@ Gina- I know you are at the beach and on vacation, but really glad the news re: your sister is better. Very scary. Relax and enjoy your time with Su.
@ Aimee- totally agree with Linda. And I did the same thing, pretty much. I have NO regrets! (Of course I rarely, if ever, have buyer's regret. I tend to make a decision and live with it. The grass only looks greener. When you get there, if you go there, it's really pretty much the same.)
@ Becky- The morning workouts grow on you! Glad your hand is cleared. How did Columbia go?
@ Carly- Congrats on the apt. If I am and around and you need help, give me a buzz. Busy month, June. 2 weeks scuba diving and after return, racing 1 weekend and going to NY the other. My IM training will be all over the place. Lots of family stuff this summer. But still will try to help out. Beside, I want to meet the dog.
@TOC ladies- So jealous and can't wait to see your pics!!
@ Jo- Congrats on the marathon! And great karma headed your way!
Congrats on your marathon finish, Jo! Medal or no medal you did it and you will always have that experience in your heart and soul. So great that you were able to help the other runner too, I'm sure he will remember you fondly for getting him through.
I'm really looking forward to being able to rinse my mouth out today. Was on no cleaning orders for two days and so tonight I'm going for it. Chlorhexidine! Woo hoo!
I'm finally home! Took the red eye back last night and rolled right from the airport to Church with a quick stop by the house for a shower. I'm toast! Otto is sitting on my lap trying to convince me to take a nap, but I'm trying to stay awake until bedtime to get back on East Coast time.
The EN Chicas scored BIG TIME in the stalking stage! Seriously, we RULED!!! Lots of great pics between the three of us. I've posted some stuff on FB and just need to transfer things over to the home PC so I can upload to the site that the coaches set up for all the pics. But just in case you wondered- oh yes, I got a pic with Andy!
@Nemo...glad you are back safe and sound! Can't wait to see stalker pics!
@Jo..congrats! That marathon has always looked interesting to me!
Relaxing after Saturday's big training day and spin class this morning. Had a really fun time this morning at Rochester's Public market. On Sundays in May/June all the local greenhouse's/flower farms come in for "Flower City Sundays". Had fun with Carly, her wife and Abby picking out flowers for my pots and eating empanadas! Looking forward to another great week of training. Although a little nervous about the upcoming IMLP, I feel like I'm settling somewhat into a "groove" for training.
Let's see in no order here @Nemo, Kitima & Leigh- glad you guys had a incredible week. Love the pics everyone posted- made us feel we were there. Thanks for taking us along with you!
@Nemo- Make sure to fix a LARGE pot'o'coffee in the am and early bedtime tomorrow!
@Gina- so happy to hear abt the news on your sister. So glad you got that news and can now relax and truly enjoy your vaca. Wishing nothing but sandy beaches, sunny skies and glasses full of margaritas!
@ Dana- Sounds like training & classes are going well! Definitely a good thing to take time to smell the roses (quite literally in this case). You need that time as well to stay sane training!
@ Jo- WOOHOO! To cross that finish line is spectacular, to selfless help someone else cross is priceless! You are a champion! Give yourself a bit b4 committing to that next race. I was all fired ready to go after mine but it does take what seems like forever to truly re-cooperate and get your run legs back strong!
@ Aimee- do the research and look at the geometry on each of the bikes. That will help narrow a bit on looking for that perfect fit. Did the bike shop give you your measurements? I tried to look several up and couldn't find those models. May also help to look at what things are important to you (price, carbon, compact cranks) or if that's too complicated list what attributes you want out of the bike and what you don't. I loved the Slice but it doesn't come small enough in my size (go figure!) and also really like the Kestrel. Not sure how tall you are but after riding 650 wheels vs 700's - I love the 700's and some bikes don't offer 700's in smaller size frames.
Ladies! Just checking in. I'm back from North Dakota and crazy supersisters tri weekend. There was lots of biking, I came home with three finishers medals, drank mystery blue sports drink as course nutrition, chased after twin almost two year-old nieces, and had lots of fun. Jo - totally rocked the marathon and looked like a pro the entire time. I missed seeing her twice on the course and finish because she was running too fast!
Hi all! Thank you all so much for your replies re: my new bike (!) I am officially fitted, and I looked at the geometries with my LBS guy, but there were just so many brands to pick from after that I got kinda paralyzed. But it's true - the fit is the key. I like the idea of going back to my guy w/my requirements(700 tires, compact, and def carbon)/pricing and seeing what he recommends; I definitely trust him.
Had a punishing (in a good way) ride on the Mooseman course yesterday. I was happy b/c I rode my own pace/HR even though I was riding with a bunch of speedy men. This translated into me riding alone for most of the ride, which was a good race rehearsal!! Wow there are some climbs (over 6k ft) and a brutal headwind on the flats -hopefully not on race day. My DH was like "this is a tri course!?" Time to suck it up and mentally prepare, two weeks to go! At least I know what I'm in for..
@Jo - congrats!! That is a good feeling, reward yourself!
@TOC chicas - those pictures are awesome, keep them coming. Nemo I'm waiting for the Andy pic. Funny story --I was showing the Kitima/Spartacus (awesome!) facebook pic to my DH. He says "she looks familiar....." I say - "MAYBE LOOK AT THE GUY NEXT TO HER!" Kitima, you stole the show from Spartacus!
Hi ladies! Sounds like everyone had a great weekend.
@Jo- congrats on the first marathon! Awesome. Sorry about the medal, but I trust the race director will send one to you. More importantly, you are totally inspiring for helping a fellow runner in distress, that's so tremendously cool. I know he appreciated it and it shows what an amazing person you are! I've helped people finish both knowingly and unknowingly and that makes the race so much better - I touched someone else and helped them reach a goal. In Chicago the year I ran was HOT (not the year they stopped the race, but the year after - hit 86 degrees). I knew at mile 6 I was not gonna have a good day but i suffered through it. Finished in 4:30 and was really bummed out... until a young girl stopped me at baggage claim to ask if I had a pink sports bra and dragon tattoo on my back (I had put on a dry shirt)... turns out she followed me the whole race, pacing from me... never letting me get to far ahead of her. She was running alone and this was her first marathon and was so elated with her time... and it was because of me. .. it was hard to be upset with my own time after hearing that I had made her day. I was sooooo glad she stopped me to thank me and to introduce herself. My bad day was her triumphant introduction to the world of marathon...it's all about perspective.
@Gina - so relieved to hear about your sister! Great news!
@Nemo, Kitboo, and Leigh - welcome home! Glad you had a great time at TOC! Thanks for the pics and FB updates.
@Tracy - congrats on suffering through Columbia yesterday... tough course on a tough weather day. I am very glad I scratched I would have been a nervous wreck on wet roads with my hand and still lacking bike mojo. Definitely looking forward to meeting up with you there for training rides before you head to IMLP (and I head to Timberman!) And I hope we (with Suzanne) can meet up for some OWS work, too!
