@Wilmer, yes…give it a few days. Ice your foot and some NSAIDs just to relieve discomfort. If you have a plantar boot, wear it at night, stretch lightly before getting out of bed, etc…hopefully we dodge the bullet here!
@Akio, yes follow the same protocol…just do it AM so the Thursday run doesn't suck too much!! Note I don't really see items in my feed, this is a better place!
@Nic, your best bet is to be doing time, not intensity right now. No point trying to push workouts only to short circuit your recovery / work you need to be doing to get and stay healthy. I might suggest road bike riding for a while (less lower back pain?) and all aqua jogging you want. Be careful in the pool…but we are looking at a very safe, aerobic implementation of the plan. So if it calls for 3 hours with 4 x 12' at FTP, you are doing a 3 hour aerobic ride right now…A 2 x 1 mile run for 45'? That's a 45 minute aerobic session in the pool…after 7-10 days of pain free training, we can then talk moving to the next level. Hope that helps, if not drop in on Monday night coach chat!!!
@Dwight, yes, go for them both..big day ain't hard, just time consuming!
@Marvin, try to book a slot here: http://meetme.so/patrickmccrann -- Please remember to include your phone number. If you don't get confirmation from me (life is crazy right now), then you can PM me and we can set up a time!
I have my first race of the season a week from tomorrow. HIM in South Texas. My next race is 5 weeks later, also a HIM in South Texas. Rich has dubbed them both A races! He has me re-entering HIM plan at wk 16 right after the first HIM. Obviously, I'll need (want!) some recovery after the first. How do you suggest I do that? Week off?...half week off? Half the volumes first week? Other?
I'm looking at the weather forecast for next weekend and it seems there is more chance of snow or not being able to ride outdoors. I have a race rehearsal in my plan in preparation for IM 70.3 SG. If weather sucks, should I do a race rehearsal indoors or should I forget about race rehearsal all together and maybe copy what I did this weekend and do that again next weekend? Note that the weekend after, I'm actually doing IM 70.3 California and treating that as a race rehearsal for IM 70.3 SG, so I wouldn't really lose anything by doing so. What do you think?
Had a really up and down week mentally , but got thru all the training except one medium priority run. On Monday I was finally diagnosed with asthma and was bummed. However the new drugs are working. On Friday I did a race simulation swim and although pathetically slow, its about 4 minutes faster (2200 yard test for Half iron) than I did in past years.
On Saturday, I did a 56 mile bike simulation and got the most incredible tailwind for 2 of the 3 hours so I don't know how to interpret the results. The last hour was some major head wind, but ridable. rode 3 hours and 4 minutes and drank all i had, which was 56 oz. ran out with 20 minutes left. I consumed 512 calories. felt great.
Brick run immediately after was supposed to be 30 min zone one and 30 min zone 1-2. First mile I thought I was running slow but my pace was still above zone 1. Then I got closer. Second half, tried to hit zone two, but could not but was a minute faster than zone 1 time. Had some stomach churning the first half, which was new to me. Consumed nothing because of poor planning on my part!
Finished tired, but recovered well. I'm off today. Hoping for some interpretation to help me.
@Jeff, I suggest you check out the Post Half Ironman Template week of the Self Coaching Guide in the Wiki…it's got what you need! http://bit.ly/ZTnXXH
@Ben, the value of a RR is steady effort at goal pace to monitor positional fitness, nutrition and how it affects your run. I say you do it (but keep it to no more than 2.5 hours), maybe even make it a sweat test exercise. When you go to Cali, you should be racing that thing, not simulating anything.
@Peter, sorry if this is too late for your monday! I say you can go full FTP on the bike (regular plan) this next week…the run still one more week cautious!
@Jodi, glad you are getting some clarity / good advice on your health….bummer but good to know!! Sound like we need to improve your fluid intake as the pacing went well…the steady running is actually pretty close to reality. I'd like to see you bump up the fluid intake to a sip every 5 minutes…what did you eat otherwise (so we can discuss churning?).
