I'm sort of in the same positiona s Lori, except that I'm just about to buy a tri bike. I've been training indoors on my roadbike on the CT for about a month and I tell it's already making a difference. Would love to get power on my tri bike when I get it. Do I get the meter now and have my LBM install on new bike and have them build the wheel? Or, get a complete built wheel w/meter a la Lori? Don't know much about how this works logistically, obviously. Thanks.
No reason to have someone local build you a pt wheel. Much better plan and likely cheaper to have wheelbuilder do it for you. Send rich an email l he will help you out. I just ordered a hand built set of hed's with a pt for my new road bike. Cant wait til they arrive.
WB builds more PT wheels in a day than most bike shops will build in a year. Seriously. I ride with Rich 2-3x/wk and can make anything happen yesterday.
My annual bonus was quite good to me this year, so I'm officially considering changing the PM situation from my existing Ergomo to a Quarq/Joule set-up.
Even after reading the forums for the last 3+ years, I've still got a question: -I'll be honest, I don't know a whole lot about bike mechanics...so, will a compact quarq work on both my bikes? I've got a Kuota Kalibur Tri bike and a Specialized Tarmac roadie, both 2006s, both have Ergomo BBs and compact cranks already. After seeing Ancona swap the cranks in the video, I think even I could do that.
I've purchased 2 PT wheels from WB in the last 5 years with your recommendation and really like the quality of Rick's work. Currently on a PT Elite+ with ANT+ but old yellow PT head unit. I'm tired of watching the watts bounce all over the place. When I analyze the files at home my watts are all over the place. I run with a Garmin 305 (not a 310XT) which has worked great for run pacing.
What option would you suggest? I understand the 310XT has very limited bike analysis compared to the Joule but costs about $340 vs $450-499(w/ HR) for the Joule. If we have discount active with WB that would make a difference in the choice.
@John, when I switched from using a Cycleops LYC to an Edge 705 I did _not_ notice the numbers getting any steadier when pedaling. The numbers will bounce, you're job is to minimize that with steady riding.
That being said, the 310xt is a very nice unit that you can wear on your wrist for a whole IM and get important feedback from. It also now has 3 and 30 second moving averages on bike power that can smooth out what the display shows you as you're riding.
I am a technical zero. I taped over my speed for IMCDA and used my watch only for timing of my walk breaks on the marathon. So please help me out. If I was considering a power meter what would be the total cost of it and how difficult would it bet to learn it's proper use? I like racing without technology but if I am spinning my wheels in training I would consider the investment.
That was perfect. Clearly it would not be for me as I am tech averse. Managing the technology of Endurance Nation alone is putting me at the edge of my time constraints and technical ability.(hard to believe I can manage a high performance jet) I guess I should at least consider putting the heart rate strap back on, however. I am excited to start a program as soon as the transition is over.
How hard is it to swap & recalibrate the Quaq between two bikes? Is it as simple as swapping out the entire crank assembly (I'm comfortable with this type of bike work) or is there more fussy work do do with the Quarq?
How hard is it to swap & recalibrate the Quaq between two bikes? Is it as simple as swapping out the entire crank assembly (I'm comfortable with this type of bike work) or is there more fussy work do do with the Quarq?
@Greg-- I think you're prolly better off with a Quarq given your sweet collection of wheels. I've heard you can swap it from one bike to another in just a couple of minutes by just removing like 1 allen bolt. If you're thinking of selling your Computrainer, let me know because I'm likely in the market for one.
@David-- You might be surprised how easy a Powertap is to use. I use the Garmin Edge 500 bike computer for my head unit and once it's set-up the first time, you can "find" the powermeter with just a few button pushes. And with something like WKO+ you can do the bare minimum analysis to find your FTP, and the EN Data tool will set your "Zones" for you. Then while you are training or racing, there are just a few cells to stare at on the computer to make sure your power is where it's supposed to be. This will allow you to train harder and more efficient and will also help you race smarter. There is a lot of experience in this haus for racing and training with power. For me training and racing is a bit like a video game where I simply try to keep my cadence above a certain level and my power in a certain zone. The rest just happens and over time it becomes 2nd nature. It IS worth the $$ and time investment if you really want to reach your potential, whatever that may be.