@Aimee- good luck with bike shopping... I lucked out with getting my cousin's old tri bike (and it fitting really well). When I'm ready to upgrade (it's a good bike and probably kicked tail in it's day - but is likely 5 or 6 years old) I suspect I'll be totally lost...
I am on my way back to the early morning routine... slowly getting into the swing - thanks to you all the the FB accountability factor. I got up early 3 days in a row last week - Wed to ride (was on my bike at 5:45 and did the run after work), Th to eat and I was running by 8 (I need to give myself an hour and a half or so to digest before a long run - can't do them on an empty stomach) and I got up on the early side Fri (6) just to keep the trend going... Sat was up at 5:30 for my long ride/brick. Sun I was up at 4 to head to Columbia to sherpa. The trend ended today, but I'll be back into my routine tomorrow! I decided to take the day off to do admin, sleep, etc... folks were in town and on top of training, heading to Columbia for the race followed by my own workout, and running around to see them as much as I could, I didn't get anything done - shopping, cleaning, etc... so I took a personal day today. Alarm went off at 6, turned it off. Was up at 6:45 but stayed in bed to just relax - my body felt like lead so I know it needed the recovery time. Already been to the grocery (a product of necessity - I'd made coffee and had my cereal ready to go...t hen took a whiff of my milk... ewww.... so I packed up and went to whole foods right off the bat). I'm off to run some more errands now (to get a baby gift for my bowling ball, I mean new nephew) and then will do my speed work in the pool.
I think the parents like Dan - not that I was all that worried (actually, I was more worried about him liking them - they're a bit nuts IMHO)... but he is 11 years older than I am (not that anyone here who knows him believes me when I tell him that) and I worried they'd flip. I'm not sure if they figured it out. He looks super young and he is very fit and active, but he would mention things that aged him (i.e., retiring from the military after doing a tour and reserves... that's 20 years post college right there), living in DC for 18 years... heck, even if they did figure it out I think they're just so happy at the prospect of me dating someone with the glimmer of hope that maybe, someday, I will get married and not turn into a crazy cat lady they're willing to forgive any "issues" they may have with the person I'm dating. We'll see... I suspect the next time I talk to them I'll find out what they think - my mom is not one to hold anything back - although often I wish she had a mute or self-censor function. I get my lack of decorum/tact/discretion from her... but I am working on it. If only I could say the same thing about her. All in all, the weekend was a success. But I definitely needed a day off to recover from all the running around, figuratively and literally, particularly since nap time was not an option.
I have been a lurker. So catching up with everyone.
Happy Birthday Gina! Hope you are having a fab vacation at the beach with Su. Enjoy the day. Great news about your sisters blood work, hope the surgery goes as well. I'm sure it will be even bigger relief when surgery is done.
Jo- Congrats on the marathon! Also way to finish it off helping the dude, great karma
Beth- Great tri training weekend with the bonus of being with family. With the different types of infinit, you still had blue mystery sports drink? Mike reilly at Fargo marathon? That guy gets around
Nemo-Hope your not too wasted today after TOC and the red eye. So, your friend Jodi called out during my tri yesterday "do you know nemo" I didn't respond at first, then she asked again, oh yea, she was talking to me- I was in a zone, first time didn't make the connection. Wearing EN shorts, nemo- Right, Yes I know Nemo, we chatted a few more minutes. So yes, Nemo, you are Everywhere
M- sounds likea great weekend with family. the driving , ugh, can be exhausting. After i got back from my new england weekend a few weeks ago, i was beat for a few days. Amazing how doing nothing can be exhausting. Add that to all your activities the last week- son's graduation , anniversary, brother wedding......Crash
Dana- sounds like your training for LP is going great, add teaching spin class- you will be fine, and rock the bike course. I think normal to be nervous. I am. I have days where i think, will i be able to do it this year? i think the LP rally will help you tons
Olivia- hope your mouth rinse yesterday was refreshing, hope you are feeling better soon. You must be getting closer to being done? right?
Carly- congrats on apt finding- although crazy lady upstairs sounds scary. hope it all works out. When do you move to Boston?
So, yesterday, I did my first tri in 2 years due to my injuries/health stuff. My plan was to just start and finish. Which I did. I had a brief moment after finishing because so many times over the last year, I thought I would never be able to do tris or run again; something I really love to do. I was slow, but it didn't matter. I had to run walk the run, but yesterday was the longest i went since starting to run again. My fire is fueled. When I met and hung out with Linda a few weeks ago i mentioned how this thread over the last year has been a LIFELINE for me. I joined EN almost a year ago. I was having a tough time. not being able to run. I also have thyroid issues, have since birth. for most part I know when i'm off, Last year i didn't. It was part of the problem. But everyones' stories gave me something to hold onto. I kept using that lifeline to pull myself up, sometimes i slid back, but I would pull myself up again. Everyone sharing their stories, both good and bad helps. You never know when something your write here makes a difference, but it Does, so keep sharing! Eventually, I figured out that the antidepressant that they suggested I use after my father passed away made my thyroid fxn worse, weaned myself off antidepressant, started to feel better, but not myself, eventually went on thyroid replacement that I am on now( synthroid + cytomel) - huge difference! then i figured out that the custom orthotics that were prescribed for me when i had tendinitis, was throwing my knee out of whack. I ditched them with blessing of OS. Leigh also gave me some suggestions, so here I am. So Thank you, thank You to my EN chica friends. You guys make a difference.
@Tracy - - WAY 2 GO!!!!! You got to do what you love and that is what counts.
@all the ladies - - thanks for all of the support - - you are wonderful for inspiration and good advice
I understand the slow part - - my knee is jacked up and I have to slow my pace or it locks - - very special. Although, right now I lost the big toe nails and that just hurts more than the knee. Any good nail protection tips? Soaking it in water right now and putting neo with bandaids....
@Beth - - thanks sis you are very wonderful, you let me know I can do it no matter the pace, time or event and at the end you make me feel like I just won the Olympics!!
hey signing off here, but I made a huge grocery haul today and ran 5 today, it got up to 98 so my run was my first "hot and humid" for the year so ditched any speedwork planned and just got used to sweat in my eyebrows plopping onto my sunglasses and beaded up sweat all over my body with rivers down on my legs pooling into my socks!!
@Tracy - well said. That's exactly how I feel... this is such a great group of women, athletes, and friends!
@M - weather is predicted to be super hot and humid on Th for my long run... ugh... extra incentive for me to get up early and get it done before it's too awful.
@Jo - never lost a toenail running... but I did lose 2 biking last summer... I would say to be sure to keep your toenails short and be sure you're in properly fitting running shoes. I know some folks who use toe covers or caps or something - not sure if they really work.