Patrick, Thanks for your reply. What am I supposed to be drinking? I thought 24 oz bottle per hour was right. As for the calories, I used half strength gatorade so I counted those calories plus 2 packets of sport beams and one gel. Everything I have used before except the gatorade. I usually use ironman perform but was out and was thinking of trying something else. Jodi
I'm in the JOS group, finishing April 14. My focus race is KS 70.3 on June 9, 8 weeks later.
There are a couple of relatively local half Marathons on April 21, which is at the end of the transition week. What do you think? Good idea to get a decent time after an easy week? (I presume I'd just do a normal hard 90 min OS type run on the last day of OS if I did this.) Or bad idea because of the timing? I've been very consistent with doing 90 min runs every week, which is not far from the time I would expect to finish in...but of course 90 min race is altogether different than a normal 90 min run.
When I transition to the SC plan, I'm going to try something wild and crazy.... Do the 3 swims per week. (I have typically dropped 1 per week in the past) I want to see if I can get faster in the swim.
So here is my question.... i need at least 1 day off per week, mentally, and for SAUs. I have 1/2 days on Fridays at work so I can merge another WKO from the week to this day, but want to do it smartly so as not to adversely affect Sat. & Sunday training. How would you shift "stuff" onto Fri. to give me a day off during the week? (PS Can't swim on Tues. or Thurs due to pool schedule)
I have the Great Clermont Tri (intl) on Sunday. My plan says to look in the Wiki but I'm not finding much or just looking in the wrong place. You guys' thoughts on modifying my plan this week? I'm in week 11 of INT IM (Texas).
hey coach, i just finished a focus run plan saturday. Per the coach Rich's rec i just loaded the OS plan which start me in week 6. I notice saturday is a 90 min bike and 60 min run. i have not done any double work outs in a few months after a recovery month then an abreviated Run focus plan. question is, should i just jump into a 60 min run on the same day as a 90 min bike or should i shorten one of these up and gradually work up to this double volume?
@Jodi, you'll want to get back to the perform, my guess is your "new" beverage didn't have near enough sodium…I just wanted to check to see, thanks for sharing!
@WMJ, yes you can do that…so I'd do a 5k or 10k test that final day…then chill it / taper for the half…should be fun (in a really painful kind of way!).
@Kim, anyway we can think outside the box and have you just extend Mon/Wed swims to accommodate a friday off day…or make Friday a long swim day and rest Monday? Its wicked hard to move anything to Friday given it's between the Tues-Thurs and Sat-Sun hard work periods!
@Dwight, it's in the Wiki under Self Coaching / Self Coaching manual…go to this link and look for "inserting races into your plan" and go to the Short Course one! http://bit.ly/ZTnXXH
@Joe, you are right to be cautious. The run is only 30' if you brick it (vs running separately, per the instructions) so you have some leeway there…BUT, since you just did a run focus plan I'd like to prioritize the bike on Sat anyway and just drop that run or make it wicked short for the first few weeks! Keep on being smart!
I'm on the 20 week Int IM plan. It appears that in April my schedule will be a litte crazy with travel. In week 14 I will be out of town 4/8-4/10. I am able to get in a normal workout the morning of 4/8 but what is your guidance for the rest of the week? Also, during the weekend that the plan calls for the 112 mile race rehearsal, I will be out of town. I was thinking I could do the race rehearsal in week 14..what are your thoughts?
re: week 12 of advanced IM plan, Thursday run, it says to do a 5k time trial. The total workout time is listed at 120 minutes. Does this mean after the 5k time trial I should continue on in a long run to equal 120 minutes? If so, what pace during the remainder of the long run? Thx
I suffered some sort of trauma to my calf after the big training day on Saturday and am going to skip all the runs this week just to give it time to heal. I am fine biking, should I substitute bike sessions for the runs?
I'm on Week 12 of the Beginner IM Plan and was supposed to do a 45" Tempo run; a 5K Time Trial; 60" Strides and a 40" brick run.
