Thanks for the link; I will definitely work on the self-massage. I'm not sure if it's the shoe or training? I have not changed shoes, been running in Hoka Bondi B for over a year. I did notice that I might be running in a size too big so I just bought a new smaller pair.
@Juan, thanks for the detail! I think that you need to pick your battles, if you are doing the 5' hack on Mondays, then that Wednesday run will be strides only, and you might even consider skipping the 30' run before the long bike. Remember, it's not the work you can DO but the work you can ABSORB. Please keep me updated!
@Joanna, okay, good call on the shoes. Maybe switch out laces too; I think that's the biggest drawback on the Hokas. I wanted to make sure we looked at every opportunity!
It shows Sunday and Monday off, tuesday ride/brick, Wednesday short run, Thursday Bike test, Friday off and Saturday bike, then Run test on Sunday.
My race will be on Saturday, and a half. I was thinking run Sunday, off Monday, bike test Tuesday...then I'm not sure what to do. I ran a half marathon well on 3/24 (nice PR!) and I'd like to run Saturday well too. Don't know if a PR is in the cards as it's a harder course, but I'd like to take a whack anyways.
Sooo, what to do with the rest of the week, or do you have other suggestions?
I know this is crazy.... but I'm just trying to get my training in....
I have a 36 hour weekend this week in the ER and have to go out of town next weekend for a wedding.
Am I wise or not so wise to increase length of my rides and my runs due to missing some workouts?
(I did about 5 hours yesterday on the bike and doing long (3 hour) run this weekend before my night shift)
due to the long ride and trying to stay focused I am doing some racing to the stop signs to make sure I am not just doing junk miles and am trying to always be pushing.... I really need to retire! I mean from work!
I am able to get in two shorter trainer rides during week and shorter runs. swim is screwed! I can do everything this week but next week. I will be lucky to get one good swim in.
by the way, my friends tell me I work so much that I don't have to worry about over-training
clarification: 14th week/15th week of IM advanced. tried to fit in race rehearsal on bike and used the racing to stop signs for the hard effort recommended. I won't be able to get two long rides in next week so I'm basically doing two RR
Hello~~ I was supposed to repeat OS week 13 again this upcoming week due to a Sprint Du in a couple weeks.....that has been cancelled. CAN I go ahead and move to OS 14 this week and just upload the IM plan a week earlier on 4/22? Should i keep that "transition-unstructured training week"? Which i presume means I do as i feel?! OR upload IM plan starting in week 2 on the 15th? Below is what I'm trying to say.....thank you!
OLD: OS 13 4/1/13 NEW: OS 13 4/1/13 OS 13 4/8 OS 14 4/8 OS 14 4/15 T1 4/15 or IM 02 T1 4/22 IM 03 4/22 IM 04 4/29
So after standing down, I did the prescribed long rides on Friday and Saturday (with the short runs before them), then ran an 8-miler today with some strides. All felt great, so I think the rest was what I needed.
I'm off tomorrow, mainly because I'm on the go from like 5:30AM until bedtime. Per our discussion, I'm not going to test this week as the plan says, since I'd rather wait until I get outside. Here's what I'm planning for the coming week:
Monday - off
Tuesday - 80 min ride (2x20 maybe?)/ 20 min run (??) and swim later in the day
Wednesday - Long run
Thursday - Swim only
Friday - 180min ride (short run before)
Sat - 120 min ride (short run before)
Sun - FTP run (or just strides if legs not feeling it?) and swim (the next day - Monday - is off again)
Let me know your thoughts on that and if I should change anything. The following weekend (the 19th, 20th, 21st) is my "big bike block", if that factors in at all. I know that doing the "interval" (FTP) run on Sunday after two long bike days isn't ideal, but that's how my week has to play out for the next 2-3 weeks. Should I rearrange this all to get it in elsewhere?
@Trish, I would go Monday off, Tuesday light spin of 30' to 45', mostly easy with a short 15' run off the bike in z2/z3. Wednesday Test, Thursday run 45' with strides at the end. Friday off…Sat Race, Sunday OFF!!!
@Patricia, if you are within 8 weeks to your goal race, then the long rides/runs are more important than the intervals, so yes, do that now. As for the swim, just get out those swim cords and do 10 minutes 3x a week and you will be okay for the time being! Just try to stay healthy right now! 2 x RR is fine..really nail that nutrition and mentally master what your weaknesses are so we can improve!
