Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

January Roll Call



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    I'm in, and lookiung forward to getting started again.  This will be my OS where I've bought into the intnesity first EN philosphy, and my first year with power.  I'll have a lot to learn.  Everyone was so helpful getting me through my frist IM last season - I guess I'll need help this year too.

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    Ok- slowly getting used to finding thread and checking forums and groups.  I must confess, with the email following of threads, I've spent much less time in the forums of late.  Busy at work as well so- here' s to catching up!


    In my grown-up, payin the bills job, I am a purchasing agent for a lumber company (23 yrs) and group fitness instructor (10 yrs).  I am a local "Loueyvillian" and I work right on the IMLOU course (which is pure torture come Jul when folks roll by during the work week!!!)  I have two beautiful, grown children, daughter Meagan (24) & Michael (18) who just graduated college & high school this past year. 


    EN creds

    Stress fracture turned this runner into a duathlete 7 yrs ago.  2 yrs later added swimming (figured easier than run/bike/run!) One of my good friends and training partner signed on with Rich in 07 in the Crusible Fitness days and I hopped on board.   Got to meet the Arkansas Mafia (Marianne, Heather & David) at Rich's Ironman Camp in '07 and tons of other great folks when Rich & Patrick joined forces.  After 2 yrs of soakin up the EN vibes, I had a awesome first IM on a 90degree + day and was hooked!

    En charter member, lil Peep, 2 IM's, 3 marathons and tons of Half mary/IM's.  This will be my 3rd OS.  Been doing lots of running since Sept so hoping my bike legs come back soon (I am soooo gonna hurt!) 




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    Oh No John is in our OS. Now we all have to bring out A games. I went running for the second time since my event last year. Boy-how fast it goes. I really need this OS to get me going!
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    Posted By Geoff Wieczynski on 29 Dec 2009 07:17 AM

    Oh No John is in our OS. Now we all have to bring out A games. I went running for the second time since my event last year. Boy-how fast it goes. I really need this OS to get me going!


    Geoff- I noticed you always report it as "your last event". Unless I am wrong, that was Kona. Lottery or not, you deserve to be proud of that race. I had a wonderful time worrying about you and following your chip on line with athlete tracker. I have never "known" (internet forum or otherwise) anyone that has done Kona. I feel like I sort of know you (same as other ENers at other IM events) and want to cheer for you as much as I will next year for Matt Ancona. Please say Kona.

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    Thanks, Michelle.  I was thinking the same thing about Geoff's posts.  Kona, baby!  Say it loud and proud!    Or just say it.    And Geoff . . . where is my damn shirt!? 

    Also, ever since posting in this group my mojo has started rising.  Funny how that works.  Did spin class on Monday (actually did my own thing in the room with head down and doing multiple 5 - 10 minute pseudo intervals - none of that Nazi 300 RPM spin stuff) and then ran for 15 minutes yesterday.  Will do a short run again today once it warms up a bit.  Feels good to be moving again.



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    Posted By Michele Cellai on 29 Dec 2009 11:04 AM
    Posted By Geoff Wieczynski on 29 Dec 2009 07:17 AM

    Oh No John is in our OS. Now we all have to bring out A games. I went running for the second time since my event last year. Boy-how fast it goes. I really need this OS to get me going!


    Geoff- I noticed you always report it as "your last event". Unless I am wrong, that was Kona. Lottery or not, you deserve to be proud of that race. I had a wonderful time worrying about you and following your chip on line with athlete tracker. I have never "known" (internet forum or otherwise) anyone that has done Kona. I feel like I sort of know you (same as other ENers at other IM events) and want to cheer for you as much as I will next year for Matt Ancona. Please say Kona.

    Nice Catch Michele!!!  Yeah Geoff- don't hide that Kona cred!!!


    John- I'm so happy to hear you'll be joining us- even if it's just for a short while!

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     Matt Ancona. Please say Kona.

    Hmmm, this makes sense: Matt Ankona. 