I'm on week 12 of the IM2013 Intermediate plan and I'm currently traveling. I won't be able to find a place to swim tomorrow so I was thinking of pulling up the long run from Thursday to Wednesday. Also, I'll be moving this weekend so it looks like I'll miss my long bike rides. Should I try and pull one up to Friday? Or forgo the rides this weekend and look to next week?
Coach P: as per your advice I only ran easy on the weekend, 1 hr satruday with strides and 50 minutes sunday. Happily sleep patterns normalized and I am feeling much better rested and way less stressed. Managed to finally do a good FTP test on tuesday! Now going forward I am to jump into the HIM plan on Monday and am unsure of what level to do. I still have a niggling foot/calf issue which is much better than at the beginning of the OS but still flares up time to time with running. I am hoping for sub 5:30 in what will be my first HIM (FTP is around 3.5 w/kg, vdot around 48, 1000m swim TT pace is 1:50/100m) . Based on my experiences recently with possible overtraining, I am thinking beginner plan, but what do you think?
Quick question. I will out of town this next week beginning Saturday afternoon and returning to freezing cold Chicago on Thursday, the 28th. I know I will not get in the run scheduled for this Sunday (possibly some late night partying with family) Should I do the run on Monday instead or skip it altogether? Thanks! Anna
Coaches - I jumped into Week 9 of HIM Intermediate Race Plan, due to race date of June 9. Long Run calls for 30' of Z1/LRP to start and then intervals, followed by time in Z2. Why the long Z1 time? It seems to just add slow running volume, at a pace I would never run in a HIM race. Just looking to understand the purpose of each workout. Thanks John
I am doing the 9th week of IM following GF, and have two questions about the week end two bikes:
1. It's going to rain this coming Sunday when I should do ABP ride. In the case like this should I do the ride on an indoor trainer OR change the ride to run, for example, a long run like the one on Thursday (I don't mind running in the rain as it' not cold) ?
2. I cannot do the two weekend rides next week because of SAU. But Friday is off work. Can I move one of the two rides to Friday, and which one should I do? I also intend to do the swim and the run as listed that day.
@Peter, GREAT! Yes to this week as planned for the bike!!!!!
@Kim, if you are extending your Friday and Monday, I would add it as a set amount; like a Main Set 2. So you might add twice through 5 x 100 (10") as first 100 is 75 steady / 25 fast; second is 50/50, third is 25/75, fourth is all out, fifth is super easy & great form.
@Donna, if you can get in the run on Monday then you are only missing an interval run and the bike intervals, both fine…I'd plan on resting during those two days and staying healthy. As for the the RR, bumping to week 14 is fine; that week will you miss both weekend workouts?
@Chris, yes, test this week, max one hour of running!
@Joanna, yes more biking is fine….I prefer 2 x FTP intervals and weekend rides as planned, swim the other non bike days and stretch / roll / recover!
@Ryan, yes to bumping both one day earlier…if you can get some flavor of ride in friday, then no weekend workouts as moving is hard work! Good luck!
@Satish, yay!!!! Nice job on the recovery. I say that you plan on the beginner for the first 4 weeks then we reassess!!
@John the z1 time mimics what you will do on race day, start slow (z1 or at least z2 + 30" per mile) and then finish strong at goal pace (z2) or just better!
@Akio, do the ABP on the trainer, call it 90 minutes max, including a warm up. I would bump the sat ride and do either the swim or the run, but not both!
I don't have much hope that you will respond in the next couple of hours...but just in case...and at least as a post mortem review of my thinking...I will post..........
As you know I have been juggling workouts a bit the last two weeks...hitting all the key workouts...but bouncing around days etc. and that this week instead of testing...I am repeating week 11 and doing my big day this weekend.....
My Question Du Jour (or Du Momente)...is Today's workout is to be 90min Long Run...because of my travel this week...I had to swap Tues/Wed ...did FTP bike on Tuesday and did my Interval run yesterday....so my question was...am I better off (regarding legs-recovery) doing a 90 min. ABP or FTP Ride or doing my Long Run on the back of yesterdays Intervals?