My weight is back up and I am beside myself. I just don't know what's up. I'm training. I'm eating pretty well, I think... I'm not drinking a lot... at least I don't think. I think weekends are just the death of me. I must not be refueling right after the long rides/runs... probably eating too much... I just don't know. I am so frustrated. I'm really trying to figure out what the difference between this year and last year (granted, last year I started tri training in March after a Jan marathon so I was already in a good place... unlike this year when I started in February after 2 back to back injuries and 10 pounds heavier. I guess I just figured once I picked things up it would come off no problem... but it's not. and I'm really down on myself. Trying not to be but I am. Real differences: not lifting at all (last year, 1x a week with a trainer/friend who would kick my arse); not running as much/as far but running faster (last year, 4 days a week - 5-7 mi weekdays, 12+ weekends); not cooking as much/not eating alone (last year I cooked for myself and had the portions down), but I do think I'm eating good stuff. [disclaimer - it is pre-period week and my weight is usually up a tad this week - but this is more than a tad... ]
Take away: (1) try to get another hour in the week and spend some time lifting - not heavy, but to tone (which I have noticed my upper body and core going to pot... since both injuries kept me from doing anything at all -- definitely effecting my swim). (2) really, really, really watch my portions. I do eat really well... almost never doing dessert... but dating someone definitely changes things - drinking more often/more... and he does the cooking amazingly enough so I don't have the meat/pasta measured before I start cooking so I can't over do it. (3) figure out how to not sabatauge myself on the weekends! I HATE the word diet, but I wonder if now is the time. 2.5 weeks til Eagleman and I wanted to at least be at my old "normal" weight so I'd have a prayer of getting back to my "race weight" over the summer gearing up for IMFL.
Sorry to bore you all to tears... but I'm just so down on this right now...
Morning ladies! Jo- have I said Congrats on the marathon yet?? The days are just blurrrrrrrring together so if I missed that, I'm sorry!
Tracy- congrats on the return! So nice that you ran into Jodi. She's an awesome person- great spirit- always positive. I just love her.
I'm trashed! TOC was simply awesome and I really hope that some of you will consider doing it next year. But OMG, I'm so freakin tired! Yesterday was a real struggle to get through the day and today is the same. Just fighting sleep at the desk- I hate that feeling! I've taken 3 days off from doing anything active so you'd think I'd be bouncing back by now- I'm sure the Jet Lag is a big part of it. No matter- it was totally worth it!!!
Eagleman Race Rehearsal scheduled for this weekend- don't ask me how I'm going to pull that one off! At least at race pace it will be much easier than any other traditional EN Saturday workout!
I'm back! What an amazing and fun trip was ToC!! I highly recommend it---living in the NE there's just no opportunities or roads that climb into redwoods and sequoias at elevation to ride. I learned/relearned alot about pacing and nutrition. More to come as I shall post a trip report this week.
Tracy: Big congrats on the Columbia tri! I'm so happy for you!
Marianne: 98 degrees...really?! The first day of ToC was in the 80's and I got dehydrated and low on sodium. It's Tarzan hot in Arkansas!
Jo: Congratulations on your first marathon! What an accomplishment! Can wait to read the report.
Olivia: Hope you're recovering from your operation. Sounds like you've recovered from IMSG!
Aimee: That's a funny story about your DH recognizing me but not Cancellara. BTW, he's super handsome in real life! So, any news on your new bike? I got to check out the new Specialized Shiv 3 while hanging out at the SaxoBank van---it's one very sweet and aero bike.
Gina: So relieved to hear about your sister! I'll be even more relieved when that mass is removed and the final pathology is benign.
So update on my thyroid work-up: As most of you know, I too have been fatigued for months. Blood work ordered by my PCP and Endocrinology friend have revealed a normal thyroid. However, I have a Vit D and Vit B12 deficiency. The Vit B12 deficiency: meh...okay, so maybe I don't eat enough meat. But don't all those steaks in Argentina count?! The Vit D deficiency: this I'm pissed off about. I don't drink milk because I'm lactose intolerant. I'm also the Sunscreen Nazi---I've very trippy about preventing skin cancer, premature wrinkling so I wear (and strongly advocate wearing) lots and lots of spf. Who knew it would come back and bite me with a Vit D deficiency?! WTF!! So now I'm taking Vit D supplements and making plans to move to sunny California. I'm also going to arrange with my PCP to get Vit B12 shots. My energy level was hard to judge during ToC---we were all tired. I have to say that after getting my picture taken with and TOUCHING Fabian Cancellara I bounced around like a jumping bean and was light on my feet for the rest of the day!
@ Kitima- I am Vit D deficient too! I don't think I was when i lived in AZ. I also wear sunscreen, maybe not as religious as you about it, but wear it. Mom had melanoma..... I am also fairly new lactose intolerant. less and less milk. I sometimes forget my vit D because i just don't want to take anything else with thyroid meds. I need to be better. vit d def can cause muscle and joint pain. I also don't want to get osteoporosis.. I need to be more compliant. yes i ahve been a noncompliant patient, even says so in my chart. " Pt admits to being non-compliant with Vit D" Well, I'll show you compliant Dr. Bring on Vit D
kitima- How much sun time without suncreen is needed to get vit D from the sun? I think I may need to be excused from the OR those days for Vit D therapy. Do you have an anemia to go along with your B12 deficiency?
My fridge freezer has gone kaput! last night before work, noted a small puddle as i was walking out the door. WTH? Maybe I didn't close freezer all the way. checked close tight, through towel on floor. Come home in am, towel soaked, more water. Everything pretty much thawed, refridge does OT feel all that cool. Crank temp thingy up to max cooling on both sides. get up from my nap- still not cold.
???so it appears to have gone kaput yest afternoon. Do I cook all meat in freezer or pitch it????? I am renting this house, so gotta call landlord? anything else to check? I do have power to house an outlet. It hums, light is on when I open fridge door. HELP!!!!
@Tracy- Pitch all that meat. Call the landlord and get a new/ replacement fridge. Doubtful that coolant would go all of a sudden. More likely to be motor problem. Sucks. Good luck. Vitamin D deficient. That one was normal for me. My guess would be because I am so very BAD about sunscreen unless I am on vacation at the beach, then I am religious. Otherwise, most of me is covered, so I don't spritz much. I believe 20 minutes of sunlight to arms and legs should give enough Vit D for the week. Clean your bike outside after a shower? Mow the lawn? Wash the car?