@Vicki, so glad that forum mumbo-jumbo thing happens to others too!! I say go OS 14, crush your tests ilke they are the races you wanted to have, take a transition week (or at least the first 4 days of rest!), and then roll into the IM plan…we need a bit of rest so you can make the final push!
@Kori, do your best to rest on your "Off day that starts at 5:30 and lasts to dinner so no way in hell is that actually a day of rest" day. Tuesday should be 3 x 12 (4') at FTP, building (even if by 1 watt) so your last rep is your best. Rest of week as planned. Get in the "missing" FTP work instead of on Sunday by splitting it up in front of the Longer rides. So if it was 3 x 1 mile, then do 2 x 1200 on both days…Sunday is either off (if you've earned it by crushing your week) or short run with some strides…keep me posted!
Week 17 HIM Tues swim MS reads "...4 x 500 (30")... Set total 3000..." I'm assuming that's actually 6 x 500, since its supposed to add up to 3000, and we did 5 x 500 last week? Anyway, that's what I'm going to do unless you say otherwise. Maybe a ticket to fix?
Coach P - week 14 of Jan OS, then 1 week of transition (spring break on Southern Utah with the grandchildren) and right into week 1 of my race plan. Since we always start the race prep with a testing week, should I still do the testing this week or just get in another week of hard work and test when I get back from vacation? Thanks
I have been on my bike trainer for the duration of the OS. This week I'm outside. Should I do the bike test on the trainer since that is my benchmark or go outside since that is were I'll be from now on? Thanks.
Two simple and one one perhaps harder.
Question 1...really about this week, or at least the next one. :-)
Like everyone, I'm exiting the JOS this week. I am actually satisfied with a ride I did last weekend as an outdoor test, so I don't feel the specific need to bike test week. Given that my A-race is June 9, I'm actually planning on taking the weekdays this week way down (including today...done) as transition, and then jumping into the long rides this coming Sat and Sun.
The hitch is I have signed up for a half marathon on April 21. I actually think this is a good thing and will serve as a better post-OS test than a 5K. So that means no long hard rides April 20-21.
What do you think that week of April 15-21 should look like from bike/run perspective? (I'll fill in the swims in logical places and when I can get them done.). The default for the week has a TP run on Monday, VO2 bike on Wednesday, Long run on Thursday, easy run on Friday, and the usual long brick and ABP ride on Sat/Sun.
Question 2 - a crazy desire, not sure...
My son is running a marathon May 25 and has a good shot at qualifying for Boston. No guarantee, but if he does everything right, he could go sub-3:00.
If he qualifies, it would sure be nice for me to be able to run it with him. I know that's crazy to decide at this late date but....
I'm expecting to run sub 1:30 at the half marathon.
I ran 3:16 in 2010 (well trained for marathon) in 2010, and I am faster now than I was then.
I have run a few HIM halfs in the 1:31-1:37 range in the last few years
Qualifying time for me is 3:25, so I'd have to run decent but by no means a PR.
There is a well known, good quality, flat, generally cool-weather marathon exactly 2 weeks after KS 70.3 within driving distance of me. I am considering trying to hack the HIM plan just a bit to be able to race KS 70.3 and then recover like a ninja for two weeks to run the marathon and take my shot. Do you think this is plausible?
I have been doing a 12-15 mile run every weekend all winter (and before the OS), through yesterday.
If it is plausible, how do you suggest modifying the HIM plan between now and then if at all? My thoughts were:
ramp up 2-3 of the HIM Thursday runs to a long as 2.5 hours.
ramp up either the Sat or Sun (not sure which) bike ride to longer than listed (by up to an hour). This serves two purposes in my theory - (a) hopefully I come off KS a little less trashed, and (b) gives me a bit more endurance without the pounding of more running.
Never run slower than 7:45 (outside of recovery intervals). 7:45 gets me 3:23 for a marathon. My current training paces are all just a touch slower than TP 6:30, MP 7:00, EP 8:00. In reality, 7:30 is my "just run along" pace.
If I qualify for LV at KS, I know this would put a big hole in training for LV...but I'll be honest, I don't care about that. I do care about qualifying and having a fun day in LV and not screwing up. And I do care about the chance to run Boston with my son. But I'm on the wrong end of the age group (49 this year) to care much about trying to place very high.
Hi coaches. I'm in week 15 leading up to IMTX. Today's swim calls for me to go at "RR pace minus 2 to 3"". So, my question is - what is my race rehearsal swim pace? I hunted around the site and darned if I can find a reference to it. Thanks!