I can/will make either one work, and I think in the long run...either workout is good...I don't get hurt/penalized either way...just curious from a work balance if it would really be better to do one or the other? TG next week back to normal schedule and no biz trips planned for the forseeable horizon.
@Donna, I don't know what plan you are doing! If you are in an IM / HIM plan, bump the long run from Thurs to Sunday, and do the Wed Ride on Tues & Thurs, with the Tues run on Wed. An easy run on Sat with strides (45 mins total) would be fine. If you are in the OS plan, then do it as scheduled, replacing Sat ride with the strides run above! Hope that helps…
@JCL, yes to the steady long run; I personally really can't handle a hard ride after an interval run day….
@Akio, yes follow the same protocol…just do it AM so the Thursday run doesn't suck too much!! Note I don't really see items in my feed, this is a better place!
@Nic, your best bet is to be doing time, not intensity right now. No point trying to push workouts only to short circuit your recovery / work you need to be doing to get and stay healthy. I might suggest road bike riding for a while (less lower back pain?) and all aqua jogging you want. Be careful in the pool…but we are looking at a very safe, aerobic implementation of the plan. So if it calls for 3 hours with 4 x 12' at FTP, you are doing a 3 hour aerobic ride right now…A 2 x 1 mile run for 45'? That's a 45 minute aerobic session in the pool…after 7-10 days of pain free training, we can then talk moving to the next level. Hope that helps, if not drop in on Monday night coach chat!!!
@Dwight, yes, go for them both..big day ain't hard, just time consuming!
@Marvin, try to book a slot here: http://meetme.so/patrickmccrann -- Please remember to include your phone number. If you don't get confirmation from me (life is crazy right now), then you can PM me and we can set up a time!
@Yasko no worries!
Coach P,
I have my first race of the season a week from tomorrow. HIM in South Texas. My next race is 5 weeks later, also a HIM in South Texas. Rich has dubbed them both A races! He has me re-entering HIM plan at wk 16 right after the first HIM. Obviously, I'll need (want!) some recovery after the first. How do you suggest I do that? Week off?...half week off? Half the volumes first week? Other?
Coach P,
I'm looking at the weather forecast for next weekend and it seems there is more chance of snow or not being able to ride outdoors. I have a race rehearsal in my plan in preparation for IM 70.3 SG. If weather sucks, should I do a race rehearsal indoors or should I forget about race rehearsal all together and maybe copy what I did this weekend and do that again next weekend? Note that the weekend after, I'm actually doing IM 70.3 California and treating that as a race rehearsal for IM 70.3 SG, so I wouldn't really lose anything by doing so. What do you think?
Hi Patrick
Successfully did long ride yesterday @ Pav 142.
Long run today, I wasn't sure how long to go (last week all I could do @ EP was 90 mins), so I did 120 mins @ EP.
Wondering about next week (as in tomorrow), particularly FTP intervals.
Also, should I do a few more runs (currently, just long run and a brick after FTP bike)?
BTW, feeling pretty good at the moment and sleeping super well!
Thanks Patrick
Put in the request
Had a really up and down week mentally , but got thru all the training except one medium priority run. On Monday I was finally diagnosed with asthma and was bummed. However the new drugs are working. On Friday I did a race simulation swim and although pathetically slow, its about 4 minutes faster (2200 yard test for Half iron) than I did in past years.
On Saturday, I did a 56 mile bike simulation and got the most incredible tailwind for 2 of the 3 hours so I don't know how to interpret the results. The last hour was some major head wind, but ridable. rode 3 hours and 4 minutes and drank all i had, which was 56 oz. ran out with 20 minutes left. I consumed 512 calories. felt great.
Brick run immediately after was supposed to be 30 min zone one and 30 min zone 1-2. First mile I thought I was running slow but my pace was still above zone 1. Then I got closer. Second half, tried to hit zone two, but could not but was a minute faster than zone 1 time. Had some stomach churning the first half, which was new to me. Consumed nothing because of poor planning on my part!
