Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

January Roll Call



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    tom and Dan, we will need pics of who is suffering the most!!! welcome to Paul and that last name sounds French, forgot where you live but maybe Canada? somewhere where you need a treadmill.....Philip, great job on recovering from sunny Cozumel. m
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    I haven't begun the suffering process yet. I'll post some pics of the Pain Cave in progress.

    Question for everyone... I've been poking around and haven't found anything yet, but does anyone know where there is a testing protocol for doing the run benchmark on a treadmill?
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    Hello, I am starting in January too. Starting my body composition geared diet today!

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    Canada close, it New Orleans

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    New Orleans, Canada.... smile!! funny, okay NOLA, so if it is warm down there, why the treadmill??? that is what threw me off. welcome to Gilberto! and nope don't know about treadmill, Nemo?? (she knows everything!!) yeah I started the diet too, = 2 peanut butter cookies with Hershey's kisses in the center! yum, with New England Cham chowder and grilled cheese beforehand !! (I fixed it for kids and ate the leftovers!) m
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    Posted By Tom Scroggins on 19 Dec 2009 09:18 AM

    I haven't begun the suffering process yet. I'll post some pics of the Pain Cave in progress.

    Question for everyone... I've been poking around and haven't found anything yet, but does anyone know where there is a testing protocol for doing the run benchmark on a treadmill?

    Are you planning on doing most of your running on the dreadmill for the OS?  I think the most important thing here is that you need to try to make your tests consistent and if you'll be running outside- you want to test outside.  That said, testing & training on the dreadmill isn't out of the question.  Is this your own treadmill or a Gym treadmill?

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    aww! totally have a soft spot for the Jan OS group. Was one of my best years to date and I spent that whole winter on a treadmill until I could bust out in the spring. image love the "island of misfits". Dave just took his bike down from the garage wall so he's gearing up to join you guys in a few weeks.

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    The way the weather is stacking up here in Iowa I'm thinking my highest intensity stuff will be on a treadmill.  I'll keep going outside for the longer easier stuff.  I'm really just trying to be prepared for what to do if my 5k route is not safe for a hard run when the time comes.

    It will definitely be a gym treadmill since I don't own one.

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    @Tom tried running around town on Friday with my dog, couldn't hold anything longer for more than a few minutes before I had to slow down for ice and snow/snow banks. Really sucked for speed, though it was fun running w/ ferris. It doesn't look to be getting any better anytime soon either. I figure this, if by some miracle I can test outside in January I'll do so with footpod/garmin combo just turn off the GPS, if not I'll run on the treadmill with footpod. Does this sound logical WSM(s)?
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     The main trouble with treadmills is that they are rarely calibrated.  So the speed and distance on one treadmill is rarely the same as the one sitting next to it- and often completely different than being outside.

    If you are going to be doing most of your running on a treadmill- then it isn't as big of a deal.  Kinda like the fact that a trainer FTP and outdoor FTP are rarely the same- but if you are gonna spend the next 20 weeks on the trainer than you only need to worry about the trainer FTP.  Just be sure (to the best of your ability) to always do your workout on the same treadmill.  That way your "pace" will be equivalent from workout to workout.  When you finally go outside- you'll probably want to test again with an outdoors 5K.

    Also- general consensus has been to be sure you are using a 1% incline on the treadmill.  There's a conversion chart out there for a comparison of treadmill at X incline to outdoor running: http://www.hillrunner.com/training/tmillchart.php  but the main point here is just be sure you are set to 1% and using the same mill each time.

    If you are testing indoors and then running outdoors and/or mixing it all up a lot- that's where the whole thing starts to get really tricky.

    What about a local HS Track?  That's usually a "last resort" for me 'cause 5K on a track is pretty dreadful, but it's better than a treadmill!

