakfast and I guess fill up another 6 ounce hammer thing to attach to a little velcro bag I have for my running belt and then just use their water. The run will take me every bit of 2:15 hours. So I will have 8.5 houea ro complete the HIM, which is close to 2,400 calories. One more thing, should probably do a prepared bottle of infinite with salt capsules in it and drink right after I get out of water before getting on bike. I think my pac is only 30 ounces though, will have to check that out, the other version was just too big for me (99 pounds dripping wet), worse case scenario I COULD get off my bike for a few minutes to refill it and have extra goos and a baggy of ininity to place somewhere. I plan on putting ice in my hat during the aid stations on the run to stay cool too. I have yet to do a full 8.5 hour work out but did get up to 9 miles with my whole bad knee, so figure with all the adrenaline and it being the BIG DAY, I could pull off 4 more miles walk/run.
Please when you respond try not to say anything scarey because after I read your "experience" it set me back for quite a while, so I need "positive" feedback if you know what I mean, I really respect you and hope you don't mind figuriing this out with me. I don't want to mess with FOOD, because I have never trained with it, all the stuff I have mentioned has worked, I have also used caffenieated jelly beans. But an entire packet is only 110 calories.
The night before I will eat fruit and vegatables, ice cream and maybe wake up at 4:00 and have a banana or a bagel (little nervous about that) I know I won't sleep all night. Can you think of anything else?? I am afraid with the wind I am too unstablel to reach out and grab a bottle during the bike, so wouold stop and unclip.
The reason I am taking 4 days off of running and biking is I was getting faciitous in my calf and have tendonitis in my left shoulder, doctor is treating aggressively with a new fancy therapy machine they use for the Angels/Dodgers pitchers arms, it is real cool and heals quickly, it worked before several months ago and I got first place in my age group but it was a very short SPRINT but still!!! Additionally, I went from running 3 miles to 4 miles to 6 miles to 9 miles all in a matter of a few weeks, not very smart, of course my knee hurt, it always does but the calf thing (Nemo knows) is another story. The sholder thing is from too much swimming and I swam out in rough ocean water (58 degrees), I only made it 1/2 mile because I began shivering, .....The most recent problem was a few days ago, it was one of my last 3.5 hour rides I just couldn't get my power up, couldn't get my heart rate up or my speed, my legs were dead from the minute I got on the bike (messed with my head), then it was a brick day so I had a 6 mile run (10 minute miles) and my calf was SCREAMING, so maybe 10 days off running and 10 days per Pattrick swimming and my race is exactly 21 days away, so this weekend would have been my race rehearsals I was SO BUMMED, but at the same time, he highly emphasized healing and said I wasn't going to get anymore fit, which of course is hard for my thick brain to take it. The bottom line is I want feedback on my what would have been a nutrition type rehearsal, do you think my strategy is correct?? I am a massive sweater, and loose weight very easily, have been working hard on keeping weight on, and run out of "juice" quickly (burn calories when training hard) so I JUST DON'T WANT TO UNDER OR OVER EAT. Sorry, this just got longer and longer that's it+) Linda
Again....took time off from the forums. Painting the house for graduation, new job, getting daughter ready to graduate, getting other daughter ready to move out to Maine for the summer. Hoping all the injured here are healing quickly! I'm excited to hear about TOC. Moo Jo has been a busy gal. Even my family is getting into the Moo Jo moo-vement.
Ya'll all have a great Sunday! Kathy and I had a wonderful ride yesterday.
Thinking of all you hurt/recovering/lacking mojo right now. So jealous of the ToC peeps! I have to figure out a way to get this on my schedule next year. Doubly disappointing since I was supposed to still be in CA right now!
Had a great weekend of training 2 great rides, Sat a bit windy and cool but today was beautiful weather. I have been doing ok with the training but listened to the podcast for my plan and really gotta buckle down and get these workouts done.
I think I found an apt in Boston as well this weekend. Trying to arrange moving etc. as well as now getting to IMLP!
Happy training, my alarm is set for 5:15 tomorrow!
Ladies... I'll apologize in advance for missing people (i know we have the review function... but I just returned from a wine tastings and I'm not sure if I'm up to rereading... :-) been a very good day).
