I guess it's time to check in. I am in week 11 of the HIM plan. Last week was a total bust. The cracks in my armor finally broke. I was an absolute basket case. I didn't do ANYTHING last week. I ended up, finally, drawing a line in the sand with my Dad. I tried my best to be tolerant and patient but there is a limit in everyone. Plus Tuesday would have been Mom's 66th birthday. Did not make for a great training week. So......moving on.
This week has been great! Except I have developed an odd pain in my right shin. It comes and goes when I run. No other time. Been averaging 5 mile runs this week. Now that i'm running longer, in warmer weather I have been taking my camel bak for nutrition. I'm using GE this year. My hands have started to swell towards the end of the run just like last year. Still think it's a mix issue. So into the test kitchen I go. Hitting paces like a champ. Bike has been good too. Dusted off my touring bike and have been taking my steel pig out for some around town cruising. She's very smooth all the way to Dairy Queen. Looking forward to riding the Oregon Coast in July.
Still have my sights set on Pacific Half Marathon at the end of May. Weather is getting better. Hope you enjoyed those cartoons. They are fun.
My kids and I are addicted to your cartoons. I thought it was totally apropos that the thing you sent me in run jail involved breaking someone OUT of jail. Oh, those funny kids and their ideas.
No worries on bust weeks...you are so incredible that stuff just bounces off you as you stay focused on the positive. Like this great mojo you have going on right now!!!!
Thank you for your wonderful sentiment. Your pretty wonderful too. Now,
I am in wk 12 of the HIM plan. I have my half mary May 28th. I have not run farther than 6 miles in MONTHS! I have split runs on Thursdays. How important is it to run the 13.1 miles before my race? I have time to sneak in some longer runs. Right now the HIM plan feels pretty bike heavy. Can I shave down some of the longer bike time for reinvestment in more running until after my Half? Was thinking of going long this Friday?
Have you and the girls seen " SImon's Cat" on you tube?
Starting to feel a "little" excited/anxious about my bucket list run. I LOVE to run and I want to fly!
I can see you modifying the HIM plan to run long on Thurs (as planned) and then again on Sundays (either no bike or a short bike, followed by a 60 to 90 minute run.
With your race on 5/28, you can really only run long:
+ 4/25, Thursday split runs, Sunday 8 miles + 5/2 split Thurs and then Sunday 9 miles + 5/9 split Thurs and then Sunday 10 miles + 5/16, thursday only at 8 miles...then start the taper baby!
Let me know if you need more clarification on that. You do NOT need to run 13, max of 10 (with a two long run week there for three weeks) should be enough!
Yesterday was split run Wednesday. Had to slide your plan back a day to fit it in. Woke up feeling less than motivated but got my sorry butt out on the road for what we will call a royal craptastic 5.6 miles. My right calf did not/would not unlock. So I did the run/walk/stretch method of HIM training. Came home soaking wet, cold, with a dead phone and seriously frustrated. Fast forward through the rest of the day....nap...stretch/roll....movie....stretch/roll...house work.....time for part 2. Got ready and did an aggressive stretch/roll before heading out the door and BAM magic happened. I ran beautifully! It was so much fun that I had this crazy idea to add a couple miles on just to enjoy the evening. As I was passing the YMCA, where my hubs was 2 miles from home, I heard this booming voice in my head, All the way from Rhode Island state, " I told you 10 miles MAX." SO I went and got a ride home with the hubs. SEE! You have become part of the little voices in my head!
I have a massage/chiro. scheduled for today. Having my right calf being stubborn is seriously cutting into my training time! Had this problem last year too. IT wasn't this bad though. Must be because i'm sooooo much faster. HAHAHA
Really excited to get my Half marathon on! Thanks Coach. Adore you.
I went for said massage. She spent 1 hour pinning and stripping my legs. I have BRUISES and my PF is really sore. My legs were a hot mess. Did it on Thursday. Took the rest of the day off. Tried to ride on Friday but my BUTT was too sore to sit on the seat. Fast forward to Saturday. Felt better. Had some focused sore areas. So headed out on long run. Goal 9 miles. No calf problems. Legs sore. Settled in quickly. As soon as my glutes got to work. OUCH! So walked a little. Stretched. Tried again. OUCH! I'm so close to my event that I decided to shut it down. I didn't want a sore ass to turn into an injured one. Go for a good walk. I stretched and rolled. Had my hubs roll my glutes. He didn't mind.