Finished tired, but recovered well. I'm off today. Hoping for some interpretation to help me.
@Ben, the value of a RR is steady effort at goal pace to monitor positional fitness, nutrition and how it affects your run. I say you do it (but keep it to no more than 2.5 hours), maybe even make it a sweat test exercise. When you go to Cali, you should be racing that thing, not simulating anything.
@Peter, sorry if this is too late for your monday! I say you can go full FTP on the bike (regular plan) this next week…the run still one more week cautious!
@Jodi, glad you are getting some clarity / good advice on your health….bummer but good to know!! Sound like we need to improve your fluid intake as the pacing went well…the steady running is actually pretty close to reality. I'd like to see you bump up the fluid intake to a sip every 5 minutes…what did you eat otherwise (so we can discuss churning?).
I'm in the JOS group, finishing April 14. My focus race is KS 70.3 on June 9, 8 weeks later.
There are a couple of relatively local half Marathons on April 21, which is at the end of the transition week. What do you think? Good idea to get a decent time after an easy week? (I presume I'd just do a normal hard 90 min OS type run on the last day of OS if I did this.) Or bad idea because of the timing? I've been very consistent with doing 90 min runs every week, which is not far from the time I would expect to finish in...but of course 90 min race is altogether different than a normal 90 min run.
So here is my question.... i need at least 1 day off per week, mentally, and for SAUs. I have 1/2 days on Fridays at work so I can merge another WKO from the week to this day, but want to do it smartly so as not to adversely affect Sat. & Sunday training. How would you shift "stuff" onto Fri. to give me a day off during the week? (PS Can't swim on Tues. or Thurs due to pool schedule)
I have the Great Clermont Tri (intl) on Sunday. My plan says to look in the Wiki but I'm not finding much or just looking in the wrong place. You guys' thoughts on modifying my plan this week? I'm in week 11 of INT IM (Texas).
thanks guys
@WMJ, yes you can do that…so I'd do a 5k or 10k test that final day…then chill it / taper for the half…should be fun (in a really painful kind of way!).
@Kim, anyway we can think outside the box and have you just extend Mon/Wed swims to accommodate a friday off day…or make Friday a long swim day and rest Monday? Its wicked hard to move anything to Friday given it's between the Tues-Thurs and Sat-Sun hard work periods!
@Dwight, it's in the Wiki under Self Coaching / Self Coaching manual…go to this link and look for "inserting races into your plan" and go to the Short Course one! http://bit.ly/ZTnXXH
@Joe, you are right to be cautious. The run is only 30' if you brick it (vs running separately, per the instructions) so you have some leeway there…BUT, since you just did a run focus plan I'd like to prioritize the bike on Sat anyway and just drop that run or make it wicked short for the first few weeks! Keep on being smart!
Hi Patrick
Just reporting back on FTP bike session — did the prescribed 2 x 20 (4) @ Pnorm 201 and 202 watts — haven't seen this many watts since January.
I propose to do the rest of the bike week as listed and for running just do the brick run and long run @ EP, and I will report back on Sunday?
I'm on the 20 week Int IM plan. It appears that in April my schedule will be a litte crazy with travel. In week 14 I will be out of town 4/8-4/10. I am able to get in a normal workout the morning of 4/8 but what is your guidance for the rest of the week?
Also, during the weekend that the plan calls for the 112 mile race rehearsal, I will be out of town. I was thinking I could do the race rehearsal in week 14..what are your thoughts?
I suffered some sort of trauma to my calf after the big training day on Saturday and am going to skip all the runs this week just to give it time to heal. I am fine biking, should I substitute bike sessions for the runs?
I'm on Week 12 of the Beginner IM Plan and was supposed to do a 45" Tempo run; a 5K Time Trial; 60" Strides and a 40" brick run.
Thank you,
I'm on week 12 of the IM2013 Intermediate plan and I'm currently traveling. I won't be able to find a place to swim tomorrow so I was thinking of pulling up the long run from Thursday to Wednesday.
