HAH! No smores at camp...but I will say (shhhhh) that we have the MOST AMAZING PEACH COBBLER on Sunday. Like epic. I can still taste it from last year and I am all about it in 2016.
"I have survived! I have survived!....." NOS #3 is in the bag.
Summary of NOS 2016:
Minor goals achieved were;
1. Run consistently week to week. Yep
2. No injuries. Kind of. Posterior left knee is still barking occasionally. Usually when not active.
3. Not get sick at the end and miss swim camp AGAIN. Check
Major goal achieved;
1. Meet the weekly run total by the end of the NOS. In spades baby! 30 miles. WOOT WOOT. Who's a superstar? I am!
I had one goal that was really hard to meet. It was a personal one that was harder to deal with. I had a goal to use my training to help with the depression and grief for my Mom. That was hit and miss. There were a number of days towards the end, around my birthday, that training was just too much to ask. So I accepted how I was feeling. Didn't push it. Instead I watched movies. Ate popcorn. Baked bread and loved on my family. I invested some SAU's in myself.
Goal of improved body comp. Epic fail. Weight is the same. Measurements are better. My pants are fitting in the butt a lot loser. My manly, biker calves have disappeared. Instead I have long, skinny calves! I like biker calves. Pace, distance and power are great. I did My fitness pal. Maintained a 1700 calorie diet. It's hard to eat clean and get that much in.
So on to swim camp. Finally, I get to do it! It only took 3 years.
Thanks, Coach. Couldn't do it with out you. It's a beautiful day. I think I am going for a ride.
Jackie, I am sooooo grateful you included all of us on your journey. What a great OS, all things considered, and we found places for change and growth while still leaving room for healing. You are the best.
Somebody has runner calves!!!! I need a before and after pic methinks...on to Swim Camp!
So I thought it would be fun to shut down swim camp with a local event. Talked the hubs into a 5k for valentines day. We had a friendly wager going too. So I got a 4 pt vdot bump with an over all pace of 09:41. PR'd my 1 and 2 mile. Total time was 30:00:06. I really wanted a 27:00 but I had to wait for a car. I know that this was not on my normal 5k coarse but can I us it? Or do you want me to retest on Thursday?
Oh, I podiumed for the first time EVER! 1st AG/4th woman/8th over all out of 63 runners. Pretty cool.
Just loaded up the INTERMEDIATE get faster plan. It dropped me into wk2 intstead of wk1 test. Sooooo seeing as how I just did this smok'n 5K and the Swim TT . I thought, this is me talking, I would do the bike test Thursday. I missed the end of NOS bike test. Does that sound ok to you, oh swami of EN.
I am sad today. I have to say goodbye to swim camp. I liked swim camp. It was fun. It was simple. SIgh. It's back to work.
Swim Camp misses you too!!! Yes to the bike test only...you are in a great place, so we move on. No pressure with super hard work or chasing big numbers...first 2 weeks are just getting back into the groove of "normal" work!
What are we going to do with you? Sending you healing mojo and hugs.
Now down to business. I don't think the transition from OS TRP zone running and week5 Get faster z4 mile intervals is going so well. I hit my paces just fine but both my calves from the top all the way down to my heals hurt! Rolling really sucks. It actually hurts to stand on my left heal. Icing, NSAIDS and compression and a day off check. Will contact my chiro for laser tomorrow. I don't think I am injured yet but I am knocking on the door of run jail.
Obviously, I need to back off the z4 stuff for awhile and work up to it. When the new version of GF was uploaded it took me from wk2 to week 5. Big load difference. I am solid on my z4 (09:30) paces. They felt really good but I am hitting more fore foot than mid foot with the faster running there by my calves are feeling it. Hey! We could be run jail buddies!!! What do you think????? I'll bring the ice cream or would you prefer oreos?
My plan for the rest of the week is swim, swim, swim. Give my legs a break. I'll regroup next week.
I'm not a coach but an overuse sufferer...I did a serious hill climb type ride followed by some hard workouts and my legs were actually swollen. Even with the usual body work from my ART provider, compression tights and yoga, still had pain. Last night I did 30 minutes with my Normatec. Incredible! walking normal today and ready for another long hard workout!
Went to the chiro. I love my chiro. He thinks I popped an adhesion on my left achilles and then over worked my right calf a little getting home. No big. He's got this new ultrasound gizmo that hes been wanting to use on me for awhile. Laser and ultra sound done. Couple days off and we'll be in the clear. He's a BIG champion of keeping my feet on the pavement.
