To add to Matts comment, once you raise your hand and say that you want to train with power, you've taken yourself out of the many bike geek conversation: but the PT hub is heavy, but the blah cranks aren't as stiff as blah, but I dont like how the monitor looks on my with it . You are looking for the best training and racing tool that works for you and your bike. Highly recommend you go with the setup that works for you, on as many bikes as possible, is flexible, etc.
Plus BB and crank stiffness isn't all that important for us long course tri geeks. We aren't putting down the kind of power or uncorking the massive sprints where the stiffest components make a difference.
OK - I'm raising my hand and want to train w/ power !!! - but am CLUELESS about where to start - I've been stumbling in and out of the EN Haus for the last year - and the power discussions always leave me w/ a headache - all of the #'s and comments - I've got a QR Seduza that was a Christmas present from my wife in 08 - pretty standard set up and it has served me well - I find that I am VERY goal and # oriented so the idea of Power appeals to me - just have no clue where to start - any help would be appreciated -
of course if the weather would cooperate that would also help - the forecast was for sleet and possible snow this morning .......I live in FLORIDA !!!!!
hey bryan---welcome to the idea of power. first i would answer a few questions to try and determine which type of powermeter is best going to serve you. that will be determined by your bike mechanic skills, # of bikes you'll be training on with power and of course $$$$$$. 1. how many bikes do you typicall train on? some of us swap between road and tri or have a complete stable of bikes (like lance) 2. would you be able to swap out a crank based power meter from bike to bike? 3. how much do you plan on spending?
This will help you choose between a hub based device that's built into a rear wheel or a crank based system.
1. how many bikes do you typically train on? I've done 99% of my training on my tri-bike, have an older road bike that I've toyed w/ using as a trainer - and a Mountain bike I use occasionally in the summer -
2. would you be able to swap out a crank based power meter from bike to bike? This would be the equivalent of brain surgery for me - there are many things I'm called - mechanical would not be one of them - I'm pretty proud of the fact that I can change a flat -
3. how much do you plan on spending? I'll have 3 kids in college next year ............
I'd welcome your input / ideas / counsel - I have found in the past that having goals, and a way to guage my progress works for me, and is motivating - I've got a Garmin 305 - the GPS side I use often, the HR side I have to admit I really don't pay much attention to -
We are in the end of a week with below 30 degree nights every night - (FLORIDA) - I'm now starting to see what drives people out of colder areas - I say this as I'm prepping to go ski in Utah this next week - which reminds me, Rich, the Montana offer is still there - might even be something fun in the late (hot) summer months - Happy New Year !!!!
1. how many bikes do you typically train on? I've done 99% of my training on my tri-bike, have an older road bike that I've toyed w/ using as a trainer - and a Mountain bike I use occasionally in the summer -
2. would you be able to swap out a crank based power meter from bike to bike? This would be the equivalent of brain surgery for me - there are many things I'm called - mechanical would not be one of them - I'm pretty proud of the fact that I can change a flat -
3. how much do you plan on spending? I'll have 3 kids in college next year ............
I guess I'd recommend you go with the power tap then (definitely wireless, but you can choose what level of PT). From what i've been reading on the forum, it's a little cheaper than the Quarq and since you're not mechanical you'll also not have to pay your local bike shop to install it. You'll need to change your current cassette to the powertap wheel once you get it, but if you can change a tire you can change the cassette. you can also use it if you decide to do any training on the roadie. your 305 HR strap should also work with the power tap computer (LYC), so if you can avoid paying the $, don't get a new HR strap.
OK - anxiously waiting my Powermeter - ordered / check sent etc - training has been sporatic @ best - what can I read or study to help me with th learning curve ?
OK - anxiously waiting my Powermeter - ordered / check sent etc - training has been sporatic @ best - what can I read or study to help me with th learning curve ?