In HIM Int w11 for Patriot; next week (HIM w12) will be on vacation with kidz in DC - no time for workouts on Sat (this wk) or Th (next wk); no bike or swim in DC Sat..Th. So... this week I think I should emphasize swim and bike; next week is all run / rest; following weekend is back to the bike and swim. Do you have recommendations on how to structure this wk, next wk, and the wk after to optimize over vacation?
Is 1 week before an HIM too close to do an RR ride?
Only a few weeks left until Wildflower and RR is planned for next weekend, but I'll be out of town with no bike. Can push it to the following weekend, or pull it up to this weekend. Only reservations about pulling it up to this weekend is that this is my last weekend to get some real kick-my-ass work in before I start the gradual wind-down (due to travel).
I am on week 14 of my OS plan were do I find the Out season Recovery Week? It looks like I didn't download it off of the intermediate edition or will it automatically show up in my plan for next week.
Hi Coach - I'm in wk 13 HIM program. Had the sick kids last week, but was able to get a long run in w/ both bikes in in Saturday and Sunday.
There is a 13.1 or 10k right by my house this weekend that I was considering. Can I do it? Yes... But should I? Any way to add one if these in to my training or should I just stick with the program for now, especially since I had to miss 4 days of training last week. I also dont know another time this week where i can be on my bike for 3 hours, except for Saturday. Thanks!
A quick up date on how things are going, I was able to get through the 3 hour ride on Sat and the 30 run/ 2 hr bike on Sun. So far since I have been back 'off hold' I have been able to make it through each workout swim, bike or run without a problem. I will send another update after the long swim and long run later this week. On to the current situation, I just found out I will probably not be able to do the 30 minute run/2 hour ride this Sunday but I can do a 75 minute ride. However, I am able to do the 2 hour hour ride plus the 30 minute run after the ride this afternoon (as a brick). I know this question might get to you a little late for your normal feedback email to the group but I hope this change is OK. Please let me know you views on this change. Thanks Dan
I am racing Napa HITS 1/2 IM on Sat. ( April 13) . I am in the advanced IM training program, ending with IM CDA June 23. There is a suggestion to do a Big Tri Week next week. Is this too much to do the week following the 1/2 IM? Should I plan it for a different week or just continue with the Advanced IM plan? I could take the Sunday and Monday off following the 1/2 IM and then jump into the big week. I would like to do the big week if possible because it works great with my work/family schedule. I am not sure I will be able to find a better week logistically. But I also don't want to find myself in a world of hurt moving forward with the IM plan.
Patrick, Today I did my first bike test using the power meter. Not sure if I plugged the numbers in right. My 20 minute test average watts was 144. When I plug that into the temporary calculator, the zones calculated just dont seem right. They seem too low. For example zone 5 is 137 to 144. This isn't right is it? My 5 min test had an avg watt of 156. How do I figure VO2? Also, are these numbers as pathetic as they sound? How am I going to improve them? Im 3 weeks out from HIM and have IMLP coming.
The good is I did my run test last week, and I improved my 5K by 43 seconds. Its now a 26:21. Also confusing is my new zones on the same calculator seem way fast. z1 under 10:01, z 2 8:37, z3 8:19, z4 8:04, z5 7:26. Can I run these times?
I know the info is somewhere I should be able to find, but no luck. Anyone who wsnts to answer, feel free.
@Al, I would go with 6 x 500, I have submitted to Rich. Thanks!
@Satish, doing that once is okay…every week not so much. You will need to be careful of the Tuesday quality run and the (new) Wed long run you have created. Definitely separate them by 24 hours!!!
@Bob, test this week, then we can have you skip the tests (Save for the swim) when you get back! Enjoy the break!
@Todd, your call. I say test on the trainer to see your true improvement. You can swag the outdoor rides for a few days until you get it right (or the next test!). Awesome to be outside, huh?
@William, I can't remember if I answered #2 via email already (have seen it), I hope I don't give you a different answer this time!! As for #1, yes to the week days light, weekend on the HIM Rides that's fine. I am not worried about you missing a weekend of riding in place of a HIM, you are a vet and fit, you'll be fine. As for structuring that week, I think that you should double down on the bike interval ride, but do it Tues/Thurs. Wed is one short quality run of 45 minutes, maybe with 4-5 x 3' hard z4 or z5 pace. All other runs are easy. I personally would do easy runs off the Tues/Thurs bike, Mon/Fri are swim only. Sat is off. Sun is race!
