Jacklyn's 2016 Oakey Dokey Pokey Micro
Well Hello!
Welcome to the 2016 training season. First post. I was thinking about how this is my third NOS with you. You can't say i'm not consistent. I have started every NOS with an injury. This year is no different. I pulled my hami during my HIM. Been tending to healing for the last month. Finally pain free at work. Riding my bike slow, and steady. No problems. Haven't done any power work. Been using the eliptical runner. I've pretty much been goofing off. It's kinda nice to not have to plan for run or ride at o'dark thirty. Went for a fall color ride with my 73 year old father in law today. I had the pleasure of riding his speed. 8.7mph. When was the last time it took you 73 minutes to ride 9 miles????
Guess WHAT!? Coach Rich promoted me to intermediate! WOOT WOOT. I'm legit.
Loved watching you cross the finish line at Kona. Very proud of all of our team.
Talk soon. Have a great time goofing off!
Well, nothing can ever go as planned. My Mom has taken a turn for the worse. Got the bike test done but not the run. I will endeavor to rock it out as soon as I can.
This sucks. I'm not ready for goodbye just yet. But the schedule isn't up to me.
Thanks~ Jacklyn
Well Coach,
Just placed Mom on hospice. I think the NOS is finished for me. I'll pick up the JOS. I am concentrating on exercise as stress management/fun verses training. I don't have a lot of time left with her and my Dad is taking a lot of care. More than she is.
Mom is in a good place. I advocated for her early enough that she is able to make her own choices. That's the best gift I can give her.
Thanks for everything.
Oh Carol!
Thank you. It is lovely to hear from you. I see enough loss in my profession to not take love for granted. My time with her is short. True. But her suffering will also end. That is a gift as well.
Enjoy your feisty Momma!
Thank you Virginia. I really appreciate your thoughts and support.
~ Coach P
Coach P.,
Thank you. I appreciate your support and advice. I ran 3 times last week. I feel so weak and slow. But I had a blast running through mud puddles and playing in leaves.
Unfortunately, no bike. Just don't have the time.
Things will be changing soon. Then I will ask for some motified "Get Your Ass Moving!" plan to reclaim my prior glory. LOL. I still have goals you know.
Talk soon~Jacklyn
I didn't expect her to go so soon but today is a good day to say goodbye. I figure I will reach out to you in a week or so. I am itching to get back on the horse. But I realize that my heart and sole need some time and sleep.
Went for a run/walk/cry. It was good. Smiled some too.
Thanks, Jacklyn
I'm a new member here at EN and it's finding stories/people/coach's responses to real life stuff that have quickly endeared my heart to EN. A lot of down to earth, lovely, caring people in here who happen to love the S/B/R. So sorry to hear about your mom. Prayers and thoughts your way as you continue to process this loss. There's that word again. PROCESS. Whether a noun or a verb….its what makes life LIFE. Hope your heart is in a better place today…..the body will follow. Lifting you up today! --Steph
What a wonderful thing to say! Thank you. As you get to know the different people in the Haus, you will see just how deep it is. The heart and support here is amazing. The people we whine and cheer with have unbelievable character and compassion. I am so lucky to have EN in my corner. Not just for training but as people too.
Have a great week.
Howdy Coach!
Let's get this party started! Seeing as how I have only missed 3 weeks of the NOS I thought I would just jump in. Did my 5k test today. *sigh*.
My vdot is 27. How the mighty have fallen.
I'm still pretty tired but feeling good. I think I will be pushing those paces up soon. Time for some good self care. I wonder what the test in 4 weeks is going to show????? Any guesses? I think a vdot of 31.
Jumping into week 5 starting tomorrow.
I can't thank you enough for the flowers. They are beautiful. I put a picture in the instagram feed. They were just what I needed walking into the house.
Have an awesome day! I feel so humble and glad to be part of such a wonderful group of people.
Well, time for the weekly check in. Things are going well. Had a blast running in the rain today. Felt strong enough to do the hill repeats. Ran through 2 big puddles. If your going to be soaking wet might as well have fun.
Pretty sore all over. DId my first full VO2 today. That was tough but doable. Can definitely feel the loss of fitness. Diligently working on body comp. Feeding work outs like a champ.
Because I work Sundays and Monday. I have slid back the Saturday/ Sunday training to Friday and Saturday. No worries. If i'm feeling too much fatigue i'm take a day off. I just don't want to miss the work. Especially the longer runs. I'm not very fast but the longer runs seem to be a key component to improving my durability. It amazes me that i'm already up to a 7 mile run. I haven't made the weekly run total yet. I wasn't going to shoot for that for another week. Still being mindful of the break in period so to speak.
I will be taking December 10, 11th off due to my moms memorial service and travel. Might even take off the 12th. We are taking Myah, for Christmas, to see the "Myth Busters" live. She loves science. I will make that call depending on how I am "feeling" and what my family needs from me.
Thank you Coach!
Speaking of the 25 mile running goal for the week. In order for me to make that goal I need to run 5.4 hours a week, roughly at TRP. The current plan allows for @3.5 hours.