I maybe over confident. But I feel ready to motor my way to the finish line. Nutrition is on point. I will be running with my camel bak with water and an GE mixed flask. The flask is working better. My hands aren't swelling and i'm not sweating so much salt that I feel like i've been in a sand storm. Gu every 45 minutes. Pace is solid. I just need to get this calf issue resolved. I have a brick on tap for today.
I'm so excited that i've been dreaming of the finish line.
Have a great day! Thank you for your guidance super Coach!
Here comes the predictable,sappy, smooshee email prior to a big event! The last week of training prior to my Half Mary was a no go due to my child sharing her stomach virus. So tried to rest and keep moving gently. Got a lot of stuff done around the house.
Went for a shake down run today. 2.2 miles. Ran TRP or slower. Did a couple hills and strides. Feel GREAT! I've kept my diet tight and clean. Lots of liquids. I am so excited!!!!!!! Saturday is the big day. 0700 and it's time to get with it. Plan to start at TRP and let the pack spread out. At 4 miles I will speed up to 10:30(Z3-4). Hold that for 4 miles or so. Then re evaluate and either hold or open it up. My goal is to come in @ 2:15. I'm taking GU with me and base salt. The liquid on course is plain Gatorade which I do fine with. I figure the less weight the better. No camel bak. Weather is cool and clear. Running on the Pre Fontaine train system. Ran there before.
Thanks Coach for everything! I will do my best to represent well. ~ Jacklyn
What a wonderful experience! I've never felt so pampered! IT was really nice not having the carpet rolled up behind my feet. I was a MOP'er There was actually food and liquids at the tables. Here's how the Pacific NW half marathon rolled out.
0700 start. COLD! But clear and blue. Slotted myself with the 02:15:00 pacer. Kept her in sight all the time.
Total time 02:24:44 PR'd 10k ,15k, and 10 mile
Average pave 10:51 Distance 13.3 miles Average HR 151 bpm.
Pace steady. Fastest split mile 12! I gave it all I had Captain!
Executed just as I planned. Picked it up the last 5k. Negative the last 3 miles. Passed a LOT of people.
Nutrition as planned. 1- 22 oz bottle of GE and peanut butter bagel. 1 GU every 45". Got gatorade at every table. @ 40 oz. Peed once.
The only problem I had was my hands started to swell at 11 miles. They swelled bad. My ring was actually hurting. The only time I walked was to let my hands dangle so I could work out the swelling. It did help. I have NO idea why my hands swelled. They haven't swelled at all since switching to GE. Sweat was pretty gritty and salty. The swelling was gone with in 30 minutes of being done. I had to loosen my watch band too. This concerns me. My guess is my whole body was swelling because I started to get pin pricks all over. It is just more noticeable in my hands. Next week i'll throw it out on the nutrition forum. I know how the body uses sodium. That's what's confusing me.
This was the best event i've done. I was relaxed. Mental Zen. No drama. Not a care in the world. I knew what to do. I did come in 9 minutes slower than I was planning but i'm ok with that. I worked hard. Enjoyed the process. I have blisters to prove it! I actually got bitched at because I wasn't talking to the other runners. At that time I was in the hurt locker and was counting my left foot falls to 30. Over and over again. Trying to focus on the rhythm not the discomfort. It works pretty well. I do the same thing when I swim distance. I find it relaxing. I was in my own world. I felt prepared. I want to feel like this every time. What a joy. This is the first time I haven't head tripped myself into a corner with unrealistic expectations or just flat out scared. I knew exactly what I could do. No hero here. Just steady as she flies! No right calf issues at ALL!
Shazaaam!!!! You know you crushed it when you set THREE PRs in ONE RACE.
You were awesome out there...I can't get half the team to execute that well, so you should be very proud of what you have done.
Most important, you have a baseline of what works. That means you can do this AGAIN, almost AT WILL.
You have some lessons learned (we'll get to those) so there's still room to improve. In fact, here's a good article: http://bit.ly/1TIPO8t
I hope you are enjoying the recovery,
~ Coach P
Ps My favorite lines are "IT was really nice not having the carpet rolled up behind my feet. I was a MOP'er There was actually food and liquids at the tables."
I have finally experienced what I have been chasing for 5 years. The mellow, confident, calm mind and a solid steady machine.I still have a long way to go before I am ready to punch my IM ticket but I am much closer. I will not be a 17 hour IM'er!!! I will cheer them in but it isn't going to be me unless I am hurt. My goal is to punch the 14 hour button. I have a looonnnggg way to go. My plan is to make steady, progressive improvements that are maintainable over time. Thereby limiting injury and maximizing JOY. #CPR
The article on hand swelling helps. So I should have been supplementing with base salt. I had it with me. I just thought, because it was a cool morning @56 degrees, that I would be ok with out the extra. Lesson learned. I printed the article out and put it into my binder. The walking cost me about 3 minutes. I was wondering about the arms being bent and limiting lymphatic return. One problem with the swelling is that now that fluid is compartmentalized and unable to be used by the body for plasma. So in a way I was intravascularly dry as well because of the shift caused by hyponatremia. So I needed fluid and salt.