As for part deux of your question, I think that hacking the HIM plan to be marathon ready is okay. Given your long run schedule, you don't NEED to do mega long runs. Here is a quick sketch of what I think, only 3 runs are longer than what you have been doing (ok, there are 2 x 16 but they are close enough to the 15s). These runs should be done at 7:45 pace per mile…you can push the last 1/4 of each run if you want, but personally I'd be looking at my other HIM workouts during the week to build fitness, not here. And don't forget you need to recover like a champ after these runs!!!
4/8 - 10 miles, with last 1/2 at goal race pace. 4/15 - Half Mary Weekend 4/22 - 16 miles 4/29 - 18 miles 5/6 - 20 miles 5/13 - 13 miles 5/20 - 20 miles 5/27 - Last long run 10 days out from HIM, max of 16 here. 6/3 - HIM Week 6/10 - HIM Recovery + an 8 to 10 miler with last 1/3 at goal pace. 6/17 - Race Week
Whether or not you are trashed after Kansas is a function of how you race Kansas, not what you do before it. The bigger question is how you will recover from the runs to keep up the rest of your training!
@Steve, sorry your RR pace is your T-pace….so you have your avg pace per 100 for a 1,000 TT, now just add 2-3 seconds per 100 to that as you pace it out!
@Russell, yes to bike emphasis this week. Ride today, extend by 30' if you can and drop the run. Thursday is swim only, short run if you "have" to, Friday is a longer EARLY AM trainer ride (can you do sat then? or maybe just as much z3 / ABP as you can?). Sat is off, Sunday is your long run (75'). Then Monday off, Tuesday interval run, Wed strides in a 45' run, Thursday OFF, Friday Swim, then Sat long ride, Sunday long run, Monday off, then back to it!
@Trevor, yes to RR ride the week before, test all your tires, gear, etc…make it a very disciplined ride (not "aggressive can I hold this IF all day ride")…and yes to a good hit out this weekend!
@Tom, you go to "move/change" my plan and pick the "Transition Week" and set it to end on the Sunday of the week after your OS. If you need it to work for you on the week of the 15th, you'll load it on Sunday/Monday to end on 4/21.
@Emily, you can do it, but more for fun / social than performance. Since you will be riding long on Sat, then Sunday could be the 13.1 as an exercise in pacing / steady running. If you do that, then drop the long run from Thursday and put the ABP ride there (keep it to 75' total riding, assume on trainer). Then your Wed bike is on Tuesday, and the Tuesday run is Wednesday. The following week your Monday is off and your Tuesday is a swim only before getting back into it!
@Dan, you can shuffle as needed; if you can "only" do a 75' ride on Sunday you can still ride it pretty hard (z3 / ABP or even a bit higher than that). Putting an ABP ride on Tuesday means you will have to change the rest of your week…let me know what you did!
@Brent, I am on it. Yes, it should be "MS: 3 x 1 mile (4') @ TP/z4/Hard." with the 5k pace one happening in Week 7. To be clear, there are hard interval runs every wednesday 2x1, 2x1 + 2x1/2, then the 3x1, then 2x1 + 2x1/2 then 3x1 then 3x1 @ 5k….
@Jen, ignore it. I would focus 100% on Napa and then getting back to plan. Have fun out there!!
Patrick- Thanks as always. Week plan for race week looks good.
Yes, I sent you the same basic question #2 by email, but just after I sent it I realized I had done so just as you were getting ready to go to the Epic Camp, and I am pretty sure it just fell through the cracks. So sorry about that! Anyway, your sketch is in line with what I had been thinking. The only bad thing is that I have/get to do the 20-milers before I find out whether I am going to do the race. :-)
Yes, I realize that how deep a hole I'm in depends on how I race KS... I will be working on getting better about all my recovery ninja-tude, which I sometimes get lazy about.