@John - thanks for the recommendation. I'm not quite ready to pull the trigger on a PT or Quarq yet, or quite ready to part with the CT. The body is willing but the checkbook needs it's OWN "OS training plan" It's still looking like a spring purchase, which brings the Vector into scope of purchase possibilities...
K, I'm new to EN (officially joined today...yipee!) and the thought of training with power for that matter! I could read through all the posts on this topic but my question is pretty general. I am shopping around for a power meter and leaning towards a power tap. I went to my bike shop and got some good info and quotes but just wondering if there is a specific type I should get or stay away from. I am leaning towards the power tap elite + because I think it will meet all my needs. I live in Canada so the pricing will likely be different than for you peeps in the US (lucky you) but I would like to know an approx. prince range as well. I am saving for this and my pennies are quickly becoming dollars! Sorry if I am in the wrong topic area and if I am and there is something on the site I should read, please let me know. I'm still making away around the site!
@Amy - You are in the correct place and correct thread. I would highly recommend going back to the beginning of this thread and reading the whole thing.
For what it is worth, I wish I had used Wheelbuilder from the get-go. I was offered a "deal" from my LBS. That deal ended up costing me many weeks of training time without a powermeter, and in the end I think I spent just as much (if not more) than had I gone WB.
The basic recommendation you will see is a PRO+ built into a bombproof wheelset, get an aerojacket to make your wheel a disk, and then either an LYC (little yellow computer) or use a Garmin 310XT if you already have one. The prices for the Joule are expected to drop significantly in the near future (DCRainmaker's blog has the details....) so I would suggest holding off on buying one.
Then send Rich an email. It is in the first posting in this thread. He can get you a quote help with choosing which PT to go with. He gets a good discount plus Wheelbuilder I think has a sale on PTs now.
And the dollar has made a comeback against the Loonie for a few months now.
All, see my post a couple posts above this one about a special, EN-only sale on Powertaps. Look for an email from me shortly as I dial in the details. Thanks.
I'm sort of in the same positiona s Lori, except that I'm just about to buy a tri bike. I've been training indoors on my roadbike on the CT for about a month and I tell it's already making a difference. Would love to get power on my tri bike when I get it. Do I get the meter now and have my LBM install on new bike and have them build the wheel? Or, get a complete built wheel w/meter a la Lori? Don't know much about how this works logistically, obviously. Thanks.
WB builds more PT wheels in a day than most bike shops will build in a year. Seriously. I ride with Rich 2-3x/wk and can make anything happen yesterday.
Even after reading the forums for the last 3+ years, I've still got a question:
-I'll be honest, I don't know a whole lot about bike mechanics...so, will a compact quarq work on both my bikes?
I've got a Kuota Kalibur Tri bike and a Specialized Tarmac roadie, both 2006s, both have Ergomo BBs and compact cranks already. After seeing Ancona swap the cranks in the video, I think even I could do that.
Rich, I'll be sending you an email about pricing.
Are we still getting a discount on Quarq? If so, I am getting a new bike with SRAM Red and will need to swap out for a compact with the PM. Cost?
David, email me at rich@endurancenation.us
@John, when I switched from using a Cycleops LYC to an Edge 705 I did _not_ notice the numbers getting any steadier when pedaling. The numbers will bounce, you're job is to minimize that with steady riding.
That being said, the 310xt is a very nice unit that you can wear on your wrist for a whole IM and get important feedback from. It also now has 3 and 30 second moving averages on bike power that can smooth out what the display shows you as you're riding.
good luck.