How long is recovery? My legs were really sore on Sunday and Monday. Which surprised me. My right outer foot is really painful when I walk. It is getting better. Thought I would jump on the trainer tomorrow and put in some base miles and watch a movie. Not going to be doing the bike ride in June because the hubs knee is hurt. So the next thing is the Oregon coast bike ride tour in July provided his knee is better. The total ride is 300 miles and 30,000 feet of climb. YUMMY.
I am still following the intermediate HIM wk 17 plan. Even though I am not doing a HIM this year. I like the long stuff and I want to keep getting stronger and faster. For the long run thursday. Can I keep doing the split runs? I really like them. I think it keeps the cost down. I have another Half mary in August. That is a hilly, hard run. Constant rollers. I've run the route before. Also, Can I run test next week? That's week 18. I don't change to get faster until July.
I really appreciate your help. I hope your recovery and the house are going well.
~ Jacklyn aka your dutiful pupil/grasshopper.
PS- I ran my race rehearsal at 11:50/mile. My average pace for my race was 10:51! Now that's a BAM!
Thanks for the full update. You should be sore for quite a few days. My guess is you probably won't feel "normal" until the weekend. In the meantime you can walk and spin easily for active recovery as you mentioned. If life allows, feel free to jump in the pool as well. I personally find something to be very restorative.
At the very least, no running for minimum of a week. When you do get back to running and keep it short for now.
I am totally fine with you continuing the split run. I agree that it's very beneficial. That said, I'm not sure you need to test next week? You can simply use your race result in the calculator to determine new zones. Why don't you try that and tell me what you think!
Sigh. I did as you suggested and plugged my results into the pace calculator. Can you hear the balloon popping in Rhode Island? Basically. I should have run harder if I want new zones. Training Peaks says my run IF was 0.91. That's not too bad. I am VERY comfortable at my current zones. I can manually up my zones a vDOT or two.
Coach, are you going to tell me when you think I am ready to do my first IM? I am looking at 2017.
It's slower because it was a HALF and not a 5k. Your 5k time predicts a half marathon time....so you ran your predicted half marathon time, which is EPIC because, well, 13.1 ain't just 3 x 5k.
Rmember 100 is threshold..or pace you can sustain for an hour. So .91, is well, perfect.
Ironman doesn't stand a chance for you. What race are you thinking of? I can help advise once you tell me what race you are considering!!!
HAHA. It only took you 3 years to figure out i'm PERFECT! Your wife rocked it! What a great picture of your family. You all look very proud of her. Rock on super Mom!
As for which IM. Well, if I let practicality weigh in then Vineman. It's about 8 hours south of here. But if I lead with my heart it is Wisconsin. With the team. I really want to do my first IM with you there. I am really intimidated with the travel to the event. I am not a seasoned traveler. I am a home body and I like it! I do have friends and a huge family in Minnesota that are about 6 hours away from Madison. I am really thinking about it.If I can continue to have this calm, focus that I experienced at my half Mary and carry it into an IM then watch out 14 hour goal. It's not an " i can bike xx:xx:xx and run xx:xx:xx" that makes me think I am ready. It's my attitude.
I have been dreaming of doing an IM since I was 14 and watched the first televised report of Kona. I am not afraid of working hard to make my dreams come true. I've been doing it all my life. To finish my nursing degree, I lived in my car for the final year. My family is ready too. My daughter has given me permission to work extra to buy a new bike. She even printed out pics of my choices and put them on the fridge. To keep me focused! What can I say. My family ROCKS!
I truly won the lottery with my wife. No other way to explain it!
I think Wisconsin sounds best for your overall vibe...that said, it's not an easy course. We'd need good gears for you on that bike and some good practice on hills, shifting, etc. And of course the nutrition. But we have many many moons to figure all of that out.
Given all you have done, I think you are certainly tough enough to handle the IM!
When you refer to gears, what range are you looking for? I currently run a 11-30 with a compact crank on my road bike because of the hills. Douglas county is NOT flat. Just to get back to my house I have a 1 mile climb at 4-5%. That hill is SO much fun at the end of the ride. Not afraid of hills or mountains. I just settle in. Manage my effort and respect the suck. But I hear you on the climbing. Body comp, Body comp, body comp.
