RE: The Micro Thread: I have questions about what to do THIS week
Thanks again Coach Patrick!!
I will stay indoor because it always takes about 40 minutes to get to the cycling road I usually ride on. Up to there I have a lot of traffic signals to stop. Over 3 hours would be a criterion to judge whether outdoor or indoor, for me.
Thanks again Coach Patrick!!
I will stay indoor because it always takes about 40 minutes to get to the cycling road I usually ride on. Up to there I have a lot of traffic signals to stop. Over 3 hours would be a criterion to judge whether outdoor or indoor, for me.
1. have always done swim then run when training, this plan is the opposite. Is that intentional, I guess running would help me get warmed up, but in races the sequence is different. I am drinking the cool aid so if you say run first I will.
2. I have done 3 half IM's before and will be doing one in May and one in June. My first IM will be in Nov, Cozumel. Should I be loading the beginner half IM?
@Paula, you can do whatever workout first that works for you / your life...swim then run is fine! You should have gotten a season RoadMap from Coach Rich. This will tell you which plan you need first; Since you are more than 12 weeks out from your May race, I assume you should be doing something different...okay, just found the email we sent you in october, pasting the image below for you so you can review....looks like you should be smack dab in the OS. If you need to update your races / change, then go to Training Plan / Season Plan Survey!
Quick question: I am completing week 6 of the Int OS plan. Saturday workouts are typically 60-90 bike (so far) containing intervals at zone 4. Bike is followed by a run (which I have been bricking) which is an "out and back" out @ MP - back @ HMP. Now today my run was for 30'. Am I supposed to be doing 15' out at HMP and 15' back at MP? That would be tough at this stage (I think) based on the distance. Is there a wu or recovery in there? Plan doesn't specify.
This coming week is my week 5 of the 6 week Bike Focus Plan.
I am traveling on Saturday (2/23) to Colorado for a week of skiing, returning (3/2).
My idea is to take this coming week, and move everything forward one day, allowing me to do the hard tuesday bike on Monday (since I will also be out of town for work tuesday night) and do the long bike workout scheduled for Satruday (2/23) on Friday while I am still home.
For next week which would be week 6 of the 6 week bike plan. Should I just do that work the following week? or just start the 8 week G.F. plan as we had intended? Since the last week of the Bike focus plan, and week one of the G.F. plan both have similar testing days anyways.
While away they have a nice fitness center there, should i try to get in some of the bike and run work? or just enjoy?
Thanks for your help.
I am sure you have been asked this several times......
I am in the 7th week of the OS. This week does not have a long run on Sunday due to the bike/run testing in week 8. I have a 1/2 marathon scheduled for March 17th and am currently using your "modifying the OS plan to fit a 1/2 marathon" guide which would require me to do an 75-80 minute race intensity effort his week.
Since there is no long run scheduled for OS week 7 how would you recommend I do this week so as not to compromise my 1/2 marathon work?
For your reference ->week 7 (intermediate) OS plan:
I need the Get Faster Plan Intermediate week 7. It will not show up in my training plan in spite of repeated tries to load it and emails to support. I'm supposed to begin the plan Tomorrow, but I still don't have it. What should I do?
I started the Get Faster Advanced 8 week plan last week. Should I be swimming as it outlines 3x's / week seeing as we are still mid Feb. or at this time of the year would I be better off either extending the run or bike workouts those days or bricking the alternative sport (bike or run)? My first event is year is not until May 25th.
Hey Coach P....a nice result at Myrtle Beach this past geared up for transitioning from OS/GF into Race Prep for IMTX...according to my Season Plan...this week is a recovery/transition week....I did an Z3 ride on Sunday...Swim Today....I'm thinking...normal bike tommorrow (the Thursday ride from Transition week plan)...Wed. will be Swim & easy run...Thursday I was going to do my Bike Test???? Friday Swim & Run....Sat/Sun per Transition Week plan...Thoughts on this?
Secondly...I'm trying to plan my workout/scheduling in advance....Is there a way to view the entire Intermediate IM plan? I want to know when Big Day/RR weekends are scheduled??!! I can plan arrange ahead.....this is kinda important.
