I've been given the EN "Getting Started" plan. It's been uploaded and shows that this is my plan in training=> my training plan.
However, when I go to Training => my training plan it shows that this is my plan but there are 1. ZERO workouts showing (none, ziltch, null set, all I have is the warm ups) and 2. ZERO videos/info etc.
I have viewed this in 3 different browsers and it's all the same. No workouts scheduled, no info, but it says the plan is loaded. I've tried relaoding it and still the same in all 3 browsers.
On the Dashboard the message is "OOps" and goes on about there being no workouts and gives two reasons why - niether of which apply because a plan is loaded.
I have asked about this several times over the last 24 hours and sent SEVERAL messages and have not received an answer as to why this is happening. I'll give it til tomorrow.
Please give us at least 24hrs to make most things happen. Also, be mindful that I'm west coast, you're east coast, so your 24hrs is different from mine, so to speak. In addition, I promised you a 3-5 day turnaround on your season plan and I'm pretty sure I did it within hours of you creating your trial. Finally, I was traveling all day yesterday.
Anyway, I'm here now and fixing it. Look for a message from me in a bit.
Hey Coach RIch, I looked ahead and saw for wk8 HIM ,it says "coaches note". In the basic plan it says swim 60, run 45. It doesn't say anything about a bike. But in the detailed plan it has a 3 hour bike also and says 1st big training weeked. It doesn't specify what to do in the ride. Do we do the ride and if so, will details be forthcoming later? Trying to plan when a good weekend away is.
As you discussed in my season road map, I should contact you if I am going to do the St George 70.3. Can you help tweak my road map to reflect this? Also, do you have any thoughts on whether I should still do the two Olympic Distances (ITU San Diego, Big Rock). Big Rock is a cat C, while ITU and St. George are A races. Also, do you have a running transition program to incorporate after St. George and prior to the San Diego Rock And roll marathon?
Coaches, I have asked that question before and 'lost' the reply. I just finished the OS plan and have my first A race at Wildfower (May) and then Ironman Frankfurt beg. of July. I believe the suggestion was to start the HIM plan now finishing in May. Correct? Sorry for asking the same question twice. Nic
After reviewing the plans this evening for setting up both for Vineman and IM-Tahoe, I generally feel pretty good about them, but I had a question about the max run times in the IM plan. The longest runs in the IM intermediate plan are 2.5 hours. For me, that is only about 15 miles at ~10min/mi pace. I've never had a plan that doesn't consistently take me up to 16 on a regular basis and max out at 18 for an IM. The lack of run mileage makes me nervous. I know the plans are based on time, but at some point, I've got to do the miles. Thoughts?
The short answer is Patrick and I haven't scheduled a single athlete to run longer than 2.5hrs in preparation for an Ironman in at least 10yrs. It's worked for thousands and thousands of IM finishers.
The slightly longer answer is the additional 30' longer you might run (ie, a 3hr vs 2.5hr long run) has almost zero marginal aerobic benefit but comes at a huge recovery cost, and will affect downstream workouts.
But I highly recommend you post your question to the team and get their feedback, as I'm sure many have had te same misgivings.
My intention is to race at least one Xterra this summer as my "A" race. My thought is to use an EN olympic plan but do the workouts primarily on dirt instead of pavement. Is this a good idea or a horrible idea, or should I go in a totally different direction? Thanks!
Hi Coaches. I am now working nightclub hours on the weekends (Fri, Sat: 8pm-6am, Sun: 2pm-12am) and am quite zonked from being on my feet the whole time. Realistically I can work out Friday and probably get a 2-3 ish hour bike in on Saturday while battling some fatigue. No workout on Sunday. But, I have the rest of the week off.
*How do you recommend I adjust my training schedule to maximize the time I have during the week?
Also, my race schedule has changed pre Tahoe. Just finished Wildflower. Next race, June Lake Tri July 13 at 7,600 ft. Then, Ironman Lake Tahoe September 22nd.