Guess what I am doing on July 5th?! I am doing the Special Olympics torch run for Douglas County! I've been "invited". There are 10 members on the team. Hubs is finding out how far our team chunk is. I'm hoping for a BIG chunk of distance. Now this is COOL stuff with my fitness! I have to wear a team T, and an Oregon State Police hat, I have to figure out how to get EN in by costume. Maybe, i'll switch hat's every other run. I don't see temporary tatoo's at Tri sports.
Wisconsin it is. You can't beat the vibe and it's meant to be with your "local" connections. Not to mention your beefy climbing pedigree...so get ready to sign up come Sept!
That's super cool for the Special Olympics torch. Maybe you can just flash the gang sign a few times?
My hubs has given me a budget for gear/travel for Wisconsin. I could buy a new super bike (Felt IA 14) or I could sexy up my current bike which is a specialized Alias comp. It's equivalent to a Felt series B aero bike. Put a new set of zipps/wheel cover on and get a hen house. I am really comfy on my bike. The geometry isn't as aggressive as a super bike. I can settle in for MILES and climb like a billy goat.
I can spend the $$$$ on getting my butt to the race camp and get a hen house. I've gotten some feed back voting for race camp instead of new sexy gear. I have NEVER been to any type of camp. It doesn't matter what bike I am on. If the engine can't drive it or the brain can't execute then what's the point. Roughly how far ahead of time are the race venue camps posted? I have a major window to request the time off.
Thank you, Sir.
PS- Just bought a Hen Haus. Happy dance, happy dance.
I agree that it's better for you to be on a bicycle that you know and trust. That said I would still invest some time and money in making sure the fit as it is as comfortable and as arrow as possible. Just looking at the stock frame the seat position is quite slack. In other words, it's pretty far behind the bottom bracket and for triathlon we want that seek to be more forward. It's pretty evident if you Google the Felt frame you mention.
That said, I think you'd be better off doing a camp in Wisconsin then doing a camp with me in Lake Placid. The Wisconsin course is a real test of your mental metal. And given your goals and where this race stands for you (your first), I'm hesitant to have you try and transfer your placid experience to Wisconsin.
I won't stop you from coming to Placid but I would certainly encourage you to explore other camps in Wisconsin. At the very least you could probably find some folks who meet up there and train. I believe there is a very active Facebook group and on any given weekend there are literally hundreds of people out on the course training. Something to think about.
I am so sorry to hear that you are sick! Please feel better soon.
I have been having a problem with my right foot. It's not PF yet. A bone in my lateral foot is moving around. It hurts a lot! It started the day after my half mary. Went to the chiro. He adjusted it and it got better. Did not run for 2 weeks. Until I was pain free for several days. Then dropped into the get faster plan. Foot felt great for two weeks. Then BAMMM! Middle of my run OUCH! Shut it down and walked home. Called chiro. Will see him in about a half hour. It doesn't bother it to ride my bike. But walking sucks! My middle name is turning into Ms. Inconsistent. Just thought I would let you know. Nothing on the books until July 5th when I do the Special Olympics Torch run. There are no pace requirements. I DON"T WANT TO LOSS MY RUN!!! WAAAAAAA
( I'm sucking my thumb right now )
Talk soon.
PS- Chiro mystified. On tap for new orthotics next week. Foot taped. Exercise to do list. I think it started as a muscle cramp that in my calf. A rather odd cramp too. I could feel it from the back of my knee around my heel into the lateral side of my foot. Very uncomfortable. Cramp went away after rolling. Weird.
Wow. Is there any consistent running distance (aka over 15 miles a week?) or speed (aka faster than 6mph) that your issues occur? Trying to find some way we can work around it...
Ha. I wish there was a pattern. I was in my last mile, heading home. Just cruising. I was actually headed for a yellow raspberry bush that was growing under a fence for a yummy snack. I am retiring my old running shoes and unboxing a new pair. Getting new orthotics and taping. We will see how that does. Exercising my feet like a mad woman. I can feel it moving the bone in my foot but it is getting better quickly. Hopefully it won't happen again.
How are you????? If you are still under the weather. You might think about adding Black eldeberry elixir. More than likely there is a viral component to your pneumonia. It is used to combat flu virus due to it's off the charts anti viral powers.
Life is good here. Going a vacation July 6th. We are going to wander around the Oregon Coast. Where we land who knows. My family loves these kind of vacations. No plan. Just letting the wind blow us around. Taking bikes and planning on running. Have a great week.