My question is; Do I stick to the plan and wait for my pace to increase? or do I spend the 5 hours + a week getting the base miles in? I agree that us SLOW peeps need lots of slow base miles. Don't mind spending the time. What say you super duper Coach?
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm following the plan as well as I can. I didn't run Tuesday because my daughter needed a mom day.
Week 5 my run total was 18 miles( 3.9 hours). This week, #6, will be about 14 miles( 3 hours). Week 7 calls for
Tuesday- 40 minutes @ 3-4 miles at TRP ( 13:00) with hill strides.
Wednesday- 70 minutes @ 6 miles. TRP 12-13:00.
Thursday-40 minutes @3-4 miles 12-13:00
Friday- Off for Moms memorial and travel. Normally I will be doing the Saturday brick.
Saturday- 3 miles @ TRP 12-13:00, then 2 x 1 mile (4') @11:00 to 11:30. Remainder of run is @ MP 12:20. Total 80 minutes or about 6 miles.
Sunday/Monday-I work. Nothing planned.
Week 7 should be about 18-20 miles.
Because i'm jumping in and want to limit the cost of the longer runs, I walk for 2 minutes every mile or when safe to do so. Hips are feeling sore but not bad. My lower back is good. Sure glad I have a hot tub. Definitely feeling the break in. I don't feel bad when i'm running. I feel pretty comfortable.I don't feel the mental drain of running like I did last year. It's different somehow. I think i've found the joy. I know I will slowly increase to the time window for the 25 mile weekly goal. I am nutritionally supporting my runs. Elixir and GU to go!
Aggressive self care- rolling daily, core 3 times a week, hot tub nightly. Good nutrition and hydration. Emotions are still a little labile. Sleep is average.
Is this what you are looking for? Thank you for looking out for me.
~ Jacklyn
Great Coaches chat this morning. No I didn't go and do the 5K run test on the treadmill. I did do it today.Today is supposed to be the only moderately dry day this week. So here's how it went.
12/15/15 11/23/15
5k 5k
HR 148 170
Time 00:32:00 00:33:39
vDOT 28 26
TRP 12:29 13:40
Mile 1 pace 11:03, mile 2 10:44, mile 3 10:12. Paced out well. I did not make my goal of vDOT of 31. Oh well. Next time
.Felt good. Much smoother. Starting to feel stronger. Working core hard.
Mileage goal of 20 miles for this week. We'll see how it goes.
Thank you, Sir. Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas!
Weekly update. It's week 9 now. There is no way i'm shooting for a 28 mile running total for this week. BECAUSE I think, last week, I ended up with a wicked case of DOM's. Holy crap that hurts. My legs, calves. pelvis and gluts. OUCH. No injury. I took last Friday off and sat in the hot tub and rolled. A lot! Drank tons of water and tea to flush. Gained 5 pounds in one day. I did Saturdays brick and felt fine. Still carrying some water weight. I almost made last weeks running goal. 17 miles total. I don't think jumping to 28 miles in one week is a good idea.
I think I will just hit the minimum this week on the running and continue to roll twice daily. We'll see how the end of the week looks and how I feel. Have a great Christmas. HOHOHOHO
Well done...onwards and ho ho ho to you too!!!
Hey Coach,
Taking the risk of getting in trouble because it would be a new TSR. I was thinking of changing my HIM from September back to June. My family wants to do the Pacific Crest Tri festival in Sunriver, Or. It's 4 days of all things Tri! But it means being race ready June 24th instead of September. Sunriver is also at elevation. Makes me a little nervous. I have an "A" race half marathon May 28th. Which would easily fit into a long training run for the HIM plan. What say you??? It looks like a BLAST!
Happy New YEAR!!!!!!!
Happy New Year!
The last week in review was awesome! Fantastic runs. My power finally decided to make a show on the bike! Hammer girl is finally back in the house. 15" interval at 260 watts. YAAAA! Soooooo........
I have decided that it's time to chase the weekly run mileage. This week is 30 miles. That's a jump of about 10 miles in a week. My average run is 5 miles. Here's how I plan to acquire said mileage.
Tues 4 miles (reverse brick)
Wed 8 miles (it's usually a 6-7 anyhow).
Thurs 5 miles (reverse brisk)
Fri 8 miles
Sat. 5 miles (reverse brick).
This is a bump of only a 1-1.5 miles a day over what I have been doing. I am not a fast runner. My goal is to get the mileage the last couple weeks than shut down for swim camp.
Almost there!!!
Hey Coach!
I did it!!! 30 miles.

Another mental barrier bites the dust. My left knee is barking a little. It comes and goes. Don't know what next weeks total is but I think 30 is plenty for me for know. I think I am going to shoot for 5-6 miles, 5 days a week. If my durability holds up. That will be a great way to end the OS.
I will not say this was easy. Nope. Not easy. I loved going for it. NEVER, EVER thought I would run 30 miles in a week. Average pace for the 30 miles was 11:43. I did walk 30 seconds per mile, sometimes. I only did 1 bike ride though. Legs are pretty blown. I'm actually sore.
Thanks for the enthusiastic green light. Loved it!