Yep. Got the blessing from my Chiro. He even taped me up. Ran a whole 1.5 miles before my foot said. "HAHA fooled ya! OUCH". New orthotics on the way. Dropped into the intGF plan wk6. Swam for the first time in a LOOOONG time. I don't know why I don't keep swimming and let it slide. It's one of my favorite things to do. If my foot cooperates I will be picking up a local sprint tri at the end of July. I didn't get to do it last year because of my Mom's illness.
Other than that. Life is good. Going camping next week. You must be feeling better. Saw your strava on the bike.
Thanks for checking in! I finally got out on my biked, two days in a row was a real treat. It's still hard to breathe but that can't stop me from having fun (just going fast). Given the issues you're having with your foot right now, I strongly suggest you continue to stick with the pool. It's just such a great exercise overall for mind and body assuming it works for your schedule. Please can you post it on the new orthotics. If possible take a picture of them and post it, I love seeing them.
Honey! I'm HOME!!! Vacation was a blast. Drove the Oregon Coast. Ended up staying in the Redwoods for 5 days. I am sunburned and tired.
Was able to pick up my new orthotics the day we left. Put them in new Hoka's. Ran 2.5-3 miles everyday. Taped my arch with KT tape. No issues. Foot feels great. Walked most of the time with no shoes on in the sand to strengthen my feet. Did some social riding. Nothing strenuous. Haven't pushed further than 3 miles at TRP. I see my chiro. next week.
I think I will continue to limit run length and pace for several more weeks. I thought I was in the clear before. Feeling kind of BLAH. I need some scary event to get my ample ass moving! I'm still on the fence for the Sprint tri in two weeks. My swim sucks, my bike is decent, and my run well?????? I have the Umpqua river run in 4 weeks. I was hoping to do the half mary but I don't think that's going to happen. So a 5k or 10k would be great too. I just want to run.
I hope you are having a great summer.
Cheers! I hear that your sweet tooth is getting lonely. Sending you some jelly beans!
JM, hell yes to a great vacation. And what better time to lock in those new orthotics to get used to them? I think that you should totally do the sprint...from there it's up to you. You have nothing to'll be a blast!
OH! It's ON! Sprint here I come. It is keeping with my theme of finding JOY.
Been doing split runs this week. Want to up my mileage without too much cost to my foot. So far so good. Jumping in the pool. Will it make my swim better. Nope. But it's fun. Just found out I have been stood up for my swim date with the hubs. I love out swimming him.
Talk later. I hope you are finding JOY too. Loved your interview.
Yay!!! Don't wait for Mr Landlubber...get in that pool!
Glad you liked the interview, it was fun to do with Mariah. Lot's of joy here...girls wrapped Acting Camp with some great performances today (when did they get so grown up!?) and then dinner on the beach with our friends for four hours.
Totally excited to do a SPRINT tri. You'd think it was something BIG< long and ugly.
Getting the Witch ready to rumble. New tires, optimized chain and brake pads. Looking pretty sexy! Husband talked me into changing tire size from 23" to 25". I was not convinced. Heavier etc... Took the Witch out on my favorite flat loop with the hubs for a shake down. With a head wind that had each of us in the drops taking turns pulling I averaged 18.9 mph! That is 2.5 mph faster than I have ever rode the out bound leg. My RPE was moderate at worst. HR 125. The in bound leg with a side wind and not drafting (because hubs was BEHIND me). Saw an increased speed of 3 mph and I dropped a full minute off the 1 mile climb to the house. BOOM baby. I like 25's. This statement tells it all. " Shit Jack! You kicked my ass!"
I think i'm ready to rumble. Just got to get out of the water.
Did my sprint. Ya know. It's a lot of fun to just put the pedal to the medal and let it fly. No worries about pace and really even nutrition. I did drink on the bike. It's really relaxing to be in hunter mode.(pause fro Jaws theme song)
Here's how it played out.
Swim: BRUTAL! I was expecting the washing machine. But it was a serious WWF smack down the whole way around. I never got free water to swim. I had to fight a woman off. They tried to drown me multiple times. Glad I am calm in the water. I was still 5 minutes faster than the last time i swam it.
