Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

January Roll Call



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    welcome Gordon and Ralph!
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    Just want to add that I am officially in the Jan OS group.  Like some others, I tried to start with the Nov OS group but when I heard how many Haus Celebs were in the Jan group, I had to head over here and I know you'll help keep my mind in the game if I can keep healthy and work around work related travel.

    Looking forward to lots o' fun with the group.


    ChrisG (the other ChrisG)

    Seattle, WA

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    Chris G - Welcome to another Pac NW ENer! Your photo looks like its from a pier, somewhere on Puget Sound? On the Kitsap peninsula?

    Al (Gig Harbor)

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    Posted By Al Truscott on 03 Jan 2010 09:59 AM

    Chris G - Welcome to another Pac NW ENer! Your photo looks like its from a pier, somewhere on Puget Sound? On the Kitsap peninsula?

    Al (Gig Harbor)

    Hi Al -

    Actually that picture is from the San Diego area last February when I went to Cycling Camp San Diego





    Seattle, WA

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    Posted By Chris Gossard on 03 Jan 2010 12:21 PM
    Posted By Al Truscott on 03 Jan 2010 09:59 AM

    Chris G - Welcome to another Pac NW ENer! Your photo looks like its from a pier, somewhere on Puget Sound? On the Kitsap peninsula?

    Al (Gig Harbor)

    Hi Al -

    Actually that picture is from the San Diego area last February when I went to Cycling Camp San Diego





    Seattle, WA

    You had to wear arm warmers in San Diego? 


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    Welcome Chris G, never been to Seattle so I hope you will post pics and other of your training grounds!!! m
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    What's up JOS Peeps? After IMFL I've pretty much just dropped off the map. I've hit the gym once or twice a week just let some steam out and do some spin classes but that is about it. Gained about 15 pounds and loved every minute of it. Now I'm ready to get focused and start the season out right. Except this season will be a bit different becuase I'll be getting married about 10 weeks out of Ironman Louisville that I'll be racing. So I've made a promise to my future wife that I'll not let my training get in the way of any wedding planning events, showers, or anything else. So things will be a little different training for this Ironman (my 3rd).

    Looking forward to suffering with everyone, can't wait until tomorrow for the first test!


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    Chad, Leigh and I got married 9-10 weeks prior to Florida a few years ago. Her 3rd my 1st. Basically we took the week of the wedding completely off from training and then jumped into 'real' training afterwards. We both had a great race, so the wedding shouldn't cost you anything in terms of fitness image Up to that point we were doing HIM training, so more intensity less distance. Fit perfectly with the wedding planning schedule.


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    Hi JOS Gropies!!!  I am eager to get started with this thing.  I have been injured since November and haven't been able to run a step since Nov 7th, but I've still been able to bike and swim and lift some iron so my goal is to continue seeking medical advice to figure out my injury and rehab whatever it is I need to rehab.  In the meantime, I'd like to get strong as heck on the bike, continue to swim since I can't run and try not to get into a negative head space about not running right now. 

    Most of you know I've been with EN since the start (started with Rich in the CF days) and am more of a lurker than poster myself due to having limited internet access/time.  However, I continue to learn from the coaches and team members here...there is more valuable information posted here in these forums sometimes just in one day than there is in a year of reading triathlon magazines.  I've done 6 IMs and my best time was 11:09.  My AAA goal is to somehow get below 11:00 and see 10:XX on the clock.  That require me to get significantly faster on the run, however, so that may not happen this year, but I'll do what I can to make that happen on the bike.  I'm going to do some road races and time trials early in this season to "test" my bike fitness in new and challenging ways. 

    Happy training everyone!!!


    P.S.  Nemo, and any other women...we need to have a women's RAAM team!!!  Maybe 2013 is our year.  It's been on my to do list since I first heard of the event and I worked as a crew member last year for a 4-man team.  It was an amazing journey!!!

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    Melanie- Glad to see you here!! What happened with your running/injury??