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    Dave Boyle in the da JOS Haus!! Without question, 2010 will be a relatively better year for you injury-wise....simply because it couldn't get any worse! image Looks like you and I will have a race to the cellar. I've done nothing for 6 weeks now and feel closer to a big tub of goo than I do an IM athlete.
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    Posted By Michele Cellai on 29 Dec 2009 11:04 AM
    Posted By Geoff Wieczynski on 29 Dec 2009 07:17 AM

    Oh No John is in our OS. Now we all have to bring out A games. I went running for the second time since my event last year. Boy-how fast it goes. I really need this OS to get me going!


    Geoff- I noticed you always report it as "your last event". Unless I am wrong, that was Kona. Lottery or not, you deserve to be proud of that race. I had a wonderful time worrying about you and following your chip on line with athlete tracker. I have never "known" (internet forum or otherwise) anyone that has done Kona. I feel like I sort of know you (same as other ENers at other IM events) and want to cheer for you as much as I will next year for Matt Ancona. Please say Kona.



    Ok Kona...   Thanks for watching me--it was amazing to think about how many people followed me that day!  I just don't want to be "that" guy.   You know the guy who gives up quotes like "well when I was hanging out on the queen K, after sharing coffee on the catamaran with Macca while talking about the value of a power tap, when Crissy came over and borrowed a spare CO2 cartridge..."



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    Posted By Geoff Wieczynski on 29 Dec 2009 02:26 PM  
    Ok Kona...   Thanks for watching me--it was amazing to think about how many people followed me that day!  I just don't want to be "that" guy.   You know the guy who gives up quotes like "well when I was hanging out on the queen K, after sharing coffee on the catamaran with Macca while talking about the value of a power tap, when Crissy came over and borrowed a spare CO2 cartridge..."



    Geoff, was that the time that you taught Normann how to change a tire?

    You aren't that guy, and couldn't come off that way if you tried.  No need to worry about that.


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    Posted By Michael Graffeo on 29 Dec 2009 02:32 PM
    Posted By Geoff Wieczynski on 29 Dec 2009 02:26 PM  
    Ok Kona...   Thanks for watching me--it was amazing to think about how many people followed me that day!  I just don't want to be "that" guy.   You know the guy who gives up quotes like "well when I was hanging out on the queen K, after sharing coffee on the catamaran with Macca while talking about the value of a power tap, when Crissy came over and borrowed a spare CO2 cartridge..."



    Geoff, was that the time that you taught Normann how to change a tire?

    You aren't that guy, and couldn't come off that way if you tried.  No need to worry about that.



    Totally agree. And we'd call you on THAT too! (but we won't have to)

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    OK - I'm all in - starting 1/1 - Here's the short bio

    Florida Native - Married my high school sweetheart - 4 kids - 22, 19, 17, 14 - Three kids in college next year- (should keep me running hard !!) have been a long time (slow) runner to keep my weight in check - Own a Durable Medical Equipment Company www.deslogemedical.com and am an elected official here in Leon County - stay active in the community - toyed with tri's over the years - got serious last year and ran St Anthony's, Gulf Coast and Florida IM in 11/07 - finished, but it wasn't pretty. blew up on the run - I should be the poster child for not following the EN plan - looking forward to a great year in 2010 - Have registered for New Orleans 70.3, and Augusta 70.3, the Olympic Tri in DC - and my big event is Denali in June of 2010 - Hope to be a little more disciplined about training - w/ train w/ heart monitor as I can't seem to pull the trigger on power - Enjoy the forum banter and look forward to a great 2010 - Happy New Year !!!

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    Welcome to the team Bryan! Are you doing St. A's again this year? I've done it for the last 3 years with TNT and am heading down for another one.
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    Have not signed up - worried about jamming too much into Spring before Alaska - ran the course a few weeks ago when I was there on business - Beautiful area !! Happy New Year
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    welcome Bryan and I am gonna be ignorant and ask what Denali, alaska event is this? marathon, tri? ultra, other? m
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    Denali is really non EN related - but will consume my 2010 year - I hope to summit Denali in June - 19+ days on the trail w/ a pack - Summit is @ 20k+ feet - expect to train like I did for IM - I would be curious if anyone in the EN house has any experiences w/ climbing ? Happy New Year !!!
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    Posted By Bryan Desloge on 30 Dec 2009 09:41 PM

    Denali is really non EN related - but will consume my 2010 year - I hope to summit Denali in June - 19+ days on the trail w/ a pack - Summit is @ 20k+ feet - expect to train like I did for IM - I would be curious if anyone in the EN house has any experiences w/ climbing ? Happy New Year !!!