Ok, so its my turn to be sick. I'm down and out. Was out of town when it hit me. Only got in an 18 minute lung burning run/walk that let me know it was coming. Could spin only zone 1 for an hour the next day before I said uncle. I limped home and went to the doc who gave me the drugs I guess I needed. How long I'll be out I'm not sure. When I come back, do I ease into it? I'm on week 10 of a half iron plan.
I'm in week 7 of INT. JOS. I have a half marathon on 3/2 (I'm going on a mini training weekend in Phoenix...planning on the half mary Saturday (a C race) riding the IMAZ course Sunday, trail running and swimming Monday (if I feel up to running) and then home) and per the half mary hack, I should be running this weekend, but it is test week next week.
Soooo, my question is this: how do I (or do I) adjust this weekends wo's , as well as next week. I would like to do the 5k run test as opposed to using the half as a test because I arrive late evening and don't have high hopes of a killer run, and its a C race anyhow.
Thanks Coach!
Warm Up:5’ easy, 3’ standing @ big gear/low cadence,
2’ easy, then 12’ at 80-85%/Zone3/ModHard, then 3’ easy
MS: 3 x 1 mile (5') @ TP/zone4/Hard
when I need to stop, etc... and not stationary
JD in Wash DC
Have a Half Marathon schedule for this coming Sunday. I just realized my bike test for wk 8 of the JOS is Monday. How should I handle this?
@Robert, I would do the 75' run, but in 1/3s…so 1/3 @ z1-z2, 1/3 @ z2, 1/3 @ z3. Should be enough work without sabotaging the next test week (you might have to bump bike test to Tuesday if it's on Monday…
@Aaron, just go to week 2!
@Steven, sorry for the delay…this was fixed yesterday!
@Jonas, swim 1x the other two days you can do yoga or core, etc. Maybe a 40' run with some strides…but that's it!
@Joe, nice job on your test. Yes, descending means faster each one. As for the calculator, we don't have zones for swim. You use your 1:49 (aka T-pace) and follow the instructions for each workout.
@John, TEST BABY!!!
@George, yes we do have a video. One is here,
@JCL, that plan is perfect….you can test but only if you feel like there's gains to be had there…rest of the week is good. As for your full plan, you have to skip week to week using the drop down, sorry!!!
@Maureen, this was fixed last night, I believe…just check again!
@Brian, that race sounds cool. I think that you'll want to do the regular week through Thursday, then Friday off, Saturday a short 30' run with a few strides, and then race!
@Jodi, 110% focused on sleep, recovery, etc. When you are ready….first few workouts are just time on bike, in shoes, etc…then we'll get you back at it…keep me posted!
@Trish, I suggest a 60' run, but in 1/3s…so 1/3 @ z1-z2, 1/3 @ z2, 1/3 @ z3. Next week is test week…I would go Monday off, Tuesday run test, Wed easy spin, Thurs bike test, Friday off, then your weekend of fun!!
@Kate, great question…and you SO DO NOT WADDLE, BUT WHATEVER.
@JD, that's a crazy workout…it's part bike and part run…what plan are you in ? please send to As for a "regular" workout, you can just try to accumulate the time in that zone, in this case zone 3…it might be 2', then 6', then 5'….but you can do it as it comes!
@Jaime, you can either test on Friday (drop Thurs bike for a rest day), then Sat light and Sunday race…or you can do the regular week, add your race, and plan on no 5k test (you just raced!) and instead go Monday off.. Tuesday light spin, Wednesday test….etc.
I am in week 8 of HIM and it is not only a test week but also has a "big training day" on Saturday. While the protocol states 30' swim, the swim workout prescribed is the 60' swim test. Please advise.
I'm on Week 8 of the Beginner Ironman Plan. Saturday workout says 60" Swim; 210" Bike and 20" Run. But when I read the description for the run it says 30" at Z1 and 30" at Z2. Is it a 20" run or a 60" run?
@Joanna, it's an hour…just fixed it, sorry for that!
Yes. See my note in the notification area at the top of the dashboard