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    Hi Gina,

    Not sure what happened.  I felt fine after my IM, but was still in recovery and hadn't tried running.  Then was in a class for a couple of days and sitting and experienced a lot of pain in my SI joint, hip, and upper hamstring that simply has not gone away.  I have mild scoliosis that is more pronounced now more than it ever has been before.  I've been to chiropractors/ART, Rolfer, massage therapists and have an orthopedic appt today and a PT appointment set up for Jan 14th (the guy that I trust had an 8 week wait to get in).  No one knows what's wrong so far other than I'm severely twisted and right pelvis is torqued putting strain on right side.  It's a mystery that I'm hoping people can help me unravel.  Sitting is very uncomfortable for very long periods, and I am aware of it 24/7 but as soon as I go from a walk to a light jog a spark goes off and stops me in my tracks....the body is a complicated mystery at times image

    Hope things are well with you!!


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    Whoooohooo we have Melanie too! OK folks- you need to know Melanie is simply one super cool Chicka! You gotta go find her posts about supporting the RAAM team last year in EN 3.0. What an amazing adventure!

    Melanie- I hope you can get that hip thing figured out- that one sounds really strange and a little scary too. Good luck with the Dr Apt today.

    PS- Hell yes we need an EN Chicka team for RAAM! Count me in!
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    That is encouraging Dave, I know that I'll have the week of the wedding (which I think I can still slip in some workouts) and then the honeymoon (probably won't do much working out). Each time I've trained for an Ironman there has been at least a week or 2 in the last 15 weeks that I have been injured or sick. So I think it will work itself out! It's good to hear that you guys did it and still had fun, hopefully one day my wife will join me for an event.

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    Chad- when exactly is the wedding date? We will all have to remember to celebrate!
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    The big day is June 26, or better to remember as the day before IM CDA. Yes, there will be lost of celebrating

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    Okay, I guess it's time. I'm in!

    I currently waiting for my recent Ergomo re-install to settle in before I bother to test FTP. AND, it's F'ing cold out so I'm not interested in a run test this week...maybe drop in a local 10k on Saturday.
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    Posted By Joel on 05 Jan 2010 11:14 AM

    Okay, I guess it's time. I'm in!

    I currently waiting for my recent Ergomo re-install to settle in before I bother to test FTP. AND, it's F'ing cold out so I'm not interested in a run test this week...maybe drop in a local 10k on Saturday.
    I that Joel Bell?


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    The one and only. I mostly dropped out of tri the last half of the season to do a stint as an ultra runner...managed 7:18 and 34th overall at JFK50. After that I took some time to be lazy through the holidays. Now it's time to get back on the horse.
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    That's an AWESOME time for JFK50 Joel! Congratulations! And welcome back too, nice to have ya!
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    Not bad for my first shot at 50 miles. No doubt I've got sub 7hrs on that course. I maxed out with a single 30 mile training run. I was really just training to finish but couldn't contain myself once I got out there. The wheels kind of fell off the last 10-15 miles.
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    Like Mr. Glass, Mr. Bell has risen from the ashes!  Good to hear from ya.  Still enjoying those micro-brewed beers?

    Awesome work at JFK50.  You are one hell of an efficient and fast runner.  I remember cuz you passed me quickly at IM CdA.    Definitley sub-7 for ya at JFK if you tried.  Nice pretty flat course.

    Most if not all the 50's we have around here have 5,000+/- feet of climbing and my buddy ran one a few weeks back with 10,000+ feet of acsent over the 50 miles.   I would love to run a flatter course like JFK someday.  Definitely not sub-7 for me, but sub-9 at the very least.

    Did you put your name in for The Western States 100 lottery this past December?  Gonna shoot for 100 some day?

    Welcome to OS.  Glad you are amongst us.


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    JFK was awesome although my expectations for the AT weren't quite accurate. That's one bad ass trail. The canal tow path was great cruising but I really enjoyed the AT. I'll definitely hit WS some day soon but 2010 is an IM year.

    I'm back...let's get it on!
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    Posted By Joel on 05 Jan 2010 09:29 PM

    JFK was awesome although my expectations for the AT weren't quite accurate. 

    No Joke!  Especially since it's so freaking dark!  OTOH, I was sooooooo happy to hear the sound of the damn ahead and to get off that dang C&O Canal!  Did you do a race report for JFK?  I'd love to read it!