David, read this
nothing shows
Works for me. Try this: http://endurancenation.us.dnnmax.com/Resources/Wiki/tabid/108/Default.aspx?topic=Before+you+buy+a+powermeter
That was perfect. Clearly it would not be for me as I am tech averse. Managing the technology of Endurance Nation alone is putting me at the edge of my time constraints and technical ability.(hard to believe I can manage a high performance jet) I guess I should at least consider putting the heart rate strap back on, however. I am excited to start a program as soon as the transition is over.
I'm a new EN member and will be starting up my 1st OS in a couple of weeks (yikes!). Here is my specific situation and questions...
I have a CompuTrainer, and use it a lot in the winter, but have never used the power features (I'm stoopid, but am willing to learn!).
I do not have a power meter on either my training or race wheels for my bikes.
I have a tri bike & road bike. Road bike for most training, until I get into race specific training, then use the tri-bike for training & racing.
I DO own a 808 F/R wheels and a 909 disc rear. Neither of them have power hubs. I use these for race simulation training days and for racing.
I do not own a power meter capable head unit.
I do own a separate trainer stand (medium quality)
I want to be able to train indoors & outdoors with a power meter. I want to be able to race with a power meter.
Based on what I've read in this thread, here is what I think I should do.
Begin training on the CT, but put it up for sale with the 808/909 sets.
Use the $$ from the sale to purchase a power meter & head unit. Target late OS (early March)
Does this sound like a workable plan?
Thanks Rich!
How hard is it to swap & recalibrate the Quaq between two bikes? Is it as simple as swapping out the entire crank assembly (I'm comfortable with this type of bike work) or is there more fussy work do do with the Quarq?
You can watch EN's own Matt Ancona give the video play-by-play on this thread.
@David-- You might be surprised how easy a Powertap is to use. I use the Garmin Edge 500 bike computer for my head unit and once it's set-up the first time, you can "find" the powermeter with just a few button pushes. And with something like WKO+ you can do the bare minimum analysis to find your FTP, and the EN Data tool will set your "Zones" for you. Then while you are training or racing, there are just a few cells to stare at on the computer to make sure your power is where it's supposed to be. This will allow you to train harder and more efficient and will also help you race smarter. There is a lot of experience in this haus for racing and training with power. For me training and racing is a bit like a video game where I simply try to keep my cadence above a certain level and my power in a certain zone. The rest just happens and over time it becomes 2nd nature. It IS worth the $$ and time investment if you really want to reach your potential, whatever that may be.
Thanks Cary. This looks simple enough. I'm guessing that there isn't any calibration needed between two bikes.
@John - thanks for the recommendation. I'm not quite ready to pull the trigger on a PT or Quarq yet, or quite ready to part with the CT. The body is willing but the checkbook needs it's OWN "OS training plan"
It's still looking like a spring purchase, which brings the Vector into scope of purchase possibilities...
You can thank Matt - he did all the work, I just linked to the video. He's also one of the best people to ask here about the Quarq.
I'm working with WB to put together a killer, exclusive to EN-only sale. Stay tuned, should have something in the next couple days.
Greg, do NOT get a first generation powermeter. We had a discussion about this last week in this forum, check it out
Thanks Rich - I'll wait to hear about the big sale.
For what it is worth, I wish I had used Wheelbuilder from the get-go. I was offered a "deal" from my LBS. That deal ended up costing me many weeks of training time without a powermeter, and in the end I think I spent just as much (if not more) than had I gone WB.
The basic recommendation you will see is a PRO+ built into a bombproof wheelset, get an aerojacket to make your wheel a disk, and then either an LYC (little yellow computer) or use a Garmin 310XT if you already have one. The prices for the Joule are expected to drop significantly in the near future (DCRainmaker's blog has the details....) so I would suggest holding off on buying one.
Welcome to the Haus!
Amy, welcome to EN. Maybe you should check out this thread first.
Then send Rich an email. It is in the first posting in this thread. He can get you a quote help with choosing which PT to go with. He gets a good discount plus Wheelbuilder I think has a sale on PTs now.
And the dollar has made a comeback against the Loonie for a few months now.