@Beth: "tales from the triathlon sisterhood" - I don't know, but it sounds like we just got the name of our book (although it does remind me of the "ya ya" thing and the "traveling pants"...) in all seriousness, don't have a sister, but it's super cool you do and yours has this stuff in common with you... 2 of my 3 brothers have done marathons. one of my younger brothers is doing his first oly this summer... so there's hope for me!
@Nemo - anniversary with 3 or 4 buff men... hmm... I think you got the marriage thing all worked out! Rock on!
@Linda - nutrition questions.. Al is definitely a wealth of info. I use a gel flask myself (picked one up while marathoning). You can buy a velcro holder to put it on your bike frame so you don't have to reach around into your back pocket (I've seen them at expos, I got mine from hammer). you could also get a bento box. I have yet to drink all the infinit I'm supposed to (a bottle an hour... I just don't drink that much...) even when I think I'm drinking a lot and I've noticed that I get hungry towards the end... but I don't know if drinking my calories (3 bottles) is gonna fix that. I'm contemplating trying a more concentrated formula (so perhaps I only have to focus on getting through 2)... but I'm also riding with hammer gel in a flask to be safe... better to have more than I need and not use it.
@Kristen - have a wonderful vacation! sounds absolutely amazing!!!
@Carly - good luck with the apartnment hunt! and recovery... what are you thinking about for next year?
@ the pantless one... can't remember but that made me laugh... never went out with out pants that I can recall, but I have forgortten deoderant, and have a stick at work for just those occasions...
I had a good almost 3 hour ride yesterday -- did all the work intervals. My first "real" workout outside on the bike! It wasn't so bad, but I picked a nice long and relatively flat route with only a few stops (Beach Dr)... Happily I ran into Suzanne the the way out of my second loop, she was doing her 4 hour jaunt so we caught up for a few minutes. I had to laugh because it seemed like a ton of [male] riders glanced and smiled in our direction as we stood at the side of the road chatting... yes, girls ride bikes... all by themselves! Today the DB and I went to Prince William Forrest Park and he did 3 loops and a 30 minute run. I did 4 loops plus my run. My first hill experience since last fall. a little nerve wracking (well, a lot nerve wracking) but I got through it! Rode about 1:45... legs were tired to start but they warmed up nicely and I felt pretty good - my Garmin died so I don't know how well I stayed in my zones, but for my first hill experience I'm just happy I managed to keep myself calm. I actually think I may be ready for this HIM... I only swam once last week, but I'm cool with that. If all the stars are aligned I'll get up early to do my hour run before work and will swim after... we'll see. You all know how miserable I've been about getting back into my groove... and the wine tasting at Mt. vernon tonight didn't help.... but it's one of my favorite annual events and the weather was just picture perfect for it!
I use one, ONE bottle and put my Carbo Pro in there... work towards liquidy and get more concentrated over the season. one bottle of nutrtion for an Ironman... with extra in special needs. I also carry a PBJ sandwich, for a bit of something something. make the night before and it will dissolve overnight. cut the Gus beforehand if you have to use and then they will be open, just a nick though. I don't use on bike just run. nope on jelly beans either, just the Carbo Pro. no taste of anything on bike except foods that I can ALWAYS tolerate, PBJ, banana from course. every 15' drink from nutrition bottle and swag some water down, preweigh before and after with tng rides to peg the water. Add in some salt if hot race. I weigh 119ish and take in 220 cals per hour on bike and 90 cals per 45' on run. I don't take in the calories when climbing hills though, helps to know when they are coming but look for flat or down.. as my HR gets elevated and I dont' wanna be nauseous. if I have to, I slow down on bike. I do NOT eat high fiber foods the night before a race, vegs or fruit. will eat banana though but nope on a salad or anything else that will cause distress or looser stools. Easy foods. I eat 30' after I get out of water. This is EN protocol and not sure where it is written... but basically to let your stomach settle down. Also I don't eat 30' before the run, I want to empty out the stomach before I start running. okay gotta scoot, hope that helps. a small Hammer flask when wet or sweaty will pop out of your hands... so be careful with any calories in there, okay for Emergency stash but wouldn't want to make it my primary source of calories. m
Just wanted to say a quick hello and let you all know that I am feeling much better today . Haven't needed any pain meds yet and go back to the Dr. for 1 week check up tomorrow. My Dad brought me over to the farm so I can use the wireless for a while and Mom is going to pick me up shortly so I can go back to lake house and take a nap before the kids get home today. They just don't get this "Mom can't do it all" thing in the least!