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    I'm in, a move from the Nov group. Looking forward to joining the group and staying healthy over the next 20 weeks. Will look for a site to post my pics of the pain cave and share that in the other thread as well.

    Bike is calling my name and the winter weather is laughing at my running. Can't wait to get outside and pound the pavement.

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    I loved the switch-back section at the very end of the AT...and then shooting out of the trail through the crowd and rolling down into that aid station before turning down the canal.  I wasn't necessarily happy to be off the canal path but I knew that meant I was getting close.  I DID NOT like that hill they put right there on the road though.  Jeez...that entire section of road sucked pretty bad now that I think about it.  I just wanted to sit down image  I've been meaning to write up a report and will soon...hope I remember the good stuff.

    Posted By Nemo Brauch on 05 Jan 2010 09:38 PM
    No Joke!  Especially since it's so freaking dark!  OTOH, I was sooooooo happy to hear the sound of the damn ahead and to get off that dang C&O Canal!  Did you do a race report for JFK?  I'd love to read it!


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    Welcome Steve from the November OS! You've got lots of company!

    Joel- write that stuff down while it's still fresh in your mind. Especially if you want to return for another attempt- get those lessons learned down on paper!

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    I'm in.  Actually started the Jan OS in mid-December, but this group seems cooler than the December peeps.    So here i am.  


    Started in the days of Crucible Fitness.  

    A Race = IM Regensburg

    A-4-weeks-later race = IM Canada

    So I guess I have to calcuate what mile 18 is in kilometers.  




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    Posted By Dave Tallo on 14 Jan 2010 09:12 PM

    I'm in.  Actually started the Jan OS in mid-December, but this group seems cooler than the December peeps.    So here i am.  

    And now we're even cooler with you here!  Nice to see ya Dave! 

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    Hey Gang ... I'm embarrassed to say I am finally getting my nose in the forums again, and figured I should admit my proud membership in the Jan OS!!

    Background: 4x IM Finisher - IMWI 2004 (Independent), IMWI 2006 (Crucible Fitness = add Coach Rich, add power, drop 63 minutes), IMWI 2007 (Endurance Nation Charter Member = add Coach Patrick, add da hause, drop 32 minutes), and IMCanada 2008 (Endurance Nation) First tri in 2001, preceeded by 20 + years of minimal aerobic activity. Endurance sports are my recognized mid-life crisis. 9 years, 4 IMs, 8 marathons, and too many shorter tris and runs to spend the time counting.  2009 started with the Boston Marathon and prep for IMWI, but in June, I acknowledged I was tired of being tired, and dropped the IM race and training intensity. I still did several tris, including the Spirit of Racine 1/2 IM. Then, the fates toyed with me, allowing my lottery entry to the NYC marathon to get drawn, so I kicked back into gear to finish the year with another mary. Hence, the Jan OS timing. 

    Goals for 2010: I'm planning on a fun year, with primarily Sprints and Olys, and am doing the Jan OS to see if I get my traiing mojo back.  So far, I've signed up for March Madness, a local 1/2 marathon, and am also in the lottery for Alcatraz and Kona. The rest will depend on the joy of racing coming back! 

    Personal: I live in NE IL (one of the founding members of the midwest sleeper cell) with my wife Vicki. We have two great kids, both in college: Caitlin, 20 is a Junior studying education at Marquette University (Milwaukee) and Christian, 19 is a Freshman studying Engineering at Purdue. Our nest is far from empty, with two weimaraners (Sophie and Savana), a cat (Mandy), a box turtle, two large tanks of African Cichlids, and a Koi pond (if I get it restarted in the spring with the reduced training load!)

    My day job is in Project Management for Pharmaceutical Development at Abbott (primarily oncology clinical research), and I also teach Spin on the side to keep my  gym expenses under control.

    With hard work, maybe I'll earn my Wicked Smart Member monaker back, but for now, I'll just try to get connected back with EN through our Jan OS group!

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    @Mike B - Nice to see you back in the forums. Until I finally talked to you on Saturday I was starting to think the triathlon mid-life crisis was no longer.

    Folks, I've learned a ton from Mike the past couple years. He's another one of the seasoned EN vets who will give you some very valuable advice. The Jan OS is becoming the Wicked Smart OS Group!
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