Bike: OH ya! Me and my 25" screamed! Average speed 22mph. Never even changed gears to climb the hill past the dam. Passed 34 people. I was counting. I had a lady catch me on the run and she stated, " You are fast!". Wish I could ride that fast for 114 miles.
Run: Not so hot. Foot was fine. Right calf. Ya right! I am coming to the conclusion that Short course is too short to get my legs to open up and get with the program. My calf didn't settle till mile 2. Yep. A little late. I did walk once because I was tearing up. The last time I ran that my Mom was there with a cow bell, a sign that she made that said," SHUT UP LEGS", and a little girl screaming her head off. I got a little nostalgic.
It was a beautiful day! I didn't want to go home. The vibe was so healing and wonderful. Thanks Coach for kicking my butt to the starting line. I needed the reminder that I am a Triathlete.
Next up Umpqua River run. Probably the 10k. I'll see how my leg feels.
TTFN~ Jacklyn
PS: I had a light bulb moment this am. The first time I did this tri I had been with EN for 6 months. I had busted my ass for a sprint. I gutted myself to finish. This time I decided to sign up 4 days before. No prep. No extra training and dropped a 40th/115 place. Where did this confidence come from? WOW! Just wow.
SHAZAAM! That's a great report and great performance. I think we need to keep pushing away on that calf to get you it worse off the bike (if so, curious on your cadence) or worse on a general get out there and run?
I'm passing the confidence on. Because of my performance and general all around awesomeness. I have on the hook 4 co-workers who want to do the sprint next year. None can swim. They are all going to start swimming lessons in October. This is going to be fun to watch! It's going to be hard to compete because I will want to watch them. I guess I will find out what it's like to be you for a day!
As for my right calf. It's been an intermittent problem. Riding first doesn't seem to matter. I've found GENTLE calf stretches help. I do a dynamic warm up prior to running. Doesn't seem to matter. I do stretch my calves out a little prior to running. The only thing that seems to really help is a torture session with a deep tissue massage. This time I think it's a chain issue from my foot.
Next thing. I am not doing a HIM this year. I am supposed to load up the HIM plan this week. Is there a plan that isn't a HIM or get faster that keeps me moving but is more balanced? I am riding Velo on Wednesday evenings with the BIG Boys for some speed work. I have smaller, local events planned through the end of the year. I have in August a 5 or 10K. In September a 100 mile wine ride Fondo, in October an indoor Sprint tri.
Ok Coach. If you had a choice of any IM for me what would it be? I want it to be a key race. Strength- swim, medium strength bike, weakness-run durability.
Calf - could be a hip issue as well. If hip isn't fully mobile then the calf picks up the slack...what's the story with your hip on that side?
Plan - I think I would use a Get Fast plan (pick the Beginner one) and we can modify it with some milestones for you based on your year.
Race - Given your bike strength I'd pick IMAZ or IMTX where you can really put the hurt on the competition on the bike, and then enjoy (ha!!!) a friendly run course. A flat run course will also reduce pressure to be a peak run fitness or form.
Howdy! Nice to see some strava posts of you running.
UPDATE: Right calf bettter. Officially dx a high grade calf strain. Treatment protocol initiated with chiro. Feeling better this week. So no running but bike and swim ALL i want.
BIKE: I have a new TOY! I have a new TOY!!! The Tri fairy flew into my room and sprinkled my legs with magic dust. For the last year I have been pretty frustrated with my bike performance out on the road. Just felt like the big power I have on the trainer was not translating to out on the road. Felt stuck in the mud. Boy howdy have I found that missing gear. My hubs is really impressed with my power and speed. I climbed a climb last night 7-11% x2 miles with a rocket on my back. The decent was great! HEEHEE. I am PRing like crazy. I feel like I have more speed to go too. Maybe it's not having dead legs from running. I sure am enjoying the speed. I like new toys.
Still chewing on the IM venue. Hubs says AZ is great for him. It's only a 2.5 hour plane flight. One of my concerns is that it's November. That means taking Myah out of school. Our school district is very pissy about vacations/trips.
