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    1. Re the “moderator” requirement..I have noticed that editing and submitting can lead to the need to have a moderator hit it…will keep an eye on it (think I fixed it). 

    2. Paul - new posts have a grey button next to them that say NEW. You can hit mark all viewed…then refresh the screen…and all of those go away. The actual posts never disappear. Here’s a video: 


    3. As for the “newest posts” to our dashboard, right now that’s not going to work. It’s a custom addition, so it’s on our list to get priced out. For now you’ll have to login and click Forums, which takes you to our latest stuff in the forums. 

    4. Ross, yes to the secure forum stuff. I have it on our list for our development Team!

    Honestly my biggest complaint right now is the forum not showing the post date and time of replies, etc….but onwards. 

    Great to see the energy and awesomeness!

    ~ Coach P

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    Is there a way to integrate the forums back into/onto the Dashboard?  With at least a widget/window of the most recent/active threads? 
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    edited January 23, 2017 2:28PM
    @tim cronk Paul was asking that as well. At first glance no, because our forums are private. But I have the request in to the developer...sent over this AM!
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    For those of you following this thread, here are the updates you requested...

    - Date and time now included on all forum posts. 

    - Option for Location now added next to your Display Name in each thread, you can adjust by adding your Location when you Edit Your Profile. 

    - The forums are now secure HTTPS (only thing that could throw a page off is if a member posts an image from an external non-secure site).

    - You have the super powers to subscribe to entire Forum Categories (not recommended!) 

    Adding info to the overview forum post here now...

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    edited January 25, 2017 4:51PM
    For those of you following this thread, here are the updates you requested...

    - Date and time now included on all forum posts. 

    P - not sure about this, per the attached pic, your most recent post (quoted here) has no time stamp, the one before it does... REALLY would like to see this functionality in there!!!!

    p as an added note, i was just in the JOS bike forum week 3  and i noticed that one of my posts from Sunday night had time stamp for creation AND edit (way cool) and that half way down, jason veith had a time stamp on the 24th, but no one else had a time stamp, not even my most recent post... 

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    Ok, not a forum request, but...  I never paid attention to the birthday section on the dashboard.  It lists people's year born.  Any way to exclude the year?   That's just one more piece of info that people need to become another person.  Date is fine, just not the year.  Thanks!

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    @ Coach Patrick - I have searched everywhere under my profile and cannot find a place to edit the location.  Need a little help there.  Also, yesterday the @ function worked to call up someone, today it does not.
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    @Scott Dinhofer Hopefully that time stamp thing is all good now..I see them all over. 

    @Peter Carroll  Man, I swear everytime "ThaRussianHakker9000" creates an account I delete them. But I respect your right to privacy...that module has always had an on/off function on your profile..I turned yours off!

    @Paul Hough it works for me...some users have funny names so you need to write @ then their full name and then and that will do it...like this image: 

    As for the profile location, it's under Edit Profile, which is a little Mdot dude:

    From there, you'll see a big dialogue box for Location!

    ~ Coach P
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    @PatrickMcCrann - doesnt seem to be
    if i look at the thread ^^above^^ my message to you is time stamped, Peter's, paul's and patrick's are not... 
    I do see them randomly on some threads, but it doesn't appear to be on every thread. 
    so as to make sure I am not crazy, i just checked the 4 most recent posted to threads including the one I just posted to minutes before reading this. no stamps

    this one has a time/date stamp on first entry - I just wrote my reply 5 minutes ago, no stamp

    this one also, only has it on the first entry - https://endurancenation.vanillacommunities.com/discussion/22593/2016-17-novos-week-13-run-thread-the-final-week-to-stretch-your-fast-training

    this one has it on the 1st/2nd & 7th posts - https://endurancenation.vanillacommunities.com/discussion/22580/16-17-dos-run-week-8-test-and-rest#latest

    this one only has it on 3 posts, yours & juan's, wondering if somehow this tied to user settings somewhere? I have looked for that, but not with any luck. 

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    X2 on what Scott said.  Rare time stamps
    X2 on Paul's issue of not being able to find the profile location.  I don't get a pop up box like the one you posted above.
    Also, why are some peoples names not listed on their posts.  Some people are just a bunch of letters and i have no idea who they are.
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    @PatrickMcCrann - i also just ran through some of your micro thread posts, noticed that none of your new posts had date/ time stamp. Also noticed your posts show your location, and title, admin... 
    be cool if we can get the different titles the old forums had and get location data like that for everyone :-)
    yes, I know you have a day job...   o:)
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    @Coach Patrick.  #1.  When I type that in, your name appears before I'm done typing but it won't let me click on it.  Failure.  #2.  Please dumb down the location thing by backing up and telling me where is the "edit profile" menu item?  When I go into my profile, the little Ironman dude has "preferences" listed to the right of the symbol.  I click on that and there are all kinds of preferences to edit, but none of the boxes you are showing.  And my little iron head is right to the left of the photo same as yours ... but the selections under it are different!!!  So back to square 1 - everything you have under "about me" is not available under my profile. 
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    ... #2.  Please dumb down the location thing by backing up and telling me where is the "edit profile" menu item?  When I go into my profile, the little Ironman dude has "preferences" listed to the right of the symbol.  I click on that and there are all kinds of preferences to edit, but none of the boxes you are showing.  And my little iron head is right to the left of the photo same as yours ... but the selections under it are different!!!  So back to square 1 - everything you have under "about me" is not available under my profile. 
    + 1 on this. Try as I might, I can't find that drop down dialogue box. So for now, I just put my location in my sig line, along with WSM status.
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    Hi Coach P, I can bookmark a thread. Is there also a way to bookmark category? Or the ability to customize the order of the categories?
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    ... #2.  Please dumb down the location thing by backing up and telling me where is the "edit profile" menu item?  When I go into my profile, the little Ironman dude has "preferences" listed to the right of the symbol.  I click on that and there are all kinds of preferences to edit, but none of the boxes you are showing.  And my little iron head is right to the left of the photo same as yours ... but the selections under it are different!!!  So back to square 1 - everything you have under "about me" is not available under my profile. 
    + 1 on this. Try as I might, I can't find that drop down dialogue box. So for now, I just put my location in my sig line, along with WSM status.
    P - I think that the settings you are using may be different as an admin?? Have to think for the dough you and R are spending that the vanilla forums folks should be able to answer all of this for you quickly...
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    ...I can bookmark a thread. Is there also a way to bookmark category?...
    Mark, I have successfully "bookmarked" (meaning: I get a notification every time any thread in that category is commented upon) the categories I want to follow. I clicked on my name on the right of the red menu bar, then clicked on Preferences next to my picture. That brought up the Notifications page. NB: the last 3/4 of the Category list is a bunch of "orphan" or "Zombie" categories, mostly old race or interest groups from previous years.