I guess it's time to check in. I am in week 11 of the HIM plan. Last week was a total bust. The cracks in my armor finally broke. I was an absolute basket case. I didn't do ANYTHING last week. I ended up, finally, drawing a line in the sand with my Dad. I tried my best to be tolerant and patient but there is a limit in everyone. Plus Tuesday would have been Mom's 66th birthday. Did not make for a great training week. So......moving on.
This week has been great! Except I have developed an odd pain in my right shin. It comes and goes when I run. No other time. Been averaging 5 mile runs this week. Now that i'm running longer, in warmer weather I have been taking my camel bak for nutrition. I'm using GE this year. My hands have started to swell towards the end of the run just like last year. Still think it's a mix issue. So into the test kitchen I go. Hitting paces like a champ. Bike has been good too. Dusted off my touring bike and have been taking my steel pig out for some around town cruising. She's very smooth all the way to Dairy Queen. Looking forward to riding the Oregon Coast in July.
Still have my sights set on Pacific Half Marathon at the end of May. Weather is getting better. Hope you enjoyed those cartoons. They are fun.
Talk later, Jacklyn
No worries on bust weeks...you are so incredible that stuff just bounces off you as you stay focused on the positive. Like this great mojo you have going on right now!!!!
Thank you for your wonderful sentiment. Your pretty wonderful too. Now,
I am in wk 12 of the HIM plan. I have my half mary May 28th. I have not run farther than 6 miles in MONTHS! I have split runs on Thursdays. How important is it to run the 13.1 miles before my race? I have time to sneak in some longer runs. Right now the HIM plan feels pretty bike heavy. Can I shave down some of the longer bike time for reinvestment in more running until after my Half? Was thinking of going long this Friday?
Have you and the girls seen " SImon's Cat" on you tube?
Starting to feel a "little" excited/anxious about my bucket list run. I LOVE to run and I want to fly!
Thanks, Jacklyn
With your race on 5/28, you can really only run long:
+ 4/25, Thursday split runs, Sunday 8 miles
+ 5/2 split Thurs and then Sunday 9 miles
+ 5/9 split Thurs and then Sunday 10 miles
+ 5/16, thursday only at 8 miles...then start the taper baby!
Let me know if you need more clarification on that. You do NOT need to run 13, max of 10 (with a two long run week there for three weeks) should be enough!
Your going to LOVE this!
Yesterday was split run Wednesday. Had to slide your plan back a day to fit it in. Woke up feeling less than motivated but got my sorry butt out on the road for what we will call a royal craptastic 5.6 miles. My right calf did not/would not unlock. So I did the run/walk/stretch method of HIM training. Came home soaking wet, cold, with a dead phone and seriously frustrated. Fast forward through the rest of the day....nap...stretch/roll....movie....stretch/roll...house work.....time for part 2. Got ready and did an aggressive stretch/roll before heading out the door and BAM magic happened. I ran beautifully! It was so much fun that I had this crazy idea to add a couple miles on just to enjoy the evening. As I was passing the YMCA, where my hubs was 2 miles from home, I heard this booming voice in my head, All the way from Rhode Island state, " I told you 10 miles MAX." SO I went and got a ride home with the hubs. SEE! You have become part of the little voices in my head!
I have a massage/chiro. scheduled for today. Having my right calf being stubborn is seriously cutting into my training time! Had this problem last year too. IT wasn't this bad though. Must be because i'm sooooo much faster. HAHAHA
Really excited to get my Half marathon on! Thanks Coach. Adore you.
I went for said massage. She spent 1 hour pinning and stripping my legs. I have BRUISES and my PF is really sore. My legs were a hot mess. Did it on Thursday. Took the rest of the day off. Tried to ride on Friday but my BUTT was too sore to sit on the seat. Fast forward to Saturday. Felt better. Had some focused sore areas. So headed out on long run. Goal 9 miles. No calf problems. Legs sore. Settled in quickly. As soon as my glutes got to work. OUCH! So walked a little. Stretched. Tried again. OUCH! I'm so close to my event that I decided to shut it down. I didn't want a sore ass to turn into an injured one. Go for a good walk. I stretched and rolled. Had my hubs roll my glutes. He didn't mind.
I maybe over confident. But I feel ready to motor my way to the finish line. Nutrition is on point. I will be running with my camel bak with water and an GE mixed flask. The flask is working better. My hands aren't swelling and i'm not sweating so much salt that I feel like i've been in a sand storm. Gu every 45 minutes. Pace is solid. I just need to get this calf issue resolved. I have a brick on tap for today.