1 week and change until vacation. Looking forward to sleeping!!
welll well, Vitamin D and B12. interesting development in the continuing saga of EN chicas being tired!! I think it is 20' a day of sunshine for Vitamin D? yes it is already hot down here. I mean like my bike ride this morning I couldn't see out of my sunglasses cuz sweat had dripped into them even with bandana on and yes my clothes are soaked, climbing this hill for repeats I can feel it dripping down me! feels good going downhill though. tomorrow long run and will see how I do in the heat, we have picked out the most shade possible. right now 9 kids in my pool back yard! 3 are mine. weight: okay have we talked about thyroid with you, can't remember, have you looked into food journal like Lose it? I do love the sun and was excited that the panels on the pool had been removed over some of the lanes! it felt so good. swam 40' so getting there but still no EN workout! also my left quad down low on outer edge near knee but not knee is throbbing on some runs and even today on "hard" effort. cut it short. me no likey this repeat. basically anything under 8' pace, so let's say zone 4-5, it flares up, seizes and renders me down to a walk, so really gotta be warmed up and attempt this without going out too fast. today's bike, I surmise I needed about 10' more minutes of warm up.. but well?? clearing throat... I saw 3 dudes and decided to make a U turn and use them as carrots to then pass them... to go ahead and do those 3 x 1' WU drills! then I just kept them back although I could hear their voices as I would let off the gas... smile. m
Hi chicas! Quickie question - I have been unable to get a EN singlet or top I got official word today
Would anyone have one I could borrow for June 6th? Would need it by June 4th and could send it back right away. I am pretty sure I need a large. I have tri shorts so a top would be fine. I will pay shipping both ways.
Thanks! Let me know if there is somewhere else to post this.
Otherwise, it's damn hot here too! My runs have been challenging and I haven't been able to hit my #s exactly. Good conditioning for Louisville I figure..
@Tracy - is your landlord being cool about the fridge?? (no pun intended ) what a royal pain
No new bike updates yet, should have power working on my road bike this weekend!! Yay
There is also a thread about "borrowing an EN singlet, we are diff size so a no from me but I bet somebody can help you out. hate for you to race without any MOJO!!
Aimee - No singlet sucks! I have a spare women's small (see clubbing top singlet in pic) if anyone wants to claim that. Otherwise, I'm thinking of hacking it together with an old red jersey and making myself an EN jersey, because RnP are out of those. Has anyone tried on any of the men's jerseys? Is that an option? The also appear in have longer waists, unlike ours, which, are, um, clubbing tops. I'm sure I've flashed my tattoo to many while racing.
Marianne - Hard. Core. Way to go in the heat.
Tracy - Your landlord should be buying everything that was ruined in the refrigerator, too. And, yes, blue mystery drink. Mostly because I forgot my fuel belt bottle. Did y'all know they come in two different sizes? I couldn't steal one of Jo's spares.
Kitima - Fabian. So dreamy. And I am so jealous you got to touch him!!! Is his pic going in a heart-shaped frame with glitter? Also, WHERE ARE THE PICTURES OF THE BEAUTIFUL BIKES?
Nemo -- I am supposed to do a RR, too. I'm riding in Wisconsin this weekend and Mancona recommended just riding the Horribly Hilly Hundred with everyone else. I may be testing the limits of very little swimming before one's race.
Becky - Weight. Dating is definitely bad for the waistline! Or, singlegirlhood is bad for remembering to eat dinner. I'm having infinit recovery and a granola bar tonight.
Jo - You know I'm your sherpa anytime, chica.
I arrived at my apartment on Sunday night, and declared it was "murder weather." Usually, when it gets hot in the city, it acts as a pressure cooker to crime and craziness. Definite craziness. In my nice, safe neighborhood, where I have been sexually harrassed/propositioned/annoyed exactly zero times before Monday morning, got three lude comments on the two-block walk to the train. Three. And no, you can't stick it where the sun doesn't shine, dude. I was only there for a few days, so it is easy to romanticize North Dakota. But I kinda want to trade in the craziness of here some days for the place where I didn't have to worry about locking up my bike and the nice Nike sweatshirt I threw on the side of the course while running was exactly where I left it hours before. I did have lunch at Terzo Piano today, which is the new restaurant in the Art Institute run by Tony Mantuano of Spiaggia. I had a beautiful salad with farmer's market lettuce and a little piece of leek tart. And this place does dessert gorgeously. I may be having infinit for dinner, but I had rhubarb cobbler with strawberry mint ice cream and the most delicous mint sauce at lunch.
okay so I have often thought about writing thisin marker on my back where the singlet rides up "If you can read this, you are drafting!" way too many words though. The voler shorts come up high in the back and help with the exposure or remember to put some sunscreen back there. it is the riding up in the front that I don't like! Legs feel a bit tired from yesterdays bike! I feel fat as well. I bet today's long run will help with that! Hey did I tell you that for my Janus Charity Challenge my new local run store is going to have a %15 day off sales to give to me. Win win for both of us and he is a wicked fast triathlete and former college track star... www.gorunning.com. anyways I am gonna spend the day there next Wednesday and they have darling run clothes!! looking forward to it and he wants me to bring in pics of IM and etc and I will bring in muffins. Now I will know many of the people who drop in on the store so I plan on socializing!! Plus next door is the jewelry store where I dropped of my MDot necklace, teh leather chain, clasp was broken and I need that MOJO from that Necklace!!! anyways... love to all. m
@Marianne - too funny... I think having that written on your back is a riot!
@Tracy - I agree, landlord should cover everything... what a pain. good luck!
@Kit, Tracy, et al... that reminds me I need to schedule my annual physical ASAP. I typically get blood drawn bc diabetes and heart disease runs in the family...but I've been so sluggish lately (still struggling to sleep therefore morning workouts are just a crap shoot which has to change as the weather gets hot).
@Beth - Infinit recovery for dinner...hmm... that's a new one for me. I've done cereal lots of times. sometimes eggs. sometimes a pbj. Tonight I'm actually planning on a smoothie - have to do an hour run after work (couldn't get up bc I slept badly) - it's gonna be hot. Ugh... so I figured a smoothie would be fine and I purposely didn't take anything out of the freezer.
@Becky & Beth.... I WISH I had the problem of forgetting dinner. I like food, love some foods and if I were Olivia mons ago on a liquid diet I would have melted away to nothing (O-still don't know how you did that !) Stinkin hot here for bike/run last night and since it's taper time for HIM next weekend, No Wed RUN@!! A free night... it's like this really cool gift you get for no special occasion! I can actually get my nails done now!!
Need some new goggles and really struggle to find lil'peeps goggles. Have the TYR Nest Pro nano's now which are ok. Any other suggestions?
M- very cool for the run shop to do that! Now that's one smart guy... put you out there with an incentive to sell and cute run clothes??? Sounds like win/win all the way around! I just bought two pairs of the Nike Tempo run shorts. Pretty comfy but would still like to find a pair with a lower rise waist (when you have such a short torso, low rise ain't so low)
@Gina- love the birthday pic on FB of water, manicured toes and lots of sand. Looks like you know HOW to celebrate! Hope you are living it up!!
@Kit- have to say Andy didn't look all the cute in pics (much cuter with the shades) but Fabian... have to agree with you & Beth... that's a cycling hottie!
Beth- I'm suprised! You are such a foodie! Infinit for dinner? Oh what a shame!!
Marianne- that's a great fundraising idea. I need to think of something like that around here. With all the tourists coming in for summer you'd think I could dream up some way to grab a few $$ for my charity.