*What should my training plan be now?
*I will not be able to attend an altitude camp away for an extended period of time this year. Any altitude acclimation recommendations? i.e. tents, training devices, supplements, training days at altitude near L.A. etc.
Martin, Sorry I missed this. In the future please start your own Macro Thread in this forum so that it's easier for me to find it. Thanks.
Schedule: in my experience it's best if you propose a weekly schedule for yourself based on your work schedule, our training plan schedule, etc. You propose that weekly plan and I make recommendations for you based on that.
Races: please take the Season Planning Survey (under Training above) and I'll plan it out for you.
Altitude: don't worry about it. No need / real benefit to seeking this stuff out. Would be great if you could make it to my camp on the IMLT course in August though but not for the altitude adaptations, but rather for the opportunity to experience what the altitude will do for your training zones, etc.
I've been on the Beginner Sprint Plan for about 3 weeks now. I am in Week 16, going into my last tri of the season on 9/8. If I join up, how will that change my training plan? Will a plan be written for me or will I continue to follow that plan? For the OS, are the plans generic or written athlete specific.
Going in 2014, do I speak with one of the coaches about my goals for '14 (and especially '15 as I am looking into doing my first Ironman).
I've been on the Beginner Sprint Plan for about 3 weeks now. I am in Week 16, going into my last tri of the season on 9/8. If I join up, how will that change my training plan? Will a plan be written for me or will I continue to follow that plan? For the OS, are the plans generic or written athlete specific. Our process is for you to submit your '14 races via our Season Planning Survey (under the Training tab above) and I plan your season out for you. Within that, I'll give you guidance for what to do between now and the start of our November OS, on Oct 28th. No, none of our training plans are customized for the individual but remember that you can get all the help you need by finding me in the Macro Forum, Patrick in the Micro Forum, and by asking for the team for their advice and suggestions.
Going in 2014, do I speak with one of the coaches about my goals for '14 (and especially '15 as I am looking into doing my first Ironman). Sure, you could arrange a call with Patrick
I just started my trial membership and looked over the temporary 2-week training plan. I am already in the middle of a master's swim class 2 nights a week so have those group swim workouts already planned by that swim coach> I will do my best to fit in what I can of the rest of the training plan, however, with my childcare hours already scheduled for this week and next, my training hours are not that flexible. How will this impact my ability to evaluate if EN is right for me if I can't complete all the workouts, particularly in week 1?
Hi Coaches, I'm in my first few days of exploring EN and it looks like a great place to train and learn. My biggest questions are 1) I'm currently struggling with 2.5 yrs of plantar fasciitis, getting worse with more running. Is it ok to be starting at EN in an injured state, or should I figure this out on my own first? I've been through PT, graston, custom orthotics etc already. I found the injury consult area, but not sure if this is part of or separate from EN. 2) I don't know all that much about triathlons, which races to do, how to figure out if I should train as a beginner/intermed/advanced as I do not have a HIM or IM time to compare. Where is a good place for this type of guidance? Many thanks! Dan
Been impressed with this site for awhile and thought I would check it out for seven days. Never done a tri before but have been biking and running for about 4 weeks. Don't laugh but right now my best time and distance on the bike is approximately 15 miles @ 15.8 mph AND my running is currently a run/walk interval (running for 3 minutes/walking for 2). As you can tell, I'm not in the best fitness shape although I'm not overweight. My main question is would I be better off as a member OR just buying an outseason plan until my general fitness level increases? Am in good enough shape to even start the outseason plan?
I'm in my first few days of exploring EN and it looks like a great place to train and learn. My biggest questions are 1) I'm currently struggling with 2.5 yrs of plantar fasciitis, getting worse with more running. Is it ok to be starting at EN in an injured state, or should I figure this out on my own first? I've been through PT, graston, custom orthotics etc already. I found the injury consult area, but not sure if this is part of or separate from EN. 2) I don't know all that much about triathlons, which races to do, how to figure out if I should train as a beginner/intermed/advanced as I do not have a HIM or IM time to compare. Where is a good place for this type of guidance?