I'm so excited that i've been dreaming of the finish line.
Have a great day! Thank you for your guidance super Coach!
Now that's what i'm talking about! Did my 10 mile run today. It was AWESOME with a cherry on top. I even negatived up the last 4 miles.
Average HR 137. Max 158 bpm. Steady progression of heart rate over time. No ugly spikes.
Average pace 11:24. First mile was slow d/t needing to gently stretch my calf out. Did my nutrition plan to the T! Had 2 bathroom stops. PERFECT!
So, feeling pretty satisfied.
Thanks for everything. Can't wait to toe the line. I am sooooooooooo excited.
Here comes the predictable,sappy, smooshee email prior to a big event!
The last week of training prior to my Half Mary was a no go due to my child sharing her stomach virus. So tried to rest and keep moving gently. Got a lot of stuff done around the house.
Went for a shake down run today. 2.2 miles. Ran TRP or slower. Did a couple hills and strides. Feel GREAT! I've kept my diet tight and clean. Lots of liquids. I am so excited!!!!!!!
Saturday is the big day. 0700 and it's time to get with it. Plan to start at TRP and let the pack spread out. At 4 miles I will speed up to 10:30(Z3-4). Hold that for 4 miles or so. Then re evaluate and either hold or open it up. My goal is to come in @ 2:15. I'm taking GU with me and base salt. The liquid on course is plain Gatorade which I do fine with. I figure the less weight the better. No camel bak. Weather is cool and clear. Running on the Pre Fontaine train system. Ran there before.
Thanks Coach for everything! I will do my best to represent well. ~ Jacklyn
The Force is With You, Jacklyn! You can do this! You can do this!!
What a wonderful experience! I've never felt so pampered! IT was really nice not having the carpet rolled up behind my feet. I was a MOP'er There was actually food and liquids at the tables. Here's how the Pacific NW half marathon rolled out.
0700 start. COLD! But clear and blue. Slotted myself with the 02:15:00 pacer. Kept her in sight all the time.
Total time 02:24:44 PR'd 10k ,15k, and 10 mile
Average pave 10:51 Distance 13.3 miles Average HR 151 bpm.
Pace steady. Fastest split mile 12! I gave it all I had Captain!
Executed just as I planned. Picked it up the last 5k. Negative the last 3 miles. Passed a LOT of people.
Nutrition as planned. 1- 22 oz bottle of GE and peanut butter bagel. 1 GU every 45". Got gatorade at every table. @ 40 oz. Peed once.
The only problem I had was my hands started to swell at 11 miles. They swelled bad. My ring was actually hurting. The only time I walked was to let my hands dangle so I could work out the swelling. It did help. I have NO idea why my hands swelled. They haven't swelled at all since switching to GE. Sweat was pretty gritty and salty. The swelling was gone with in 30 minutes of being done. I had to loosen my watch band too. This concerns me. My guess is my whole body was swelling because I started to get pin pricks all over. It is just more noticeable in my hands. Next week i'll throw it out on the nutrition forum. I know how the body uses sodium. That's what's confusing me.
This was the best event i've done. I was relaxed. Mental Zen. No drama. Not a care in the world. I knew what to do. I did come in 9 minutes slower than I was planning but i'm ok with that. I worked hard. Enjoyed the process. I have blisters to prove it! I actually got bitched at because I wasn't talking to the other runners. At that time I was in the hurt locker and was counting my left foot falls to 30. Over and over again. Trying to focus on the rhythm not the discomfort. It works pretty well. I do the same thing when I swim distance. I find it relaxing. I was in my own world. I felt prepared. I want to feel like this every time. What a joy. This is the first time I haven't head tripped myself into a corner with unrealistic expectations or just flat out scared. I knew exactly what I could do. No hero here. Just steady as she flies! No right calf issues at ALL!
Thanks Coach P for the high five!
You were awesome out there...I can't get half the team to execute that well, so you should be very proud of what you have done.
Most important, you have a baseline of what works. That means you can do this AGAIN, almost AT WILL.
You have some lessons learned (we'll get to those) so there's still room to improve. In fact, here's a good article: http://bit.ly/1TIPO8t
I hope you are enjoying the recovery,
~ Coach P
Ps My favorite lines are "IT was really nice not having the carpet rolled up behind my feet. I was a MOP'er There was actually food and liquids at the tables."
Thank you!