    I choose to get my notifications via email, as that works best for how I interact with the Interwebs. I have notifications set up for most categories (significant ones I don't follow: Nutrition, Medical, Women's), and today e.g., I got 16 emails, which I have automatically sent to an EN folder, so they don't clutter up my inbox. Once or twice a day, I go there, and browse thru them. One thing I miss: the notifications no longer have the text of the comment embedded, so I have to look at the thread itself to see what people are saying. Before, I could read all the comments in a few minutes, and then just go to the threads I wanted to comment on.
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    Thanks for turning on https, @Coach Patrick!

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    Ok team, walking through this in order...

    @Paul Hough - I can't replicate your error on my mac or pc. Can you tell me what device you are on? I can see other people using it, so I know it's not me. On my laptop, I can also just start the name after the "@" and use the arrow keys...I think the device thing might be the trick.   As for the location thing, I have posted that to the forums folks...shame on me for assuming it would show up for everyone. Stay tuned!

    @Mark Stahlkopf Yes you can bookmark threads...here's how, starting first with how you choose a thread, etc, then to managing notifications: 

    @Scott Dinhofer - roger that, they have been great (as you can see) and we are on a roll! :smile:

    @Ross Kaffenberger -- of course!!! Thanks for the tip!
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    Coach P - I'm using a Windows computer.  Doesn't matter whether I'm at home or at the office, I see the same thing.  I click on my profile and the iron head dude just to the left of my photo only allows me to edit 'preferences' which do not include location and the other boxes you showed.   Note Al's comment...he's seeing the same thing as I do.

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    Coach P, I have done what you are showing for individual threads and it works great. What I'm looking to do is something similar with an entire category For example in the January Outseason category there is a new thread each week for bike & run. If I bookmark each individual thread I need to create & delete a new bookmark each week. I'm thinking that if I can bookmark the whole category it would be faster.

    I tried Al's suggestion above.....will see what happens.

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    @Paul Hough  Sorry, yes that isn't working right now...(we are working on it) I meant the Name thing where you can't click on it to mention someone...

    @Mark Stahlkopf sorry I missed that. It will be under your profile where you manage notifications!
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    @Coach Patrick, @Paul Hough, that features does work, if I understand the question.  See Al's post above.  Click on your name, then Preferences, scroll down to Category Notifications and select which Categories you want.  I selected to be notified of Threads and Comments and receive e-mails for new threads and comments.

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    @Paul Hough And @Al Truscott  You can now add your location to the forums (but that Title field isn't operational, fyi). Info here.  

    Note, I have also added many of the "how to" items as separate posts, so you can search "how to" here on the forums to find them!  :smile:
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    Okay, I've got the e-mail notifications working just fine.  But getting the actual message content is the real reason for wanting an e-mail push.  Any way to get the content added?
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    @Coach Patrick - awesome stuff here, and I know it's not your day job. 
    might be helpful to pin a list of "to do's" and cross them off in the admin forum so those of us who keep whining about things can refer to that and know you are on the case. (time stamp of posts!!!!)

    there are too many things good about these forums now that the eyes are getting used to them. A heartfelt thank you for embarking on this!!
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    @Coach Patrick- Follow up on my comments above:

    Al Truscott's method works well. In the Notifications Preferences tab I checked the Popup options below: 

    Now when I click on the globe I see all of the comments added to the JOS plus other threads that I selected individually:


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    @Coach Patrick - After a few days of receiving e-mail notifications for forum categories/threads, they suddenly stopped on Wednesday afternoon.  Is this a temporary website/system issue? I didn't change any settings and they're not in my spam folder.


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    2.10.17 6:35am
    @Coach Patrick - per forum activity, I know you are busy with your day job. It would be great to have a sticky list of problems. The one glaring one. I do see some people comment on it, is that the date/time stamp seems to work for some, but not all posts. The vast majority don't have one... 
    This is a great item when looking at older threads.. to see when in time the different writers are adding to it. 
    I am trying to remember to start every post with at least the date, like i did this one.. 
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    COOL! I notice today two big changes in the forum. Date stamp now on the posts, and email notifications include the post body text. Thank you for listening, and working to add these. I really appreciate it.
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    I second Al's comments. The post text now appears on the Notifications list - that helps as well.  All great changes - thanks to the EN IT team!  (Wait, do we have an IT team?)
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