    No real experience here, but Denali is on my life list and I can't WAIT to hear about your adventure.  Please keep us updated all year long as you train and prepare for the climb!   Do you have to get a reserved slot in advance to do the climb?  How did that process all work?

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     OK, I'm back from Holiday travel and am trying to get back into the EN forums to be ready for go-time next week.  So here's my backgrounder:

    Married (Andrea) for 10 years with an 18 month old son (Drew).

    Work in the pharmaceutical industry.  From Michigan originally, lived in North Carolina for 7 years, now live in a Chicago 'burb for the past 2 years.  Proud member of the NIL sleeper cell.

    Background as a 1/4 miler in college - couldn't (more like I didn't want to) run anything over 1 mile.  Got sick of inactivity after a couple years out of college.  Got into mountain biking, then adventure racing.  Really enjoyed it for about 4 years but I wanted to race more than my teammates.  So I started tri - did some off-road sprint races, then bought a tri bike and gave the road a shot - needless to say I was hooked.  Been in tri for about 4 years now.

    1 IM under my belt - 2008 IMLou where the crazy heat/humidity that day broke me down.  Learned a lot from that race - especially how to deal with my mental games and my optimal nutrition late in the marathon.  Focused on 70.3 in 2009.  PR'd the distance at my A-race (Steelhead) in August and qualified/competed in Clearwater.

    Fellow Jan OS'er Matt Sullivan and I after finishing Steelhead...


    Drew and I ready to represent in Clearwater...

    Been with EN for 3 years.  This will be my 2nd OS.  Saw phenomenal gains last OS - FTP improved 26%, Vdot increased from 49 to 56, swim did not suffer at all even though I didn't swim for the 1st 12 weeks of the OS.  PR'd a 5K and 1/2 mary in the middle of the OS.  In other words, THIS STUFF WORKS and sets you up very well for transitioning into the HIM/IM plan.

    2010 agenda is IMWI.  I have some goals in mind but I'm going to see where I'm at after the OS before announcing.  I'm in the middle of a running set-back right now - diagnosed with a stress reaction to my pubic ramus bone 3 weeks ago.  This explained my steadily worsening groin pain on every run I did since October 2008.  I'm currently 3 weeks into an 8 week hiatus from running.  Doc said I can do any activity that doesn't cause pain.  Luckily biking and swimming don't hurt at all so I'll be with y'all on the bike work.  Will be replacing my run workouts with core/pilates/stretching.  Probably start doing some deep water running and elliptical in a few weeks.  February 1 will be my first steps with the running shoes and, of course, will need to ramp up the mileage slowly, so I won't be doing the OS run workouts until well into March I'm thinking.  But I will be there supporting you guys!

    Looking forward to next week...

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     In light of the comment regarding "life lists" I would love to see a separate thread that everyone tossed out various "life list" type events - any takers ? In light of the end of year goals, etc - anyone, anyone .....Bueller ....?

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    Jim, good to see you.  Great pics!

    Bryan, you talking about a Bucket List?

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    Call it Bucket List, Lifetime Goals, Lifetime List - OK here are a few of mine to start the conversation -

    1) Have another 100 day ski winter (the intersection of time off and $ needed against the aging body makes this an interesting challenge)
    2) Play with my Great Grandchildren (please see the word "play" not just drool in front of !)

    One of my 09 Goals was to finish an IM - which years ago would have been a little outrageous - here's to goal oriented people !!

    Happy New Year !!!!
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     I don't like to think of it as a "Bucket List" (somehow that's too morbid) but rather a list of things I would like to do some day.  Besides, I also know there are tons of things I haven't even heard of yet that I would want to do if I every discovered them.  So to me- this isn't a finite list, but a living breathing kinda thing.  So anyway- here's some of the items on my Life List:


    -Through hike the Appalacian trail South to North.  

    - Climb 14 of the 14ers

    - Bike the Great Allegheny Passage & C&O Canal end to end.

    - Bike across America (and if I had the opportunity to be part of a RAAM team I'd grab it!  But I wouldn't do it solo).