Many thanks!
Hi Dan,
We are not the best place to begin training with an injury, unless you are very comfortable reaching out for help from Patrick in the Micro Forum. That is, the plan you're going to load up will say "Do X, Y, and Z for running," all of which do not account for your running injury. You'll then need to reach out to Patrick in the Micro Thread to have a conversation about how to modify that for your constraints, possibly including dialing up the bike to compensate for your running injury. You would then implement those change yourself in your plan (ie, but out a #2 pencil and change this, change that, etc, we don't do it for you).
If you're cool with ^this^ then, yes, EN would be good for you. If not, if you'd rather work closely with a PT to fix your issues and then come back to us, that works to you. In the end it's a function of your budget and how much assistance you need / are willing/not willing to pay for.
When I filled out the profile and race info, I selected two possible times for my initial coaching call. Will I receive a confirmation to let me know which time to block on my calendar (and what the call-in info is)? Thanks.
Hi Rich, Thank you for the Season Road Map and screencast. I plan to attend the IMTX Training Camp in March and I would like to participate in a 100km bike ride for charity at the end of January. Those are the only additions to the original information I provided. I don't think that either will impact the training plan as currently written. I look forward to working with Team EN. Thanks again. Best, Shari
You sent me a re-structured Season Training Plan to support what I supplied for my season planning survey. I like the added run durability #2, however it made me go back to confirm what I submitted to in the season planning survey. I apologize, but I neglected to tell you that I'm swimming in an endurance swim event called Tampa Bay Frogman Swim as a benefit for the Navy SEAL Foundation on January 19th 2014. It's a 5k swim across Tampa Bay. I'm not sure if this will change what you gave me as a season plan. I've already started training for the swim and I'm an experienced swimmer.
Hi Rich, Thank you for the Season Road Map and screencast. (http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cIXh0eVNte) I choose the Bike Focused plan and I'm at the end of week 3. In the Screencast you didn't mention the HIM race during the IM preparation. Do you think this race is a good idea? I added this race to the season planning survey as a kind of a Race Rehearsal for the IM. But after reading the Race Rehearsal Protocol in the wiki I found that a RR needs to duplicate the expected duration (time) of the goal race (IM). Let me know if I need to erase this race of the calendar. I can save that money and buy me a powermeter!!!! Thanks again. Ivan
Thank you for the Season Road Map and screencast. I plan to attend the IMTX Training Camp in March and I would like to participate in a 100km bike ride for charity at the end of January. Those are the only additions to the original information I provided. I don't think that either will impact the training plan as currently written. I look forward to working with Team EN. Thanks again.
Best, Shari
Hi Shari,
Thanks for the detail. Shouldn't be a problem and no changes to your RoadMap are required. Good luck!
You sent me a re-structured Season Training Plan to support what I supplied for my season planning survey. I like the added run durability #2, however it made me go back to confirm what I submitted to in the season planning survey. I apologize, but I neglected to tell you that I'm swimming in an endurance swim event called Tampa Bay Frogman Swim as a benefit for the Navy SEAL Foundation on January 19th 2014. It's a 5k swim across Tampa Bay. I'm not sure if this will change what you gave me as a season plan. I've already started training for the swim and I'm an experienced swimmer.
Hey Brian,
I hit this in your Macro Thread so we should be good.
1) For someone getting close to their second test with EN (ie: week 8 of the OS) - what's a reasonable bump to aim for when redoing the power test? I'd rather not explode and have to redo the testing, but I don't want to undershoot either.
2) Related to number 1 - while the aim is to hold the highest power possible for 20 minutes (without blowing up), is it okay to creep that number up during the 20 minutes? If I'm aiming for 250, but ten minutes in I'm feeling like I could push harder, can I start bumping that number up? Or will that not provide useful data?