When Doc gives me the green light I will restart at z3 instead. Gotta earn that z4 stuff.
Thanks Coach! I'll let you know if anything changes.
LOL. It's because i'm soooo sweet! You almost get a cavity. Thanks.
Here's another topic of discussion. I have been thinking that maybe I should take this season off of the big stuff and just have some fun. Keep to the local stuff. No big travel or fuss. Other than I want to do my Half mary in May! Instead vacation with my little family and get my garden back in shape! It's just something i'm chewing on. No i'm not going to put on hold. I LOVE where my fitness is right now. I can throw down a 5 mile run at a respectable pace any time I want. That is so COOL!
My stumbling block is a plan. I NEED a plan to be accountable too. I want to continue to grow and get stronger. I have a bunch of local 5k/10k and bubble runs to do. I have several 100 mile rides that the hubs wants to do including riding the Oregon coast. My hubs wants me to continue with training for the HIM in June. Not do the HIM but plan a family HIM instead. Hubs has already planned my finisher medal!
I am so wishy washy. I haven't signed up for anything yet. Just thinking.
If you think talking can help, let's do it. If I've learned anything over the years it's that you can't MAKE motivation happen...it's more like riding the wave. Let me know how I can help!
I was pretty sure Coach P. didn't know about #CPR when he posted that:-) Yes, Jacklyn came up with that and I stole it for the JOS Run Durability thread...!!
I was thinking that the #CPR would make a great temp. tattoo for competition.
Achilles sore. Being a good girl. Sticking to swimming and stretching. Just returned from ultrasound. Getting better. Will hit the bike at the end of the week. I'm trying to let things settle down.
Long time no talk. Well the get faster plan was a bust for the most part. Oh well. Transitioning into the HIM plan. I have decided that I am not going to do my HIM in June. Turns out my hubs is going to be out of town. I still want to slam dunk my Half Mary the last week of May. I am going to start the HIM plan and follow it through. I have a bunch of local events that I want to do. Including a Gran Fondo that 73 miles and 8,000 feet of climb. YA BABY!
Achilles are doing well. Have been running 2-3 miles every other day for 2 weeks. No problems. Well relatively no problems. I'M SLOW!! Been keeping my pace to z2-3 max. Am planning a longer run today. Goal 4 miles. I'll let you know how it goes.
Good call on the Half re the hubby. Regardless of that race I like where your head is at! Let's keep that achilles happy and healthy...let me know how I can help!
Thanks for getting back to me! It is time to upload a training plan for the next couple months. My first tsr that Coach Rich did had me uploading the intermediate balanced half marathon plan for my half mary at the end of May. The half Mary is a bucket list A++++ event for me. The second tsr because I was going to do Pac. crest HIM in June has me uploading the intermediate HIM plan. I am concerned with doing the balanced half mary is that biking once a week isn't going to get me ready for a 7000+ feet of climb in June with the boys. This is a recreational ride not a race. I would just like to make a solid showing. What say you? Oh great Coachey, Coachey?????
I hope your healing and rehab are going well. Getting stir crazy yet????
~ Jacklyn #cpr
PS- Loaded up the HIM plan. Dropped me into week 9. I have also added in, twice a week, a muscle madness aka- free weight/abs class the the hubs. SAU acquiring class. Because i'm coming off of run jail I plan on running T/TH/SAT. Not doing the brick on Wednesday. Let my legs heal a little. I will see what next week brings.
Jackie, I think the HIM plan is the BEST option for you to accomplish both goals. Once you get through the half you can really double down on the long weekend rides for 6/4-6/5 and 6/11-6/12 for that final boost in bike fitness and confidence.
I like the Abs / FreeWeight stuff...will be a nice complement for you to stay strong as the aerobic fitness grows.
Thanks! I like it too. I'm going to "loosely" follow the HIM plan. If it's nice and the road is calling but i'm supposed to run. The road wins. I'm also not going to do the big HIM day in week 11. Instead either a long ride or a long run. Not sure which. I'll catch up with you about that in a couple weeks.
The weight class is not cross fit style. It's actually pretty low key. The instructor isn't yelling and pushing. Most of the people in there are older ladies. My husband is really jazzed that i'm going with him. It's fun. I then drag him into the pool. Fair is fair!
Other than that. Life is good. It's going to be 80 degrees today. Finding running in the heat a bit challenging. Heart rate is high. But getting there.
Always! My daughter heard me say that you were in run jail. She knows how board I get. So she wanted me to send you something to do. Realize she's 11. www.stickpage.com/henrystickminseries.shtml
Have a great week at camp. Did you bring you smores makings??