Dx on the calf is great as you can now just focus on getting better. YAY! Please keep me posted on that.
Bike...not running does have it's rewards, but so too does all your hard work. Just think of the damage you'll inflict with a healthy calf!
AZ is fine (hard to get into)...and as for school, tell them to suck it. IM finish line is epic and at least 3 days in school. 9 out of 10 tri coaches agree with me. HAHAHHHAHAHHAAHAAAAA.
We got a truancy letter after week took the kids to Hawaii for the Ironman for a week. We told the school and teachers. We brought work. We did online homework. But there's a system and a letter -- someone needs a job I guess.
Oh Ya! Suck it huh? So you think if I told Myah new principal that MY COACH said......! LMAO. That would be awesome. I have NO love loss for public school. NONE. I home schooled her through elementary school for a reason. Speaking of school. I have a new life development happening in September. My girl will be going to public school. (Please keep your fingers/prayers crossed). That means I will have a 6 hour chunk of time opening up. HHMMM wonder what I can do to fill that time gap?????
I am scared to death to punch my first IM ticket. There I said it. You've heard it before i'm sure. I'm just not sure my body can handle the training load. My family is 100% behind me. My daughter can't wait to brag to her school chums. I know AZ is hard to get into. All I can do is try. I might need to go volunteer at CDA next summer. If I volunteered at CDA 2017 do I get to sign up for AZ 2017 or 2018?
Jacklyn, thanks for the background on your school advice is no good, but I hope you got a chuckle or two!
Who's more scared...your daughter from school or you from IM?
You can do it, and we can help you. Will it be hard, yes. It's supposed to be. But we can do it. Or to put it another way, nothing worth doing was ever easy. We stand behind you 100%!!!
As for CDA vol, you can only register early for that race. You can transfer your race entry, for a small fee, but my guess is the AZ transfer window is pretty small...but you can create your ID, and enter your CC, and have it all saved to that profile so you can register as soon as it opens up.
Hi Jacklyn, Just a vote of confidence for you. You can do full!! It took me 10 years in triathlon and lots of "I will never do a full" to actually do one. Now I have done two. I came in midway with EN for the first, but they were with me the whole time for the second and I approached that race with such confidence. I know you know how great our coaches are and how supportive this team is. You have nothing to fear. My full IM was absolutely the pinnacle training and race experience I have had yet. Do not deny yourself that feeling!
Well Howdy! I challenged you to the 22 day/22 push up challenge. Brenda challenged me. SO I thought I would spread the wealth. It is to draw awareness of out vets with PTSD. 22 vets commit suicide a day. You get to nominate someone everyday. The catch is that you are supposed to video yourself and post to facebook. I am doing my challenge with different people and different places. Just to spice it up.
Right calf update:
Went for a ride with my dad in-law. 12 miles at his speed. I have been pain free for 3 weeks. Exercises done. So decided to brick the bike. Ran 2 miles with a run/walk pattern. Ran 5 min/walked 1 minute. Calf felt good. Can tell I have been off the road for awhile. Heart rate crazy high. It felt really good to just start. My plan is to run/walk Tues/Thurs/Sat. for a couple weeks. 2 miles each time. No plans until the NOS. SO I have plenty of time to rehab the right way. I have a sports massage next week too. Stephanie's going to dig into my calf and hamstring. Thoughts?
I will be starting a weight lifting class after school starts. I am really enjoying my time with my girl. August is super crazy for me. My garden is showing NO mercy. It's 105 degrees outside and I canned 18 quarts and 9 pints of tomato sauce this week. 2 quarts of refrigerator pickles. Prepping freezer dinners as well. Talk about mental toughness. Take that iron man!
JM, I am on the push up challenge...I am honored!! Yes to the soft tissue work as well as the slow build to recover. I am okay with the 1' run, 1' walk plan as well. We just want you getting some time on it as it "gets used to" the work of regular exercise. I am doing 25 to 30 minutes of that type of running 3 x per's just enough to be work without being too much!!!