3) When you provide times for rides (I'm particularly thinking of the longer Saturday rides) - does the suggested maximum include or exclude the warm-up? This isn't me trying to add time, this is me trying to stick to the plan!
Hi. I want to provide a little more information that may help in creating my Season Roadmap. I purchased the long Season Plan and and was thinking to start the Outseason portion on 12/23 and the 20 week IM portion on 4/21. That leaves me a three week gap between the two plans. I need two of those weeks for a trip to the US to visit family. In that two week window, I can definitely keep up my running. Bike is a maybe and best case would be 2-3 rides. I figure one extra week of pad is worth having just in case of illness, etc.
Note that I am okay with starting the training during the holidays. I'm retired and can still have lots of time with my family.
1) For someone getting close to their second test with EN (ie: week 8 of the OS) - what's a reasonable bump to aim for when redoing the power test? I'd rather not explode and have to redo the testing, but I don't want to undershoot either. Hard to say. But after 8wks of interval training you should have a pretty good feel by now for what you can and can't do, correct? I'd go with that. Also, hold back for the first ~4' of the test.
2) Related to number 1 - while the aim is to hold the highest power possible for 20 minutes (without blowing up), is it okay to creep that number up during the 20 minutes? If I'm aiming for 250, but ten minutes in I'm feeling like I could push harder, can I start bumping that number up? Or will that not provide useful data? Yes. Do what you gotta do to put up the highest number you can, but learning how to pace these is a bit of an art. You'll get it over time.
3) When you provide times for rides (I'm particularly thinking of the longer Saturday rides) - does the suggested maximum include or exclude the warm-up? This isn't me trying to add time, this is me trying to stick to the plan! It includes the warmup but the only thing we care about in the session is the main set(s). We don't really care too much about the warmup, cool down, and the total time of the workout isn't very important either, especially this time of year.
Hi. I want to provide a little more information that may help in creating my Season Roadmap. I purchased the long Season Plan and and was thinking to start the Outseason portion on 12/23 and the 20 week IM portion on 4/21. That leaves me a three week gap between the two plans. I need two of those weeks for a trip to the US to visit family. In that two week window, I can definitely keep up my running. Bike is a maybe and best case would be 2-3 rides. I figure one extra week of pad is worth having just in case of illness, etc.
Note that I am okay with starting the training during the holidays. I'm retired and can still have lots of time with my family.
Hi Dan,
Welcome to your trial! Have you taken the Season Planning Survey? Do that and I'll plan it all out for you.
Hi. I want to provide a little more information that may help in creating my Season Roadmap. I purchased the long Season Plan and and was thinking to start the Outseason portion on 12/23 and the 20 week IM portion on 4/21. That leaves me a three week gap between the two plans. I need two of those weeks for a trip to the US to visit family. In that two week window, I can definitely keep up my running. Bike is a maybe and best case would be 2-3 rides. I figure one extra week of pad is worth having just in case of illness, etc.
Note that I am okay with starting the training during the holidays. I'm retired and can still have lots of time with my family.
Hi Dan,
Welcome to your trial! Have you taken the Season Planning Survey? Do that and I'll plan it all out for you.
Hi Rich. I did take the Season Planning Survey. If it did not show up, let me know and I will submit again.
Back to lurking.....
Please give us at least 24hrs to make most things happen. Also, be mindful that I'm west coast, you're east coast, so your 24hrs is different from mine, so to speak. In addition, I promised you a 3-5 day turnaround on your season plan and I'm pretty sure I did it within hours of you creating your trial. Finally, I was traveling all day yesterday.
Anyway, I'm here now and fixing it. Look for a message from me in a bit.
Loving the hard zone 4 bikes on the HIM plan. Staying with the HIM plan now, as long as I can do it and get my HR to Zone 4, as required.
Decided today that I need to lose/transform my body to more muscle. I am 5'6" weigh 125. Would like to take off about 5 lbs.