Glad to get caught up on how everyone is doing . I am missing you all so much so I really appreciate all the texts and facebook communications. Sorry I don't have time for the roll call, but know I am finally up to speed on what is happening in your lives and cheering for you!!!
Must shout out to the TOC gals though - ride a big hill for me ! I know you are having a great time and I am totally jealous !
@ Linda...I think I remember reading somewhere that you were a member of a CSA? I joined one last week. I am super excited! It is 5 minutes from my house and they are growing all sorts of good things. It sounds like they have lots of "get togethers" and offer the opportunity to help on the farm. I think it will be fun to take Abby! First pick up is 3rd week of June!
@ Marianne...have you tried using infinit ever or have you just always stuck with carbopro? I'm using infinit now, but used carbopro for my first IM. Just wondering if you did and if you noticed any difference? I also like how carbo pro has no taste.
did you guys see Nemo's pics in the TOC thread? Awesome! I can't believe how close they were to the riders!
@ Carly...glad the apartment hunt is coming to a slow close! Let's hope it's not as windy this weekend!
I used Carbo Pro for first IM and then joined EN for my 2nd IM and then EN started using Infinit.. but that old saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"??? well, I haven't had any problems with it so I didn't change. and have used it now for all four IMs and training. never even tasted it. okay girls today is my anniversary #26 and Hubby and I are going to go check out a mt bike course cuz there is a race coming up and everybody told me it is not beginner friendly and must scout it out! 15 miles for beg category!! oh my. anyways, I conned hubby into taking me!! lol. he has a bike too and hasn't ridden all year and I have only ridden twice?!! but I am on a team, hilarious no? but the team is so great! and the food and fun so worth it that I am gonna scout and see if I can possibly make it before the sweeper comes to haul me off! m
@Robin -- Thinking healthing thoughts and glad you have Jonathan Rhys Meyers to console you.
@Kitima - I don't know if I'll ever be able to eat those now without thinking pooptart!
@Michelle- Happy belated birthday, fellow Taurus!
I promise I won't make my sister ride 84 miles with me the day before her marathon. I am looking forward to our road trip to North Dakota next week. Despite growing up there and having tons of family there, I haven't visited for years. Everyone seems to want to come to Chicago.
@Robin - good vibes your way. I agree w/Nemo that sometimes it is nice to be "disconnected" though I do miss the forums when that happens
@Kitima - ok, I LOL'ed at work, thanks!!
Had a great long run this morning along the river. I'm a bit of a late riser, shall we say. Early morning workouts are not my thing at all, but I'm trying to adapt and do it EN-style, as much as I can (which is a lot less than most of you chicas, I think!) I really wanted to do this workout this morning and last night I couldn't get to sleep. I was berating myself "if I can't get up early, how am I ever going to train for an IM, this is ridiculous!" Some serious neg talk. DH is away for work, which didn't help. After some kava (love it) managed to fall asleep. Popped up right at 5:45 sans alarm. No problem, hit the road. Have been patting myself on the back all day.
After reading another forum, I got convinced to give up my med/long runs on Saturdays, with my marathon pals, and ride baby ride! Got a 3 hr. ride coming up, with LOTS of cadence targets as the main theme, after 2x10's, doing them as 4x10's TWICE!! But, I will think of those of you going to TOC, riding some real 'hills'! Jealous!!!
Aimee, where do you get kava?
Kitima, LOVE the POOP Tarts and Crap Jacks!! Cracks me up!
I've got my doc. appt. next week, and shall request the thryoid tests that you all had suggested. Can't wait to find out if it is my thyroid, or if I just need to sew my mouth shut!!
Also, am going down to Louisville a week from Saturday, to ride part of the IM course. Scared, but excited!
I am STILL in awe of EVERYONE who did IMSG! And, as I've said before, so impressed with how Olivia talked herself into keeping going! Wish I could say I could take that on, but I better get through Louisville first! And, I'm not a fan of COLD water! However, definately think that RnP should have camp at SG next year...just sayin'.
Happy Thursday everyone!
@Kitima -- too funny! Love it! I'm a Kashi goLean girl and that stuff has some serious fiber... one of my brothers came to visit, never having had it, liked it... but spent a lot of time in the "library" that weekend.
@Beth - as a marathoner with a triathlon problem, thank you for not torturing your little sis for her big day!
@Barbara - welcome back... my mojo has been all over the map... and today before my run I felt horrible and tired and slugging... but it all worked out...