    - Denali (as you already know!)

    - Marathon in all 50 states plus DC

    - Live aboard a sailboat and sail around the world 

    - Ironman Hawaii (of course- it would have to be a lottery slot, but I'd jump at that chance)

    - A really really long list of places to visit (Great wall of China, Pyramids, Easter Island, Machu Pichu, Galapagos, etc)

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    Nemo years ago a few buddies sold their business, bought a 46 ft sailboat and spent the next 3 or so years sailing around the world. www.outofbounds.com if you are interested. Certainly a cool cool thing.


    I totally think we should start a thread with it, more importantly with the stuff that we hae already done image



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    Posted By Nemo Brauch on 31 Dec 2009 12:33 PM

     I don't like to think of it as a "Bucket List" (somehow that's too morbid) but rather a list of things I would like to do some day.  Besides, I also know there are tons of things I haven't even heard of yet that I would want to do if I every discovered them.  So to me- this isn't a finite list, but a living breathing kinda thing.  So anyway- here's some of the items on my Life List:


    -Through hike the Appalacian trail South to North.  

    - Climb 14 of the 14ers

    - Bike the Great Allegheny Passage & C&O Canal end to end.

    - Bike across America (and if I had the opportunity to be part of a RAAM team I'd grab it!  But I wouldn't do it solo).

    - Denali (as you already know!)

    - Marathon in all 50 states plus DC

    - Live aboard a sailboat and sail around the world 

    - Ironman Hawaii (of course- it would have to be a lottery slot, but I'd jump at that chance)

    - A really really long list of places to visit (Great wall of China, Pyramids, Easter Island, Machu Pichu, Galapagos, etc)



    I've done The Great Wall of China.  I spent 3 weeks in China in 1992.  I'll tell you everything you'd like to know during ToC.


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    @Dave B- that's an amazing coincidence. Whenever I start daydreaming about sailing around the world- I google up outofbounds.com and read a little more. The PBS documentary "Ice Blink" was really inspirational as well.

    @Dave H- I can't wait to hear all about it- if I can keep up with you! It sounds like one of those "Grand Canyon" things that you just can't truly comprehend unless you've been there.
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    Ya, all I could think of was the name Bucket List.  I will go with "Life Experiences." 

    I am so fortunate,  I have been all over the world and done a ton of things.  Sailed on a Chinese Junk in China, seen an actual David (Dah-Veed) painting (I love art), SCUBA dive the Great Barrier Reef, Ironman, etc.. 

    But the one I think is the most unique experience was being in Auckland, New Zealand in 2000 and actually out on my buddies 40' sailboat in the harbor at the moment the Kiwi's won the America's Cup.  There were hundreds and hundreds of sailboats out there and it was absolutely amazing and beautiful.  The blaring horns of victory, etc. went on for so long.  And some of those boats were incredible.  And the party in the city that night was insane!

    Couple of future things off the top of my head:

     - Swim English Channel - Already in planning/discovery stages.  Gonna swim the 21 mile Catalina Channel in SoCal first.  And the water is much warmer. 

     - Climb Mt. Everest - Was in discovery but iminent divorce if I do it is putting a chink in my plans. 

     - Surf Tavarua

     - RAAM (Race Across America) - Scheduled for 2013.  Nemo, we may need a 4th. 

     - Be "that dad" for my son and show him everything life has to offer. 

     - Grow old with my wife and retire on the beach and surf morning glass every morning and evening glass off every night.

     - Make a positive difference in as many lives as possible via continued volunteering, etc..   - I am active in Cub Scouts, Special Olympics, and others.

     - Have a higher FTP than Tom Glynn.    Ok, we can't have everything. 


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    the Bucket List:

    1. I should probably see the movie!

    2. dog is whining from kennel so finish this Holiday challenge and get out the door!

    3. More later

    4. I also love to travel and some things I have seen:

    Moscow, communist and seeing the lines of people standing in line for food.

    The Wall in East Berlin, when it was there and going thru security checkpoints

    Auschwitz and other concentration camps and seeing the ovens.

    The Crown Jewels in London.

    The Beaches for DDay

    The Grand Canyon

    Castles and more castles, still totally cool.