Once again I have been cleared to fly by me doctor. Have run 3 days now. 2 miles of 5 min on/1min walk. Speeds getting faster. Calf doing well. I earlier said I had nothing planned until the NOS. Well, my co -workers have challenged me to a 5k October 1st to pay me back for the push up challenge. OH THE SUFFERING! How do I progress from a run/walk to a run? I don't want to push to fast but I would like to make a solid showing. Next week I was going to do your 1"run/1"walk for 2 miles. Is the 1/1 meant to be 30 foot stricks/sprint work?
I am so excited! My co workers are getting together and MOVING!!! This is huge. You would think nurses would be more active. NOPE. They're a bunch of candy eating mushrooms. If one of them beats me across the line I have to buy pizza. I will do anything to get them moving. The worst part is the smack talk for the next 6 weeks. They are making walking and running dates with each other. Never before seen! GO TEAM MERCY! Such a proud Momma.
you are an inspiration. video posted today on the 22 push ups. You rock.
The 1/1 run walk doesnt have to be sprint...that's just me. Just run as you are able...and walk the breaks. 3x in one week...then next week is't 1:30 run / 30" walk....etc...
Me ROCK! Thank you but nah. I am just a typical EN athlete. When you have great leadership you get good people. I am just a lurker. One of these days I will get to step up to the big leagues. I just pack away all this stuff so I can EXPLODE onto the IM stage. Just like Mary Lou Rettton in the '84 Olympics! My over arching goal is to have a life style not be a one hit wonder.
Gotcha on the increasing time and intensity week to week. Calf feeling great. Saw your video. Great stuff. Thank you!
PS- Calf rehab run #5 in the bag. 3x5"(1), 5x1'(1). Went great! HR wasn't even super high (160's) on the speed work. Figure I will continue this work out for the next 3 runs and then adjust. Continuing with a 2 mile run. Not increasing distance yet.
Check in time. Run building well! No issues. Have increased distance to 5k. 5x1.5" with 3x10" at 11:30ish pace. Calf feels great! Is it time to jump into the Get Faster plan or keep increasing time and distance. Running 3 times a week.. Alternating with bike of 30+ miles. Good climbs. I have a 50 mile Fondo with 3500+ feet of climb on Saturday. Going to go and sip some wine. I prefer beer. But hubs is excited. Weather should be great.
Hope school starting has been smooth for your family. My daughter started today. First day as a 6th grader. I am so old!
Get Faster it is. I will have it end the first week of the NOS. Thank you.
If you have never rode through vineyards when they start to turn to fall colors. They rival Maples and Oaks. Absolutely beautiful. They smell amazing too. You can smell the grapes. That kind of ride needs to be on everyone's bucket list. I have a spare room. (hint hint)
Myah is loving school so far. I hate seeing her leave in the morning but I LOVE seeing her come home. I love the stories she has to tell. I have been surprising her with a baked goodie every afternoon. Yesterday it was fresh made Meringue cookies. Oh so yummy. You can say it. I have MAD skills.
Thanks Coach. I think I almost have next years race schedule figured out.
You are so funny! BAAAAHHH. Cookie. That was a good one. The problem with pictures is that there is no smell a vision. That's what seals the deal. Ride was great. Perfect weather. Rode 50 miles. Garmin kept pausing itself for some reason. So my strava is way short.
I am in nostalgia mode, time warp back 3 years (BEFORE EN).Can you believe i'm coming up on my fourth NOS! . The big hill climb is called Looking glass hill. 3 miles of UP. It was my Mt Everest. Took me a whole summer to ride to the top. Saturday it took 15 minutes to climb. I wasn't even breathing hard at the top. SSSHHHH don't tell my Coach. I got called a "beast" multiple times from other riders. Pretty cool.
Last week was a tough training week. I loaded up on run distance with a couple hard road rides. I am sore all over. The Hubs and I have a weekly run total challenge going on. So far i'm wining. It's the only way I've found to motivate him out the door after work. Been doing abs, core, planks and pushups. I have a massage this week. Thank goodness. I need it!
Beast it is!!! I love that you took "Kick My Ass" hill and made it your's great to have such a physical representation of how far you have come. A nice reminder of what it means to be fit and on point.