(sorry for the repeat post - I added this to my OS and the Eagleman thread):
my first mile was 7:51, mile 2, 8:08 (I turned around, almost got hit by a cyclist who hadn't announced his passing), mile 3, 7:52 (that's better)... grand total 24:35! Woot!! Having Dan pace me definitely helped... my goal was to not let him get too far ahead of me (well, initally I hoped to stay with him bc 8:00, he claims, is his normal everyday jog pace... he was going faster than that, obviously)!
more exciting is how I've improved since February: my first test was about a month after hand surgery - and I'd been trying to build up slowly, Nemo style...and I took it during snowmageddon on a treadmill. I thought an 8:30 pace was doable so that's what I did... not sure what I was thinking after such a long lay off as it was definitely the hardest 3 miles ever and I had trouble finishing it but my pride kept me from touching the speed!
test 1) 26:27, avg HR 183, avg pace 8:32 = 36
test 2) 25:50, avg HR 186, avg pace 8:20 = 37
test 3) 24:35, avg HR 184, avg pace 7:56 = 39
Yay me! and I will admit that going into the run I felt pretty crappy. slightly headachy and tired (not my legs, just mentally from reading all day)... I was actually afraid the test would be a total wash. BUT after the warm up, getting the fresh air I felt better... and knowing I'd be reporting back helped so much... I had wanted an 8 mm avg pace so much the last time... but fell short (in part bc there were some hills, and it was a warmer day - we altered the course a bit today to avoid hills)... so this thrills me! And, my reward for the hard work?! harder work to come.
Hmm.... that doesn't seem quite right, so Dan and I went to dinner and split a half carafe of red wine,
I had chx and pasta he had amazing pesto!
3 hour bike tomorrow...hope to nail it!
AIP 5:30am for 3000 yds masters. Did long run last night and soooo tired this morning, I am on my way driving to pool when suddenly I think "Did I put my pants on before I left?" and had to look down to be sure. Had bathing suit on under and knew I had that on so wasn't scandalizing the neighborhood. I've had that issue with deodorant before (hmmmm did I remember to put on) but never shorts! YIKES! Aqua bike HIM tomorrow early am, riding early Sun- sounds like I better plan a nap in one afternoon or both!!
Kit, Leigh & Nemo- greatly looking forward to your adventures in CA!! Have a blast!
Take a nap for sure this weekend! Have fun with the aquavelo. I once forgot to wear my bra at work. Sad thing is it took a few hrs to figure out i was kind of bouncy, looked down my scrub top, oops
( I think I worked a 3-11, then next day work 7a, add that on top of me not being a morning person)
Becky- Nice job on the VDOT, nice pacing!!!! woohooo. Well deserved 1/2 carafe of wine
Michele- Happy Belated Birthday! Are you still liking the droid?
Robin- Hope you are recovering well! Enjoy your internet free time at the lake house, Sounds like a great place to recover.
Kitima- Too funny about the poop tarts and crap jacks

. I have had the poop tarts, they are good
Nemo, Kitima and Leigh- have a blast @ TOC.
Have a great weekend everyone
Kris- you are a MACHINE, with or without your pants!!
Kit- Gonna have to try the poop tarts. We buy the Nature's Path organic ones.
Becky- Congrats on the new Vdot. Now you get to work HARDER
So, the 3 year old dishwasher needs replacing. That will be my task after riding tomorrow. Then I may head for an afternoon recvoery swim. Haven't been to the pool this week because my head is still full of SNOT. (sorry ya'll, it is what it is)
All you IMFL chicks: I am going to TRY and get enough SAU's to be able to come down in Nov!!
@ Tracy- still love playing with my droid. Much easier to text
@Becky- nice VDOT bump. I see pain coming your way!!!! (hee hee hee)
Wish I was at TOC with the crew. Hope they post lots of pics and that they have great weather.
@Marianne, Michele, Beth, Kitima, Firs, Becky, Nemo and everyone else who posted anything to give me help on my mary...
Pace - - - cruise, do it, just finish it - - got it. Already told B she has to be at mile 18.
Running the Fargo marathon on the 22nd - my baby girl's 9th b-day and three days after Beth's birthday. Happy birthday to you, you are so cool for a big sister ...
As for biking with big sis - - - still afraid she may beat me up if I do not do as she pleases...