I was a newbie to power when I joined EN last year. Repeition is what helped me. I read all the free stuff - ebooks and articles on the web site - but what helped the most was spending the $$ for the Power Webinar, and then spending the hours to sit and listen like I was back in college. I also spent some time on
Purchased my PowerTap SL+ through the Haus in November. I opted not to get the "yellow" head unit as I have the Edge 705. When I received the package it included the wheel with PowerTap installed and the wheel cover installed on the wheel. I installed the wheel on my bike, turned on the Edge 705 and I was in business (the Edge has a "Calibrate" function in the ANT+ menu...I did that). Been riding with it now for 3 months. No problems. Since I didn't get the head unit there was no software (not needed as I use WKO+) or manuals, etc. with the wheel. I've been picking up little things here and there in the Haus as well as lurking on the wattage forum. I read something today on the wattage forum that leads me to believe there is a battery in the PowerTap hub. Is this correct? If so, how do you get to it? Is there a manual somewhere for the PowerTap hub unit? As far as I'm aware there is no upkeep for the hub, but if the battery starts to go I'd like to have an idea what to expect and how to change it, if in fact there is one in the hub unit. I've always thought that when people talked about the PowerTap battery they were referring to a battery in the yellow head unit. Is there a battery in both?
Also, I'm not aware of any special procedure about the PowerTap calibration using the Edge 705 as I have not seen any information on how to go about it. It acts strange when I calibrate it in the Edge 705 menu. It responded with "calibrated" 3 or 4 times before my ride when I clicked the "calibrate" button, but most of the time when I click it nothing happens. The space available for a numerical readout is blank left blank (no zero). When it responded with "calibrated" the few times it did a "0" appeared in the space. ??? Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
Hey, maybe I'll get lucky! Maybe the watts display is actually lower than I'm actually producting and I'm the lean, mean, machine I knew I was all along!
Purchased my PowerTap SL+ through the Haus in November. I opted not to get the "yellow" head unit as I have the Edge 705. When I received the package it included the wheel with PowerTap installed and the wheel cover installed on the wheel. I installed the wheel on my bike, turned on the Edge 705 and I was in business (the Edge has a "Calibrate" function in the ANT+ menu...I did that). Been riding with it now for 3 months. No problems. Since I didn't get the head unit there was no software (not needed as I use WKO+) or manuals, etc. with the wheel. I've been picking up little things here and there in the Haus as well as lurking on the wattage forum. I read something today on the wattage forum that leads me to believe there is a battery in the PowerTap hub. Is this correct? If so, how do you get to it? Is there a manual somewhere for the PowerTap hub unit? As far as I'm aware there is no upkeep for the hub, but if the battery starts to go I'd like to have an idea what to expect and how to change it, if in fact there is one in the hub unit. I've always thought that when people talked about the PowerTap battery they were referring to a battery in the yellow head unit. Is there a battery in both?
Also, I'm not aware of any special procedure about the PowerTap calibration using the Edge 705 as I have not seen any information on how to go about it. It acts strange when I calibrate it in the Edge 705 menu. It responded with "calibrated" 3 or 4 times before my ride when I clicked the "calibrate" button, but most of the time when I click it nothing happens. The space available for a numerical readout is blank left blank (no zero). When it responded with "calibrated" the few times it did a "0" appeared in the space. ??? Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
Hey, maybe I'll get lucky! Maybe the watts display is actually lower than I'm actually producting and I'm the lean, mean, machine I knew I was all along!
Jay- First- go to the Saris website and download a copy of the manual. Even though you don't have the LYC, the manual will provide some helpful info on the Hub.
The PT Hub has a battery- and it does need to be changed. The manual will provide instructions. But here's the trick, you need the tool that removes the cover- and you may have thrown it out if you didn't know what it was (which is what I almost did!). It's basically a black gear looking thing, about the size of a saucer.
Thanks Nemo! I just downloaded the manual. I see where it says to use the "cap tool". I went to my garage and looked in the box the wheel came in. I didn't throw anything away that I know of. Matter of fact, I put the original wheel I swapped out in the box. I put "black circular disc" on the wheel axle. Is that it? A small, round, black disc with a needle-like projection on it?
I've never seen anything that looks like that. I would definately remember it with such a strange shape. I just found it on Saris' website. The "Hub Cap Wrench" $9.99. I didn't have one in the box as far as I know. Again, there was a little black disc...the disc that goes on your wheel to protect it. Guess I might as well go ahead and buy one because sooner or later I'll need it to change the battery in the hub. Thanks Nemo! You are "wicked smart"!