Coach P, Here is the update from yesterday’s post. I did ride the 2 hours and pushed the pace. I was in Z3 most of the time and got into some Z4 when climbing some of the hills but had to back off a bit around the high traffic areas and traffic lights. My legs got a bit tired but not to bad. After the ride I did a 30 minute run and started out Z1 due to the stiffness off the bike but ended in a smooth steady Z3 pace. This morning I completed my long swim and timed my 500s to see how much time I lost from set to set, fastest 500 was 9:01 (third) and the slowest was 9:10 (last). I have been working on form and stroke management but just can’t seem to sustain a 1:45/100 pace (yes I know it is only around a 5 second difference between the two) in longer sets like these 500 repeats (by the way, my timed 1000 came in right at 18:10 which is right at the same pace as the 500s). Any ideas on this? Dan
I have a half marathon next Saturday. As far as Taper and Still getting something accomplished (although these are totally conflicting approaches) I would like take Thursday easy or nothing, and friday do nothing. Would you suggest moving the Saturday Long bike to Wednesday or earlier in the week....or to Sunday the say after the HM, or skip it totally. Just looking to be rested and ready for next Saturday, but still get my bike rides in.
@William, MY BAD for reading and not replying! Thanks for the bump.
@Dan just give yourself a break given you rode hard yesterday (swim only today is a start!). As for the swim, it's your form….100s easy, 500s not. I would do a swim where you go 100/200/300/400 and see where your 1:45 pace starts to deviate….then that is your "max" interval distance. Do that or just over that to push in a way that doesn't lead to 200 yds of poor swimming at the end of each guess it's the last 150 to 200 that's your problem.
@John, I would take the lighter days as you want but don't sweat the long ride, it's just one day and not a big deal given the hard work you'll be doing on the run!
Coach P:
Thanks for the link; I will definitely work on the self-massage. I'm not sure if it's the shoe or training? I have not changed shoes, been running in Hoka Bondi B for over a year. I did notice that I might be running in a size too big so I just bought a new smaller pair.
@Joanna, okay, good call on the shoes. Maybe switch out laces too; I think that's the biggest drawback on the Hokas. I wanted to make sure we looked at every opportunity!
Hi Coach P,
I'm in the INT JOS week 13 looking to next week.
It shows Sunday and Monday off, tuesday ride/brick, Wednesday short run, Thursday Bike test, Friday off and Saturday bike, then Run test on Sunday.
My race will be on Saturday, and a half. I was thinking run Sunday, off Monday, bike test Tuesday...then I'm not sure what to do. I ran a half marathon well on 3/24 (nice PR!) and I'd like to run Saturday well too. Don't know if a PR is in the cards as it's a harder course, but I'd like to take a whack anyways.
Sooo, what to do with the rest of the week, or do you have other suggestions?
I have a 36 hour weekend this week in the ER and have to go out of town next weekend for a wedding.
Am I wise or not so wise to increase length of my rides and my runs due to missing some workouts?
(I did about 5 hours yesterday on the bike and doing long (3 hour) run this weekend before my night shift)
due to the long ride and trying to stay focused I am doing some racing to the stop signs to make sure I am not just doing junk miles and am trying to always be pushing.... I really need to retire! I mean from work!
I am able to get in two shorter trainer rides during week and shorter runs. swim is screwed! I can do everything this week but next week. I will be lucky to get one good swim in.
by the way, my friends tell me I work so much that I don't have to worry about over-training
clarification: 14th week/15th week of IM advanced. tried to fit in race rehearsal on bike and used the racing to stop signs for the hard effort recommended. I won't be able to get two long rides in next week so I'm basically doing two RR
I was supposed to repeat OS week 13 again this upcoming week due to a Sprint Du in a couple weeks.....that has been cancelled. CAN I go ahead and move to OS 14 this week and just upload the IM plan a week earlier on 4/22? Should i keep that "transition-unstructured training week"? Which i presume means I do as i feel?! OR upload IM plan starting in week 2 on the 15th? Below is what I'm trying to say.....thank you!
OLD: OS 13 4/1/13 NEW: OS 13 4/1/13
OS 13 4/8 OS 14 4/8
OS 14 4/15 T1 4/15 or IM 02
T1 4/22 IM 03 4/22
IM 04 4/29
OLD: OS 13 4/1
OS 13 4/18
OS 14 4/15
T 4/22
IM 04 4/29
NEW: OS 13 4/1
OS 14 4/8
T 4/15 Or IM O2
IM 03 4/22
I'm off tomorrow, mainly because I'm on the go from like 5:30AM until bedtime. Per our discussion, I'm not going to test this week as the plan says, since I'd rather wait until I get outside. Here's what I'm planning for the coming week:
Monday - off
Tuesday - 80 min ride (2x20 maybe?)/ 20 min run (??) and swim later in the day
Wednesday - Long run
Thursday - Swim only
Friday - 180min ride (short run before)
Sat - 120 min ride (short run before)
Sun - FTP run (or just strides if legs not feeling it?) and swim (the next day - Monday - is off again)
Let me know your thoughts on that and if I should change anything. The following weekend (the 19th, 20th, 21st) is my "big bike block", if that factors in at all. I know that doing the "interval" (FTP) run on Sunday after two long bike days isn't ideal, but that's how my week has to play out for the next 2-3 weeks. Should I rearrange this all to get it in elsewhere?