Do you have any diet plans/recommendations?
Hey Coach RIch, I looked ahead and saw for wk8 HIM ,it says "coaches note". In the basic plan it says swim 60, run 45. It doesn't say anything about a bike. But in the detailed plan it has a 3 hour bike also and says 1st big training weeked. It doesn't specify what to do in the ride. Do we do the ride and if so, will details be forthcoming later? Trying to plan when a good weekend away is.
As you discussed in my season road map, I should contact you if I am going to do the St George 70.3. Can you help tweak my road map to reflect this? Also, do you have any thoughts on whether I should still do the two Olympic Distances (ITU San Diego, Big Rock). Big Rock is a cat C, while ITU and St. George are A races. Also, do you have a running transition program to incorporate after St. George and prior to the San Diego Rock And roll marathon?
Thanks again for your help?
Kevin H. Eley
Anaheim Hills, CA
I believe the suggestion was to start the HIM plan now finishing in May.
Correct? Sorry for asking the same question twice.
The short answer is Patrick and I haven't scheduled a single athlete to run longer than 2.5hrs in preparation for an Ironman in at least 10yrs. It's worked for thousands and thousands of IM finishers.
The slightly longer answer is the additional 30' longer you might run (ie, a 3hr vs 2.5hr long run) has almost zero marginal aerobic benefit but comes at a huge recovery cost, and will affect downstream workouts.
But I highly recommend you post your question to the team and get their feedback, as I'm sure many have had te same misgivings.
Hi Coaches. I am now working nightclub hours on the weekends (Fri, Sat: 8pm-6am, Sun: 2pm-12am) and am quite zonked from being on my feet the whole time. Realistically I can work out Friday and probably get a 2-3 ish hour bike in on Saturday while battling some fatigue. No workout on Sunday. But, I have the rest of the week off.
*How do you recommend I adjust my training schedule to maximize the time I have during the week?
Also, my race schedule has changed pre Tahoe. Just finished Wildflower. Next race, June Lake Tri July 13 at 7,600 ft. Then, Ironman Lake Tahoe September 22nd.
*What should my training plan be now?
*I will not be able to attend an altitude camp away for an extended period of time this year. Any altitude acclimation recommendations? i.e. tents, training devices, supplements, training days at altitude near L.A. etc.
Thank you!
Sorry I missed this. In the future please start your own Macro Thread in this forum so that it's easier for me to find it. Thanks.
Schedule: in my experience it's best if you propose a weekly schedule for yourself based on your work schedule, our training plan schedule, etc. You propose that weekly plan and I make recommendations for you based on that.
Races: please take the Season Planning Survey (under Training above) and I'll plan it out for you.
Altitude: don't worry about it. No need / real benefit to seeking this stuff out. Would be great if you could make it to my camp on the IMLT course in August though but not for the altitude adaptations, but rather for the opportunity to experience what the altitude will do for your training zones, etc.
I've been on the Beginner Sprint Plan for about 3 weeks now. I am in Week 16, going into my last tri of the season on 9/8. If I join up, how will that change my training plan? Will a plan be written for me or will I continue to follow that plan? For the OS, are the plans generic or written athlete specific.
Going in 2014, do I speak with one of the coaches about my goals for '14 (and especially '15 as I am looking into doing my first Ironman).
Thank you,
I just started my trial membership and looked over the temporary 2-week training plan. I am already in the middle of a master's swim class 2 nights a week so have those group swim workouts already planned by that swim coach> I will do my best to fit in what I can of the rest of the training plan, however, with my childcare hours already scheduled for this week and next, my training hours are not that flexible. How will this impact my ability to evaluate if EN is right for me if I can't complete all the workouts, particularly in week 1?
Going to try to post this in my own new macro thread, as I see is recommended.