I had the same problem, called wheelbuilder and they sent me the tool for free, saris will also send you one, if you pay the shipping.
I also have the 705 and have had no problems with it. I've been also been unable to find any detailed instructions on calibrating it. However I'm riding on a computrainer and the powertap/705 seems to be within 10-20 watts of the computrainer. When I calibrate the 705/powertap, I get a beep and it says calibrated ( can't remember whatt numberI got).
Thanks Fraser. I sent Saris an email on their website through their support link/contacts. First, I tried to order one on their website ($9.99), but it wouldn't accept my FPO address as a shipping address. So I sent them an email explaining that I did not receive the hub tool in the shipment. Hopefully they'll send me one. If I have to pay for it that's okay.
Coach Rich, has anyone ever contacted Dr. Skiba in regards to potentially getting a group discount on Raceday as an alternative to WKO+? After reading his books and spending some time with the trial software I'm pretty pleased with it and the analysis it provides.
Rich, need advice on a power purchase. what should I buy? how much should I spend? I can't drop a fortune, unfortunately, I'm still a resident.... the guy that got me hooked up to biking and to this new lifestyle (that I love and adore) says get a Jet 6 H2 clincher - good for both racing and training. I'll need it in a stallion build cos I'm at 190 now, and dropping slowly. what are your thoughts? I currently have a set of Hed3 that was a gift from my cousin (but would be selling the back whell to raise funds) should I invest for now in a computrainer (keep my eyes open for a used one, or cheap new one) b/c i live in chicago (and next yr boston) - unlike you, the weather is not like Cali..... thanks man c u in Madison -hb
what should I buy? how much should I spend? I can't drop a fortune, unfortunately, I'm still a resident....
the guy that got me hooked up to biking and to this new lifestyle (that I love and adore) says get a Jet 6 H2 clincher - good for both racing and training. I'll need it in a stallion build cos I'm at 190 now, and dropping slowly. what are your thoughts? I currently have a set of Hed3 that was a gift from my cousin (but would be selling the back whell to raise funds)
should I invest for now in a computrainer (keep my eyes open for a used one, or cheap new one) b/c i live in chicago (and next yr boston) - unlike you, the weather is not like Cali.....
thanks man
c u in Madison
@Hasan - you helped me out in the medical department and I can help you out with this one.
Cheapest and best option for most people - sell your rear Hed wheel to fund the purchase or a PowerTap wheel from Rich and get a wheel cover with it. You will ride this wheel 100% of the time and just put the cover on to make it a disc for racing. The only downside is if you are doing a race that doesn't allow a disc (i.e. Kona or IMCoz). Not sure what the exact price is now but if you email Rich he will take care of that
If you already had more wheels, a crank based powermeter (Quarq or SRM) becomes a better investment for some as you can use any wheels with it. They are both more expensive though and you gain very little for the extra money. That said I have a quarq and love it.
No need to buy a computrainer. Get a standard trainer and use your new powermeter on it all winter long. I have and love my computrainer as well, but in hindsight I would not have bought it if I knew what I know now.
I went the route of having a powertap wheel made with a flashpoint 60 (similir to the Hed Jet 60). It worked just fine for 2 years, but I got real tired of having to mess with value extenders and long stem tubs on every ride, plus I worried every time I nailed a pothole (which Chicago has one or two of).
I decided to go with the FP 60 like Matt used to have (Rich can get that for you at Wheelbuilder - I think they have good deals on them as well since SRAM now sells those wheels pre-built as SRAM wheels since they bought Zipp). I have been very happy with the wheels, and they're supposed to be bullet proof. I went PT and FP 60 because I wanted a raceable wheel and knew I would never invest the extra money to get a second set of dedicated race wheels. The difference in price between the PT and Quarq let me buy the FP wheels, and a Garmin Edge 500,
Good advice from Matt and Bob. In general, you've got your work cut out for you to convince me to sell you a fancy wheel with a Powertap in it . I always recommend the best bang for you buck solution, which is the package I've outlined in the first post of this thread.
thanks for all your advice. the next step is send Rich the email ;-) I love the forums, and all the advice I've been getting out of' em!!!! If the federal govt knows about this, they'll be on your ass, rich and patrick. They are addictive (VERY ADDICTIVE)
I'm raising my hand and want power (well, I've known I wanted power for a long time... but I'm ready to start the process or at least figuring out what I want/need)... I've taken a look at many of the power threads and have gotten some feedback on one of them.... I guess my first decision is quarq v. powertap.