I have finally experienced what I have been chasing for 5 years. The mellow, confident, calm mind and a solid steady machine.I still have a long way to go before I am ready to punch my IM ticket but I am much closer. I will not be a 17 hour IM'er!!! I will cheer them in but it isn't going to be me unless I am hurt. My goal is to punch the 14 hour button. I have a looonnnggg way to go.
My plan is to make steady, progressive improvements that are maintainable over time. Thereby limiting injury and maximizing JOY. #CPR
The article on hand swelling helps. So I should have been supplementing with base salt. I had it with me. I just thought, because it was a cool morning @56 degrees, that I would be ok with out the extra. Lesson learned.
I printed the article out and put it into my binder. The walking cost me about 3 minutes. I was wondering about the arms being bent and limiting lymphatic return. One problem with the swelling is that now that fluid is compartmentalized and unable to be used by the body for plasma. So in a way I was intravascularly dry as well because of the shift caused by hyponatremia. So I needed fluid and salt.
How long is recovery? My legs were really sore on Sunday and Monday. Which surprised me. My right outer foot is really painful when I walk. It is getting better. Thought I would jump on the trainer tomorrow and put in some base miles and watch a movie. Not going to be doing the bike ride in June because the hubs knee is hurt. So the next thing is the Oregon coast bike ride tour in July provided his knee is better. The total ride is 300 miles and 30,000 feet of climb. YUMMY.
I am still following the intermediate HIM wk 17 plan. Even though I am not doing a HIM this year. I like the long stuff and I want to keep getting stronger and faster. For the long run thursday. Can I keep doing the split runs? I really like them. I think it keeps the cost down. I have another Half mary in August. That is a hilly, hard run. Constant rollers. I've run the route before. Also, Can I run test next week? That's week 18. I don't change to get faster until July.
I really appreciate your help. I hope your recovery and the house are going well.
~ Jacklyn
aka your dutiful pupil/grasshopper.
PS- I ran my race rehearsal at 11:50/mile. My average pace for my race was 10:51! Now that's a BAM!
Thanks for the full update. You should be sore for quite a few days. My guess is you probably won't feel "normal" until the weekend. In the meantime you can walk and spin easily for active recovery as you mentioned. If life allows, feel free to jump in the pool as well. I personally find something to be very restorative.
At the very least, no running for minimum of a week. When you do get back to running and keep it short for now.
I am totally fine with you continuing the split run. I agree that it's very beneficial. That said, I'm not sure you need to test next week? You can simply use your race result in the calculator to determine new zones. Why don't you try that and tell me what you think!
Sigh. I did as you suggested and plugged my results into the pace calculator. Can you hear the balloon popping in Rhode Island? Basically. I should have run harder if I want new zones. Training Peaks says my run IF was 0.91. That's not too bad. I am VERY comfortable at my current zones.
I can manually up my zones a vDOT or two.
Coach, are you going to tell me when you think I am ready to do my first IM? I am looking at 2017.
Rmember 100 is threshold..or pace you can sustain for an hour. So .91, is well, perfect.
Ironman doesn't stand a chance for you. What race are you thinking of? I can help advise once you tell me what race you are considering!!!
~ Coach P
HAHA. It only took you 3 years to figure out i'm PERFECT!
Your wife rocked it! What a great picture of your family. You all look very proud of her. Rock on super Mom!
As for which IM. Well, if I let practicality weigh in then Vineman. It's about 8 hours south of here. But if I lead with my heart it is Wisconsin. With the team. I really want to do my first IM with you there. I am really intimidated with the travel to the event. I am not a seasoned traveler. I am a home body and I like it! I do have friends and a huge family in Minnesota that are about 6 hours away from Madison. I am really thinking about it.If I can continue to have this calm, focus that I experienced at my half Mary and carry it into an IM then watch out 14 hour goal. It's not an " i can bike xx:xx:xx and run xx:xx:xx" that makes me think I am ready. It's my attitude.
I have been dreaming of doing an IM since I was 14 and watched the first televised report of Kona. I am not afraid of working hard to make my dreams come true. I've been doing it all my life. To finish my nursing degree, I lived in my car for the final year. My family is ready too. My daughter has given me permission to work extra to buy a new bike.
She even printed out pics of my choices and put them on the fridge. To keep me focused! What can I say. My family ROCKS!
I think Wisconsin sounds best for your overall vibe...that said, it's not an easy course. We'd need good gears for you on that bike and some good practice on hills, shifting, etc. And of course the nutrition. But we have many many moons to figure all of that out.
Given all you have done, I think you are certainly tough enough to handle the IM!
Your not so bad yourself Champ!