Yeah, I wouldn't kick Fabian out of bed. But I turned into a giggling schoolgirl at the sight of Andy. I'm sure we made quite the scene!
okay so I have often thought about writing thisin marker on my back where the singlet rides up "If you can read this, you are drafting!" way too many words though.
Love it!
Posted By Nemo Brauch on 26 May 2010 08:46 AM
...Yeah, I wouldn't kick Fabian out of bed. But I turned into a giggling schoolgirl at the sight of Andy...
This made me laugh out loud! I'm pretty sure I wouldn't kick either of them out of bed
I'm back to being addicted to the EN forums. Been lurking a lot, but I've been here. IM CdA is less than 5 weeks away, so really ramping up! Can't wait to meet more of the EN gang in person, as several of the midwestern team members will be riding in Madison this weekend. Yippy!
@Kris - first of all, rest assured I don't ever forget about dinner...it's just sometimes I don't have the energy to cook or do anything about it, and that becomes a cereal night. As for goggles, I like aquasphere - they have women's goggles that work for me. the type starts with a K, Kaiman maybe... good luck! my beau has a pretty narrow face, and he's really picky, I'll see what he uses...
I took today off altogether. Not a bad day, just beat. haven't been sleeping well (I think now that it's getting warm... need to turn on the AC). At least my RR will be Sun not Sat, so I can essentially push everything back a day and still be on track for the week, which is what I'm gonna do - although I'm gonna do my long run tomorrow, sub Wed for Fri and sub Fri for Sat... it all comes out in the end. Hopefully a day off is all I need to clear my head. Supposed to be crazy hot and humid here tommorow (90) - if that's not incentive to get my AOB I don't know what is! Then getting all my hair cut off over lunch. Wish me luck!
@ Gina- I know you are at the beach and on vacation, but really glad the news re: your sister is better. Very scary. Relax and enjoy your time with Su.
@ Aimee- totally agree with Linda. And I did the same thing, pretty much. I have NO regrets! (Of course I rarely, if ever, have buyer's regret. I tend to make a decision and live with it. The grass only looks greener. When you get there, if you go there, it's really pretty much the same.)
@ Becky- The morning workouts grow on you! Glad your hand is cleared. How did Columbia go?
@ Carly- Congrats on the apt. If I am and around and you need help, give me a buzz. Busy month, June. 2 weeks scuba diving and after return, racing 1 weekend and going to NY the other. My IM training will be all over the place. Lots of family stuff this summer. But still will try to help out. Beside, I want to meet the dog.
@TOC ladies- So jealous and can't wait to see your pics!!
@ Jo- Congrats on the marathon! And great karma headed your way!
I'm really looking forward to being able to rinse my mouth out today. Was on no cleaning orders for two days and so tonight I'm going for it. Chlorhexidine! Woo hoo!
I'm finally home! Took the red eye back last night and rolled right from the airport to Church with a quick stop by the house for a shower. I'm toast! Otto is sitting on my lap trying to convince me to take a nap, but I'm trying to stay awake until bedtime to get back on East Coast time.
The EN Chicas scored BIG TIME in the stalking stage! Seriously, we RULED!!! Lots of great pics between the three of us. I've posted some stuff on FB and just need to transfer things over to the home PC so I can upload to the site that the coaches set up for all the pics. But just in case you wondered- oh yes, I got a pic with Andy!
@Jo..congrats! That marathon has always looked interesting to me!
Relaxing after Saturday's big training day and spin class this morning. Had a really fun time this morning at Rochester's Public market. On Sundays in May/June all the local greenhouse's/flower farms come in for "Flower City Sundays". Had fun with Carly, her wife and Abby picking out flowers for my pots and eating empanadas! Looking forward to another great week of training. Although a little nervous about the upcoming IMLP, I feel like I'm settling somewhat into a "groove" for training.
@Nemo, Kitima & Leigh- glad you guys had a incredible week. Love the pics everyone posted- made us feel we were there. Thanks for taking us along with you!
@Nemo- Make sure to fix a LARGE pot'o'coffee in the am and early bedtime tomorrow!
@Gina- so happy to hear abt the news on your sister. So glad you got that news and can now relax and truly enjoy your vaca. Wishing nothing but sandy beaches, sunny skies and glasses full of margaritas!
@ Dana- Sounds like training & classes are going well! Definitely a good thing to take time to smell the roses (quite literally in this case). You need that time as well to stay sane training!
@ Jo- WOOHOO! To cross that finish line is spectacular, to selfless help someone else cross is priceless! You are a champion! Give yourself a bit b4 committing to that next race. I was all fired ready to go after mine but it does take what seems like forever to truly re-cooperate and get your run legs back strong!
@ Aimee- do the research and look at the geometry on each of the bikes. That will help narrow a bit on looking for that perfect fit. Did the bike shop give you your measurements? I tried to look several up and couldn't find those models. May also help to look at what things are important to you (price, carbon, compact cranks) or if that's too complicated list what attributes you want out of the bike and what you don't. I loved the Slice but it doesn't come small enough in my size (go figure!) and also really like the Kestrel. Not sure how tall you are but after riding 650 wheels vs 700's - I love the 700's and some bikes don't offer 700's in smaller size frames.
M- hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend with the family! Nothing like that to rejuvenate the soul!
Beth- can't wait for next chapter...
Michelle- Think I remember seeing a great run breakthrough (or bike) for you? Either way- congrats girl!!!
Ladies! Just checking in. I'm back from North Dakota and crazy supersisters tri weekend. There was lots of biking, I came home with three finishers medals, drank mystery blue sports drink as course nutrition, chased after twin almost two year-old nieces, and had lots of fun. Jo - totally rocked the marathon and looked like a pro the entire time. I missed seeing her twice on the course and finish because she was running too fast!
Hi all! Thank you all so much for your replies re: my new bike (!) I am officially fitted, and I looked at the geometries with my LBS guy, but there were just so many brands to pick from after that I got kinda paralyzed. But it's true - the fit is the key. I like the idea of going back to my guy w/my requirements(700 tires, compact, and def carbon)/pricing and seeing what he recommends; I definitely trust him.
Had a punishing (in a good way) ride on the Mooseman course yesterday. I was happy b/c I rode my own pace/HR even though I was riding with a bunch of speedy men. This translated into me riding alone for most of the ride, which was a good race rehearsal!! Wow there are some climbs (over 6k ft) and a brutal headwind on the flats -hopefully not on race day. My DH was like "this is a tri course!?" Time to suck it up and mentally prepare, two weeks to go! At least I know what I'm in for..
@Jo - congrats!! That is a good feeling, reward yourself!
@TOC chicas - those pictures are awesome, keep them coming. Nemo I'm waiting for the Andy pic. Funny story --I was showing the Kitima/Spartacus (awesome!) facebook pic to my DH. He says "she looks familiar....." I say - "MAYBE LOOK AT THE GUY NEXT TO HER!" Kitima, you stole the show from Spartacus!