Don't worry about pushing yourself too hard right now (except when hubby needs a smackdown)....we want to fit and ready for Nov OS Da Fourth!!!
Thank you so much for the call. I really appreciate it. I took away from our chat ,
1. Get in the pool. NOW!
2. Come up with a new plan when it's time for the GET FASTER time of year.
3. I have a really COOL Coach! I need to have a chat with him more often. Added that to my goals for 2017. I think prior to a plan change.
Looking forward to another awesome year.
PS- Went for that swim. Back feels much better. Will swim again today. Still can't stop the Aleve tried last night. Nope. But i feel almost human. Mark really enjoyed talking with you. He was teasing me about he $99.95 new wife minus sarcasm all day.
Yep. Got the blessing from my Chiro. He even taped me up. Ran a whole 1.5 miles before my foot said. "HAHA fooled ya! OUCH". New orthotics on the way. Dropped into the intGF plan wk6. Swam for the first time in a LOOOONG time. I don't know why I don't keep swimming and let it slide. It's one of my favorite things to do. If my foot cooperates I will be picking up a local sprint tri at the end of July. I didn't get to do it last year because of my Mom's illness.
Other than that. Life is good. Going camping next week. You must be feeling better. Saw your strava on the bike.
Happy Fourth!
Honey! I'm HOME!!! Vacation was a blast. Drove the Oregon Coast. Ended up staying in the Redwoods for 5 days. I am sunburned and tired.
Was able to pick up my new orthotics the day we left. Put them in new Hoka's. Ran 2.5-3 miles everyday. Taped my arch with KT tape. No issues. Foot feels great. Walked most of the time with no shoes on in the sand to strengthen my feet. Did some social riding. Nothing strenuous. Haven't pushed further than 3 miles at TRP. I see my chiro. next week.
I think I will continue to limit run length and pace for several more weeks. I thought I was in the clear before. Feeling kind of BLAH. I need some scary event to get my ample ass moving! I'm still on the fence for the Sprint tri in two weeks. My swim sucks, my bike is decent, and my run well?????? I have the Umpqua river run in 4 weeks. I was hoping to do the half mary but I don't think that's going to happen. So a 5k or 10k would be great too. I just want to run.
I hope you are having a great summer.
Cheers! I hear that your sweet tooth is getting lonely. Sending you some jelly beans!
OH! It's ON! Sprint here I come. It is keeping with my theme of finding JOY.
Been doing split runs this week. Want to up my mileage without too much cost to my foot. So far so good. Jumping in the pool. Will it make my swim better. Nope. But it's fun. Just found out I have been stood up for my swim date with the hubs. I love out swimming him.
Talk later. I hope you are finding JOY too. Loved your interview.
Glad you liked the interview, it was fun to do with Mariah. Lot's of joy here...girls wrapped Acting Camp with some great performances today (when did they get so grown up!?) and then dinner on the beach with our friends for four hours.
Life. Is. Good.
Totally excited to do a SPRINT tri. You'd think it was something BIG< long and ugly.
Getting the Witch ready to rumble. New tires, optimized chain and brake pads. Looking pretty sexy! Husband talked me into changing tire size from 23" to 25". I was not convinced. Heavier etc... Took the Witch out on my favorite flat loop with the hubs for a shake down. With a head wind that had each of us in the drops taking turns pulling I averaged 18.9 mph! That is 2.5 mph faster than I have ever rode the out bound leg. My RPE was moderate at worst. HR 125. The in bound leg with a side wind and not drafting (because hubs was BEHIND me). Saw an increased speed of 3 mph and I dropped a full minute off the 1 mile climb to the house. BOOM baby. I like 25's. This statement tells it all. " Shit Jack! You kicked my ass!"
I think i'm ready to rumble. Just got to get out of the water.
I want the shirt when you make it!
Epic...and awesome. Rollin' in your 25s, baby!!!
I hope you are having a great time at IMLP!
Did my sprint. Ya know. It's a lot of fun to just put the pedal to the medal and let it fly. No worries about pace and really even nutrition. I did drink on the bike. It's really relaxing to be in hunter mode.(pause fro Jaws theme song)
Here's how it played out.