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    you poor poor people!!  having to run on a treadmill due to snow and yuck, horrible.  yes I have read the same thing about 1% incline on treadmill and picking out the same one too.  This was me and Rudy (the granddog) this morning!  it does get cold here and we get ice in Arkansas and if it snows?  the whole state takes days of vacation!!  well sorta kinda as we don't have all the road equipment and it is just safer to stay home!!  Snow here is like Christmas, !!  but we get storms and "black ice"... anyway right now the highs are in the 40's and mornings are 20 - 30, so I still have to layer to "run with the dog!"  He was born in May and right now I am teaching him to "heel" so we can run together!  as he can run faster than me!  not sure what his top speed is.... I was just telling the chickas that I have run 1 - 2 miles the last 9 days cuz he is home!!  he and I both like routine!  I have five children, a junior in college, a senior and sophomore in HS, then a 4th and 3rd grader... 4 boys and 1 girl, and been married for 25 years.  Started running June 2004, swimming Mar 2004 and cycling Mar 2005, and since then done 5 marathons and 4 Ironmans and numerous other roadrunning and 1/2, spring and oly tri races and centuries and then just got started in mt biking!!  Basically I just love to be outside!  now I met Rich at an IMKY camp the summer of 2007 and then he got this EN gig started with Patrick and I just joined in.. and he was at IMKY, then they both did CDA when I did it and then they were there when I just did LP.. and before that I have done FLA in 06.... I am spoiled to have the coaches rooting for me a couple of times during the race and for my next one = IMWI I hope not to take so LONG as I know they were getting worried about me as well as Nemo!!!  so my 5th IM will be Wisconsin along with a bunch of other EN chickas and I like doing a different venue each time knowing that I might not PR is a risk but I love the travel and new sights to be had plus it challenges me. 


    okay so now some of you post a pic to introduce yourself!  (a good practice for learning how to post a pic if you haven't!!)....cough up any personal details you want so we can really be rooting for each other when this whole gig gets going!!  m

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    I'm all in ! - since IM FL I've run slowly (which is my only speed) 2-3 times a week, haven't been near a pool, and have been on my road bike 2X and my Mtn bike only once - really been working on the jelly doughnut and holiday cheer thing - ready to start 1/1/10 - thinking about maybe making the power plunge - can't seem to make the $$ commitment - ready to get back on the plan - Hope everyone has a great holiday !!! Nerry Christmas !!!
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    Posted By Dan Gilliatt on 20 Dec 2009 12:55 PM

    @Tom tried running around town on Friday with my dog, couldn't hold anything longer for more than a few minutes before I had to slow down for ice and snow/snow banks. Really sucked for speed, though it was fun running w/ ferris. It doesn't look to be getting any better anytime soon either. I figure this, if by some miracle I can test outside in January I'll do so with footpod/garmin combo just turn off the GPS, if not I'll run on the treadmill with footpod. Does this sound logical WSM(s)?


    Dan points out my dilemma.  This isn't my first rodeo and trust me there isn't a worse feeling than cruising along at a good clip and before you can do anything about it your feet are higher in the air than your head.  Typically you can get away with an easy paced run, but anything that resembles and all out effort (i.e. benchmark testing) is a perilous task.

    I am by no means a fan of the treadmill and avoid it at all costs, but if the plan is looking for high pace work I feel my option will be the treadmill!  Blech.

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     OK, Marianne, I'll help get this ball rolling.  Here is my "formal" introduction!


    I'm Nemo Brauch, and if you a member of EN but don't already know who I am you must be living under a rock!  HA HA HA! 