@Patricia, if you are within 8 weeks to your goal race, then the long rides/runs are more important than the intervals, so yes, do that now. As for the swim, just get out those swim cords and do 10 minutes 3x a week and you will be okay for the time being! Just try to stay healthy right now! 2 x RR is fine..really nail that nutrition and mentally master what your weaknesses are so we can improve!
@Vicki, so glad that forum mumbo-jumbo thing happens to others too!!
@Kori, do your best to rest on your "Off day that starts at 5:30 and lasts to dinner so no way in hell is that actually a day of rest" day.
Week 17 HIM Tues swim MS reads "...4 x 500 (30")... Set total 3000..." I'm assuming that's actually 6 x 500, since its supposed to add up to 3000, and we did 5 x 500 last week? Anyway, that's what I'm going to do unless you say otherwise. Maybe a ticket to fix?
Coach P: Week 10 beginner HIM: any problem with switching the wednesday and thursday workouts i.e. run wednesday and bike/run thursday?
Two simple and one one perhaps harder.
Question 1...really about this week, or at least the next one. :-)
Like everyone, I'm exiting the JOS this week. I am actually satisfied with a ride I did last weekend as an outdoor test, so I don't feel the specific need to bike test week. Given that my A-race is June 9, I'm actually planning on taking the weekdays this week way down (including today...done) as transition, and then jumping into the long rides this coming Sat and Sun.
The hitch is I have signed up for a half marathon on April 21. I actually think this is a good thing and will serve as a better post-OS test than a 5K. So that means no long hard rides April 20-21.
What do you think that week of April 15-21 should look like from bike/run perspective? (I'll fill in the swims in logical places and when I can get them done.). The default for the week has a TP run on Monday, VO2 bike on Wednesday, Long run on Thursday, easy run on Friday, and the usual long brick and ABP ride on Sat/Sun.
Question 2 - a crazy desire, not sure...
My son is running a marathon May 25 and has a good shot at qualifying for Boston. No guarantee, but if he does everything right, he could go sub-3:00.
If he qualifies, it would sure be nice for me to be able to run it with him. I know that's crazy to decide at this late date but....
There is a well known, good quality, flat, generally cool-weather marathon exactly 2 weeks after KS 70.3 within driving distance of me. I am considering trying to hack the HIM plan just a bit to be able to race KS 70.3 and then recover like a ninja for two weeks to run the marathon and take my shot. Do you think this is plausible?
I have been doing a 12-15 mile run every weekend all winter (and before the OS), through yesterday.
If it is plausible, how do you suggest modifying the HIM plan between now and then if at all? My thoughts were:
If I qualify for LV at KS, I know this would put a big hole in training for LV...but I'll be honest, I don't care about that. I do care about qualifying and having a fun day in LV and not screwing up. And I do care about the chance to run Boston with my son. But I'm on the wrong end of the age group (49 this year) to care much about trying to place very high.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Hi coaches. I'm in week 15 leading up to IMTX. Today's swim calls for me to go at "RR pace minus 2 to 3"". So, my question is - what is my race rehearsal swim pace? I hunted around the site and darned if I can find a reference to it. Thanks!
In HIM Int w11 for Patriot; next week (HIM w12) will be on vacation with kidz in DC - no time for workouts on Sat (this wk) or Th (next wk); no bike or swim in DC Sat..Th.
So... this week I think I should emphasize swim and bike; next week is all run / rest; following weekend is back to the bike and swim.
Do you have recommendations on how to structure this wk, next wk, and the wk after to optimize over vacation?
Thank you,
Is 1 week before an HIM too close to do an RR ride?
Only a few weeks left until Wildflower and RR is planned for next weekend, but I'll be out of town with no bike. Can push it to the following weekend, or pull it up to this weekend. Only reservations about pulling it up to this weekend is that this is my last weekend to get some real kick-my-ass work in before I start the gradual wind-down (due to travel).