Hi ladies! Sounds like everyone had a great weekend.
@Jo- congrats on the first marathon! Awesome. Sorry about the medal, but I trust the race director will send one to you. More importantly, you are totally inspiring for helping a fellow runner in distress, that's so tremendously cool. I know he appreciated it and it shows what an amazing person you are! I've helped people finish both knowingly and unknowingly and that makes the race so much better - I touched someone else and helped them reach a goal. In Chicago the year I ran was HOT (not the year they stopped the race, but the year after - hit 86 degrees). I knew at mile 6 I was not gonna have a good day but i suffered through it. Finished in 4:30 and was really bummed out... until a young girl stopped me at baggage claim to ask if I had a pink sports bra and dragon tattoo on my back (I had put on a dry shirt)... turns out she followed me the whole race, pacing from me... never letting me get to far ahead of her. She was running alone and this was her first marathon and was so elated with her time... and it was because of me. .. it was hard to be upset with my own time after hearing that I had made her day. I was sooooo glad she stopped me to thank me and to introduce herself. My bad day was her triumphant introduction to the world of marathon...it's all about perspective.
@Gina - so relieved to hear about your sister! Great news!
@Nemo, Kitboo, and Leigh - welcome home! Glad you had a great time at TOC! Thanks for the pics and FB updates.
@Tracy - congrats on suffering through Columbia yesterday... tough course on a tough weather day. I am very glad I scratched I would have been a nervous wreck on wet roads with my hand and still lacking bike mojo. Definitely looking forward to meeting up with you there for training rides before you head to IMLP (and I head to Timberman!) And I hope we (with Suzanne) can meet up for some OWS work, too!
@Aimee- good luck with bike shopping... I lucked out with getting my cousin's old tri bike (and it fitting really well). When I'm ready to upgrade (it's a good bike and probably kicked tail in it's day - but is likely 5 or 6 years old) I suspect I'll be totally lost...
@Olivia - how are you feeling? Hope all is well.
I am on my way back to the early morning routine... slowly getting into the swing - thanks to you all the the FB accountability factor.
I got up early 3 days in a row last week - Wed to ride (was on my bike at 5:45 and did the run after work), Th to eat and I was running by 8 (I need to give myself an hour and a half or so to digest before a long run - can't do them on an empty stomach) and I got up on the early side Fri (6) just to keep the trend going... Sat was up at 5:30 for my long ride/brick. Sun I was up at 4 to head to Columbia to sherpa. The trend ended today, but I'll be back into my routine tomorrow! I decided to take the day off to do admin, sleep, etc... folks were in town and on top of training, heading to Columbia for the race followed by my own workout, and running around to see them as much as I could, I didn't get anything done - shopping, cleaning, etc... so I took a personal day today. Alarm went off at 6, turned it off. Was up at 6:45 but stayed in bed to just relax - my body felt like lead so I know it needed the recovery time. Already been to the grocery (a product of necessity - I'd made coffee and had my cereal ready to go...t hen took a whiff of my milk... ewww.... so I packed up and went to whole foods right off the bat). I'm off to run some more errands now (to get a baby gift for my bowling ball, I mean new nephew) and then will do my speed work in the pool.
I think the parents like Dan - not that I was all that worried (actually, I was more worried about him liking them - they're a bit nuts IMHO)... but he is 11 years older than I am (not that anyone here who knows him believes me when I tell him that) and I worried they'd flip. I'm not sure if they figured it out. He looks super young and he is very fit and active, but he would mention things that aged him (i.e., retiring from the military after doing a tour and reserves... that's 20 years post college right there), living in DC for 18 years... heck, even if they did figure it out I think they're just so happy at the prospect of me dating someone with the glimmer of hope that maybe, someday, I will get married and not turn into a crazy cat lady they're willing to forgive any "issues" they may have with the person I'm dating. We'll see... I suspect the next time I talk to them I'll find out what they think - my mom is not one to hold anything back - although often I wish she had a mute or self-censor function. I get my lack of decorum/tact/discretion from her... but I am working on it. If only I could say the same thing about her. All in all, the weekend was a success. But I definitely needed a day off to recover from all the running around, figuratively and literally, particularly since nap time was not an option.
Hi Everyone
I have been a lurker. So catching up with everyone.
Happy Birthday Gina! Hope you are having a fab vacation at the beach with Su. Enjoy the day. Great news about your sisters blood work, hope the surgery goes as well. I'm sure it will be even bigger relief when surgery is done.
Jo- Congrats on the marathon! Also way to finish it off helping the dude, great karma
Beth- Great tri training weekend with the bonus of being with family. With the different types of infinit, you still had blue mystery sports drink? Mike reilly at Fargo marathon? That guy gets around
Nemo-Hope your not too wasted today after TOC and the red eye. So, your friend Jodi called out during my tri yesterday "do you know nemo" I didn't respond at first, then she asked again, oh yea, she was talking to me- I was in a zone, first time didn't make the connection. Wearing EN shorts, nemo- Right, Yes I know Nemo, we chatted a few more minutes. So yes, Nemo, you are Everywhere

M- sounds likea great weekend with family. the driving , ugh, can be exhausting. After i got back from my new england weekend a few weeks ago, i was beat for a few days. Amazing how doing nothing can be exhausting. Add that to all your activities the last week- son's graduation , anniversary, brother wedding......Crash
Dana- sounds like your training for LP is going great, add teaching spin class- you will be fine, and rock the bike course. I think normal to be nervous. I am. I have days where i think, will i be able to do it this year? i think the LP rally will help you tons
Olivia- hope your mouth rinse yesterday was refreshing, hope you are feeling better soon. You must be getting closer to being done? right?
Carly- congrats on apt finding- although crazy lady upstairs sounds scary. hope it all works out. When do you move to Boston?
So, yesterday, I did my first tri in 2 years due to my injuries/health stuff. My plan was to just start and finish. Which I did. I had a brief moment after finishing because so many times over the last year, I thought I would never be able to do tris or run again; something I really love to do. I was slow, but it didn't matter. I had to run walk the run, but yesterday was the longest i went since starting to run again. My fire is fueled. When I met and hung out with Linda a few weeks ago i mentioned how this thread over the last year has been a LIFELINE for me. I joined EN almost a year ago. I was having a tough time. not being able to run. I also have thyroid issues, have since birth. for most part I know when i'm off, Last year i didn't. It was part of the problem. But everyones' stories gave me something to hold onto. I kept using that lifeline to pull myself up, sometimes i slid back, but I would pull myself up again. Everyone sharing their stories, both good and bad helps. You never know when something your write here makes a difference, but it Does, so keep sharing! Eventually, I figured out that the antidepressant that they suggested I use after my father passed away made my thyroid fxn worse, weaned myself off antidepressant, started to feel better, but not myself, eventually went on thyroid replacement that I am on now( synthroid + cytomel) - huge difference! then i figured out that the custom orthotics that were prescribed for me when i had tendinitis, was throwing my knee out of whack. I ditched them with blessing of OS. Leigh also gave me some suggestions, so here I am. So Thank you, thank You to my EN chica friends. You guys make a difference.