I'm in my first few days of exploring EN and it looks like a great place to train and learn. My biggest questions are 1) I'm currently struggling with 2.5 yrs of plantar fasciitis, getting worse with more running. Is it ok to be starting at EN in an injured state, or should I figure this out on my own first? I've been through PT, graston, custom orthotics etc already. I found the injury consult area, but not sure if this is part of or separate from EN. 2) I don't know all that much about triathlons, which races to do, how to figure out if I should train as a beginner/intermed/advanced as I do not have a HIM or IM time to compare. Where is a good place for this type of guidance?
Many thanks!
Thanks in advance,
Hi Dan,
We are not the best place to begin training with an injury, unless you are very comfortable reaching out for help from Patrick in the Micro Forum. That is, the plan you're going to load up will say "Do X, Y, and Z for running," all of which do not account for your running injury. You'll then need to reach out to Patrick in the Micro Thread to have a conversation about how to modify that for your constraints, possibly including dialing up the bike to compensate for your running injury. You would then implement those change yourself in your plan (ie, but out a #2 pencil and change this, change that, etc, we don't do it for you).
If you're cool with ^this^ then, yes, EN would be good for you. If not, if you'd rather work closely with a PT to fix your issues and then come back to us, that works to you. In the end it's a function of your budget and how much assistance you need / are willing/not willing to pay for.
When I filled out the profile and race info, I selected two possible times for my initial coaching call. Will I receive a confirmation to let me know which time to block on my calendar (and what the call-in info is)? Thanks.
Hi Todd,
I forwarded your message to Patrick so he should be in touch shortly.
Thank you for the Season Road Map and screencast. I plan to attend the IMTX Training Camp in March and I would like to participate in a 100km bike ride for charity at the end of January. Those are the only additions to the original information I provided. I don't think that either will impact the training plan as currently written. I look forward to working with Team EN. Thanks again.
Best, Shari
You sent me a re-structured Season Training Plan to support what I supplied for my season planning survey. I like the added run durability #2, however it made me go back to confirm what I submitted to in the season planning survey. I apologize, but I neglected to tell you that I'm swimming in an endurance swim event called Tampa Bay Frogman Swim as a benefit for the Navy SEAL Foundation on January 19th 2014. It's a 5k swim across Tampa Bay. I'm not sure if this will change what you gave me as a season plan. I've already started training for the swim and I'm an experienced swimmer.
Thank you for the Season Road Map and screencast. (http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cIXh0eVNte)
I choose the Bike Focused plan and I'm at the end of week 3.
In the Screencast you didn't mention the HIM race during the IM preparation. Do you think this race is a good idea? I added this race to the season planning survey as a kind of a Race Rehearsal for the IM. But after reading the Race Rehearsal Protocol in the wiki I found that a RR needs to duplicate the expected duration (time) of the goal race (IM).
Let me know if I need to erase this race of the calendar. I can save that money and buy me a powermeter!!!!
Hi Shari,
Thanks for the detail. Shouldn't be a problem and no changes to your RoadMap are required. Good luck!
Hey Brian,
I hit this in your Macro Thread so we should be good.
1) For someone getting close to their second test with EN (ie: week 8 of the OS) - what's a reasonable bump to aim for when redoing the power test? I'd rather not explode and have to redo the testing, but I don't want to undershoot either.
2) Related to number 1 - while the aim is to hold the highest power possible for 20 minutes (without blowing up), is it okay to creep that number up during the 20 minutes? If I'm aiming for 250, but ten minutes in I'm feeling like I could push harder, can I start bumping that number up? Or will that not provide useful data?
3) When you provide times for rides (I'm particularly thinking of the longer Saturday rides) - does the suggested maximum include or exclude the warm-up? This isn't me trying to add time, this is me trying to stick to the plan!
Note that I am okay with starting the training during the holidays. I'm retired and can still have lots of time with my family.
Hi Dan,
Welcome to your trial! Have you taken the Season Planning Survey? Do that and I'll plan it all out for you.
Hi Rich. I did take the Season Planning Survey. If it did not show up, let me know and I will submit again.