Swim: BRUTAL! I was expecting the washing machine. But it was a serious WWF smack down the whole way around. I never got free water to swim. I had to fight a woman off. They tried to drown me multiple times. Glad I am calm in the water. I was still 5 minutes faster than the last time i swam it.
Bike: OH ya! Me and my 25" screamed! Average speed 22mph. Never even changed gears to climb the hill past the dam. Passed 34 people. I was counting.
I had a lady catch me on the run and she stated, " You are fast!". Wish I could ride that fast for 114 miles.
Run: Not so hot. Foot was fine. Right calf. Ya right! I am coming to the conclusion that Short course is too short to get my legs to open up and get with the program. My calf didn't settle till mile 2. Yep. A little late.
I did walk once because I was tearing up. The last time I ran that my Mom was there with a cow bell, a sign that she made that said," SHUT UP LEGS", and a little girl screaming her head off. I got a little nostalgic.
It was a beautiful day! I didn't want to go home. The vibe was so healing and wonderful. Thanks Coach for kicking my butt to the starting line. I needed the reminder that I am a Triathlete.
Next up Umpqua River run. Probably the 10k. I'll see how my leg feels.
TTFN~ Jacklyn
PS: I had a light bulb moment this am. The first time I did this tri I had been with EN for 6 months. I had busted my ass for a sprint. I gutted myself to finish. This time I decided to sign up 4 days before. No prep. No extra training and dropped a 40th/115 place. Where did this confidence come from? WOW! Just wow.
Confidence is contagious. Pass It On.
Good Morning!
I'm passing the confidence on. Because of my performance and general all around awesomeness. I have on the hook 4 co-workers who want to do the sprint next year. None can swim. They are all going to start swimming lessons in October. This is going to be fun to watch! It's going to be hard to compete because I will want to watch them. I guess I will find out what it's like to be you for a day!
As for my right calf. It's been an intermittent problem. Riding first doesn't seem to matter. I've found GENTLE calf stretches help. I do a dynamic warm up prior to running. Doesn't seem to matter. I do stretch my calves out a little prior to running. The only thing that seems to really help is a torture session with a deep tissue massage. This time I think it's a chain issue from my foot.
Next thing. I am not doing a HIM this year. I am supposed to load up the HIM plan this week. Is there a plan that isn't a HIM or get faster that keeps me moving but is more balanced? I am riding Velo on Wednesday evenings with the BIG Boys for some speed work. I have smaller, local events planned through the end of the year. I have in August a 5 or 10K. In September a 100 mile wine ride Fondo, in October an indoor Sprint tri.
Ok Coach. If you had a choice of any IM for me what would it be? I want it to be a key race. Strength- swim, medium strength bike, weakness-run durability.
Have a great week! Jacklyn
Calf - could be a hip issue as well. If hip isn't fully mobile then the calf picks up the slack...what's the story with your hip on that side?
Plan - I think I would use a Get Fast plan (pick the Beginner one) and we can modify it with some milestones for you based on your year.
Race - Given your bike strength I'd pick IMAZ or IMTX where you can really put the hurt on the competition on the bike, and then enjoy (ha!!!) a friendly run course. A flat run course will also reduce pressure to be a peak run fitness or form.
Howdy! Nice to see some strava posts of you running.
UPDATE: Right calf bettter. Officially dx a high grade calf strain. Treatment protocol initiated with chiro. Feeling better this week. So no running but bike and swim ALL i want.
BIKE: I have a new TOY! I have a new TOY!!! The Tri fairy flew into my room and sprinkled my legs with magic dust. For the last year I have been pretty frustrated with my bike performance out on the road. Just felt like the big power I have on the trainer was not translating to out on the road. Felt stuck in the mud. Boy howdy have I found that missing gear. My hubs is really impressed with my power and speed. I climbed a climb last night 7-11% x2 miles with a rocket on my back. The decent was great! HEEHEE. I am PRing like crazy. I feel like I have more speed to go too. Maybe it's not having dead legs from running. I sure am enjoying the speed. I like new toys.