Thanks, Tom
There is a 13.1 or 10k right by my house this weekend that I was considering. Can I do it? Yes... But should I? Any way to add one if these in to my training or should I just stick with the program for now, especially since I had to miss 4 days of training last week. I also dont know another time this week where i can be on my bike for 3 hours, except for Saturday. Thanks!
A quick up date on how things are going, I was able to get through the 3 hour ride on Sat and the 30 run/ 2 hr bike on Sun. So far since I have been back 'off hold' I have been able to make it through each workout swim, bike or run without a problem. I will send another update after the long swim and long run later this week.
On to the current situation, I just found out I will probably not be able to do the 30 minute run/2 hour ride this Sunday but I can do a 75 minute ride. However, I am able to do the 2 hour hour ride plus the 30 minute run after the ride this afternoon (as a brick). I know this question might get to you a little late for your normal feedback email to the group but I hope this change is OK. Please let me know you views on this change.
Get Faster Intermediate Week 4 Wednesday Run: MS: 3 x 1 mile (5') @ goal 5k pace with full recoveries between each. Typo?
There isn't another run scheduled until Week 8, so it seems strange to have this run workout placed in Week 4.
Hi Coach P,
I am racing Napa HITS 1/2 IM on Sat. ( April 13) . I am in the advanced IM training program, ending with IM CDA June 23. There is a suggestion to do a Big Tri Week next week. Is this too much to do the week following the 1/2 IM? Should I plan it for a different week or just continue with the Advanced IM plan? I could take the Sunday and Monday off following the 1/2 IM and then jump into the big week. I would like to do the big week if possible because it works great with my work/family schedule. I am not sure I will be able to find a better week logistically. But I also don't want to find myself in a world of hurt moving forward with the IM plan.
Jen D
Patrick, Today I did my first bike test using the power meter. Not sure if I plugged the numbers in right. My 20 minute test average watts was 144. When I plug that into the temporary calculator, the zones calculated just dont seem right. They seem too low. For example zone 5 is 137 to 144. This isn't right is it? My 5 min test had an avg watt of 156. How do I figure VO2? Also, are these numbers as pathetic as they sound? How am I going to improve them? Im 3 weeks out from HIM and have IMLP coming.
The good is I did my run test last week, and I improved my 5K by 43 seconds. Its now a 26:21. Also confusing is my new zones on the same calculator seem way fast. z1 under 10:01, z 2 8:37, z3 8:19, z4 8:04, z5 7:26. Can I run these times?
I know the info is somewhere I should be able to find, but no luck. Anyone who wsnts to answer, feel free.
@Satish, doing that once is okay…every week not so much. You will need to be careful of the Tuesday quality run and the (new) Wed long run you have created. Definitely separate them by 24 hours!!!
@Bob, test this week, then we can have you skip the tests (Save for the swim) when you get back! Enjoy the break!
@Todd, your call. I say test on the trainer to see your true improvement. You can swag the outdoor rides for a few days until you get it right (or the next test!). Awesome to be outside, huh?
@William, I can't remember if I answered #2 via email already (have seen it), I hope I don't give you a different answer this time!!
As for part deux of your question, I think that hacking the HIM plan to be marathon ready is okay. Given your long run schedule, you don't NEED to do mega long runs. Here is a quick sketch of what I think, only 3 runs are longer than what you have been doing (ok, there are 2 x 16 but they are close enough to the 15s). These runs should be done at 7:45 pace per mile…you can push the last 1/4 of each run if you want, but personally I'd be looking at my other HIM workouts during the week to build fitness, not here. And don't forget you need to recover like a champ after these runs!!!
4/8 - 10 miles, with last 1/2 at goal race pace.
4/15 - Half Mary Weekend
4/22 - 16 miles
4/29 - 18 miles
5/6 - 20 miles
5/13 - 13 miles
5/20 - 20 miles
5/27 - Last long run 10 days out from HIM, max of 16 here.
6/3 - HIM Week
6/10 - HIM Recovery + an 8 to 10 miler with last 1/3 at goal pace.
6/17 - Race Week
Whether or not you are trashed after Kansas is a function of how you race Kansas, not what you do before it. The bigger question is how you will recover from the runs to keep up the rest of your training!
@Steve, sorry your RR pace is your T-pace….so you have your avg pace per 100 for a 1,000 TT, now just add 2-3 seconds per 100 to that as you pace it out!