    My Street Creds: EN O.G. and card carrying L'il Peep.  I'm the poster child for EN's "no run over 2:30 during IM training" mantra.  My first IM was IMFL in 2006 (pre-EN) where I blew up bad!  I'm absolutely positive I ran/walked with Linda/Marianne at some point during that race- although I didn't know either of them at the time!  I joined EN and PR'd by close to 2 hours at IMWI in 2008 and I am REALLY excited about doing IMWI again in 2010 with all my EN Chicas!  I have a goal to break 13 hours, but just being on the course with 13 plus EN Cowgirls will be super special (oh yeah, and seeing Coach R in the pink speedo won't be bad either 

    Family: Married to Adventure Joe the adrenaline junkie (surfer, hangglider, motorcyclist, kayaker, etc).  He doesn't get why I do IM, but he supports me anyway.  The one thing we have in common is the love of the outdoors and exploration.  We love to travel and experience new places by actively being part of it (not just driving by).  We have 2 very spoiled furry kids, Otto and Lilly. who will appear in threads every now and then in their ful EN kit.  In fact, here's a pic of Otto and I together:

     Home: We moved to the Outer Banks of North Carolina a little over a year ago (lived in Washington DC area for 15 years).  It's hard to beat living at the beach, but I miss the hills. 


    Work: I'm a Contract Professional for a large enterprise software company.  That just means I talk to sales, procurement people, and lawyers all day long to negotiate sales contracts.  Not glamorous, but it allows me to work from a home office and live at the beach!

    Physical Condition:  I've been nursing a calf issue for a while now.  So yes, I'm coming into this season a little injured.  My biggest focus is going to be on getting to IMWI healthy- which may mean sacrificing some other goals, but that's ok.  I just want to get to the start line ready to have a good day!



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    Hi!  My name is Geoff Wieczynski.  This is year two for me in EN.  I learned a lot and looking forward to correctly my mistakes.  I live in Northern California and have five kids.  I just got a new job--so I'm not certain how I will fit all of this in--but I think that is a very common problem for all of us.

    Needless to say the Northern Cal Sleeper Cell is where it is at!

    Since my A race in November I have not done swat.  I have bike on the trainer twice and run once. I did 45 minutes on the trainer today and thought I was going to die!  I've gained probably 9 pound since the race--which isn't all bad.  However, I would like to convert a bunch of the weight to muscle this year.  My last day of sluffing off was yesterday--while watching the Ironman World Championship and over eating/drinking. 

    Of the three event, I find the bike the hardest--primarily due to the time needed to get good.  I'm super tight--my Sports Medicine Doc says that I'm one of the tightest guys he has seen. I battle tight ITBand, PF and am currently fighting a tight hip.  So my goals are:

    1.  Improve the bike

    2.  Stay heathy--stretch and strenghen.  Maybe throw some yoga into the mix this year.

    3.  Have fun

    I'm doing two 70.3s this year. My first A race will be Vineman in Sonoma.  I'm probably going to do Big K in Santa Cruz. I have unfinished business there from about 3 years ago.


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    I'm in!  After IMLOU, I've been doing some running- Bourbon Chase Relay, Trail half-marathon and St Judes marathon 2 weeks ago.  Have barely touched the bike since first of Sept so first weeks of bike intervals will be fun!!



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    I'm calling myself a January start, even though I started the OS this week; I'll be skiing in CO Jan/Feb in 2 10 day trips, and by 2nd week of Feb, will be even with y'all.

    Background: 50th year swimming, 12th year as triathlete and runner. Started out saying "I hate to run", now that's when I mow 'em down.

    EN Newbie: Found Rich's race strategy online in 2005, adopted it with great success over 7 IMs 05-09 despite using another system's training plans. After finally learning how to pace the race, went 4th, 1st, Kona, 7th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st in next 7 IMs, and heard the Four Keys talk art CDA in 09. Signed up that week, deciding that if they were that smart about race execution, maybe there was something to be learned from the EN training model, especially consdiering that "Brand X" had not changed their plans in the four years I'd been following them. This OS will be my first time through with just the EN program.

    2010 Goals: Raise my indoor (CompuTrainer) FTP by 15%; come off the bike in IM CDA in under 6 hours, ready to run a sub-four hour marathon. Second season goals to follow.