Here's what I have/know: I have 2 bikes (roadie and a TT). I road my roadie a lot last year on hills but since joining the haus (train on what you race on), my K2 has gotten dusty bc my A race is IMFL. My roadie has 700 wheels, my TT has 650s. For the TT I have mavic open pros as my everyday ride and have a disk that I inherited when I bought the bike from my cuz and a spynergy trispoke for the front. Because the joule stays on the wheel and (1) I can't interchange my wheels on my bikes and (2) it's conceivable that I upgrade the TT and end up on 700s, I'm leaning towards quarq.
Is this the right way to go? Assuming it is, it seems the Quarq/Joule combo is the way for me to go (I have a garmin 305 and am not looking to upgrade to the 310XT)... and it looks like I'll need a separate speed sensor (I saw that in some threads), too. Sound right? Will you help with that, too... or do I need to get that on my own? What would I need?
As I mentioned, I took a look at the quarq website yesterday and holy moly was it overwhelming... I didn't know what I was looking at/what I'd need, etc... they all kinda looked the same to me... I admit I have zippo background knowledge in bikes... how do I decide what I need/what's best for me?
It looks like the team/coach can help me with the order, etc... but first things first...
1) should I get the power kit and webinar and watch them before making a purchasing decision (will it help me decide what I need/what's right for me)?
2) Is trying to figure this out, buy something, get it set up, and racing with it in Florida too much... I never expected to get it til the off season but folks seem to think it's not too late to benefit. I just don't think I can learn it and train for my first IM. I'm almost thinking this might be better post season when I'll have 2 months before OS to do nothing but figure it out... it might take me that long to figure out what to buy.
anyway, I appreciate your thoughts... looking forward to power... one of these days!
With your wheel constraints I think the Quarq is a good option for you. One consideration for you, however, is that Quarq is currently on about a 4wk backorder, which might be a problem with IMFL not too far away for you.
Newbie to EN but actually purchased a wired PT about 6-7 months ago and now need to learn to use it! The PT is currently on a Bontrager Race Lite wheel. I also have a set of Mavic Cosmic Carbone's without PT hub. Would really like to get a PT hub on the Mavic wheel but don't know if that is possible since the PT is older (wired). Not fond of the wheelcover but would even consider getting a new Mavic wheel with hub if available??
To add to Matts comment, once you raise your hand and say that you want to train with power, you've taken yourself out of the many bike geek conversation: but the PT hub is heavy, but the blah cranks aren't as stiff as blah, but I dont like how the monitor looks on my with it
. You are looking for the best training and racing tool that works for you and your bike. Highly recommend you go with the setup that works for you, on as many bikes as possible, is flexible, etc.
OK - I'm raising my hand and want to train w/ power !!! - but am CLUELESS about where to start - I've been stumbling in and out of the EN Haus for the last year - and the power discussions always leave me w/ a headache - all of the #'s and comments - I've got a QR Seduza that was a Christmas present from my wife in 08 - pretty standard set up and it has served me well - I find that I am VERY goal and # oriented so the idea of Power appeals to me - just have no clue where to start - any help would be appreciated -
of course if the weather would cooperate that would also help - the forecast was for sleet and possible snow this morning .......I live in FLORIDA !!!!!
1. how many bikes do you typicall train on? some of us swap between road and tri or have a complete stable of bikes (like lance)
2. would you be able to swap out a crank based power meter from bike to bike?
3. how much do you plan on spending?
This will help you choose between a hub based device that's built into a rear wheel or a crank based system.
Rich - OK - let's see -
1. how many bikes do you typically train on? I've done 99% of my training on my tri-bike, have an older road bike that I've toyed w/ using as a trainer - and a Mountain bike I use occasionally in the summer -
2. would you be able to swap out a crank based power meter from bike to bike? This would be the equivalent of brain surgery for me - there are many things I'm called - mechanical would not be one of them - I'm pretty proud of the fact that I can change a flat -
3. how much do you plan on spending? I'll have 3 kids in college next year ............