When you refer to gears, what range are you looking for? I currently run a 11-30 with a compact crank on my road bike because of the hills. Douglas county is NOT flat. Just to get back to my house I have a 1 mile climb at 4-5%. That hill is SO much fun at the end of the ride. Not afraid of hills or mountains. I just settle in. Manage my effort and respect the suck. But I hear you on the climbing. Body comp, Body comp, body comp.
Guess what I am doing on July 5th?! I am doing the Special Olympics torch run for Douglas County! I've been "invited". There are 10 members on the team. Hubs is finding out how far our team chunk is. I'm hoping for a BIG chunk of distance. Now this is COOL stuff with my fitness! I have to wear a team T, and an Oregon State Police hat, I have to figure out how to get EN in by costume. Maybe, i'll switch hat's every other run. I don't see temporary tatoo's at Tri sports.
Have a great day!
That's super cool for the Special Olympics torch. Maybe you can just flash the gang sign a few times?
Man! Lake Placid camp looks like a lot of fun!
My hubs has given me a budget for gear/travel for Wisconsin. I could buy a new super bike (Felt IA 14) or I could sexy up my current bike which is a specialized Alias comp. It's equivalent to a Felt series B aero bike. Put a new set of zipps/wheel cover on and get a hen house. I am really comfy on my bike. The geometry isn't as aggressive as a super bike. I can settle in for MILES and climb like a billy goat.
I can spend the $$$$ on getting my butt to the race camp and get a hen house. I've gotten some feed back voting for race camp instead of new sexy gear. I have NEVER been to any type of camp. It doesn't matter what bike I am on. If the engine can't drive it or the brain can't execute then what's the point. Roughly how far ahead of time are the race venue camps posted? I have a major window to request the time off.
Thank you, Sir.
PS- Just bought a Hen Haus. Happy dance, happy dance.
I agree that it's better for you to be on a bicycle that you know and trust. That said I would still invest some time and money in making sure the fit as it is as comfortable and as arrow as possible. Just looking at the stock frame the seat position is quite slack. In other words, it's pretty far behind the bottom bracket and for triathlon we want that seek to be more forward. It's pretty evident if you Google the Felt frame you mention.
That said, I think you'd be better off doing a camp in Wisconsin then doing a camp with me in Lake Placid. The Wisconsin course is a real test of your mental metal. And given your goals and where this race stands for you (your first), I'm hesitant to have you try and transfer your placid experience to Wisconsin.
I won't stop you from coming to Placid but I would certainly encourage you to explore other camps in Wisconsin. At the very least you could probably find some folks who meet up there and train. I believe there is a very active Facebook group and on any given weekend there are literally hundreds of people out on the course training. Something to think about.
Congratulations on the new case!!!
I am so sorry to hear that you are sick! Please feel better soon.
I have been having a problem with my right foot. It's not PF yet. A bone in my lateral foot is moving around. It hurts a lot! It started the day after my half mary. Went to the chiro. He adjusted it and it got better. Did not run for 2 weeks. Until I was pain free for several days. Then dropped into the get faster plan. Foot felt great for two weeks. Then BAMMM! Middle of my run OUCH! Shut it down and walked home. Called chiro. Will see him in about a half hour. It doesn't bother it to ride my bike. But walking sucks! My middle name is turning into Ms. Inconsistent. Just thought I would let you know. Nothing on the books until July 5th when I do the Special Olympics Torch run. There are no pace requirements. I DON"T WANT TO LOSS MY RUN!!! WAAAAAAA
( I'm sucking my thumb right now
Talk soon.
PS- Chiro mystified. On tap for new orthotics next week. Foot taped. Exercise to do list. I think it started as a muscle cramp that in my calf. A rather odd cramp too. I could feel it from the back of my knee around my heel into the lateral side of my foot. Very uncomfortable. Cramp went away after rolling. Weird.
Ha. I wish there was a pattern. I was in my last mile, heading home. Just cruising. I was actually headed for a yellow raspberry bush that was growing under a fence for a yummy snack. I am retiring my old running shoes and unboxing a new pair. Getting new orthotics and taping. We will see how that does. Exercising my feet like a mad woman. I can feel it moving the bone in my foot but it is getting better quickly. Hopefully it won't happen again.
How are you????? If you are still under the weather. You might think about adding Black eldeberry elixir. More than likely there is a viral component to your pneumonia. It is used to combat flu virus due to it's off the charts anti viral powers.
Life is good here. Going a vacation July 6th. We are going to wander around the Oregon Coast. Where we land who knows. My family loves these kind of vacations. No plan. Just letting the wind blow us around. Taking bikes and planning on running. Have a great week.