"I have survived! I have survived!....." NOS #3 is in the bag.
Summary of NOS 2016:
Minor goals achieved were;
1. Run consistently week to week. Yep
2. No injuries. Kind of. Posterior left knee is still barking occasionally. Usually when not active.
3. Not get sick at the end and miss swim camp AGAIN. Check
Major goal achieved;
1. Meet the weekly run total by the end of the NOS. In spades baby! 30 miles. WOOT WOOT. Who's a superstar? I am!
I had one goal that was really hard to meet. It was a personal one that was harder to deal with. I had a goal to use my training to help with the depression and grief for my Mom. That was hit and miss. There were a number of days towards the end, around my birthday, that training was just too much to ask. So I accepted how I was feeling. Didn't push it. Instead I watched movies. Ate popcorn. Baked bread and loved on my family. I invested some SAU's in myself.
Goal of improved body comp. Epic fail. Weight is the same. Measurements are better. My pants are fitting in the butt a lot loser. My manly, biker calves have disappeared. Instead I have long, skinny calves! I like biker calves. Pace, distance and power are great. I did My fitness pal. Maintained a 1700 calorie diet. It's hard to eat clean and get that much in.
So on to swim camp. Finally, I get to do it! It only took 3 years.
Thanks, Coach. Couldn't do it with out you. It's a beautiful day. I think I am going for a ride.
Somebody has runner calves!!!! I need a before and after pic methinks...on to Swim Camp!
Happy Valentines Day!
So I thought it would be fun to shut down swim camp with a local event. Talked the hubs into a 5k for valentines day. We had a friendly wager going too. So I got a 4 pt vdot bump with an over all pace of 09:41. PR'd my 1 and 2 mile. Total time was 30:00:06. I really wanted a 27:00 but I had to wait for a car. I know that this was not on my normal 5k coarse but can I us it? Or do you want me to retest on Thursday?
Oh, I podiumed for the first time EVER! 1st AG/4th woman/8th over all out of 63 runners. Pretty cool.
Thank you,
Howdy, howdy!
Just loaded up the INTERMEDIATE get faster plan. It dropped me into wk2 intstead of wk1 test. Sooooo seeing as how I just did this smok'n 5K and the Swim TT . I thought, this is me talking, I would do the bike test Thursday. I missed the end of NOS bike test. Does that sound ok to you, oh swami of EN.
I am sad today. I have to say goodbye to swim camp. I liked swim camp. It was fun. It was simple. SIgh. It's back to work.

Chat soon!
What are we going to do with you? Sending you healing mojo and hugs.
Now down to business. I don't think the transition from OS TRP zone running and week5 Get faster z4 mile intervals is going so well. I hit my paces just fine but both my calves from the top all the way down to my heals hurt! Rolling really sucks. It actually hurts to stand on my left heal. Icing, NSAIDS and compression and a day off check. Will contact my chiro for laser tomorrow. I don't think I am injured yet but I am knocking on the door of run jail.
Obviously, I need to back off the z4 stuff for awhile and work up to it. When the new version of GF was uploaded it took me from wk2 to week 5. Big load difference. I am solid on my z4 (09:30) paces. They felt really good but I am hitting more fore foot than mid foot with the faster running there by my calves are feeling it. Hey! We could be run jail buddies!!!
What do you think????? I'll bring the ice cream or would you prefer oreos?
My plan for the rest of the week is swim, swim, swim. Give my legs a break. I'll regroup next week.
Thanks bunches! Jacklyn
I'm not a coach but an overuse sufferer...I did a serious hill climb type ride followed by some hard workouts and my legs were actually swollen. Even with the usual body work from my ART provider, compression tights and yoga, still had pain. Last night I did 30 minutes with my Normatec. Incredible! walking normal today and ready for another long hard workout!
Let's go Z3 vs Z4...but first, let's get your legs back! Swim it out and keep me posted...a nice weekend ride might help too!!!
Oreos it is!
Went to the chiro. I love my chiro. He thinks I popped an adhesion on my left achilles and then over worked my right calf a little getting home. No big. He's got this new ultrasound gizmo that hes been wanting to use on me for awhile. Laser and ultra sound done. Couple days off and we'll be in the clear. He's a BIG champion of keeping my feet on the pavement.
When Doc gives me the green light I will restart at z3 instead. Gotta earn that z4 stuff.
Thanks Coach! I'll let you know if anything changes.