Thanks for the what to pack advice - - still very afraid of the purple juice they are going to have on the course.
@Robin - - happy feel better mojo to you!
@ IMWI awesome ladies - - - magical pixie mojo to you
@Nemo congrants on your 9s!!!!!
@Beth, you are the designated sherpa
Just got my volunteer assignment for IMWI - changing tent...believe that is wetsuit stripper?? Can I put that on my resume - - awesome job - - - had trouble between that and bike fetcher. Thought bike fetcher would be bad because I would want to test ride or simply stare at the bike porn.
Random idea: I was thinking about getting a YUDU for fun. Beth wants to make Cowgirl running skirts - - any interest?!
Okay, so I don't post much mostly because all of you are super awesome and I just love to read and process what you post. I have many days read a couple posts to get motivated for a workout or two.
Last night got awesome bike in (maybe b/c bike trailer was not involved?) and feeling good about it - -
Not sure what YUDU is?? Wetsuit stripper way better job (refer to old post about how to pee on the bike). At least if pee on wetsuit, in a bunch of water to greatly dilute before we get out. he he he.....
@Gina- sorry to hear abt the dishwasher. NO fun to spend $$'s on something like that- however I do not remember fondly washing by hand so....
Tracy, Barbara, Jo & other sherpas- figure I'd get ahead of the game and already start thanking you now!! Having you guys up there will be awesome and you don't know what a help it truly is to have each and every one of you there! The chickas are one!
Vacation is under 3 weeks away. I need it. I wanted to slap my 20 something year old patient this morning. I thought she left the room because she wasn't feeling well
... nope she went to call her mother!! Mean while I have other patient's waiting. I can say professional decorum went out the window for a minute.
WHO DOES THAT?? DO YOU REALLY THINK I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN WAIT FOR YOU TO GET OFF THE PHONE? Not in a million years would I ever have done somthing like that.
out the door to store, just in from successful 40' consecutive lap no break swim! shoulder feeling better! yeah. stil have wet hair and goggle marks and race tee on but I don't care! husband also went swimming with me so win/win... made him a sandwich and chips for drive back and he inhaled them! smile. Good vibes to everybody! I am still trying GF foods so didn't have sandwich
afraid to ask what a YUDU is?? not sure.
good luck on marathon. sis will take pics right??? so look your best at mile 18. "fake it til you make it" when you get there!
@Jo - I looked up what a Yudu is - how fun. I'm not gonna be a cowgirl this year, but I aspire to be next year... but that totally reminded me of another random piece of marathon advice -- put your name on the front of your shirt. Big, so people can read it -- random strangers will cheer for you, by name, and it's fun... and you'll need it! seriously! I call out to people when I watch and even though I don't know them, I can tell that they appreciate the support and I'll usually get a thumbs up or a shout out of thanks. Every little bit helps! Have fun with it!
@Michele - wow... that's crazy. I can't even imagine that... but kids and young adults these days are so clueless and all about themselves. I said it recently, not sure where, but I fear for our future. No one can read, write, or string together a sentence... and manners, well don't even get me started there. Horrific. (and, yes, I know, thanks to my VDot bump, pain is in my future... not much of a reward for a job well done).
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Looking forward to MooJo (and other) updates from TOC!
Becky -- Hooray, new vdot! And how cool is it you have a good pacer?
Michele -- All I can say is Grrr. Arghh.
Jo - All ready for sherpa duty! Let me know if I can applique letters to your run top! Although, we are running in ND. Everyone probably already knows your name.
Annual check-up for the gpv today. Blood drawn. Whole works. Blah. But pizza and beer are appearing on the communal proofreading table as I write. We're losing our asia security person, which is sad, but I'm glad we are sending him off in style.
Tales from the triathlon sisterhood? Yesterday, Jo and I were on the phone, coordinating packing. Snippets of triathlon life:
"Who's prostretch are we bringing? We don't need two!"
"Let's bring your bike pump, because it is better -- and my foam roller, because it is shorter."
"Can we share Infinit? What do you have . . . "
We will be packing four types of Infinit. Because I, too, am afraid of purple mystery endurance drink on the course.
Kitima, I spit out my big gulp of water yesterday with the Poop Tart comment. Thanks!
Becky, congratulations on the new VDOT!!! I've been feeling the desire to test my FTP, as I've been hitting Z5 on my intervals and had an IF of .93 on a hilly 40 miler last weekend. Maybe in another couple of weeks...