    Underground caves where christians used to hide. With their graves dug into them. including Popes!

    The Sistine Chapel

    Mt Vesuvius, ancient volcano ruins


    The appian Way where Paul once walked and now cars drive crazy down it!


    Anne Frank's hideaway, Amsterdam

    Skiing down ... what we know as the Prudential Rock! but is really a mt.!

    Cruising down the Rhine River in Germany

    Seeing the Tapestry depicting Norman the Conqueror

    the Golden Gate Bridge

    Washington DC

    Civil War Battlefields, loved Gettysburg

    Colonial American battlefields

    Boston! yep I love Faneuil Hall

    St Augustine, Florida loved the history


    The plantation of "Gone with the Wind"

    Mayan Indian Ruins of Chincenitza (sp?)

    Liberty Bell

    Iwo Jima memorial and others like it

    **okay so I was a history major!! 

    more later I will think about on my run!

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    Posted By John Stark on 31 Dec 2009 10:36 PM


     - RAAM (Race Across America) - Scheduled for 2013.  Nemo, we may need a 4th. 


    OOOOOh, man, 2013 would be perfect!  Do not tease me bro!

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    So I just joined my second OS group.  I have not been running much so I will start with the vdot test next week.  I will continue my cycling with the November OS.  I figure I will have at least 14 weeks with this group running perhaps a little more depending on when I have to transition out of IMC. 

    Background - I started trialthlon in 2001 with one previous IM in 2004.  Did the LSD training and finish slow 16:09 and an overuse injury.  I am now on the come back trail.  I broke my leg 2 years ago and gained a whole bunch a weight.  Almost signed up for Lake Placid in July when you could actually get online entries but held out.  Went on active for the IMC spots and signed up.  I had previous followed Rich on Crucible and EN briefly in its first year. 

    This is my first OS and have seen some good improvement on the bike 11.6% (21 watts) in 8 weeks. 

    Personal Life - I am married 2+ years to my wonderful wife Patti and work for Agriculture Canada, the federal government.  This allows me some flexibility but I do travel enough that it can cause problems.

    Goals - I have set a 20% increase FTP goal to hit 216 but I should be close to this if not there by week 14.  So 225 or 234 (30%).  As for running I don't expect much probably an initial vdot of 30 and will set a goal after the test but if weight loss target are hit 35 should be an achievable goal.  Weight is my biggest goal with 190 being my mark for end of March.  I am currnently at 223 down from 252 in September.


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    WOW this is going to be some fun!!

    I did not know we had so many MDs in the Hause.  I am a Surgeon in the Navy stationed in Portsmouth Virginia (near Virginia Beach).  I have been En since the start although I Lurk more then Post.  I really got into Tris in 2004.   I had gained about 20 lbs during my surgical training and had started riding to work to lose some weight and one of the Staff Surgeons got me started doing some sprints.  I did sprints for about 2 years before my first HIM and now I have done 2 Iron Distance races.  IMF in 2007 and B2B in 2009.  I only got in 2 races in 2009 due to be deployed to the Horn of Africa with the Navy for 8 months.  This year will be about getting faster so I have scheduled a couple Half Open Marathons and will be doing some sprints and International races in the Spring then my A race will be The Patroit Half in Williamsburg in Sept (Great Race Venue).    I am married (15 years in july) I have 2 kids Roy 7 and Sarah 5.  2 Dogs Ike, a 11 year old Ridgeback and Rita, a 13 year old yellow lab.  Rita has bad hips so I carry her up the stairs to bed and she gets a lot of special food.  Ike is lazy and was never a runner (my previous ridgeback was a great running companion).

    I don't really have a list of things I want to do although I am game for most things!!

    I did climb Kiliamanjaro last March which was Great.  Altitude is the great equailizer.  Last Dec I swam with the Whale sharks off Djibouti during their migration.  

    Nemo I have though about doing the Appalachian trail too...but can't picture taking that much time.  I may do Virginia someday.

    I would like to do some Epic bike trips.  My brother crossed the Us a couple years ago so I might have to do something different.

    Will post some pics  of Kili and my family when I get a chance to play with the photo instructions!!  (Someone should also teach me how to use the spell check too).



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