    Here's what I looked like 20 hours after collapsing from dehydration at mile 10 in Kona this October (the respirator really helped ):



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    I'll add my bio and pictures later in the week when I get a few minutes but I'm stoked we have such a great JanOS group!  Between Nemo and Marianne, we won't be short on mojo.   I have done nothing in the last four weeks since IMAZ except eaten Pop-tarts for breakfast (and desert), a couple of dozen Krispie-Kreme and Dunkin' Donuts, chocolate muffins, too many chocolate chip cookies to count, an entire rum cake in one day...I've been awful.  My pants and belts seem to have shrunk.  Looking forward to getting back in the groove.

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    glad to have Geoff and Al on the January team!!!  I love the pic of you Al!!  totally makes me smile!!  and I am so impressed with 50 years of swimming!!  wow.  and you bring a lot of IM race experience and other with you, so very glad you are skiing first, please send pics and then joining us!  Geoff glad somebody else has 5 kids too and you and Al were in Kona together so that is pretty nifty too.  I know Al has a cool blog and I got to read his Kona race report on it and I just read Geoff's on the forum, so great days and experience, yeah not the dehydration!!   I am pretty excited cuz here there is a "winter series" of every Saturday running for one month, casual, you pick the distance 5k, 10k or 20k but aid statons for just $15, tshirt, and it starts 26 December at 8 a.m. right here in my 'hood.  Anyway I am jazzed to be seeing other local runners as most of my runs are by myself, and I plan on being fit enough for 26 December and whatever the OS plan calls for running wise I will incorporate the "work" into those runs.  the Sat bike rides?  well i ride outside and 8 a.m. is chilly so will shift and take advantage of the group runs.  fingers crossed that my scheme will work out!  that's a wrap.  oh and I am swimming 2 x week cuz I found a new master's group with 2 onsite coaches that have videoed me and give me feedback immediately and some great drills to fix... been swimming for 5 years and have never had this.  the yardage is not high as there are drills/technique.   the time is high and I know this but try to go to grocery store on way back to justify!!! also husband is learning how to swim so seee?  he needs to come with me lol.... 1year2ironman5.blogspot.com     m





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    I'm in. Got to Da Haus via the article on active.com on no weightlifting. Watched and tried it. Read the free articles. Bought the intermediate OS plan. Tried it liked it. Now I'm a member. Sprint and Olympic distances since '03. Two HIMs in '08. Knee pain and rehab late '08 to early '09. Knee pain better. Not getting any younger (46) so signed up for IM Louisville in October. Looking forward to the community of JOS. Here we go!
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    Posted By Brian Massey on 21 Dec 2009 07:46 AM

    I'll add my bio and pictures later in the week when I get a few minutes but I'm stoked we have such a great JanOS group!  Between Nemo and Marianne, we won't be short on mojo.   I have done nothing in the last four weeks since IMAZ except eaten Pop-tarts for breakfast (and desert), a couple of dozen Krispie-Kreme and Dunkin' Donuts, chocolate muffins, too many chocolate chip cookies to count, an entire rum cake in one day...I've been awful.  My pants and belts seem to have shrunk.  Looking forward to getting back in the groove.


    Brian, I like your style.  An ENTIRE rum cake?  Awesome.

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     Wow! There's lots of us to start the January OS. I'm psyched!

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    I am in. And I am ready.  IMAZ was a month ago and my butt has forgotten the feel of the saddle.   LET'S GO!



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    Welcome Scott and Lowell ......  looking forward to bio and pics and what is a rum cake anyways????  where are you from?  is this some sort of northern cake,??  we need pics of all this food you have been eating!!   so did everybody sign up for the Run Challenge??  especially the women cuz we have a team!!!  we really don't want any of you guyz to sign up cuz we just don't want to embarrass you with our fitness so y'all keep eating the Krispy Kreme doughnuts and rum cakes!!  and please do NOT get on your bike or don your running shoes... you know "don't hurt yourself" so soon before the Jan OS!!   and the smack talk starts before the New Year does.....


    **pssst, Girls we really have to be careful with guyz' egos... so once we get started with the training, keep a down low on your power numbers and such.....  we just need to reel them in slowly!!!

    today a high of 55 and I rode 40 outside!!  felt grand to be on my bike with friends..... I hope you have some Christmas spirit!!!  and if so, post a pic!!  