Gina, it would just be wonderful if you could come to IMFL! You are welcome to crash at our (not yet determined ) condo with me, T, my Mom and Dad, sister, and a random friend from vet school. It's going to be a party!
This has been an unexpected doctor visit kind of week. Like Beth, the GPV had her annual check up Wednesday. Then, I saw a skin lesion that freaked me out this morning, and I knew I would worry about it all during our vacation. My super-duper, love-her-lots dermatologist got me in today (!), said it was probably nothing, and froze it off. I heart her for sure!
Am I going to have to google Yudu? Jo, best of luck on your marathon, and have lots of fun!
Be careful and have a wonderful time to Kit, Nemo, and Leigh at TOC! Stalk the pro tour guys for me, would ya?
We are off to Maui for a week of swimming, hiking, eating, sunbathing, drinking, snorkeling, sleeping, beach running, horseback riding...you get the picture... tomorrow. I may not be posting but I'm sure I'll lurk a little. Have a great week, ladies, and I can't wait to catch up with everyone when we get back. Aloha, y'all!
In California at Rich's house. Today is our wedding anniversary and I spend it at dinner with 4 buff men, none of whom were my hubby. Hmmmmmmmm. Thankfully he's a totally secure dude!!!
We're having a great time. I think Dan has pics from dessert with Moo Jo. I need to download a pic from the airport too. But right now, I'm just plain tired. Been up since 5:00am and it's almost midnight east coast time. Ugh, the jet lag is killing me!
Looks like a Yudu is a machine you can use to put designs on things like shirts etc
Nemo- glad you & MooJo arrived in CA safely, you guys are going to have so much fun. Get some REST! Oh Happy Anniversary
Kristen- have great trip to Hawaii
Beth & Jo- have a great trip also, have a great marathon Jo! Loved the packing story. Keep meaning to get a Prostretch! how great to have triathlon sisterhood
Michele- argh! I get that all the time trying to do pre & post op visits
. I ordered the Droid Incredible by HTC- should have it in about a week. can't wait. have heard good things about it
goodnight ladies, way past my bedtime
Since returning from SG I got so totally sucked in to work and trying to start reconnecting with friends and getting reintegrated into my other non-tri commitments that I've been completely out of the EN swing. (I think about every body lots though!) Truth is I REALLY over scheduled myself. My new job is totally overwhelming!! (I'm going get to work after I finish here) even though its the same company there are new challenges and new people all of which combine to make the new work itself even more of a challenge. Then all these evening activities, even the ones that are for fun are wearing me out! It's to the point that I'm almost looking forward to my periodontal surgery next Friday because I won't be able to do anything but sit still and REST! Tomorrow I'm running in the Colorado Colfax Marathon relay with some gals from my health club. Should be a fun outing. I got stuck with the longest leg, which should be OK. Even though I've only run twice since IMSG, I think the fact that I walked the majority of that marathon, means I have some run fitness that might be ready to carry me through my 7.8 mile segment. We'll see though... DH's B'day today...so were going to see Iron Man 2. (the movie, but also the second "ironman" he will see in the span of 2 weeks) I'm going to bust out his fave chicken cacciatore for dinner....mmmmmm
Love MooJo and can't wait to hear about her weekend adventures. Especially from TOC!
Carly and I enjoyed a very windy 4 hour ride today. My first sunburn of the season! (I know, I know...sunscreen next time!) Just around the elastic of the legs of my shorts. Then we made awesome smoothies: scoop of lo-fat ricotta, carton of low fat yogurt and lots of frozen strawberries! Yum-o!
@Robin- Glad to hear from you! Speedy recovery!
@Olivia- tell us how the movie was!
@TOC girls...can't wait to hear and see from you....Like Michele C., I'm jealous I'm not out there with you! Say hi to big Georgie for me!
Hi Nemo, Marianne, Linda, and all the girls, it has been a long time. Please let me know if adding this question here is "hijacking", I don't want to do that, but you were my first EN friends and I know you have had a TON of experience, I first wrote it to Al becasue he has raced a lot in HI. Then I found the nutrition forum and posted it there. But figured you gilrs may know something I don't so instead of re-writing iti all I am going to leave it "as is" , how I wrote it to Al.