I'd welcome your input / ideas / counsel - I have found in the past that having goals, and a way to guage my progress works for me, and is motivating - I've got a Garmin 305 - the GPS side I use often, the HR side I have to admit I really don't pay much attention to -
We are in the end of a week with below 30 degree nights every night - (FLORIDA)
- I'm now starting to see what drives people out of colder areas - I say this as I'm prepping to go ski in Utah this next week - which reminds me, Rich, the Montana offer is still there - might even be something fun in the late (hot) summer months - Happy New Year !!!!
the TrainingPeaks web siteI was a newbie to power when I joined EN last year. Repeition is what helped me. I read all the free stuff - ebooks and articles on the web site - but what helped the most was spending the $$ for the Power Webinar, and then spending the hours to sit and listen like I was back in college. I also spent some time on
, where there are several articles by the original wizards of all the acronyms.
Also, I'm not aware of any special procedure about the PowerTap calibration using the Edge 705 as I have not seen any information on how to go about it. It acts strange when I calibrate it in the Edge 705 menu. It responded with "calibrated" 3 or 4 times before my ride when I clicked the "calibrate" button, but most of the time when I click it nothing happens. The space available for a numerical readout is blank left blank (no zero). When it responded with "calibrated" the few times it did a "0" appeared in the space. ??? Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
Hey, maybe I'll get lucky! Maybe the watts display is actually lower than I'm actually producting and I'm the lean, mean, machine I knew I was all along!
Also, I'm not aware of any special procedure about the PowerTap calibration using the Edge 705 as I have not seen any information on how to go about it. It acts strange when I calibrate it in the Edge 705 menu. It responded with "calibrated" 3 or 4 times before my ride when I clicked the "calibrate" button, but most of the time when I click it nothing happens. The space available for a numerical readout is blank left blank (no zero). When it responded with "calibrated" the few times it did a "0" appeared in the space. ??? Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
Hey, maybe I'll get lucky! Maybe the watts display is actually lower than I'm actually producting and I'm the lean, mean, machine I knew I was all along!
The PT Hub has a battery- and it does need to be changed. The manual will provide instructions. But here's the trick, you need the tool that removes the cover- and you may have thrown it out if you didn't know what it was (which is what I almost did!). It's basically a black gear looking thing, about the size of a saucer.
Sorry- can't help you on the Edge Q
I found a pic- it looks like this:
Thanks Nemo! You are "wicked smart"!
I had the same problem, called wheelbuilder and they sent me the tool for free, saris will also send you one, if you pay the shipping.
I also have the 705 and have had no problems with it. I've been also been unable to find any detailed instructions on calibrating it. However I'm riding on a computrainer and the powertap/705 seems to be within 10-20 watts of the computrainer. When I calibrate the 705/powertap, I get a beep and it says calibrated ( can't remember whatt numberI got).
How do you purchase the wheel disc and the Power Meter Hub only? I can't seem to find on here where to purchase in haus.
Go to the first post in this thread.
I tried to find but I still can't see it I must be blind to this forum I'm to new here!!
Found it ! Thanks!!
Coach Rich, has anyone ever contacted Dr. Skiba in regards to potentially getting a group discount on Raceday as an alternative to WKO+? After reading his books and spending some time with the trial software I'm pretty pleased with it and the analysis it provides.
need advice on a power purchase.
what should I buy? how much should I spend? I can't drop a fortune, unfortunately, I'm still a resident....
the guy that got me hooked up to biking and to this new lifestyle (that I love and adore) says get a Jet 6 H2 clincher - good for both racing and training. I'll need it in a stallion build cos I'm at 190 now, and dropping slowly. what are your thoughts? I currently have a set of Hed3 that was a gift from my cousin (but would be selling the back whell to raise funds)
should I invest for now in a computrainer (keep my eyes open for a used one, or cheap new one) b/c i live in chicago (and next yr boston) - unlike you, the weather is not like Cali.....
thanks man
c u in Madison
@Hasan - you helped me out in the medical department and I can help you out with this one.