Hope you all have a great Monday and week!
@all the ladies - - thanks for all of the support - - you are wonderful for inspiration and good advice
I understand the slow part - - my knee is jacked up and I have to slow my pace or it locks - - very special. Although, right now I lost the big toe nails and that just hurts more than the knee. Any good nail protection tips? Soaking it in water right now and putting neo with bandaids....
@Beth - - thanks sis you are very wonderful, you let me know I can do it no matter the pace, time or event and at the end you make me feel like I just won the Olympics!!
@Tracy and Jo---WAY TO GO, LAYDEEZZZZ!!!! So awesome in so many ways for both of you.
Lurking and reading, but a bit swamped with life. Now I have to go catch up on Lost! Priorities.
Beautiful day here in upstate NY...80's and sunny, a real rarity!
@Tracy - well said. That's exactly how I feel... this is such a great group of women, athletes, and friends!
@M - weather is predicted to be super hot and humid on Th for my long run... ugh... extra incentive for me to get up early and get it done before it's too awful.
@Jo - never lost a toenail running... but I did lose 2 biking last summer... I would say to be sure to keep your toenails short and be sure you're in properly fitting running shoes. I know some folks who use toe covers or caps or something - not sure if they really work.
My weight is back up and I am beside myself. I just don't know what's up. I'm training. I'm eating pretty well, I think... I'm not drinking a lot... at least I don't think. I think weekends are just the death of me. I must not be refueling right after the long rides/runs... probably eating too much... I just don't know. I am so frustrated. I'm really trying to figure out what the difference between this year and last year (granted, last year I started tri training in March after a Jan marathon so I was already in a good place... unlike this year when I started in February after 2 back to back injuries and 10 pounds heavier. I guess I just figured once I picked things up it would come off no problem... but it's not. and I'm really down on myself. Trying not to be but I am. Real differences: not lifting at all (last year, 1x a week with a trainer/friend who would kick my arse); not running as much/as far but running faster (last year, 4 days a week - 5-7 mi weekdays, 12+ weekends); not cooking as much/not eating alone (last year I cooked for myself and had the portions down), but I do think I'm eating good stuff. [disclaimer - it is pre-period week and my weight is usually up a tad this week - but this is more than a tad... ]
Take away: (1) try to get another hour in the week and spend some time lifting - not heavy, but to tone (which I have noticed my upper body and core going to pot... since both injuries kept me from doing anything at all -- definitely effecting my swim). (2) really, really, really watch my portions. I do eat really well... almost never doing dessert... but dating someone definitely changes things - drinking more often/more... and he does the cooking amazingly enough so I don't have the meat/pasta measured before I start cooking so I can't over do it. (3) figure out how to not sabatauge myself on the weekends! I HATE the word diet, but I wonder if now is the time. 2.5 weeks til Eagleman and I wanted to at least be at my old "normal" weight so I'd have a prayer of getting back to my "race weight" over the summer gearing up for IMFL.
Sorry to bore you all to tears... but I'm just so down on this right now...
Tracy- congrats on the return! So nice that you ran into Jodi. She's an awesome person- great spirit- always positive. I just love her.
I'm trashed! TOC was simply awesome and I really hope that some of you will consider doing it next year. But OMG, I'm so freakin tired! Yesterday was a real struggle to get through the day and today is the same. Just fighting sleep at the desk- I hate that feeling! I've taken 3 days off from doing anything active so you'd think I'd be bouncing back by now- I'm sure the Jet Lag is a big part of it. No matter- it was totally worth it!!!
Eagleman Race Rehearsal scheduled for this weekend- don't ask me how I'm going to pull that one off! At least at race pace it will be much easier than any other traditional EN Saturday workout!
I'm back! What an amazing and fun trip was ToC!! I highly recommend it---living in the NE there's just no opportunities or roads that climb into redwoods and sequoias at elevation to ride. I learned/relearned alot about pacing and nutrition. More to come as I shall post a trip report this week.
Tracy: Big congrats on the Columbia tri! I'm so happy for you!
Marianne: 98 degrees...really?! The first day of ToC was in the 80's and I got dehydrated and low on sodium.
It's Tarzan hot in Arkansas!
Jo: Congratulations on your first marathon! What an accomplishment! Can wait to read the report.
Olivia: Hope you're recovering from your operation. Sounds like you've recovered from IMSG!
Aimee: That's a funny story about your DH recognizing me but not Cancellara. BTW, he's super handsome in real life!
So, any news on your new bike? I got to check out the new Specialized Shiv 3 while hanging out at the SaxoBank van---it's one very sweet and aero bike.
Gina: So relieved to hear about your sister! I'll be even more relieved when that mass is removed and the final pathology is benign.
So update on my thyroid work-up: As most of you know, I too have been fatigued for months. Blood work ordered by my PCP and Endocrinology friend have revealed a normal thyroid. However, I have a Vit D and Vit B12 deficiency. The Vit B12 deficiency: meh...okay, so maybe I don't eat enough meat. But don't all those steaks in Argentina count?!
The Vit D deficiency: this I'm pissed off about. I don't drink milk because I'm lactose intolerant. I'm also the Sunscreen Nazi---I've very trippy about preventing skin cancer, premature wrinkling so I wear (and strongly advocate wearing) lots and lots of spf. Who knew it would come back and bite me with a Vit D deficiency?! WTF!!
So now I'm taking Vit D supplements and making plans to move to sunny California. I'm also going to arrange with my PCP to get Vit B12 shots. My energy level was hard to judge during ToC---we were all tired. I have to say that after getting my picture taken with and TOUCHING Fabian Cancellara I bounced around like a jumping bean and was light on my feet for the rest of the day!
@ Kitima- I am Vit D deficient too! I don't think I was when i lived in AZ. I also wear sunscreen, maybe not as religious as you about it, but wear it. Mom had melanoma..... I am also fairly new lactose intolerant. less and less milk. I sometimes forget my vit D because i just don't want to take anything else with thyroid meds. I need to be better. vit d def can cause muscle and joint pain. I also don't want to get osteoporosis.. I need to be more compliant. yes i ahve been a noncompliant patient, even says so in my chart. " Pt admits to being non-compliant with Vit D"
Well, I'll show you compliant Dr.
Bring on Vit D
kitima- How much sun time without suncreen is needed to get vit D from the sun? I think I may need to be excused from the OR those days for Vit D therapy. Do you have an anemia to go along with your B12 deficiency?