HI Al, not sure if this is the right place to ask you but you always give me good advice. I am reviewing all the stuff I haven't had time to because I have had to "stand down and do nothing for 4 days", started getting a little bit over trained and having calf issues, shoulder issues, blah blah. So long and short of it I am catching up on how I am going to execute. I know I need to take in 250-300 calories every hour on the bike. As you know the bike is going to take me EVERY MINUTE to make the time cutt off. So I am going to wear a camal pac on my back (which has been working for me) and will have to load all the calories in there as the wind freaked me out so much in Havi that I couldn't manage my water bottles or even much goos. So if I am on the bike for 4.5 hours I would need approx 1,500 calories on the bike alone. I use Infinity designed especially for me but afraid it might make the wateri too thick to go through the straw. The other idea is I have one of those 6 0unce small bottles that I can fill up with Hammer gel and hopefully reach around when it is not too windy to grab a big slurp of it (has a top you pull with your teeth and just squeeze in moiuth) I am not adapt at tearing the little packets, my hands get all sticky and thare are DQ checks if you dump any trash which one could fall out of my hand. I am also going to add some salt capsules into my INFINITY into the bag (Pat or Rich had that on a video) because I am a ridiculous sweater and it is going to be really hot and humid in Kona June 5th. Think I will do your oatmeal breakfast and I guess fill up another 6 ounce hammer thing to attach to a little velcro bag I have for my running belt and then just use their water. The run will take me every bit of 2:15 hours. So I will have 8.5 houea ro complete the HIM, which is close to 2,400 calories. One more thing, should probably do a prepared bottle of infinite with salt capsules in it and drink right after I get out of water before getting on bike. I think my pac is only 30 ounces though, will have to check that out, the other version was just too big for me (99 pounds dripping wet), worse case scenario I COULD get off my bike for a few minutes to refill it and have extra goos and a baggy of ininity to place somewhere. I plan on putting ice in my hat during the aid stations on the run to stay cool too. I have yet to do a full 8.5 hour work out but did get up to 9 miles with my whole bad knee, so figure with all the adrenaline and it being the BIG DAY, I could pull off 4 more miles walk/run.
Please when you respond try not to say anything scarey because after I read your "experience" it set me back for quite a while, so I need "positive" feedback if you know what I mean, I really respect you and hope you don't mind figuriing this out with me. I don't want to mess with FOOD, because I have never trained with it, all the stuff I have mentioned has worked, I have also used caffenieated jelly beans. But an entire packet is only 110 calories.
The night before I will eat fruit and vegatables, ice cream and maybe wake up at 4:00 and have a banana or a bagel (little nervous about that) I know I won't sleep all night. Can you think of anything else?? I am afraid with the wind I am too unstablel to reach out and grab a bottle during the bike, so wouold stop and unclip.
The reason I am taking 4 days off of running and biking is I was getting faciitous in my calf and have tendonitis in my left shoulder, doctor is treating aggressively with a new fancy therapy machine they use for the Angels/Dodgers pitchers arms, it is real cool and heals quickly, it worked before several months ago and I got first place in my age group but it was a very short SPRINT but still!!! Additionally, I went from running 3 miles to 4 miles to 6 miles to 9 miles all in a matter of a few weeks, not very smart, of course my knee hurt, it always does but the calf thing (Nemo knows) is another story. The sholder thing is from too much swimming and I swam out in rough ocean water (58 degrees), I only made it 1/2 mile because I began shivering, .....The most recent problem was a few days ago, it was one of my last 3.5 hour rides I just couldn't get my power up, couldn't get my heart rate up or my speed, my legs were dead from the minute I got on the bike (messed with my head), then it was a brick day so I had a 6 mile run (10 minute miles) and my calf was SCREAMING, so maybe 10 days off running and 10 days per Pattrick swimming and my race is exactly 21 days away, so this weekend would have been my race rehearsals I was SO BUMMED, but at the same time, he highly emphasized healing and said I wasn't going to get anymore fit, which of course is hard for my thick brain to take it.
The bottom line is I want feedback on my what would have been a nutrition type rehearsal, do you think my strategy is correct?? I am a massive sweater, and loose weight very easily, have been working hard on keeping weight on, and run out of "juice" quickly (burn calories when training hard) so I JUST DON'T WANT TO UNDER OR OVER EAT. Sorry, this just got longer and longer
that's it+
) Linda
OK, sorry this is so long, +
)) Your friend Linda
Ya'll all have a great Sunday! Kathy and I had a wonderful ride yesterday.