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    What is rum cake?   Marianne - you haven't lived until you've tasted the spongy, liquor-infused cake with a great sugary white frosting...


    2nd year with EN.  Did EN's ToC in '09 and had a blast and loved the people.  Returning for 2010 and looking forward to seeing old and new friends.  Live in Pacific Palisades, CA.  Wife, Ali, and twin 4yr old twins from whom I get lots of unadulterated joy.


    Bike: >300 FTP + 167lbs = 4.0 w/kg (figured out I couldn't go <167lbs in my ramp to IMAZ.  Besides, no body fat = freezing swim)</p>

    Run: 53 vDOT

    Races: sub-5hrs at CA 70.3 (Mar), EN's ToC (May), ride in Levi's Gran Fondo in Santa Rosa, CA (Oct 10th), BQ at Long Beach Marathon (Oct 17th).  Trying to BQ one week after a 103 mile race isn't the brightest plan but, oh well, that's life.

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    What a group to join! I've been hangin out in Texas, mostly on sidelines this year with the haus readin, learnin, takin it in. We like our  sweet tea.  Finished first HIM in November, third year with this tri thing, recovering from a middle toe bone spur shave last week. No power (yet). Goals are simple: lose some weight,  better nutrition choices most of time, get a little faster, stay injury free,  finish two HIM's, have fun in 2010 then go for the gold ( IM )in 2011. Very excited about next season. 

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    went to two bakeries today and looked for Rum Cake... will look some more now that I know what it is, don't like rum so prob wouldn't like the cake but still wanna find it!! new quest! smile. welcome Wayne and more Sweet Tea people are always welcome!! the toe thing sounds very painful!! ouchee. cute twins. m
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    Hey all!  Great idea having everyone reintroduce ourselves.  Sometimes its easy to get lost in the shuffle of all the people posting.

    Background: I've been running (slowly) for 6 years now and doing triathlons (slowly) for 3. 

    EN Tenure: This is my second year in da Haus and my first full OS.  Last year I saw big gains even though I missed the first couple of months of the January OS and all of the mojo.  Had an issue with my power meter just before the start of IM training and lost some of the power that I had built during the month it took to repair.  However, what was left was more than enough to get me through my first IM without issue.

    2010 Goals: I'd like to increase FTP by 15-20%, increase the VDOT by 10%, and have a lot of fun in Oly, Sprint, and random races in the area.  The A race is the Longhorn 70.3 but I want to remind myself why I get up at 5 AM and suffer on the trainer by racing more.  Oh and make sure to avoid the over zealous volunteer with the sunscreen at the next race. 

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    Okay.  Finally have some time to try and get some stuff in here:


    I have been doing triathlons since about 2002... I'm a little fuzzy on start date.  I got a little crazy this last fall and did two IM races in two months (IMMoo an IMAZ).  Pretty much I forced myself to take a little sabbatical until the end of the year--almost done!

    EN experience: You're looking at it!

    2010 Goals:  If the OS lives up to its promises...  I would like to see a big increase in my FTP.  I have spent the last 3 years doing lots of long slow stuff.  I'm looking forward to a year when I'm able to focus on speed.  I would love to see a 15% increase in FTP.  Not sure how to say what my VDOT improvement would like to be, but a goal I have had for a while is to break 40 minutes in a 10k.  I'm within 30 seconds.  I just need to break down and sign up for a 10k.

    A Race is Ironman Racine 70.3.  I have been racing too many hilly courses and I'm looking to hit a big PR.  I have been flirting with the 5 hour mark for 2 years now and I am going for a nice flat course to make a big dent!  It is hard to say what my goal will be, but I'm saying early I would like to be flirting with 4:30 at Racine.

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    good job guys on the pics!!! both of you have 70.3 on your agenda so nice to have that in common!! hopefully others of you will post a pic too..... m
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