Still chewing on the IM venue. Hubs says AZ is great for him. It's only a 2.5 hour plane flight. One of my concerns is that it's November. That means taking Myah out of school. Our school district is very pissy about vacations/trips.
Bike...not running does have it's rewards, but so too does all your hard work. Just think of the damage you'll inflict with a healthy calf!
AZ is fine (hard to get into)...and as for school, tell them to suck it. IM finish line is epic and at least 3 days in school. 9 out of 10 tri coaches agree with me. HAHAHHHAHAHHAAHAAAAA.
We got a truancy letter after week took the kids to Hawaii for the Ironman for a week. We told the school and teachers. We brought work. We did online homework. But there's a system and a letter -- someone needs a job I guess.
Oh Ya! Suck it huh? So you think if I told Myah new principal that MY COACH said......! LMAO. That would be awesome. I have NO love loss for public school. NONE. I home schooled her through elementary school for a reason. Speaking of school. I have a new life development happening in September. My girl will be going to public school. (Please keep your fingers/prayers crossed). That means I will have a 6 hour chunk of time opening up. HHMMM wonder what I can do to fill that time gap?????
I am scared to death to punch my first IM ticket. There I said it. You've heard it before i'm sure. I'm just not sure my body can handle the training load. My family is 100% behind me. My daughter can't wait to brag to her school chums. I know AZ is hard to get into. All I can do is try. I might need to go volunteer at CDA next summer. If I volunteered at CDA 2017 do I get to sign up for AZ 2017 or 2018?
Hope you are having a great summer! I am.
Who's more scared...your daughter from school or you from IM?
You can do it, and we can help you. Will it be hard, yes. It's supposed to be. But we can do it. Or to put it another way, nothing worth doing was ever easy. We stand behind you 100%!!!
As for CDA vol, you can only register early for that race. You can transfer your race entry, for a small fee, but my guess is the AZ transfer window is pretty small...but you can create your ID, and enter your CC, and have it all saved to that profile so you can register as soon as it opens up.
Well Howdy! I challenged you to the 22 day/22 push up challenge. Brenda challenged me. SO I thought I would spread the wealth. It is to draw awareness of out vets with PTSD. 22 vets commit suicide a day. You get to nominate someone everyday. The catch is that you are supposed to video yourself and post to facebook. I am doing my challenge with different people and different places. Just to spice it up.
Right calf update:
Went for a ride with my dad in-law. 12 miles at his speed. I have been pain free for 3 weeks. Exercises done. So decided to brick the bike. Ran 2 miles with a run/walk pattern. Ran 5 min/walked 1 minute. Calf felt good. Can tell I have been off the road for awhile. Heart rate crazy high. It felt really good to just start. My plan is to run/walk Tues/Thurs/Sat. for a couple weeks. 2 miles each time. No plans until the NOS. SO I have plenty of time to rehab the right way. I have a sports massage next week too. Stephanie's going to dig into my calf and hamstring. Thoughts?
I will be starting a weight lifting class after school starts. I am really enjoying my time with my girl. August is super crazy for me. My garden is showing NO mercy. It's 105 degrees outside and I canned 18 quarts and 9 pints of tomato sauce this week. 2 quarts of refrigerator pickles. Prepping freezer dinners as well. Talk about mental toughness. Take that iron man!
Have a great week. ~ Jacklyn
Hey super duper Coach!
Once again I have been cleared to fly by me doctor. Have run 3 days now. 2 miles of 5 min on/1min walk. Speeds getting faster. Calf doing well. I earlier said I had nothing planned until the NOS. Well, my co -workers have challenged me to a 5k October 1st to pay me back for the push up challenge. OH THE SUFFERING!
How do I progress from a run/walk to a run? I don't want to push to fast but I would like to make a solid showing. Next week I was going to do your 1"run/1"walk for 2 miles. Is the 1/1 meant to be 30 foot stricks/sprint work?
I am so excited! My co workers are getting together and MOVING!!! This is huge. You would think nurses would be more active. NOPE. They're a bunch of candy eating mushrooms. If one of them beats me across the line I have to buy pizza. I will do anything to get them moving. The worst part is the smack talk for the next 6 weeks. They are making walking and running dates with each other. Never before seen! GO TEAM MERCY! Such a proud Momma.