Also, I'll be moving this weekend so it looks like I'll miss my long bike rides. Should I try and pull one up to Friday? Or forgo the rides this weekend and look to next week?
Coach P: as per your advice I only ran easy on the weekend, 1 hr satruday with strides and 50 minutes sunday. Happily sleep patterns normalized and I am feeling much better rested and way less stressed. Managed to finally do a good FTP test on tuesday! Now going forward I am to jump into the HIM plan on Monday and am unsure of what level to do. I still have a niggling foot/calf issue which is much better than at the beginning of the OS but still flares up time to time with running. I am hoping for sub 5:30 in what will be my first HIM (FTP is around 3.5 w/kg, vdot around 48, 1000m swim TT pace is 1:50/100m) . Based on my experiences recently with possible overtraining, I am thinking beginner plan, but what do you think?
Hi Coach P,
Quick question. I will out of town this next week beginning Saturday afternoon and returning to freezing cold Chicago on Thursday, the 28th. I know I will not get in the run scheduled for this Sunday (possibly some late night partying with family)
Should I do the run on Monday instead or skip it altogether? Thanks! Anna
I am doing the 9th week of IM following GF, and have two questions about the week end two bikes:
1. It's going to rain this coming Sunday when I should do ABP ride. In the case like this should I do the ride on an indoor trainer OR change the ride to run, for example, a long run like the one on Thursday (I don't mind running in the rain as it' not cold) ?
2. I cannot do the two weekend rides next week because of SAU. But Friday is off work. Can I move one of the two rides to Friday, and which one should I do? I also intend to do the swim and the run as listed that day.
Thanks in advance for your guidance.
@Kim, if you are extending your Friday and Monday, I would add it as a set amount; like a Main Set 2. So you might add twice through 5 x 100 (10") as first 100 is 75 steady / 25 fast; second is 50/50, third is 25/75, fourth is all out, fifth is super easy & great form.
@Donna, if you can get in the run on Monday then you are only missing an interval run and the bike intervals, both fine…I'd plan on resting during those two days and staying healthy. As for the the RR, bumping to week 14 is fine; that week will you miss both weekend workouts?
@Chris, yes, test this week, max one hour of running!
@Joanna, yes more biking is fine….I prefer 2 x FTP intervals and weekend rides as planned, swim the other non bike days and stretch / roll / recover!
@Ryan, yes to bumping both one day earlier…if you can get some flavor of ride in friday, then no weekend workouts as moving is hard work! Good luck!
@Satish, yay!!!! Nice job on the recovery. I say that you plan on the beginner for the first 4 weeks then we reassess!!
@Anna, skip and have fun!
@John the z1 time mimics what you will do on race day, start slow (z1 or at least z2 + 30" per mile) and then finish strong at goal pace (z2) or just better!
@Akio, do the ABP on the trainer, call it 90 minutes max, including a warm up. I would bump the sat ride and do either the swim or the run, but not both!
I don't have much hope that you will respond in the next couple of hours...but just in case...and at least as a post mortem review of my thinking...I will post..........
As you know I have been juggling workouts a bit the last two weeks...hitting all the key workouts...but bouncing around days etc. and that this week instead of testing...I am repeating week 11 and doing my big day this weekend.....
My Question Du Jour (or Du Momente)...is Today's workout is to be 90min Long Run...because of my travel this week...I had to swap Tues/Wed ...did FTP bike on Tuesday and did my Interval run yesterday....so my question was...am I better off (regarding legs-recovery) doing a 90 min. ABP or FTP Ride or doing my Long Run on the back of yesterdays Intervals?
I can/will make either one work, and I think in the long run...either workout is good...I don't get hurt/penalized either way...just curious from a work balance if it would really be better to do one or the other? TG next week back to normal schedule and no biz trips planned for the forseeable horizon.
@JCL, yes to the steady long run; I personally really can't handle a hard ride after an interval run day….
@Akio, glad I could help!!!