My fridge freezer has gone kaput! last night before work, noted a small puddle as i was walking out the door. WTH? Maybe I didn't close freezer all the way. checked close tight, through towel on floor. Come home in am, towel soaked, more water. Everything pretty much thawed, refridge does OT feel all that cool. Crank temp thingy up to max cooling on both sides. get up from my nap- still not cold.
???so it appears to have gone kaput yest afternoon. Do I cook all meat in freezer or pitch it?????
I am renting this house, so gotta call landlord? anything else to check? I do have power to house an outlet. It hums, light is on when I open fridge door. HELP!!!!
Vitamin D deficient. That one was normal for me. My guess would be because I am so very BAD about sunscreen unless I am on vacation at the beach, then I am religious. Otherwise, most of me is covered, so I don't spritz much. I believe 20 minutes of sunlight to arms and legs should give enough Vit D for the week. Clean your bike outside after a shower? Mow the lawn? Wash the car?
1 week and change until vacation. Looking forward to sleeping!!
Hi chicas! Quickie question - I have been unable to get a EN singlet or top
I got official word today
Would anyone have one I could borrow for June 6th? Would need it by June 4th and could send it back right away. I am pretty sure I need a large. I have tri shorts so a top would be fine. I will pay shipping both ways.
Thanks! Let me know if there is somewhere else to post this.
Otherwise, it's damn hot here too! My runs have been challenging and I haven't been able to hit my #s exactly. Good conditioning for Louisville I figure..
@Tracy - is your landlord being cool about the fridge?? (no pun intended
) what a royal pain
No new bike updates yet, should have power working on my road bike this weekend!! Yay
Aimee - No singlet sucks! I have a spare women's small (see clubbing top singlet in pic) if anyone wants to claim that. Otherwise, I'm thinking of hacking it together with an old red jersey and making myself an EN jersey, because RnP are out of those. Has anyone tried on any of the men's jerseys? Is that an option? The also appear in have longer waists, unlike ours, which, are, um, clubbing tops. I'm sure I've flashed my tattoo to many while racing.
Marianne - Hard. Core. Way to go in the heat.
Tracy - Your landlord should be buying everything that was ruined in the refrigerator, too. And, yes, blue mystery drink. Mostly because I forgot my fuel belt bottle. Did y'all know they come in two different sizes? I couldn't steal one of Jo's spares.
Kitima - Fabian. So dreamy. And I am so jealous you got to touch him!!! Is his pic going in a heart-shaped frame with glitter? Also, WHERE ARE THE PICTURES OF THE BEAUTIFUL BIKES?
Nemo -- I am supposed to do a RR, too. I'm riding in Wisconsin this weekend and Mancona recommended just riding the Horribly Hilly Hundred with everyone else. I may be testing the limits of very little swimming before one's race.
Becky - Weight. Dating is definitely bad for the waistline! Or, singlegirlhood is bad for remembering to eat dinner. I'm having infinit recovery and a granola bar tonight.
Jo - You know I'm your sherpa anytime, chica.
I arrived at my apartment on Sunday night, and declared it was "murder weather." Usually, when it gets hot in the city, it acts as a pressure cooker to crime and craziness. Definite craziness. In my nice, safe neighborhood, where I have been sexually harrassed/propositioned/annoyed exactly zero times before Monday morning, got three lude comments on the two-block walk to the train. Three. And no, you can't stick it where the sun doesn't shine, dude. I was only there for a few days, so it is easy to romanticize North Dakota. But I kinda want to trade in the craziness of here some days for the place where I didn't have to worry about locking up my bike and the nice Nike sweatshirt I threw on the side of the course while running was exactly where I left it hours before. I did have lunch at Terzo Piano today, which is the new restaurant in the Art Institute run by Tony Mantuano of Spiaggia. I had a beautiful salad with farmer's market lettuce and a little piece of leek tart. And this place does dessert gorgeously. I may be having infinit for dinner, but I had rhubarb cobbler with strawberry mint ice cream and the most delicous mint sauce at lunch.
@Marianne - too funny... I think having that written on your back is a riot!
@Tracy - I agree, landlord should cover everything... what a pain. good luck!
@Kit, Tracy, et al... that reminds me I need to schedule my annual physical ASAP. I typically get blood drawn bc diabetes and heart disease runs in the family...but I've been so sluggish lately (still struggling to sleep therefore morning workouts are just a crap shoot which has to change as the weather gets hot).
@Beth - Infinit recovery for dinner...hmm... that's a new one for me. I've done cereal lots of times. sometimes eggs. sometimes a pbj. Tonight I'm actually planning on a smoothie - have to do an hour run after work (couldn't get up bc I slept badly) - it's gonna be hot. Ugh... so I figured a smoothie would be fine and I purposely didn't take anything out of the freezer.
Need some new goggles and really struggle to find lil'peeps goggles. Have the TYR Nest Pro nano's now which are ok. Any other suggestions?
M- very cool for the run shop to do that! Now that's one smart guy... put you out there with an incentive to sell and cute run clothes??? Sounds like win/win all the way around! I just bought two pairs of the Nike Tempo run shorts. Pretty comfy but would still like to find a pair with a lower rise waist (when you have such a short torso, low rise ain't so low)
@Gina- love the birthday pic on FB of water, manicured toes and lots of sand. Looks like you know HOW to celebrate! Hope you are living it up!!
@Kit- have to say Andy didn't look all the cute in pics (much cuter with the shades) but Fabian... have to agree with you & Beth... that's a cycling hottie!
Marianne- that's a great fundraising idea. I need to think of something like that around here. With all the tourists coming in for summer you'd think I could dream up some way to grab a few $$ for my charity.
Yeah, I wouldn't kick Fabian out of bed. But I turned into a giggling schoolgirl at the sight of Andy. I'm sure we made quite the scene!
Love it!
This made me laugh out loud! I'm pretty sure I wouldn't kick either of them out of bed
I'm back to being addicted to the EN forums. Been lurking a lot, but I've been here. IM CdA is less than 5 weeks away, so really ramping up! Can't wait to meet more of the EN gang in person, as several of the midwestern team members will be riding in Madison this weekend. Yippy!
@Kris - first of all, rest assured I don't ever forget about dinner...it's just sometimes I don't have the energy to cook or do anything about it, and that becomes a cereal night. As for goggles, I like aquasphere - they have women's goggles that work for me. the type starts with a K, Kaiman maybe... good luck! my beau has a pretty narrow face, and he's really picky, I'll see what he uses...
I took today off altogether. Not a bad day, just beat. haven't been sleeping well (I think now that it's getting warm... need to turn on the AC). At least my RR will be Sun not Sat, so I can essentially push everything back a day and still be on track for the week, which is what I'm gonna do - although I'm gonna do my long run tomorrow, sub Wed for Fri and sub Fri for Sat... it all comes out in the end. Hopefully a day off is all I need to clear my head. Supposed to be crazy hot and humid here tommorow (90) - if that's not incentive to get my AOB I don't know what is! Then getting all my hair cut off over lunch. Wish me luck!