@Russell, yes to bike emphasis this week. Ride today, extend by 30' if you can and drop the run. Thursday is swim only, short run if you "have" to, Friday is a longer EARLY AM trainer ride (can you do sat then? or maybe just as much z3 / ABP as you can?). Sat is off, Sunday is your long run (75'). Then Monday off, Tuesday interval run, Wed strides in a 45' run, Thursday OFF, Friday Swim, then Sat long ride, Sunday long run, Monday off, then back to it!
@Trevor, yes to RR ride the week before, test all your tires, gear, etc…make it a very disciplined ride (not "aggressive can I hold this IF all day ride")…and yes to a good hit out this weekend!
@Tom, you go to "move/change" my plan and pick the "Transition Week" and set it to end on the Sunday of the week after your OS. If you need it to work for you on the week of the 15th, you'll load it on Sunday/Monday to end on 4/21.
@Emily, you can do it, but more for fun / social than performance. Since you will be riding long on Sat, then Sunday could be the 13.1 as an exercise in pacing / steady running. If you do that, then drop the long run from Thursday and put the ABP ride there (keep it to 75' total riding, assume on trainer). Then your Wed bike is on Tuesday, and the Tuesday run is Wednesday. The following week your Monday is off and your Tuesday is a swim only before getting back into it!
@Dan, you can shuffle as needed; if you can "only" do a 75' ride on Sunday you can still ride it pretty hard (z3 / ABP or even a bit higher than that). Putting an ABP ride on Tuesday means you will have to change the rest of your week…let me know what you did!
@Brent, I am on it. Yes, it should be "MS: 3 x 1 mile (4') @ TP/z4/Hard." with the 5k pace one happening in Week 7. To be clear, there are hard interval runs every wednesday 2x1, 2x1 + 2x1/2, then the 3x1, then 2x1 + 2x1/2 then 3x1 then 3x1 @ 5k….
@Jen, ignore it. I would focus 100% on Napa and then getting back to plan. Have fun out there!!
@Jodi, here's a movie explanation for you!
Yes, I sent you the same basic question #2 by email, but just after I sent it I realized I had done so just as you were getting ready to go to the Epic Camp, and I am pretty sure it just fell through the cracks. So sorry about that! Anyway, your sketch is in line with what I had been thinking. The only bad thing is that I have/get to do the 20-milers before I find out whether I am going to do the race. :-)
Yes, I realize that how deep a hole I'm in depends on how I race KS... I will be working on getting better about all my recovery ninja-tude, which I sometimes get lazy about.
Here is the update from yesterday’s post. I did ride the 2 hours and pushed the pace. I was in Z3 most of the time and got into some Z4 when climbing some of the hills but had to back off a bit around the high traffic areas and traffic lights. My legs got a bit tired but not to bad. After the ride I did a 30 minute run and started out Z1 due to the stiffness off the bike but ended in a smooth steady Z3 pace.
This morning I completed my long swim and timed my 500s to see how much time I lost from set to set, fastest 500 was 9:01 (third) and the slowest was 9:10 (last). I have been working on form and stroke management but just can’t seem to sustain a 1:45/100 pace (yes I know it is only around a 5 second difference between the two) in longer sets like these 500 repeats (by the way, my timed 1000 came in right at 18:10 which is right at the same pace as the 500s). Any ideas on this?
I have a half marathon next Saturday. As far as Taper and Still getting something accomplished (although these are totally conflicting approaches) I would like take Thursday easy or nothing, and friday do nothing.
Would you suggest moving the Saturday Long bike to Wednesday or earlier in the week....or to Sunday the say after the HM, or skip it totally.
Just looking to be rested and ready for next Saturday, but still get my bike rides in.
Any thoughts you have would be great.
@Jodi, it's me not you. Sorry!!! Here you go (cut and paste it):
@William, MY BAD for reading and not replying! Thanks for the bump.
@Dan just give yourself a break given you rode hard yesterday (swim only today is a start!). As for the swim, it's your form….100s easy, 500s not. I would do a swim where you go 100/200/300/400 and see where your 1:45 pace starts to deviate….then that is your "max" interval distance. Do that or just over that to push in a way that doesn't lead to 200 yds of poor swimming at the end of each guess it's the last 150 to 200 that's your problem.
@John, I would take the lighter days as you want but don't sweat the long ride, it's just one day and not a big deal given the hard work you'll be doing on the run!