Cheapest and best option for most people - sell your rear Hed wheel to fund the purchase or a PowerTap wheel from Rich and get a wheel cover with it. You will ride this wheel 100% of the time and just put the cover on to make it a disc for racing. The only downside is if you are doing a race that doesn't allow a disc (i.e. Kona or IMCoz). Not sure what the exact price is now but if you email Rich he will take care of that
If you already had more wheels, a crank based powermeter (Quarq or SRM) becomes a better investment for some as you can use any wheels with it. They are both more expensive though and you gain very little for the extra money. That said I have a quarq and love it.
No need to buy a computrainer. Get a standard trainer and use your new powermeter on it all winter long. I have and love my computrainer as well, but in hindsight I would not have bought it if I knew what I know now.
I went the route of having a powertap wheel made with a flashpoint 60 (similir to the Hed Jet 60). It worked just fine for 2 years, but I got real tired of having to mess with value extenders and long stem tubs on every ride, plus I worried every time I nailed a pothole (which Chicago has one or two of).
I decided to go with the FP 60 like Matt used to have (Rich can get that for you at Wheelbuilder - I think they have good deals on them as well since SRAM now sells those wheels pre-built as SRAM wheels since they bought Zipp). I have been very happy with the wheels, and they're supposed to be bullet proof. I went PT and FP 60 because I wanted a raceable wheel and knew I would never invest the extra money to get a second set of dedicated race wheels. The difference in price between the PT and Quarq let me buy the FP wheels, and a Garmin Edge 500,
Good advice from Matt and Bob. In general, you've got your work cut out for you to convince me to sell you a fancy wheel with a Powertap in it
. I always recommend the best bang for you buck solution, which is the package I've outlined in the first post of this thread.
thanks for all your advice. the next step is send Rich the email ;-) I love the forums, and all the advice I've been getting out of' em!!!! If the federal govt knows about this, they'll be on your ass, rich and patrick. They are addictive (VERY ADDICTIVE)
appreciate all the help.
PS, Kona is nowhere on the map for me!!!!
see you guys race day
I'm raising my hand and want power (well, I've known I wanted power for a long time... but I'm ready to start the process or at least figuring out what I want/need)... I've taken a look at many of the power threads and have gotten some feedback on one of them.... I guess my first decision is quarq v. powertap.
Here's what I have/know: I have 2 bikes (roadie and a TT). I road my roadie a lot last year on hills but since joining the haus (train on what you race on), my K2 has gotten dusty bc my A race is IMFL. My roadie has 700 wheels, my TT has 650s. For the TT I have mavic open pros as my everyday ride and have a disk that I inherited when I bought the bike from my cuz and a spynergy trispoke for the front. Because the joule stays on the wheel and (1) I can't interchange my wheels on my bikes and (2) it's conceivable that I upgrade the TT and end up on 700s, I'm leaning towards quarq.
Is this the right way to go? Assuming it is, it seems the Quarq/Joule combo is the way for me to go (I have a garmin 305 and am not looking to upgrade to the 310XT)... and it looks like I'll need a separate speed sensor (I saw that in some threads), too. Sound right? Will you help with that, too... or do I need to get that on my own? What would I need?
As I mentioned, I took a look at the quarq website yesterday and holy moly was it overwhelming... I didn't know what I was looking at/what I'd need, etc... they all kinda looked the same to me... I admit I have zippo background knowledge in bikes... how do I decide what I need/what's best for me?
It looks like the team/coach can help me with the order, etc... but first things first...
1) should I get the power kit and webinar and watch them before making a purchasing decision (will it help me decide what I need/what's right for me)?
2) Is trying to figure this out, buy something, get it set up, and racing with it in Florida too much... I never expected to get it til the off season but folks seem to think it's not too late to benefit. I just don't think I can learn it and train for my first IM. I'm almost thinking this might be better post season when I'll have 2 months before OS to do nothing but figure it out... it might take me that long to figure out what to buy.
anyway, I appreciate your thoughts... looking forward to power... one of these days!
With your wheel constraints I think the Quarq is a good option for you. One consideration for you, however, is that Quarq is currently on about a 4wk backorder, which might be a problem with IMFL not too far away for you.