The 1/1 run walk doesnt have to be sprint...that's just me. Just run as you are able...and walk the breaks. 3x in one week...then next week is't 1:30 run / 30" walk....etc...
Me ROCK! Thank you but nah. I am just a typical EN athlete. When you have great leadership you get good people. I am just a lurker. One of these days I will get to step up to the big leagues. I just pack away all this stuff so I can EXPLODE onto the IM stage. Just like Mary Lou Rettton in the '84 Olympics! My over arching goal is to have a life style not be a one hit wonder.
Gotcha on the increasing time and intensity week to week. Calf feeling great. Saw your video. Great stuff. Thank you!
PS- Calf rehab run #5 in the bag. 3x5"(1), 5x1'(1). Went great! HR wasn't even super high (160's) on the speed work. Figure I will continue this work out for the next 3 runs and then adjust. Continuing with a 2 mile run. Not increasing distance yet.
~ Coach P
Check in time. Run building well! No issues. Have increased distance to 5k. 5x1.5" with 3x10" at 11:30ish pace. Calf feels great! Is it time to jump into the Get Faster plan or keep increasing time and distance. Running 3 times a week.. Alternating with bike of 30+ miles. Good climbs. I have a 50 mile Fondo with 3500+ feet of climb on Saturday. Going to go and sip some wine.
I prefer beer. But hubs is excited. Weather should be great.
Hope school starting has been smooth for your family. My daughter started today. First day as a 6th grader. I am so old!
Get Faster it is. I will have it end the first week of the NOS. Thank you.
If you have never rode through vineyards when they start to turn to fall colors. They rival Maples and Oaks. Absolutely beautiful. They smell amazing too. You can smell the grapes. That kind of ride needs to be on everyone's bucket list. I have a spare room. (hint hint)
Myah is loving school so far. I hate seeing her leave in the morning but I LOVE seeing her come home. I love the stories she has to tell. I have been surprising her with a baked goodie every afternoon. Yesterday it was fresh made Meringue cookies. Oh so yummy. You can say it. I have MAD skills.
Thanks Coach. I think I almost have next years race schedule figured out.
Have a great day! I hope the girls have a BLAST!
I have ridden through vineyards, but not at color...sounds like we are going to need some pictures to make the WHOLE TEAM jealous!
~ Patrick
Good mooooornnnning! YA! BABY!
You are so funny! BAAAAHHH. Cookie. That was a good one. The problem with pictures is that there is no smell a vision. That's what seals the deal. Ride was great. Perfect weather. Rode 50 miles. Garmin kept pausing itself for some reason. So my strava is way short.
I am in nostalgia mode, time warp back 3 years (BEFORE EN).Can you believe i'm coming up on my fourth NOS! . The big hill climb is called Looking glass hill. 3 miles of UP. It was my Mt Everest. Took me a whole summer to ride to the top. Saturday it took 15 minutes to climb. I wasn't even breathing hard at the top.
SSSHHHH don't tell my Coach. I got called a "beast" multiple times from other riders. Pretty cool.
Last week was a tough training week. I loaded up on run distance with a couple hard road rides. I am sore all over. The Hubs and I have a weekly run total challenge going on. So far i'm wining. It's the only way I've found to motivate him out the door after work. Been doing abs, core, planks and pushups. I have a massage this week. Thank goodness. I need it!
Have a great week.
Don't worry about pushing yourself too hard right now (except when hubby needs a smackdown)....we want to fit and ready for Nov OS Da Fourth!!!
Thank you so much for the call. I really appreciate it. I took away from our chat ,
1. Get in the pool. NOW!
2. Come up with a new plan when it's time for the GET FASTER time of year.
3. I have a really COOL Coach! I need to have a chat with him more often. Added that to my goals for 2017. I think prior to a plan change.
Looking forward to another awesome year.
PS- Went for that swim. Back feels much better. Will swim again today. Still can't stop the Aleve tried last night. Nope. But i feel almost human. Mark really enjoyed talking with you. He was teasing me about he $99.95 new wife minus sarcasm all day.