~Jacklyn #CPR
LOL. It's because i'm soooo sweet! You almost get a cavity. Thanks.
Here's another topic of discussion. I have been thinking that maybe I should take this season off of the big stuff and just have some fun. Keep to the local stuff. No big travel or fuss. Other than I want to do my Half mary in May! Instead vacation with my little family and get my garden back in shape! It's just something i'm chewing on. No i'm not going to put on hold. I LOVE where my fitness is right now. I can throw down a 5 mile run at a respectable pace any time I want. That is so COOL!
My stumbling block is a plan. I NEED a plan to be accountable too. I want to continue to grow and get stronger. I have a bunch of local 5k/10k and bubble runs to do. I have several 100 mile rides that the hubs wants to do including riding the Oregon coast. My hubs wants me to continue with training for the HIM in June. Not do the HIM but plan a family HIM instead. Hubs has already planned my finisher medal!
I am so wishy washy. I haven't signed up for anything yet. Just thinking.
Thanks for your ear!
Yep. You can say it. "SMART ASS!"
If you think talking can help, let's do it. If I've learned anything over the years it's that you can't MAKE motivation happen...it's more like riding the wave. Let me know how I can help!
Happy Birthday to you!
The deal with #CPR is;
R-Resilience .
Every once in awhile I come up with cool stuff.
Thanks for being so awesome....
Your welcome!
It's true. We are a deep well of AWESOMENESS!
I was thinking that the #CPR would make a great temp. tattoo for competition.
Achilles sore. Being a good girl. Sticking to swimming and stretching. Just returned from ultrasound. Getting better. Will hit the bike at the end of the week. I'm trying to let things settle down.
Thanks Coach!
Doc has released me from run jail. He has given me strict guide lines though. He says he knows me too well to just let me go. LMAO
I will let you know when I am FREE to fly. Gently though.
How are YOU?
Talk soon!
Happy you are out of jail!!!
Long time no talk. Well the get faster plan was a bust for the most part. Oh well. Transitioning into the HIM plan. I have decided that I am not going to do my HIM in June. Turns out my hubs is going to be out of town. I still want to slam dunk my Half Mary the last week of May. I am going to start the HIM plan and follow it through. I have a bunch of local events that I want to do. Including a Gran Fondo that 73 miles and 8,000 feet of climb. YA BABY!
Achilles are doing well. Have been running 2-3 miles every other day for 2 weeks. No problems. Well relatively no problems. I'M SLOW!!
Been keeping my pace to z2-3 max. Am planning a longer run today. Goal 4 miles. I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks for getting back to me! It is time to upload a training plan for the next couple months. My first tsr that Coach Rich did had me uploading the intermediate balanced half marathon plan for my half mary at the end of May. The half Mary is a bucket list A++++ event for me. The second tsr because I was going to do Pac. crest HIM in June has me uploading the intermediate HIM plan. I am concerned with doing the balanced half mary is that biking once a week isn't going to get me ready for a 7000+ feet of climb in June with the boys. This is a recreational ride not a race. I would just like to make a solid showing. What say you? Oh great Coachey, Coachey?????
I hope your healing and rehab are going well. Getting stir crazy yet????
~ Jacklyn #cpr
PS- Loaded up the HIM plan. Dropped me into week 9. I have also added in, twice a week, a muscle madness aka- free weight/abs class the the hubs. SAU acquiring class. Because i'm coming off of run jail I plan on running T/TH/SAT. Not doing the brick on Wednesday. Let my legs heal a little. I will see what next week brings.
I like the Abs / FreeWeight stuff...will be a nice complement for you to stay strong as the aerobic fitness grows.
I like the plan!!
Thanks! I like it too. I'm going to "loosely" follow the HIM plan. If it's nice and the road is calling but i'm supposed to run. The road wins. I'm also not going to do the big HIM day in week 11. Instead either a long ride or a long run. Not sure which. I'll catch up with you about that in a couple weeks.
The weight class is not cross fit style. It's actually pretty low key. The instructor isn't yelling and pushing. Most of the people in there are older ladies. My husband is really jazzed that i'm going with him. It's fun. I then drag him into the pool. Fair is fair!
Other than that. Life is good. It's going to be 80 degrees today. Finding running in the heat a bit challenging. Heart rate is high. But getting there.
TTFN~ Jacklyn
Always! My daughter heard me say that you were in run jail. She knows how board I get. So she wanted me to send you something to do. Realize she's 11. www.stickpage.com/henrystickminseries.shtml
These are pretty fun. Enjoy!
~ Jacklyn and Myah