Hi Ladies
Thinking of all you hurt/recovering/lacking mojo right now. So jealous of the ToC peeps! I have to figure out a way to get this on my schedule next year. Doubly disappointing since I was supposed to still be in CA right now!
Had a great weekend of training 2 great rides, Sat a bit windy and cool but today was beautiful weather. I have been doing ok with the training but listened to the podcast for my plan and really gotta buckle down and get these workouts done.
I think I found an apt in Boston as well this weekend. Trying to arrange moving etc. as well as now getting to IMLP!
Happy training, my alarm is set for 5:15 tomorrow!
Ladies... I'll apologize in advance for missing people (i know we have the review function... but I just returned from a wine tastings and I'm not sure if I'm up to rereading... :-) been a very good day).
@Beth: "tales from the triathlon sisterhood" - I don't know, but it sounds like we just got the name of our book (although it does remind me of the "ya ya" thing and the "traveling pants"...) in all seriousness, don't have a sister, but it's super cool you do and yours has this stuff in common with you... 2 of my 3 brothers have done marathons. one of my younger brothers is doing his first oly this summer... so there's hope for me!
@Nemo - anniversary with 3 or 4 buff men... hmm... I think you got the marriage thing all worked out! Rock on!
@Linda - nutrition questions.. Al is definitely a wealth of info. I use a gel flask myself (picked one up while marathoning). You can buy a velcro holder to put it on your bike frame so you don't have to reach around into your back pocket (I've seen them at expos, I got mine from hammer). you could also get a bento box. I have yet to drink all the infinit I'm supposed to (a bottle an hour... I just don't drink that much...) even when I think I'm drinking a lot and I've noticed that I get hungry towards the end... but I don't know if drinking my calories (3 bottles) is gonna fix that. I'm contemplating trying a more concentrated formula (so perhaps I only have to focus on getting through 2)... but I'm also riding with hammer gel in a flask to be safe... better to have more than I need and not use it.
@Kristen - have a wonderful vacation! sounds absolutely amazing!!!
@Carly - good luck with the apartnment hunt! and recovery... what are you thinking about for next year?
@ the pantless one... can't remember but that made me laugh... never went out with out pants that I can recall, but I have forgortten deoderant, and have a stick at work for just those occasions...
I had a good almost 3 hour ride yesterday -- did all the work intervals. My first "real" workout outside on the bike! It wasn't so bad, but I picked a nice long and relatively flat route with only a few stops (Beach Dr)... Happily I ran into Suzanne the the way out of my second loop, she was doing her 4 hour jaunt so we caught up for a few minutes. I had to laugh because it seemed like a ton of [male] riders glanced and smiled in our direction as we stood at the side of the road chatting... yes, girls ride bikes... all by themselves! Today the DB and I went to Prince William Forrest Park and he did 3 loops and a 30 minute run. I did 4 loops plus my run. My first hill experience since last fall. a little nerve wracking (well, a lot nerve wracking) but I got through it! Rode about 1:45... legs were tired to start but they warmed up nicely and I felt pretty good - my Garmin died so I don't know how well I stayed in my zones, but for my first hill experience I'm just happy I managed to keep myself calm. I actually think I may be ready for this HIM... I only swam once last week, but I'm cool with that. If all the stars are aligned I'll get up early to do my hour run before work and will swim after... we'll see. You all know how miserable I've been about getting back into my groove...
and the wine tasting at Mt. vernon tonight didn't help.... but it's one of my favorite annual events and the weather was just picture perfect for it!
Just wanted to say a quick hello and let you all know that I am feeling much better today
Glad to get caught up on how everyone is doing
Must shout out to the TOC gals though - ride a big hill for me
@ Linda...I think I remember reading somewhere that you were a member of a CSA? I joined one last week. I am super excited! It is 5 minutes from my house and they are growing all sorts of good things. It sounds like they have lots of "get togethers" and offer the opportunity to help on the farm. I think it will be fun to take Abby! First pick up is 3rd week of June!
@ Marianne...have you tried using infinit ever or have you just always stuck with carbopro? I'm using infinit now, but used carbopro for my first IM. Just wondering if you did and if you noticed any difference? I also like how carbo pro has no taste.
did you guys see Nemo's pics in the TOC thread? Awesome! I can't believe how close they were to the riders!
@ Carly...glad the apartment hunt is coming to a slow close! Let's hope it's not as windy this weekend!